Room Sentence Examples
Our room is pleasant and comfortable.
Sometimes he even did it when there was a room full of people between them.
You have much room for this new baby?
Alex walked into the room, smiling when he saw what she had done.
The door to Destiny & Jonathan's room was closed.
She had to move a few things to make room, but that wasn't too hard.
The door of the Governor's room opened and they all rose and moved forward.
That evening after Destiny and Jonathan were asleep, Carmen was picking up in their room.
When the kids were settled in their room, she turned on Alex.
He nodded, turning to leave the room.
AdvertisementHad the carpenters stopped working on the room?
Why don't you put her on the bed in their room?
As he started toward the doorway to their room, she called after him.
While he showered, she straightened up the room.
Slipping her hand through his extended elbow, she let him lead her into the center of the room.
AdvertisementShe nodded, searching the room again for Alex.
The work on the nursery became work on Destiny's new room.
The man who had wished to stop the affair ran to a corner of the room and threw himself on a sofa with his face to the wall.
One day he would order his camp bed to be set up in the glass gallery, another day he remained on the couch or on the lounge chair in the drawing room and dozed there without undressing, while--instead of Mademoiselle Bourienne--a serf boy read to him.
As she rounded the curve in the staircase, the room became silent.
AdvertisementThe man, or boy, couldn't have been more than twenty, yet his steps were as sure as the hands that whirled her around the room.
Gerald was staring across the room.
When he spotted her, that sweet chocolate gaze locked on her, visually embracing her from across the room.
She was no longer tired - no longer concerned about the children or the strange room.
She patted Carmen on the shoulder and left the room.
AdvertisementThat evening Alex and Dulce were standing in the entrance room.
Carmen headed for their room.
No wonder he was upset in the stair room.
She climbed the stairs and entered their room.
You've got a lot of room to talk.
He turned and headed for the family room door again.
The door opened and Alex stepped into the room.
They talked for a few minutes and then Carmen left to take Destiny to their room.
When they left, it sucked the life from the room.
Carmen kissed Destiny goodnight and shut the door to their room.
Destiny grew tired of trying to get her attention and finally went to her room to play.
When Alex came home that evening, Jonathan was in his room painting and Destiny was topping off her nap.
Alex decided to build a room upstairs for his office, out of the reach of Destiny's exploring hands.
They had nearly completed the room when Destiny got sick.
Jonathan came into the room and watched until he finished.
It seemed like hours in the emergency room before the diagnosis.
Her eyes were large and imploring as she was wheeled down the hall to a room in the pediatric ward.
Nurses came into the room off and on all night to check on Destiny, but she continued to sleep.
Alex looked up and smiled when they walked into the room.
Carmen woke suddenly and glanced around the room, half expecting to find him there.
Climbing the unfinished stairs she opened the door to the new room and looked around.
The nurse injected the medicine into the IV and left the room.
He got a room at the hotel.
When I left the room, she was sweating until even her hair was wet.
When she and Felipa returned to the room, the doctor was there.
Without speaking another word to anyone, he left the room.
With the food warming, Carmen took Destiny to her room and dressed.
Destiny wandered off to her room to play.
He glanced up when she entered the room.
They moved around the room; her head on his shoulder, her hand in his.
As she turned to go into the room, she glanced back at him.
This was usually the point at which he carried her to their room.
Alex was sitting in their room the last night they were at the hacienda.
Seconds literally ticked away on the old grandfather clock in the next room.
Alex was in the family room and Jonathan was still in his room, so she went searching for Alex to help her with the zipper.
She found him in the living room reading the newspaper.
Later they were taken to a room where they were introduced to their newest family members.
Later, in their room, Alex explained.
She crossed the living room and paused at the door, looking through the peep hole.
She woke several times briefly; once to see Len and an older officer with white hair talking in the hallway outside her cubicle in the emergency room.
He was still holding her hand when Len entered the room.
Len walked further into the room.
I could be a room mate – help you with the bills and pay rent.
The words of formality trailed off as she stared at the room.
A huge marble fireplace dominated the large family room, its image reflected on the shiny expanse of hardwood floor.
Paintings hung on every wall and expensive looking pottery lamps with hand painted shades gave the room a warm glow.
A sweet voice called from another room.
A middle-aged woman entered the room, her hands full of hamburger meat as she formed a patty.
The room lit up with a bright flash of lightening, and thunder rattled the windowpane.
Finally she achieved some semblance of order and left the room.
Breakfast was on the table when she entered the dining room.
Sarah entered the room carrying a pan of steaming biscuits.
Grabbing her clothes and the towel, she took them to the laundry room.
Listen, I got a summer job in the Mountains as a sitter and it includes room and board.
By the time she reached the front room, Giddon had answered the door.
The minute they entered the room Connie shut the door and turned to her with wide eyes.
After supper, they all spent their usual evening in the family room.
His step was light as he crossed the room and gently lifted Tammy into his arms.
He seemed oblivious to anyone else in the house as he carried her down the hallway to her room.
He dumped the rest of his coffee in the sink and left the room.
Recovering in an ungraceful manner, she marched to her room, glad he wasn't around to laugh.
She placed the brush on the table and left the room.
Giddon entered the room, his chagrined gaze immediately seeking Lisa.
Tammy hurled herself across the room into his arms and started lavishing him with kisses and hugs that he returned with equal enthusiasm.
Without another word, he stalked from the room.
In her room that night, she wrote a letter to Connie explaining what she had observed.
When the back door closed, she emerged from her room.
Assured that no one was there, she went to her room.
Yancey, help her into the other room and make her get that foot up for the evening.
Let's go watch TV in the family room.
Lisa started for her room to get a book to read and paused in the hallway to look at a photograph again.
Lisa glanced down the hallway, but Yancey was still in Tammy's room.
Lisa retrieved the book from her room and decided to go read out on the patio.
So he hadn't been in Tammy's room all this time.
She entered the room and sat in the leather-upholstered chair beside the desk.
At his affirmative nod, she hurried to her room and changed into jeans and sneakers before he could change his mind.
She headed for her room and a little rest before supper.
As she brushed by him on her way to her room to dress, she asked over her shoulder.
She shrugged and went to her room.
If she needed any reassurance about her appearance, it was immediately supplied by Yancey's reaction when she entered the family room.
She glanced around the room again and did a double take when she saw the man in a dark brown suit.
The room went black and his arms instantly surrounded her, drawing her close in an eager embrace.
The smell of coffee brought Yancey back into the room a little later.
After he left the room, she opened the envelope.
Leaping on the bed, which was now in her room at the Giddon home, she bounced up to the window.
After he left the room, Tammy came in, rubbing her eyes.
Actually, she'd rather get a room than stay in the house.
After he left, she went to her room and crouched beside the bed to pray.
Without looking back, she dashed to the house, past a startled Sarah, and then to her room.
Yancey strode across the room and opened the door, allowing the man in a black suit to enter.
She glanced around the dimly lit room, desperately searching for a way out.
Once inside, she raced to her room and changed her shirt.
Standing, she turned to leave the room.
She used the same suit cases when she came and she had the same clothes, but it didn't look like there was enough room to put it all in.
Maybe one of those brown sacks in the laundry room would work, and she could put the pictures in with it.
Checking to see if anyone was around, she exited her room.
The telephone drowned out his response, and Lisa darted to her room.
In her room, the tears flowed freely.
Lisa turned and started for her room.
Once in her room, she slammed the door and locked it against him.
She raised her face to look at him and caught Sarah and Connie making a hasty exit from the room.
His gaze shifted to the doorway as Julia entered the room.
Of course, Julia had a lot of room to talk.
Have you seen his room lately?
There were only three bedrooms, and because she had to get up the earliest, she was the lucky one to have a room of her own - with the exception of Brandon, of course.
Well, if they turn you out, we'll just get a room at a hotel in Bartlesville.
They followed his parents into the house and Adrienne hesitated at the dining room door.
That night Adrienne slept in the guestroom and Brandon slept in his old room.
Tugging on her socks and sneakers, she made the bed and left the room.
In her room, she stared blankly at her book.
He replaced the receiver and hurried to his room.
Darting across the room, she used the door jam to break her speed as she turned to Brandon's room.
Without a word, she dashed back to her room and crammed a change of clothes in a bag, along with her books.
Thirty minutes later, they emerged from the room.
She kept mostly to her room.
They had stored Brandon's things, and Rachel had moved into his room.
He gave the horse enough room to walk away from the wagon and then tied the rope to the wagon.
In her room, she dropped on the bed and threw her arms out, sinking into its softness.
The decision made, she left the room to find Bordeaux.
In her room she threw herself on the bed and sobbed herself free of tears.
Tossing her worn clothing into the brown paper, she tied it up and left the room.
Certainly. Shall I get a room at the hotel?
His tall frame swayed across the room with feline grace.
I don't know what kind of wages you draw here, but I'd be willing to pay you a hundred a week plus room and board.
He offered me a hundred dollars a week plus room and board.
So when Mr. Cade strode into the diner Friday night, Cynthia's clothes were packed and stored in the back room of the diner.
He glanced across the room at Jennie and Angie.
She led him to the back room where her things were piled and then resumed her last hour of work at the diner.
To the left was a tall narrow window, bare to the coldness of the room.
To their right was a doorway into a huge family room.
Reaching inside the door, he flipped the light switch and the room was flooded with light from a ceiling fan.
He turned abruptly and left the room.
The sting of his cool hospitality was quickly replaced with awe as she turned back to the room.
She gazed at the room in rapt silence.
The large room contained some of the most beautiful antique furniture she had ever seen.
He answered brusquely and deposited her things in the middle of the room.
They trekked back down the hallway to the family room and then into a spacious kitchen.
A small round table and two chairs were placed in a corner near the doorway to the family room, providing a view of the fireplace.
I only use the dining room when I have company.
The laundry room was also clean and an old wringer tub still sat in one corner, as though unwilling to completely surrender to modern appliances.
If you need anything, my room is at the end of the hall.
He turned and left the room, his boots clicking across the tile floor and then fading as he moved across the hardwood family room floor and down the hall.
Returning to her designated room, she hung all her clothes in the cedar lined wardrobe and tucked her personals in the spacious dresser.
Last night she had noticed a few clothes in a hamper in the laundry room.
Removing the laundry from her room, she walked down the hall and hesitated at Cade's bedroom door.
The master bath was tidy, so she left the room and pulled the door shut, breathing a long sigh.
First she opened the double doors in the kitchen and found the spacious dining room.
A long oak table graced the center of the room, its ten carved chairs at attention.
Even as the idea occurred that she would rather have this room, she knew she couldn't ask.
She rubbed her arms and left the room.
A small frosted window allowed light to enter the room that was obviously a storage space for heirlooms.
She stood and glanced around the room again.
She sighed and left the room, carefully pulling the door shut.
First she dusted the dining room and polished the silverware.
Then she began cleaning the family room.
He strode across the room and poured his coffee in the sink.
As he strode across the room she chanced a last remark.
Afterward he took a book from the shelf and retired to his room.
She crunched through the snow back to the house and removed her coat and boots before entering the living room.
She watched from the family room window as he wolfed the food - a habit that had prompted Cade to dub him Scruffy.
She paused in the kitchen doorway, envisioning the family room redecorated.
Sometimes. Anyway, it's the paneling that makes the room so dark, not the curtains over the windows.
She scooted her chair back without responding and went to the laundry room where the pie was cooling.
You know, that family room could use a woman's touch.
He leaned back and gazed into the room.
He pushed his chair away from the table and crossed to the family room doorway.
He lounged against the doorway; arms folded across his chest, and contemplated the family room.
But redecorating the family room?
There's nothing sensitive about Claudette, but if you want to move into that room upstairs with the balcony, go ahead.
What made you single out that room?
I think it would be fun to redecorate the family room.
The extra color was beginning to fade from his face and he turned toward the family room.
Between the two of us we ought to be able to carry them down to that room.
His absence sucked the energy from the room and she stared down at the dishwater.
She launched into an explanation of the truckload of supplies and a description of her new room.
The next morning, after Cade left, she threw a roast in the oven and eagerly set to work on the family room.
He glanced around the room and his troubled gaze halted on her.
She glanced around the room anxiously.
Vaguely she heard Cade close his book and cross the room.
When Claudette arrived, the room was finished and the house in order.
Cade answered the door and ushered his sister into the family room where Cynthia was doing some last minute dusting.
Claudette glanced around the room.
Obviously the room had passed an important inspection.
His eyes twinkled and he jabbed a thumb at the dining room.
Claudette and Carl were waiting patiently in the dining room when Cynthia and Cade entered.
Once she was certain Cade and his guests were comfortable, she retreated to her room with a book.
Inside the quiet room, the balcony beckoned, so she slid the patio door open and stepped out into the balmy night.
With her bed made, she crept down the stairs and across the family room floor.
Locked herself in her room for days working on layette sets for the grand children Russie would never provide.
Anyway she finally got so lonely and depressed that she locked herself in her room one day and shot herself.
She turned to the stove to prepare supper and Claudette left the room.
Glancing into the family room, he turned back to Cynthia.
She jerked her hand free and darted past the wide-eyed Claudette - up the stairs and into the safety of her room.
Claudette pushed the door open slowly and demurely made her way across the room.
She brushed past Cade, giving him a stern look as she left the room.
Cade wandered across the room and stared out the patio doors, sipping from the coffee mug.
The room began to spin, and she grabbed the edge of the sink.
He followed her to the family room and made sure she was safely lying down before he left.
After she cleaned the table and finished the dishes, she went to her room to get some aspirin.
After he left the room she opened the sack to get her things and smiled.
And then he left the room, pulling the door snugly closed behind him.
After supper he went to his room with a book.
Her bare feet made no noise as she moved across the room toward him, so when she reached his side he glanced up sharply.
When she came through the living room the fire was roaring, but Cade was nowhere in sight.
He strode off into the other room.
He lifted her into his arms and turned toward the family room door.
Cynthia spotted him as he crossed the living room and started down the hall, his boot heels clicking sharply on the hardwood floor.
They had moved the antique furniture out of her old downstairs room and put it upstairs months before he was born.
Together they had redecorated the room and changed it into a nursery.
The real surprise came with his presence in the delivery room.
He followed her out of the room, guiding her through the door with a light touch on her waist.
She led us into a large room, dominated by a pot belly stove.
Well-worn furniture populated the homey main room, some no doubt the envy of an antique shop.
He's napping in our room at the top of the stairs When I didn't comment, he continued.
The third room is filled with my wizard mad scientist husband's electronic hub bub of messy experiments.
Martha was already on the stairs when I returned to the room.
When the meal was over, I sought him out in the main room while the other crowded around the kitchen cleaning up.
Martha stopped me upstairs a little later as I was coming out of my room.
I feel terrible making him sleep in the lab room, but really, Quinn's equipment hardly makes a sound.
Betsy was in the kitchen, baking scones for a mid-morning snack, while the rest of us were lounging around the main room vetoing each other's suggestions.
I found myself in a farm house living room where a woman who looked maybe in her thirties was ironing shirts.
The characters were as tangible as all of us standing in this room.
Betsy rose and left the room, returning with a tray full of warm scones and strawberry preserves.
I've spent half my summer nights in that room working on my tests.
Maybe it's just the room itself.
Did I sleep in that room when I visited?
My first visit to the infamous room was disappointing.
There was a desk in the middle of the room with voluminous piles of paper and notebooks.
I was left sitting on my hands until the appointed hour of Howie's nap before Betsy assigned me the chore of remaining in the small room while he slept.
As Betsy and I climbed the stairs to the lab room, Howie laughed nervously.
Howie and I entered the room and closed the door.
The room, in near total darkness, held a barely audible hum for background music.
You should let him take a decent nap in our room and drop this silly business.
All such concerns flew away likes ducks going south when he returned to the room.
It's a shame he isn't hearing this but he'll be tied up in his room all evening recording results of his tests.
We don't know if the cause is the power sources, some or more of the plants or the room itself.
Maybe it's the room.
Martha, always the caring hostess, finally went upstairs and chased Quinn from his quarters, freeing up the now-dismantled lab room.
I waited ten minutes before leaving the room.
We managed the weekend in between together, mostly catching up on domestic chores; Friday night in the downstairs laundry room of my apartment.
She inspected a tee shirt of mine, sniffed it with disgust, and tossed it into a trash can across the room.
Betsy left the key to her sumptuous room, in the city's finest hotel, allowing me to drop off my duds before meeting him in the hotel lobby.
I'm not sure he could exactly duplicate the test room.
I found his lodging, returned to our room and caught up with Betsy as I was opening the door.
We took seats on an old leather sofa and side chair while our hostess sat behind the desk that dominated the room.
Betsy left the room and I heard a click.
While Betsy and I shared one bedroom and the LeBlanc's the other, Howie was stuck on the living room sofa.
The four of us gathered in the Le Blanc living room as soon as greetings were exchanged.
You're all involved so I'm asking you all stay in the room with me.
We traipsed up the stairs to the living room, a parade of zombies, each as stunned and speechless as the others.
Betsy was pointing at the television as Martha and Howie came into the room.
I tried to ease the tension that bound the room like a noose.
As soon as Howie emerged from the basement we all hurried into the living room and stood around, expectantly.
Once we were sated and gathered in the living room Betsy began work on her computer.
Thirty minutes later, the two emerged from the room, all smiles.
It was particularly difficult for Howie to remain in a silent darkened room without waking back to real time.
Howie had nearly reached his limit when he heard someone enter the room!
We splurged for a motel room in Peabody, a few miles from the LeBlanc's home.
Martha began to pace the room.
Martha and Quinn were readying for our restaurant dinner in their room and Betsy was upstairs usurping the single bathroom.
Howie and I waited turns in the living room.
The basement contained a sealed room that we soundproofed.
Quinn was in charge of the downstairs room where Howie operated and he set it up flawlessly for our work.
The room contained a built in recording system, activated by a switch.
He provided details on the hotel, time and room number where the man allegedly stayed.
Howie simply wanted to see who was in the assigned hotel room sometime during the weekend.
The room was occupied, but not by Jude Bryce.
Howie followed the imposter to the dining room where he dined alone.
We learned later, at first the police were suspicious of the parents as they couldn't believe someone could enter a small house with sleeping adults and two boys in an adjoining room, and not be heard.
Once inside, he found the child sleeping alone in her room; a little princess, he called her.
Quinn returned to the hospital but Betsy and I remained at Howie's side in the pitch dark room.
The stocky man was hooded, wore a mask and was already in the room!
Successes were limited for the week with one found child, accidently trapped in a locked room of an empty house and one spousal abduction, in the face of a restraining order.
Claire seemed pleased to be held by anyone, at least most of the time, but on occasion she'd let out a scream, loud enough to shake Howie from the past in spite of his near-soundproof basement room.
Betsy looked about to say something, but turned and led the others to the conference room.
As the others remained behind the closed door of the conference room, I went out to lunch on my own.
The gorilla in the room was finally introduced by Molly.
I gathered them in the conference room and filled them in on what Merrill Cooms had told me.
Finally, she asked, "Do you want me out of the room when you break this news to Howie?"
Let's go to our house and I'll show you your new bed room.
The lights were on in the LeBlanc living room as I pulled into the drive.
I turned away, about to leave the room.
I turned and left the room with my friend weeping on the bed.
So when Betsy arrived ten minutes later, there was room for sleeping without utilizing the living room sofa.
Maybe I'll get a room in a high rise hotel, away from street noise.
I'm in another room now and I have to be quiet.
He mumbled she was in the next room.
Here, some light vial the living room picture window provided a faint outline of fixtures and furniture.
I assumed his bedroom lay beyond the large living room that dominated the front of the house.
I remembered passing a hall phone just off the living room.
Others were exposed to bar room fights, muggings, schooled in army combat or at least been the recipient of a bloody nose from a third grade bully.
I wanted to say the entire French Foreign hiding in the other room but before I could speak, we both could barely hear a voice.
I dropped to the ground as he yanked the phone from its base and flung it across the room.
I heard my assailant searching from room to room.
I was dragged to my feet from behind by my captor as police burst through the door and the room ignited with the blinding glow of several flash lights.
Almost immediately, the room erupted with a gunshot and both my assailant and I dropped to the floor.
I immediately knew where I was; on the carousel because I was spinning slowly around while blue and red lights revolved around the room.
I was flat on my back on a stretcher and there were a number of people in the room, most with flashlights, all seemingly talking at the same time.
Suddenly, the room was ablaze with light.
I must have fallen back to sleep because when I opened my eyes again, the room was nearly dark.
I heard another sound as Molly came across the room and stood behind my wife.
I think people did things to me in the night but when I finally woke, the room was awash in sunshine.
He cursed me and yanked it out of the base and threw it across the room.
She moved past me to the living room with a plate of muffins and coffee.
My bed in the homeless shelter, definitely a first for me, was a pull-out in a small room behind the main hall.
More depressing news filled the paper; a drive-by shooting in Dorchester, a knifing at a Boston bus stop and a baby abandoned in a rest room at Logan Airport.
Betsy booked three adjoining room, on the first floor, with a view of the pool.
The third room was for Howie who was busy on the telephone when four of us arrived.
Julie and Molly had catching up to do so they adjoined to their room, with plans for the pool later.
He failed to acknowledge my departure as I returned to our room.
I staggered back to my room, away from the contented people playing around the pool, not wanting them to see me in tears.
He was as speechless as I had been as we hugged each other and somehow made it into my room.
I'd passed over the story of an abandoned infant in a Logan Airport rest room.
But alas, when they visited the ladies room, I followed!
A woman was attacked in the ladies room.
We caught up to the ambulance at the emergency room entrance just as attendants were removing a stretcher.
I turned and left the room with Pual behind me as I searched left and right until I saw a policeman by the door.
The detective gave me a look but said nothing as he led me down a long corridor to a darkened back room.
I rushed to a rest room and threw up a meal I didn't remember eating.
Frank led me down a long corridor to a large conference room filled with perhaps thirty intent individuals, standing and sitting, some taking notes, others with few buried faces in computer screens.
Perhaps I'll utilize my secure room beneath the barn for the daughter while I interview the mother alone.
Howie was paged down from intensive care and I met up with him in the main waiting room.
It was strange being in Quinn's room although the only remnants of him were his machines.
While the hum of the machines broke up the silence of the room, I was making zero progress.