Ro Sentence Examples
The general political situation prevented Leopold from taking full advantage of this, and the peace of Vasvar (August ro) left the Turks in possession of Nagyvarad (Grosswardein) and the fortress of Ersekujvar (Neuhausel), Transylvania being recognized as an independent principality.
The English Miles ro ao 30 Albae -tbae Capitals of Counties County Boundaries Railways --i--- Canals Marshes ?_ - ' 1s3nge ?
The sport has never been so vigorously pursued as it was at the beginning of the 20th century, 19 packs of staghounds being kept in England and 4 in Ireland, over 170 packs of foxhounds in England, ro in Scotland and 23 in Ireland, with packs of harriers and beagles too numerous to be counted.
Of these ro 7 are brethren, and 73 sisters, in the order.
It is not probable that the largest viking ships had more than ro oars a side.
In the same year (1817) as that in which the Pindaris were crushed, and almost in the same month (November), the three great Mahratta powers at Poona, Nagpur and Indore Third ro s e against the English.
The principal stream is the Grande Riviere, with a course of about ro m.
In the case of any subject-kind, its definition and its existence being avouched by vas, "heavenly body" for example, the problem is, given the fact of a non-self-subsistent characteristic of it, such as the eclipse of the said body, to find a ground, a / .t aov which expressed the a'irwv, in virtue of which the adjectival concept can be exhibited as belonging to the subjectconcept Kau' a&rO in the strictly adequate sense of the phrase in which it means also?7 abrO.
From the subjectivist point of view, which is manifestly fundamental through most of this, such arguments suasory of the Pyrrhonist suspense of judgment (i ro X i i) are indeed hard to answer.
Clausius, which may be written RO i p - v = RO (v - b) (A - B0 n) /p(v+a)'0,ti;.
AdvertisementThe name " California " was taken from Ordonez de Montalvo's romance of chivalry Las Sergas de Esplandian (Madrid, 15 ro), in which is told of black Amazons ruling an island of this name " to the right of the Indies, very near the quarter of the terrestrial paradise."
Krauss was finding the question of communications very difficult, especially for his artillery ammunition, and could not open his new attack till Dec. ro.
Lobo wrote an account of his travels in Portuguese, which appears never to have been printed, but is deposited in the monastery of St Ro q ue, Lisbon.
In the first place, sex must be distinguished, because, from infancy upwards, except between the ages of ro and 20, the mortality amongst females is considerably less than amongst the other sex, and appears, too, to be declining more rapidly.
Distinct crystals are rarely met with; these are rhombohedral and isomorphous with arsenic and bismuth; they have a perfect cleavage parallel to the basal plane, c (111), and are sometimes twinned on a rhombohedral plane, e (1 ro).
AdvertisementBoth monarchs delegated the conduct of affairs to their ministers, who constructed new railways, reformed the educational system, and gradually improved the economic ro v.
The corporation consists of ro aldermen and 30 councillors.
The microscope magnifies the distance traversed as well as the organism, and although a bacterium which covers 9 - ro cm.
In the electrolytic method from o 5 to 5 grammes of ore are treated in a flask or beaker, with a mixture of io cc. of nitric and ro cc. of sulphuric acid, until thoroughly decomposed.
According ro Fritzsche, Kdnig, Schiirer, &c., it was composed in Greek and added to the Greek translation.
AdvertisementThe capital K'iung-chow-fu is situated in the north about ro li (or 3 m.) from the coast on the river.
The sentence was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court March ro 1919, and he entered prison April 13.
These non-rational elements he further distinguished as appetitive (ro E7rLOvi..arr KOv) and spirited (TO Ov,uoabS or Ovu6r) - the practical separateness of which from each other and from reason he held to be established by our inner experience.
The second part, Skaldskapar-mal, a gradus of synonyms and epithets, which contains over 240 quotations from 65 poets, and ro anonymous lays - a treasury of verse - was composed c. 1230.
Tiglath-Pileser invaded Syria, and in 732 succeeded in reducing Damascus (see also Babylonia And Assyria, Chronology, § 5, and Jews, §§ ro sqq.).
AdvertisementR Mc Tellico Bryson 'kilns City Webster to, , rah Ro birl ?io'eto ?'n
These are the most enduring of all crucibles, the best lasting out 70 or 80 meltings in brass foundries, about 50 with bronze, and 8 to ro in steel-melting.
There is also concern about their half brother who lives with his paternal nan on a RO.
All the branches and the RO did radio interviews.
The side of a square containing ro statute acres is 220 yds.
The most important part of the festival was the three sacred ploughings - the Athenian i ro ir6Xcv, the Eleusinian on the Rharian plain, the Scirian (a compromise between Athens and Eleusis).
The electrolyte commonly contains about a lb of copper sulphate and a lb of strong sulphuric acid per gallon, and is worked with a current density of about ro amperes per sq.
The restriction of the basic Bessemer process to pig iron containing at least i 80% of phosphorus has prevented it from getting a foothold in the United States; the restriction of the acid Bessemer process to pig iron very low in phosphorus, usually to that containing less than o ro% of that element, has almost driven it out of Germany, has of late retarded, indeed almost stopped, the growth of its use in the United States, and has even caused it to be displaced at the great Duquesne works of the Carnegie Steel Company by the omnivorous basic open-hearth.
Understand what Ro means, and how to interpret Life Tables and survivorship curves.
Formaldehyde vapor was undetectable using solution M for the RO cleaning procedure.
At Cartoon Network, create your own online games using the game creator, or play Dynamic Double Team and join Blue Beetle in a team effort against Kanjar Ro.
For over 15 years, Me and Ro Jewelry has offered stunning jewelry rich with symbolism.
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An epitome of the kind of craftsmanship and artistry Me and Ro prides themselves on, each pearl is hand beaded to create a lively focal point for the 18K gold ring.
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The same year a postal express to Leavenworth, Kansas (ro days, letters 25 cents an ounce) was established; and telegraph connexion with Boston and New York ($9 for ro words) in 1863.
In the Orphic mysteries " the soul was regarded as a part of the divine, a particula aurae divinae, for which the body in its limited and perishable condition was no fit organ, but a grave or prison(ro a4 pa).
The smoother we make the pulley the more nearly does the amount of useful work which the weight is capable of doing approach ro foot-pounds, and if we take into account the work done against the friction of the pulley, we may say that the work done by the descending weight is ro foot-pounds, and hence when the weight is in its elevated position we have at disposal r o foot-pounds more energy than when it is in the lower position.
More especially the cosmology of Anaximander resembles the modern doctrine of evolution in its conception of the indeterminate (rO filr€Lpov) out of which the particular forms of the cosmos are differentiated.
The metals comprising this group are never found in the uncombined condition, but occur most often in the form of carbonates and sulphates; they form oxides of the type RO, and in the case of calcium, strontium and barium, of the type R02.
The oxides of type RO are soluble in water, the solution possessing a strongly alkaline reaction and rapidly absorbing carbon dioxide on exposure; they are basic in character and dissolve readily in acids with the formation of the corresponding salts.
The portion nearest the log-ship is known as the "stray line"; its length varies from ro to 20 fathoms, but should be sufficient to ensure that the log-ship shall be outside the disturbing element of the ship's wake.
Of the rest 8 governments are in Finland, ro in Poland.
The latter indeed tolerated the gosesn (soothsayer) as they did the seer (ro`eh).
Notwithstanding the disadvantages of its open roadstead, the foreign trade has rapidly expanded, the annual value of the exports having increased from 62 millions sterling in 1899 to over ro millions sterling in 1904.
Dorset's beneficent intentions for his sons' pedagogue probably suggested Wolsey's ordination as priest at Marlborough on March ro, 1498, and on October io, r50o, he was instituted, on Dorset's presentation, to the rectory of Limington in Somerset.
It may not begin until September ro in Piedmont, North Carolina.
Lannes's reserve corps (cavalry), to whom Latour Maubourg reported, lay at Domnau some ro m.
When this volatile liquid hydrocarbon (isoprene) is allowed ro stand for some time in a closed bottle, it gradually passes into a substance having the principal properties of natural caoutchouc. The same change of isoprene into caoutchouc may also be effected by the action of certain chemical agents.
How otherwise are we to explain such Hebraisms (or Syriacisms) as Evui pEEC rb g Xacov E ct ro (§ 9), ov elir€v.
The speed is slow - from 4 to ro strokes per minute - but the larger sizes, up to 24 in.
But even by postulating the highest possible dates for he Dynasties of Babylon and Ur, enormous gaps occurred in he scheme of chronology, which were unrepresented by any ro al name or record.
Perhaps if an average could be struck it would amount to 9 or ro in.
Finally, at about ro A.M., the allies were in possession of the villages on the Goldbach from Sokolnitz southwards, and Davout's line of battle had reformed more than a mile to rearward, still, however, maintaining touch with the French centre on the Goldbach at Kobelnitz.
S' 3' S' p called voluntary loans was abolished, and replaced by a tax of ro% (la decima) on all real property.
It is the only Japanese ware in which the atsus ro.
When hostilities became inevitable, acting in conjunction with Captain (later General) Nathaniel Lyon, he suddenly transferred the arms in the Federal arsenal at St Louis to Alton, Illinois, and a few days later (May ro, 1861) surrounded and captured a force of state guards which had been stationed at Camp Jackson in the suburbs of St Louis with the intention of seizing the arsenal.
The heat absorbed in isothermal expansion from vo to v at a temperature 0 is equal to the work done by equation (8) (since d0 =o, and 0(dp/d0)dv =pdv), and both are given by the expression RO log e (v/vo).
This method, which is the oldest, is best adapted for ways that are nearly level, or when many branches are intended to be worked from one engine, and can be carried round curves of small radius without deranging the trains; but as it is intermittent in action, considerable engine-power is required in order to get up the required speed, which is from 8 to ro m.
From 8 to ro tubs are usually drawn in a set, the ways being often from 2000 to 3000 yds.
When the fighting was over, at ro P.M., Ney wrote a short and somewhat one-sided account of the action to Soult On the other flank there had meanwhile been waged the bitterly fought battle of Ligny.
The temperature of the air traversed and its humidity were observed, and the result was finally corrected to the velocity in dry air at o C. by means of equation (ro).
Then qr/ro = hk/hg or ro =W (l-x-a)/l, which is the reaction at A and shear at any point of AD, for the new position of the load.
There his vivacious eloquence brought him into prominence, and he was president of that body on the eventful day of the, 9th of Brumaire (November ro) 1799, when Napoleon overthrew the national councils of France at the palace of St Cloud.
Esparto leaves contain 56% by weight of fibre, or about ro% more than straw, and hence have come into requisition as a substitute for linen rags in the manufacture of paper.
There was thus left a gap between 20,000 and 90,000, which was filled up by Adrian Vlacq (or Ulaccus), who published at Gouda, in Holland, in 1628, a table containing the logarithms of the numbers from unity to 100,000 to ro places of decimals.
The next publication was due to Vlacq, who appended to his logarithms of numbers in the Arithmetica logarithmica of 1628 a table giving log sines, tangents and secants for every minute of the quadrant to ro places; there were obtained by calculating the logarithms of the natural sines, &c. given in the Thesaurus mathematicus of Pitiscus (1613).
In the same year Vlacq published at Gouda his Trigonometria artificialis, giving log sines and tangents to every ro seconds of the quadrant to ro places.
It now remains to refer in more detail to the invention itself and to examine the claims of Napier and Briggs to the capital improvement involved in the change from Napier's original logarithms to logarithms to the base ro.
In order, however, to impute the whole work to Anaximenes, Spengel took one of the most inexcusable steps ever taken in the history of scholarship. Without any manuscript authority he altered the very first words " three genera " (T pia -yin) into " two genera " (Suo -ybni), and omitted the words " one declamatory " (rO SE E7rLSEtKrucOv).
The preface is signed Ro.
In 1599, when there was a prospect of a disputed succession, the anonymous Life by Ro.
Population (1901) 73,839, showing an increase of ro% in the decade.
It was called Rath-Keltair, or the rath of the hero Keltar, and covers an area of ro acres.
Clearly this raising the level of the water by ro% increases tenfold, or by r000%, the volume of water which is above the level of the weir.
A full-sized South African lion, according to Selous, measures slightly less than ro ft.
Sir Cornwallis Harris gives ro ft.
Outside the wall is a ditch ro ft.
The fall of the water supply must suffice for a fairly rapid current, say ro in.
It will also carry fascines to drop into ditches and tow a trailer-mounted BAE Systems, RO Defense Python rocket-propelled mine-clearing system.