Rite Sentence Examples
The French doctor held no taper; he was leaning against one of the columns in a respectful attitude implying that he, a foreigner, in spite of all differences of faith, understood the full importance of the rite now being performed and even approved of it.
True, this rite was used both in East and West as early as the 4th century; it was not, however, universal.
I want us to have a day to get settled before we perform the rite.
The Schoolmen had no historical sense and little historical information; hence they fell into one error after another on the essentials in the rite of ordination.
At the present time, so far as the Roman Catholic Church is concerned, apparelled albs are only in regular use at Milan (Ambrosian Rite), and, partially, in certain churches in Spain.
Lastly, the rite of circumcision, which the Hebrews practised in common with their Semitic neighbours as well as the Egyptians, belonged to ages long anterior to the time of Moses.
They sacrifice the paschal lamb, which is probably the oldest religious rite that has been continuously kept up. In two important points they differ from later Jewish interpretation.
Among the North American Indians scalping was always in the nature of a rite.
For other areas we have often no description of the procedure at all, but merely the briefest outline of the actual process of slaughter, and we are ignorant whether the form of the rite is in reality simple (either from a loss of primitive elements or from never having advanced beyond the stage at which we find it), or whether the absence of detail is due to the inattention or lack of interest of the observer.
The final imposition of hands and the bestowal of power to forgive sins at the end of the ordination rite for priests in the Roman Pontifical is later even than the tradition of instruments.
AdvertisementOf these 21 are immediately subject to the Holy See, while those of the Latin rite having ecclesiastical provinces number 164.
In Asian cultures, a nose piercing is considered to be a rite of passage.
Knox, for example, did away with the imposition of hands (M`Crie's Knox, period vii.), though the rite was restored by the Scottish Presbyterian Church in the Second Book of Discipline.
In this article the history of the rite is first traced up to A.D.
In churches of the Greek rite a little of the old year's chrism is left in the jar to communicate its sanctity to that of the new.
AdvertisementThe bottom line is that both monsters are fascinating in their own rite.
In a later and less rigorous age this rite was abridged and adjusted to constant repetition, in such wise that a sinner could be restored to grace not once only, but as often as the clergy chose to accept his repentance and confession.
A certain number of Bulgars at Kukush in Macedonia and elsewhere form a "uniate" church, which accepts the authority and dogma of Rome, but preserves the Orthodox rite and discipline.
The periodical performance of the commemorative rite of obsequies called Sraddha - i.e.
Of episcopal sees of the Latin rite 6 are suburbican sees of the cardinal bishops, 85 are immediately subject to the Holy See, and 662 are suffragan sees in ecclesiastical provinces.
AdvertisementWhat rite is this?
Of those of the Oriental rite one (Graeco-Ruthenian) is immediately subject to the Holy See; 9 are suffragan sees in ecclesiastical provinces, viz.
Exact statistics of the membership of the Churches of the Oriental rite are almost impossible to obtain; the numbers of their adherents, moreover, are apt to vary suddenly with the shifting currents of political forces in the East, for political factors have always played a considerable part in these movements towards reunion or the reverse.
Acting according to the instructions he had received from Rome, where the matter had been fully gone into, he made an investigation, and divided the clergy ordained after that period into two classes; one consisting of those ordained in schism, indeed, but according to the old Catholic rite, and the other of those who had been ordained by the new rite drawn up by Cranmer and enforced by act of parliament 1st of April 1550.
These offices are of very ancient date, and many of them were probably 2 The Sarum Rite was much favoured in Scotland as a kind of protest against the jurisdiction claimed by the church of York.
AdvertisementDoes the word "rite" seem too solemn?
Perhaps less of an ancient fertility rite than previously believed.
The Stride Rite Bond shoe is the perfect elegant shoe for your little boy.
Stride Rite has been catering to the footwear needs of children for almost a century!
The ceremony of turning to the west three times with renunciation of the Evil One, then to the east, is exactly paralleled in a rite of purification by water common among the Malays and described by Skeat in his book on Malay magic. If the Malay rite is not derived through Nlahommedanism from Christianity, it is a remarkable example of how similar psychological conditions can produce almost identical rites.
There are some 150 monks, all Armenians; they use the Armenian language and rite in the liturgy.
This rite was observed by royal command at intervals of a few years; these were occasions of great rejoicing, but also of much drunkenness and licentiousness.
If Strabo and Herodotus and Pomponius Mela, for example, describe a custom, rite or strange notion in the Old World, and if mariners and missionaries find the same notion or custom or rite in Polynesia or Australia or Kamchatka, we can scarcely doubt the truth of the reports.
The first was the rite of daubing the initiated with clay.'
Mannhardt, who by comparing numerous examples of similar customs among other European peoples arrived at the conclusion that the rite was of extreme antiquity and of dramatic rather than sacrificial character, and that its object was possibly to procure rain; (2) that of Wissowa, who refuses to date it farther back than the latter half of the 3rd century B.C., and sees in it the yearly representation of an original sacrifice of twentyseven captive Greeks (taking Argei as a Latin form of 'Ap-yE701) by drowning in the Tiber.
Nearly all the aristocracy claim Venetian descent; most of the upper classes are bilingual, speaking both Greek and Italian; and a considerable section of the population are Roman Catholics of the Latin rite.
The world is becoming a more dangerous place for you, and I'd hoped we could wait until the winter solstice to perform the rite.
He's the only one who can create a vampire just by a blood exchange, instead of the normal rite new vamps go through.
No need was there of any official announcement of a State funeral or public rite of any sort.
Of particular interest were the Anglo-Saxon burials, including a number of cremations -- a rite almost unknown in east Kent.
The rally starts early Saturday morning and finishes early evening culminating in a " rite grand " party.
J. L. Weston thought it part of a pagan fertility rite, involving a story similar to that of Adonis.
Even old Grandpa got rite frisky afore de weekend wuz over.
Bray speculates that this rite may also have been performed in the Latin West but finds the evidence inconclusive.
I've got my bat mitzvah soon, which is my rite of passage.
His choreography for The Rite of Spring was to provoke even greater outrage.
Sadly, it is far from clear what the standard funerary rite was for Britain at this time.
Litanies The Penitential rite; Prayer of the Faithful; the Lamb of God.
The war provided an initiation rite for young men.
The Sarum rite was the major English rite of the Middle Ages.
This was a late Roman burial rite to ensure the dead did not return to haunt the living.
An imagined funeral rite or pagan ritual with Alex listening in.
The Halcyon and Seatec are slightly better than the Dive Rite in that the outer bag is not stretchy.
That there are defects in the logical process as here outlined to account for the curious rite constitutes no valid objection to the theory advanced, for, in the first place, primitive logic in matters of belief is inherently defective and even contradictory, and, secondly, the strong desire to pierce the mysterious future, forming an impelling factor in all religions - even in the most advanced of our own day - would tend to obscure the weakness of any theory developed to explain a rite which represents merely one endeavour among many to divine the intention and plans of the gods, upon the knowledge of which so much of man's happiness and welfare depended.
Besides the ordinary Latin rite, several others are recognized.
To these also belong the rite of wµoc¢ayta,and the communication of liturgical formulae for the guidance of the soul of the dead man on his way to the underworld, which also served as credentials to the gods below.
In their view, based on an analysis of Hebrew and Hindu forms of sacrifice, the unity of sacrifice consists in the immediate aim of the ritual, not in the ultimate end to be attained; for we rarely find a rite other than complex and by the same sacrifice more than one result may be sought or attained.
The unity of procedure consists in the fact that every sacrifice involves putting the divine in communication with the profane by an intermediary - the victim - which may be piacular or honorific, a messenger or a means of divination, a means of alimenting the eternal life of the species or a source of magical energy which the rite diffuses over objects in its neighbourhood.
In 1589 it was introduced into Russia, when the tsar Theodore erected the Russian patriarchate and bestowed on the new patriarch the right to wear the mitre, sakkos and mandyas, all borrowed from the Greek rite.
In some reformed congregations in America proselytes are admitted without circumcision, and a similar policy is proposed (not yet adopted) by the Jewish Religious Union in London, though the male children of proselytes are to be required to undergo the rite.
For this reason the Thonraki adhere to adult baptism, which in ancient wise they confer at thirty years of age or later, and have retained in its primitive significance the rite of giving a Christian name to a child on the eighth day from birth.
In religious ceremonies, the magistrate presiding at the sacrifice drew the back of the toga over his head; see in the same illustration the priest with veiled head, rite Gabino, who also wears his toga with the cinctus Gabinus.
Interiors were then divided into smaller rooms by means of sliding doors covered with thin rice-paper, which permitted the passage of light while obstructing vision; the hanging lattices were replaced by wooden doors which could be slid along a groove so as to be removable in the daytime, and an alcove was added in the principal chamber for a sacred picture or Buddhist image to serve as an object of contemplation for a devotee while practising the rite of abstraction.
The embittering influence of Ultramontanism may be further traced in its attitude towards the baptism of nonCatholics, for it seeks to establish the rule that baptism conferred by Protestants is invalid through defect of form or matter, or even of intention, and that, consequently, the rite must be readministered, at least conditionally, to proselytes joining the Roman Church.
It is true that Niclaes claimed to hold an impartial attitude towards all existing religious parties, and his mysticism, derived from David Joris, was undogmatic. Yet he admitted his followers by the rite of adult baptism, and set up a hierarchy among them on the Roman model (see his Evangelium Regni, in English A Joyfull Message of the Kingdom, 1574?; reprinted, 1652).
As regard cannibalism, it appears that the heart and liver of the human victims offered in the temples were eaten as a religious rite, and that the same parts of any prominent warrior slain in battle were devoured by the victor chiefs, who believed that they would thereby inherit the valour of the dead man.
These elements were old, but scarcely primitive; and the archaic rite of the Key of Truth (see PAULICIANs) is without them.
The catechetic course, which formerly preceded the complete rite, now intervenes between its two halves; and the sponsors who formerly attested the worthiness of the candidate and received him up as anadochi out of the font, have become god-parents, who take the baptismal vows vicariously for infants who cannot answer for themselves.
In Islam there is no rite of initiation, no sacrament of belief.
A rite of initiation Baptism is the normal way of entry into the church.
Litanies The Penitential Rite; Prayer of the Faithful; the Lamb of God.
As already noticed, Pagan baptism had superseded Christian baptism as the initiatory rite of Christian fellowship.
The Sarum Rite was the major English rite of the Middle Ages.
How are we to utilize it, then, to prevent it from becoming the instrument of a sacred rite?
Celebrating his first year is a rite of passage, and you'll want to plan the best birthday party for him.
Another definition found on this same site also refers to baptism as a "non-Christian rite using water for ritual purification."
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Getting a teenager work permit is a rite of passage for most adolescents.
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Even non-fans will, at some point, attempt the distinctive opening riff of Sweet Home Alabama that is almost a rite of passage for those looking to study serious rock guitar playing.
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For example, a rite of passage dance celebrating the transition into adulthood is often performed by a tribe found in Zimbabwe.
While it's a rite of passage among teens, actually learning how to slow dance is no longer done in classes or learned from older siblings as it used to be.
In the past, it was almost considered a rite of passage for those immigrating to America to immediately adopt a more Americanized surname.
As a rite of passage, prom signifies a young woman's transition from child to adult, and the sleek sophistication of an updo style exemplifies her new status.
Learning how to make origami flowers is usually a rite of passage for people who are studying the art of paper folding.
From easy tissue paper flowers to the complicated Kawasaki rose, learning to fold flowers is a rite of passage for origami folders.
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Daytona Beach, Florida, has seemingly become a rite of passage for college students on spring break.
Although swim lessons are a common rite of passage for a huge number of American children on their summer holidays and camp, millions of adults have never had the opportunity to learn to swim.
Major drugstores, such as Walgreens and Rite Aid, carry Phillips Colon Health products at affordable prices.
The Catholic Church recognizes some of its followers may not be able to fully participate in mass, especially in the sacred rite of the Eucharist.
For the faithful, exclusion from this holy rite can be devastating.
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Often, getting a tattoo is a rite of passage during the grieving period to symbolize acknowledgement that the deceased is no longer with them on the physical plane.
Tattooing was also used as a rite of passage.
Tribes in the Sepik region of Papua New Guinea, for instance, use ritual scarification as an initiation rite for the young men in their tribes.
The art of tattooing can be traced to Pacific Island cultures, where tattooing was used as identification and a rite of passage for both men and women.
While ritual and rite of passage piercings are still in existence, many body piercings are now performed for the sake of aesthetics.
This practice spread to India through migratory tribes, where it remains used today as a sign of social standing and as a rite of passage.
Lip piercings have been used by tribes as a rite of passage and as an identifying marker for tribal members.
No longer seen as a deviant practice or as a rite of passage, piercings can be performed for any number of reasons including aesthetics, popularity or rebellion.
The tattoo is more than just a rite of passage for college girls on spring break; women have been getting butterfly tattoos since the 1800s.
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Young girls often experience some anxiety about their developing bodies and may feel embarrassed about this rite of passage.
If you have a daughter or you're raising a young girl, helping her get through this rite of passage can seem daunting.
Pajama parties are a rite of passage for many children as they spend their first night away from parents and siblings.
The teen slumber party is an institution and a rite of passage.
A coed spring break party is a rite of passage for most college students.
Trips to Myrtle Beach on the infamous "Beach Weekend" are a rite of passage for high school seniors in the south, and many southern college kids continue the tradition during their college years.
Debates aside, bat mitzvahs have become a rite of passage, and most people do opt for ceremonies that demand a lot from the child, and that is where the lessons come into play.
Pajama parties are a rite of passage for most children, both boys and girls.
It is the nature of the mating rite.
Thursday's storm had roared into town with uncommon severity, bringing with it not only more than two feet of fresh snow, but a wind that set the white stuff a-dancing and swirling about the town, like a wild rhumba or some native fertility rite.
It constituted the most common form of divination in ancient Babylonia, where it can be traced back to the 3rd millennium B.C. Among the Etruscans the prominence of the rite led to the liver being looked upon as the trade-mark of the priest.
Passing now to typical examples, the beginning must be made with Babylonia, which is also the richest source of our knowledge of the details of the rite.
In both these cases the object of the rite is the elimination of impurity or of a source of danger.
If tradition is any guide, human sacrifice seems in many important areas to be of secondary character; in spite of the great development of the rite among the Aztecs, tradition says that it was unknown till two hundred years before the conquest; in Polynesia human sacrifices seem to be comparatively modern; and in India they appear to have been rare among the Vedic peoples.
Semites and Egyptians, Peruvians and Aztecs, slew human victims; Africa, especially the West Coast, till recently saw thousands of human victims perish annually; in Polynesia, Tahiti and Fiji were great centres of the rite - in fact, it is not easy to name an area where it has not been known.
It was performed by Fesch, now a cardinal; but Napoleon could afterwards urge the claim that all the legal formalities had not bten complied with; and the motive for the marriage may probably be found in the refusal of the pope to appear at the coronation unless the former civil contract was replaced by the religious rite.
The corpse of the vampire, which may often be recognized by its unnaturally ruddy and fresh appearance, should be staked down in the grave or its head should be cut off; it is interesting to note that the cutting off of heads of the dead was a neolithic burial rite.
Having received permission to make the pilgrimage to Mecca, he reached Cairo, where he was presented to the sultan, al-Malik udh-Dhahir Barkuk, who insisted on his remaining there, and in the year 1384 made him grand cadi of the Malikite rite for Cairo.
It thus stands in the closest relation to the rite of exorcism, of which it is the complement.
We assume that the rite employed was serious and Anglican may reverent, and there is no longer any need to refute the fable of a ludicrous consecration at the "Nag's Head " tavern.
Now if Barlow all this time was not consecrated - and so far the only form of consecration known in England was according to the Roman rite - he would have incurred the penalties of praemunire, let alone the fact that Henry VIII.
This rite therefore was compiled from at least two earlier MSS.
It merely warns us that all the apostles constitute the Church universal and not Peter alone; and in the rite of election, i.e.
An identical rite existed among the 12th century Cathars, and in the Celtic church of Gildas every presbyter was a Peter.
Among the later Cathars of Europe we find the repudiation of marriage defended on the ground that the only true marriage is of Christ with his bride the Virgin church, and perhaps this is why Paulicians and Thonraki would not make of marriage a religious rite or sacrament.
The Key of Truth regards the water as a washing of the body, and sees in the rite no opus operatum, but an essentially spiritual rite in which "the king releases certain rulers a from the prison of sin, the Son calls them to himself and comforts them with great words, and the Holy Spirit of the king forthwith comes and crowns them, and dwells in them for ever."
Probably nowhere can the actual historical progress from the primitive use of animal sacrifices to the later refinement of burning incense be more clearly traced than in the pages of the Old Testament, where no mention of the latter rite occurs before the period of the Mosaic legislation; but in the monuments of ancient Egypt the authentic traces of the use of incense that still exist carry us back to a much earlier date.
In most parishes its costliness alone would preclude its daily use, while the want of an assistant minister would be a very common reason for omitting the rite almost everywhere.
But it was expressly st'.ced in a rubric that the old service of the mass was to proceed without variation of any rite or ceremony until after the priest had received the sacrament, that is, until long after the last of the three occasions for the use of incense explained above.
The first forty-two years of his life are obscure; we learn from incidental remarks of his that he was a Sunnite, probably according to the IIanifite rite, well versed in all the branches of natural science, in medicine, mathematics, astronomy and astrology, in.
Gamaliel devoted special attention to the regulation of the rite of prayer, which after the cessation of sacrificial worship had become all-important.
Thus he was instrumental in compiling a new prayer-book, which he designed as the "American Rite" (Minhag America).
Both sexes dressed with Puritan plainness; husbands and wives quitted their homes for convents; marriage became an awful and scarcely permitted rite; mothers suckled their own babes; and persons of all ranks - nobles, scholars and artists - renounced the world to assume the Dominican robe.
Lamennais, then in the height of his Catholic exaltation, persuaded Comte's mother to insist on her son being married with the religious ceremony, and as the younger Madame Comte apparently did not resist, the rite was duly performed, in spite of the fact that Comte was at the time raving mad.
Pirminius, who was far from being an original writer, made great use of a treatise by Martin of Braga, but substituted a Roman form of Renunciation, and refers to the Roman rite of Unction in a way which leads us to suppose that the form of creed which he substituted for Martin's form was also Roman.
As the extent of Roman land increased, this could no longer be done, and in the Acta of the Fratres, which date from Augustus, we do not find this procession mentioned (Henzen, Acta Fratrum Arvalium, 1874); but there is a good description of this or a similar rite in Virgil, Georg.
The perambulation or beating of bounds is probably a survival of the same type of rite.
Introit, or as it is always called in the Sarum rite, " Office," a Psalm or part of a Psalm sung at the entry of the priest, or clergy and choir.
The form consists of the words used in the rite, e.g.
In many regions baptism involved renunciation of married life, and for at least the first two hundred years marriage was a civil rite preceding baptism, which was deferred until the age of thirty or even later.
This meant that the evangelical pr i nces would be forced to restore the most character istic Catholic rite.
The story of his having baptized Constantine is pure fiction, as almost contemporary evidence shows the emperor to have received this rite near Nicomedia at the hands of Eusebius, bishop of that city.
It was necessary to make them large, because in the early Church it was customary for the bishop to baptize all the catechumens in his diocese (and so baptisteries are commonly found attached to the cathedral and not to the parish churches), and also because the rite was performed only thrice in the year.
On the other hand, other passages protest against the ascription of great importance to sacrifice; or regard the rite as a consequence rather than a cause of forgiveness.
The idea thus became general that baptism, which had been almost from the beginning the rite of entrance into the Church, and which was regarded as securing the forgiveness of all pre-baptismal sins, should be given but once to any individual.
In all the rite of ordination is in their hands.
In the rite of death-bed penance given in the old Mozarabic Christian ritual of Spain, ashes were poured over the sick man.
As to sacrifice, maize and other vegetables were offered, and occasionally rabbits, quails, &c., but, in the absence of cattle, human sacrifice was the chief rite, and cannibalism prevailed at the feasts.
This stage of religion is well illustrated by the Red Indian custom of offering sacrifice to certain rocks, or whirlpools, or to the indwelling spirits connected with them; the rite is only performed in the neighbourhood of the object, it is an incident of a canoe or other voyage, and is not intended to secure any benefits beyond a safe passage past the object in question; the spirit to be propitiated has a purely local sphere of influence, and powers of a very limited nature.
The chasuble is thus in a special sense the sacerdotal vestment, and at the ordination of priests, according to the Roman rite, the bishop places on the candidate a chasuble rolled up at the back (planeta plicata), with the words, " Take the sacerdotal robe, the symbol of love," &c.; at the end of the ordination Mass the vestment is unrolled.
The liturgical vestments of the Armenians are derived, like their rite, from the Greek rite; so that in this case also there can be no doubt that the shurtshar was originally closed.
The Coptic rite is in the same relation to the Syrian.
All such repasts must have been sacred, but we do not know if they included the Eucharistic rite.
And this rite too the evil demons by way of imitation handed down in the mysteries of Mithras.
The rite as he pictures it agrees well with the developed liturgies of a later age.
Such a rite presupposes a belief in a real change of the elements; and water must have been used.
Clement of Alexandria (c. 180) regards the rite as an initiation in divine knowledge and immortality.
But these views were not those of the uninstructed pagans who filled the churches and needed a rite which brought them, as their old sacrifices had done, into physical contact and union with their god.
Before the 3rd century we cannot trace the view that in the Eucharistic rite the death of Christ, regarded from the Pauline standpoint as an atoning or redemptive sacrifice for the sins of mankind, is renewed and repeated, though the germ out of which it would surely grow is already present in the words " My blood.
In the first two centuries the rite is spoken of as an offering and as a bloodless sacrifice; but it is God's own creations, the bread and wine, alms and first-fruits, which, offered with a pure conscience, he receives as from friends, and bestows in turn on the poor; it is the praise and prayers which are the sacrifice.
In these centuries baptism was the rite for the remission of sin, not the Eucharist; it is the prophet in the Didache who presides at the Lord's Supper, not the Levitically conceived priest; nor as yet has the Table become an Altar.
As early as Tertullian prayers for the dead, who were named, were offered in the rite; but there was as yet no idea of the sacrifice of Christ being reiterated in their behalf.
After Cyprian's day this view gains ground in the West, and almost obscures the older view that the rite is primarily an act of communion with Christ.
The rest of the rite was called missa fidelium, because only the initiated remained.
Similarly the collect with which often the rite began is the prayer ad collectam, i.e.
Ritualists now keep unconfirmed children in church during the entire rite, through ignorance of ancient usage, in order that they may learn to adore the consecrated elements.
For this moment of homage to material elements ritually filled with divine potency may be so exaggerated as to obscure the rite's ancient significance as a communion of the faithful in mystic food.
It has been necessary to consider at such length St Paul's account of the Eucharist, both because it antedates nearly by half a century that of the gospels, and because it explains the significance which the rite had no less for the Gnostics than for the great church.
The words "confirm" and "confirmation" are not used in the Bible in this technical sense, which has only grown up since the 5th century, and only in the Western churches of Christendom and in their offshoots, but the rite itself has been practised in the Church from the beginning.
Many of the Protestant bodies have abandoned the rite, but it remains among the Lutherans (who, whether episcopal or not, attach great importance to it) and in the group of Churches in communion with the Church of England.
He also begins the rite of baptism by blowing in the catechumen's face.
In the rite of laying hands on an elect the bishop of the Armenian Paulicians blows three times in the face of the newly ordained.
The Bogomils repudiated infant baptism, and considered the baptismal rite to be of a spiritual character neither by water nor by oil but by self-abnegation, prayers and chanting of hymns.
Cremation makes its appearance first in the earlier part of the bronze age, and in the latter part of that age practically displaces the older rite.
A special form of funeral rite peculiar to the North was that of cremation on a ship. Generally the ship was drawn up on land; but occasionally we hear, in legendary sagas, of the burning ship being sent out to sea.
Hence it is often difficult to decide whether a given rite or legend which is mentioned only in Icelandic literature was really peculiar to that country alone or to the North generally, or whether it was once the common property of all Teutonic peoples.
At all sacrifices it seems to have been customary to practise divination; in connexion with human sacrifice we have record of this rite from the time of the Cimbri.
The Ruthenians had united with Rome at Brest in 1596, forming a group of Uniates distinct from the Poles, who belonged to the Latin rite.
This punishment, originally inflicted on those who neglected certain mystic rites, was transferred to those who, like the Danaides, despised the mystic rite of marriage; cf.
We do not know precisely how the eucharistic rite was adjusted to these sacrificial meals; but, in the canons of Sahak, r Cor.
Besides these there was a class of wardapets or teachers, answering to the didascalos of the earliest church, whose province it was to guard the doctrine and for whom no rite of ordination is found in the older rituals.
The paschal lamb is now eaten on Sunday, but until the 11th century, and even later, it was eaten with the Eucharist at a Lord's Supper celebrated on the evening of Maundy Thursday after the rite of pedilavium or washing of feet.
The rite of extreme unction was introduced in the crusading epoch, although it was already usual to anoint the bodies of dead priests.
In their older rituals we find a rite for blessing a painted church, but no word of statues.
In the older rituals we find a rite of exhomologesis, for restoring those who had sinned after baptism.
In form it is a rehearsal of the first baptismal rite, but with omission of the water.
It involved like the first rite open confession and repentance, and absolution by the church.
Its use is confined to the Greek rite.
They alone can administer the rite of confirmation, ordain priests and deacons, and exercise a certain dispensing power.
The missionary activity of Buddhism is a thing of the past, and no characteristic rite distinguishing it has found its way into a second continent.
From the 4th century ceremonial foot-washing became yearly more common, till it was regarded as a necessary rite, to be performed by the pope, all Catholic sovereigns, prelates, priests and nobles.
In the Greek Church the rite survives notably at Moscow, St Petersburg and Constantinople.
The life of a Perfect was so hard, and, thanks to the inquisitors, so fraught with danger, that most Believers deferred the rite until the death-bed, as in the early centuries many believers deferred baptism.
The central Cathar rite was consolamentum, or baptism with spirit and fire.
The rite was appointed by Christ, and has been handed down from generation to generation by the boni homines.
It is so Christian in tone, he quaintly remarks elsewhere, that an inquisitor might have used it quite as well as a heretic. In it the Perfect addresses the postulant, as in the corresponding Armenian rite, by the name of Peter; and explains to him from Scripture the indwelling of the spirit in the Perfect, and his adoption as a son by God.
This was the vital part of the whole rite.
The Perfect ones present give him the kiss of peace, and the rite is over.
On the death-bed it could even, like the Catholic Viaticum, take the place of the rite of Consolamentum, if this could not be performed.
Once a month this solemn rite of breaking bread was held, the credentes assisting.
This rite seems to reflect an actual custom of abduction; or it may rather refer to the practice of intercourse between the betrothed before marriage.
It would appear, however, that Cerinthus laid stress on the rite of circumcision and on the observance of the Sabbath.
The Hanifite rite is official in the Turkish Empire, and is followed in all government offices whenever a decision still depends on the sacred law, as well as by all Mahommedans of Turkish race.
Native Christians, chiefly of the Syrian rite, form nearly one-fourth of the whole, being more numerous than in any Madras district.
Though Jesus did not personally perform the rite, it is plain once again that in this early period He closely linked His own mission with that of John the Baptist.
He issued an edict forbidding the reading of the law, the observance of the Sabbath, and the rite of circumcision; and determined to convert the still half-ruined Jerusalem into a Roman colony.
But the practice had been engrained in Hindu opinion by the authority of centuries, and had acquired the sanctity of a religious rite.
In the Eastern Church the week is marked by similar practices, but with less elaboration and differentiation of rite.
It treats all the worships as outward, visible signs of some spiritual truth, and is ready to show how each particular image or rite is the symbol of some aspect of universal divinity.
They are under the jurisdiction of the Latin diocesan bishops, but their priests are ordained by bishops of their own rite specially appointed by the pope.
The Serb bishopric of Kreutz in Croatia, under the Latin archbishop of Agram, may be also grouped with the Ruthenian Church, since the rite is identical.
The liturgical language of the Uniat Slav Churches is Old Slavonic, and, so far as their rite is concerned, they differ from the Orthodox Slav Churches only in using the Glagolitic instead of the Cyrillic alphabet.
Converts to Rome have, therefore, to accept the Latin rite (see Prince Max of Saxony, Vorlesungen fiber die orientalischen Kirchenfragen, 1907).
It must be remembered that the meaning of a rite is for the most part obscure to the participants, being overlaid by its traditional character, which but guarantees a general efficacy.
Hubert and Mauss show in their penetrating analysis of sacrifice that after the rite has been brought to its culminating point there follows as a pendant a ceremony of re-entry into ordinary life, the idea of which is preserved in the Christian formula Ite, miss y est.
For the word meaning a hidden or secret rite, with which this has so often been confused, see Mystery.
This rite is found in the Gelasian, Gregorian and other sacramentaries.
In the sequel he defines the role of the angel of baptism who does not infuse himself in waters, already holy from the first; but merely presides over the washing of the faithful, and ensures their being made pure for the reception of the holy Spirit in the rite of confirmation which immediately follows.
Many of the Mozarabs even adopted the characteristic Mahommedan rite of circumcision.
He next followed Cartwright to Antwerp, and, having received ordination according to rite of the Reformed church, assisted Cartwright for several years in preaching to the English congregation there.
Thereupon, in defiance of the archbishop, the abbe Baradere gave him the viaticum, while the rite of extreme unction was administered by the abbe Guillon, an opponent of the civil constitution, without consulting the archbishop or the parish cure.
The Maronites, however, were reconciled to Rome in the 12th century, and are reckoned as Roman Catholics of the Oriental Rite.
The cruel rite had ceased in the Arcadian worship before Pliny wrote, but seems to have continued in Cyprus till the reign of Hadrian.
He was willing to continue the service only if the use of the elements should be dropped and the rite made simply an act of spiritual remembrance.
Candidates for the rite must have been confirmed, be adequately instructed in the elements of the Christian faith, and be able to read and write.
Almost all the learned doctors, he says, declare that the confessor may reveal it, but he adds, " the contrary opinion is the safer and better doctrine, and more consistent with religion and with the reverence due to the holy rite of confession."
In the Ambrosian rite the rogations take place after Ascensiontide, and in the Spanish on the Thursday to Saturday after Whitsuntide, and in November (Synod of Girona, 517).
It is best to defer the question of the origin of Christian baptism until the history of the rite in the centuries which followed has been sketched, for we know more clearly what baptism became after the year Ioo than what it was before.
Justin thus describes the rite in ch.
Such are the leading features of the rite in Tertullian, and they reappear in the 4th century in the rites of all the orthodox churches of East and West; Tertullian testifies that the Marcionites observed the particulars numbered one to six, which must therefore go back at least to the year 150.
This rite was called in the West the traditio and redditio of the symbol.
The exorcisms tended to become longer and longer, the later the rite.
Basil, in his work On the Holy Spirit, confesses his ignorance of how these and other features of his baptismal rite had originated.
This rite announces itself as the analogue of Christ's circumcision.
On the fortieth day from birth another rite is prescribed, of churching the child, which is now taken into the church with its mother.
As the first rite corresponds to the circumcision and naming of Jesus, so does the second to His presentation in the temple.
The fathers, however, of the 4th century emphasized already the danger of deferring the rite until men fall into mortal sickness, when they may be unconscious or paralysed or otherwise unable to profess their faith and repentance, or to swallow the viaticum.
In the West, however, the sacrament has been saved from becoming merely magical by the rite of confirmation or of reception of the Spirit being separated from the baptism of regeneration and reserved for an adult age.
In the East,on the contrary,the complete rite is read over the child, who is thus confirmed from the first.
Here they insisted in such cases on a repetition of the entire rite, baptism and confirmation together.
The Cathars of the middle ages discarded water baptism altogether as being a Jewish rite, but retained the laying on of hands with the traditio precis as sufficient initiation.
The communication to the candidates of the Creed and Lord's Prayer was a solemn rite.
But here again it is not clear that the writer has in view water baptism or any rite at all as the means and occasion of regeneration.
A rite was devised, called exhomologesis, by which, after a fresh term of repentance, marked by austerities more strict than any Trappist monk imposes on himself to-day, the persons lapsed from grace could re-enter the church.
In effect this rite was a repetition of baptism, the water of the font alone being omitted.
The Mormons have this rite.
Paul explains these formulas as being equivalent to " into the death of Christ Jesus," as if the faithful were in the rite raised from death into everlasting life.
So far was the afflatus of the Spirit from being conditioned by the rite, that in Acts x.
Not only do we hear of these varieties of practice, but also of the laying on of hands; together with prayer as a substantive rite unconnected with baptism.
And this rite of laying on hands, which was in antiquity a recognized way of transmitting the occult power or virtue of one man into another, is used in Acts ix.
It would also appear that in the primitive age confirmation and ordination were one and the same rite; and so they continued to be among the dissident believers of the middle ages, who, however, often dropped the water rite altogether.
I don't no wat is the rite descision.
Wishings, blessings, cursings, oaths, vows, exorcisms, and so on, are uttered aloud, doubtless partly that they may be heard by the human parties to the rite, but likewise in many cases that they may be heard, or at least overheard, by a consentient deity, perhaps represented visibly by an idol or other cult-object.
The household was always the centre of religious cult, and certain objects in the house - the door, the hearth, the store-cupboard (penus)- seem always to have had a sacred significance, and so became the objects and later the sites of the domestic worship. Of the cult of animals there is just sufficient trace to show that it must formerly have had its place in religious rite; the animals, once the objects of worship, appear in later times as the attributes of divinities, for instance, the sacred wolf and woodpecker of Mars.
Does the word " rite " seem too solemn?
Shopping for and buying girls' training bras is a rite of passage for many young women.
The dispensing of this rite is strictly reserved to an ordained minister, who is assisted by elders in handing the bread and the cup to the people.
The Albanians of the southern provinces still employ the Greek rite and the Greek language in their public worship, and their priests, like those of the Greek Church, are allowed to marry.
In all these cases baptism is performed by total immersion in running water, but during the five days' baptismal festival the rite is observed wholesale by mere sprinkling of large masses of the faithful at once.
It was pre-eminently the period of exultation in ancient Jewish rite, and the Mishnah declares that "He who has not seen the jcy of the libations of Tabernacles has never in his life witnessed joy."
At the time of the reformation under Josiah, represented by Deuteronomy, the attempt was made to turn the family thank-offering of firstlings into a sacrificial rite performed by the priests in the Temple with the aid of the males of each household, who had to come up to Jerusalem but left the next morning to celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread in their homes.
Whatever effect the reinvigoration of the papacy may have had in hastening the process, the original impulse towards the adoption of the Roman rite had proceeded, not from Rome, but from Spain and Gaul; it was the natural result of the lively intercourse between the Churches of these countries and the Holy See.
I do n't no wat is the rite descision.
Cranmer held that the consecration of a bishop was an unnecessary rite, and not required by Scripture; that election and appointment to office were sufficient.
The evidence for the rite among the Greeks is sufficient to warrant the conclusion of its introduction at a very early period and its persistence to a late day.
The neuter term brahma is used in the Rigveda both in the abstract sense of "devotion, worship," and in the concrete sense of "devotional rite, prayer, hymn."
One of the most important was the passing of a golden snake under the clothes of the initiated across their bosom and its withdrawal from below - an old rite of adoption.
On his return he experienced a remarkable incident which is obscurely associated with the rite of circumcision.
The Mahzor of each rite is also distinguished by hymns (piyyutim) composed by authors (payyetanim) of the district.
The god was originally a stranger, taken into the kin by a rite of blood brotherhood, and this constitutes the dark point of the theory; for Robertson Smith regards the blood bond as relatively late; hence we do not see how the god became associated with the kin.
The mitre was only introduced into the Greek rite in comparatively modern times.
The theory upon which the rite everywhere rests is clearly the belief, for which there is an abundance of concurrent testimony, that the liver was at one time regarded as the seat of vitality.
On the other hand, serious difficulties arise if we assume that every animal sacrificed represents a deity; and even assuming that such a belief underlies the rite of animal sacrifice, a modification of the belief must have been introduced when such sacrifices became a common rite resorted to on every occasion when a deity was to be approached.
On the 12th Bothwell was created duke of Orkney and Shetland and the marriage took place on the 15th according to the Protestant usage, the Roman Catholic rite being performed, according to some accounts, afterwards in addition.'
The Normans in Sicily, so far as they did not die out, were merged, not in a Sicilian nation, for that did not exist, but in the common mass of settlers of Latin speech and rite, as distinguished from the older inhabitants, Greek and Saracen.
Marillier sacrifice was, at its origin, essentially a magical rite - the liberation by the effusion of a victim's blood of a magical force which was to bend the gods to the will of man; from this arose, under the influence of cult of the dead, the gift theory of sacrifice.
It is possible to classify sacrifices according to (a) the occasion of the rite, (b) the end to be achieved, (c) the material object to be affected or (d) the form of the rite.
The sacrifices of sacralization and desacralization mentioned above find their analogues in the Hindu scheme of the rite; sacralization and desacralization, sometimes performed by means of subsidiary sacrifices, are the essential elements of the preparation for sacrifice and the subsequent lustration.
After a rite intended to secure its perfect ceremonial purity, a part of the victim, the vapa, was removed, held over the fire and finally cast into it.
In spite of the importance attached to the idea of the common meal by Robertson Smith, it is not a primitive rite of adoption.
Important features of Greek sacrifice, though not necessarily found in every rite, were the putting of wreaths and pieces of wool on the victim, the gilding of its horns, the lustration of the officiant and the sprinkling of those present with holy water.
The Pawnees, however, had an elaborate ritual, in which a human victim was sacrificed to the Morning Star; the blood of the victims was sprinkled on the fields, and the details of the rite are not unlike those of the Khond custom.
The gospel and epistle are still read from the ambo in the Ambrosian rite at Milan.
The interpretation of the rite is uncertain; it may perhaps be connected with agrarian rites.
Gregory the Great sent to Mellitus, bishop of London, a written rite of sacrificing bulls for use in the English church of the early 7th century.
Female proselytes are admitted after the total immersion in a ritual bath, though in some Reformed congregations this rite is omitted.
The only vamp that could change someone without them following the normal rite requiring human sacrifice, Xander had once created an army in months.
The courage of the Romans, however, soon overcame such fears; the Britons were put to flight; and the groves of Mona, the scene of many a sacrifice and bloody rite, were cut down.
She saw Damian watch the new king get his tattoo as a rite of passage, saw it again as Claire made love to the man meant to be her husband, saw it in Isac's vision as he hacked the tattooed man apart.