Risk Sentence Examples
I take a risk every time I go out.
Death is a part of the risk we take.
I don't want to risk hurting you.
I wanted a wife and children, but I didn't want to risk losing them because of the ranch.
I guess a walk in the cool evening isn't worth the risk of being eaten up by beasts is it?
That was why Pete chose the route - less risk of being robbed.
Separating might increase the risks for some, but it would reduce the risk of everyone being captured.
It was a risk that didn't pay off.
She had been reluctant to mention her idea before, but now she was desperate enough to risk his anger.
We're putting innocent people at risk and not just ourselves.
AdvertisementHe couldn't risk it.
She had to wait for the right moment, when she wouldn't risk losing him.
I am not willing to risk the consequences if you're wrong.
And risk seeing her again.
Finding women there meant the risk of seeing them again would be minimal, since they were most likely traveling on business.
AdvertisementYes, I think we may risk it.
We could go on here and talk about other military powers and alliances, but the simple fact is that large countries are less willing to risk war in defense of small ones.
You don't want to risk losing your blood monkey.
Better die a thousand times than risk receiving an unkind look or bad opinion from him, Rostov decided; and sorrowfully and with a heart full despair he rode away, continually looking back at the Tsar, who still remained in the same attitude of indecision.
It was a heart-wrenching chore, choosing which at risk victims might be saved and which ones ignored to suffer their fate.
AdvertisementRight about now, she'd be happy to see Kris and would even risk going to the shadow world!
He wanted her dead, but he couldn.t risk Darkyn.s anger before he had it.
That put everyone at risk, but her goats were the easiest targets.
It was the sign of someone with a secret he couldn't risk anyone discovering.
It had been Alex who convinced her to take the risk and adopt Jonathan.
AdvertisementWe can risk their anger.
The world was falling apart around them, and he couldn't risk either of their mental states in a relationship that may not see both of them surviving.
I'll accept all risk and if Darkyn is angry, I'll take you with me.
Or risk that there was something else going on that would drive his mate back to Darkyn for whatever reason.
With her arm bleeding, she couldn.t risk drawing the attention of the Immortals by taking the front stairwell even to meet her sister.
I don't want to see you take any risk.
Everything on the menu is served in an appetizer-sized portion, so couples can share their meals and take a risk in trying new things together.
This being the case, we are at liberty to make the assumption that the intrinsic energy of each element (under specified conditions) is zero, without thereby introducing any risk of self-contradiction in thermochemical calculations.
With a touch of vanity he expressed the fear lest "the coolness of fancy that attends advanced years should make me risk the reputation I had acquired."
The wish was gratified at the risk of the lives of three brave men, and he recognized the solemnity of the occasion by pouring out the water as an offering unto Yahweh.
The effect was to reduce to a minimum the risk of the introduction of disease amongst the herds and flocks of the country, and at the same time to confine the trade in store stock exclusively to the breeders of Great Britain and Ireland.
Military affairs in this period are dealt with under Napoleonic Campaigns; but it may be noted here that during the anxious days which Napoleon spent at the camp of Boulogne in the second and third weeks of August 1805, uncertain whether to risk all in an attack on England in case Villeneuve should arrive, or to turn the Grand Army against Austria, the only step which he took to avert a continental war was the despatch of General Duroc to Berlin to offer Hanover to Prussia on consideration of her framing a close alliance with France.
Owing to the smaller size of the male and the greater voracity of the female, the male makes his advances to his mate at the risk of his life and is not infrequently killed and eaten by her either before or after pairing has been effected.
There can be no question that a deep soil is better for the cottonplant; but the expense of obtaining it, the risk of injuring the soil through leaching, and the danger of bringing poor soil to the surface, have led many planters to oppose this plan.
Originally cotton was imported by the Liverpool dealer as an agent for American firms or at his own risk, and then sold by private treaty, auction, or through brokers, to Cotton market methods.
If he de termines to buy cotton at once, others who risk more, and trust their judgment of the future, may secure the contract.
If a spinner is pressed by a shipper to make quotations with refusal for two or three days to give time for business to be settled by cable, it is evidently not impossible for the spinner to shift the risk involved by getting in turn from his broker refusal quotations for cotton.
Local preachers received notice to quit their holdings, labourers were discharged, those who opened their cottages for meetings were evicted, and to show any hospitality to a travelling preacher was to risk the loss of home and employment.
A small portion of this was raised (at great risk) by performances at the Albert Hall in London, conducted by Wagner and Richter, in 1877.
She instructed her daughter to show a proper respect to her husband's grandfather, Louis XV., by behaving with politeness to his mistresses, in order that the alliance between the two courts might run no risk.
Whether from hostile forays or from piracy, any Greek was exposed to the risk of enslavement.
In 1353 the king took the borough of York into his own hands, "to avoid any risk of disturbance and possible great bloodshed such as has arisen before these times," and finally in the same year an agreement was brought about by Archbishop Thoresby that the whole of Bootham should be considered a suburb of York except the street called St Marygate, which should be in the jurisdiction of the abbey.
The want of railways in Asia Minor was urgently felt, but no capitalists were willing to risk their money in Turkish railways without a substantial guarantee, and a guarantee of the Turkish government alone was not considered substantial enough.
To do so by sea at this season was to risk delay, while in moving by land he would have the Spanish armies between him and the French.
Imagining himself sure of a brilliant destiny in Europe if he lost his Brazilian crown, the emperor attempted to risk a decisive attack against the Liberals, and to form a new ministry composed of men favourable to absolutism.
Such were the copiatae or grave-diggers, the psalmistae or chaunters, and the parabolani, who at great personal risk - whence the name - visited the sick in pestilence.
Moreover, by accepting Christianity from Germany, he ran the risk of imperilling the independence of Hungary.
The mining nien, especially the heads of the larger houses, did not care at this juncture to run the risk of political agitation.
The cavalry established contact on the 15th in the neighbourhood of Tobitschau and Rochetinitz (action of Tobitschau, July 15th), and the Austrians finding their intention discovered, and their men too demoralized by fear of the breechloader to risk a fresh battle, withdrew their troops and endeavoured to carry out their concentration by a wide circuit down the valley of the Waag and through Pressburg.
At the risk no doubt of some defects of culture, the newer education cleared the way for a more positive temper, awoke a new sense of accuracy and of verification, and created a sceptical attitude towards all conventions, whether of argument or of practice.
This is a recognized and legitimate business risk, differing only in degree from the risks attending all business operations.
While the risk of loss of capital is not to be avoided, it is of the utmost importance to limit the amount of money expended while the extent and value of the deposit are still uncertain and to do the necessary work by the cheapest methods consistent with thoroughness.
The risk will vary with the character of the deposit.
The money so spent, if judiciously used, insures the undertaking against loss by diminishing the mining risk, and is thus analogous to premiums paid to insure against fire or other sources of loss.
In metal mining, when the workable portions of the deposit are small and separated by unworkable areas, the levels serve also the purpose of exploration, and in such cases must not be so far apart as to risk missing valuable mineral.
Taking into account the risk attending all mining operations, which make necessary large interest and amortization charges on the cost of a tunnel, it will in most cases be advisable to raise the water to the surface by mechanical means.
Where the deposit is uncertain and the element of risk is large, we must adopt a high rate of interest on investments of capital in our computations of value - in some cases as high as 10, 15 or even 20%.
It would have been folly after that experience to risk defeat and perhaps disaster in assailing formidable positions, effectively held and assiduously fortified.
The so-called oil air-pumps are much more efficient; the valve difficulty is avoided, and the risk of leakage minimized; whilst in addition there is no air clearance between the piston and the base of the cylinder as in the older mechanical forms. The Fleuss pump may be taken as an example.
With these latter glasses there is, of course, considerable risk that the partial fusion and consequent contraction of the fireclay of the crucible may result in its destruction and the entire loss of the glass.
Further, all the subsequent processes of cutting, moulding and annealing become increasingly difficult, owing to the greatly increased risk of breakage arising from either external injury or internal strain, as the dimensions of the individual piece of glass increase.
The rolled sheet is left on the castingtable until it has set sufficiently to be pushed over a flat iron plate without risk of distortion; meanwhile the table has been placed in front of the opening of one of the large annealing kilns and the slab of glass is carefully pushed into the kiln.
As some of these sulphur compounds have a poisonous effect on plants, gas-lime cannot be applied to land directly without great risk or rendering it incapable of growing crops of any sort - even weeds - for some time.
In 1848, the seizure of Greytown (San Juan del Norte) by the Mosquito Indians, with British support, aroused great excitement in the United States, and even involved the risk of war.
Napoleon had, of course, accepted the risk of such an attack, but he sought at the same time to minimize it by summoning every available battalion to the scene.
But if this was not an afterthought, he must, on his own showing, stand accused of having carried out during long years a policy which he knew to be disastrous to his country, rather than risk the loss of the king's favour and of his place.
Agitation in the imperial parliament stopped government action, but the publicity of the finding of the privy council warned all concerned against the risk of neglecting the common law of the empire whenever they were not prepared to follow the lex loci contractus.
Possessing no images of Yahweh the Jews were also not exposed to the same risk as were idolaters of having their gods stolen by their foes and used against them.
The use of a sliding weight is not recommended in depths much exceeding 200 fathoms on account of the time required and the risk of the line sagging at a low angle and so stopping the weight.
The loss of coal by this method is very considerable, besides great risk to life and danger from fire.
The inflammability of coal dust varies with different coals, but none can be said to be entirely free from risk.
The fact that several accidents had already happened accentuated the risk, and in Great Britain the storage and use of liquefied acetylene are prohibited.
Dr P. Wolff has found that when this is used on the large scale there is a risk of the ammonia present in the acetylene forming traces of chloride of nitrogen in the purifying-boxes, and as this is a compound which detonates with considerable local force, it occasionally gives rise to explosions in the purifying apparatus.
Travellers and strangers who venture into these jungles run the risk of fever of a severe type at almost all seasons of the year.
The Sibylline books, however, declared that the king must not be restored by force, of arms, at the risk of peril to Rome.
On the other hand, they did not wish to take the risk of radical measures against the new doctrines, and were glad of an excuse for refusing the demands of the pope.
As supreme governor of the Church of England the sovereign strictly controlled all ecclesiastical legislation and appointed royal delegates to hear appeals from the ecclesiastical courts, to be a " papist " or to " hear Mass " (which was construed as the same thing) was to risk incurring the terrible penalties of high treason.
In 1853 exhaustive experiments were carried out in England with a view to ascertaining whether it would be possible so to treat alcohol as to allow it to be used industrially without, at the same time, any risk of the revenue being defrauded.
The Goethe-Schiller Museum, as it is now called, stands isolated, the adjoining houses having been pulled down to avoid risk of fire.
Perhaps his detachment makes for clearness of thought; Loofs's friendliness towards dogma, but in a much humbler sense than the Catholic, involves the risk of confusion.
The allies determined that they would wage a war without risks, and they were particularly anxious to avoid the risk of defeat in detail.
Without doubt, the personal risk to which Blucher exposed himself at this crisis was far too great; for it was essential that the command of the Prussian army should remain vested in a chief who would loyally keep in touch and act entirely in concert with his colleague.
Opposed as they were to Napoleon, Gneisenau's neglect involved them in an unnecessary and very grave risk.
By deliberately depriving himself of this detachment, on June 18, the duke ran a very grave risk.
Soon after this the courageous explorer Arnaud discovered the ancient Mariab, the royal city of the Sabaeans, and at great risk copied fifty-six inscriptions and took a plan of the walls, the dam, and the temple to the east of the city.
Napoleon in like case refused, at the risk of enforced resignation, but so did Moreau; the generality of lesser men have obeyed, but so did Suvarov.
The convenience of erecting girders on shore is very great, but there is some risk in the floating operations and a good deal of hauling plant is required.
Hard steel, if used at all, is used only for compression members, in which there is less risk of flaws extending than in tension members.
In addition to the dividend 5% was allowed for commission, office expenses and risk.
The great oracles, however, were of Panhellenic celebrity and did not serve each a particular state, and so in this direction also the risk of an independent priestly power within the state was avoided.'
The whole is surrounded by a deep and wide ditch, which can be filled from the river, at the risk, however, of bringing down the whole structure, for the walls are of mud, and stand upon a porous sandy soil.
Aristotle is commonly supposed to be the first author who mentions a parrot; but this is an error, for nearly a century earlier Ctesias in his Indica (cap. 3),2 under the name of fib-Taws (Bittacus), so neatly described a bird which could speak an "Indian" language - naturally, as he seems to have thought - or Greek - if it had been taught so to do - about as big as a sparrow-hawk (Hierax), with a purple face and a black beard, otherwise blue-green (cyaneus) and vermilion in colour, so that there cannot be much risk in declaring that he must have had before him a male example of what is now commonly known as the Blossom-headed parakeet, and to ornithologists as Palaeornis cyanocephalus, an inhabitant of many parts of India.
During the 18th century, in Greek as well as in Latin, the general aim was to reach the goal as rapidly as possible, even at the risk of missing it altogether.
As it was, both declined to risk a decision.
The worship of the local sanctuaries did nothing to promote the sense of the religious unity of Israel; Yahweh in the age of the Judges ran no small risk of being divided into a number of local Baals, givers of natural good things each to his own locality.
But, as something can everywhere be made by the use of money, something ought everywhere to be paid for the use of it," and will in fact be paid for it; and the prohibition will only heighten the evil of usury by increasing the risk to the lender.
Six states had ratified the Federal constitution when the New Hampshire convention met at Exeter on the 13th of February 1788, to accept or reject that instrument, and so great was the opposition to it among the delegates from the central part of the state that after a discussion of ten days the leaders in favour of ratification dared not risk a decisive vote, but procured an adjournment in order that certain delegates who had been instructed to vote against it might consult their constituents.
He showed statesmanlike qualities in steering a clear course between the exaggerated prudence of Baron Ricasoli, who wished to recall the troops from the frontier, and the impetuosity of Garibaldi, his second-in-command, who was anxious to invade Romagna prematurely, even at the risk of Austrian intervention.
This sort of dual control works with less friction and delay than might have been expected, but better appointments would probably be secured if responsibility were more fully and more clearly fixed on the president alone, though there would no doubt be a risk that the president might make a serious error.
On the other hand, the characteristic merits of the system may be summed up as consisting in the safeguards it provides against the undue predominance of any one power or person in the government, and therewith against any risk there may be that the president should become a despot, and in the full opportunities it secures for the due consideration of all important measures.
Many of its breeding-places are a most valuable property to those who live near them and take the eggs and young, which, from the nature of the locality, are only to be had at a hazardous risk of life.
Bent now visited at considerable risk the almost unknown Hadramut country (1893-1894), and during this and later journeys in southern Arabia he studied the ancient history of the country, its physical features and actual condition.
But such a concentration would in itself be attended with great risk, as the detachments might be destroyed piecemeal before they could combine.
Twice, indeed, during that period the chancellor ran the risk of provoking war.
The harbour is an open roadstead, very dangerous to shipping in northerly winds, and the discharge and loading of cargoes is effected by means of lighters at considerable risk and expense.
The greatest losses were in the Channel where the Flanders flotilla worked, and the blow they would have received by the blocking of Zeebrugge and Ostend was well worth the risk.
But a younger member of the household, Willie Douglas, aged eighteen, whose devotion was afterwards remembered and his safety cared for by Mary at a time of utmost risk and perplexity to herself, succeeded on the 2nd of May in assisting her to escape by a 1 It is to be observed that the above conclusion as to the authenticity of the Casket Letters is the same as that arrived at upon different grounds by the most recent research on the subject.
When finished off, the pots should be watered well, to settle the soil; but they should stand till the water has well drained away, since, if they are moved about while the fresh soil is very wet, there will be a risk of its becoming puddled or too much consolidated.
When plants are required to stand in ornamental china pots or vases, it is better, both for the plants and for avoiding risk of breakage, to grow them in ordinary garden pots of a size that will drop into the more valuable vessels.
But it is not necessary that one unvarying range of temperature should be kept up at whatever pains or risk.
In most cases this can be performed with little risk, but the gleichenias, for example, must only be cut into large portions, as small divisions of the rhizomes are almost certain to die; in such cases, however, the points of the rhizomes can be led over and layered into small pots, several in succession, and allowed to remain unsevered from the parent plant until they become well-rooted.
Plant out dahlias and other tender subjects, if risk of frost is past.
The Ashanti delayed war until their preparations were complete, whilst the Gold Coast officials appear to have thought the risk of hostilities remote.
He was, in 1680, seized in his house, and conveyed away at the risk of his life; and though he was released that he might die at home, his books and goods were distrained.
A limited section of medical opinion has recommended China tea for reasons of health, and undoubtedly the inferior strength it possesses reduces the risk arising from improper use, but it also reduces the stimulating and comforting effects the ordinary tea-drinker hopes to experience.
Since 1890 the barrage has done its duty without accident, but a work of such vast importance to Lower Egypt required to be placed beyond all risk.
But his interest was in the fascinating game of diplomacy; he was ambitious of playing the leading part on the great stage of international politics; and he was too consummate a courtier to risk the loss of the imperial favour by any insistence on unpalatable reforms, which, after all, would perhaps only reveal the necessity for the complete revolution which he feared.
In Northern Nigeria up to the moment of the British occupation the foreign trade was chiefly in the hands of Tripoli Arabs whose caravans crossed the desert at great risk and expense, and carried to the markets of Kuka and Kano tea, sugar and other European goods, taking away the skins and feathers which constituted the principal articles of export to the Mediterranean coast.
The conditions for a night march were thus ideal; but during the movement the wings closed towards each other, causing great risk of an outbreak of firing.
Malet reported that the Egyptian government could not supply the necessary funds, and that there was great risk of failure, Colonel Hicks, who had resigned his post on the 23rd of July, and had been appointed commander-in-chief, started from Khartum on.
He was interested in many things, and threw himself with ardour into whatever he took up; he contrived schemes quickly, and pushed them on with an energy which usually made them succeed when no long time was needed, for, if a project was delayed, there was a risk of his tiring of it and dropping it.
His will to believe merely recognizes that choice is necessary and implies risk, and puts him in a position to obtain verification (or disproof).
It is on such principles as these that one could proceed to a general pacification, and give birth to a league of which the stipulations would form, so to speak, a new code of the law of nations, which, sanctioned by the greater part of the nations of Europe, would without difficulty become the immutable rule of the cabinets, while those who should try to infringe it would risk bringing upon themselves the forces of the new union."
The policy of peace which Suffolk pursued was just and wise; he foresaw from the first the personal risk to which its advocacy exposed him.
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He declined to support this demand at the risk of a European war, and on the 8th of October 1896 he announced to the Liberal whip, Mr Thomas Ellis, his resignation of the Liberal leadership. On the following day he made a farewell speech at the Empire Theatre, Edinburgh, to over four thousand people, and for some time he held aloof from party politics,.
The Persian Gulf has an unenviable reputation for its dangers from heat-stroke, and the sun's rays seem to have a peculiar deadly power in this region, for the risk of exposure is greater than in any part of the world, though other countries have a temperature which is equally high.
In his last years he travelled through Syria contending against the iconoclasts, and in the same cause he visited Constantinople at the imminent risk of his life during the reign of Constantine Copronymus.
In the coral rock of the coast sea-baths are excavated, so that bathers may run no risk from sharks.
This constitution was never put in force, as Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman's Ministry determined that they would risk the grant of responsible government at once.
He also secured the creation of a Bureau of War Risk Insurance for shipping, later extended to include life 'insurance for soldiers and sailors in the World War.
The sheath of ice surrounding the bulb must be sufficiently continuous to prevent escape of heat, but it must not be so solid as to produce risk of strain.
He felt, too, that even if the plan were as successful as Conrad claimed it would be, its effect on the general course of the war would not be sufficiently important to warrant the risk taken in detaching a strong German force for the enterprise itself, or for replacing Austro-Hungarian divisions in the east if the actual attack should be left to Germany's ally.
He assumed, moreover, that Conrad had reasonably accurate information about the forthcoming Russian offensive and would not risk attacking at such a distance when the Russian threat was imminent.
The risk was not taken, and the short respite gave time to close the doors in the face of the invader.
But the German leaders were too prudent to risk defeat, and the Roman generals devoted their attention mainly to strengthening the line of the Rhine.
When Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France appeared, in 1790, Paine at once wrote his answer, The Rights of Man first part appeared on the r3th of March 1791, and had an enormous circulation before the government took alarm and endeavoured to suppress it, thereby exciting intense curiosity to see it, even at the risk of heavy penalties.
On the 19th of June he laid siege to La Roche-aux-Moines, the fortress which defended Angers and commanded the Loire valley; but on the approach of a royal army under Prince Louis on the 2nd of July his Poitevin barons refused to risk a pitched battle, and he fled hastily to La Rochelle.
The news of the events in Syria and especially of the deprivation of Mehemet Ali had produced in France what appeared to be an exceedingly dangerous temper; the French government declared that it regarded the maintenance of Mehemet Ali in Egypt as essential to the European balance of power; and Louis Philippe sought to make it clear to the British government, through the king of the Belgians, that, whatever might be his own desire to maintain peace, in certain events to do so would be to risk his throne.
This view is borne out by the experience in hospitals and with " contacts," which goes to show that with reasonable care and under fair conditions the risk of infection from ordinary plague patients is very small.
When persons live crowded together in close contact, and when they are careless with regard to discharges of all kinds from patients, the risk is obviously much increased.
The risk of importing plague from India has been materially lessened by medical inspection of outward-bound ships at the principal ports.
In regard to steam, the old tower was so shaky that it was considered unwise to risk the effects of an explosion, and therefore the mercury column was removed bodily to a court in the observatory.
Preparations had been made for a continuation of the offensive which had been broken off in Sept., and it was not possible, given the difficulty of communications and the risk of imminent attack, to take up those positions best adapted for defence.
He felt that unless he could delay the enemy advance down the Natisone and Judrio valleys by more than a mere rearguard action he ran the risk of having his centre and right, and all the mass of troops in the Udine plain, cut off from his bases.
Rule Vii.-Damage To Engines In Refloating A Ship Damage caused to machinery and boilers of a ship which is ashore and in a position of peril, in endeavouring to refloat, shall be allowed in G.A., when shown to have arisen from an actual intention to float the ship for the common safety at the risk of such damage.
The fundamental idea is that the several interests at risk shall contribute in proportion to the benefits they have severally received by the completion of the adventure.
The loss was in theory spread over all the interests at risk, and they had undertaken to bear the cargo's share of such losses.
That would bar out for ever all risk of a conflict of clerical wills.
It seemed as though the Renaissance ran a risk of being throttled in its cradle by superfluity of foreign and pedantic nutriment.
The lover of wisdom, who is priest of the universal God, rather than risk the taking into himself of inferior souls and polluting demons, will abstain from eating animals.
To the risk of such sacrifices the church, led by the Moderate party, refused to expose herself.
Mere prohibition under penalties will practically lead to an additional charge as security against risk.
By far the greater part of the interest now paid in the civilized world is, in the language of the English economists, only a fair reward for risk of loss and for management of capital, and a necessary stimulus to saving.
Knox had already by letter formally broken with the earl of Moray, "committing you to your own wit, and to the conducting of those who better please you"; and now, in one of his greatest sermons before the assembled lords, he drove at the heart of the situation - the risk of a Catholic marriage.
Christie and Lindsay, however, resolved to remain at their own risk, and advanced with the Persian army to the Aras.
The tension within the blood-vessels is generally high, and the patients run a risk of anginal attacks or of apoplexy.
If the delator lost his case or refused to carry it through, he was liable to the same penalties as the accused; he was exposed to the risk of vengeance at the hands of the proscribed in the event of their return, or of their relatives; while emperors like Tiberius would have no scruples about banishing or putting out of the way those of his creatures for whom he had no further use, and who might have proved dangerous to himself.
It is claimed, as a further result of the experiments, that from May to October the young fish would be practically free on the shallow part of the Bank from the risk of premature capture by trawlers, and that the increased value of the fish, consequent upon their phenomenal growth-rate, would greatly exceed the cost of transplantation.
The rapids, or porogs, form a serious obstacle to navigation; it is only for a few weeks when the river is in flood that they are passable, and even then the venture is not without risk and can only be undertaken with the assistance of special pilots.
The acquisition of Salisbury Plain by the war office for military purposes seemed likely, again, to add to the risk of harm from thoughtless visitors.
But the proof he gave by his transfer of energies that the work of reform was never quite finished - this was something of peculiar value, and worth the risk of some indiscretions.
To state the theory is, however, to risk giving an entirely false impression of the facts.
The council are not authorized to promote any bill, and although they frequently do so, they incur the risk that if the bill should not pass the members of the council will be surcharged personally with the costs incurred if they attempt to charge them to the county rate.
Any person who knows he is suffering from an infectious disease must not carry on any trade or business unless he can do so without risk of spreading the disease.
They cannot disapprove of a plan unless it contravenes the provisions of some statute or by-law; but if a person builds otherwise than according to an approved plan he does so at the risk of having his work pulled down or destroyed.
It is difficult to estimate the value of abnormalities as evidence bearing on morphological interpretation; the chief danger lies perhaps in attaching undue weight to them, but there is also a risk of minimizing their importance.
Lake Masaya occupies an extinct crater; the isolated volcano of Masaya (3000 ft.) on the opposite side of the lake was active at the time of the conquest of Nicaragua in 1522, and the conquerors, thinking the lava they saw was gold, had themselves lowered into the crater at the risk of their lives.
But Ito felt that his knowledge of foreigners, if it was to be thorough, should be sought for in Europe, and with the connivance of Choshu he, in company with Inouye and three other young men of the same rank as himself, determined to risk their lives by committing the then capital offence of visiting a foreign country.
A small quantity of the phosphorus combines with the oxygen in the vessel, and after this the operation is practically conducted in an atmosphere of nitrogen with the additional safety from any risk of explosion.
In the Compensations he sought to prove that, on the whole, happiness and misery are equally balanced, and therefore that men should accept the government which is given them rather than risk the horrors of revolution.
By her advice he did not risk another battle, but at once retired from Greece.
We are accustomed to find the legendary and the miraculous gathering, like a halo, around the early history of religious leaders, until the sober truth runs the risk of being altogether neglected for the glittering and edifying falsehood.
Rhodes opposed the native liquor traffic, and at the risk of offending some of his supporters among the brandy-farmers of the western provinces, he suppressed it entirely on the diamond mines, and restricted it as far as he was able in the native reserves and territories.
They left them free to make settlements at their own risk.
Never short of silver and gold, but often in want of the necessaries of life, they continued their practices for a little longer; then, evading the risk of recrossing the isthmus, they boldly cleared Cape Horn, and arrived in the Indies.
Regular trade - though rendered attractive by smuggling - and pearl gathering and similar operations which were spiced with risk, were open in vain to them, and in the absence of any domestic life, a hand-tomouth system of supply and demand rooted out gradually the prudence which accompanies any mode of settled existence.
The percolation will then be very small, and the risk of disintegration will be reduced to a minimum.
Halley certainly deserves the gratitude of posterity for undertaking the publication of the work at a very considerable pecuniary risk to himself.
He dwells on the risk run by the sponsors, in case the candidates for whose purity they went bail should fall into sin.
Hence the invention of Galahad, son to Lancelot by the Grail king's daughter; predestined by his lineage to achieve the quest, foredoomed, the quest achieved, to vanish, a sacrifice to his father's fame, which, enhanced by connexion with the Grailwinner, could not risk eclipse by his presence.
Henry lacked the energy to attempt to take by force what he could not obtain by persuasion, and preferred to break his bargain with the pope rather than to risk the chance of civil war at home.
Finding that the king was ready to back them in all their enterprises, the Despensers resolved to take the fearful risk of snatching at supreme power by using their masters name to oust the barons who were now directing affairs from their position.
When he declared himself to be Richard of York, he obtained some support in Ireland from the earl of Desmond and other lords; but he did not risk open rebellion till he had visited Flanders, and had been acknowledged as her undoubted nephew by Duchess Margaret.
But the memory of the high-handed proceedings of Puritan rulers was still too recent to allow Englishmen to run the risk of a reimposition of their yoke, and this feeling, fanciful as it was, was sufficient to keep the Test Act in force for years to come.
The Lords were not prepared to risk this result, and they accordingly accepted a reform which they could no longer resist, and the bill became law.
It was objected that, as he had publicly declared that the words of the oath bad no clear meaning for him, he could not be permitted to take it; and after some wrangling the matter was referred to a fresh committee, which supported the view that Bradlaugh could not be allowed to be sworn, but recommended that he should be permitted to niake the affirmation at his own risk.
Burke replied in tones of firm self-repression; complained of the attack that had been made upon him; reviewed Fox's charges of inconsistency; enumerated the points on which they had disagreed, and remarked that such disagreements had never broken their friendship. But whatever the risk of enmity, and however bitter the loss of friendship, he would never cease from the warning to flee from the French constitution.
He tried, at some risk to himself, to save the life of one of the victims, William Staly, and visited William Howard, Viscount Stafford, in the Tower.
He had already, in August 1549, at some risk, gone down with Lord Russell to turn the hearts of the rebels by preaching and persuasion, and two years later he was appointed bishop of Exeter by letters patent, on the compulsory retirement of his predecessor, Veysey, who had reached an almost mythical age.
This would have been a comprehensive and intelligible arrangement, but so strong a feeling in opposition to any cession of British territory was manifested in parliament, and by various mercantile bodies, that the government of the day was unable to press the scheme."' Nothing was done, however, to secure for the Gambia a suitable hinterland, and in 1877 the 4th earl of Carnarvon (then colonial secretary) warned British traders that they proceeded beyond McCarthy's Isle at their own risk.
Anxious not to risk his gains, but to consolidate them by organization, Philip henceforth until his death in 1223 operated through diplomacy alone, leaving to others the toil and trouble of conquests, the advantages of which were not f or them.
But though its instruments were weak the Republic was still strong, and the struggle itself, a struggle quite as much for a peaceful frontier as for aggrandizement and annexation of fresh land, could not be given up without risk to, the lands already won.
In the intensity of their struggle with the Reformation they subjected education to a censorship which, in order to exclude all risk of heresy, stifled thought and reduced knowledge to the repetition of safe formulas.
He would not risk a war unless he was certain of success, and for this he required the alliance of Italy and French support; both he secured during the next year.
If a young horse be well handled and accustomed to the dummy jockey, mounting it is not attended with much risk of resistance, although this should invariably be anticipated.
But though he was offered the title of prince, with the Golden Fleece and 200,000 ducats, he steadily opposed the Austrian faction, even at the imminent risk of a civil war; and on the 19th of August procured the election of Sigismund of Sweden, whose mother was Catherine Jagiellonica.
It is true that they have certain advantages given them, for without these advantages no capital would risk itself in the lands where they carry on their operations.
There is still a wide field open for the application of proper processes for the removal of impurities and colouring matters without running the risk of attacking the oil or fat itself.
He started at once and arrived at Tientsin in July, where he met Li Hung Chang, and learnt that affairs were in a critical condition, and that there was risk of war with Russia.
But the king on this occasion showed more political insight than his great minister and saw that by adopting the heroic course proposed by the latter he ran the risk of finding Napoleon on the side of the enemy, whereas by waiting all might be gained.
I know you well enough to know you would have to find out – no matter what the risk.
I chastise myself for taking an undue risk when other means are available.
He couldn't risk alienating the woman in his bed, partly because she was still too delicate, too new to his world to take the next step and partly because he was still leery of the powers of an Oracle.
Cynthia was sure the culprit was Fitzgerald himself, and while Dean didn't doubt the detested acting sheriff was capable, he couldn't picture anyone taking that much risk and going to that much trouble for the questionable benefit of embarrassing candidate Dean.
She never lost control of herself or failed to remind him that it wasn't her fate at risk each night.
Unable to tamper with Fate's court any more than Death could, the Dark One was taking a risk at wanting Wynn raised from the dead-dead.
He was early this year, but he.d rather visit now than risk he.d be grounded during winter solstice in a month.
He.d send someone to take Hannah to a different sanctuary, unwilling to risk his newfound mate to one as unpredictable as Sasha.
If you hesitate too long, you risk your life and those of your sisters.
Jackson enjoyed the surge of power a vampire garnered from turning a human, but having to snack carefully on one person for days on end, always running the risk of killing them, took all the fun out of feeding for him.
How could you risk making me have to live with that?
He'd have to risk the wrath of Death.
Apparently you'll do anything to hold a baby in your arms – even risk your life driving on ice.
Of course, stating so would be an admission the he was taking a risk as well.
He'd risk a beating, if his masters thought a few minutes would save their world.
She found it impossible to act normal around him with a potential fate that would put both of them at risk.
Jenn didn't risk looking back, but the surge of power knocked her and her opponents to their knees.
Fund raising is arduous to get money for research that involves any type of human risk.
You need to ascertain where the value lies, in order to minimize your risk.
The actions taken were commensurate with the risk to the product.
Some of the population grew complacent about the risk of HIV.
Well the author and publisher seem so confident they have gone to great lengths to let you try for yourself with absolutely no risk.
One of the consequences of global warming in mountain regions is increasing risk of infectious diseases.
A clear understanding of how fiber might protect against colon cancer risk remains somewhat elusive.
Hackneyed images risk reducing Irish history to textbook postcolonial illustrations.
Searching for risk factors in such groups would require a meticulous follow up of large cohorts.
Risk review management responsibilities are paramount to the boards of financial institutions.
I don't know if the lack of generally meaningless stock phrases is a risk.
Pork meat products could potentially carry PRRS, although they are of far greater risk for other diseases.
A risk propensity variable indicates an agent's inclination to carry out investments.
He was reluctant to ensure an unknown risk.
We live in a society where the term "risk" has become ubiquitous.
But regulation has to tread a fine line between protecting the public interest and stifling the industry by being too risk adverse.
Recent auto free instant insurance quote dry weather stressesmeanwhile aftermarket risk to expand beyond.
A good many people are sleeping outside in tents rather than risk having damaged walls fall on them during a severe aftershock.
Private veterinary surgeons and veterinary inspectors are those whose occupation may put them at risk if an infectious agent is present.
Propofol inhibits platelet aggregation which could reduce the risk of thrombosis.
It is difficult to know whether certain drugs cause agranulocytosis, and what the risk is.
All operations involving helicopter airlifts must be carefully planned to avoid risk to people on the ground.
Month undocumented aliens the risk of the needs of.
The susceptibility alleles underlying at least 70% of the familial risk of breast cancer remain to be identified.
Exposure to tobacco smoke and certain inhalant allergens are also known to increase the risk of developing asthma.
Many doctors recommend that people who are not allergic to tomatoes increase their intake to reduce their risk of cancer.
A child with one allergic parent runs a 30% risk of also becoming allergic.
High risk patients should be offered clinical testing for latex allergy.
Moreover, that risk may also be partly avoidable, in that three-quarters of these cases were taking allopurinol for asymptomatic hyperuricaemia.
It also means that older mothers can be given a low risk for Down syndrome without having to undergo an amniocentesis.
A State Street Bank and Trust Company, WM Company provide financial services including risk analytics, market data services and fund.. .
The risk of death from a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm is about 50 per cent, even during operation.
Safe means that it must not pose a risk of injury or death to people or domestic animals or of damage to property.
Background Sugar rich drinks are a recognized risk factor in early childhood caries.
So the Americans are right to play down the risk from their single case of BSE-infected cattle.
I envisage one where low risk offenders get conditional cautions or fines.
Exposure to UVB increases the risk of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, two forms of non-melanoma skin cancer.
Sovereign immunity and legal risk Speaker to be confirmed central banks, in pursuit of governmental business, frequently enjoy sovereign immunity.
To deny the centrality of the human position is tantamount to denying God, a venture never to be embarked upon without risk.
Many people, therefore, prefer the certainty of an agreed settlement to the risk of letting the judge decide.
In the case of the non-cash changeover, the risk is that too much has been left until the last minute.
Car insurance for new driver part of their to give the truck chassis lb we drive Elite Insurance High Risk Auto full-bore.
Pregnant women who get chickenpox or shingles have a higher than normal risk of developing pneumonia.
Having more brothers and sisters increased the chances of economic inactivity, and having more brothers increased the risk of early childbearing for women.
The challenge is to provide sufficient security commensurate with the risk.
The risk inherent in any notion of war in space of a " tragedy of the commons " is utterly compelling.
It is also clearly associated with an increased risk of microvascular complications.
Vitamin supplements may increase the risk of pregnancy complications instead of prevent them, research has suggested.
There is a strong risk however that extending compulsion to the community setting will have the opposite effect.
The real risk is using an invalid analysis to reach a bogus conclusion.
A very serious concussion with several days of unconsciousness is also dangerous owing to the risk of the brain swelling.
Lessens the risk of jaw fractures, and brain concussion.
The risk of interstitial condensation in the roof construction is avoided.
But there is a risk that it appears slightly condescending.
We will be organizing a conference on risk perception to address this matter in detail.
Yet the Indian sub-continent is probably the part of the world most subject to the risk of nuclear conflagration.
Children who eat soil contaminated with feces are at risk.
What more could the NBS do to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination of platelets?
Quality assurance systems are designed to minimize the risk of microbiological contamination.
From these, FAO conclude, " it cannot be concluded organic farming leads to an increased risk of mycotoxin contamination " .
A woman is at a higher risk of thrombosis from pregnancy than a hormonal contraceptive.
In 1995 third generation contraceptive pills were reported to double the risk of venous thromboembolism.
At the risk of sounding controversial it should not be forgotten that much of the damage is caused by ever larger agricultural machinery.
Otherwise bare copper or silver are rare in electronic systems and are not normally considered to be at risk.
Also, at the risk of sounding corny, the opportunity to do the project was a bit of a reward in itself.
Patients who have required high dose emergency corticosteroid therapy in the past may also be at risk.
Their upper and middle class lives are so cosseted, that they crave that element of risk so lacking in their everyday existence.
Being lean did not counterbalance the risk effect of being sedentary, " Hu said.
Under pleasure craft insurance, theft is, in general terms, an insured risk in respect of the vessel herself.
Prosecution lawyers said he was no longer deemed a flight risk.
The LDA want the panel to cover construction risk, liability, advance loss of revenue and latent defects.
Children in such communities are at lower risk of teen pregnancy, child abuse, drug use or juvenile delinquency.
What can we do to reduce our risk of developing dementia?
Aspirin may also help to reduce the risk of strokes, which may cause vascular dementia.
Unlike multi-infarct dementia major stroke risk factors are not present in CADASIL.
The evidence clearly demonstrates a serious risk in the terms required for a closure order.
They could be homeless, at risk of domestic violence or have a drug or alcohol dependency for instance.
This ran an unacceptably high risk of people who were not dangerous being compulsorily detained or treated.
At the risk of execution if captured, he was sent back to England but escaped detection.
Credibility demands that the realignment be large enough to make negligible the risk of a further, early devaluation of the pound.
Avoid the risk of dampness or overnight dew, as this will spoil the results and subsequently affect the performance.
Abstract Whether pregnant women with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus have an increased risk of spontaneous abortion is controversial.
Those with levels between 5.2 mmols/l and 6.5 mmols/l should be given dietary counseling and advice on the other risk factors.
Healthy people are at very little risk of catching Clostridium difficile.
Studies that wish to estimate associations between disease risk and usual exposure levels need to take regression dilution effects into account.
Before Disaster strikes Sarah La Trobe outlines why NGOs should think more about incorporating disaster strikes Sarah La Trobe outlines why NGOs should think more about incorporating disaster risk reduction in development work.
Draw up an action list How can you reduce the risk of thermal discomfort?
The RCD will automatically disconnect the power supply to help prevent the risk of a fatal shock.
The study brings together a multi-disciplinary team who have worked together over the last decade studying the risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Germany, isolated, still torn by internal dissensions, could never risk an attack.
Patients, who had ever received a diuretic, had a relative risk of gout estimated at 1.56.
A spokeswoman from Bristol Council said the decision to remove the doormats was about minimizing the risk of possible future accidents.
A booster dose is required every two to three years depending upon risk of exposure.
Eighty thousand properties are at risk in towns and cities from flooding caused by heavy downpours that overwhelm urban sewers and drains.
The risk of infection chiefly arises from inhaling water droplets formed from a contaminated water supply.
The risk factors appear to be hyped, with bold transfer deal dun, arbitration and the Alive & Kicking appeal always ongoing.
Risk of bladder dysfunction increases with age What could be simpler than emptying the bladder?
It should be emphasized that stress echocardiography, which can mimic an ischaemic episode, could potentially increase the risk of SonoVue utilization.
Nurses who wear rubber gloves are at risk from contact eczema to either to rubber latex, or to glove chemicals.
Both trials demonstrated efficacy in these elderly patients, who are at high risk of cardiovascular events.
There is a small risk associated with tattooing, electrolysis, ear piercing and acupuncture.
Every bet, every financial transaction contains an element of risk.
Patients with two first degree relatives any age are at significantly elevated risk.
As the code is permanently embedded on the chip there is no risk of the code being tampered with.
One risk specifically associated with keyhole surgery is gas embolism.
This treatment reduces the risk of getting a new embolus.
Risk Factors All predicative characteristics for acute emesis should be considered a risk factor for delayed.
The risk of developing vaccine-related encephalitis is extremely small in comparison to the health risks associated with the diseases that vaccines prevent.
Because of the risk of introducing infection, they should not be used to reduce catheter encrustation - rather the catheter should be replaced.
There is a risk that partnerships will prove ephemeral if they are devised in response to a particular funding regime.
The researchers identified three factors that increase the risk of having intractable epilepsy.
Back Pack aims to tackle the adverse effects of back pain and reduce the risk of recurrent back pain episodes.
We can offer advice and support, risk assessment (including ergonomics and pregnancy ), health surveillance and supervised return to work programs.
Attention needs to be given to risk assessment, employe training and workplace ergonomics.