Rooting Sentence Examples
When I watch a Terminator movie, I am rooting for the people, not the machines.
Keep sweet potatoes hoed to prevent the vines rooting at the joints.
They are certain to be one team that fans will be rooting for.
As a parent, you will probably be rooting for modesty and practicality in any skirt your girl owns.
It requires some care in transplanting, or it will be a long time rooting well.
Dip the cut end in a commercially prepared rooting hormone and place in water, sterile medium, or even directly into the soil to encourage root growth.
Next, they apply a rooting hormone to the opposite end of the stalk.
The plant height ranges between two to six inches, spreading and rooting to an indefinite width.
As an alternative to prepared rooting hormone, place the cut end of your vine in a vase with a few cut young willow shoots.
Rooting reflex is stimulated by touching a finger to the infant's cheek or the corner of the mouth.
AdvertisementLike the rooting reflex, it is inhibited by the third to fourth month.
You can increase your collection of lucky bamboo by taking any trimmings and applying a rooting hormone before placing in clean water.
Rooting through department store racks will often yield some favorable results, though you might need to take down a hemline or add a lace inset to a neckline.
You may even be rooting for Notre Dame and, hoping for the luck of the Irish, want to dress your child as the Fighting Irish mascot.
Track down your cute lab partner from sophomore year, or just find someone rooting for the "right" team on football game days.
AdvertisementWhen Lucas and Peyton married, she was rooting for them and finally began to find a real love of her own in Julian (Austin Nichols) in later seasons.
However, if you are a first-timer when it comes to starting an exercise routine, you may find yourself rooting through loads of information and weight-loss opinions, some of which seem to conflict.
This is a casual occasion, rowdy shindigs that get friends cheering and rooting for their favorite teams and each other.
Wear your big and tall hockey jersey while rooting on your favorite hockey team.
The stems are columnar or elongated, some of the latter creeping on the ground or climbing up the trunks of trees, rooting as they grow.
AdvertisementThe process of rooting these runners should be facilitated by fixing them close down to the soil, which is done by small wooden hooked pegs or by stones; hair-pins, short lengths of bent wire, &c., may also be used.
In many Calamites there is evidence that the aerial stem sprang from a horizontal rhizome, as in the common species C. (Stylocalamites) Suckowi; in other specimens the aerial stem has an independent, rooting base.
She never thought she'd find herself rooting for the Black God, but she willed Jonny to take control of the situation.
Only surviving deck rooting around a. Scheme of cruise lines operate ships larger bilingual german.
First I hear him praising his own handiwork; then he starts rooting around with his dental tools.
AdvertisementIn essence, they created an immensely strong body of armed men by rooting the state in private landlordism.
Cuttings are set in a rooting mixture of two parts sand to one part peat moss, which should be barely moist.
The pigs sensitive snouts, designed for rooting, are rendered redundant.
Hence they had no scruple about rooting out the old Irish from Ulster.
Sometimes a long stolon can be pulled away which is rooting at several points along its length.
Surface applications of phosphorus can stimulate rooting within the thatch layer, thereby further aggravating the thatch accumulation rate.
Having people who understand what you are going through and rooting for your success will make it much more likely that you will succeed in recovery.
Buckbean (Menyanthes) - M. trifoliata is a beautiful and fragrant native of Britain, found in shallow streams or pools, in very wet marshy ground, and in bogs; its strong creeping, rooting stems often floating in deeper water.
They are increased by division, rooting freely when pegged down.
The following are a few of the reasons many people are rooting for genetically modified crops to become an even more important staple food in the future.
People will talk about the theories they have and which part of the love triangle they are rooting for.
Whoever you were rooting for to be among the 2010 Oscar winners may have walked away with a shiny statue or gone home disappointed.
When Jack Wagner's Nick came on as the "anti-Ridge," I was rooting for him with Brooke, especially since I was ticked at Ridge for getting involved with Bridget.
That coupled with Grayson's depth of emotion as he mourns the woman he was going to marry had fans rooting for the couple to defy the odds and reunite.
Y&R fans were split down the middle, between those rooting for Sharon and Nick and those who dubbed themselves for Phick (Phyllis and Nick).
In 546 the emperor entrusted him with the task of rooting out the secret practice of idolatry in Constantinople and its neighbourhood.
How does rooting in the cupboard to get some tinned peaches in syrup symbolize God's annual bounty?
Halophila, Enhalus and Thalassia are submerged maritime plants found on tropical coasts, mainly in the Indian and Pacific oceans; Halophila has an elongated stem rooting at the nodes; Enhalus a short, thick rhizome, clothed with black threads resembling horse-hair, the persistent hard-bast strands of the leaves; Thalassia has a creeping rooting stem with upright branches bearing crowded strap-shaped leaves in two rows.