Rotator Sentence Examples
The tendons of the rotator cuff are prone to this.
In the older patient, arthroscopic debridement of the rotator cuff is very effective at relieving pain.
Verizon again claims rotator combination handler the title of the wireless leader in customer loyalty.
If you have a torn rotator cuff tendon it may need surgery, tho not always.
If arthritis has damaged the rotator cuff you will probably not get full movement back.
Can I use a dish rotator with a Digibox?
You'll probably see a lot of rust built up along the blade and the rotator.
Specifically, the front shoulder muscles and internal rotators are too strong in comparison to the rear shoulder and external rotator muscles.
If a rotator cuff tear is confirmed an arthroscopic rotator cuff repair is often required.
The instrument rotator is used to rotate the instrument to match the change in the positions of stars.
AdvertisementFlash image rotator by Lisa To edit the Flash image rotator, you will need to use Macromedia Flash MX.
This is almost always due to months or years of muscle imbalances in the hip rotator muscles.
It is NOT possible for the telescope to have the Cassegrain rotator fixed and for you to simultaneously specify the field orientation.
The results of only three studies investigating rotator cuff tendinitis could be pooled.
Pain or weakness on outward or inward rotation of the arm may indicate a tear in a rotator cuff tendon.
AdvertisementPartial rotator cuff tears can also been depicted, although the accuracy is lower than for complete tears.
That sounds like some pretty rotator container handler serious backtracking.
Flash Image Rotator by Lisa To edit the Flash image rotator, you will need to use Macromedia Flash MX.
Vertical Axis - This type of turbine operates with its main rotator shaft arranged vertically.
The rotator cuff is a collective name for four small but important muscles you may never have heard of.
AdvertisementIn either case, the tiny rotator cuff muscles simply can't keep up.
The good news are you can pre-empt most of these issues by building rotator cuff strength ahead of time.
Dumbbell Side External Rotator Raises - Lie on your side on a bench with the "up" elbow against your side so that your upper arm is parallel to the floor and the forearm hanging down in front of your body (dumbbell in hand, knuckles out).
Cable External Rotator Pulls - Move the pulley to about waist-high on a cable machine and attach a single handle.
Cable Internal Rotator Pulls - This exercise is the same as the external pulls above, except you pull so that the handle rotates in towards your belly, similar to the movement of arm wrestling.
AdvertisementUse very light weights when training rotator cuffs.
Of course, there are many other rotator cuff exercises, but these are among the safest out there.
If you're doing it right and still feel pain, it may be time to check in with a professional; some injuries feel very similar to weakened rotator cuffs, but may require more thorough treatment.
Anyone who has ever suffered from a torn rotator cuff understands the importance of rotator cuff injury exercises.
In fact, if you have a tendency toward shoulder instability, you might even consider performing rotator cuff injury exercises as a preventative measure.
In order to select the best rotator cuff injury exercises, become familiar with the muscles that comprise the area.
The tendons of the rotator cuff team up to form a five-layer band.
A rotator cuff injury can involve one or more of the four muscles in the shoulder.
Although the following rotator cuff exercises are proven effective, check with your doctor or physical therapist prior to performing any of them.
Maintaining a balance between the muscles of the front and back of the body is crucial to preventing rotator cuff injuries.
The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that provide stability to the shoulder and participate in shoulder rotation.
Rotator cuff stretches are an important part of your exercise routine.
Stretching the muscles and tendons of your rotator cuff can help to prevent injury and increase flexibility of your shoulder girdle.
Learning specific rotator cuff stretches can help to keep you injury free and moving freely.
Rotator cuff is the name for a group of muscles and tendons that stabilize your shoulder.
Improperly stretched rotator cuff muscles can become stiff and prone to injuries.
Anyone who uses the shoulder for repetitive actions such as swinging a tennis racket, throwing a ball or even lifting a weight may be prone to rotator cuff tears, which is a tearing of the tendons in the rotator cuff.
Stretching the rotator cuff is an effective way to help prevent this type of injury.
You should stretch your rotator cuff twice during your workout.
First, stretches for rotator cuff should be performed after a brief warm up period, such as using your shoulders to lift very light weights.
You should also stretch your rotator cuff after a workout.
There are a few rules for stretching that apply to every muscle group - not just your rotator cuff.
This stretch is a simple one that stretches all of the muscles of the shoulder girdle - not just the rotator cuff.
Stretching your rotator cuff isn't difficult and it only takes a few moments before and after your workout, but doing it can make a world of difference.
The rotator was connected to the log by a rope 6 ft.
Alexander Bain in 1846 suggested enclosing the wheelwork in the rotator.
In Thomas Walker's harpoon or frictionless log, introduced in 1861, the wheelwork was enclosed in a cylindrical case of the same diameter as the body of the rotator or fan, and the latter was brought close up to the register, forming a compact machine and avoiding the use of the 6-ft.
Owing to the increased friction produced by a rotator making approximately 900 revolutions per mile, towed at the end of a line varying from 40 fathoms for a 12 -knot FIG.
The outer pair receive the strain of the rotator, and the inner are for adjustment and to prevent lateral movement.
Constant use, increased friction (m o r e especially at high speeds), and damage to the rotator will alter an ascertained log error; head or following seas, strong winds, currents and tidal streams also FIG.
Cassegrain rotator fixed and for you to simultaneously specify the field orientation.
Your rotator cuff muscles, at the top of your shoulders, are small and it can be difficult to target these muscles.
The good news is that there are exercises that focus on strengthening the rotator cuff, which will help you excel in your total body workout.
Why do you need a specific set of rotator cuff exercises?
If you're lucky, sure, you may get away with training hard and never have rotator cuff problems.
The blades of the rotator are adjustable, being fitted into its tube or body by slits and holes and then soldered.