Robinson-crusoe Sentence Examples
For a long time Robinson Crusoe was all alone.
Campe's German Robinson Crusoe (1816) and his Discovery of America were translated by Draghici (1835).
There is hardly in Robinson Crusoe a scene equal, and there is consequently not in English literature a scene superior, to that where the youthful pickpocket first exercises his trade, and then for a time loses his ill-gotten gains.
At a later period he was unjustly described as "a scurrilous party writer," which he certainly was not; but, on the other hand, Johnson spoke of his writing "so variously and so well," and put Robinson Crusoe among the only three books that readers wish longer.
Every boy has heard of Robinson Crusoe.
If we turn to separate works, the bibliography of Defoe is practically confined (except as far as original editions are concerned) to Robinson Crusoe.
A facsimile reprint (1883) of Robinson Crusoe has an introduction by Mr Austin Dobson.
On this occasion Straddling quarrelled with Alexander Selkirk, who, at his own request, became the island's most famous colonist, for his adventures are commonly believed to have inspired Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe.
All the sailors were drowned but Robinson Crusoe.