Rotten Sentence Examples
You've spoiled me rotten, you know.
There are rotten apples in every barrel I suppose.
Most were rotten to the core, jaded or desperate, because that's the way he liked them.
At the assault of Swiatoslav of Kiev the rotten fabric crumbled into dust.
And the leaders of the Constituent who came first on the stage, and hoped to make a revolution with rose-water, and hardly realized any more than Burke did how rotten was the structure which they had undertaken to build up, almost deserved his contempt, even if, as is certainly true, they did not deserve his indignation.
You're parents have spoiled you rotten with fine clothes and a cushion job.
These are at first yellowish in colour and fleshy; but as they grow older they become rotten and assume a brown or black colour.
It is probable that important consequences of these actions result from the presence of nitrifying bacteria in rotten stone, FIG.
I realize that the banana I am eating is completely rotten.
Calderwood Castle on Rotten Calder Water, near High Blantyre, is situated amid picturesque scenery.
AdvertisementThe rotten, lying bastard.
Oh, he got worms out of rotten logs since the ground froze, and so he caught them.
But once more Bolingbroke's "fortune turned rotten at the very moment it grew ripe," 4 and his projects and hopes were ruined by the king's death in June.
The house, which had been left to the grand-duke for the nation, was then found to be so structurally rotten that the interior had to be largely reconstructed.
It burns with a blue flame when heated in the air or in oxygen, at the same time giving a characteristic smell of rotten horseradish, a reaction which serves for the recognition of the element.
AdvertisementOn the contrary he was in continual danger, and was striving with all the resources of a ready and untiring mind to rebuild foundations that were absolutely rotten.
As Burke had wished the British parliament to be supreme over the colonies, in confidence that this supremacy would not be abused, so he wished the great landowning connection resting on the rotten boroughs to ruie over the unrepresented people, in confidence that this power would not be abused.
Johnny Rotten weren't half right when he said ' never trust a hippy ' .
The other doorway has a rotten lintel over the door.
Reaching the hotel across slippery logs and rotten planking was reminiscent of the Krypton Factor, particularly carrying all our baggage.
AdvertisementA couple had started to go rotten - thanks slugs.
The almost slavish adherence to the idea that presentation is paramount is like applying gloss paint to rotten woodwork.
Malcolm pointed to some rotten stumps with holes in, " a good example of Weka work " he muttered.
In working amber, it is turned on the lathe and polished with whitening and water or with rotten stone and oil, the final lustre being given by friction with flannel.
There is something rotten in the state of Britain.
AdvertisementThe maximum hardness is from 2.5 to 3 in anthracite and hard bituminous coals, but considerably less in lignites, which are nearly as soft as rotten wood.
A few rotten apples had effectively contaminated the whole barrel.
Allowing air into the silage bale will result in part or all of that bale going rotten.
Humans can smell hydrogen sulfide gas, the smell of rotten cabbage, in the parts per trillion range.
The roof joists were rotten; the first floor walls were down to the window ledges.
The sliding door has had the exterior plywood, which was rotten removed.
Low Priority Paint steel roof purlins, replace rotten timbers within the purlin angle sections.
Presented with some pretty rotten adult examples, the need for good dialog with young people is important.
It turned out to be thoroughly rotten, probably because the mast step had been steeped in rainwater for the last six years.
Come back quot really really rotten remember some insurers.
Considerable numbers of beetle and fly species associated with rather rotten rubbish and waste were recovered from Roman deposits at One Poultry.
They're so rotten you could probably flick them and they'd break.
He spent the rest of the day in our control center being spoilt rotten.
Alfie feels rotten that he kept him in the dark about her illness.
We know how and why most revolutions turn rotten.
Alf & Jill Oxford removed the wooden walkway immediately outside the S & T, which had become quite rotten in places.
The staircase by now was quite derelict with boards steps missing and where they were present, they looked very rotten.
This keeps this section in tip top condition with no rotten sleepers.
It's hard to understand him sometimes and he always stinks like rotten cheese.
There was me standing on a rotten wooden platform 20 ft above a concrete floor sweeping up bird crap and really stinking wet grain.
With such a shallow snowpack, and low temperatures, the off piste was getting pretty sugary and rotten.
You weren't half a rotten swine, Captain, sending him in there with that gorilla alone?
On her way she put the teapot on the end of a rotten old table in the yard.
She had spoilt the little turds rotten then tried to get all tough on them.
I suspect some of them, because of a curious smell of rotten wood which I can detect through other odors.
Though the signory still made a brave show upon occasions of parade, it was clear that the state was rotten to the core, ahd sinking into the decrepitude of dotage.
He is neither to increase nor to diminish the physician's prescription; he is neither to buy nor to sell rotten drugs.
On purely defensive lines, early apologists rebut charges of cannibalism and sexual promiscuity; the Christians had to meet in secret, and the gossip of a rotten age drew malignant conclusions.
It was about a foot in diameter at the big end, and he had expected to get a good saw-log, but it was so rotten as to be fit only for fuel, if for that.
Again it is advisable to use rotten bottom pulley rigs here to minimize tackle losses.
It was dark, cold and there was a putrid smell, as tho something had gone rotten in there.
They 're so rotten you could probably flick them and they 'd break.
God 's curse seems to be upon most of these rotten boroughs.
You were n't half a rotten swine, Captain, sending him in there with that gorilla alone?
The only problem was the smell of rotten eggs due to the sulfur in them.
He was certainly spoilt rotten by all his fans, I mean, by our volunteers !
It 's hard to understand him sometimes and he always stinks like rotten cheese.
But the first to be vanquished in the war will be the thoroughly rotten democracy.
Eli snuffed his nose, catching a faint whiff of something rotten.
After months and months of rotten disagreement, Robert's parents decided to disown him.
You'll never have to worry about rotten milk again!
Once you've whitened the skin, you can begin to add the special effects that create a dingy and rotten appearance.
There are surely some good apples in this rotten bunch, including Johnny Depp.
The Spanish Iris must not be waterlogged in autumn and winter, preferring a loose, friable, sandy soil, which, however, should not be too poor, for it repays feeding with thoroughly rotten leaf-mould or manure.
A deep, friable loam, enriched with rotten manure, is a good soil for them, but they will grow well in a hot sandy soil if it be heavily manured and watered.
It should be planted about the beginning of April in deep open soil mulched with rotten manure, and watered copiously in hot dry weather.
Where this fine species and its forms fail in the ordinary soil of the garden, success may be ensured by making a special soil of rotten manure, leaf-mould, or cocoa-fibre.
Keep the rotten ones away and bring enough acorns to him and you'll get a special piece of "Mush" furniture.
The difference is that you might not be aware of the rotten day your child's teacher was having, but you will certainly be aware of your own perceived shortcomings.
Read on to find what you should look for in a dog kennel, as well as some local boarding facilities that get the job done and will be sure to spoil your cherished family member rotten while you are away.
Visit the Rotten Tomatoes website to read a wide variety of reviews.
If you have a tendency to travel in harsh conditions (or just happen to have really rotten luck), you'll love the Capistrano FreeWheelers collection.
Thrown into the mix is Robbie Rotten, a villain who wants the entire town to be unhealthy and lazy.
Rotten Tomatoes gives you the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Rotten Tomatoes offers a myriad of professional reviews of Casablanca in addition to readers' reviews and a forum for everyone to discuss the movie.
While critics from sites such as Rotten Tomatoes sometimes give a movie a worse review because it is a chick flick, movies in this genre often make quite a bit of money.
Priced nicely from six to ten dollars, they offer fun sayings like, Rescue Dad, Woof, Spoiled Rotten, Princess, and Lab Love.
Some of the drywall imported from China has been reported as having high levels of sulfur and small levels of strontium sulfide, both of which can produce a smell similar to rotten eggs.
All are made to spoil you rotten and make you feel like an old-time movie star.
Fashionable society takes its pastimes at such centres as the grounds of the Hurlingham and Ranelagh clubs, at Fulham and Barnes respectively, where polo and other games are played; and Rotten Row, the horse-track in Hyde Park, is the favourite resort of riders.
It is well after the borders are completed to remove the top soil, in which no roots are to be found, every two or three years, and to replace it with a mixture of good loam, rotten manure, lime rubbish and bone meal, to the depth of 6 or 7 in.
Bedding plants thrive best in a light loam, liberally manured with thoroughly rotten dung from an old hotbed or thoroughly decomposed cow droppings and leaf-mould.
In the debate on the reform bill O'Connell stated that there was but one borough more rotten than East Looe and that was West Looe.
As usual, in their spare time, they lit bonfires, steamed themselves before them naked; smoked, picked out and baked sprouting rotten potatoes, told and listened to stories of Potemkin's and Suvorov's campaigns, or to legends of Alesha the Sly, or the priest's laborer Mikolka.
This saves you from having to toss rotten produce.
These rocks form the greater part of the central range, and they are often - especially the granite - decomposed and rotten to a considerable depth.
The sulphur-like pollen of the pitch pine soon covered the pond and the stones and rotten wood along the shore, so that you could have collected a barrelful.
The effect of the Reform Bill, which abolished fifty-six rotten boroughs, and by reducing the representation of others set free 143 seats, which were in part conferred on the new industrial centres, was to transfer a large share of political power from the landed aristocracy to the middle classes.
Till Amos (with the solitary exception of Micaiah ben Imlah, in i Kings xxii.) prophecy was optimist - even Elijah, if he denounced the destruction of a dynasty and the annihilation of all who had bowed the knee to Baal, never doubted of the future of the nation when only the faithful remained; but the new prophecy is pessimist - it knows that Israel is rotten to the core, and that the whole fabric of society must be dissolved before reconstruction is possible.
They live beneath the bark of trees, in the crevices of rock and of rotten stumps of trees, and beneath stones.
The willows are cut at the first indication of the sap rising and "couched" in rotten peelings and soil at a slight angle, the butts being on the ground, which should be strewn with damp straw from a manure heap. The tops are covered lightly with rotted peelings and by periodical application of water, fermentation is induced at the bottom, heat is engendered, the leaves force their way through the covering and peeling may begin.