Rosalie Sentence Examples
In1729-1730the Natchez tribe destroyed Fort St Peter, and some of the small outposts, and almost destroyed the Fort Rosalie (Natchez) settlement.
The comte de Chinon, as the heir to the Richelieu honours was called, was married at fifteen to Rosalie de Rochechouart, a deformed child of twelve, with whom his relations were never more than formal.
To dress up as Rosalie Cullen, you either need to have long blonde hair, or get a blonde wig.
Rosalie dresses up in feminine dresses in most of the movie.
The two form the central focus of the Cullen family that includes Esme, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice and Emmett.
Other girls may prefer to dress as Alice or Rosalie.
In life, Rosalie was assaulted by her fiance and many of his friends.
The oldest permanent settlements in the state are (New) Biloxi (c. 1712), situated across the bay from Old Biloxi and nearer to the Gulf, and Natchez or Fort Rosalie (1716).