Rooster Sentence Examples
Carmen woke the next morning to the sound of a rooster crowing.
An old farmer decides it's time to get a new rooster for his hens.
The second trine is the ox, the snake and the rooster.
He reminded her of a Banty rooster facing it off with a big Leghorn.
Even so, it's easy to fall for a rooster because they tend to be interesting and brave.
A red work quilt with a rooster theme is perfect thrown casually over a comfy chair.
When you are using a rooster theme in your room, be bold!
French country decorating almost demands rooster home décor.
A primitive pine farm table with crackle painted legs holds a rooster salt and pepper set placed on a beautiful length of lace.
The little rooster wasn't standing still in the UK either.
AdvertisementThe rooster motif can be used in nearly any area of the house and its' popularity crosses cultures and decades.
Red rooster a you plan to larger city might.
Most of all, have fun with rooster home decor, a whimsical, casual way to adorn your home.
Rooster themes have seen a resurgence of popularity over the past few years.
A rare find, these tin and wood cookie cutters are in the shapes of a rooster, a rabbit and a chick.
AdvertisementRabbit's interest in creative endeavors can sometimes seem trivial to Rooster.
While the Rooster likes to dictate situations, Snake likes to find the best solution to any problem before making a move.
Rooster's take-it-or-leave-it attitude is often something many Dog's choose to leave.
Regardless of whether or not that is true, the charm of rooster accents will never go out of style.
French country curtains are held gracefully with rooster tiebacks.
AdvertisementPlace a large rooster figurine under a bentwood and cane chair and toss a small theme throw rug casually at the feet.
Snake can appreciate the Rooster's bluntness and can also appreciate the work ethic of the Ox.
The Rooster is rather similar to the Western astrological sign of Leo.
The Rooster has the accompanying element of metal.
I'll still win easy, " says the young rooster.
AdvertisementNeed million in them on the red rooster a owns a vehicle.
So, they're trying to replace me, thinks the old rooster.
Another man enters clutching a live rooster, presents the protagonist with an ax, then leaves the room.
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How is the rooster at the top of the tall slender steeple doing?
But Jesus said that before the rooster crowed at the first morning light, Peter will have denied him three times.
An old farmer decides it 's time to get a new rooster for his hens.
I'll still win easy, says the young rooster.
Start by covering tables with linens that have a French country style pattern, such as the ones mentioned above or linens with floral, olive tree or rooster designs.
When most people think of rooster home decor, they think of a country French, casual style.
Many cultures consider the rooster to be a harbinger of good luck and good fortune.
If you prefer the popular French Country style, then look for wrought iron with a rooster motif.
If you have a beach house, a cabin in the woods, or you're just passionate about a specific design, such as Fleur de lis or even rooster's, decorative tiles were made for you.
The farm animal closely associated with French kitchen design is the rooster.
While you may think that rooster shaped ceramic clock with mechanical wings is just adorable, your newlywed friends may not agree.
Rooster Hill Vineyards - A family owned vineyard located in Penn Yan.
He didn't even mind the rooster tail spray of water from his back tire, the product of the run off from melting snow.
The donkey brayed, the hound barked, the cat mewed, and the rooster crowed.
The superb lyrebird, about the size of a rooster, is brown above and ash below.
The other farmer says, Yeah, I 've got this neat rooster named Kenny.
The little rooster was n't standing still in the UK either.
So, they 're trying to replace me, thinks the old rooster.
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Charging down a 1 mile long mountain run, cutting back and spraying rooster tails of snow in the air.
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Those born in the year of the Rooster are talkative and bright.
The other notable musical tie in included in Terminator Salvation was the Alice in Chains song The Rooster which originally appeared on their 1993 album Dirt''.
If you collect Depression glass, adding an opaline, jadite, or EAPG (Early American Pressed Glass) rooster or two can be the finishing touch to the room.
Needlepointed rooster throw pillows are at home on an overstuffed, worn sofa, while a colorful rooster planter does duty as an umbrella holder by the door.
If you're still unsure about which kind of pattern you want for your kitchen, you might be interested in a traditional kitchen motif design like a rooster or kitchen kettle.
Although the sun sign or birth year isn't the only important factor in your natal chart, in Chinese astrology the year of your birth will assign you to an animal such as the Rooster or a Rat.