Role-played Sentence Examples
He watched attentively the role played by Russia, and soon observed how much to the interest of France, a good entente with this power would be.
In his chief's most important work, the establishment of the Prussian Zollverein, Ancillon had no share, while the entirely subordinate role played by Prussia in Europe during this period, together with the personal part taken by the sovereign in the various congresses, gave him little scope for the display of any diplomatic talents he may have possessed.
Its close connexion with the end of the wanderings is shown by (a) the description of Moses as an infirm old man; (b) the role played by Joshua in contrast with xxiv.
Despite the important role played by the urethra in the maintenance of urinary continence, little is known about its function.
Abstract Objective To clarify the role played by endothelial cell production of fibrinolytic factors in normal pregnancy and pre- eclampsia.
The dominant role played at the beginning of the century became quite marginal by the outbreak of World War II.
More evident still is the subordinate role played by petty bourgeois pacifism with regard to Imperialism in the United States.
We are studying the role played by autophagy, and in particular cysteine peptidases, during these transformations.
A chapter on the role played by Pope John Paul II in the final years of the Cold War would also have been welcome.
The study of epidemic and endemic diseases generally has brought to light an array of facts which very strongly suggest that an intimate association exists between the soil and the appearance and propagation of certain diseases; but although experiments and observations allow this view to be looked upon as well established, still the precise role played by the soil in an aetiological respect is by no means so well understood as to make it possible to separate the factors and dogmatize on their effects.
AdvertisementHistorically, attention to the role played by a child's family environment in the treatment of a runaway is relatively new.
Another role played by these tiny hair-like projections is that they actually aid in the digestion of food.
Another characteristic feature of the Gnostic conception of the universe is the role played in almost all Gnostic systems by the seven world-creating powers.