Rouble Sentence Examples
Money And Tipping Up until 1992 the currency was still the old Soviet rouble.
The affair dragged on from 1713 to 1716, when the examination of the Solov'evs' books, and the subsequent application of torture, revealed the fact that the Solov'evs had systematically robbed the Treasury of 675,000 roubles (1 rouble then = 5s.) and had accumulated a fortune of half a million.
Outside the shop a cute little kid offered us some postcards worth under a rouble, for a dollar!
Are you having t rouble making your fingers work with the guitar or are you have trouble reading the music or concentrating?
But in August 1998, Russia devalued the rouble and declared a moratorium on its government bonds.
The Russians are now capitalists trying to make a rouble, any way they can.
Imagine, if the Euro, similar in more aspects to the Russian rouble than any currency, took Britain over.
Money And Tipping Up until 1992 the currency was still the old soviet rouble.
This could then persuade rouble debt holders to exit, forcing a crisis.
The size of the debt was in doubt because of such matters as the rouble exchange rate.
AdvertisementNow notarial fees are capped at a rouble amount that ceases to create an issue in transactions.
But after 1878 the Russian silver rouble was rated so highly as to drive the native coins out of circulation; and in 1889 Rumania joined the Latin Monetary Union and adopted a gold standard.