Ross-sea Sentence Examples
It entered the Ross Sea too late to make a landing, and after wintering in Sydney returned in 1911-2, when a landing was effected on the Barrier in the Bay of Whales on Jan.
Scott's expedition, planned with the double purpose of reaching the South Pole and completing the scientific study of the Ross Sea area, reached McMurdo Sound in the " Terra Nova " on Jan.
Sir Ernest Shackleton had completed his preparations for an attempt to cross the Antarctic regions from Weddell Sea to Ross Sea before the outbreak of the World War, and carried out his expedition at the direct order of the Admiralty, which declined his offer of the ships and men for war service.
On the Ross Sea side the " Aurora," under command of Capt.
On May 6 1915 the " Aurora," which had been frozen in and made fast by many cables to the shore at Cape Evans, was blown out to sea with all the ice and was held fast for 315 days, during which time she drifted northward through Ross Sea nearly in the same direction and at nearly the same rate as the " Endurance " was drifting at the same time in the Weddell Sea.
Eight other minor bergs have " calved " from B15 and drifted out of the Ross Sea region.
Proposed sledge journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific - from the Weddell Sea to the Ross Sea.