Road Sentence Examples
Didn't the police set up road blocks?
At the edge of the road stood an oak.
The saturated road no longer absorbed the water, which ran along the ruts in streams.
A short walk up the road uncovered another mailbox.
We breakfasted and were on the road by the agreed time.
They started down the road toward a ranch house.
I have my horizon bounded by woods all to myself; a distant view of the railroad where it touches the pond on the one hand, and of the fence which skirts the woodland road on the other.
His face was a road map of emotion, traveling from puzzled, to comprehensive and then on to frustration.
Soon they came into the main road where a number of the king's men were waiting.
The mother dragon probably knows the road to the earth's surface, and if she went the other way then we have come the wrong way, said the Wizard, thoughtfully.
AdvertisementKutuzov himself with all his transport took the road to Znaim.
The southern spring, the comfortable rapid traveling in a Vienna carriage, and the solitude of the road, all had a gladdening effect on Pierre.
They were several miles down the road before either of them spoke.
I was so busy following the road map I made so many years ago that I didn't notice it was outdated.
He had not gone farther than to the end of the innkeeper's field, when to his surprise he found that the road forked.
AdvertisementOften in a snow-storm, even by day, one will come out upon a well-known road and yet find it impossible to tell which way leads to the village.
There was no street sign, but according to the map, it had to be the correct road.
Maybe Sarah or Giddon would take her to the little country store where the dirt road joined the highway.
Trees arched over the road, forming a canopy of leaves.
He swung the car off on a side road and turned around, heading back toward the cabin.
AdvertisementTowards evening he told his men to ride home by the main road while he went by another way that was somewhat longer.
I one evening overtook one of my townsmen, who has accumulated what is called "a handsome property"--though I never got a fair view of it--on the Walden road, driving a pair of cattle to market, who inquired of me how I could bring my mind to give up so many of the comforts of life.
Maneuvering the car around skillfully, he started back up the road.
The day she met him he had been riding on the road.
Sure, unless he forces you off the road!
AdvertisementThey wasted no time getting on the road and Brandon was driving fast.
Jane, our GPS, as Betsy named her, didn't let us down and we found our friend's cabin at the end of a dusty road, hungry for dinner after a six hour drive.
I obediently pulled to the side of the road.
At one point the road became one lane and curved around the face of a cliff.
A real estate sign advertising a house for sale peeped out from tall grass beside the road.
I'm doing some work at a broiler farm down the road a piece.
The broad Oxford road forms its picturesque main street.
Some road motor services have been instituted.
From Tibula another road ran inland to join the road from Carales to Olbia some 16 m.
Carales was also connected with Olbia by a road along the east coast.
A grassy road between banks io to 12 ft.
A Roman road may have run past the site; coins, &c., have been found, and the district at any rate was inhabited in Roman times.
He gave undue attention to the road.
Bordeaux kept his eyes on the road.
I placed flowers on her road side resting place.
It was midafternoon before we got Howie on the road, first to Boston and then a flight west.
Peeling out, she floored it and tore down the road.
She struggled for control, focusing on the road.
She must have hiked down the back way and met up with him down at the bend in the road, below where our Jeep is parked.
The road darkened as he entered the trees and he turned on his headlamps, trying to avoid the rocks and boulders that littered the roadway.
He listened attentively to her requests – something easy to see on the road, lots of room inside, easy to drive and with good gas mileage.
He kept his eyes on the road, his expression unreadable.
He hopped into the car, directing her to the small Cafe a few miles down the road.
The road gradually narrowed and climbed through hills choked with brush and huge oak trees.
Megan watched as the car backed down the drive and then started down the road.
It was purely coincidental that he was on the same flight out of Los Angeles, and that he happened to work down the road from the house she rented.
Keaton pulled the car off the road into a grassy parking area beside the creek and shut off the engine.
Surely he hadn't planned to spend four hours on the road.
She watched his car disappear down the road and shook her head.
Her adrenaline soared at the thought of taking the vehicle out on Highway 1, the road that hugged the coast.
The car gripped the road so well, she couldn't imagine how fast that was!
There almost seems to be more to you, she considered, focus on the road.
She focused again on the road, sensing he was waiting for her reaction.
The cottage was dark, but she saw the lights of another house on down a long stretch of road that hugged a massive hill.
Jessi struggled to keep from running across the road and grabbing her cousin.
The first advance came about 74, when what is now Baden was invaded and in part annexed and a road carried from the Roman base on the upper Rhine, Strassburg, to the Danube just above Ulm.
A branch from this road ran to Olbia (followed closely by the modern highroad and railway also), and was perhaps the main line of communication, though the itineraries state that the road from Carales to Olbia ran through the centre of the island by Biora, Valentia, Sorabile (near Fonni) and Caput Thyrsi.
Many milestones belonging to the road from Carales to Olbia have been found, but all but one of them (which was seen at Valentia) belong to the portion of the road within 12 m.
Turris Libisonis was also connected with Othoca by a road along the west coast, passing through Tharros, Cornus and Bosa; this road went on to Tibula 2 (Capo della Testa) at the north extremity of the island and so by the coast to Olbia.
The south-west corner of the island was served by a direct road from Carales westward through Decimomannu (note the name Decimo, a survival, no doubt, of a Roman post-station ad decimum lapidem), where there is a fine Roman bridge over 100 yds.
There is also a road through Nora and along the coast past Sulci to Metalla and Neapolis, and thence to Othoca.
In 1443 the allied armies of the Hungarians under Hunyady and the Servians under George Brankovich, retook it from the Turks, but in 1456 it again came under Turkish dominion, and remained for more than 300 years the most important Turkish military station on the road between Hungary and Constantinople.
The remains of the road in this first portion are particularly striking.
The modern highroad follows the ancient line, and remains of the 1 It is important to note how the Romans followed up every victory with a road.
The original road, too, adopted in imperial times a more devious but easier route by Aeclanum instead of by Trevicum.
Under Diocletian and Maximian a road (the Via Herculia) was constructed from Aequum Tuticum to Pons Aufidi near Venusia, where it crossed the Via Appia and went on into Lucania, passing through Potentia and Grumentum, and joining the Via Popilia near Nerulum.
The chief bridge, which carries the high road from Edinburgh to Berwick, was built by John Rennie in 1807.
The plan of Shakespeare's Stratford at least is preserved, for the road crossing Clopton's bridge is an ancient highway, and forks in the midst of the town into three great branches, about which the village grew up. The high cross no longer stands at the marketplace where these roads converged.
The Portuguese, following the lead of Prince Henry, continued to look for the road to India by the Cape of Good Hope.
Wellington fell back before him down the left bank, ordering up Rowland Hill's force from the Badajoz road, the peasantry having been previously called upon to destroy their crops and retire within the lines of Torres Vedras.
A little north of Coimbra, the road which Massena followed crossed the Sierra de Bussaco (Busaco), a very strong position where Wellington resolved to offer him battle.
The key to the remaining operations of t811 lies in the importance attached by both Allies and French to the possession of the fortresses which guarded the two great roads from Portugal into Spain - Almeida and Ciudad Rodrigo on the northern, and Badajoz and Elvas on the southern road; all these except Elvas were in French hands.
But Marmont's manoeuvring and marching power had been underestimated, and on the 21st of July while Wellington's position covered Salamanca, and but indirectly his line of communications through Ciudad Rodrigo, Marmont had reached a point from which he hoped to interpose between Wellington and Portugal, on the Ciudad Rodrigo road.
In it Battle of King Joseph met with a crushing defeat, and, after Vitoria, it, the wreck of his army, cut off from the Vitoria- June 21, Bayonne road, escaped towards Pampeluna.
Wellington's left, under Hope, watched Bayonne, while Beresford, with Hill, observed the Adour and the Joyeuse, the right trending back till it reached Urcuray on the St Jean Pied de Port road.
The site is naturally very strong, the town standing on an isolated hill, commanding the western road to Jerusalem just where it begins to enter the mountains of Judea.
The transfer of the judicial process, and of the financial and administrative sides of the government as well, into private possession, was not, however, accomplished entirely by the road of the immunity.
Meeting Bagration's weak detachment on the Znaim road he supposed it to be Kutuzov's whole army.
Several wounded men passed along the road, and words of abuse, screams, and groans mingled in a general hubbub, then the firing died down.
Meeting a comrade at the last post station but one before Moscow, Denisov had drunk three bottles of wine with him and, despite the jolting ruts across the snow-covered road, did not once wake up on the way to Moscow, but lay at the bottom of the sleigh beside Rostov, who grew more and more impatient the nearer they got to Moscow.
Balashev did not do so at once, but continued to advance along the road at a walking pace.
Wildlife hid behind that wall of green, but it was too late in the day for them to be hopping out on the road.
She desperately fought the steering wheel for control, but the car weaved all over the road.
The car made one more circle in the road and then lunged at the cliff.
By now she was so turned around that she couldn't have found her way to the ATV, much less the road.
He leaned over to unlatch the gate and then rode through, heading down the drive toward the road.
She pulled the car back on the road and continued toward the Giddon place.
Adrienne screamed again, and then the little car ahead of them was pulling off the road.
There were corn fields on both sides of a dirt road and I was at a crossing.
I'm on the road with West Virginia behind me, taking a brief rest from my hobby.
Say your prayers angels, here comes the boogie man down the road!
If what I'm seeing isn't some kind of joke, I'm at the end of the yellow brick road.
Instead, I pulled to the side of the country road like any good citizen.
The LeBlanc's located on Greenbriar Road in one of Keene's well established neighborhoods.
Howie surprised us all by buying a fairly large home north west of town on the Old Walpole Road.
When he saw pretty Jennie Lohr on the road, he couldn't resist.
There's less time between his killings and he seems to have used his new found knowledge down the road in Arkansas.
That's how long my little prize remained with me until my darling succumbed to the trials and tribulations of life on the road, with me.
I'll pay a visit the beautiful mother on Greenbriar Road.
The next bridge was on Carlton Road and originally dated back to 1789.
I parked by the horse shoe pits and ambled down the road, as if out for a woodland stroll.
I've pulled off to the side of the road to prepare for visitors.
There was a fender bender in the town square that delayed me but I wasted little time racing up the Surry road.
The scent of the ocean was on the air, and the area in front of them was guarded by tourist police while tourists camped out in small tents up and down the road.
Sofia pulled over to the side of the road to await the text and load the address into the car's GPS.
She started toward the road, away from the field of death.
I played in a heavy metal band, I did some off-off-off Broadway gigs, and lots of road company stuff.
The good life on the road cleared me up.
The words just lay there like road kill on a summer highway.
I always hit a different church when I'm on the road.
He'd traveled that road before, more than once.
The couple was hoping to get on the road ahead of one or more of the feuding Dawkinses, who might be moseying to the same destination.
A hundred yards ahead of them the infrequently used Jeep road became impassable in a washed-out jumble of stone.
Then, glancing at the obstructed road before them, she added nervously, "Do you think we're on the right track?"
More than enough, but once we reach the main Jeep road we're sure to see someone.
Lydia lived in a newly constructed condo on Oak Street as it drifted out of the main body of town and became the back road to neighboring Ridgway, ten miles away.
The road ran parallel to the highway, with the Uncompahgre River separating the unpaved road from the main thoroughfare to the east.
The fact that Mrs. Worthington's sister was playing tourist on the road for at least the next two weeks made prospects bleak for catching up with Martha's bones, at least in the near future.
They drove south from town and in less than a quarter mile, turned right onto what was locally known as the Camp Bird Mine Road.
The road paralleled the river to their right and far below, which was most often hidden by the pine trees that blanketed the slope.
When they approached the area known as The Drinking Cup, the road narrowed and barely clung to the rock wall, a breath-gulping overhang hundreds of feet above the river.
Unlike most first-time riders of this spectacular road, she didn't shudder; instead she leaned far over for a better view, rattling a litany of praises.
The road continued to climb at a seemingly impossible grade, more rugged now with jagged rocks littering the uneven way.
From this higher level, Dean could see a patch of the road a thousand feet below him.
Once Dean turned from the highway; however, he had the road to himself.
He'd reached to the main Jeep road from the faint trail to the Lucky Pup when a sound broke the stillness of dusk.
As Dean rounded a curve, he caught sight of the tail end of a white vehicle speeding down the cliff-hanging road on the far side of the deep valley—a sheriff's white Blazer was his first impression.
It wasn't a road designed for a high speed, for any reason.
The steep and narrow road was far too dangerous for anything but slow caution.
Thoughts raced through his mind of another crash, when Bird Song's very first guest had met a similar fate—but on a traveled highway, not a remote Jeep road deep in the San Juans.
He hurried the Jeep as fast as he dared on the gravel-slippery road where even a crawl seemed excessive.
The road remained in the trees and it seemed like hours before he was once again in the open and able to see the valley before him.
She'd not spoken a word since they'd left the road.
He wasn't sure if she had seen it, too, or she was afraid he was returning to the road without her.
They asked if he was injured and assured him they'd hoist him up to the road.
He stumbled the last few steps onto the road and into a glare of lights and buzz of activity.
Dean was seated on the step of a rescue vehicle when Lydia was pulled up to the road.
Did he run the kid off the road?
She looked once more at Dean, turned, and began hobbling down the road to her car.
I was out on the highway, and earlier, up the road to Engineer Pass.
A woman at the last house up the road heard the crash.
He planted vodka in his Jeep and then ran him off the road!
Finally, he doubled back and spent the return trip simply enjoying the country road.
The open road, absent all responsibilities, looked inviting—if the rules allowed him to take Cynthia along in the cart.
Both had driven up the Dexter Creek Road and knew the location.
The road was rough but not limited to four-wheel drive vehicles like the mountain Jeep roads to the south.
The Dexter Creek Road departed from the highway a few miles north of town and climbed sharply up the eastern escarpment of the valley.
The gravel road led past a small subdivision, then a few individual houses and small but beautiful Lake Lenoir, before climbing into the open and leading to a beautiful panorama of the Uncompahgre Valley and the snow-capped mountains to the west.
Once past the open vista, the road deteriorated, dropping into the forest on federal land.
Soon the road opened to the beautiful meadow of Thistle Farm.
I can't prove why you caused Billy Langstrom's death but I know you chased him off the road and I think I know why.
Sheriff Fitzgerald hardly gave Dean enough time to exit his vehicle before tearing off up the street in the direction of the mountain road.
It was dark as he peddled, headlamp on, down the side streets of the now-quiet town and out the back road the short distance to Lydia's place.
She turned to the right, up the unpaved Camp Bird Mine Road.
She crossed her heart as she pulled to the side of the narrow road to let a Jeep pass.
Nearing the old house, she spotted an unfamiliar truck parked beside the road.
Did you see that blue truck parked beside the road?
Maybe they were hunting up the road.
I saw a blue truck up the road and I thought – maybe a hunter.
I'm going to go back down the road and look.
After explaining the situation and giving her address, she turned down the road toward the nearest public area – a service station 2 miles away.
Ignoring the urge to go see if Lori was at the house, she continued down the road.
When she looked at him, he kept his eyes on the road.
This time, he was on a dirt road near a tiny village.
Dressed in a sundress and sandals, Deidre left the bungalow on the beach and walked down the long driveway to the small road.
She ran up the gravel road leading to the wooden door in the fortress.
She started across the street and down the road.
She forced herself to breathe deeply and continued towards the distant road.
Reaching the road, she caught sight of something that made her blood run cold again.
Daniela's dark form called from the road.
The high road was his curse.
It's likely not too far down the road.
He broke into a run when he reached the country road leading away from the compound.
She found a narrow, rocky road and hopped from rock to road, surprised to see an older man leading a donkey pulling a cart ahead of her.
Just a road leading to the small parking area and a closed ticket booth for the ferry.
The grass, the road, the steps…all were littered with bodies and soaked in blood.
Three forms with glowing tattoos were moving slowly toward the road, stopping to sift through the dead bodies.
They emerged from the shadow world and stood on a narrow, winding road.
The road leading to the castle was modern blacktop.
Kiki didn't knock the door down as he could, instead beating loudly enough for the sound to drift down the road.
A stone cottage up the road was the only sign of inhabitation, and a herd of sheep raised their heads as he neared.
I ask that, in the meantime, you refrain from attacking any Immortal traveling the road to the castle.
She took the high road and ignored him.
The attackers were down the road.
The stone cliffs that walled the road on the opposite side wept icicles from every crevice, covering the surface in massive clusters of crystal spikes that sparkled in the dazzling sunlight.
The highway department would periodically close the road and, using explosive devices, create slides in a controlled condition, lessening the chance for a surprising and perhaps deadly run loosed by nature on the unsuspecting below.
Eight miles from Ouray, but still four miles from the summit of Red Mountain Pass, the road leveled out.
Dean drove with even more caution now that the melted road sections were beginning to freeze anew, downshifting, allowing the reduced gear to slow the vehicle.
As they passed the plowed pullout for the cutoff to Engineer pass, they were reminded of the past June and their mountain-camping honeymoon, up this road and into Poughkeepsie Gulch.
Now the jeep road was closed, as it had been since early fall and would remain so until June, locked in its privacy by several feet of accumulated snow.
Two cars were parked off the edge of the road and as they passed, Cynthia looked back with a start.
The next opportunity proved to be the same jeep road cut off where they'd first seen Edith speaking with the man in the second car, which was now nowhere in sight.
The pair drove down Seventh Street, crossed over the Uncompahgre River and followed the dirt road to the small cluster of mobile homes.
Usually there were few cars at the site but now, with the early festival climbers in town, the parking lot at the curve of the county road was filled.
As the group trudged up a small rise in the road, the awesome creations of the ice park came into view.
She turned away, looking straight ahead, back down the road.
Piano George said they lost two fine black horses that slipped on the ice of the Sneffles road and I could hear the men talking loudly about it.
I walked by prior arrangement to the Portland Road where he met me.
The horse's breath made puffs of steam as she trotted along the road to the cadence of tinkling bells.
Dean continued to make sandwiches the pair would eat on the road.
Edith claims she never got further than the road next to the bridge.
He began walking down the road before Fitzgerald could protest further.
He and Fred walked down the road, unfortunately meeting a half-dozen friends from town en route.
Most of us have to get on the road.
We went down that road earlier.
However, unlike the highway, the snow here had not yet melted and Dean was forced to return to the main road at the first opportunity to cross back over the river.
As he peddled the road to Ouray, he tried to formulate a scenario of Shipton's ice park fall that made sense.
Janet and Ouray were but a stop on the bumpy road to nowhere.
We'll find an open road for you.
I take it we're going on a road trip to… where?
They had a tough road ahead, yet after talking with Jackson and seeing them together, she felt hopeful they would overcome the many obstacles they would encounter.
Josh is all the help we need, and he's right down the road.
Well, lets get this thing on the road.
Maybe you'd like me to hike out to the highway and scrape up some road kill for supper.
She watched his tail lights disappear down the road and wondered if she would ever see him again.
I'm right down the road.
Maybe that was because Josh was only a mile down the road.
The sadness she felt as his truck disappeared down the road was borne of fear.
Before Alex came on the scene, marriage was only a yes down the road.
The truck isn't in the middle of the road.
I take him for a ride up the road every day, though.
She walked up to the road while he waited in the truck.
Behind her, Josh roared his engine as he turn the truck around, and slung gravel on the road as he took off.
She hugged herself and treaded to the side of the main road down a small hill to the barracks housing the feds.
The road edged a thatch of forest past the water treatment plant and the power plant, and circled the central command hub in which she worked before leading to the main entrance of the compound.
She turned away, crossed the road, and skirted the darkened helipad resting at the edge of a cliff overlooking an extensive valley.
The dilapidated, abandoned facility fiercely defended by the soldiers in Western uniforms was not worth their efforts when compared to the buildings in much better shape down the road.
Nothing for miles in working condition, except the fed buildings down the road.
It moved silently and quickly down the winding road through the forest.
Brady placed her on it and gripped the handle, walking towards the road.
She said nothing more, and they strode up the winding road to the medical facilities.
With one last look at the river, she turned away and climbed the bank clumsily before heading towards the road leading from the bridge to her home.
While her step was anything but sure, Lana forced herself onto the road and walked.
She moved off the road into the ditch.
The road was ripped open, as if by a massive bomb.
She continued walking down the middle of the road.
She'd meet the same fate as those on the road to the bridge.
Still, Lana wasn't convinced she wanted to discover what lay behind the door after the travesty along the road.
She started towards the forest hedging the road adjacent to the condo community.
The emerops facility was across a field and a road then down a few blocks in the ghost town that was the city of Randolph on the eastern shores of the Mississippi.
A military transport rolled from the main road leading out of the forest a few hundred meters away towards the town.
We planted crops in the field you walked across and a few others down the road.
The eerie hulls of burnt-out cars up the road had been creepy even to Brady.
You're certain not the road?
As soon as I was buckled, Mrs. Armstrong took off down the road.
She turned back to the road.
The man muttered a "No, thanks," released his support and continued on his way to the beach across the road.
Motel personnel conducted a search and a motel employee later found the Parkside man's clothing and room key on the public beach across the road.
The Byrne address was on the east side of town, but as Dean had time to kill, he decided to drive west to what the locals called the beltway, a loop road around the city.
He grabbed an order of French fries and a burger at the drive-in of a national chain, eating on the road, licking the salt from his fingers as he searched among the glass and steel structures for the address he had jotted down earlier.
Before leaving, Hunter showed Dean the beach across the road where it was presumed Jeffrey Byrne took his last steps on land.
Why don't you guys run down the road and get another cup of coffee?
The final leg of the journey was a long dirt road that climbed first through a grove of fir followed by an unbroken forest of hardwood just beginning to bud.
Three men, at three separate tables, evidently on the road for business, were all dining alone.
There in the blur of a passing auto and mirrored in descending waves of rain was the huddled figure of Cynthia Byrne stumbling across the parking lot toward the road and the beach beyond.
He made two or three false starts before he located the elusive narrow path through the thorny brush that separated the beach from the road beyond it.
Emergency lights were now on outside the motel, making the return trip easier once he reached the road.
He could account for the correct mileage on the car if he used a tow bar that kept the wheels on the road.
As long as the road is flat.
He managed to get a slow-moving truck between them on a winding road and nearly lost them until the road widened near Scranton.
After a quick stop at home to change clothes and to leave a short note to Fred, Dean was on the road.
Both recognized it as the same headgear Jeffrey Byrne was reported to have been wearing when he crossed the road to the beach in Norfolk.
These are places where the mode of travelling or of transport is changed, such as seaports, river ports and railway termini, or natural resting-places, such as a ford, the foot of a steep ascent on a road, the entrance of a valley leading up from a plain into the mountains, or a crossing-place of roads or railways.'
There is a mound; and a few inscriptions are built into a bridge, which here spans the river, carrying the road from Niksar to Tokat.
It stands near the border of Victoria, on the right bank of the Murray river, here crossed by two bridges, one built of wood carrying a road, the other of iron bearing the railway.
Interesting remains of the substruction wall supporting the ancient road are preserved in Itri itself; and there are many remains of ancient buildings near it.
Here it is joined by the Sharian Su from the west, and the two valleys form, a great trough through which the caravan road from Erzerum to Persia runs.
It then runs west, south and east round the rock-mass of Musher Dagh, and receives (right) the Kuru Chai, down which the Sivas-Malatia road runs, and the Tokhma Su, from Gorun (Gauraina) and Darende.
At the ferry on the Malatia-Kharput road (cuneiform inscription) it flows eastwards in a valley about a quarter of a mile wide, but soon afterwards enters a remarkable gorge, and forces its way through Mount Taurus in a succession of rapids and cataracts.
The Turkish government also levies taxes on the inhabitants of the river valley, and for this purpose, and to maintain a caravan route from the Mediterranean coast to Bagdad, maintains stations of a few zaptiehs or gens d'armes, at intervals of about 8 hours (caravan time), occupying in general the stations of the old Persian post road.
Samsat itself represents the ancient Samosata, the capital of the Seleucid kings of Commagene (Kuinukh of the Assyrian inscriptions), and here the Persian Royal Road from Sardis to Susa is supposed to have crossed the river.
Novorossiysk is connected by rail, at the west end of the Caucasus, with the Rostov-Vladikavkaz line, and a mountain road leads from Velyaminovsk (or Tuapse) to Maikop in the province of Kuban.
Some impetus was given to the city's growth by the completion of the National Road, and later by the opening of railways, but until after the Civil War its advancement was slow.
The plan of the Propylaea consists of a large square hall, from which five steps lead up to a wall pierced by five gateways of graduated sizes, the central one giving passage to a road suitable for beasts or possibly for vehicles.
Schmidt gave himself out as the incarnation of Enoch, and prophesied the approaching fall of the Church of Rome, the overthrow of the ancient sacraments, and the triumph of flagellation as the only road to salvation.
However that may be, it must be confessed even by Slavophils that he dragged his countrymen, more by force than by persuasion, from the paths of traditional routine and pushed them along with all his might on the broad road of progress in the modern sense of the term.
In short, it became only too evident that there was no royal road to national prosperity, and that Russia, like other nations, must be content to advance slowly and laboriously along the rough path of painful experience.
I.- being laid on the turnpike road which was crossed Plateat Loughborough on the level.
Workmen are killed and injured in this way, both while on duty and when going to and from their work; passengers, with or without right, go in front of trains at stations and at highway crossings at grade level; and trespassers are killed and injured in large numbers on railways everywhere, at and near stations, at crossings, and out on the open road, where they have no shadow of right.
The keys which hold the rail in the chairs are usually of oak and are placed outside the rails; the inside position has also been employed, but has the disadvantage of detracting from the elasticity of the road since the weight of a passing train presses the rails up against a rigid mass of metal instead of against a slightly yielding block of wood.
At stations on double-track railways which have a heavy traffic four tracks are sometimes provided, the two outside ones only having platforms, so that fast trains get a clear road and can pass slow ones that are standing in the station.
At a uniform speed on a level straight road 3, 5 and 6 are zero.
This corrected pull is then divided by the weight of the vehicles hauled, in which must be included the weight of the dynamometer car, and the quotient gives the resistance per ton of load hauled at a certain uniform speed on a straight and level road.
Hence for a level road the above load could be hauled at 60 m.
When the road leads the train up an incline, however, the tractive force must be increased, so that the need for coupled wheels soon arises if the road is at all a heavy one.
Napoleon, in making the road over the Simplon, deviated from the straight line in order to leave it standing.
It lay upon this road, half-way between Mutina and Parma.
It was connected with Ariminum, 33 miles to the south by the coast road, the Via Popillia, which ran on north to Hatria, and joined the road between Patavium and Altinum at Ad Portum.
Having regard to the military importance of Arretium during the Punic wars, it is difficult to believe that no direct road existed to this point before 187 B.C.
Across the river from the town ancient earthworks (Bucton Castle), of British origin, are seen, and a Roman road passing them, and running north and south is also traceable.
The foundation was erected into an abbey in 1399, and Abbey Road recalls its site.
Similarly, Spa Road points to the existence of a popular spring and pleasure grounds, maintained for some years at the close of the 18th century.
Crowds of wanderers were to be met on every road; Germany, Holland and Italy were full of Jews who, pack on shoulder, were seeking a precarious livelihood at a time when peddling was neither lucrative nor safe.
In 132 the consul P. Popillius built the great inland road from Capua through Vibo and Consentia to Rhegium, while the date of the construction of the east and west coast roads is uncertain.
This road was flanked by magazines, some belonging to the royal armoury, and abutted on a paved area with stepped seats on two sides (theatral area).
A caravan road to the south goes through the oasis of Kurkur.
The management of the road under his control, and especially the sale of $5,000,000 of fraudulent stock in 1868-1870, led to litigation begun by English bondholders, and Gould was forced out of the company in March 1872 and compelled to restore securities valued at about $7,500, 0 00.
With Fisk in August 1869 he began to buy gold in a daring attempt to "corner" the market, his hope being that, with the advance in price of gold, wheat would advance to such a price that western farmers would sell, and there would be a consequent great movement of breadstuffs from West to East, which would result in increased freight business for the Erie road.
The road was leased in 1871 to the Richmond & Danville for thirty years at 6%; and in 1905 to the Southern Railway Company for ninety-nine years at 61.
There are two small towns, Capri (450 ft.) and Anacapri (980 ft.), which until the construction of a carriage road in 1874 were connected only by a flight of 784 steps (the substructures of which at least are ancient).
He subsequently passed through eastern Tibet to the town of Darchendo, or Tachienlu, on the high road between Lhasa and Peking, and on the borders of China.
The Robert Browning Settlement was founded in York Street, Walworth Road, in 1895 and incorporated in 1903, and in Nelson Square is the Women's University Settlement.
In particular, the Roman "North Road" which ran from York through Corbridge and over Cheviot to Newstead near Melrose, and thence to the Wall of Pius, and which has largely been in use ever since Roman times, is now not unfrequently called Watling Street, though there is no old authority for it and throughout the middle ages the section of the road between the Tyne and the Forth was called Dere Street.
The fall and rise of the road across the valley before the construction of the viaduct (1869) was abrupt and inconvenient.
The better residential district of Holborn, which extends northward to Euston Road in the borough of St Pancras, is mainly within the parish of St George, Bloomsbury.
Gray's Inn, between High Holborn and Theobald's Road, and west of Gray's Inn Road, is of similar arrangement.
The conversion of the gravel road into a paved road made it much easier for riding bikes.
This tract, the remnant of an ancient forest, the more beautiful because of the undulating character of the land, lies west of the road between Slough and Beaconsfield, and 2 m.
This railway, together with the driving roads over the Caucasus mountains via the Mamison pass (the Ossetic military road) and the Darial pass (the Georgian military road), and the route across the Black Sea to Poti or Batum are the chief means of communication between southern Russia and Transcaucasia.
The road which ascended to the temple from the rim of the lake is still well preserved.
He was present in person at an extraordinary affray in Sidney St., Mile End Road, on Jan.
It is connected by steam tramways with Ravenna and Meldola, and by a road through the Apennines with Pontassieve.
Mounds of bones marked his road, witnesses of devastations which other historians record in detail; Christian prisoners, from Germany, he found in the heart of "Tartary" (at Talas); the ceremony of passing between two fires he was compelled to observe, as a bringer of gifts to a dead khan, gifts which were of course treated by the Mongols as evidence of submission.
On the opposite hill on the other side of this road is the famous position of Dargai (see Tirah Campaign).
The national government began in 1825 to extend the National Road across Ohio from Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling, West Virginia, through Zanesville and Columbus, and completed it to Springfield in 1837.
The road is covered by the fortress of Malborgeth, where Captain Hensel with a handful of men met with a heroic death defending the place against an overwhelming French force in the campaign of 1809.
This fort covers the road which traverses the Predil Pass in the Julian Alps and is the principal road leading from Carinthia to the Coastland.
There is an elevated road whose trains, like the surface cars, are accommodated in the centre of the city by the subway.
It lay on the road between Augusta Taurinorum and Vada Sabatia.
From Ormea a road runs south to (31 in.) Oneglia on the Ligurian coast.
The site of Nisibis, on the great road between the Tigris and the Mediterranean, and commanding alike the mountain country to the north and the then fertile plain to the south, gave it an importance which began during the Assyrian period and continued under the Seleucid empire.
In 1881 forts connected by a military road were erected on the northern, western and southern headlands.
The second road runs from the treaty port of Niu-chwang through Mukden to Petuna in the north-western corner of the Kirin province, and thence to Tsitsihar, Mergen and the Amur.
Godfrey of Bouillon, with his brother Baldwin, led the crusaders of Lorraine along "the road of Charles the Great," through Hungary, to Constantinople, where he arrived on the 23rd of December.
Manuel Comnenus demanded that all conquests made by the crusaders should be his fiefs; and the question was debated whether the crusaders should follow the land route through Hungary, along the old road of Charlemagne, or should go by sea to the Holy Land.
Communication over the greater part of the Territory is by road; none of the rivers is navigable.
After the conquest of the mountain tribes, its importance was assured by its position on the Via Aemilia, by which it was connected in 187 B.C. with Ariminum and Placentia, and on the road, constructed in the same year, to Arretium; while another road was made, perhaps in 175 B.e., to Aquilelia.
It thus became the centre of the road system of north Italy.
The principal business thoroughfare is part of the old National Road.
The ancient name of the place has not been yet traced, but it must have been a considerable city and its site lay on the high road between the ancient capitals of Ujjeni and Kosambi.
It lies on the Uska-Nepal road at mile 19.75; and about half a mile south of the boundary pillar numbered 44 on the frontier line between British and Nepalese 1 A surname given to Pippin III.
There is no railway and the river is not navigable, but a good road runs through Tineo, Grado and the adjacent coal-fields, to the ports of Cudillero and Aviles.
A portion of the main road leading from the Dipylon to the Agora was discovered.
The excavations revealed a main road of surprisingly narrow dimensions winding up from the Agora to the Acropolis.
A little to the south-west of the point where the road turns towards the Propylaea was found a large rock-cut cistern or reservoir which Dorpfeld identifies with the Enneacrunus.
The north wall, leaving the city circuit at a point near the modern Observatory, ran from north-east to south-west near the present road to the Peiraeus, until it reached the Peiraeus walls a little to the east of their northernmost bend.
On the road to Rome a famous vision took place, as to which we have the evidence of Ignatius himself.
The main part of the town extends for a mile along the broad straight Roman road, Watling Street; the high road from Luton to Tring, which crosses it in the centre of the town, representing the ancient Icknield Way.