Roman-miles Sentence Examples
The difference between English and Roman miles would be compensated for by the more devious course taken by the railway.
These miles, however, were not the ordinary Roman miles of l000 paces or 5000 ft., but smaller miles of Greek or Oriental origin, of which six were equal to five Roman miles, and as the latter were equal to 1480 metres, the Portolano miles had a length of only 1233 metres, and 75 2 of the former, and 90 3 of the latter were equal to a degree.
Pliny states that in ancient times it was navigable for six Roman miles from its mouth.
The position of Gezer is defined by Jerome (Onomasticon, s.v.) as four Roman miles north (contra septentrionem) of Nicopolis ('Amwas).
The towns were connected by a considerable network of roads, with a total length of 958 Roman miles according to the Itineraries, the most important of R which ran from Carales to Turris Libisonis (Porto Torres) through the centre of the island, passing Othoca (Oristano) and Forum Traiani.