Rotate Sentence Examples
They rotate on steel shafts 21 in.
We rotate every twelve months or so, Han explained.
The farm of the future will rotate crops automatically and decide which fields to leave fallow.
They now seemed to rotate on one spot.
The shelves rotate to distribute alms whilst maintaining the enclosed order.
When one of a series of keys (each corresponding to a letter) arranged round a pointer is depressed, the motion of the pointer, which is geared to the shuttle armature, is arrested on coming opposite that particular key, and the transmission of the currents to line is stopped, though the armature itself can continue to rotate.
The general graphy, principle Arms a and arrangement b, one at eachstation and d B, are connected to the line wire, and are made to rotate simultaneously over metallic segments, 3, 4, and I', 3', 4', at the two stations, so that when the arm a is on segment i at A, then b is on segment I' at B, and so on.
As this vast mass cooled it must by the laws of heat have contracted towards the centre, and as it contracted it must, according to a law of dynamics, rotate more rapidly.
In large pans a mechanical stirring apparatus is provided, which in some cases, as in Morfit's steam " twirl," is formed of the steam-heating tubes geared to rotate.
Thus in borage it is rotate, tubular in comfrey, funnel-shaped in hounds-tongue, and salvershaped in alkanet (Anchusa); the throat is often closed by scale-like outgrowths from the corolla, forming the so-called corona.
AdvertisementThe sample, arranged as a bundle of rectangular strips, is caused to rotate about a central horizontal axis between the poles of an upright C-shaped magnet, which is supported near 'its middle upon knife-edges in such a manner that it can oscillate about an axis in a line with that about which the specimen rotates; the lower side of the magnet is weighted, to give it some stability.
Supposing Ewing's hypothesis to be correct, it is clear that if the magnetization of a piece of iron were reversed by a strong rotating field instead of by a field alternating through zero, the loss of energy by hysteresis should be little or nothing, for the molecules would rotate with the field and no unstable movements would be possible.'
It permits complete rotation of the tube and measurement of all angles in reversed positions of the circle; the handles that move the slides can be brought down to the eye-end, inside the tube, and consequently made to rotate with it; and the position circle may be placed at the end of the cradle next the eyeend where it is convenient of access.
This mirror can rotate about a horizontal axis which is at right angles to the line of collimation of the telescope, and is parallel to the surface of the mirror.
Further, by causing the hour circle, and with it the polar axis, to rotate by clockwork or some equivalent mechanical contrivance, at the same angular velocity as the earth on its axis, but in the opposite direction, the telescope will, apart from the effects of refraction, automatically follow a star from rising to setting.
AdvertisementWe note further that if a body be free to turn about a fixed point 0, there are three mutually perpendicular lines through this point about which it can rotate steadily, without further constraint.
As an example of circular shifting may be cited the motion of the coupling rod, by which the parallel and equal cranks upon two or more axles of a locomotive engine are connected and made to rotate simultaneously.
In the case of two shifting pieces this would involve equal and parallel velocities for all the points of each piece, so that there could be no rolling, and, in fact, the two pieces would move like one; hence, in the case of roIling contact, either one or both of the pieces must rotate.
In wheels which rotate continuously for one revolution or more, it is obviously necessary that the pitch should be an aliquot part of the circumference.
Hence also, in any pair of circular wheels which rotate continuously for one revolution or more, the ratio of the numbers of teeth and its reciprocal the angular velocity ratio must be expressible in whole numbers.
AdvertisementAs the line of connection of those pulleys is the same as that of the I proposed teeth, they will rotate -
Backs of Teeth and Spaces.Toothed wheels being in general intended to rotate either way, the backs of the teeth are made similar to the fronts.
Coupling of Parallel Axes.Two or more parallel shafts (such as those of a locomotive engine, with two or more pairs of driving wheels) are made to rotate with constantly equal angular velocities by having equal cranks, which are maintained parallel by a coupling-rod of such a length that the line of c000exion is equal to the distance between the axes.
When the cones are pressed together or engaged, their friction causes the pulley to rotate along with the shaft; when they are disengaged, the pulley is free to stand still.
When the clutch is moved towards the hoop, its arms catch those of the hoop, and cause the hoop to rotate and to communicate its rotation to the pulley by friction.
AdvertisementIn 1821 Michael Faraday (1791-1867), who was destined later on to do so much for the science of electricity, discovered electromagnetic rotation, having succeeded in causing a wire conveying a voltaic current to rotate continuously round the pole of a permanent magnet.
Although the two-type beds have a reciprocating motion, as in the ordinary one-sided press, the two cylinders rotate towards each other.
The mass, along with certain proportions of water, scrap-iron and mercury, is then placed in barrels, which are made to rotate so that the several ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
The posterior margin of the wing is made to rotate, during the down stroke, in a direction from above downwards and from behind forwards - the anterior margin travelling in an opposite direction and reciprocating.
When the screw is made to rotate, the blades, because of their elasticity, assume a great variety of angles, the angles being least where the speed of the blades is greatest and vice versa.
The photosphere does not rotate in one piece, lower latitudes outrunning higher.
To the bottom of each cylinder is rigidly attached a heavy solid cylinder of lead, and these are the regulators of the position of equilibrium of the cylinders when they rotate under the action of the load..
In a machine of any kind, each point describes a curve; a simple but important instance is the " three-bar curve," or locus of a point in or rigidly connected with a bar pivoted on to two other bars which rotate about fixed centres respectively.
If a planet rotates on its axis so rapidly as to have a considerable ellipticity, and if it has satellites revolving very near the plane of the equator, the combined actions of the sun and of the equatorial protuberances may be such that the whole system will rotate almost as if the planes of revolution of the satellites were solidly fixed to the plane of the equator.
The action of the sun alone would completely throw them out of these planes as each satellite orbit would rotate independently; but the effect of the mutual action is to keep all of the planes in close coincidence with the plane of the planet's equator.
Further, certain cubic crystals, such as sodium chlorate and bromate, and also some liquids and even vapours, rotate the plane of polarization of the light that traverses them, whatever may be the direction of the stream.
Substances that by reason of the structure or arrangement of their molecules rotate the plane of polarization are said to be structurally active, and the rotation produced by unit length is called their rotary power.
If set in rotation around its axis of figure PP, it will continue to rotate around that axis for an indefinite time.
Thus, in Veronica, the rotate corolla has one division much smaller than the rest, and in foxglove (Digitalis) there is a slightly irregular companulate corolla.
The essential oils possess a high refractive power, and most of them rotate the plane of the polarized light.
Even so nearly related oils as the oils of turpentine, if obtained from different sources, rotate the plane of the polarized light in opposite directions.
The hearth may either rotate on an inclined axis, so that the path of its surface is oblique to that of the flame, or the working part may be a hollow cylinder, between the fireplace and flue, with its axis horizontal or nearly so, whose inner surface represents the working bed, mounted upon friction rollers, and receiving motion from a special steam-engine by means of a central belt of spur gearing.
The boss, at his/her discretion, may rotate the crew.
Some sites may rotate multiple banner ads into the cover page.
Thread style height adjustment - simply rotate the seat to the desired height.
The intention to rotate between anthelmintic classes should not be allowed to take precedence over other more important decisions about selection of anthelmintic classes should not be allowed to take precedence over other more important decisions about selection of anthelmintics.
Take care not to rotate the root apex into the nasal cavity.
Now rotate the tuning capacitor of the receiver under test through the broadcast band.
The two six inch front castors rotate through 360 degrees enabling the power chair to access even the smallest spaces with ease.
Or perhaps you have accomplished nothing more than rotate an ice cube?
You can rotate the eyepiece to better fit the object orientation.
This mechanism then uses the rapidly spinning flywheel via the gears to rotate the final drive axle slowly.
While the knee is bent, hold the knee and hip at 90 degrees of flexion and internally rotate the hip.
Simply rotate the knob for a smooth power change.
That means that if you rotate the molecule, the text will also rotate.
A numerical prefix says how many places to rotate the text.
The 3-step pulley together with its attached " sun " gear was free to rotate on the headstock spindle.
Crop, rotate, correct brightness and remove red-eye with a click of a button.
The instrument rotator is used to rotate the instrument to match the change in the positions of stars.
With distributor clamp bolt slackened off you can gradually rotate the body to advance or retard the timing.
A DC servo controlled motor is used to rotate the disk spindle at 300 rpm.
A handy screw type metal sunshade makes it easier to rotate a polarizing filter.
The main courses came in little bowls on a great filigree brass pedestal dish which you cold rotate like a lazy Susan.
Rotate half a turn, then back out, then rotate again Regularly back the tap out of the hole to clear any swarf.
If the rates of vibration of the two tuning-forks at the two stations could be maintained precisely the same, the two arms would rotate in synchronism, but as this uniform vibration cannot be exactly A / 4 3/ Line /‘ --- /4 -- ?
The rotate flowers are in close, erect spikes, sometimes branched.
As they rotate they roll themselves up the pairs of bands which are attached to the top of the casting, and at the same time cause the leaden weights attached to the bottoms of the cylinders to take up a lateral position, where they exercise a leverage opposing the motion of the cylinders, and bringing them up in a definite position corre - sponding to the pull of the vertical rod.
The chair is mounted on a pivot so that the chair can rotate about the vertical axis.
Instead of putting the offset point at the player 's feet, put it at the location you want the player to rotate around.
Runaway Escapement In the type of escapement shown below torque is applied to the scape wheel causing it to rotate.
Pentax have improved some of the buttons and dials - for instance the selector dial is now much easier to rotate.
The spheroid body did not rotate, but the ring appeared to be spinning at fantastic speed.
Squirt some oil in the spark plug holes a couple of times and after a day try to rotate the engine by hand.
The main courses came in little bowls on a great filigree brass pedestal dish which you cold rotate like a lazy susan.
Most large throughput slaughterhouses already rotate their staff as a matter of course.
Trackball mouse devices - suitable for right and left hand users, there is no need to move your arm or rotate your wrist.
Rotate the compost tumbler half a dozen times once a day.
The shaft swings round and round while two rows of steel balls rotate stimulating the vagina.
This affects the ability of the bonds to rotate, and also the viscosity of the bulk polymer.
M-y Rotate the kill-ring, and yank the new top.
Now rotate by 45 degrees around the z -axis by typing r followed by entering 45.
Some nursery gliders have a swivel base which allows the chair to actual rotate as well.
Don't dry bras in a dryer; rotate bras from day to day to allow each bra time to return to its original fit, and pre-treat milk stains with a laundry detergent that contains an enzyme to dissolve the stains.
Many microwave ovens have turntables that rotate the food to ensure even cooking.
Save energy when you won't be around, and don't forget to have your fan rotate clockwise during the winter to redirect rising hot air.
The IPad, Reader, and Nook have touch-screens and the iPad, Reader, and the Kindle DX have screens that rotate.
Serve that for a week, then rotate to ground beef, and then salmon.
They have huge solar panels for windows and the houses actually rotate so that the panels receive maximum sunlight all day.
Arrange, resize, rotate, and shift the pieces as wanted, and then save, compare, print, or email the room plans.
Arrange, resize, rotate and shift the pieces as wanted, and then save, compare, print or email the room plans.
You must also rotate your rug periodically.
Rotate the rug every six months or so to spread wear and tear evenly over the rug.
This element causes the internal machine mechanisms to rotate rapidly, which in turn forces the needle attachment to thrust up and down.
A low humming or whirring noise typically emits from the machine as the mechanisms rotate.
Depending on the type of look I'm going for and where I'm applying the powder, I rotate between several brushes to apply it.
I've never been a huge fragrance fanatic - I have one or two scents that I rotate from season to season, but in general I'm fairly sensitive to most scents so I tend to avoid purchasing them in abundance.
If you want light coverage, rotate the dial to "LESS."
Combinations of four blocks drop from the top of the screen, and you must rotate and move them into position to create rows.
In addition, you can rotate, crop and resize photos for free.
You can control the level of transparency, change the color or size and even rotate the images.
Simply rotate the wheel to display color combinations that will best suit your layout using the scrapbook papers of your choice.
You can modify the image's size or rotate it to fit your project and the tool does the rest.
Use a screwdriver to rotate the the screw to the appropriate DIN number.
You can easily rotate among different breakfast, lunch or dinner choices to find a healthy, satisfying meal plan to fit your lifestyle.
When it's time to rotate the vegetable kabobs, just grasp the skewer with tongs and turn it.
Using a large rosette tip, swirl the icing around the top of the cupcake, moving in as you rotate the cupcake.
The only regular United States departure port is Miami, though the ships rotate among popular Caribbean embarkation ports such as Costa Rica, Tortola, and Grenada.
I believe that dogs get tired of eating the same thing every single day just as we would, so it's a good idea to rotate the foods you serve.
Getting two toys means you can rotate them to keep Charlie from becoming bored.
If possible, rotate strawberries with other crops to prevent disease and avoid depleting the soil.
Remember to make a chart of the layout of your vegetable garden, so that you can rotate crops next spring.
It's also wise to rotate vegetable crops among the beds each year so that you don't plant the same thing year after year in the same bed.
A well organized bathroom linen cabinet can decrease clutter and reduce waste by allowing you to rotate towels and sheets properly.
Keeping sets together also allows you to rotate the items evenly, preventing excessive wear.
Rotate your garden each year, growing tomatoes in a different spot than last year.
The company recommends that you rotate each of the formulas every two to three months so that your dog receives optimum nutrition.
For this reason, it is a good idea to rotate your crops and plant legumes once in awhile to add nitrogen to the soil.
It's better to rotate your more supportive bras with your sheer ones, instead of wearing sheer bras all of the time.
If it's affordable enough, you can splurge on a few and rotate them throughout the season, allowing you some variety in the process.
These medical professionals are often full-time staff, but some also rotate in from shifts from a partner hospital.
In a care facility, rotate the recorders weekly with new tapes for each person so everyone has a chance to participate.
All the women (or all the men) in the room rotate, forming new couples, and the process begins all over again.
Be aware that people with high astigmatism may find that certain styles of lens will rotate on their eyes.
Their vacation packages rotate throughout the year, but usually there is some offering such as a 5 night hotel stay for the price of 2 or 3, or complete packages such as the ones found on Walt Disney World's vacation planning website.
Move, rotate, place and arrange your furniture to your heart's content.
Check back with the site often as the five free games rotate occasionally.
Then move, rotate and manipulate everything to your liking.
The balance board detects a huge increase in weight, which most likely means you are squatting, which is how it knows to rotate the piece.
In this mode you can select your core characters, and once in the level you can rotate between characters of each class.
For each of features, you are able to move then left and right, rotate them, and increase and decrease the size.
This truly is the archetype of the genre, getting you to rotate tetrominoes (domino-like pieces that take up four units of space each), organizing them into rows that are then eliminated.
You rotate varying pieces inside of a honeycomb shaped structure.
Drop and rotate blocks to keep the screen clear for as long as you can manage.
The touch screen has a few pieces you can rotate and use in any order.
You need to use the D pad for these moves, but you need to use the A and B buttons to rotate the pieces.
Players can rotate the blocks clockwise or counter-clockwise in an attempt to fit them into the pile below.
You rotate the in-game camera and click away to get those photographs that will sell you more magazines.
While it may look like a regular candybar, the color display on this phone can rotate 90 degrees to provide a landscape-oriented screen, great for video watching.
The large color display can rotate 90 degrees to give you a landscape orientation better suited for portable video watching.
During the procedure, the surgeon untwists the cord and secures the testis in place so that it cannot rotate again.
A wisdom tooth may rotate, tilt, or be displaced as it attempts to emerge, and it can become impacted (partially buried) in the gums.
Step out with your right foot, rotate 180 degrees while bringing your left foot in next to your right, and then turn another 180 degrees while stepping out again with your right.
This repetition can be identical, or rotate you around the dance floor.
The water spouting from the top of the pedestal will rotate the ball in a constant spinning motion.
Next, rotate the iron so that the looped hair faces back down.
During the internship period, the student will rotate through different departments at a Sears store to develop a good understanding of how the retail industry works.
Rotate the paper around so that the folds that you just made are at the top of the page.
If you don't have officers, rotate the leadership position amongst members each meeting.
A circular arrow with a number inside of it indicates that you should rotate the model in that direction, such as rotating 90 degrees counterclockwise.
When thrown the shuriken blades rotate in a circular motion and can travel several yards.
The Infinitely Adjustable Umbrella Sports Chair has an umbrella that attaches to either side of the backrest and can both rotate and tilt in any direction.
Depending on how many pairs of trunks you own and how you rotate them, your trunks may only last one season or could last several.
Rotate the lenses so the arms now point to twelve and six o'clock.
As you rotate, the light passing through the lenses should brighten a bit.
The glass turntable is used to rotate food inside the microwave oven.
There are several ways to fix a turntable that doesn't rotate.
The unit fits on to the base of the blender and can rotate at different speeds depending on the blender's settings.
Rotate the white disc until the circular cutting wheels pop free from the housing.
Rotate which family member chooses the game to play so everyone has the opportunity to enjoy their favorite games.
You can set the board to automatically rotate so the correct pieces face whoever's turn it is (see Options, below).
Vote on a cause that all feel a passion for, otherwise rotate through various charity experiences selected by each family member.
The organizer will ring a bell or indicate when it is time to rotate so that everyone gets a chance to talk to each other.
In most cases, everyone pays in advance and has a chance to rotate around the room and sit to talk to each other.
If this couple can work out a sharing arrangement where they rotate with who comprises next, they can reach a harmonious existence, at least for a short time.
Using a dry-erase board can help with chores that rotate, such as vacuuming or dishes.
If the ball bounces more than once in someone's square, they are out of the game, and either the square is left empty or you rotate a new player into it.
If you use a toy box, sort through it monthly to rotate the toys.
Perhaps you like to rotate different chores on a monthly basis.
To be fair, rotate the chores as appropriate so that one person is not stuck doing something that they don't like.
Their knees position themselves differently; their feet rotate differently.
They make it easy for a child to rotate and cut across the field without slipping on sharp turns, and to make aggressive, speedy maneuvers with ease.
Be sure to gently rotate your jewelry a little to allow the water to get inside of the piercing too.
There may be swelling, and our jewelry may not freely turn or rotate.
Pay-per-impression advertising requires a set fee paid for a set number of appearances of your ad. Typically the Web site will have a stable of ads that rotate through their ad-space.
The side Liberty flyers can rotate their bodies away from the center after she grabs their feet, which turns the lifted feet into a version of the arabesque position.
If you have more than one child this task can rotate with child A assigned to Monday, child B on Tuesday, and so on, alternating days.
Even better, you can rotate lists between children so everyone shares the responsibilities equally.
Rotate items in the refrigerator and the pantry so that the older ones are always in the front.
Use these to rotate the names on the list throughout the month so everyone gets a chance to complete different chores.
Regularly rotate the placement of area rugs to be sure the floor is exposed to traffic and light evenly.
You can continue this process by dripping more glass on the rod. you'll need to rotate it as you drip to make the bead round.
Rotate the music you listen to on a regular basis to keep it from becoming stale or predictable.
Pull your elbows into your sides and rotate your wrists so your palms face forward.
One way you can use these exercises is to rotate them; this gives your body some variety so your routine doesn't get monotonous and boring.
Rotate your palms so they both face inward.
Now rotate the upper arm so that you raise the dumbbell towards the ceiling.
Now rotate the upper arm so that your hand moves away from your belly in a neat arc, making sure the elbow stays against your side at all times.
Slowly rotate, moving the ball in an arc over your knees, and touch the floor on the other side.
To work your obliques, secure the band to a stable object behind you, but to the left of your body as you rotate your torso to the right.
Secure it on your right side as you rotate your upper torso to the left.
As you rotate your torso toward your right bent knee, simultaneously straighten your left leg.
As you bend your right knee, rotate your upper torso toward the leg.
As you exhale, keep your arms straight and rotate your torso to right so that the weight moves toward your right hip.
Stabilize your hips and legs as you rotate your upper torso to the right.
Where weight training is concerned, it is a good idea to rotate muscle groups such that you are not working out the same muscles each day of the week.
It can be a challenge to formulate a flawless workout plan that incorporates both weights and cardio while taking into account your need to rotate muscle groups.
These fan-shaped muscles help you flex your arm, rotate and move your arm out from your shoulder.
Keeping your fingers interlocked, rotate your fingers so that they're facing your body and your palms are facing outward.
Gently lift and rotate the dough to avoid sticking.
Rotate the dough 90 degrees, and roll out the dough again as described above.
After two minutes, rotate (don't flip) the steak 90 degrees to make crisscross grill marks on the surface of the steak.
While you may not want to wear a halter bra every day, you can rotate different ways of wearing your bras so that your shoulders can get a break from daily stress.
You can rotate photos displayed or even create a slideshow that slowly fades and shifts from one BSG favorite to another.
Choose one theme, or choose several and rotate through them throughout the year.
Many types of mixing machines are obtainable; the favourite type is one in which the materials are placed in a large iron box which is made to rotate, thus tumbling the matrix and aggregate over each other again and again.
If the experiment was successful the table would rotate with considerable rapidity, and would occasionally rise in the air, or perform other movements.
In Se p tember of that year he discovered that the force required for the rotation of a copper disk becomes greater when it is made to rotate with its rim between the poles of a magnet, the disk at the same time becoming heated by the eddy or "Foucault currents" induced in its metal.
Other water engines, similarly connected, with keys at the observer's hands, rotate the dome and perform the quick motions in right ascension and declination.
As a first application of the equations (2) take the case of a solid constrained to rotate with constant angular velocity to about a fixed axis (1, m, n).
That, when both pieces rotate, their axes, and all their points of contact, lie in the same plane.
To make the teeth of a pair of endless screws fit correctly and work smoothly, a hardened steel screw is made of the figure of the smaller screw, with its thread or threads notched so as to form a cutting tool; the larger screw, or wheel, is cast approximately of the required figure; the larger screw and the steel screw are fitted up in their proper relative position, and made to rotate in contact with each other by turning the steel screw, which cuts the threads of the larger screw to their true figure.
If your vegetables don't seem to be cooking through at the same rate, make sure you cut them into slices of about the same size and rotate them if needed.
If veggies seem to stick to the grill, brush them with more olive oil while they're cooking and before you rotate them.
Adjust the bow to ensure it is even, and rotate the sash so the bow ends up where you want it to be on the body.
If the turntable does not rotate completely or at all, the problem may be due to the wheels.
Rumford then turned up a hollow cylinder which was cast in one piece with a brass six-pounder, and having reduced the connexion between the cylinder and cannon to a narrow neck of metal, he caused a blunt borer to press against the hollow of the cylinder with a force equal to the weight of about ro,000 lb, while the casting was made to rotate in a lathe.
If two magnets having moments M, M' are arranged at right angles to each other upon a horizontal support which is free to rotate, their resultant R will set itself in the magnetic meridian.
If small paper rings are put on a monochord wire they rotate through these vibrations when the wire is bowed.
P. coeruleum (Jacob's Ladder), 2 ft., has elegant pinnate leaves, and long panicles of blue rotate flowers.
A compound pendulum is a body of any form which is free to rotate about a fixed horizontal axis, the only extraneous force (other than the pressures of the axis) being that of gravity.
Coupling of Parallel AxesOldhams CouplingA coupling is a mode of connecting a pair of shafts so that they shall rotate in the same direction with the same mean angular velocity.
Linkwoyk in GeneralThe pieces which are connected by linkwork, if they rotate or oscillate, are usually called cranks, beams and levers.
Faraday and others then discovered, as already mentioned, means to make the conductor conveying the current rotate round a magnetic pole, and Ampere showed that a magnet could be made to rotate on its own axis when a current was passed through it.
The shell is represented as fixed, while the head and foot rotate from left to right.
If, however, a theodolite, fitted with a telescope which can rotate about a horizontal axis and having an altitude circle, is employed, so that when observing a transit the altitude of the sun or star can be read off, then the time need only be known to within a minute or so.
The bow drill (56) was used as a fire drill to rotate wood (55) on wood (57); and the cap (54) for such use was of hard stone with a highly polished hollow.
Barlow, Sturgeon and others then showed that a copper disk could be made to rotate between the poles of a horseshoe magnet when a current was passed through the disk from the centre to the circumference, the disk being rendered at the same time freely movable by making a contact with the circumference by means of a mercury trough.