Roll Sentence Examples
I caught Quinn roll his eyes.
His roll rolled on.
He grunted and dodged, giving her time to roll out from under him.
A glance at her phone made her roll her eyes.
She was about to roll over and check Gabriel's hands when she recalled he always wore gloves.
You're on a roll.
The car came to a halt and then started to roll forward.
Damian said he'd need to buy a wheelbarrow to roll her around in soon, and she tore him to shreds.
Rhyn felt Hell's and Sasha's power roll over him like a boulder in a river.
Assuming the wheels to roll along the rail without slipping, this couple will be equivalent to the couple formed by the equal opposite and parallel forces, F 1 acting in the direction shown, from the axle-box on to the frame, and F 1 =µ0, acting along the rail.
AdvertisementRoll your mouse over the link, but don't click it.
But let judgment roll down like waters and justice like a perennial brook."
When asleep they roll themselves into a ball, as shown in the figure.
Roll each diaper and secure it with a rubber band or baby hair tie.
The best sheet formed the first or outside sheet of the roll, and the others were joined on in order of quality, so that the worst sheets were in the centre of the roll.
AdvertisementThis arrangement was adopted, not for the purpose of fraudulently selling bad material under cover of the better exterior, but in order that the outside of the roll should be composed of that which would best stand wear and tear.
Besides, in case of the entire roll not being filled with the text, the unused and inferior sheets at the end could be better spared, and so might be cut off.
The first sheet of a roll was named the last, Under the Romans, the former bore the name of the comes largitionum, who had control of the manufacture, with the date and name of place.
The reasons for believing that this roll was substantially identical with the book of Deuteronomy were already appreciated by Jerome, Chrysostom, Theodoret and others,' and a careful examination shows that the character of the reformation which followed agrees in all its essential features with the prescriptions and exhortations of that book.
The allies, aware of the gradual strengthening of their enemy's forces but themselves as yet unable to put more than 200,000 in the field, had left a small corps of observation opposite Magdeburg and along the Elbe to give timely notice of an advance towards Berlin; and with the bulk of their forces had taken up a position about Dresden, whence they had determined to march down the course of the Elbe and roll up the French from right to left.
AdvertisementOn an account roll of Framlingham Castle of 1324 there is an entry of "rent received from the borough," also of "rent from those living outside the borough," and in all probability burghal rights had existed at a much earlier date, when the town had grown into some importance under the shelter of the castle.
In the account roll above mentioned reference is made to a fair and a market, but no early grant of either is to be found.
The town is first called a borough in the pipe roll of 2 Henry II., when an aid of 20S.
A mayor is mentioned in the court roll of 1386-1387, and a charter from Henry VII.
Exemption from the scope of these provisions may be granted by the governor-general and under such exemption a few Kaffirs are on the roll of electors.
AdvertisementThe helm bar is a roll of cloud that forms in front of it, to leeward.
For roll, twist of pigtail tobacco the raw material is damped or sauced as in the case of cut tobacco.
The interior of the roll consists of small and broken leaf of various kinds, called Roll " fillers "; and this is enclosed within an external Tobacco.
Both cake and roll tobacco are equally used for smoking and chewing; for the latter purpose the cake is frequently sweetened with liquorice, and sold as honey-dew or sweet cavendish.
In other machines a roll of narrow paper, in width equal to the circumference of the cigarette, is converted into a long tube, filled with tobacco, and automatically cut off into proper lengths.
Wingless females of many tropical species present a close superficial resemblance to woodlice; and one interesting apterous form known as Pseudoglomeris, from the East Indies, is able to roll up like a millipede.
It is impossible to say how much reliance may be placed on these figures, but from the 18th century, when the name of every subject had to be inscribed on the roll of a temple as a measure against his adoption of Christianity, a tolerably trustworthy census could always be taken.
Kingsbridge (Kyngysbrygge) was formerly included in the manor of Churchstow, the first trace of its separate existence being found in the Hundred Roll of 1276, which records that in the manor of Churchstow there is a new borough, which has a Friday market and a separate assize of bread and ale.
The fighting men of the defenders are variously recorded between 6100 and 9121; the roll comprises one English knight, Oliver Starkey.
He fought a brave fight, checked von Spee in his onward career, and he and his men take their place in the great roll of naval heroes.
Writing to Vettori in 1513, he had expressed his eager wish to "roll stones" in their service; and this desire was now gratified.
In the next chapter (v.) the seer has a vision of a roll in the hand of Him that sat on the throne which none could open or look upon, till the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the mighty one with seven horns.
The gear operating the paper roll is driven from the axle of an inde pendent wheel which is let down into contact with the rail when required This wheel serves also to measure the distance travelled.
The upper die was then placed on the blank, and kept in position by means of a holder round which was placed a roll of lead to protect the hand of the operator while heavy blows were struck with a hammer.
The power is usually transmitted through toothed wheels, each roll being driven independently in some cases, while sometimes power is applied to the lower roll only, the upper roll being coupled to it.
This document described the queen as Alexandrina Victoria, and all the peers who subscribed the roll in the House of Lords on the 10th of June swore allegiance to her under those names.
It was not till tie following day that the sovereign's style was altered to Victoria simply, and this necessitated the issuing of a new declaration and a re-signing of the peers' roll.
Further, it was announced in the Gazette that his Majesty had expunged Sackville's name from the roll of the Privy Council.
Further, the Megillath Ta'anith (" roll of fasts "), an old source with a collection of miscellaneous legends, &c.; Megillath Antiokhos, on the martyrdom under Hadrian; Seder`Olam Rabbah, on biblical history from Adam to the rebellion of Bar Kokba (Barcocheba); the " Book of Jashar "; the Chronicle of Jerahmeel," &c. Liturgical Midrash is illustrated by the Haggada shel Pesah, part of the ritual recited at the domestic service of the first two Passover evenings.
Caesar must have seen that the Germans were preparing to dispute with Rome the mastery of Gaul; but it was necessary to gain time, and in 59 B.C. Ariovistus was inscribed on the roll of the friends of the Roman people.
The roll of states is called alphabetically, and each state, as reached in the roll, is entitled to present a candidate.
If, however, no one obtains the requisite majority, the roll is again called until some one competitor secures the requisite number of votes.
It is also applied to the official list of matriculated students in a university, and to the roll in which a bishop inscribes the names of his clergy.
The cathedral possesses a fine Exultet roll.
Sir Alan Plokenet, Sir Ralph Daubeney and Sir Philip Daubeney are entered as bannerets on the roll of the garrison of Caermarthen Castle in 1282, and the roll of Carlaverock records the names and arms of eighty-five bannerets who accompanied Edward I.
The night was overcast, with a light wind from the N.E., and a thick column of smoke soon began to roll down the coast, hiding everything.
Swaying upward with the roll of the ship the two foremost brows came down scraping and grinding along the mole.
As the seamen got to the wall they leapt down and tried to make the mole grapnels fast (for hauling the ship into the mole), but only one was got in place and a heavy roll broke it up.
The Megillah or Roll of Esther is read both at home and in the synagogue, and wherever, during the reading, the name of Haman is mentioned, it is accompanied with tramping the feet.
Rabbi Enoch Altschul of Prague recorded his own escape on the 22nd of Tebet 1623 in a special roll or megillah, which was to be read by his family on that date with rejoicing similar to the general Purim.
The names of Mackay, Hannington and Pilkington, who lived and died here, are amongst the greatest in the roll of missionary heroes.
Sweep and roll the lawns, and put in repair the gravel-walks, keeping the surface frequently rolled.
But, roll and re-roll as often as we like, much cinder remains imbedded in the iron, in the form of threads and rods drawn out in the direction of rolling, and of course weakening the metal in the transverse direction.
The steady mass, however, is much larger, being too kilos (or 220 Ib); the magnification is from 80 to loo; and the registration is effected on a roll of smoked paper.
A broken lump would then be heated to softness in the furnace; rolled out under a bar of metal, held diagonally across the roll; and when reduced to a rod of a quarter of an inch thick, it was heated and pulled out into even rods about an eighth of an inch thick.
The Ragman's Roll contains sworn submissions of all probi homines outside of the western thoroughly Celtic region; and, in October 1296, Edward returned to England, with Baliol his prisoner, leaving Scotland in the hands of the earl of Surrey as guardian, Cressingham as treasurer, and Ormsby as justiciary.
Over 2,000 schools are maintained, with, in 1920, some 125,000 scholars on the roll.
If the body be supposed to roll - (say to the right) until the curves touch at J, and if JJ=bs, the angle through which the u,pper figure rotates is Is/p +Is/p, and the horizontal displace- V ment, of G is equal to the product of this expression into h.
The motion of the body relative to 0 is therefore completely represented if we imagine the momental ellipsoid at 0 to roll without sliding on a plane fixed in space, with an angular velocity proportional at each instant to the radius-vector of the point of contact.
Like Machiavelli, but on a lower level, Guicciardini was willing to "roll stones," or to do any dirty work for masters whom, in the depth of his soul, he detested and despised.
The long roll of charges made upon the r9th of April finally decided him; he gave up all idea of defence, and wrote to the king begging him to show him favour in this emergency.'
It was Sir Rowland Hill who first suggested the possibilities of a press which should print both sides at once, from a roll or reel of paper.
Its roll of kings extends deep into pre-historic times, but the first rajah capable of indentification flourished about the year 76 A.D.
It has a roll collar and false pockets.
In it are carried, by literati and merchants, the pen-case and a roll of paper; its voluminous folds are used as pockets; by the bazaar people and villagers, porters and merchants servants, a small sheath knife is struck in it; while by farrashes, the carpet-spreader class, a large khanjar, or curved dagger, with a heavy ivory handle, is carried.
Every afternoon, especially from October to May, a stiff breeze sweeps the city; every afternoon in the summer the fogs roll over it from the ocean.
Hence the meridian section of the film may be traced by the focus of such a conic, if the conic is made to roll on the axis.
Thus, the atoms of water and iron are the same, but those of the former, being smooth and round, and therefore unable to hook on to one another, roll over and over like small globes, whereas the atoms of iron, being rough, jagged and uneven, cling together and form a solid body.
The assessment roll thus prepared is reviewed by a local board of review; an equalization between the assessing districts in a county is made annually by the county board of supervisors, and between the counties in the state every five years (and at such other times as the legislature may direct) by the state board of equalization, which is composed of the lieutenant-governor, auditor-general, secretary of state, treasurer, and commissioner of the land office.
They were accordingly again erected into a military battalion and brought upon the roll of the British army.
Interrupted by the Revolution, it revived in the 19th century, and the roll of honour of the French Ecole des Chartes has almost rivalled that of St Germaindes-Pres.
The duty of the local supervising authority is to Midw exercise general supervision over all midwives practising within their area in accordance with rules laid down in the act; to investigate charges of malpractices, negligence or misconduct on the part of a midwife, and if a prima facie case be established, to report it to the Central Midwives Board; to suspend a midwife from practice if necessary to prevent the spread of infection; to report to the central board the name of any midwife convicted of an offence; once a year (in January) to supply the central board with the names and addresses of all midwives practising within their area and to keep a roll of the names, accessible at all reasonable times for public inspection; to report at once the death of any midwife or change in name and address.
They add that in the next year Jeremiah's scribe Baruch read the prophecies of Jeremiah first to the people assembled in the Temple, then to the " princes," and then to the king, who decided his own future policy by burning Baruch's roll in the brazier.
Born from the loves of Bacchus and Circe, he is "much like his father, but his mother more" - a sorcerer, like her, who gives to travellers a magic draught that changes their human face into the "brutal form of some wild beast," and, hiding from them their own foul disfigurement, makes them forget all the pure ties of life, "to roll with pleasure in a sensual sty."
In the civil war of Stephen's reign the county suffered severely; the great Roll of the Exchequer of 1165 proves the shire receipts had depreciated in value to two-thirds of the assessment for the Danegeld.
Notwithstanding the increase of population, the roll of paupers at the end of the reign, compared with the same roll at the beginning, stood as 2 stands to 3; the criminals as I to 2.
The men wear a tarbush with white roll, a black under-robe with white girdle, a short loose jacket, and when necessary an aba or parti-coloured cloak over all.
It is impossible to do more here than mention the names of the most famous of the long roll of poets which are noted in the works of Snorri and in the two Skalda-tal.
But when the Austrian wars of the 17th century began to roll back the Turkish power, and Hungary recovered its freedom, the Servians living in that country rapidly acquired some culture, and their literature began to revive.
He took out a roll of paper, as if he were going to write, put the pen to his mouth, and bit it, as was his habit in composing.
The literary efforts of young Ireland eventuated in another rebellion (1848); a revolutionary wave could not roll over Europe without touching the unlucky island.
Beat down for me the crests of the tide-rip; let the tide-rip settle down away from me, beat it down level that it may sink and roll away, and I may come to a quiet landing-place."
The ordinary commercial arsenic is either the naturally occurring form, which is, however, more or less contaminated with other metals, or is the product obtained by heating arsenical pyrites, out of contact with air, in earthenware retorts which are fitted with a roll of sheet iron at the mouth, and an earthenware receiver.
As further explorations bring more inscriptions to light the records of Ethiopia will gradually be placed on a firm documentary basis and the names and achievements of its greatest monarchs will take their place on the roll of history.
Burgesses of Reigate are mentioned in a close roll of 1348, but no early charter is known.
The revenue of the university is from the income of Congressional land grants under the Morrill Acts and from a one mill per one dollar tax on the current assessment roll of the state.'
In the long roll of his eighty-four years there was scarcely a crumpled rose-leaf.
After Washington's death the Federalist leadership was divided (and disputed) between John Adams, who had the prestige of a varied and great career, and greater strength than any other Federalist with the people, and Hamilton, who controlled practically all the leaders of lesser rank, including much the greater part of the most distinguished men of the country, so that it has been very justly said that " the roll of his followers is enough of itself to establish his position in American history " (Lodge).
Every resident of Tasmania for a period of twelve months who is twenty-one years of age, natural-born or naturalized, is entitled to have his name placed on the electoral roll, and to vote for the district in which he resides.
In 1905 there were 343 state schools, with 19,000 pupils on the roll,, and administered by 600 teachers; there were also 180 private schools, with 310 teachers and 9000 scholars.
The sight made her stomach roll again.
He remained standing in the open vehicle, holding on to the roll bar for support, looking like a parade politician as he waved to the strolling women.
I can't see adults going to that remote a place to have a roll and a tumble.
That was supposed to guarantee an automatic roll and a bounce.
He was the one who switched the bones, killing two stones with one bird—" "I think you've got that a bit mixed up," Dean offered, but Fred was on a roll.
Sure. He was like those guys in the musicals—loveable rogues who roll into town and catch the eye of the local star-struck gal and sweep them off their feet.
One of the demons launched itself down the hall after her, only for the other to tackle it and the two of them to roll down the hall in a furry mass of wings, legs, and snapping teeth.
She held out her hand. Toby smiled grudgingly and took it. Katie led them around the island, trying to find some part of the chasm that was narrow enough to jump or a log they could roll across the gaping ravine.
But the convenience of a nice weekly roll in the hay without the threat of future complications and long-term commitments appealed to both and kept the fires of the strange partnership smoldering.
Dean returned to the table and conveyed the news as he picked up his coffee— no roll, no change.
Depending upon the location of the roll at the side abutment will determine the actual side lap cover distance.
To measure pitch and roll information, a two-axis tilt sensor, or a two or three-axis accelerometer is commonly used.
The control column wheel was to control both pitch via the elevators and roll using the ailerons.
The artistes now wearing make-up applied by airbrush reads like a Hollywood A-list roll call.
Stalinist esthetics roll back the discoveries of the technophilic revolutionary avant-garde of the early post-revolution years.
A full range of accessories is available from roll storage carts to roll bags and straps, floor tapes and ballet barres.
There is a large blackboard covered with the different prices for a certain filling in a sandwich, bap, roll or baguette.
This music is roll up your sleeves, in your face, hard bop blowing at its best.
Texas hold 'em roll and tips mark Bradley of.
The car jumped back and I slammed the brakes on, letting the car gently roll back down to its original position.
Fort Liberty with its dinner cabaret is a few minutes roll down the road.
A skills chasm has emerged in European enterprises between the business requirement to roll out converged IP networks and existing in-house expertise.
A unique monocoque chassis made from GRP with the roll bar, seat and dashboard lending strength to the entire tub.
For example, have you ever snorted cocaine from the belly-button of a famous female rock ' n ' roll star?
This leisure based constructivism is perhaps where we need to think about taking our e-learners in the next phase of our e-learning roll out.
Roll in bread crumbs, pressing lightly to coat both sides with crumbs.
And I answered, I varda a flying roll; the length thereof is dewey dacha cubits, and the breadth thereof dacha cubits.
And I answered, I varda a flying roll; the length thereof is dewey dacha cubits, and the breadth thereof dacha cubits, and the breadth thereof dacha cubits.
She would ' roll in a heavy dew ' a seaman would say.
Roll around the park, borrow a dog for moral support, or look up your local roller disco.
Residents will continue to be included on the electoral roll ensuring they are not disenfranchised from voting in any election or referendum in 2006.
When she checked both drawers, she found that a 1-inch wide roll of tape and a scalpel appeared to be missing.
Is there anyone out there who could give us a 1 or 2 ton dumper with four-wheel drive and a roll bar?
Crestline's Double easel is a wood easel with a tool tray, two surfaces and a paper roll.
This provides a reliable fallback for IT administrators who need to quickly roll out security patches to minimize security threats.
The creature has huge, deadly fangs that give +2 on the combat dice roll.
You typically roll around in paint and shaving cream and other filth in them, and you are never allowed to wash them.
Wrap the roll loosely in greased foil and place in a large saucepan.
Margaret Thatcher did not roll back the frontiers of the State.
To remove general grime from old prints, take the dough from some fresh bread and roll gently over the surface of the print.
There should only be a brief hesitation between the snap roll and the half roll.
Four iron hoops arc across the boat, on top of which is a roll of green canvas.
I would have gone hungry had there been a full roll.
Remember also that most Ready to Roll icing can take normal icing on top.
He was then inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2002.
To roll up marketing boom is named Jeanne they're finally back.
Details of the voters roll may be held for much longer.
I meant to ask for roast turkey salad in a wholegrain roll, hold the butter and easy on the low-fat mayo.
If roll shrinks further and surplus space increases then mothballing and community use still applies.
School, with a roll of 1000 boys and girls who speak 24 mother tongues.
They really love rock ' n ' roll, they really respond.
At the center of the installation sits a large roll of blank newsprint.
The bruiser is an old piece of farm machinery which was used to roll oats to feed horses.
This set is sure to appeal to fans of rock ' n ' roll oldies, vocal group collectors and dancers alike.
I can shake a paw, roll over, lie down, sit and stay and leave.
Put a loo roll in the fridge for a couple of hours sounds like some sort of wierd Pommy thing!
It was a Brit, Malcolm Sayer, a rather portly chap who smoked roll up cigarettes.
We were on a bit of a roll and decided that these products deserved more active promotion.
The sequence shows, Roll back right which creates an opening to facilate double pushing.
Special features automatic cord rewind means you can roll the cord into the cleaner at the press of a button.
Give me a guitar tuner and a roll of gaffer and I'm the new roadie.
Listen to the opening drum roll on the first Small Faces album.
April 13th is the final day to register for the electoral roll.
It was lovely, not a sausage roll in sight.
He left the shop with no toilet roll, overwhelmed by the choice.
The Subs were formed in 1976 and specialized in sub three minute versions of punchy rock n roll.
You could argue that this is a move back to the heyday of rock 'n' roll where the single was the dominant force.
Now roll out the clay into the desired shape and rough the outside using either some course sandpaper or your ball of silver foil.
Push the steak to one side and quickly sear the inside of the roll to heat it and mop any juices.
On the contrary, we should champion free expression, fight to roll back state power and promote secularism.
Be it toothpaste, toilet roll or shampoo, forecourt shoppers increasingly expect to see these products available in your store.
Then roll up from the ribbed bottom to create a " slouch hat " being slightly large gave it a slouch hat " being slightly large gave it a slouchy comfy fit.
Chloe shows us how to make daddy and his car in cake You will need One Swiss roll (rolled jam sponge cake ).
Roll the puff pastry onto a floured surface until it is about 1cm thick.
Also, the ball will sink less into a dense sward which will therefore present less resistance to its forward roll.
Claw foot roll top free standing bath with shower mixer taps, wash basin, toilet.
She's casually rock 'n ' roll in loose jeans and light blue shirt, discreet henna tattoos curling round her wrist and ankle.
Now the rest of Roll Deep are to claim what is rightfully theirs.
The richly dressed and mounted trumpeter is one of six musicians featured on the Westminster Tournament Roll.
He often got turnips to eat during autumn and he saved them until night-time when he would roll them up and down the channel.
First of all, we were playing rock ' n ' roll, which was very uncool.
The BBC, to put it in the popular English vernacular, is " on a roll " with its French for Africa service.
Tortoise turned the vibraphone into a rock and roll instrument, man!
You would roll a newspaper up real tight, then whack someone's knees with all your might.
A few gray wisps remain to break pears of sweat that roll down from the wrinkled neck.
The list of problems with the Islamic worldview simply roll on and on and on.
F There should be no yaw or roll throughout.
The prophet then receives his call (ii., iii.) in the shape of a roll of a book, which he is required to eat (an indication of the literary form now taken by prophecy).
In this enviable retreat, it is no wonder that a year should have been suffered to roll round before he vigorously resumed his great work - and with many men it would never have been resumed in such a paradise.
The ghastly roll of infantile mortality was quickly purged of its darkest features (Ballard and others); aided by bacteriology, sanitary measures attained some considerable degree of exactness; public medicine gained such an ascendancy that special training and diplomas were offered at universities; and in 1875 a consolidated act was passed for the United Kingdom establishing medical officers of health, and responsible lay sanitary authorities, with no inconsiderable powers of enforcing the means of public health in rural, urban, port and other jurisdictions, with summary methods of procedure.
And no reader of Lucretius can doubt that he attached the greatest importance to artistic execution, and that he took a great pleasure, not only in " the long roll of his hexameter," but also in producing the effects of alliteration, assonance, &c., which are so marked a peculiarity in the style of Plautus and the earlier Roman poets.
With a view of safeguarding themselves from breakdowns caused by the inequality of feeding, or by the action of malicious persons introducing foreign substances, such as crowbars, bolts, &c., among the canes, and so into the mills, many planters have adopted socalled hydraulic attachments, applied either to the megass roll or the top roll bearings.
As they rotate they roll themselves up the pairs of bands which are attached to the top of the casting, and at the same time cause the leaden weights attached to the bottoms of the cylinders to take up a lateral position, where they exercise a leverage opposing the motion of the cylinders, and bringing them up in a definite position corre - sponding to the pull of the vertical rod.
Ionia has laid the world under its debt not only by giving birth to a long roll of distinguished men of letters and science (see Ionian School Of Philosophy), but by originating the distinct school of art which prepared the way for the brilliant artistic development of Athens in the 5th century.
Its name is derived from the conflict in 1066, which insured to William the Norman the crown of England (see also Battle Abbey Roll).
All four tracks show a surprising maturity of song writing; catchy and clever punk rock 'n' roll and full of great riffs.
The sequence shows, Roll back right which creates an opening to facilate double Pushing.
Roll your puff pastry out and put it in the bottom of a large pie, flan or quiche dish.
Cut each bacon rasher in half and roll each piece up.
Special features Automatic cord rewind means you can roll the cord into the cleaner at the press of a button.
Film is loaded automatically, and is rewound automatically at the end of the roll.
Give me a guitar tuner and a roll of gaffer and I 'm the new roadie.
A. The answer to 1 is not related to 2. Miss your turn to roll the dice.
The design incorporates high strength steel tubing as found in roll cages and the like.
The movement of the checkers follows the outcome of a roll of two dice, the numbers on the two dice constituting separate moves.
Roll out the pastry with the rolling pin into a circle that is a little bit bigger than the top of the pie dish.
I went to the 24-hour bakery for a sausage roll - my typical Friday night purchase.
The larvae, along with some sawfly larvae, share some responsibility for ' leaf roll ' damage to rose bushes.
Schizoid rock and roll - now what 's wrong with that?
Using kitchen scissors, cut three diagonal slits in the top of each roll.
Make the spring roll sealer by mixing together the flour and water into a paste.
The sedum matting, which came in a roll like a carpet, was simply laid on top.
Sometimes sheer will power has to make it roll the way you want.
Female adults were more likely to choose salad, filled roll and fruit; males chips, shepherds pie, pasty and apple crumble.
Roll out half the marzipan on a surface lightly dusted with sieved icing sugar into a round to fit the top of the cake.
Sixties rock music had evolved (like all rock and roll) from rhythm and blues which was based around the same four chords.
Place a slice of ham and a finger of Gruyère cheese on each escalope and carefully roll up each bundle into a neat curl.
To the second floor there is a master bedroom with an en-suite bathroom with free standing roll top slipper bath.
Then roll up from the ribbed bottom to create a " slouch hat " being slightly large gave it a slouchy comfy fit.
The two women are ushered out of the room as Moore and Hart roll up their sleeves and snuff out the candle.
This means that Arnold has to roll up his sleeve and in his own dogged, soft-spoken way, save the day.
Chloe shows us how to make daddy and his car in cake You will need One Swiss roll (rolled jam sponge cake).
Romantic Nights Dice £ 4.99 Romantic Nights dice provide great spur of the moment romantic ideas with a simple roll of the dice.
If you do n't have a stabilizer bar, you tend to have a lot of trouble with body roll in a turn.
It 's straight-ahead 1960s rock and roll and is one of the Dead 's all-time best efforts.
Rolling Stone, the greatest rock'n roll swindle forever !
This example was rosso with the tan interior, with the covered roll hoops.
She 's casually rock 'n ' roll in loose jeans and light blue shirt, discreet henna tattoos curling round her wrist and ankle.
Following an atmospheric timpani roll, cellos, basses and bassoons play a sustained thematic line in the depths of the orchestra.
Just fit the bra section over the bust then roll the torso section over the belly.
They even had the proper paper towel dispensers, meaning no one from our group used the bog roll they took !
To improve their roll stability these ships have a pronounced tumblehome and transom sterns through which gun ports are cut.
The reception trope of recognition here exists in the same way that the Roll of Honor films work.
Its a troubadours song about living your life like the roll of a dice.
The idea is to make the member look a twerp Let 's roll out a disciplinary board for Clare Short.
The Imperial Vipers are united musically by one bond - straight up rock and roll.
He had in his hand the valuation roll of the county of Edinburgh, which contained the rental of every owner in that county.
Tortoise turned the vibraphone into a rock and roll instrument, man !
Spread with a very tiny amount of wasabi paste, place the crab and avocado on top and roll into a cylinder.
You would roll a newspaper up real tight, Then whack someone 's knees with all your might.
Old style fifties rock n roll, very entertaining hearing them do this, especially the attempted doo wop style backing vocals !
Note any tendencies to yaw, pitch or roll.
This will roll the turtle horizontal and make sure the current up vector is oriented in the positive z-axis direction.
That's life, and parents have to roll with the punches!
This wrap is made of soft, warm 100% cotton flannel, with a quilted mat and a padded foot roll that provide firm support.
With the toe of the baby sock toward you, roll it tightly toward the heel.
Roll and secure the diapers with clear rubber bands.
Before you start to roll the diapers decide whether or not you want the decorative edge to show.
If you roll the decorative edge to the inside, it will give you a white cake.
Roll and tuck diapers into this rubber band until you complete the third layer.
You can turn this moment into a learning experience by naming what the toddler is doing, for example "you're making the candle holder roll like a toy car."
People like to have enough comforter to be able to either roll themselves up in it or to share with another person, so you may want to buy a comforter that can do double duty as an all-around blanket.
Others believe it is the manner in which Cubans roll their cigars that lends them their superiority.
It means that if that beautiful antique roll top desk looks perfect, the hardware looks new, the finish is great, the corners are unworn and the dimensions are spot on, then you are probably not dealing with an antique!
It should roll smoothly as though it's in neutral.
As the new models start to roll in, dealers often look to get rid of the older models as quick as they can.
Also located on the website is the carpet roll section.
These are basically remnants from leftover carpet sales that are contained in a small roll.
Since you push the entire vacuum in front of you, you won't have to roll the canister behind you.
Armed with your tips on buying carpet, you're ready to "roll" in any shop and make informed decisions.
Now that you know how to purchase MDNO stock, or any other stock, all you have to do is sit back and watch the money roll in.
If you ignore the alarm and choose to snooze, the Clocky will actually roll itself off your bedside table and proceed to roll around in the room, hiding in some unknown crevice until you go to turn it off.
We also have been loving Footzyrolls, which are really cute flats you can roll up and carry in your purse.
There is another type of self-cleaning litter box, but the term "self-cleaning' is a bit of a misnomer since you must roll the box from side to side yourself.
Set this aside so you can roll your "dough worm" in the coating before you bake it.
Once you have made the dough ball, take ½ teaspoon full at a time and roll it into a log shape (or what I call the worm).
Once you have done this, you can take your worm and roll it in the wheat germ/fish flake/catnip mixture to give it a crispy crunchy coating.
Bake for 5 minutes, and then roll over and bake for another 5-10 minutes until golden brown.
Be prepared to roll with the changes, and try to make his remaining years as happy and comfortable as possible.
For the bathroom, dampen a cotton swab with your favorite essential oils and swab the inside of a toilet paper roll.
Now take the turkey mixture, and using a tablespoon of the meat mixture at a time, roll it into a ball.
Flatten your ball out a bit and roll it in the rest of the dried catnip that you set aside before.
Take your mixture and roll into a log shape, just like the Slice and Bake style of cookies sold in the supermarket.
Other wonderful names are Big Bill Broonzy, Jelly Roll Morton, Howling Wolf, and, of course, "Satchmo" Louis Armstrong.
Cats sometimes roll onto their sides when fighting as it frees up all four of their paws for fighting action.
Turn out dough onto a non-stick baking sheet and roll out.
The disposition of the breed is playful, so look for the kitten that is batting at the tail of other kittens or stalking them to romp and roll around.
Set in 1930s America, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry follows the African-American Logan family as they experience various negative effects of racism and social norms of the time, despite their relatively privileged financial positions.
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is another Newbery Medal winner, and it netted the 1977 prize.
To obtain the most juice from this citrus fruit, make sure it is stored at room temperature, and roll it firmly over a hard surface prior to cutting it in half.
Having debt looming over your head can be a harrowing experience; once you have acknowledged your problem, all you need to do is roll up your sleeves and get to work.
A simple way to spot a phishing email is to roll your cursor over a link you get in an email which has been presented to you as purportedly from your financial institution or an online merchant.
They may have legs with wheels so that the chairs swivel and roll.
You'll need outdoor furniture for the porch so you can watch the waves roll in and enjoy long leisurely chats.
They also carry a wide variety of vinyl strapping and sell it by the roll, precut or in vinyl repair kits.
One great feature is a stand for the tumbler that allows you to turn, rather than roll the tumbler.
Along with the airflow system, since the eco-composter is a sphere, it's easy to roll around your garden and double the airflow.
SunChips are the first snack chips to roll out the compostable bags, which are easily distinguishable from their plastic counterparts.
When you are done washing the parsley, roll it in paper towels to blot out extra water and chop, or store rolled in paper towels in the crisper section of your refrigerator.
When dry, place them on sheets of waxed paper, roll up the paper, and affix a rubber band around them to hold them in place.
Bamboo comes in tiles, roll goods and click-in-place planks, as well as in a variety of varnishes and stains.
They are constructed using circles of fabric on the sides, connected by a tube of fabric in the center, also called neck roll pillows or tube pillows.
With a little creativity, a roll of contact paper can go a long way!
It is usually sold by the roll but can sometimes be found sold in packages of individual sheets.
If this is your first time, though, find a helper to hold the roll while you smooth the wet paper into place.
Roll the frame across the butcher's paper, tracing the top and bottom onto the paper to make a template.
These bags typically roll open to reveal your makeup goodies, and when you are finished with your morning cosmetic routine, you simply roll the bag back up.
Applying lipstick stains are easy; just roll or brush on.
They may be spending some extra time outdoors, going on vacation, attending a dear friend's wedding (the tears do tend to roll!) or just prefer something that's completely budge-proof and reliable.
Von D Rock n Roll Eye Shadow Duo in Motorhead is perfect for this look.
Inspired by tattoos, Hardy's work boasts a vintage, rock 'n' roll aesthetic that appeals primarily to young age groups, but doesn't necessarily restrict itself to that.
It's feminine, yet quite rock 'n' roll at the same time.
If using the roll on type, gently roll the lip ball over your lips.
When you roll on this product, you will notice an immediate tingling.
Roll eyeliner close to the eyelid keeping the line close to the lash line.
Made from natural bristles, a MAC eyeshadow brush can make shadow application all the more foolproof, while a roll case serves as the perfect place to store your trusty tools.
Lightly tap and roll to blend, using care not to tug or pull on the skin.
Many people view the more exhibitionist approach as a way to signal a lack of inhibitions, but there are just as many people reading your ad who will interpret this as an invitation for a one-night roll in the hay.
Use the arrow keys to move and hit both the left and right keys together with the down arrow to roll.
Roll the lamb into a roll and tie off with butcher's twine.
For this recipe, you'll need a roll of parchment and a stapler, though if you don't have parchment, aluminum foil will work just fine.
Shape the dough into a log about an inch of a quarter thick, roll onto parchment, or wax paper, and refrigerate for two hours.
You can use the standard buns available in stores, which are essentially a soft, white roll cut in half horizontally and sprinkled in sesame seeds.
Beginning at the bottom of the wrap, roll the tortilla up tightly, jelly-roll style.
Roll out the top half of the piecrust, and secure it to the sides of the bottom crust.
To coat the asparagus with the oil, you may pour the mixed oil and garlic in the bottom of the pan, add the asparagus and, using your hands, roll the asparagus around in the oil until each spear is coated.
Starting the morning with the smallest meal of the day, breakfast is usually something simple like a cup of coffee and milk and a roll with or without cheese and ham.
Flour the dough lightly and roll the pastry out to the original size of 12x12.
Use a two-page layout design to set up your theme on one side with title and journaling, then use the other half to display your roll of photos.
Lay the folder on a firm surface like a table or counter, and roll over it with the rolling pin, as though you were rolling out a piecrust.
Predicting snowfall accumulation can be as reliable as a roll of the dice.
Tweens also like to roll their gaze toward the ceiling.
The question of how do music lyrics impact teen behavior has been a hot button topic ever since the advent of rock and roll.
Roll the footage of the 1992 LA riots if you're in doubt.
While we as adults may now view first dates as sweet and worthy of an entire roll of pictures, when we were in that position ourselves we certainly did not think so.
When the leader says, "go," each team member has to roll the sock into a closed ball and then throw it over the masking tape line.
Instead of hanging crepe paper on the ceilings, create dramatic loops by hanging a roll of fabric from the ceiling.
With any hope, the modeling jobs will roll in for you.
Rather than arguing with your teen or allowing him or her to pick fights with you, stand your ground and try to roll with the punches.
Give the players a paper towel roll and a soft ball, setting up the paper towel roll in the center of the circle of players.
Split up the players into individual teams or teams of two and give each team a roll of toilet paper and a roll of duct tape.
Flour your hands, shape the dough into a ball, and use a rolling pin and thick coating of flour to roll the dough flat.
You'll need to stock up on a few specialty supplies before you can roll your own veggie sushi, but it's definitely worth it!
To make a standard roll, you need nori (sheets of flat seaweed), a wooden rice paddle, a rolling mat, and Japanese sushi rice.
Finally, roll up the nori sheet tightly, pressing the ends together at the top.
Using a sharp knife, cut the roll into bite-sized pieces before serving.
After baked, remove and cool and roll in powdered sugar.
Our caterer had ordered a wheelchair when she heard about his injuries, which sat idle at the edge of the grass since Dan preferred to limp rather than roll.
Burning Hot Love Sauce-The king of rock 'n' roll, Elvis Presley, makes an appearance on these hot sauce bottle favors.
Be on the lookout for 'off season' dresses at this time since fall is the time of the year when designers begin to roll their seasonal looks over--passing the discounts on to you.
Roll it out to about 1/4" thick, cut out large, circular sheets, and drape them over each tier of cake.
It comes with a comforter, one sham, bed skirt, one square cushion, and a neck roll.
For the music lover, go for a Rock N' Roll theme.
Funky designs can be retro-inspired, rock 'n roll worthy, or simply bright and colorful.
It was our goal to roll outtwo conversion kits per season; however, as with many other businesses, our plans have been delayed due to our current economic climate.
Rolled Diploma - Use a jelly roll pan to create a thin cake that you can fill and roll up to look like a diploma.
To cover an entire cake or create a flat sheet from which to cut out shapes, sift a small amount of powdered sugar or cornstarch onto a flat surface and roll out the fondant on top with a rolling pin.