Rounded Sentence Examples
They split before the demon battle, and Rhyn rounded up all the brothers.
The Lombardy poplar is valuable chiefly as an ornamental tree, its timber being of very inferior quality; its tall, erect growth renders it useful to the landscape-gardener as a relief to the rounded forms of other trees, or in contrast to the horizontal lines of the lake or river-bank where it delights to grow.
Ears of moderate size and rounded.
His primary object was to prove that the world was built after the same shape and fashion as the Ark made by the Children of Israel in the desert; but he was able to show that the Malay Peninsula had to be rounded and thereafter a course steered in a northerly direction if China was to be reached.
Toby took the lead, and the demons, Death and Gabe disappeared as Katie rounded the corner of the palace. The angel released her and raced into the palace and up a set of stairs. They ascended several floors, until Katie was sucking wind bad enough to stop. Toby didn't wait for her, and she stumbled forward. The interior of the palace was unlit, and the darkness of evening crept into the hallways.
In 1591, three years after the defeat of the Armada, Raymond and Lancaster rounded the Cape, and after cruising off Penang, decided to winter in Achin.
Such a plasmodium bears, on its periphery, groups of rounded projections of protoplasm termed end-organs.
It has a broad rounded head, short face, large naked eyes, large hands, and long thin fingers with pointed claws, of which the third is remarkable for its extreme slenderness.
In this well-known variety the young shoots are but slightly angled, and the branches in the second year become round; the deltoid short-pointed leaves are usually straight or even rounded at the base, but sometimes are slightly cordate; the capsules ripen in Britain about the middle of May.
The tail varies much in length and shape according to the species; sometimes it is rounded at the end, sometimes more or less acutely pointed, or even terminating in a filament.
AdvertisementA lenticel appears to the naked eye as a rounded or elongated scar, often forming a distinct prominence on the surface of the organ.
The first of the Dutch Indian voyages was performed by ships which sailed in April 1595, and rounded the Cape of Good Hope.
C. Fremont and Howard Stansbury (1806-1863) furnished a general knowledge of the hydrographic features and geological lacustrine history of the Great Basin, and this knowledge was rounded out by the field work of the U.S. Geological Survey from 1879 to 1883, under the direction of Grove Karl Gilbert.
The cock has a fine yellow bill and a head bearing a rounded crest of filamentous feathers; lanceolate scapulars overhang the wings, and from the rump spring the long flowing plumes which are so characteristic of the species, and were so highly prized by the natives before the Spanish conquest that no one was allowed to kill the bird when taken, but only to divest it of its feathers, which were to be worn by the chiefs alone.
All the fins have a rounded outline; the short dorsal fin is without a spine, but the males possess a very thick and flattened outer ray in the ventral fins.
AdvertisementMany of the neighbouring mountain ridges have uniform crests, but a greater number terminate in numerous peaks, some sharp, rugged and rocky, but more of them rounded domes.
He managed also to hear Blackstone's lectures at Oxford, but says that he immediately detected the fallacies which underlay the rounded periods of the future judge.
Their cones are composed of thin, rounded, closely imbricated scales, each with a more or less conspicuous bract springing from the base.
As a picturesque tree, for park and ornamental plantation, it is among the best of the conifers, its colour and form contrasting yet harmonizing with the olive green and rounded outline of oaks and beeches, or with the red trunk and glaucous foliage of the pine.
In the more southern parts of the island it often reaches a height of 90 ft., and specimens exist considerably above that size; but the young shoots are apt to be injured in severe winters, and the tree on light soils is also hurt by long droughts, so that it usually presents a ragged appearance; though, in the distance, the lofty top and horizontal boughs sometimes stand out in most picturesque relief above the rounded summits of the neighbouring trees.
AdvertisementThe "crested" or "cock's comb" barytes occurs as rounded aggregations of thin lamellar crystals.
In most Heteronemertines it is found to be an elongated slit with corrugated borders; in the Metanemertines it is smaller and rounded; in Malacobdella and Akrostomum it, moreover, serves for the extrusion of the proboscis, which emerges by a separate dorsal opening just inside the mouth.
Pupa is named from its resemblance to a chrysalis, the apex being rounded.
Moreover, the work was intended to be in one act, and is now so performed at Bayreuth; and, although it is very long for a one-act opera, this is certainly the only form which does justice to Wagner's conception.1 Spohr's appreciation of Der fliegende Hollander is a remarkable point in musical history; and his criticism that Wagner's style (in Tannhauser) " lacked rounded periods " shows the best effect of that style on a well-disposed contemporary mind.
The ovaries arise like the testes as rounded bodies in the ligament.
AdvertisementApart from doubtful instances it is there six times clearly engraved; four of the instances are angular, the other two are more or less rounded.
The head is rather short and rounded; the fore limbs or paddles are small and broad compared with those of most dolphins; and (as in the beluga) a dorsal fin, found in nearly all other members of the group, is wanting.
The ears are usually artificially clipped so as to present a rounded lower margin.
From these structural and palaeontological evidences, geologists suppose that the formation of the cave was carried on simultaneously with the excavation of the valley; that the small streams, flowing down the upper ramifications of the valley, entered the western opening of the cave, and traversing the fissures in the limestone, escaped by the lower openings in the chief valley; and that the rounded pebbles found in the shingle bed were carried in by these streams. It would be only at times of drought that the cave was frequented by animals, a theory which explains the small quantity of animal remains in the shingle.
The appearance of the prairie section of the province is that of undulating meadows, with rounded sloping ridges covered with shorter grasses, which serve for the support of great herds of cattle and horses.
The limbs are stout and short, terminating in unsymmetrical hoofs, the external being rounded, the internal pointed, and the sole partially covered with hair.
A third type of musk-ox skull is, however, known from North America, namely one from the celebrated Big-Bone Lick, Kentucky, on which the genus and species Bootherium bombifrons was established, which differs from all the others by its small size, convex forehead and rounded horn-cores, the latter being very widely separated, and arising from the sides of the skull.
Three completely developed toes, with distinct broad rounded hoofs on each foot.
The head is rounded in front, and differs from that of dolphins in not having the snout produced into a distinct "beak" separated from the forehead by a groove.
The summits are generally well rounded, while the lower slopes are often steep. Frequent broad intervals of low upland or low level plain extend from sea to sea between and around the mountains.
The aeolian deposits, which form the greater part of the islands, frequently rise, in rounded hills and ridges to a height of 100 or 200 ft., and in Cat Island nearly 400 ft.
They vary in texture from a fine-grained compact oolite to a coarse-grained rock composed of angular or rounded fragments, and they commonly exhibit strongly marked false bedding.
Its mountains, which belong to the Adriatic watershed, and form a continuation of the Montenegrin highlands, are less rounded and more dolomitic in character.
Physically, the pure Aymara is short and thick-set, with a great chest development, and with the same reddish complexion, broad face, black eyes and rounded forehead which distinguish the Quichuas.
Another type of incipient crystallization which is excessively common in obsidian is spherulites, or small rounded bodies which have a radiating fibrous structure.
Minute cracks are sometimes produced by the contraction; they are often more or less straight, but in other cases a very perfect system of rounded fissures arises.
Occasionally the rounded cracks extend from the matrix into some of the crystals especially those of quartz which have naturally a conchoidal fracture.
In mineralogical collections rounded nodules of brown glass, varying from the size of a pea to that of an orange, may often be seen labelled marekanite.
The flat rounded cakes of rubber made in this manner are known in the London market as " biscuits.
Remains of the latter include a nave-arcade with rounded arches.
On the Yenisei steamers ply from Minusinsk to Yeniseisk, and to Ghilghila at its mouth; on its tributary, the Angara, of which some rapids have been cleared, though the Padun rapids have still to be rounded by land; and on the Selenga.
One pole has a V-shaped notch for the rod to rest in; the surface of the other is slightly rounded, forming a portion of a cylinder, the axis of which is perpendicular to the direction of the length of the rod.
The castle is a quadrangular structure of great strength, with rounded towers at three of the angles, and has a circumference of about 400 ft.
The central plateau is a plain whose surface presents "rounded, flat-topped hills and low ridges and reefs of limestone," with narrow intervening valleys.
On these rounded hills occurs the deposit of phosphate of lime which gives the island its commercial value.
The skull is conical, stout and heavy, and the teeth, although sharper and less rounded than those of badgers, are less suited to a carnivorous diet than those of stoats, weasels and martens.
Northwest, towards the Transvaal, the mountains are of lower elevation and more rounded contours.
For this reason and because the system of Thomas is simply that of Albert rounded to a greater completeness and elaborated in parts by the subtle intellect of the younger man, it will be convenient not to separate the views of master and scholar, except where their differences make it necessary.
There was another form of obelisk, also tapering, but more squat than the usual type, with two of the sides narrow and terminating in a rounded top. One such of Senwosri I., covered with sculpture and inscriptions, lies at Ebgig in the Fayum.
Further, there is the peculiar cauldron on one conical foot, round which the fire was built, the cylindrical hone pierced for suspension, and the cup with a rounded bottom.
The meroola (sclerocarya caffra) a medium sized deciduous tree with a rounded spreading top is found in the low veld and up the slopes to a height of 4500 ft.
Cell in a state of degeneration and chromatolysis; the large rounded body in the cell is a cancer parasite.
The head is rounded and short, without prominent beetling ridges above the eyes, or a strong crest along the middle line of the back of the skull; and the tusks of the old males are of no very great length and prominence.
The alabastra have short necks, are slightly wider at the base than at the shoulder and have rounded bases.
What came out below was a compact cylinder with a rounded bottom, consisting of so many layers superimposed upon one another.
The ears are large and rounded.
Sculptured stelae, honorific or funerary, all with pyramidal or slightly rounded upper ends, and showing a single regal or divine figure or two figures, have come to light at Bor, Marash, Sinjerli, Jerablus, Babylon, &c. These, like most of the rock-panels, are all marked as Hittite by accompanying pictographic inscriptions.
The seeds or grape-stones are somewhat club-shaped, with a narrow neck-like portion beneath, which expands into a rounded and thickened portion above.
The [ox's] horns are of nearly equal size in both sexes, are placed on or near the vertex of the skull, and may be either rounded or angulated, while their direction is more or less outwards, with an upward direction near the tips, and conspicuous knobs or ridges are never developed on their surface.
Of the first the physical characteristics are a small, thin-limbed body, hair black, short and woolly, projecting jaws, rounded, narrow, retreating forehead, long and narrow head, enormous eyebrow ridges, flat nose and dark skin.
Thus for wrapper tobaccos, amongst other points a broad, rounded leaf, which will yield perhaps eight wrappers, is much more valuable than a narrow pointed leaf which yields perhaps only four.
They are comparatively small and stoutly built animals, with short, rounded ears and no tail.
The plants are bulbous herbs, with flat or rounded radical leaves, and a central naked or leafy stem, bearing a head or umbel of small flowers, with a spreading or bell-shaped white, pink, red, yellow or blue perianth.
The next, called San Francisco, is like a sugar-loaf, perfectly rounded at the top. The others are mere rocks.
From this form the transition is simple to the rounded C, which is generally found in the same localities as the pointed form, but is more widely spread, occurring in Arcadia and on Chalcidian vases of the 6th century B.e., in Rhodes and Megara with their colonies in Sicily.
As a result the topography is characterized by low, rounded hills, but is nowhere mountainous.
They have a cylindrical rigid body, covered with generally smooth and polished scales; a short strong tail; a short rounded or pointed head with narrow mouth; teeth few in number; small or rudimentary eyes; no abdominal scutes or only narrow ones.
The scales are sometimes rounded behind, but generally rhombic in shape and more or less elongate; they may be quite smooth or provided with a longitudinal ridge or keel in the middle line.
The intermediate summits occurring in the freezing-point curves of alloys are usually rounded; this feature is believed to be due to the partial decomposition of the compound which takes place when it melts.
Owing to the softness of the metal, large crystals are rarely well defined, the points being commonly rounded.
They differ from all the forms already noticed in being shrubby and epiphytal in habit, and in having the branches compressed and dilated so as to resemble thick fleshy leaves, with a strong median axis and rounded woody base.
They are fleshy shrubs, with rounded, woody stems, and numerous succulent branches, composed in most of the species of separate joints or parts, which are much compressed, often elliptic or suborbicular, dotted over in spiral lines with small, fleshy, caducous leaves, in the axils of which are placed the areoles or tufts of barbed or hooked spines of two forms. The flowers are mostly yellow or reddish-yellow, and are succeeded by pear-shaped or egg-shaped fruits, having a broad scar at the top, furnished on their soft, fleshy rind with tufts of small spines.
The soft shales or clays of the hills bounding the valley render these hills especially subject to the action of denudation, and the result, in rounded slopes and easily accessible crests, determines the nature of the easy tracks and passes which intersect them.
The direct passes across it from Herat (the Baba and the Ardewan) wind amongst masses of disintegrating sandstone for some miles on each side of the dividing watershed, but farther west the rounded knolls of the rain-washed downs may be crossed almost at any point without difficulty.
Odontoid process of second vertebra semi-cylindrical; skull with a sagittal crest; and the condyle of the lower jaw rounded.
The short and broad teeth terminate in four subequal toes, protected by short rounded hoofs, and all reaching the ground.
The northern half is more broken and irregular; elevations, usually rounded, mingle with depressions some of which are occupied by small shallow lakes or ponds, the characteristic physical features of this region being due to glaciation.
It is composed of a series of four larger and four smaller plaques of gold, rounded at the tops and set together alternately.
In 1488 the Portuguese Bartholomeu Diaz had rounded the Cape of Good Hope.
From all the preceding the tiny dik-diks (Madoqua) of NorthEast Africa differ by their hairy noses, expanded in some species into short trunks; while the widely spread klipspringer, Oreotragus saltator, with its several local races, is unfailingly distinguishable by its rounded blunt hoofs and thick, brittle, golden-flecked hair.
Even the higher summits are worn to a rounded condition, and are therefore for the most part forest covered up to the timber line which, on Mount Marcy, is at an elevation of about 4900 ft.
It broadened and deepened many of the valleys; rounded the hills; turned aside many streams, causing changes in drainage and giving rise to innumerable waterfalls and rapids; and it formed the thousands of lakes, large and small, which dot the surface.
As a rule the crests of the ranges are worn down by aerial denudation and have the general appearance of rounded domes.
On the Tibetan plateau, on the other hand, most of the ranges are distinguished by their rounded outlines and soft consistency, and their striking poverty in hard rock, which in the best cases only crops out near the summits.
On the other hand, the precipitation on the Tibetan plateau is so copious, and so uniformly distributed, that it is able to retain the loosened material in situ, and causes it to heap itself up in rounded masses on the flanks of the mountains that are its primitive source of origin, these projecting in great part like skeletons from the midst of their own ruins."
The Chimen-tagh rises into imposing summits, some rounded, some pyramidal in outline, which are capped with snow, though the snow melts in summer.
The Arka-tagh ranges do not culminate in lofty jagged, pinnacled peaks, but in broad rounded, flattened domes, a characteristic feature of the system throughout.
The culminating summits of the ranges generally present the appearance of a flat, rounded swelling, and when they are crowned with glaciers, as many of them are, these shape themselves into what may be described as a mantle, a breastplate, or a flat cap, from which lappets and fringes project at intervals; nowhere do there exist any of the long, narrow, winding glacier tongues which are so characteristic of the Alps of Europe.
The weasel is an elegant little animal, with elongated slender body, back much arched, head small and flattened, ears short and rounded, neck long and flexible, limbs short, five toes on each foot, all with sharp, com - pressed, curved claws, tail rather short, slender, cylindrical, and pointed at the tip, and fur short and close.
A strong north-west wind, at such times, is of incalculable value to the farmer."8 Other gall-making dipterous flies are members of the family Trypetidae, which disfigure the seed-heads of plants, and of the family Mycetophilidae, such as the species Sciara tilicola, 9 Low, the cause of the oblong or rounded green and red galls of the young shoots and leaves of the lime.
The buildings should be constructed on the most modern hospital lines, with smooth walls and rounded corners, so that complete cleansing and disinfecting are possible.
They are all stout, heavily-built animals, with blunt rounded heads, fleshy mobile snouts, and coats of thick cylindrical or flattened spines, which form the whole covering of their body, and are not intermingled with ordinary hairs.
Farther away from the granite the slates are not so much altered, but generally show small rounded or ovoid spots, which may be darker or lighter in colour than the matrix.
The beak or umbo of each valve is prominent and rounded, and a number of sharp ridges and furrows radiate from the apex to the free edge of the shell, which is crenated.
This Blue Grass Region is like a beautiful park, without ragged cliffs, precipitous slopes, or flat marshy bottoms, but marked by rounded hills and dales.
There is a dorsal interruption to the disk, in volving both trochus and cingulum and groove in this case the two halves of the disk may be developed in lobes, flower-shaped in Melicerta ringens, but often rounded and projecting like kettledrums. These give a strong impression of two crown wheels revolving in the same sense.
Certain individuals of a particular character form definite rounded cysts in the rectum of the fly; in this condition, the only sign of Trypanosome structure is afforded by the two nuclei, which remain separate.
Captain Gosnold rounded Gay Head, which he named Dover Cliff, and established on what is now Cuttyhunk Island, which he called Elizabeth Island, the first (though, as it proved, a temporary) English settlement in New England.
The Norway breed is frequently white with long hair; it is rather small in size, with small bones, a short rounded body, head small with a prominent forehead, and short, straight, corrugated horns.
Gigantic as these trees are and imposing from their vast columnar trunks, they have little beauty, owing to the scanty foliage of the short rounded boughs; some of the trees stand very close together; they are said to be about four hundred in number.
It forms the main watershed between the Pacific and Atlantic river systems. Its summit is not a well-defined crest, but is often rounded or flattened into a table-land.
Although the relief is strong, the mountain forms are rounded rather than rugged; few of the summits deserve or receive the name of peaks; some are called domes, from their broadly rounded tons, others are known as balds, becatise the widespread forest cover is replaced over their heads by a grassy cap.
In every other part the surface is hilly or mammilated, the harder rocks, such as granite or greenstone, rising as rounded knobs, or in the case of schists forming narrow ridges, while the softer parts form valleys generally floored with lakes.
In the end the federal government assumed the railway debt, arrangements were made for extinguishing certain proprietary rights which had long been a source of discontent, and on the 1st of July 1873 the Dominion was rounded off by the accession of the new province.
There is no notch between the flukes, as in other whales, but the hinder part of the tail is rounded.
The second is a smaller animal than the first, with a more rounded and relatively smaller head, and the ears, hind-legs and tail shorter.
The lower jaw is characterized by its abruptly narrowed and rounded front part supporting the pair of large in cisors, as well as by the small size of the coronoid process, and the great development of the lower hind, or angular, portion.
The second section, Castoroidea, of the present group includes only the family Castoridae, represented by the beavers, which are large aquatic rodents characterized by their massive skulls, devoid of post-orbital processes, with the angle of the lower jaw rounded, the molars rootless or semi-rooted, with re-entering enamel-folds, and one pair of premolars above and below.
In the bamboo-rats, Rhizomys, from the Indo-Malay countries, China and Tibet, as well as in the closely allied East African Tachyoryctes, the eyes are, however, functional, and the head is rounded.
To do this, the natural gum of the cocoons which holds the filaments together must be softened, the ends of the filaments of the required number of cocoons must be caught, and means must be taken to unwind and lay these filaments together, so as to form a single uniform rounded strand of raw silk.
Deep valleys separate the gently rounded ridges of forest-clad mountains, lofty spurs descend from the interior, and, running down to the sea, terminate frequently in bold rocky headlands 800 to moo ft.
It has a short, rounded head, obtuse muzzle, small bead-like eyes, and short rounded ears, nearly concealed by the fur.
This is an undulating plain which has been produced by the wearing away of weak sandstones, &c. On the north and west borders of this plain are two parts of a chain of semi-detached and usually rounded hills, known as the South Mountains.
Their crest lines are often of nearly uniform height for miles and generally are little broken except by an occasional V-shaped wind gap, a narrow water gap or a rounded knob.
The mountain ranges are spread out, rounded, disconnected, separated by flat valleys relatively of little depth.
Deposits of limonite in cavities may have a rounded surface or even a stalactitic form, and may present a brilliant lustre, of blackish colour, forming what is called in Germany Glaskopf (glass head).
While discussing noses, he says that those with thick bulbous ends belong to persons who are insensitive, swinish; sharp-tipped belong to the irascible, those easily provoked, like dogs; rounded, large, obtuse noses to the magnanimous, the lion-like; slender hooked noses to the eagle-like, the noble but grasping; round-tipped retrousse noses to the luxurious, like barndoor fowl; noses with a very slight notch at the root belong to the impudent, the crow-like; while snub noses belong to persons of luxurious habits, whom he compares to deer; open nostrils are signs of passion, &c.
They are readily distinguished by the somewhat rounded prothorax beneath which the head is usually concealed, while the forelegs are unmodified.
With the "Thetis" leading they had rounded the lighthouse in a storm of shot and shell.
She came under shrapnel fire off the mole, and as she rounded it a star shell showed up the "Intrepid" heading for the canal and the "Thetis" aground.
In 1488 the Cape of Good Hope was rounded by Diaz, and in 1508 the foundations of the Portuguese Indian empire were laid by Albuquerque.
The tail is nearly square or moderately rounded.
Some very pleasing examples are to be met with which have the form of a parallelogram with a lightly rounded roof; others of appropriate character are square or nearly so, with a ridge-and-furrow roof.
The pathways should be paved with tiles, brick or stone, or made of concrete and cement, and the surface should be gently rounded so that the water required for evaporation may drain to the sides while the centre is sufficiently dry to walk upon; they should also have brick or stone edgings to prevent the water so applied soaking away at the sides and thus being wasted.
The damping of all absorbent surfaces, such as the floors or bare walls, &c., is frequently necessary several times a day in the growing season, so as to keep up a humid atmosphere; hence the advantage of laying the floors a little rounded, as then the water draws off to the sides against the kerbstone, while the centre remains dry for promenaders.
Elongated, cylindrical, rounded at both ends; thick cuticle with acicular spicules; radula polystichous or wanting.
The mouth is anterior, terminal and crescentic, and beneath it is a rounded ventral shield.
The I, Oogonium (og) with the an5, Fertilized oogonium sur theridial branch (az) applied rounded by two layers of to its surface.
Bort (or Boart) is the name given to impure crystals or fragments useless for jewels; it is also applied to the rounded crystalline aggregates, which generally have a grey colour, a rough surface, often a radial structure, and are devoid of good cleavage.
There has been much contirversy concerning the nature and origin of the blue ground itself; and even granted that (as is generally believed) the blue ground is a much serpentinized volcanic breccia consisting originally of an olivine-bronzite-biotite rock (the so-called kimberlite), it contains so many rounded and angular fragments of various rocks and minerals that it is difficult to say which of them may have belonged to the original rock, and whether any were formed in situ, or were brought upfrom below as inclusions.
The form of the leaf shows a very great variety ranging from the narrow linear form with parallel sides, as in grasses or the needle-like leaves of pines and firs to more or less rounded or orbicular - descriptions of these will be found in works on descriptive botany - FIG.
In general, the petiole is more or less rounded in its form, the upper surface being flattened or grooved.
Small rounded enclosures of glass are often numerous in them.
The wings are short and rounded, and in some forms the feathers ' Brisson and after him Linnaeus confounded this bird, which they had never seen, with the Trumpeter.
The duke rounded off his dominions by the purchase of Tenda and Oneglia, which increased his seaboard, and the last years of his life were spent in fruitless negotiations to obtain Monferrato, held by the Gonzagas under Spanish protection, and Saluzzo, which was a French fief.
The earthenware vessels usually have rounded bottoms. The earliest ornamentation consists of finger-imprints.
By the treaty signed at Passarowitz on the 21st of July 1718, the banat, which rounded off Hungary and Belgrade, with the northern districts of Servia, were annexed to the Habsburg monarchy.
Snout mostly triangular or rounded off.
They occur as lines of dunes formed of rounded grains of quartz, and lie in the direction of the prevalent wind, usually being of small breadth as compared with their length; but in certain areas, such as that lying S.W.
Battle-axes with rounded outline started as merely a sharp edge of metal (io) inserted along a stick (10, if); they become semicircular (12) by the VIth Dynasty, lengthen to double their width in the XIIth, and then thin out to a waist in the middle by the XVIIIth Dynasty.
The square end was rounded in the early dynastic times, and went through a series of changes down to the XIXth Dynasty.
The facing of the cloven surfaces was done by hammer-dressing, using rounded masses of quartzose hornstone, held in the hand without any handle.
Thus no sooner had the work been rounded off than fresh excrescences began to be created by the publication of new laws.
The ears are small, low, rounded, and scarcely project beyond the adjacent fur.
The tail is about half the length of the head and body, and the hind feet are long and powerful, although not webbed, and have five rounded pads on their lower surfaces.
In the dreary country still farther north there is a series of rounded hills covered with peat and mosses, the chief feature being Drygarn Fawr (2115 ft.) on the confines of Cardiganshire.
The main hoofs are short and rounded and the lateral hoofs very large.
Layer after layer has been stripped from their sides, and the flat or rounded top has been narrowed until it has now become the apex of a cone.
The slate hills, weathering more readily, assume gentle slopes and rounded ridges, as in the high land from Holy Loch to the Kyles of Bute.
It nowhere rises into peaks, and only a few of its rounded summits reach 3000 ft.; the successive hills form a continuous comb; the north-west slopes are precipitous and seamed with winding gorges.
It is probable that the lakes themselves are evidence of (geologically) a comparatively recent deliverance from the thraldom of the ice covering, which has worn and rounded the lower ridges into the smooth outlines of undulating downs.
Their lower articular surfaces, instead of being pulley-like, with deep ridges and grooves, as in other Artiodactyla, are simple, rounded and smooth.
The ears are short and rounded; the toes of the broad feet very imperfectly separated; the tail is well developed, with a terminal tuft; and the straight hair is not woolly.
The mountain peaks are usually rounded and easily scaled, and as roads have been constructed over their slopes and in every direction through the forests, all points of interest may be easily reached by stage.
This cut of shoe is most in vogue amongst Moslems. (2) Gol panje ki juti, like English slippers, but rounded at the toes.
Apart from this, the chief meaning, the word is used of the malt refuse of brewing and distilling, and of many hard rounded small particles, resembling the seeds of plants, such as "grains" of sand, salt, gold, gunpowder, &c. "Grain" is also the name of the smallest unit of weight, both in the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
The north is occupied by the rounded hills of the Thuringian Forest, while the Rhdn mountains extend into the southern part.
It occurs as large octahedral crystals often with rounded edges, and as granular masses.
In the " cockney " dialect, really the dialect of Essex but now no less familiar in Cambridge and Middlesex, the ai sound of i is represented by of as in toime, " time," while a has become ai in Kate, pane, &c. In all southern English o becomes more rounded while it is being pronounced, so that it ends with a slight u 'sound.
The rounded form ofy is found with the value of G in R EC E I, which is probably the dative of rex.
H has still the closed form 9, M has the fivestroke form, S is the three-strokes., tending to become rounded.
They are enlarged to the size of an almond, rounded, firm and pink; there is some engorgement and oedema on section; the substance is rather soft, and can be scraped off with a knife.
The small flowers are arranged in rounded or elongated clusters.
For instance, the position of a theodolite is fixed by the fact that its rounded feet rest in contact with six given plane surfaces.
It lay not in the German genius to escape from the preoccupations and the limitations of the middle ages, for this reason mainly that what we call medieval was to a very large extent Teutonic. But on the Spanish peninsula, in the masterpieces of Velazquez, Cervantes, Camoens, Calderon, we emerge into an atmosphere of art, definitely national, distinctly modern, where solid natural forms stand before us realistically modelled, with light and shadow on their rounded outlines, and where the airiest creatures of the fancy take shape and weave a dance of rhythmic, light, incomparable intricacy.
It crystallizes in the cubic system, but the crystals are often flattened, elongated, rounded or otherwise distorted.
The outline of the mountains is generally rounded, the rocks having been subjected to erosion from a very early geological age, but hard formations cause bold peaks at several points, as in Kebnekaise and the Sarjeksfj ?,ll.
The former generally consists of a hard and compact mass of rounded, scratched and sometimes polished stones firmly embedded in a powder of crushed rock.
The branches curve upwards like the stem, with their thick covering of long dark green leaves, giving a massive rounded outline to the tree; the ovate cones are from 4 to 6 in.
P. Pinea is the stone pine of "Italy; its spreading rounded canopy of light green foliage, supported on a tall and often branchless trunk, forms a striking feature of the landscape in that country, as well as in some other Mediterranean lands.
Kop. (literally head) a hill, generally rounded.
For many years subsequent to this date South Africa represented merely an inconvenient promontory to be rounded on the voyage to the Indies.
In cultivation the potato varies very greatly not only as to the season of its growth but also as to productiveness, the vigour and luxuriance of its foliage, the presence or relative absence of hairs, the form of the leaves, the size and colour of the flowers, &c. The tubers vary greatly in size, form and colour; gardeners divide them into rounded forms and long forms or "kidneys," and there are of course varieties intermediate in form.
In Bettongia, on the other hand, the head is shorter and wider, with smaller and more rounded ears, and more swollen auditory bullae.
Gheve opium formerly came over as a distinct kind, but is now mixed with other varieties; the pieces form small rounded cakes, smooth and shining like those of Angora, about 3-6 oz.
It is not made into balls but into rectangular or rounded masses, and is not cased in poppy petals.
These were in appearance like two-bladed marine propellers except that they were square instead of rounded at the ends, and were broad and thin.
There the resistance of a series of igneous dykes gives prominence to the Pembroke peninsula, in which the fine fjord-like harbour of Milford Haven lies far out towards the Atlantic. The coast north of Pembroke and Merioneth has been worked into the grand sweep of Cardigan Bay, its surface carved into gently rounded hills, green with rich grass, which sweep downward into wide rounded valleys.
It appears as a series of rounded hills of no great elevation, running in a curve from the mouth of the Axe to Flamborough Head, roughly parallel with the Oolitic escarpment.
The typical scenery of the Chalk country is unrelieved by small streams of running water; the hills rise into rounded downs, often capped with fine clumps of beech, and usually covered with thin turf, affording pasture for sheep. The chalk, when exposed on the surface, is an excellent foundation for roads, and the lines of many of the Roman " streets " were probably determined by this fact.
Rounded hills, level meads and persistent flat-topped ridges, composed of rocks of varying structure, rise to about the same level and give the impression that they are the remnants of a former continuous surface.
The headlands, the deep indentations and the numerous islands in the bays and beyond produce a beautiful mingling of land and sea and give to the whole ocean front the appearance of a fringed and tasselled border; west of the mouth of the Kennebec River are a marshy shore and many low grassy islands; but east of this river the shore becomes more and more bold, rising in the precipitous cliffs and rounded summits of Mt Desert and Quoddy Head, 1527 and 1000 ft.
In all red-deer the antlers are rounded, and show a more or less marked tendency to form a cup at the summit.
The ovary is small, rounded to elliptical, and one-celled, and contains a single slightly bent ovule sessile on the ventral suture (that is, springing from the back of the ovary); the micropyle points downwards.
The ovary ripens into a usually small ovoid or rounded fruit, which is entirely occupied by the single large seed, from which it is not to be distinguished, the thin pericarp being completely united to its surface.
The young leaves arise on the stem-apex as conical protuberances with winged borders, on which the pinnae appear as rounded humps, usually in basipetal order; the scale-leaves in their young condition resemble fronds, but the lamina remains undeveloped.
In Araucaria Cookii and some allied species each scale has a small pointed projection from its upper face near the distal end, the scales of Cunninghamia (China) are characterized by a somewhat ragged membranous projection extending across the upper face between the seeds and the distal end of the scale; in the scales of Athrotaxis (Tasmania) a prominent rounded ridge occupies a corresponding position.
Cavities, either rounded or with the same shape ("negative crystals") as the surrounding crystal, are also common; they are often of minute size and present in vast numbers.
The submerged leaves are long and grasslike, the floating leaves oblong or rounded, while the aerial leaves are borne on long, thin stalks above the water, and are often heartor arrow-shaped at the base.
There is no arrangement in chains, but only scattered rounded peaks and short ridges, with winding valleys about them.
Rather broad, smooth valleys, well degraded hills with rounded summits, and - despite the escarpments - generally smooth contours and sky-lines, characterize the whole of this Ozark region.
This is explained by the fact that the Chalk fissures are almost invariably rounded and enlarged by the erosion of carbonic acid carried from the surface by the water passing through them.
Similar experiments upon models with rounded toes but otherwise of the same form showed a considerable reduction in the magnitude of the tensile stresses.
The overflow sill or weir should be a masonry structure of rounded vertical section raised a foot or more above the waste-water course, in which case for a depth of t a ft.
Its body is divisible into three portions, an upper capitulum bearing the mouth and tentacles, a median scapus covered by a friable cuticle, and a terminal physa which is rounded.
The order Cerianthidea comprises a few soft-bodied Zoantharians with rounded aboral extremities pierced by pores.
The thecae in the earliest family - Dichograptidae - are so similar in form to the sicula itself that the polypary has been compared to a colony of siculae; there is the greatest variation in shape in those of the latest family - Monograptidae--in some species of which the terminal portion of each theca becomes isolated (Rastrites) and in some coiled into a rounded lobe.
The ground on which it is built is for the most part gently rolling; originally some portions were swampy and others were marked by precipitous heights, but the swamps have been drained and filled and the heights rounded off.
The elliptical Tabernacle (5870) has a rounded, turtle-shell shaped roof, unsupported by pillars or beams, seats nearly 10,000, and has a large pipe organ (5000 pipes).
The male flowers are developed at the ends of short lateral branches, are rounded or oblong in form, and consist of several antheriferous scales in two or three rows, each scale bearing three or six almost spherical pollen-sacs on its under side.
In the omnivorous type, as exemplified in man and monkeys, and to a less specialized degree in swine, the incisors are of moderate and nearly equal size; the canines, if enlarged, serve for other purposes than holding prey, and such enlargement is usually confined to those of the males; while the cheek-teeth have broad flattened crowns surmounted by rounded bosses, or tubercles.
The group is made up of an irregular series of terraced plateaus, rising here and there into rounded summits, and intersected in various directions by narrow, deep valleys.
The " exceedingly irregularly rounded, low-pointed mountains and hills covered by dense forests " (Hill) are Antillean, not Andean, and lie at right angles to the axes of the systems of North and South America.
Another great change in the general aspect of the city has been produced by the erection of stately mosques in the most commanding situations, where dome and minarets and huge rectangular buildings present a combination of mass and slenderness, of rounded lines and soaring pinnacles, which gives to Constantinople an air of unique dignity and grace, and at the same time invests it with the glamour of the oriental world.
The stamens are placed round the base of the ovary, which is rounded or oblong, much smaller than the glumes, covered with down, and surmounted by two short styles, extending into feathery brush-like stigmas.
They consist of slightly rounded domes or billowy snowfields of vast thickness.
The modern form, with the tip of the bowl narrower than the base and the rounded end of the handle turned down, came into use about 1760.
The ridges rise by long, gentle slopes to flat summits, where often for many miles the sky-line is an almost straight crest, from which the rounded slopes of pure white snowfields descend towards the basins.
Thus Diniz Diaz, Nuno Tristam, and others reached the Senegal in 1445; Diaz rounded Cape Verde in the same year; and in 1446 Alvaro Fernandez pushed on almost to our Sierra Leone, to a point 10 leagues beyond Cape Verde.
Their surfaces often show minute crescentic or rounded cracks which are the edges of small conchoidal fractures produced by the impact of one pebble on another during storms or floods.
It is generally nodular, and forms rounded or highly irregular masses which may be several feet in diameter.
The system is rounded off by a number of trade federations for the sale and purchase of various commodities.
The last-mentioned species, by its frontal tuft, small rounded ears, general brown coloration, and minute antlers, connects the typical muntjacs with the small tufted deer or tufted muntjacs of the genus Elaphodus of eastern China and Tibet.
The later city was founded on the modern site partly on the slopes of a rounded hill called Pagus near the S.E.
Among the striped species, or zebras and quaggas of Africa, the large Grevy's zebra (Equus grevyi) of Somaliland and Abyssinia stands apart from the rest by the number and narrowness of its stripes, which have an altogether peculiar arrangement on the hind-quarters, the small size of the callosities on the fore-legs, the mane extending on to the withers and enormous rounded ears, thickly haired internally.
Between the molar teeth it is broader, and it ends posteriorly in a rounded excavated border opposite the hinder border of the penultimate molar tooth.
The scapula is long and slender, the supra-scapular border being rounded, and slowly and imperfectly ossified.
The coracoid is a prominent rounded nodule.
It consists of a compressed intermolar portion with a flat upper surface, broad behind and becoming narrower in front, and of a depressed anterior part rather shorter than the former, which is narrow behind and widens towards the evenly rounded apex.
Its duct leaves the inferior anterior angle, at first descends a little, and runs forward under cover of the rounded inferior border of the lower jaw, then curves up along the anterior margin of the masseter muscle, becoming superficial, pierces the buccinator, and enters the mouth by a simple aperture opposite the middle of the crown of the third premolar tooth.
There are also rounded portions of the membrane or pores visible in the pollengrain; these vary in number from one to fifty, and through one FIG.
Besides the other spaces are definite rounded or oval vacuoles with a permanent pellicular wall termed by Schutt " pusules "; these open by a duct or ducts into the longitudinal groove.
The most important feature of this vowel is the rounding of the lips in its production, which, according to its degree, modifies the nature of the vowel considerably, as can be observed in the pronunciation of the increasingly rounded series saw, no, who.
The long vowel becomes more rounded as it is being pronounced, so that it ends in a u-sound, though this is not so noticeable in weak syllables like the final syllable of follow.
The so-called modified o is a rounded e-sound found in several varieties.
Head rather small, broad and flat; muzzle very broad; whiskers thick and strong; eyes small and black; ears short and rounded.
It breaks up into fragments, which become rounded by attrition, but after they reach a certain minuteness are borne along by currents of water or air in a state of suspension, and are not further reduced in size.
Larger rounded lumps of pumice, found in the clay, have probably floated to their present situations, and sank when decomposed, all their cavities becoming filled with sea water.
Small rounded spherules of iron, believed by some to be meteoric dust, have also been obtained in some numbers.
Many shales contain great numbers of ovoid or rounded septarian nodules of clay ironstone.
Gum senegal, a variety of gum arabic produced by Acacia Verek, occurs in pieces generally rounded, of the size of a pigeon's egg, and of a reddish or yellow colour, and specific gravity 1.436.
From Ruwenzori a subsidiary range, known as the Kipura mountains, runs due south to the lake shore, where it ends in a low rounded hill.
The scenery became more spectacular with each rounded curve.
As Dean rounded a curve, he caught sight of the tail end of a white vehicle speeding down the cliff-hanging road on the far side of the deep valley—a sheriff's white Blazer was his first impression.
Most of the grains between rounded and angular, but are nearer rounded rather than angular in shape so are sub-rounded.
These were often approximate guesses, and in rounded numbers.
It was often based on circular forms and so had rounded arches, semi-circular apses and barrel vaults as common features.
To the east the church is rounded off with a semicircular apse.
In keeping with Gilbert Scott's Norman style the nave arcade has four bays with rounded arches resting on solid squat pillars.
Continue up slabs and a rounded arete to reach the Descent Rake.
Some loaded as little as 15 tons with a very rounded bilge.
A relaxing pint and a recap of the days events rounded a fantastic days birding.
Rounded neckline with 3/4 length sleeves, darted bodice with overlapping shaped seam, decorated with two big pale blue buttons.
Between well rounded, greasy boulders the water was deep, cold and fast.
Last night Monsieur bourbon rounded off his performance by placing the three lions around him.
Get a flat black car bra, paint over flat surfaces with glossy paint, paint over rounded surfaces with flat paint.
Playtex Cross Your Heart This soft cup bra provides firm support and a natural rounded shape with its side... No reviews yet.
However, even next to fresh cliff falls one rarely finds freshly broken material on the beach suggesting that it is quickly rounded.
After two or three hundred meters we rounded the southern tip and reached the magical cavern.
Adult females are generally larger than the males with both adults having a large, rounded, flat cephalothorax.
Dinner was good and rounded off with a nice piece of chocolate cheesecake.
Hands still clasped together tightly beneath her rounded chin, she surveyed download free need for speed full game him with intense interest.
He wears a tight-fitting chiton (tunic) which accentuates his rounded chest, the material folding into only a few flat pleats.
The evening was rounded off with a few rousing choruses of harvest hymns.
Note the two rounded chromatophores in the top right hand side image.
For the best results the narrowly conical to columnar shape needs to be balanced with other rounded and prostrate forms.
The rounded corner cupola makes an excellent point de vue at the E end of Broad Street.
Things might have been different had full debutant Jonathan Keaveny not scuffed his shot wide having rounded Marlon Beresford.
Counter Flat, rounded stern deck of a motorboat.
As with cafetiere coffee, the golden rule of thumb here is a rounded dessertspoon, or seven grams, per cup.
The rounded volcanic domes seen in the last few days now give way to the more dramatic rugged skyline of the French Alps.
The area is dominated by rounded drumlins, with the characteristic smooth, elliptical form.
The North Banbridge Hills is an area of elongated ridges and small rounded drumlins containing small valleys and areas of moss.
The letter epsilon is squared off before 200 BC and after 200 AD, and is rounded during the 400 years in between.
The day was rounded off with a sumptuous Malaysian feast with a local family.
Body stones are rounded and not inscribed but were designed to have a footstone and a headstone for completeness.
We've rounded up four of the current front-runners to decide which is worth perching on top of your hi-fi.
Made from the softest dark chocolate brown faux fur, with cute rounded collars.
An encounter with a small herd of mostly black feral goats on the final descent rounded off a real day to remember.
In the 48th minute Adam rounded off an excellent second half hat trick 10-0.
The skull itself is rounded and self-contained -- superficially resembling a monkey's skull more than a grazing herbivore 's (Figure 5 ).
Landscape Key Characteristics Rolling drumlins with broad areas of wetland and bog in inter-drumlin hollows; small rounded loughs are fringed by moss.
Smart Style and Design Rounded edges give a neat, modern design White body silver metal inlay color only.
An impromptu acoustic jam by Ian rounded off the evening.
However, the rounded rimmed unglazed drinking jug (R6) is probably earlier.
Eric Griffin and Ben Graves rounded out the band's lineup.
Windows on rear range of 2 or 3 light double or triple rounded arch head within the stone lintel band.
The bogs are punctuated by small, rounded loughs, the source of many streams.
Numbers ending in " 5 " have been rounded to the nearest multiple of 20 to prevent systematic bias.
Switzerland rounded off their pre-World Cup preparations with a 4-1 win against upcoming footballing nation China in Zurich.
Trimmed in white around the rounded neckline, with vertical stripes down the center of the dress to the waist seam.
The dress has a high rounded neckline, bust darts, waist seam, mock flap pockets and gently flared skirt.
Principal Inclusions Rounded limestone (including oolite ), sparse rounded quartz and red iron ore.
In the adit walls can be seen rounded pebbles, these are the remains of a raised beach.
Then, feeling peckish, we rounded off the night with a kebab.
With a vegetable peeler, remove 2 thin strips from the rounded side to create a flat surface.
All charges are rounded up to the nearest penny.
Note the relatively slender piers and rounded cutwaters, evidence of French influence on bridge design, as is the level roadway.
After the voiceless alveolar plosive comes a mid back rounded vowel, and after that a rather long uvular nasal.
This range just oozes comfort, with its gently rounded arms, curved back and incredibly plump seat cushions.
The base is made from top quality plywood with a tough rounded edge.
Knowing that breasts are usually a rounded shape mine are very pointy.
Neat rosettes of rounded fleshy leaves are produced, sometimes green, blue-green or even purple.
Safari's RSS button is a blue rounded rectangle with RSS written inside in white, .
It doesn't make the film any better but it does make the characters more rounded.
I am also very suspicious when these figures come out in such a nicely rounded fashion.
The head has good width between the ears and a gently rounded dome.
None but a woman can have this soft and beautifully rounded arm, these graceful outlines.
These pebbles did not have time to become well rounded.
No, I'm making real efforts toward being a fully rounded human being this week.
The head is a slightly rounded wedge shape with no flat edges.
The Wave also has rounded handles to ensure comfort during long use.
Pools The swimming pool dimensions quoted have in most cases been measured then rounded to the nearest half meter.
It was a truly rousing speech indeed and rounded off a busy year for the Politics Society on an impressive note.
Only in this way can everyone develop as a fully rounded human being finding self-expression in a range of talents.
She has a puckered forehead, a peering expression, and probably rounded shoulders.
On the palate the wine has almost silky black fruit flavors which lead to a lovely rounded finish.
Yet the Swift manages to look individual in a complex world, and that rounded snout gives errant pedestrians a sporting chance of survival.
We rounded off our meal with an exotic strawberry and peach sorbet, chosen form a simple yet very sympathetic dessert menu.
As with standard cook-up starches, the granules have a definite size, structure and rounded shape, producing an extremely smooth texture.
Nodules can be a good source of whole fossils - they are rounded pale gray stones, often with faint horizontal striations in them.
In the east are the Black Mountains (plural) with their massive rounded summits and stark expanses of open peaty moor-land.
And that percent deep rose teal rounded edges and hill who moved.
Sound is well rounded, not too tinny or bassy and more importantly capable of getting quite a clear loud sound.
The leaves are oval and have a rounded or triangular base with regular coarsely toothed margins.
The oldest remaining part of the medieval church is a window of two lights with pointed trefoils and a rounded trefoil above.
It shows the typical characteristics of Turbinicarpus species in the early seedling stage, i.e.. plumose or feather-like spination and low rounded tubercles.
He had especially noted the distinctive Doyle rounded features, mustache and equally unmistakable gravely voice.
Bad Company 1977 A fine V section bow blends into a rounded mid section and narrower waterline aft.
The head is large and crested with a short beak, leaf type comb, muffled face, small rounded wattles and earlobes.
The wing feathers have rounded ends, whereas the other figure's wing feathers are open ended.
The forms of Vermont's mountains, even to the highest summits, were to a great extent rounded by glaciation, but as the rocks vary much in texture and are often steeply inclined, stream erosion has cut valleys deep and narrow, often mere gorges.
The broad deeply-sinuated leaves with blunt rounded lobes are of a peculiar yellowish colour when the buds unfold in May, but assume a more decided green towards midsummer, and eventually become rather dark in tint; they do not change to their brown autumnal hue until late in October, and on brushwood and saplings the withered foliage is often retained until the spring.
Of the European kinds one of the most important and best marked forms is the white poplar or abele, P. alba, a tree of large size, with rounded spreading head and curved branches, which, like the trunk, are covered with a greyish white bark, becoming much furrowed on old stems. The leaves are ovate or nearly round in general outline, but with deeply waved, more or less lobed and indented margins and cordate base; the upper side is of a dark green tint, but the lower surface is clothed with a dense white down, which likewise covers the young shoots - giving, with the bark, a hoary aspect to the whole tree.
Shell depressed, with rounded aperture; cephalic tentacles long.
In the Phoenician alphabet the earliest forms are or more rounded The rounded form appears also in the earliest Aramaic (see ALPHABET).
This, which is the only form of the earliest period at Cumae, where it is also found more rounded 5, is the origin of the Latin S and its descendants.
The scrapings from the tree, which contain fragments of wood, are mixed with the residues of the collecting pots and the refuse of the vessels employed, and are made up into large rounded balls, which form the inferior commercial quality called " negrohead, " and often contain 25 or 35% of impurity.
The horns are of nearly equal size in both sexes, are placed on or near the vertex of the skull, and may be either rounded or angulated, while their direction is more or less outwards, with an upward direction near the tips, and conspicuous knobs or ridges are never developed on their surface.
The peculiarity of its flight seems due to the wide and rounded wings it possesses, the steady and ordinarily 1 There is a prevalent belief that many of the eggs sold as "plovers'" are those of rooks, but no notion can be more absurd, since the appearance of the two is wholly unlike.
The crystalline highlands thereabouts, at altitudes of 8000 to 10,000 ft., are of so moderate a relief as to suggest that the mass had stood much lower in a former cycle of erosion and had then been worn down to rounded hills; and that since uplift to the present altitude the revived streams of the current cycle of erosion have not entrenched themselves deep enough to develop strong relief.