Roses Sentence Examples
Take our roses, for instance.
The roses have been beautiful.
It was completely covered with vines, climbing roses and honeysuckles.
A translator from Byron and Pope appeared also in Maurice Lukacs.6 Unitarian bishop of Transylvania, author of Vadrozsdk, or " Wild Roses " (1863), a collection of Szekler folk-songs, ballads and sayings.
Few know what joy it is to feel the roses pressing softly into the hand, or the beautiful motion of the lilies as they sway in the morning breeze.
For permanent plants, as trees, roses, &c., metallic labels with raised type are procurable from dealers, and are neat, durable and convenient.
In this way hardy rhododendrons of choice sorts, greenhouse azaleas, the varieties of the orange family, camellias, roses, rare conifers, clematises and numerous other plants are increased.
Roses and clematis, however, are generally grafted from January to March and April.
Stone fruits, such as peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, &c., are usually propagated in this way, as well as roses and many other plants.
In the propagating house budding may be done at any season when the sap is in motion; but for fruit trees, roses, &c., in the open air, it is usually done in July or August, when the buds destined for the following year are completely formed in the axils of the leaves, and when the bark separates freely from the wood it covers.
AdvertisementGooseberries, currants, roses and many hardy 'deciduous trees and shrubs are easily propagated in this way if the cuttings are inserted in welldrained soil about the end of October or early in November.
Dwarf subshrubby plants well suited for rockwork, and called Sun-Roses from their blossoms resembling small wild roses and their thriving best in sunny spots.
A supply of roses, kalmias, rhododendrons, &c., and of hardy flowers and bulbs, as lily of the valley, hyacinths, tulips, daffodils, &c., should be kept up by forcing.
Increase roses and American shrubs, by layering, budding or cuttings, and go on with the layering of carnations and picotees.
Pelargoniums, pinks, monthly roses and all the half-hardy kinds of flowering plants should be planted early, but coleus, heliotrope and the more tender plants should be delayed until the end of the month.
AdvertisementAll plants that require staking, such as dahlias, roses, gladioli and many herbaceous plants, should now be looked to.
Cuttings of bedding plants may now be made freely if wanted for next season, as young cuttings rooted in the fall make better plants for next spring's use than old plants, in the case of such soft-wooded plants as pelargoniums, fuchsias, verbenas, heliotropes, &c.; with roses and plants of a woody nature, however, the old plants usually do best.
Roses, carnations, camellias, azaleas, pelargoniums and the hardier sorts of plants will do better if placed in a cold frame or pit until the middle of November than they would in an ordinary greenhouse.
Little can be done in the flower garden, except to clean off all dead stalks, and straw up tender roses, vines, &c., and, wherever there is time, to dig up and rake the borders, as it will greatly facilitate spring work.
Formerly famous for its carpets and its oil of roses, Kairawan is now known in northern Africa rather for copper vessels, articles in morocco leather, potash and saltpetre.
AdvertisementRoses and DyesThere are fields of roses in the I ayum, which supply the market with rose-water.
There is at Cairo and in other towns a considerable industry in ornamental wood and metal work, inlaying with ivory and pearl, brass trays, copper vessels, gold and silver ornaments, &c. At Cairo and in the Fayum, attar of roses and other perfumes are manufactured.
The park (Alameda de la Alhambra), which in spring is overgrown with wild-flowers and grass, was planted by the Moors with roses, oranges and myrtles; its most characteristic feature, however, is the dense wood of English elms brought hither in 1812 by the duke of Wellington.
Rose trees are very numerous and most of the attar of roses of Egypt is manufactured in the province.
He showed his versatility in landscape, as in his "Whins in Bloom," which combined great breadth with fine detail; in flower-pieces, such as his "Roses," which were brilliant in rapid suggestiveness and force; but most of all in his portraits, which are marked by great individuality, and by fine insight into character.
AdvertisementThe beautiful Consolation a Duperier, in which occurs the famous line Et, rose, elle a vecu ce que vivent les roses the odes to Marie de' Medici and to Louis XIII., and a few other pieces comprise all that is really worth remembering of him.
Adjacent is the garden in which the saint's thornless roses bloom in May.
But the French wars, the Wars of the Roses and the persecution of the Lollards deferred the coming of the new age; and the year 1536, when Henry VIII.
Of the part played by the Cymry during the wars of the Roses it is needless to speak, since the period forms a part of English rather than of Welsh history.
Bordeaux capitulated on the 9th of October, and the Hundred Years' War was terminated by the expulsion of the English, who were by this time so fully occupied with the Wars of the Roses as to be unable to take the offensive against France anew.
He wrote a chronicle of the monastery and several biographies - the life of Gerhard Groot, of Florentius Radewyn, of a Flemish lady St Louise, of Groot's original disciples; a number of tracts on the monastic life - The Monk's Alphabet, The Discipline of Cloisters, A Dialogue of Novices, The Life of the Good Monk, The Monk's Epitaph, Sermons to Novices, Sermons to Monks, The Solitary Life, On Silence, On Poverty, Humility and Patience; two tracts for young people - A Manual of Doctrine for the Young, and A Manual for Children; and books for edification - On True Compunction, The Garden of Roses, The Valley of Lilies, The Consolation of the Poor and the Sick, The Faithful Dispenser, The Soul's Soliloquy, The Hospital of the Poor.
The botryoidal formations hanging by thousands in Mary's Vineyard resemble mimic clusters of grapes, as the oulopholites resemble roses.
The so-called "iron roses" (Eisenrosen) of Switzerland are rosette-like aggregates of hexagonal tabular crystals, from fissures in the gneissose rocks of the Alps.
It has been continuously tenanted by the Roses, one of the most remarkable families in Scotland.
The plain between the new town and the sea is occupied by large nurseries, an excellent jardin d'acclimatation, and many market gardens, which supply Paris and London with early fruits and vegetables, especially artichokes, as well as with roses in winter.
But, although the union of the Roses ought to have extinguished controversy, a host of debatable questions and plausible pretexts for rebellion remained.
The flora includes purslane, rock roses and several species of ferns and mosses.
Here, on a summer's day, with the scent of roses pervading the heated air, the cool refreshment of the passing breezes and of splashing fountains may be enjoyed by the officials of the Kabul court, whilst they look across the beauty of the thickly planted plains of Chardeh to the rugged outlines of Paghman and the snows of the Hindu Kush.
France was ruined for a generation, England was exhausted by her effort, and (what was worse) her governing classes learnt in the long find pitiless war lessons of demoralization which were to bear fruit in the ensuing struggle of the two Roses.
The Wars of the Roses have been ascribed to many different causes by different historians.
Henry VI., it is argued, had broken the tacit compact which the house of Lancaster had made with the nation; instead of committing the administration of the realm origin of to ministers chosen for him by, or at least approved the Wars by, his parliament, he persisted in retaining in office of the persons like Suffolk and Somerset, who had for- Roses.
But this explanation of the Wars of the Roses is not complete; it accounts for their outbreak, but not for their long continuance.
But putting aside the constitutional aspects of the Wars of the Roses, it is necessary to point out that they had another Motives of aspect.
But the Wars of the Roses had one more phase to come.
In defence of both it may be pleaded that after the anarchy of the Wars of the Roses a strong hand was needed to restore security for life and property, and that it was better that penalties should be overheavy rather than.
It was a hard and selfish generation which witnessed the Wars of the Roses and the dictatorship of Moral Edward IV.
All her male kinsmen had been exterminated in the Wars of the Roses.
Bosworth Field is often treated as the last act of the Wars of the Roses.
One of the most notable parts of the kings policy was his long-continued and successful assault on the abuse of livery and maintenance, which had been at its height during Suppresthe Wars of the Roses.
By the end of the reign the little hosts of badged adherents which had formed the nucleus for the armies of the Wars of the Roses had ceased to exist.
Mention should also be made of Gowers Des patches, the Cornwallis Correspondence, Roses Correspondence and Lord Coichesters Correspondence.
Bitter as was the long quarrel, it kept the Berkeleys from casting their interest into the Wars of the Roses, in which most of their fellows of the ancient baronage sank and disappeared.
Bourchier's short term of office as chancellor coincided with the opening of the Wars of the Roses, and at first he was not a strong partisan, although he lost his position as chancellor when Richard, duke of York, was deprived of power in October 1456.
Bamburgh was twice taken by the Yorkists in the Wars of the Roses and twice recovered by Queen Margaret.
Here and there are found extensive rice-fields; liquorice, wheat, barley and roses are also cultivated in places.
Besides dates the principal articles of export are wool, horses, liquorice, gum and attar of roses.
Both medicinal and flowering plants are exceptionally abundant; a few of the former are ginseng, snakeroot, bloodroot, hore-hound, thoroughwort, redroot (Ceanothus Americanus), horse mint and wild flax, and prominent among the latter are jessamines, azaleas, lilies, roses, violets, honey-suckle and golden-rod.
Thus the Red and White Roses were united and the pretexts for civil war done away with.
From this time forward the English, ruined, demoralized and weakened both by the death of the duke of Bedford and the beginnings of the Wars of the Roses, continued to lose territory on every recurrence of conflict.
At the time of the Wars of the Roses the county, owing to territorial influence, was mainly Lancastrian, and in 1461 the Yorkist strongholds of Grantham and Stamford were sacked to such effect that the latter never recovered.
Caravans from Sus laden with copper-ware, olive oil, butter, saffron, wax, skins, dates, dried roses, &c., are sent to Marrakesh, four days' journey from Tarudant.
The old chateau of the family had been sold, but he bought a house called "Les Paillers" in the suburbs of Saint-LO, and there he lived, buried in his roses, for fifteen years.
These walls, which were largely rebuilt by Jasper Tudor, earl of Pembroke, during the Wars of the Roses, were again repaired under Elizabeth during the alarm of, the Spanish invasion, as is shown by a contemporary tablet bearing the queen's cipher and the date 1588.
Thus roses of different origin or even of different years will yield rose oils of widely different value.
The rose oil industry, which had been for centuries located in the valleys of Bulgaria, has now been taken up in Germany (near Leipzig), where roses are specially cultivated for the production of rose oil.
We have an archway with two climbing roses growing up each side which we planted last year.
The third act will come when the masses come out to shower American and English soldiers with roses and sweet basil.
The section is also responsible for seasonal bedding, Hanging baskets, Roses, Shrub beds, Internal plants and Floral decorations.
These roses will have simultaneously occurring blooms in each truss.
Sections include chrysanthemums, dahlias, roses, gladioli, fuchsias, pot plants, floral art, vegetables and beginners.
Now in the books John Reid is the bent copper in A Good Year For The Roses.
I still have hopes that Lancs will get a drubbing in the roses match next week.
Here and there, as we ascended, we passed a house embowered in white roses.
This would include replacing an electrical fitting, socket outlets, control switches and ceiling roses.
Miami flowers florist Miami Roses arrangements of Miami, Miami florist flowers, Flowers On line of Miami, Miami.. .
Every path and every plot, Every blush of roses, Every blue forget-me-not Where the dew reposes, " Up!
Serenata Flowers offer flowers and bouquets ideal for Mothers Day gifts including freesias, lillies, orchids, roses and tulips.
I was surprised to see so many greenfly on the roses this week and had to spray accordingly.
Argent a bend gules with three roses argent thereon.
Marianne Park will use this trellis to grow honeysuckle and climbing roses on the surrounding walls.
Clematis, evergreen honeysuckles and climbing or rambling roses are delightful when used in this way.
Climbers starring this month are many of the clematis, abutilon, climbing roses and the honeysuckle (lonicera japonica ).
Sanders Garden World arrived with four truck loads of roses, clematis, lavender and a range of trees, climbers and plants.
Roses are the latest product to receive a fair trade makeover with Tesco's selling two bouquets sourced from farms in Kenya.
Nutty flavors and melted marshmallows, with just a hint of antique roses.
The garden includes formal parterre with old fashioned roses, well stocked traditional walled garden and attractive woodland walk.
Phase 2 concentrated on the much-loved Rose Garden, creating new rose and shrub beds with arches for climbing roses and a new pergola.
Roses and Rose petals jam pink 51 roses A round bouquet with a jar of rose petals jam pink 51 roses A round bouquet with a jar of rose petals jam.
This appears to have been King Henry's favorite badge and his chapel in Westminster Abbey is decorated with crowned portcullises and roses.
As well as traditional graves we have a garden of remembrance memorial garden where ashes may be buried under standard roses.
Item 426 - Price £ 1.20 Love Heart Candle Favor Heart shape candle sitting on roses makes a truly romantic favor.
Many roses and fruit varieties would be very weak if grown on their own rootstocks.
Learn the theory of pruning and planting roses under the direction of knowledgeable rosarians.
Tie in climbing and rambling roses as near to horizontal as possible.
He provides more articles about how to prune roses and rose disease on his sites.
I still don't really have the hang of pruning climbing roses for best effect.
The smell of freshly burnt aviation fuel is like the aroma of sweetly scented roses to you.
We gotta wake up and smell the roses, brothers and sisters.
You stroll along the footpath, reaching out to gently touch the petals of these fragrant roses.
It has Bill Murray standing outside of a house with a bouquet of pink roses, which is the perfect image for the film.
Here we'll find the national collection of old-fashioned roses housed in the walled garden of the 12th century Augustinian Priory.
Outside, blocks of the reddest roses make shapes between lines of taxis.
At a later date the aroma of the rambler roses disguising the cubicles, emitted sweetness into the air!
Within a minute of leaving the tourist tat of Roses on the Costa Brava behind you, you hit new terrain.
I am in Minot, North Dakota and was wondering the best way to prepare my hybrid tea roses for the winter.
Its excellent disease resistance typifies why roses are enjoying an upsurge in popularity again.
This is the month to see wild roses and honeysuckle in bloom in the hedgerows.
He advised his courtiers to marry Germans - "they are the best wives in the world, good, naive and fresh as roses."
Roses are grown in some places for the manufacture of atr, or attar of roses; mignonette, jasmine, thyme, lavender and other aromatic plants are favourites in Yemen, when the Arabs often stick a bunch in their head-dress.
Towering eucalyptus, graceful pepper trees, tropic palms, rubber trees, giant bananas, yuccas and a wonderful growth of roses, heliotrope, calla lilies in hedges, orange trees, jasmine, giant geraniums and other flowers beautify the city throughout the year.
One brief spring, musical with the song of robin and mocking-bird, one summer rich in fruit and roses, one autumn of gold and crimson sped by and left their gifts at the feet of an eager, delighted child.
Mother has a great many fine roses.
The air is sweet with the perfume of jasmines, heliotropes and roses.
Maybe raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens ⦠* New to Readers recommend?
There are big rambling roses on one side of the lawn which extends the full length of the kitchen garden wall.
The effect of a few rambler roses against the old whitewashed walls make a picture lovelier than can be seen on paper.
Learn the theory of pruning and planting roses under the direction of knowledgeable Rosarians.
I still do n't really have the hang of pruning climbing roses for best effect.
Floribunda roses can be planted in any open but not vulnerable location.
At a later date the aroma of the rambler roses disguising the cubicles, emitted sweetness into the air !
The first thing that we saw was a great sward of white roses in bloom.
She had discarded her roses with a shudder; cap, goggles, duster, lay advance boy game video in her lap.
The Stone Roses debut created a seismic shift in the entire nature of the UK music industry.
The layer with the horseshoes and roses on has the slider drawn back.
Thankfully I came out of that situation smelling of roses !
The Big House was an early eighteenth century square four storied house with whitewashed walls covered in climbing roses.
Round the sides of the cake he had piped swags of roses.
It 's the new raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.
For a baby girl, you can create a sweet floral nursery with a Ring Around the Roses theme.
It features three-dimensional pink roses and retails for $130.
Popular flower choices include baby's breath, tea roses, carnations, and orchids, but other flowers can work just as well.
Create sock roses by rolling each sock tightly from the toe to the opening.
Once you've created several sock roses, bundle them together with more tape, add ribbon, and attach the corsage with a corsage pin.
Flower choices can range from lilies to carnations, daisies to roses.
You most likely won't want to send red roses to a friend, and you wouldn't want to send just anything to the person you love when she expects you to know her favorites.
If you want to say "I love you," it's hard to go wrong with red roses.
Roses are right for almost any occasion, but sometimes they don't express the message you'd like or you'd simply like to send something more out of the ordinary.
Consider lilacs to celebrate new love rather than the expected roses.
You can even be specific by typing in "roses" or carnations."
A country cottage style sofa might have a soft pastel slipcover featuring a delicate pattern of roses.
When patterns are used, they are floral patterns with roses being very popular.
Although they often showcase Asian style, these glazed lamps can also feature English country roses or Tuscan elements.
Cut a scrolled arched headboard and glue wood embellishments such as roses, garlands, rosettes, shell, and other motifs.
A French Country design uses pale yellows, soft whites, faded greens and purples, lilacs and roses as popular motifs as well as color choices.
Poppy patterns or roses, are great complementary designs to a hip modern room design.
Florals range from small tiny prints to large bolds ones of lilies, roses, poppies, and sunflowers.
Vera Wang Sheer Veil for Women - A clean and light floral scent that includes roses, gardenias, and lilies, yet is never overpowering.
It's not overwhelming (in other words, your face won't smell like roses all day long), but it's just noticeable enough to be pleasant as you apply the tint.
Since I've always been fond of pinks, nudes and roses in particular, I picked up Sex Machine, which is described as a "pink mauve" by the company.
Not surprisingly, the packaging is memorable, featuring tattooed roses and a skull, along with a banner stating "Love Kills Slowly" and several smaller banners proclaiming "Life," "Love" and "Luck" against a pink backdrop.
Knowing what wedding makeup for a white dress and red roses would be most flattering is important for the bride who's planning to get married in this ensemble.
You have the dress and you know you'll have a bouquet of red roses on hand.
These makeup tips will help bring out your beauty in that white dress and red roses ensemble.
Your red roses will be dramatic enough and you'll probably want to play up an area like the lips or eyes.
Once you choose your wedding makeup for a white dress and red roses, practice applying at home before your big day.
For example, you could add spot color to a photo of your son hanging his favorite ornament on your Christmas tree or color the flower in an image of your daughter smelling the roses in your garden.
Roses, daisies and flowering vines are examples of floral patterns.
White sheers give a soft feel to the room especially with roses or lights around them.
Roses, vines, lights, specialty garland can turn a boring structure into something spectacular.
No longer are corsages relegated to just carnations or roses.
Common trends in boutonnieres and corsages currently are black and pink roses, colorful bead bracelets to attach the corsage to the girl's wrist, silver ribbons, unusual flower types, and bright flower colors.
Girls are sure to love a corsage for prom made from roses, carnations, freesia, and baby's breath.
For Valentine's Day, perhaps romantic red roses or a heart topper design will best reflect the day.
For a bit of color, select colored lights and slide silk flower blooms like poinsettias or roses over the tiny bulbs.
Single roses at the door or beside place settings may be silk or fresh to mark the day.
A single stem rose or calla lily or a tightly bundled bouquet of roses is most appropriate for the casual look.
Floral almonds, chocolate roses, and custom-ordered candies that match your theme are more ideas.
Silver frames accented with butterflies, wedding rings, wedding bells, pearls, rhinestones, doves, and roses are also available.
Of course, roses, lilies, orchids, daisies, and other traditional wedding flowers are available year round.
Roses are a popular choice for weddings, regardless of when you plan to marry.
Consider snow white linens with icicle garlands and red roses or poinsettias to accent.
Standard wedding cake decorations include icing swirls, roses, pearls, beads, or fresh flowers to match the wedding bouquet.
Sweet Child of Mine by Guns N' Roses and Dancing Queen by ABBA are two examples of more "rocking" mother/song songs.
Roses and calla lilies are traditional flowers for this type, and moderate greenery is typically used.
You might know that you want roses, for instance, or a particular color scheme that goes with your bridal party dresses.
You could go with an innocent, small bouquet of cream-colored roses, for example, or go all out with many different shades of chrysanthemums.
Christian images may include doves, calla lilies, roses, crosses, a Bible, or other religious symbols.
Tying a ribbon around single stem live carnations, peonies or roses is another option for brides on a budget.
From pink gumpaste roses to green sugar leaves and airbrushed tie-dye designs, a cake decorator can include the colors in your wedding cake frosting.
Poinsettias are an obvious flower choice for a Christmas themed wedding, but equally elegant choices include red and white roses or holly used instead of ivy or other greenery.
Other popular winter varieties are roses, lilies, and mums.
Black Magic roses, orange and yellow carnations or mums, and orange calla lilies are all excellent choices for a Halloween theme.
You can decorate them with ivy, roses, or leave them plain.
You can get roses in a variety of different colors including black or a dark red.
Consider a dark chocolate fondant icing with red roses and black pearl candies adoring the tiers of your wedding cake.
For a more traditional look, ask a decorator to pipe turquoise buttercream roses or sweet peas along the edges, top, and bottom of the cake.
Popular variations among the three tiered white heart standard include a version that rests each tier on pillars and a version that features cascading roses down the sides of the cake.
Pinks, creams, and blush colored roses and other flowers are some of the most crucial colors to use in a garden wedding.
Pastel roses are the obvious choice for traditional late summer wedding bouquets, table arrangements, and pew decorations, and you can order roses (and other flowers) to match your wedding accent colors almost exactly.
Pair your simple, modern summer wedding dress with sleek flowers like calla lilies and birds of paradise, or carry more traditional and complex flowers, such as roses and hydrangeas, if your gown is full and beaded.
In fact, the dark chocolate frosting can make brightly colored flowers, such as roses and lilies, look especially striking.
White and red are especially popular colors for wedding cake roses.
Flower blooms and budding roses with fluttering butterflies might just be the theme choice of your little girl.
Her inspiration comes from antique French fabric that has a lot of flowery designs, especially roses.
Roses of almost every color can be found in these lovely, feminine designs.
Alternatively, you might choose to pipe the cake with ribbons and roses, or even create Easter lilies using a lily nail.
The frosting resembles modeling clay in its firmness and is a cake decorator's dream since it can be used to sculpt figurines, form roses and other embellishments, and coat entire cakes in one smooth, professional layer.
Unlike buttercream or fondant roses, which will stay together without much help, gum paste flower parts need to be "glued" together with edible egg whites or an edible gum paste glue.
Roses are some of the most popular gum paste flowers.
The bride wore a cream colored Alvina Valenta wedding gown and held a bouquet of black roses.
Even the pews were adorned in pink roses.
The plane was reportedly decorated with white roses for the occasion.
Marie Osmond first hit the mainstream music scene with her 1973 hit single Paper Roses.
The Gosselin divorce is nearing its finale, even though Jon came to the proceedings bearing roses.
The roses Jon brought to the arbitrator meeting didn't make her fall madly in love with him again?
The accompanying video at that site shows Osmond performing her hit song Paper Roses at the 37th Daytime Emmy Awards in 2010, which was hosted by Ryan Seacrest.
While she rarely performed with her brothers, Marie Osmond went on to make a name for herself in 1973 when she recorded the number one country song, Paper Roses.
Inspired by Madonna's "English Roses" collection, Kidorable launched a collection of polka dot rainwear for girls.
The most popular raincoat features a multi-colored polka dot pattern on a white background with pink argyle and roses trimming.
With roses and rosettes placed onto dresses, and no shortage of ruffles anywhere, these dresses are feminine and fancy.
You can get Aerosmith, the Beatles, Bob Marley and Guns n Roses, and that's just to start.
Christmas Roses should never be transplanted in big clumps intact.
They are to the spring what Roses, Irises, and Lilies are to summer, what Sunflowers and Chrysanthemums are to autumn, and what Hellebores and Aconite are to winter.
The Tea Roses form a precious division of themselves in their beauty and length of bloom and many other advantages.
Hybrid perpetual Roses are far less grown than they used to be, but someone must always have them though, generally speaking, summer Roses, as compared with those that flower right into the autumn, are hardly worth a place.
Climbing Roses tell their own story, and some of them are most precious, especially those of prolonged bloom; these have some of the China Rose in them, and a fine type is Bouquet dOr.
The Wichuraiana Roses are based on the beautiful Japanese Rose of that name, which is more beautiful than the many Ramblers raised from it.
Some of these cover the earth in many gardens with Roses that are little better than Brambles.
These Ramblers have done infinite harm to the culture of Roses, and excepting the few kinds one really enjoys after a thorough trial, would be best abolished.
There is no need to make a class of Japanese Roses; we should do much better to keep to the one noble wild Rose of Japan, rugosa.
Moss Roses, for those that like them-few are worth growing-and those always on their own roots, if possible, in rather light, open, friable soil, not the heavy soil which is said so often to be good for Roses.
Scotch Roses were a group of some value in old days, before we had the splendid Roses of our day.
Of the polyantha Roses, I like much the wild kind, but the forms made from it are inferior and rarely worth growing.
In the face of these facts the best I think I can do is to tell of Roses that have given satisfactory results here for years.
There are many beautiful single Roses, and now that some interest has been awakened in them, we may expect to see them more freely planted.
They are free from the pests that infest the double Roses, and above all things when single Roses are present in the garden a roseless June will not happen even in the worst of seasons.
Wild Roses are such rapid growers, even when not greatly encouraged, that they should not be allowed in well-made beds, like those for Rhododendrons, as they soon exterminate other things.
R. Repens (or R. arvensis) is the wild parent of the Ayrshire Roses.
Like the Tea Roses, this species is ever growing, and blooms from early summer till late autumn.
It blooms in July and August, and is thus one of the latest of all the Wild Roses to flower.
The fruits are small as compared with other Wild Roses.
Burnet Rose (A Rose Selection Spinosissima) - A pretty native Wild Rose, which will grow and flourish in the lightest and hottest of soils, where many Roses fail.
The above is a choice of the best Wild Roses known to us for the garden or shrubberies and fences near the garden.
There are many Wild Roses inhabiting northern and temperate countries, and many that have never been in cultivation.
Peonies and roses, for example, are vulnerable to black spot, somust gardeners remove the foliage even if it was healthy all summer.
It also includes access to many articles on topics such as annuals, bulbs, weeds, landscaping, roses and how-to projects.
In some parts of the USA, Japanese beetles are already emerging from their winter sleep in May, ready to feast upon someone's prized roses.
Tree roses are summer plants that need special care.
For guitar players who are fans of heavy metal, finding reliable sources for Guns N Roses tabs is indispensable.
If the late 1980s was the heyday for hard rock and heavy metal, Guns N Roses (GNR) was the undisputed king of the era.
Guns N Roses' sound and look was certainly contemporary, yet they also honored the past masters of hard rock, like Aerosmith and The Stooges through their swagger and stripped down sound.
The results were indisputable as Guns N Roses became the biggest selling band in the world over the next five years.
While many other guitarists in the late 1980s displayed more dramatic, acrobatic guitar chops, what set Guns N Roses apart (and what led to their selling millions and millions of records) was their songwriting.
So let that be a lesson to to all the young guitar players in the LoveToKnow audience as you explore the Guns N Roses tabs below.
Guns N Roses has such a popular canon of songs that several quality books have been published to collect their music for aspiring guitarists.
The music of Guns N Roses will only sound right once two guitar players are playing together.
Chordie - At Chordie, you can find tabs for songs like Witness, Bed of Roses, Before We Arise, Uncle Anesthesia and Winter Song.
The mothers can select from exquisite blue royal crystals, faux pearls, porcelain roses, and even an engraved gold bracelet.
Black ribbons, hematite tone chains, dangle beads and black roses are some of the motifs and design elements for this unique and truly sophisticated Goth line.
Rosaries - The rosary, which literally translates to "garland of roses," is a high profile prayer symbol of the Catholic faith, though the ornate jewelry itself has made its way into mainstream culture.
If you know your roses attract Japanese beetles, place garlic and rue near your rose bushes to help keep them away.
You can grow organic roses, organic asparagus, or anything else you like.
This nightshirt is available in sizes up to a 5X and comes in solid colors such as red and black and in prints such as red hearts, black floral and ivory roses.
Red roses, red nighties and red hot romance go hand in hand.
Known as the City of Roses, Thomasville, Georgia, offers retirement living in one of the cheapest places to retire.
With that being said, it isn't too surprising that a hard working staff plants 3 million annuals, prunes 4 million shrubs, and maintains 13,000 roses each and every year.
This turns wilting roses into golden roses that will never wilt and that Tom Nook will buy for 2,500 bells.
Rumble Roses XX is a well-designed wrestling game featuring a number of scantily clad women.
Well, they've taken a completely different route with the Rumble Roses franchise that debuted last year on the Sony PlayStation 2.
Well, the scantily clad women (quite a departure from the days of Luna Vachon, I might add) are hitting up the Xbox 360 this time around in Rumble Roses XX.
Notes that can be detected in this wine range from apples and pears to roses, walnuts and bananas.
It has notes of wild roses and orange peels and hints at exotics such as white pepper, anise and tropical fruits.
If you like very feminine teapots Roses and Teacups has some of the most delicately worked, unique teapots on the Internet.
You can find music from groups and performers like Aerosmith, ABBA, Avril Lavigne, Garbage, Guns 'n Roses, Pink, TLC, and more.
Showy flowers like roses or lilacs that attract insects produce a sticky pollen that is less likely to become airborne.
Barrettes, bobby pins, fish net stockings, artificial flowers (think black roses) and glitter are just a few basic accessories every emo chic may want to have on hand when the mood strikes for a little hair adornment.
Goddess braids are an excellent braid style for prom or other special occasions because you can easily dress them up with tiny roses or rhinestones.
Many boy band members from Guns 'n' Roses and Poison rocked the mullet along with their eclectic fashions and makeup.
From delicate roses to lifelike origami cranes, folded paper creations have a beauty that's all their own.
From simple two-dimensional tulips to large, modular roses with multiple steps, you can learn to fold a flower regardless of your skill level.
A good challenge will be to learn how to make origami roses, especially the well-known Kawasaki design.
Some excellent origami creations and diagrams to use here include the dinosaurs, roses, sharks and the one-of-a-kind designs.
While some origami flowers are complicated, such as making origami roses, there are plenty of simple options available for children to fold.
Admittedly, the "easy" models don't look too much like roses.
Indeed, paper roses are a wonderful gift to give.
With origami roses, you can make them any color you wish and as an inherent bonus, they won't ever wilt, dry out, or crumble.
Roses are one of the most frequently folded flowers in origami.
Read LoveToKnow's articles Steps to Make a Paper Rose and How to Make Origami Roses for ideas.
Roses vary depending on the number of folds and the technique used to fold them.
Roses might look angular, realistic or even comical, depending on the instructions.
Easier roses tend to have a closed look to the bloom, while complex rose figures are usually opened in full bloom.
Change the way roses look by choosing different materials for the base of the rose.
Soft fabrics look beautiful, but can be too thick for roses with a lot of creases.
Tissue paper, wrapping paper, newspaper and dollar bills all create unique roses without the need to purchase special origami paper.
Roses that are given as gifts look lovely when wrapped in tissue paper, similar to real roses.
Japanese origami theorist and mathematics professor Toshikazu Kawasaki is credited with designing several folded paper roses.
The roses all use a technique that involves twisting the shape to create the appearance of layered petals.
As you look at these resources, you'll find that there are several designs for paper roses.
Because of their romantic nature, origami roses make wonderful decorations and little presents.
Fold a bouquet of money roses to present to a friend for his or her wedding.
You can group the roses together in a box and add ribbon to give the bouquet even more visual appeal.
If you're folding some holiday origami decorations, try making beautiful roses in Christmas colors.
Consider giving a bouquet of roses made using origami to a sick friend.
If you're hoping to make a romantic paper bouquet, it can help to reference diagrams for origami roses.
Origami roses make popular gifts for romantic occasions like weddings, anniversaries, and Valentine's Day.
Bloom4Ever has instructions for making everything from extremely easy rosebud designs to very complicated, full-bloom roses.
Origami roses can be somewhat tricky, so be patient as you learn.
LoveToKnow Origami has lots of great information about making origami roses.
Origami folders know that dollar bills folded into roses are a great project with several practical uses.
Unlike other steps to make paper roses, money origami roses are actually fairly easy.
With just three to five bills needed for most projects and some basic folding skills, most beginning to intermediate level folders can make beautiful roses with dollar bills.
Craft at Home's Dollar Bill Money Roses are another easy project to make using money.
Check out the photographs at the end of the instructions to view display examples of the roses in bouquets.
The main use for dollar bills folded into roses is to give as a gift.
In addition to giving origami roses at weddings, graduations are another time that giving a cash gift and flowers goes hand-in-hand.
While some cultures give money leis at graduations, others may prefer to give graduates roses.
Instead of placing the roses into a box, turn them into a pretty flower bouquet.
To give an arm bouquet, make sure you have very long stems on the dollar bill roses.
Adjust the roses into a pretty arrangement and tie the bottom with a curling ribbon.
An origami vase is a great choice for giving one to three money roses.
Give larger bouquets of dollar bills folded into roses in a traditional vase.
Roses are typically one of the most difficult paper flowers to fold and require a lot of skill and practice.
Learn where to find folding information for money roses by reading Dollar Bills Folded into Roses.
Notable clients of the day included bands like Motely Crue, Def Leopard and Guns N Roses.
Everything But Water does not feature the extensive collection found at Swim 'n Sport, but it does feature Kenneth Cole's Bed of Roses design.
This hot pink swim style is based on the look and cut of actual roses, so you can expect plenty of petals to adorn the bust area of the swim tops, as well as strategically placed petals on the bottom of the suit.
Unfortunately, the Bed of Roses look only comes in one color, raspberry, so if that color doesn't look particularly flattering on your skin tone, you may have to think about a different Kenneth Cole style.
The Bed of Roses One Piece is a great choice if you love the color black, but aren’t a big fan of mesh.
Here, the one shoulder features a delicate array of roses, while the lower portion of the suit offers full coverage of the rear.
However, it's definitely not all a beautiful bed of roses when it comes to everybody accepting liquid vitamins.
Not only will it give you roses in your cheeks but it should help your body build sufficient vitamin D levels to stay healthy.
Crimson One-Shoulder Chiffon Gown with Rosettes has an array of roses adorning the neckline of the gown.
It is common to spot a dress blooming with roses, or even merely accented by rosettes at the bust or neckline.
The first official Christmas tree was placed in Strasbourg in 1605 and decorated with artificial roses, apples, sugar, and painted hosts.
Paper roses, nuts, and candies were sometimes used as decorations as well.
Much like red roses and chocolates as romantic gifts, Rome and the Eiffel Tower as romantic hotspots are a bit overdone.
Buy a rosebush instead of a dozen roses.
Roses are red, violets are blue, it's Valentine's Day and I'm in love with you.
For example, if your lover got you flowers once at the start of a great date, a short text message like "I'm thinking of the three roses," can set your lover thinking about all sorts of other things unrelated to flowers.
When you first register, you receive two roses you can send in a message to someone.
You can send two roses in 30 days, so you need to keep them until you find someone worthy of them.
You can use these points to "purchase" other virtual gifts like the roses.
How special will a dozen roses be for her if everyone else in the office got a dozen roses too?
For example, if your boyfriend is a mechanic, a dozen roses might not thrill him - but get him a dozen wrenches of various sizes, all done up in a pretty bow, and he'll be delighted!
Don't assume, either, that your girlfriend is going to just want a picture of roses - take the time, in either case, to really think about the message.
Red roses, perfumes and heart-shaped boxes of candy are typical Valentine gift choices but do not show off your brilliant imagination.
Arrange a car or limo service to pick her up and drive her to your home, where you will be in a suit with roses in hand.
One girl may think roses and a candlelight dinner is romantic, while another would think cuddling up on the couch and watching a horror movie is romance.
Then surprise her at her door with a fistful of roses, chocolate, a smile and the limo behind you.
You can even buy some flowers, such as roses, to decorate your deck or patio with.
Flowers, particularly red and pink roses, are one of the most popular Valentine's Day gifts.
Some women dream of the ultimate fantasy proposal -- candles, roses, soft music -- while others imagine an exotic location or unusual setup.
Instead of roses, use her favorite flowers.