Road-test Sentence Examples
For the rest of the road test I kept the car in semi-auto mode, changing gear with the steering column-mounted paddles.
The book contains heavily-detailed appendices, details on drivers and championships, and a wealth of road test material from the best accredited sources.
The Internet offers some websites with a wide range of road test reviews for all manufacturer makes and models.
They even offer a video on how they road test the vehicles.
Along with videos for newer models, they have road test articles from prior year models.
Edmunds Inside Line - Edmunds is known for providing information directed toward the car buying public, including road test videos. - It takes a little exploring to find the road test videos on
Once you find a vehicle you are interested in, you must select it and scroll down to the bottom of the page to see if they offer a road test video.
This site offers road test videos on the most popular models.
Watching an automobile road test video on the Internet should not be the end of your decision to purchase a new vehicle.
AdvertisementSchedule the Test Drive - You'll have a greater advantage if you make an appointment to road test a vehicle.
Ask the salesperson to demonstrate storage features after the road test.
Every vehicle shopper should consider not only automobile road test videos but also in- person test drives.