Rodent Sentence Examples
C. paca is a white-spotted rodent, about 2 ft.
A destructive rodent, is found in great numbers in Russia and Germany.
Goeldi states that the paca-rana is a rodent of phlegmatic and gentle disposition,.
It is a large rodent known to the Tupi Indians as the paca-rana, or false paca, in allusion to the resemblance of its coloration to that of the true paca, from which it differs by its elldeveloped tail, the absence of cheek-pouches, the full development of all five toes and the wider thorax.
The Caviidae, in the present more comprehensive sense, include the giants of the rodent order.
Osbcrn, "American Eocene Primates, and the Supposed Rodent Family Mixodectidae," Bull.
This rodent is one of the commonest of British mammals, and frequents fields, woods and gardens in numbers, often doing considerable damage owing to its fondness for garden produce.
So, you've decided on what kind of rodent you would like to have as a pet.
Is a small rodent found in the south of Russia and also in parts of America.
Rat-bite fever occurs most often among laboratory workers who handle lab rats in their jobs, and among people who live in poor conditions, with rodent infestation.
AdvertisementUnlike dogs, cats were not domesticated until about 3000 B.C., and were important to ancient civilizations as rodent catchers and household companions rather than as protectors or hunters of wild game.
Believing the marauder to be a large rodent, the pair put out rat poison, and they were quite surprised at the carcass they found.
A family in Blanco, Texas poisoned what originally was thought to be a rodent that was making a mess in the family's barn.
Cynthia rushed into the room, the notebook still in hand, and with Martha, hovered over the pending demise of the trembling rodent.
Many of the chemical selected for this trial are rodent carcinogens that are not human carcinogens.
AdvertisementRecent research work here has been undertaken on the auditory cortex and the rodent barrel cortex.
There's a small hole next to the rodent's foot hieroglyph.
The researchers are also looking at about 30 other rodent malaria genes that also seem to be particularly important during infection.
A solution to the immunogenicity of rodent monoclonal antibodies in human therapy would be to derive human antibodies directly from humans.
A poisoned rodent may well die in your building, under floorboards or in a wall cavity.
AdvertisementAntec's IPM Program also includes ZP rodent Control Pellets, an acute rodenticide which will kill any resistant rodent.
Cats and dogs can become infected this way, or if they eat an infected rodent.
Fleas become infected by feeding on the blood of an infected rodent.
Antec's IPM Program also includes ZP Rodent Control Pellets, an acute rodenticide which will kill any resistant rodent.
The problem would be finding a suitably skilled rodent sensei to train it.
AdvertisementFor example, would someone with a rodent ulcer, which can be treated successfully, be deemed to be disabled?
Rats and mice, especially the guayabita (Mus musculus), an extremely destructive rodent, are very abundant.
The fur (q.v.) of this rodent was prized by the ancient Peruvians, who made coverlets and other articles with the skin, and at the present day the skins are exported in large numbers to Europe, where they are made into muffs, tippets and trimmings.
The porcupine and a large Octodont rodent (Ctenodactylus), the jerboa (two species), the hare, and various other rodents are met with in Tunisia.
Of animals still found may be mentioned baboons and monkeys, the leopard, red lynx (Felis caracal), spotted hyena, aard wolf, wild cat, long-eared fox, jackals of various kinds, the dassie or rock rabbit, the scaly anteater, the ant bear (aardvaark), the mongoose and the spring haas, a rodent of the jerboa family.
Bears, wolves, foxes, goats (kokmet), wild sheep (arkharis), lizards, earth-rats, and a small rodent (teshikan), with ravens, eagles, wild ducks and wild geese are the other varieties principally encountered.
With regard to the latter point, it is, however, considered probable that both are branches of a common stock, which diverged from each other before all the typical rodent characters were acquired.
Is a rodent andisfound inconsiderable numbers in the south of Prussia.
A very prolific rodent of the amphibious class obtained from Canada and the United States, similar in habit to the English vole, with a fairly thick and even brown underwool and rather strong top dark hair of medium density.
Is a rodent known in natural history as the coypu, about half the size of a beaver, and when unhaired has not more than half, generally less, the depth of fur, which is also not so close.
Its large size, aquatic habits, partially webbed hind-toes, and the smooth, broad, orange-coloured incisors, are sufficient to distinguish this rodent from the other members of the family Capromyidae.
This rodent, Muscardinus avellanarius, is the sole representative of its genus, but belongs to a family - the Gliridae, or Myoxidae - containing a small number of Old World species.
For several years the adult rodent brain has been known to contain neural stem cells.
Check for signs of water penetration, and rodent damage to the exposed wiring.
Similarly imbricated epidermic productions form the covering of the undersurface of the tail of the African flying rodents of the family Anomaluridae; and flat scutes, with the edges in apposition, and not overlaid, clothe both surfaces of the tail of the beaver, rats and certain other members of the rodent order, and also of some insectivora and marsupials.
Antec 's IPM Program also includes ZP Rodent Control Pellets, an acute rodenticide which will kill any resistant rodent.
Further, the rodent infestation can only be exacerbated by any increase in the captive bird population.
It is not necessarily an indicator of poor hygiene, although they may be mistaken for rodent droppings.
Methods marked with a * have access to short-term in vivo rodent tests that were unavailable to other methods.
And is a pet rodent even right for you in the first place?
Hamsters are probably the most common small animals that people think of when considering a rodent as a pet.
When buying a pet rodent, it is important to note the level of handling that the animal has experienced at the pet store or breeder.
Use shredded paper for litter box filling or rodent pet cages.
If the seeds are missing, however, you may have a bird or rodent problem.
The disease is usually transmitted to humans by the bites of infected rodent fleas.
Areas most likely to be infested with ticks include moist and shady areas, wooded and brushy areas, overgrown grassy areas, and areas with a high rodent and deer population.
Add to that, the fact that most of the creatures are very dog-like in appearance, (or in one case, rodent-like) and there is a good chance that what is really in the pictures is either a mangy coyote or large rodent.
The comparatively few indigenous placental mammals, besides the dingo or wild dog - which, however, may have come from the islands north of this continent - are of the bat tribe and of the rodent or rat tribe.
On the other hand, the American forms, which have one pair of large chisel-like incisors in the lower jaw, also possess a lower canine, and show no marked gap in front of the cheek-teeth, nor any indication of the characteristic rodent backwards movement of the lower jaw.
It may be added that a few traces of mammals have been obtained from the English Wealden, among which an incisor tooth foreshadows the rodent type.
This rodent, Coelogenys (or Agouti) paca, together with one or two other tropical American species, represents a genus near akin to the agoutis and included in the family Caviidae.
There are deer, called taruco (Cervus antisensis); the viscacha, a large rodent; a species of fox called atoc; and the puma (Felts concolor) and ucumari or black bear with a white muzzle, when driven by hunger, wander into the loftier regions.