Rods Sentence Examples
In the red variety of Cucurbita pepo these crystals may consist of rods, thin plates, flat ribbons or spirals.
For experiments with long thin rods or wires it has an advantage over the other arrangements in that the position of the poles need not be known with great accuracy, a small upward or downward displacement having little effect upon the magnetometer deflection.
A man-engine consists of two heavy wooden rods (like the rods of a Cornish pumping plant), placed parallel and close to each other in a special shaft compartment, and suspended at the surface from a pair of massive walking beams (or " bobs ").
The rood varies locally but is generally taken as = 40 square rods,.
If, however, the permeability of the test rod differs from that of the standard, the number of lines of induction flowing in opposite directions through the two rods will differ, and the excess will flow from one yoke to the other, partly through the air, and partly along the path provided by the bent bars, deflecting the compass needle.
By the short-rod system, short instead of long rods are retained; they are dealt with in a similar manner.
A thin carbon pencil, forming a bridge between two stout carbon rods, is set in the midst of the mixture to be heated.
Later in that year they patented a process for the reduction of aluminium by carbon, and in 1886 an electric furnace with sliding carbon rods passed through the end walls to the centre of a rectangular furnace.
The current, either continuous or alternating, is then started, and continued for about 1 to 12 hours, until the operation is complete, the carbon rods being gradually withdrawn as the action proceeds.
Most of the earlier astronomical work was done in a darkened room, but here we first find the dark chamber constructed of wooden rods covered with cloth or paper, and used separately to screen the observing-tablet.
AdvertisementThis ring is necessary in order to allow the rods to follow the micrometer heads when the position angle is changed.
Complete rotation of the head is obviously impossible because of the interference of the declination axis with the rods, and therefore, in some angles, objects cannot be measured in two positions of the circle.
The screw, turned by the wheels at g', acts in a toothed arc, whence, as shown in the figure, equal and opposite motion is communicated to the slides by the jointed rods v, v.
This ring is provided with a clamping screw, which, through the intervention of bevel-gear and rods, is operated by means of the hand-wheel 78.
With similar bevel-gear and rods the tangent screw is connected to the hand-wheel, 79, by which the observer communicates the fourth or slowest motion in position angle.
AdvertisementThe tubbing, which is considerably less in diameter than the borehole, is suspended by rods from the surface until a bed suitable for a foundation is reached, upon which a sliding length of tube, known as the moss box, bearing a shoulder, which is filled with dried moss, is placed.
The pumps, placed close to the point where the water accumulates, may be worked by an engine on the surface by means of heavy reciprocating rods which pass down the shaft, or by underground motors driven by steam, compressed air or electricity.
Thus they have secretly stolen our three rods that they may go unpunished, and have entrenched themselves safely behind these three walls in order to carry on all the rascality and wickedness that we now see."
In the Arctic and Pacific coast provinces, about Lake Superior, in Virginia and North Carolina, as well as in ruder parts of Mexico and South America, metals were cold-hammered into plates, weapons, rods and wire, ground and polished, fashioned into carved blocks of hard, tenacious stone by pressure or blow, overlaid, cold-welded and plated.
In the manufacture of these the substances were reduced to the form of slender filaments, shreds, rods, splints, yarn, twine and sennit or braid.
AdvertisementTo ensure the sights on each side reading together they are connected by rods.
A level platform is hung from the chains by suspension rods.
Cast steel clamps hold the cable together, and to these the suspending rods are attached.
The suspending rods and cross bracing are very light.
Minute rods or needles of rutile are also common in slates, and well-formed cubes of pyrites are often visible on the splitting faces.
AdvertisementIt is used in the manufacture of carbon rods for arc lights, and for the negative element in the Bunsen battery.
The average of several cubit rods remaining is 20.65, age in general about 2500 B.C. (33).
The more so as the half of this foot, or 8 digits, is marked off as a measure on the Egyptian cubit rods (33).
In two families motile articulated rods occur; in Triarthridae they probably simply expand the dimensions of the body in adaptation to life at the surface; or as a protection against being swallowed by their smaller foes.
Yearling sets are largely planted, but the experiments of Krabe tend to prove, and the practice of the best Midland and West of England growers confirms, the superior productiveness of sets cut from two yearling rods.
These are known as brown rods.
The finer kinds, after the more shrubby or ill-grown rods, termed Ragged, have been rejected, are peeled or buffed.
By the former method the rods are left on the ground until spring advances, when a rapid growth of the cork cambium begins.
They are then cut direct from the head and the bark is easily removed by drawing the rods through a bifurcated hand-brake of smooth, well-rounded steel, framed in wood.
Improved brakes worked by a treadle strip two rods at a time.
This method ensures a clean-butted unfractured rod, but unless great judgment is exercised in selecting the proper time for cutting, the rods will remain double-skinned and the head may bleed.
By the "pit" process the green rods are stood upright in shallow pits of water at a depth of about 6 to 9 in.
After stripping, the rods are bleached in the sun and stored for sale as White.
If the rods are to be buffed they are immersed in large tanks of boiling water from 4 to 6 hours.
Brown rods may also be buffed by sinking them in cold water which is heated to boiling point, and maintained at that temperature for the requisite period.
White rods, costing from £3, to £3, 7s.
From the cephalic part of this primary diverticulum solid rods of cells called the hepatic cylinders grow out, and these branch again and again until a cellular network is formed surrounding and breaking up the umbilical and vitelline veins.
Its pliant and flexible branches are made into brooms; and in ancient Rome the fasces of the lictors, with which they cleared the way for the magistrates, were made up of birch rods.
A similar use of birch rods has continued among pedagogues to times so recent that the birch is yet, literally or metaphorically, the instrument of school-room discipline.
Bobbins to the number of strands which are to be twisted into one are mounted in a creel on the doubling frame, and the strands are passed over smooth rods of glass or metal through a reciprocating guide to the bobbin on which they are wound.
In order to reduce the thickness of the walls and floor he conceived the idea of strengthening them by building in a network of iron rods.
The steel reinforcement is generally applied in the form of vertical rods built in the wall at intervals, with lighter horizontal rods which cross the vertical ones, and thus form a network of steel which is buried in the concrete.
These rods assist in taking the weight, and the whole network binds the concrete together and prevents it from FIG.
Care must be taken, hcwever, that all the rods are covered by at least an Expanded Metal.
In the Cottancin system the concrete is replaced by bricks pierced with holes through which the vertical rods are threaded; the horizontal tie-rods are also used, but these do not merely cross the vertical ones, but are woven in and out of them.
To prevent these rods from spreading apart they must be tied together at frequent intervals.
Most of the piles driven in Great Britain have been made on the Hennebique system with four or six longitudinal steel rods tied together by stirrups or loops at frequent intervals.
In the Matrai system thin wires are used instead of rods, and are securely fastened to rolled steel joists, which form the beams on which the slabs rest; moreover, the wires instead of being stretched tight from side to side of the slab are allowed to sag as much as the thickness of the concrete will allow.
The reinforcing rods are generally laid both longitudinally and circumferentially.
In the case of a culvert the circumferential rods are sometimes laid continuously in the form of a spiral as in the Bordenave system.
The anode is formed of a bundle of carbon rods suspended from overhead so as to be capable of vertical adjustment.
Very durable trellises for greenhouse climbers are made of slender round iron rods for standards, having a series of hooks on the inner edge, into which rings of similar metal are dropped; the rings may be graduated so as to form a broad open top, or may be all of the same size, when the trellis will assume the cylindrical form.
In this apparatus one of the charging rods communicated with one of the field plates, but the other with the neutralizing brush opposite to the other field plate.
On the other side of the rotating disk were placed two metal combs C, C, which consisted of sharp points set in metal rods and were each connected to one of a pair of discharge balls E, D, the distance between which could be varied.
The rapid advance in mechanical engineering in the latter part of this second period stimulated the iron industry greatly, giving it in 1728 Payn and Hanbury's rolling mill for rolling sheet iron, in 1760 John Smeaton's cylindrical cast-iron bellows in place of the wooden and leather ones previously used, in 1783 Cort's grooved rolls for rolling bars and rods of iron, and in 1838 James Nasmyth's steam hammer.
But, roll and re-roll as often as we like, much cinder remains imbedded in the iron, in the form of threads and rods drawn out in the direction of rolling, and of course weakening the metal in the transverse direction.
As the foremost end of the billet emerges from the furnace it enters the first of a series of roll-trains, and passes immediately thence to others, so that before half of the billet has emerged from the furnace its front end has already been reduced by rolling to its final shape, that of merchant-bars, which are relatively thin, round or square rods, in lengths of 300 ft.
There is also an extension from the upper surface of the pendulum, in contact with a system of levers and rods attached to the case; an air-dampkig cylinder is fitted to annul the free vibrations of the pendulum.
Ferrules first appear in the Assyrian iron of the 7th century B.C. The rise of stone work led to great importance of heavy chisels (36) for trimming limestone and Nubian sandstone; such chisels ate usually round rods about 3/4 in.
Casting bronze over iron rods was also done, to gain more stiffness for thin parts.
Glass rods were piled together to form a pattern in cross-section.
A broken lump would then be heated to softness in the furnace; rolled out under a bar of metal, held diagonally across the roll; and when reduced to a rod of a quarter of an inch thick, it was heated and pulled out into even rods about an eighth of an inch thick.
It is also employed for the building of light bridges, floors, and pipes constructed of cement mortar disposed round a skeleton of iron rods.
The eggs are laid in the spring as a rule, and after about a week they give rise to a minute, ringed larva with a protrusible boring apparatus consisting of three chitinous rods.
Thus a hollow was left, corresponding to the skin of wax between the core and the mould, the relative positions of which were preserved by various small rods of bronze, which had previously been driven through from the outer mould to the rough core.
The projecting rods of bronze were then cut away, and the whole finished by rubbing down and polishing over any roughness or defective places.
The rods are reputed to be most durable when from the driest ground, and to be especially good where the bottom is chalky.
By certain persons, who for different metals used rods of various materials, rods of hazel, he says, were held serviceable simply for silver lodes, and by the skilled miner, who trusted to natural signs of mineral veins, they were regarded as of no avail at all.
Revolving pendulums are usually constructed with pairs of rods y b and bobs, as OB, Ob, hung at opposite sides of the spindle, that the centrifugal forces exerted at the point 0 may balance A each other.
The micro-organism giving rise to this disease generally appears in the form of small jointed rods and tangled masses under the microscope.
In 1876, Paul Jablochkov (1847-1894), a Russian officer, passing through Paris, invented his famous electric candle, consisting of two rods of carbon placed side by side and separated from one another by an insulating material.
He invented for this purpose a radiator consisting of two metal rods placed in one line, their inner ends being provided with poles nearly touching and their outer ends with metal plates.
The flax is placed in the upper chamber and covered by two sets of rods or beams at right angles to each other.
The connexions are made by copper rods, each of which, in length, is twice the width of the tank, with a bayonet-bend in the middle, and serves to support the cathodes in the one and the anodes in the next tank.
Similarly the Jewish synagogues have each their eternal lamp; while in the religion of Islam lighted lamps mark things and places specially holy; thus the Ka`ba at Mecca is illuminated by thousands of lamps hanging from the gold and silver rods that connect the columns of the surrounding colonnade.
From the nitrate are made (a) argenti nitras indurata, toughened caustic, containing 19 parts of silver nitrate and one of potassium nitrate fused together into cylindrical rods; (b) Argenti nitras mitigatus, mitigated caustic, in which 1 part of silver nitrate and 2 parts of potassium nitrate are fused together into rods or cones.
The other wing consists of a rigid nervure in front and behind of thin parchment which supports fine rods of steel.
The bracing is accomplished by the introduction at the angles of the columns and girders or beams of gusset plates or knee braces, or by diagonal straps or rods properly attached by rivet or pin connexions.
This leaves the assembling and field riveting to be done on the ground, together with the adjustment of the lateral or wind-bracing, the placing of tie rods and the field painting.
A similar construction is followed for flat roofs, the grades being generally formed in the girder and beam construction, and a flat ceiling secured by hanging from them, with steel straps, a light tier of ceiling beams. The floor beams are tied laterally by rods in continuous lines placed at or above their neutral axis.
The distance between joists should be limited to 5 or 6 ft.; horizontal bracing by means of diagonal rods is sometimes used, but should be avoided.
One form consists of adjustable diagonals, rods or bars, properly fastened to the columns in the building; these diagonals may run through one floor and be attached to the columns at the floor above.
Truss rods, portals, or lattice or plate girders constitute the more definite types of wind-bracing ordinarily employed; the bracing must reach to some solid connexion at the ground.
Evidence of the antiquity of the belief in "maternal impressions" we have in Jacob placing peeled rods before Laban's cattle to induce them to bring forth "ring-straked speckled and spotted" offspring; evidence of the antiquity of the "infection" doctrine we have, according to some writers, in the practice amongst the Israelites of requiring the childless widow to marry her deceased husband's brother, that he might "raise up seed to his brother."
Computations are made with it by means of balls of bone or ivory runp ing on slender bamboo rods, similar to the simpler board, fitted up with beads strung on wires, which is employed in teaching the rudiments of arithmetic in English schools.
The pair of beams are hung centrally by rods and hooks from knife-edges in the forked end of a strong beam, which is carried at its fulcrum by the top plate of the frame of the machine.
Underneath the top plate of the machine, and strongly framed to it, is a box, which contains the horizontal rods to the ends of which are attached the slides which regu late the flow of sugar from the 8 bottom of the hopper.
These rods pass through holes in the front and back plates of the box, and are furnished with spiral springs, which (when the rods are forced back by hand) are in compression between the back plate of the box and shoulders on the rods.
The rods are held in this position by detents which take hold of the shoulders of the rods, and are acted upon from the front end of the upper beam and the weights-pan end of the lower beam respectively, in order to release the rods at the proper times and reduce orcut off the flow of sugar from the hopper.
When it is desired to use the machine, a 4-lb bag is placed under the orifice of the hopper upon the goods-pan of the balance, and the slide rods are thrust back by hand till they are held by their detents, and the sugar flows rapidly into the bag.
This is soldered to two thick terminal rods of copper, and the coil is enclosed in a water-tight brass cylinder so that it can be placed in water, or preferably in paraffin oil, and brought to any required temperature.
It is a light boat, oval in shape, and formed of canvas stretched on a framework of split and interwoven rods, and well-coated with tar and pitch to render it water-tight.
If one stands a few rods ahead of them they seem to be following one another in a line; but, if one stands to the right of the "gang," one sees that the line is broken, and that the second plough is a width farther in the field than the leader, and so on for the entire number.
The spaces between were closed in with rods (usually hazel) firmly interwoven.
It should be " a place for everything and everything in its place " prepares the bee-keeper for any emergency; constant watchfulness is also necessary, not only to guard against disease in needs a reminder of this truism he surely has it in the borne in mind that the disease is much easier to cure in the earlier stages while the bacilli are still rod-shaped than when the rods have turned to spores.
The supposed Micrococci present little that is characteristic; the more definite, rod-like form of the Bacilli offers a better means of recognition, though far from an infallible one; in a few cases dark granules, suggestive of endospores, have been found within the rods.
This is especially necessary in the case of reverberatory furnaces, which are essentially weak structures, and therefore require to be bound together by complicated systems of tie rods and uprights or buck staves.
When using toughened glassy adhesives, rods with a reduced diameter section at the bonding faces are used.
The children all made a small armature with soft metal rods.
He also studied the magnetic and thermo-electric properties, and the resistance of short rods of manganese arsenide.
The car's primary gages are contained within a single round instrument binnacle - similar to the hot rods of the era.
Each plate has two nylon bushings ensuring smooth travel on chrome guide rods.
They have been building and repairing split cane rods since the 1960s.
The DPRK will resume canning of remaining spent fuel rods starting in mid-September.
There is an argument that this is due to the stray capacitance between the closely-spaced ends of the thick rods.
On the float rods we had quality roach and the odd decent chub all day.
This also means the shore fishing has been a bit neglected - I think my rock rods have cobwebs on at the moment.
Residual measurements carried out on glass/polyester rods showed that the longitudinal tensile modulus remains constant over the entire lifetime of the unidirectional composite.
Control rods are inserted into the reactor core, more neutrons are absorbed.
Gemma bought a glass cow for Leanne, and we watched the craftsman at work making elephants from different colored glass rods.
The interior chimney hood was fairly simple, using ash rods with hazel woven between them, and lime clay daub finish.
If the braid formed by the rods has positive topological entropy, then material lines must grow exponentially, ensuring chaos.
They also lack the finesse you may be used to with your rods back home.
In the 21st Century the company still build quality bamboo fly fishing rods.
Over the past fifty years I have used dozens of fly fishing rods.
Each beat can accommodate up to three rods and a fishing ghillie is available by separate arrangement.
When the chains were in place vertical suspension rods were added before the two huge girders were added by two mammoth cranes.
Slightly heavier rods either contain more graphite or some glass fiber that greatly enhances their ability to stand up to some abuse.
Steve fished a small float 4 rods out and feed hemp and carp pellet fishing soft pellets on the hook.
I have no idea what might make Italian lightning uniquely indifferent to lightning rods.
My own choice on how rods are finished is to go low-key, non-flash, lightweight, and good quality.
Figure 1. A diagram showing the Ewald Sphere intersecting the series of lattice rods lying perpendicular to the plane of the sample.
The triple-layered piston rods pull the moving platen in the direction of the fixed platen, in which the clamping cylinder is integrated.
Padded reel pouches large enough to accomodate big pit reels, with padded flap between rods for added protection.
We went to the back of the kitchens and used dowsing rods in order to communicate to any spirits down there.
They were both young and were using little telescopic rods with little floats.
The central pocket is large enough to accomodate an umbrella even with sides, plus several unmade rods.
The coupling rods were then fitted back on the wheels.
Two carbon fiber rods within the neck, positioned each side of the truss rod to stabilize the neck.
These top quality reel seats are fitted to all saltwater rods.
There are also several rods on the market built on our blanks, ask your local dealer.
The Helix rods are a lightweight model, with a slightly softer action than the Horizon models.
I decided to just fish stringers on my rods and set about sorting out the bottom rigs.
I put both rods out with Maple 8 boilies, fished with small stringers and a scattering of bait around the spots.
I saw several wheat stubbles From 40 rods to 10 rods.
The absence of specialized equipment, such as badger tongs, or delving rods for tracing tunnels.
By attaching chrome vanadium flexible rods, in 5 meter lengths, distances of up to 260 meters can be achieved.
It furnishes rods wherewith to make fences; but its principal use is to make wattles for the folding of sheep in the fields.
Two photonic crystal waveguides (PCWs) are separated by a row of rods in order to prevent mode coupling.
It will be noticed that the rods only give the multiples of the number which is to be multiplied, or of the divisor when they are used for division, and it is evident that they would be of little use to any one who knew the multiplication table as far as 9 X9.
In multiplications or divisions of any length it is generally convenient to begin by forming a table of the first nine multiples of the multiplicand or divisor, and Napier's bones at best merely provide such a table, and in an incomplete form, for the additions of the two figures in the same parallelogram have to be performed each time the rods are used.
Napier also describes in the Rabdologia two other larger rods to facilitate the extraction of square and cube FIG.
In the Rabdologia the rods are called "virgulae," b'ut in the passage quoted above from the manuscript on arithmetic they are referred to as "bones" (ossa).
Besides the logarithms and the calculating rods or bones, Napier's name is attached to certain rules and formulae in spherical trigonometry.
Rules drafted by the Board of Trade under this act came into force on the 8th of August 1902, the subjects referred to being (I) labelling of wagons; (2) movements of wagons by propping and tow-roping; (3) power-brakes on engines; (4) lighting of stations and sidings; (g) protection of points, rods, &c.; (6) construction and protection of gauge-glasses; (7) arrangement of tool-boxes, &c., on engines; (8) provision of brake-vans for trains upon running lines beyond the limits of stations; (9) protection to permanent-way men when relaying or repairing permanent way.
Ashland has considerable river traffic, and various manufactures, including pig iron, nails, wire rods,, steel billets, sheet steel, dressed lumber (especially poplar), furniture, fire brick and leather.
The bacilli are seen lying as short rods, singly and in clumps, in the caseous and degenerated tissues of the lung.
Another species of glass manufacture in which the Egyptians would appear to have been peculiarly skilled is the so-called mosaic glass, formed by the union of rods of various colours in such a manner as to form a pattern; the rod so formed was then reheated and drawn out until reduced to a very small size, z sq.
My house was on the side of a hill, immediately on the edge of the larger wood, in the midst of a young forest of pitch pines and hickories, and half a dozen rods from the pond, to which a narrow footpath led down the hill.
The Fitchburg Railroad touches the pond about a hundred rods south of where I dwell.
Nay, I was frequently notified of the passage of a traveller along the highway sixty rods off by the scent of his pipe.
It is wonderful with what elaborateness this simple fact is advertised--this piscine murder will out--and from my distant perch I distinguish the circling undulations when they are half a dozen rods in diameter.
As near as he could remember, it stood twelve or fifteen rods from the shore, where the water was thirty or forty feet deep.
When I went to get a pail of water early in the morning I frequently saw this stately bird sailing out of my cove within a few rods.
He dived again, but I miscalculated the direction he would take, and we were fifty rods apart when he came to the surface this time, for I had helped to widen the interval; and again he laughed long and loud, and with more reason than before.
He manoeuvred so cunningly that I could not get within half a dozen rods of him.
Sometimes, however, he will run upon a wall many rods, and then leap off far to one side, and he appears to know that water will not retain his scent.
He would perhaps have placed alder branches over the narrow holes in the ice, which were four or five rods apart and an equal distance from the shore, and having fastened the end of the line to a stick to prevent its being pulled through, have passed the slack line over a twig of the alder, a foot or more above the ice, and tied a dry oak leaf to it, which, being pulled down, would show when he had a bite.
One pleasant morning after a cold night, February 24th, 1850, having gone to Flint's Pond to spend the day, I noticed with surprise, that when I struck the ice with the head of my axe, it resounded like a gong for many rods around, or as if I had struck on a tight drum-head.
There is a canal two rods wide along the northerly and westerly sides, and wider still at the east end.
Hazel rods were taken by Irish settlers to the US to keep away snakes.
Let with salmon and sea trout fishing for 4 rods.
The splitting of these atoms gives off large amounts of heat energy which heats a gas used to cool the fuel rods.
As bone loss occurs in spongy bone, the thick plates and rods become very thin and the continuity of structure is lost.
People were staggering under the weight of bed chairs, tackle boxes, nets and rods.
The Rhythm Tech Hat Trick and Double Hat Trick are tambourines designed for mounting on Hi-Hat pull rods.
Quickly our skipper rigged up teasers and trolling rods and we set off searching the area.
Make a cornice board out of corrugated steel or craft curtain rods out of copper tubing.
Instead of the traditional curtain rods, consider using long sticks.
Decorative curtain rods will add a finished look to your window treatments.
Not all rods are strong enough to hold the weight of some curtains for a sustained period of time.
Most rods are hollow and while that helps with shipping costs to keep the cost at an affordable price, some metal gauges are too thin for the weight of heavy curtains.
Lengths vary and typically extend (telescoping rods) to fit a range of sizes to use with more than one window.
There are some unique choices of curtain rods that are not just utilitarian, but add a very decorative flare to your window treatments.
You can also create an attractive canopy over a bed by using two ceiling mounted rods.
These rods have a specific design that makes the draperies appear to hang in the air just beneath the rod.
You can recreate your curtain rods without having to replace them by simply changing the finials.
There are many parts that make up decorative curtain rods and can be selected as a set or individually.
Decorator iron drapery rods can add a rustic or elegant appeal to your window treatment.
Iron rods for your draperies are available either hollow or solid.
Iron rods are available as standard single rods or as double rods.
Many of the drapery rods you can purchase are available with or without finials and rings.
When you measure for iron rods that have removable finials, you'll want to take into account that most rods fit inside the finials.
Depending on whether the rod is solid or hollow, you can have some very unique and even antique looking rods that can be used to tie a Mediterranean room or Spanish décor together.
You can even use iron rods in a modern or contemporary décor for that functional industrial look.
It's available in either solid or hollow rods.
You'll want to take some time to explore all of the options available to you before making a decision on your drapery rods.
Costs, weight, style, design, and finish are just as a few of the things you need to consider when choosing decorator iron drapery rods for you home.
These sets usually consist of several rods linked together by hinged corner connectors which allow you to adjust the angles to fit your bay window. 60196 JCPenney offers several options for bay window hardware.
In some contemporary spaces, track lights are hung with rods or cables from particularly high places like vaulted or cathedral ceilings.
A fleur de lis finial is a popular addition to curtain rods and even tie backs.
For instance, if you are doing a complete room redesign, they may be responsible for buying new furniture, fabric for pillows, new curtains and curtain rods - everything down to the smallest accessory.
In a small bathroom try to make sure that the hardware such as towel racks, shower rods, and other fixtures match each other and blend in with the rest of the room.
Use these elements throughout the home's interior with heavy wooden kitchen cabinets, stone floors and wrought iron curtain rods.
While a bay window is meant to bring in a lot of light to a room, there are times when a curtain is needed for privacy; bay window curtain rods provide this without sacrificing the style of the room.
When selecting bay window curtain rods, the angle will determine the size and shape of the rod.
Since bay windows are not shaped or designed like standard windows, many homeowners may not consider a curtain for them for the simple reason that they don't know what kind of curtain rods will fit the window.
While it is possible to use three, separate, straight curtain rods, it is more aesthetically pleasing to use one rod designed for a bay window.
Curves, or bends in the rod allow room for the curtains to gather at the edges of the windows naturally, which straight curtain rods would lack.
As with any curtain rods, proper measurements are key to getting the right rod for the window.
The sockets can change angle from 90 to 180 degrees, and will connect with any straight curtain rods of similar size and finish.
Look into curtain rods for the bay windows in your home, and find the perfect accent to finish your room in style.
Kirsch curtain rods have been around for over a hundred years.
By the mid 1950s, Kirsch was leading the way in the window treatment industry with innovative products such as the Superfine adjustable traverse rods, the vertical slat traverse rods and decorative café rods.
Kirsch began to take curtain rods to the next level in the 1990's with Studio Coordinates, decorative mix and match window hardware with one-of-kind, hand painted finials.
Whether you go with the Basic Hardware from Kirsch or with the Decorative Hardware, you are getting high quality curtain rods that many professional window treatment installers swear by.
Kirsch's basic hardware consists of the white metal type curtain rods that are functional without drawing too much attention to themselves.
Kirsch has two types of traverse rods, the Superfine Traverse Rods and the Empire Traverse Rods.
Traverse rods contain carriers with holes that the drapery hooks attach to.
Traverse rods can be one-way, such as over a sliding glass door or windows that meet in a corner or they can be two-way.
Two-way traverse rods move the drapes from the center of the window to each end, splitting them open in the middle.
Curtain rods from Kirsch's decorative hardware are on the cutting edge of interior design.
These rods come in a variety of natural wood stain colors, and have exquisitely carved finials.
The Classics series contains traditional looking wood curtain rods.
These curtain rods would work well in both contemporary and rustic style homes.
For more information on Kirsch curtain rods or having them installed in your home, contact a local Kirsch dealer in your area or look one up on Kirsch's dealer locator page.
If you think of curtains as artistic as well as functional accessories, the decorative curtain rods and finials you choose to showcase your designs are like the framing pieces that finish the look you're trying to achieve.
There's good news to share from the world of curtain rods.
Curtain rods are often used as bellwethers for a particular design.
Above all, decorative curtain rods are designed to be part of the treatment, not hidden behind the fabric or nestled inside it.
Inexpensive rods made of plastic or thin gauge metals will bend or break.
Metal rods should reflect the metals displayed elsewhere in your room.
If you have a gold-tone framed mirror over your fireplace, resist the temptation to go for those antique copper rods.
If you have curtains, sheers and very elaborate decorative rods, your window treatment could overpower the rest of your décor.
If not, make sure you have a strategy for installing rods securely.
Ceiling mounted rods - If you want to create a textile room divider or don't have enough space over a window to install a rod, mount it from the ceiling.
Swing arm rods- For glass doors and tall windows, swing arm rods can be rotated out of the way when necessary.
Decorative traverse rods - These common rods have a suspended mechanism to hold the fabric, allowing the curtains to open and close below the decorative top piece.
Finials - These are the decorative end caps affixed to both sides of decorative curtain rods.
Some decorative rod and finial makers make interchangeable options so you can swap out your finials for a new look without even changing your rods.
Wire rods - Modern, urban and kitschy, rods made from lengths of industrial cable or wire only work well with lightweight sheers or light mesh curtains.
Decorative curtain rods and finials offer lots of design variety and practical functionality.
Before you buy, though, make sure the rods you have in mind suit your installation as well as your décor.
To add rich color and subtle, natural texture to your window treatments, consider using wood curtain rods.
Curtain rods come in a variety of different styles, shapes and materials.
The most common rods are those that are adjustable in size; they telescope into one another to fit a variety of window frames.
Wood curtain rods are different; because the wood is not hollow the rods are not adjustable.
This means that the wooden rods are a more permanent fixture in the home, typically ordered to fit a specific window frame.
For this reason, it makes the most sense to use wooden curtain rods in areas where the style of the room is unchanging.
Wooden rods also work well in rooms with two sets of curtains; one rod is left exposed with drapes tied back while the other uses sheer curtains to provide privacy.
Because wooden rods are often thicker, are always of one piece and are usually more expensive, it makes the most sense to use them in a way that shows them off to their full advantage.
While nearly all styles and types of wooden curtain rods are available in a wide range of stains, some species of wood show off the grain more.
Paying attention to the species of wood when looking for wooden rods can help you determine the perfect rod for your window treatments.
Bamboo rods show their knuckles, can be heated to produce rich and deep colors and are perfect for modern or contemporary style homes.
Wood curtain rods can enhance the window treatments of any room.
If you desire both privacy and light from a window, consider hanging curtains from café curtain rods, rather than from standard rods.
The rods used with café curtains are typically small, slender and telescoping.
Select rods for café curtains that coordinate with the décor of the room, while remaining unobtrusive in place.
Consider wooden rods that complement kitchen cabinetry in color for windows located above the sink.
Rods being used with a secondary curtain should match in color and material to the larger rod.
Subtly different styles of rods can be used in eclectic home designs to help add interest to the design, as long as the other elements of the rods remain identical.
Because most rods for café style curtains are telescoping, you may have an easy time locating the correct size for your window.
Café curtain rods can be very useful in several rooms of the home.
Window treatments are an important part of a room's decor and using decorative, contemporary curtain rods helps add a designer touch.
There are a lot of choices when it comes to contemporary curtain rods.
Wooden curtain rods add a dramatic effect to a window treatment, especially when paired with carved, decorative finials.
Contemporary metal curtain rods can have a shiny metallic finish like satin nickel or satin brass.
Metal rods can be round, square, flat or have a hammered shape.
Specialty brackets are made to hold double curtain rods.
Large wooden rings are popular choices for wooden rods.
When you're trying to decide what type of curtain rods to buy, it helps to understand how they work or what they're used for.
Another modern type of contemporary rod are magnetic curtain rods.
These are the perfect type of rods for hanging curtains on steel doors.
Double curtain rods have a special bracket that is designed to hold an inner and outer rod.
There are many styles of contemporary, decorative traverse rods available.
Contemporary cafe curtain rods are small telescoping rods that are often used for lightweight curtains on French doors or kitchen windows.
If you're thinking about new window treatments, you can find a large selection of curtain rods at Home Depot.
Even if there isn't a physical store localtion near you, you can still browse for curtain rods from Home Depot's website.
You can search for curtain rods at Home Depot by brand, price, width or by what's new and what's popular.
The Martha Stewart living curtain rods all come with small finials on the ends.
These adjustable, telescoping rods will complement almost any style of room decor.
The Curtainworks collection of curtain rods at Home Depot is a mixture of different styles that can complement a vintage or contemporary design scheme.
These steel rods are also adjustable and will fit windows varying in length from 28-48 inches, 35-66 inches, 48-88 inches and 66-120 inches.
Sets include two rods, two finials and installation hardware.
These rods can be used with rod pocket drapes, tab-top drapes, grommets or metal rings.
Rods can extend from 28-48 inches, 51-96 inches and 102-144 inches.
These rods go well with transitional and contemporary decor.
Finials are geometrically shaped or the rods have end caps.
The metal hardware set includes two finials, three to six brackets, and up to four telescoping rods(amounts depend on length of rod set).
Harome Designs drapery rods are beautiful, contemporary wood rods and accessories.
There are different styles including square wood rods, smooth wood poles and fluted wood poles.
These wood rods are available in 4 ft, 6 ft and 8 ft lengths and 1 ½ to 2 inch diameters.
Levolor has a variety of different curtain rods styles for contemporary window treatments.
Levolor also has single metal and wood curtain rods in a variety of finishes.
If you're looking for affordable, stylish ways to dress up the windows in your home, consider using Umbra curtain rods.
Over the next 30+ years, the company grew to include more products for all areas of home design, including rods and tie backs for their drapes and shades, with products being sold in more than 75 companies.
For a company which had its start with window shades, curtain rods are an important part of the Umbra catalogue.
Whether you are looking for bay window curtain rods, wrought iron rods to complete an Old World look or something sleek and contemporary, Umbra has the range of styles that you are looking for.
Because curtains and draperies are often made up of several components, including the rod, drapes, tie backs and finials, Umbra curtain rods also reasonably priced.
Most rods have finials included so there is no need to make an additional purchase, and matching tie backs are available for all styles to help complete a room.
Just as there are numerous styles of interior design, so are their numerous types of curtain rods to choose from at Umbra.
Tension rods are affective for lightweight curtains, or for apartment dwellers who don't wish to drill holes for brackets in the walls.
Tension rods work similarly to shower curtain rods and are available at Umbra in modern and classic styles.
If you have old world style decorating in your home, consider the Orly, Doric or Lyric style rods at Umbra.
Available in rich metal finishes, these rods have decorative finials that are perfect for the old world style home.
Whether you are looking for swing arm rods, tension rods or something more substantial, Umbra has several curtain rods to choose from in contemporary designs.
Classic style curtain rods work in nearly every style of home.
The finials on the rods each have their own matching hold back to complete the look.
In addition to curtain rods of every style, Umbra also carries window panels.
Umbra curtain rods deliver style and durability for an affordable price.
No matter what style of room, size of window or type of window treatment you are considering, Umbra's curtain rods and drapery sets are sure to work.
Consider pulling together a set of panels, rods, hold backs and hooks for the windows of your home and know that affordable style is in reach.
These specialty shower curtain rods work with any standard shower curtain and will fit all standard tubs.
Some curved rods are available in different finishes such as stainless steel, brushed nickle, oil rubbed bronze and polished chrome.
There are also curved rods that are flat instead of round or square.
Shower curtain rods that are curved are also called crescent shower curtain rods.
However, crescent shower curtain rods are much more than just practical because they add a unique, luxurious look to the bathroom.
Many upscale hotels use curved rods in their bathrooms because they had a more dramatic look while making the tub look even larger.
Curved shower curtain rods are easy to find, as they are sold where most regular shower curtains are sold.
One nice thing about curtain rods is that they are often as much about style as they are functionality, and that leaves a lot of room for interpretation.
First and foremost, curtain rods need to suit the curtains you have in mind.
Whether you're planning on installing traverse rods or decorative curtain rods, sizing and functionality both matter.
Many curtain rods are built to slide one into the other, making them expandable.
Inexpensive transverse rods can stick or employ flimsy pulls that break easily.
Have your window dimensions ready and consider buying your curtains and rods at the same time.
For added savings, you can craft your own rods from wooden dowels.
Most department and variety stores that carry curtains will have promotional sales of overstocked curtain rods and other curtain hardware occasionally.
Overstocked specialty rods like magnetic rods, swing arm rods and double rods are sometimes included in these sales.
The links below will help you track of sales involving the rods you have in mind.
Often these types of sales involve selling home hardware and fixtures as well as larger items, and you may find attractive, vintage rods for pennies on the dollar.
Wrought iron curtain rods are a perfect way to add rustic charm to any window treatment.
These decorative, sturdy curtain rods work especially well with heavy drapes.
Iron rods can be round, square or twisted.
Curtain rods made from wrought iron and the hardware accessories that go with them are very ornate and decorative in their design.
Using wrought iron hardware and curtain rods for your window treatments can help you achieve a number of traditional, rustic looks.
Hand sewn, quilted curtains held back with wrought iron tie backs and hanging from iron curtain rods would be a great start for a country primitive style living room.
If you prefer Southwestern style decor, iron curtain rods will complement this decorating style beautifully as well.
Family owned companies that specialize in custom, handmade wrought iron home furnishings are a good source for finding curtain rods and hardware made from this sturdy, durable material.
These online retailers all have their own unique, custom designs for their curtain and drapery rods.
If you're also decorating an adjacent bathroom, shower curtains, curtain hooks, rods, towels and rugs are also available that sport nautical motifs.
Go for a more masculine look with exposed rods and curtain rings on your window treatment, or keep it simple but classy with a crisp, linen Roman shade.
Purchase the matching towel holders and curtain rods to complete the look.
Cake technology (yes, there is such a thing) has come a long way since dowel rods and plastic cake level separators.
The second is more extreme by cutting blocks of cake, stacking them and reinforcing them with rods.
You can also check out Rods, another western wedding specialist.
The majority of tiered cakes are supported and constructed with dowel rods, which hold the multiple levels in place and keep the cake from imploding.
Professional bakers often use dowel rods to construct tiered cakes.
If your baker doesn't have much experience with dowel rods, however, you may want to choose an alternate cake style.
Bring the outside in by using long branches for curtain rods, and placing a bowl of pine cones on the bathroom vanity.
Don't forget rods, rings, and hooks when you're shopping for a new shower curtain.
The lineup of curtain-related products includes window treatments, rods, hardware, Roman shades, and roll-up shades.
Drape the scarves over the rods to create a swag effect.
The posts generally measure at least four feet high (or more, in some cases), and are made of either metal rods or wood.
Sheer curtains can be added underneath these panels for extra privacy to create a layered look by using double curtain rods.
Martha Stewart drapery panels install easily on decorative curtain rods, which can be slipped through the panel's back tabs.
In addition to curtains, the company also has a line of decorative curtain rods that coordinate beautifully with the drapery panels and sheer curtains.
Rods has a large selection of western wear for kids.
Classical guitars, because they are designed to use nylon strings, don't have truss rods in their necks.
How many feet of hanging rods and shelves are needed?
Simply attach the center rod to the transformer and the support rods to wherever there is a ceiling stud to support them.
The technique of hand forming glass beads is known as lamp or flame working and rods of glass are heated in the flame of a torch until molten and then formed into shapes.
Millefiore images are created by layering glass rods to form a mosaic image of flowers as well as geometric shapes that are then heated and stretched in much the same way as hard candy is made.
They conveniently hang on closet rods, hooks on the wall, and door handles or knobs.
Artisans cut patterned glass rods called Murrina into various sizes and combine them into flower patterns and fuse the glass together.
Using local anesthesia, a doctor places three polyester rods into the soft palate.
These rods harden the palate tissue, causing it to bind with the implants.
The rods are approximately 18mm in length and 2mm in diameter.
In Rush, you play an awesome street racer named Trikz who has amassed a swanky mansion, tons of street rods (called Whips), and super-hot pixel babes.
The rod is the same as the other Wii rods available, but with the different reel, you won't be hampered down by the strange feel of the Nunchuk.
Winning tournaments also gives you the chance to win boats, new rods and reels and additional tackle.
Surgical treatment of scoliosis involves straightening the spine with metal rods and fusing the vertebrae in the straightened position.
These organisms include non-hemolytic and alpha-hemolytic streptococci, some Neisseria species, staphylococci, diphtheria and hemophilus organisms, pneumococci, yeasts, and Gram-negative rods.
A metal rod or bone graft is used to replace the area of bone removed, and subsequent surgery may be needed to repair or replace rods that become loose or break.
Devices include plates, nails, screws, and rods.
Retina-The inner, light-sensitive layer of the eye containing rods and cones.
To maintain the proper spinal posture before fusion occurs, metal rods are inserted alongside the spine and are attached to the vertebrae by hooks, screws, or wires.
The metal rods are no longer needed once fusion is complete but are rarely removed unless their presence leads to complications.
Splints, casts, braces, and rods are all used.
Steel rods are inserted at the time of operation to keep the spine rigid while the bones grow together.
By varying between slamming the bamboo into the ground and clapping the rods together, the beaters produce both a rhythm for the dancers as well as a kind of challenge to the dancers.
The intricate dance steps are actually physically matched with the rhythm so that the dancers are stepping in between the rods when they are on the floor, then nimbly stepping out to either side when the bamboo sticks are clapped together.
Although the kinky synthetic hair cannot be hot curled, the ends of the hair can be set on curling rods and dipped in hot water for curly ends.
Some women curl the hair about half-way up on perm rods and dip the ends into hot water.
Remove the rods when the hair is completely dry.
These products are called texturizers, and they differ from the curly perms of the 1980s in that men do not have to roll their hair on curl rods during the perm process.
A speculum is inserted to open the vagina, a local anesthetic is administered to the cervix, and the cervix is dilated by cone-shaped rods.
Hanging closet organizers for handbags are typically hung on the same rods that you hang your clothing on with hangers.
Covered hanging organizers come in clear plastic or vinyl and hang on existing closet rods as well.
Its most well-known application is using a pair of dowsing rods (metal rods) to find water.
These are thin rods that are either straight or curve a little with little balls on the ends.
These beads are formed by a bead worker using a blow torch and different colored glass rods.
Use short dowel rods to make them stand.
It basically involves a torch, a metal wire (often called a madrel rod) and glass rods of different colors.
For the next 350 years or so, women tortured themselves with corsets made from whalebones and steel rods.
The arrangement of the numbers on the rods will be evident from fig.
Of course two sets of rods may be used, and by their means we may multiply every number less than 111,111,111 and so on.
In the retina the cones prevail in numbers over the rods, as in the mammals, and their tips contain, as in other Sauropsida, coloured drops of oil, mostly red or yellow.
There were no coupling rods.
The frame is crossed by four metal horizontal rods passing through holes large enough to allow them to rattle when the sistrum is shaken, the rods being prevented from slipping out altogether by little metal stops in the shape of a leaf; sometimes metal rings are threaded over the rods to increase the jingling.
These consist of fine rods suspended between two points of the cuticle, and connected with nerve-fibres; they are known as chordotonal organs.
The fishing tools are generally attached to the cable, and are used with portions of the ordinary string of tools, but some are fitted to pump-rods or tubing, and others to special rods.
The principle of this system consists essentially in the use of rotating hollow drilling rods or casing, to which is attached the drilling-bit and through which a continuous stream of water, under a pressure of 40 to loo lb.
The system usually adopted is a modification of the Canadian system already described, the boring rods being, however, of iron instead of wood, but the cable system has also to some extent been used.
This aggressive character has a different aspect in several genera which are destitute of a central stylet, but in which the surface that is turned outwards upon eversion of the proboscis is largely pro- P. vided with nematocysts, sending the urticating rods of different sizes in all directions.
The more highly organized species have often very numerous eyes (Amphiporus, Drepanophorus), which are provided with a spherical refracting anterior portion, with a cellular " vitreous body," with a layer of delicate radially arranged rods, with an outer sheath of dark pigment, and with a separate nerve-twig each, springing from a common or double pair of branches which leave the brain as n.
An iron bar shaped like an inverted L projects upwards from each of the yokes, the horizontal portions of the bars being parallel to the rods, and nearly meeting at a height of about 8 in.
But a balance may still be obtained by altering the effective number of turns in the test coil, and thus increasing or decreasing the magnetizing force acting on the test rod, till the induction in the two rods is the same, a condition which is fulfilled when reversal of the current has no effect on the compass needle.
Let m be the number of turns in use, and H 1 and H2 the magnetizing forces which produce the same induction B in the test and the standard rods respectively; then H1=H2Xm/Ioo.
Experiments were afterwards made with rods of iron, nickel, and cobalt, the external field being carried up to the high value of 1500 units.
Honda, measured the changes of length of various metals shaped in the form of ovoids instead of cylindrical rods, and determined the magnetization curves for the same specimens; a higher degree of accuracy was thus attained, and satisfactory data were provided for testing theories.
Coulomb, 2 however, by using long and thin steel rods, symmetrically magnetized, and so arranged that disturbing influences became negligibly small, was enabled to deduce from his experiments with reasonable certainty the law that the force of attraction or repulsion between two poles varies inversely as the square of the distance between them.
No sooner had he wholly recovered than he hastened to, confront the emperor, reproaching him with his impiety; Diocletian ordered him to be instantly carried off and beaten to death with rods.
The rods are caused to oscillate slowly by an engine, one rising while the other is falling.
As the rods make their measured strokes one of the miners, starting from the surface, steps on the first platform as it rises to the surface landing and is then lowered on the down stroke.
The glasses to which the Venetians gave the name " mille fiori " were formed by arranging side by side sections of glass cane, the canes themselves being built up of differently coloured rods of glass, and binding them together by heat.
The following table gives the electric conductivities of a number of metals as determined by Matthiesen, and the relative internal thermal conductivities of (nominally) the same metals as determined by Wiedemann and Franz, with rods about 5 mm.
The principle of this mode of pruning is to train in at considerable length, according to their strength, shoots of the last year's growth for producing shoots to bear fruit in the present; these rods are afterwards cut away and replaced by young shoots trained up during the preceding summer; and these are in their turn cut out in the following autumn after bearing, and replaced by shoots of that summer's growth.
These cut plants may be laid in rows on the ground to wilt, or spitted on long rods or laths supported on trestles, or placed on special drying racks.
In some parts of England the trees are thrashed with rods or poles to obtain the nuts, but this is not a commendable mode of collecting them.
This rod was connected with the negative pole of the generator, and was suspended from one arm of a balance-beam, while from the other end of the beam was suspended a vertical hollow iron cylinder, which could be moved into or out of a wire coil or solenoid joined as a shunt across the two carbon rods of the furnace.
The method which Napier terms "Rabdologia" consists in the use of certain numerating rods for the performance of multiplications and divisions.
These rods, which were commonly called "Napier's bones," will be described further on.
In 1623 Ursinus published Rhabdologia Neperiana at Berlin, and the rods or bones were described in several other works.
With respect to the calculating rods, he mentions in the dedication that they had already found so much favour as to be almost in common use, and even to have been carried to foreign countries; and that he has been advised to publish his little work relating to their mechanism and use, lest they should be put forth in some one else's name.
A and A' carry two light vertical rods S, M, the one as much in front of the other as there is space between two successive holes in the perforated ribbon.