Risen Sentence Examples
Babylonia had risen into supreme importance for Jewish life at about the time when the Mishnah was completed.
The bed of the river was found to have risen at least 20 ft.
From time to time the Indians have risen against the Mormons.
Nor did the latter, having risen and curtsied, know what to do.
The sun had risen brightly and its slanting rays struck straight into Napoleon's face as, shading his eyes with his hand, he looked at the fleches.
But I refused the permission which Becket solicited of reprinting it; the public curiosity was imperfectly satisfied by a pirated copy of the booksellers of Dublin; and when a copy of the original edition has been discovered in a sale, the primitive value of half-a-crown has risen to the fanciful price of a guinea or thirty shillings."
The Christian Church would never have come into existence without faith in the Risen Lord.
Thrice have they slain me, thrice have I risen from the dead.
The cost of having a baby has risen significantly.
The title of marquis, which Napoleon did not revive, has risen proportionately in the estimation of the Faubourg St Germain.
AdvertisementIn 1872 revenue had risen to £ 180, 499 anci expenditure to £132,978.
The public debt, £2,101,500 in 1882, had risen at the close of the Boer War in 1902 to £12,519,000, and was in June 1909, £ 21,420,000.
In 1895 there entered the port 905 vessels representing a tonnage of 835,248 tons, while in 1905 the number of vessels had risen to 1842, representing a tonnage of 1,492,514 tons.
Just then Dorothy, who had risen early and heard the voices of the animals, ran out to greet her old friends.
Conversely, in places where prosperity has not risen, lack of these ingredients plays a significant role.
AdvertisementShe looked as if she had just risen from the foam of the sea, and her loveliness was like a strain of heavenly music.
On the whole, I think that it cannot be maintained that dressing has in this or any country risen to the dignity of an art.
Here goes lumber from the Maine woods, which did not go out to sea in the last freshet, risen four dollars on the thousand because of what did go out or was split up; pine, spruce, cedar--first, second, third, and fourth qualities, so lately all of one quality, to wave over the bear, and moose, and caribou.
At the advent of each individual into this life, may we not suppose that such a bar has risen to the surface somewhere?
Rostov reined in his horse, whose spirits had risen, like his own, at the firing, and went back at a footpace.
AdvertisementAbove him again was the same lofty sky with clouds that had risen and were floating still higher, and between them gleamed blue infinity.
Instead of sixteen hundred rubles he had a long column of figures scored against him, which he had reckoned up to ten thousand, but that now, as he vaguely supposed, must have risen to fifteen thousand.
It's very important! said he to someone who had risen and was sniffing in the dark passage.
The price of a new car has risen dramatically over the last couple of decades.
In the last decade, leasing has also risen in popularity.
AdvertisementIt marks the dawn of a public spirit as represented by the gentry, who, alarmed at the national peril and justly suspicious of the ruling magnates, unhesitatingly placed their destinies in the hands of Hunyadi, the one honest man who by sheer merit had risen within the last ten years from the humble position of a country squire to a leading position in the state.
In 1883, before the Rand gold mines had been found revenue and expenditure were about £150,000; in 1887, when the mines were beginning to be developed, the receipts were £668,000 and the expenditure £721,000; in 1889 the receipts had risen to £1,577,000 and the expenditure to £1,226,000.
In 1890-1891 the revenue of Lower Burma has risen to Rs.2,08,38,872 from imperial taxation, Rs.1,55,51,897 for provincial services, and Rs.12,14,596 from incorporated local funds.
Afterwards, when the metal has risen above B, to the level KK', the additional thrust is the weight of the cylinder of diameter KK' and height BH.
Then he was solemnly declared king in the temple of Bel-Merodach, which had again risen from its ruins, and Babylon became the second capital of the empire.
The increase in the consumption is exemplified by the fact that, while in 1700 the amount used in Great Britain was ro,000 tons, in 1800 it had risen to 150,000 tons, and in 1885 the total quantity used was almost 1,roo,000 tons.
In 1900 the total had risen to £820,000, of which £480,000 was for imports and £340,000 for exports, the share of France in that year having been 45% of imports and 47% of exports.
The value of trade passing through the customs in 1899 was 1,729,000; in 1904 these figures had risen to X2,543,831.
The town, which has risen with the fortunes of the Ibn Rashid family to be the capital of Upper Nejd, is at the mouth of the valley between the twin ranges, about 2 m.
The population of Pisa within the walls had been reduced in 1551 to 8574 souls, and by 1745 it had only risen to the number of 12,406.
Other towns of Tunisia are, on the east coast, Nabeul, pop. about 5000, the ancient Neapolis, noted for the mildness of its climate and its pottery manufactures; Hammamet with 37 00 inhabitants; Monastir (the Ruspina of the Romans), a walled town with 5600 inhabitants and a trade in cereals and oils; Mandiya or Mandia (q.v.; in ancient chronicles called the city of Africa and sometimes the capital of the country) with 8500 inhabitants, the fallen city of the Fatimites, which since the French occupation has risen from its ruins, and has a new harbour (the ancient Cothon or harbour, of Phoenician origin, cut out of the rock is nearly dry but in excellent preservation); and Gabes (Tacape of the Romans, Qabis of the Arabs) on the Syrtis, a group of small villages, with an aggregate population of 16,000, the port of the Shat country and a depot of the esparto trade.
They adorned Tunis with mosques, schools and other institutions, favoured letters, and in general appear to have risen above the usual level of Moslem sovereigns.
He had risen in Maud far above his ordinary serenity of style, to ecstasies of passion and audacities of expression which were scarcely intelligible to his readers, and certainly not welcome.
Fabius Quintilianus, or Quintilian (c. 35-95), is brought forward by Juvenal as a unique instance of a thoroughly successful man of letters, of one not belonging by birth to the rich or official class, who had risen to wealth and honours through literature.
The investment of Metz had lasted 54 days, and the deathroll of the civil population had risen to 3587 against 1200 in the corresponding period of a normal year.
This is the highest point it attains, and it has risen about 21 5 0 ft.
He entered the Prussian navy in 1865, and by 1890 had risen to be chief-of-staff of the Baltic station in the Imperial navy.
Mergui town has risen into prominence in recent years as the centre of the pearling trade in the neighbouring archipelago.
In 5904 it had risen to 4,846,052 and in 1907 was 4,671,146.
To understand the philosophical theory that has come to be known under this title, we may ask (I) what in general it is and how it is differentiated from other theories of knowledge and reality, (2) how it has risen in the history of philosophy, (3) what position it occupies at present in the world of speculation.
In 1900 less than 1.3% of the population was coloured; 30.2% were foreign-born (this element having almost continuously risen from 16.49% in 1855), and 62.3% of all inhabitants and 46.5% of those nativeborn had one or both parents of foreign birth.
Although the interest on the state fund had risen to $70,000 in 1819, this together with an equal sum raised by the cities and towns was insufficient, and to meet the deficiency the patrons in each district were required by a " rate bill " to contribute in proportion to the attendance of their children.
External trade has risen from £13,111,000 in 1887 to £37,371,000 in 1907.
There were 9149 flocks in 1886; in 1906 the number had risen to 18,500 - average size of each flock about 1050.
The export of butter and cheese has risen in value from £207,687 in 1890, till in 1907 that of butter amounted to £1,615,000.
The story of the risen Christ (xx.) shows dependence on and contrast to the Synoptic accounts.
Redemption, he said, was the result of the historical work of Christ; but justification was the work of the living risen Christ, dwelling within the believer and daily influencing him.
During his long reign of forty-nine years Poland had gradually risen to the rank of a great power, a result due in no small measure to the insight and sagacity of the first Jagiello, who sacrificed every other consideration to the vital necessity of welding the central Sla y s into a compact and homogeneous state.
In this as in all other matters of transcendental truth "wisdom is justified of her children"; the conclusive vindication of the prophets as true messengers of God is that their work forms an integral part in the progress of spiritual religion, and there are many things in their teaching the profundity and importance of which are much clearer to us than they could possibly have been to their contemporaries, because they are mere flashes of spiritual insight lighting up for a moment some corner of a region on which the steady sun of the gospel had not yet risen.
In Great Britain, whither they began to straggle over during the revolutionary troubles at the close of the 18th century, and where, practically unaffected by the clause directed against them in the Emancipation Act of 1829, their chief settlement has been at Stonyhurst in Lancashire, an estate conferred on them by Thomas Weld in 1795, they have been unmolested; but there has been little affinity to the order in the British temperament, and the English province has consequently never risen to numerical or intellectual importance in the Society.
Since about 1866, spurred on by the consciousness that one of their own race, Benito Juarez, had risen to the highest positions in the gift of the country, they have taken greater interest in public affairs and are.
The vast size of the market-squares with their surrounding porticos, and the importance of the caravans of merchants who traded with other nations, show that mercantile had risen into some proportion to military interests.
The of tencited poems attributed to Nezahualcoyotl may not be quite genuine, but at any rate poetry had risen above the barbaric level, while the mention of ballads among the people, court odes, and the chants of temple choirs would indicate a vocal cultivation above that of the instrumental music of drums and horns, pipes and whistles, the latter often of pottery.
He had been deeply interested from 1840 until 1850 in the militia of his state, and had risen through its grades of service to that of brigadier-general.
The navigable depth of these two short rivers is believed to be the result of a slow elevation of the land in the north-east, still in progress, whereby the, waters have risen on their former shores near Detroit.
In 1833 and 1834 the amount annually obtained had risen to fully a million of dollars.
A rapid development of the lead mines of the West, both in Missouri and on the Upper Mississippi in the region where Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois adjoin one another, took place during the first quarter of the I9th century, and as early as 1826 or 1827 the amount of this metal obtained had risen to nearly 10,000 tons a year.
In five years from the discovery of gold at Coloma on the American river, the yield from the auriferous belt of the Sierra Nevada had risen to an amount estimated at between sixty-five and seventy millions of dollars a year, or five times as much as the total production of this metal throughout the world at the beginning of the century.
The yearly production of pig iron a ou had risen to between 500,000 and 600,ooo tons.
The annual yield of gold in the Appalachian belt had fallen off to about $500,000 in value, that of California had risen to $36,000,000, and was rapidly approaching the epoch of its culmination (1851I 853).
The lead production of the Missouri mines had for some years been nearly stationary, or had declined slightly from its former importance; while that of the upper Mississippi region, which in the years just previous to 1850 had risen to from 20,000 to 25,000 tons a year, was declining, having in 1850 sunk to less than 18,000 tons.
In the census of 1870 the share of the three varieties appeared almost equal; in 1899 that of the red ores had risen to near two-thirds of the total.
At the conclusion of peace the debt had risen to 63 millions, near which point it remained until about 1852, from which time successive reductions brought it down to 28 millions in 1857.
These percentages have gradually risen ever since federation, especially in the province of Quebec, which was long in a backward state.
While Mediocrity Is The Prevailing Characteristic Of Most Of What Passes For Poetry In Canada, A Few Writers Have Risen Ito A Higher Level.
And for our sins sinners (the Hasmonaeans) have risen up over us, taking with force the kingdom which Thou didst not promise to them, profaning the throne of David in their pride.
The fallers are travelled forwards by means of screws, and when at the end of the screw are dropped automatically into the thread of a receiving screw fixed below, which carries the fallers back to their starting point to be risen by cams into the top pair of screws thus to repeat their journey.
In 1878 the number of Chinese had risen to 5916.
The number of Chinese in the islands had then risen to 21,000.
He served in the Algerian campaigns from 1830 onwards, and by 1840 he had risen to the grade of marechal-de-camp (majorgeneral).
Hence in 1900 there were 9501 foreign residents (of whom 628 were British subjects) out of a total population of 46,732 inhabitants; in 1905 it was reckoned that these numbers had risen respectively to 10,625, 818 and 53,577.
In many points, especially his great nepotism - witness the promotion of the worthless Pier Luigi Farnesehe remained, even as pope, a true child of the Renaissance period in which he had risen to greatness.
The manufacture of iron was established on a commercial basis in 1716-1718, when a furnace was built on Manatawney Creek above Pottstown, and before the close of the colonial era Pennsylvania had risen to first rank among the iron-producing colonies, a position which it has always held among the states of the Union.
The anti-Masonic excitement subsided as quickly as it had risen, and under the leadership of Thaddeus Stevens the party soon became merged with the Whigs.
In 1888 the total tonnage was 7,800,000; in 1905 it had risen to 19,662,000.
Paul's teaching about the believer being already risen with Christ gave a welcome handle to the later Gnostics.
London was not to be supposed helpless in such an emergency; Manchester, Glasgow and Dumfries, rid of his presence, had risen against him, and Charles paused.
Bergen ranks first of the Norwegian ship-owning centres, having risen to this position from fifth in 1879.
The government were unable to meet their obligations under the new contract, and in 1898 the outstanding amount had risen to £994, 600.
For these improvements co-operation was necessary; the better claims, which in 1872 had risen from £100 to more than £4000 in value, began to be consolidated, and a Mining Board was introduced.
Of humble origin, he had risen to be chief of his native village when the invasion of Burma by the king of Pegu in 1752 gave him the opportunity of attaining to the highest distinction.
In 1810 the combined population of Llanelly, with its four subsidiary hamlets of Berwick, Glyn, Hencoed and Westowe, only amounted to 2972; in 1840 the inhabitants of the borough hamlet alone had risen to 4173.
In this case the mouths of the underground main pipe-drains are stopped up, and the water in them and the secondary drains thus caused to stand back until it has risen sufficiently near the surface.
The lowest flood on record has risen only to 5.5 ft.
According to it the disciples all fled after the betrayal (though Peter waited until after the denial), and afterwards saw the risen Lord in Galilee.
According to this the disciples, though they fled at the betrayal, did not return to their homes, but remained in Jerusalem, saw the risen Lord in that city, and stayed there until after the day of Pentecost.
We know that he saw the risen Lord, and, according to the most probable view, that this was in Galilee; but the circumstances are unknown, after the and we have no account of his return to Jerusalem, as at the beginning of the Acts the disciples are all according to in Jerusalem, and the writer, in contradiction to the Acts Marcan or Galilean narrative, assumes that they had never left it.
For an increase in the navy there was, indeed, sufficient excuse in the enormous expansion of German over-sea commerce and the consequent growth of the mercantile marine; the value of foreign trade, which in 1894 was 365,000,000, had risen in 1904 to 610,000,000, and in the same period the tonnage of German merchant shipping had increased by 234%.
Mahomet, who could not fully express his new ideas in the common language of his countrymen, but had frequently to find out new terms for himself, made free use of such Jewish and Christian words, as was done, though perhaps to a smaller extent, by certain thinkers and poets of that age who had more or less risen above the level of heathenism.
In 1882 the population had risen to 374,000, in 1897 to 570,062, and in 1907, including Helwan and Mataria, the total population was 6J4,476, of whom 46,507 were Europeans.
Under improved conditions the area of cultivated land, or land in process of reclamation, had risen in 1906 to 5,750,000 acres, while another 500,000 acres of waste land awaited reclamation.
France about 10%, and Austria 6.72%, came next, but their import trade was declining, while that of Germany had risen from less than I to over 3%, and Belgium imports from 1.74 to 4.27%
When the river has risen 20 or 21 ft., he proclaims the Wefa en-Nil, Completion or Abundance of the Nile.
Since Flinders Petrie began, the general level of research has gradually risen, and, while much is shamefully bad and destructive, there is a certain proportion that fully realizes the requirements of scientific archaeology.
On the other hand at the south end of the Suez canal the land niay have risen bodily, since the head of the Gulf of Suez has been cut off by a bank of rock from the Bitter lakes, which were probably joined to it in former days.
The Tanite dynasty may have risen from a Libyan stock, though there is nothing to prove it; the XXIInd Dynasty are clearly from their names of foreign extraction, and their genealogy indicates distinctly a Libyan military origin in a family of rulers of Heracleopolis Magna, in Middle Egypt.
The Ethiopian rule of the XXVth Dynasty was now firmly established, and the resources of the two countries together might have been employed in conquest in Syria and Phoenicia; but at this very time the Assyrian empire, risen to the highest pitch of military greatness, began to menace Egypt.
This personage was himself the son of a Turk who, originally sent as a slave to Bagdad, had risen to high rank in the service of the caliphs.
The clergy, fortified by royal privileges, had also risen to influence; but celibacy and independence of the civil courts tended to make them more and more of a separate caste.
The gross revenue of the state is estimated to have risen threefold.
The Danish national debt, too, had risen enormously, while the sources of future income and consequent recuperation had diminished or disappeared.
Still higher had risen the influence of the crown.
Accordingly, as soon as all the great planets had disappeared, a new constellation was perceived to have risen, and all the stars in it had been lighted by the enthusiasm of Brandes.
There is also deposited a double magnesium and potassium chloride, similar to the carnallite of Stassfurt, and finally the mother-liquor, which has now again risen to specific gravity 1.3374, contains only pure magnesium chloride.
In the west the Arsacid empire had risen, and Mithradates I.
Siward, a man of unusual strength and size, is said to have risen from his bed at the approach of death, and to have died dressed in all his armour.
The cattle stock has risen steadily, and a regular increase in the number under 2 years points to the healthy state of the breeding industry.
In 1920-I the cost of education had risen to £2,163,000, the number of children on the school rolls being 284,000, an increase of about 50,000 since 1913.
As the chief pastor of the Hungarian church Pazmany used every means in his power, short of absolute contravention of the laws, to obstruct and weaken Protestantism, which had risen during the 16th century.
In 1386, however, the people of Corfu made voluntary submission to the Venetian republic which had now risen to be the first maritime power in the Mediterranean.
Some thought him Elijah or one of the ancient prophets returned to earth - a suggestion based on popular tradition; others said He was John the Baptist risen from the dead - the superstition of Herod who had put him to death.
They were bidden to keep the vision secret till the Son of Man should have risen from the dead.
As they withdrew to the Mount of Olives He foretold their general flight, but promised that when He was risen He would go before them into Galilee.
They entered and found a young man in a white robe, who said, " He is risen, He is not here," and bade them say to His disciples and Peter, " He goeth before you into Galilee; there ye shall see Him, as He said unto you."
He appears to have had no information as to the appearance of the risen Lord in Galilee, and he accordingly omits from his reproduction of St Mark's narrative the twice-repeated promise of a meeting with the disciples there.
In the Resurrection scenes he also gives incidents in which he has, played a part; and the appearances of the risen Lord are not confined either to Jerusalem or to Galilee, but occur in both localities.
Thought in its primary form is, as it were, thoroughly transparent and absolutely fluid, free and mutually interpenetrable in every part - the spirit in its seraphic scientific life, before creation had produced a natural world, and thought had risen to independent existence in the social organism.
Revenue was £76,000 in 1909-10, had risen to £118,000 in 1914-5 and was £186,000 in 1919-20.
There is no evidence that the earliest Christians were imbued with the archaeological spirit that interested itself in sites which the Risen Lord had vacated.
The site of Golgotha and of the the Holy Sepulchre, of the manger or of the home at Bethany, were to them of no special moment in comparison with the one all-important fact that " Christ was risen."
At first principally acid sodium sulphate, NaHSO 4, is formed together with some normal sulphate; later, when the temperature has risen, the NaHSO 4 acts with more NaC1 so that nearly all of it is converted into Na 2 SO 4.
Whilst it can never (in the absence of any great mineral wealth) develop into a wealthy country, it can at least support its own population; and it would, but for the short-sighted trade policy of Abdur Rahman, certainly have risen to a position of respectable solvency.
But, though the industry is universal, it has hardly anywhere risen to the dignity of a fine art.
The gross rental at first payable to the company was £53,000, but within a period of ten years it had risen to X 146,000.
The new government's first difficulty was Sicily, where the people had risen in rebellion demanding their own charter of 1812, and although the Neapolitan troops quelled the outbreak with much bloodshed the division proved fatal to the prospects of liberty.
In 1900 the value was £1,922,000, and in 1905 it had risen to £2,172,000.
Faraj had set himself up as a prophet, claiming to be Dhu`l-Qarnain (Alexander the Great) risen from the dead.
At that moment a Kharijite, named Mosawir, who in 867 had risen in Mesopotamia and beaten more than one general of the government, took Balad and menaced Mosul.
By 1890 imports had risen to 790,261 pounds, and thereafter fluctuated greatly, standing at only 473,598 pounds in 1893, but at 1,017,238 pounds in 1897, and 1,382,352 in 1901, but under abnormal conditions in 1904 this last amount was nearly doubled.
In 1901 it had risen again to 25,811.
As a result of these improvements land and timber values have markedly risen, and great impetus has been given to traffic on the rivers, which carry a large part of the cotton, lumber, coal, stone, hay and miscellaneous freights of the state.
Copper has risen in importance in very recent years; it is mined mainly in Shasta county; the value of the state's total product in 1905 was $2,588,111.
In point of population it is exceeded in Switzerland by Zurich, Basel and Geneva, though the number of inhabitants has risen from 27,558 in 1850 and 43,197 in 1880 to 64,227 in 1900.
It is not his word but his person which assumes first place, and faith is acceptance of him - crucified and risen - as Messiah.
To them, therefore, Christianity presented itself not primarily as the religion of a redemption through the indwelling power of a risen saviour, as with Paul, nor even as the solution of the problem how the sins of men could be forgiven, but as the reconciliation of the antinomy of the intellect, indicated above.
The census of 1882 gave the total as 275,816; this appears to have risen in 1890 to 375,000, in 1900 to 500,000, and in 1905 to 550,000, or II inhabitants per sq.
The wind had risen, the rain was blown in sheets, and the snow was whirling thickly on the mountains.
Again taking England as an example, the women of the above ages bore the proportion to the total population of 23% in 1871 and had risen to 25% in 1901; but at the former time, 49.6% were married, whilst thirty years later, only 46.8 were thus situated.
By 1910 the general total is considered to have risen to about a million and a half.
He already saw the scarlet of a cardinal awaiting him, and to this eminence he would assuredly have risen.
Tilburg has risen into importance since the separation of Belgium from Holland as one of the chief industrial centres of the south.
The trade with the United States, which in 1887 amounted to little over 120,000 gallons, has risen to considerably over a million gallons.
In the Shepherd of Hermas a vision of the church rewards frequent fasts and prayer; and it is related in extra-canonical sources that James the Less vowed that he would fast until he too was vouchsafed a vision of the risen Lord.
In 1764 the number of meeting-houses was 120, and in 1773 it had risen to 190.
During the later part of this period, indeed, the Genoese made themselves masters of Famagusta - which had risen in place of Salamis to be the chief commercial city in the island - and retained possession of it for a considerable time (1376-1464); but it was recovered by King James II., and the whole island was reunited under his rule.
The military adventurers, who have often risen to high or even supreme rank in Peru, have not seldom been of mixed race, and fear or favour has often availed to procure them an alliance with the oldest and purest-blooded families.
It was founded in 1610, under the name of Fatchnagar, by Malik Ambar, an Abyssinian, who had risen from the condition of a slave to great influence.
In 1897 the quantity was 19,278 tons, and the value £69,134; but in 1898 the price had risen so that the output of 23,552 tons was worth £117,784.
In 1907 the total had risen to 576,820 (217,742 males and 359,078 females).
In 1856 the aggregate of imports and exports had risen to £311,764,507, in 1866 to £534,195,956 and in 1876 to £ 6 3 1, 931,3 0 5.
The prices of the staple articles of food and all necessaries of life have risen considerably since 1880, and, particularly in the large cities, are now very high.
In 1880 a laborer earning 25 krans, or LI sterling a month, could afford to keep a family; by 1908, in krans, he earned double what he did in 1880, but his wage, expressed in sterling, was the same, and wherever the prices of food have risen more than his wages he could not afford to keep a family.
Horses, mules and donkeys, formerly exported in great numbers, are at present not very abundant, and their prices have risen much since 1880.
The scarcity of animals, as well as the dearness of fodder, is one of the causes of the dearness of transport, and freights have risen on the most frequented roads from 3d.
For the risen Christ appeared before him in his glory, and charged him with having acted contrary to his own law.
On Easter Eve the new fire, symbol of the light of the newly risen Christ, is produced, and from this are kindled all the lights used throughout the Christian year until, in the gathering darkness (tenebrae) of the Passion, they are gradually extinguished.
It was restored and the foundations of its modern splendour were laid by the Great Elector, by the time of whose death (1688) the population had risen to some 20,000.
John Kolar (1793-1852) was the greatest poet of the Bohemian revival, and it is only in quite recent days that Bohemian poetry has risen to a higher level.
When only about twenty years of age she had already risen to fame with her portraits of Count Orloff and the duchess of Orleans, her personal charm making her at the same time a favourite in society.
Yet the Arcadians, like the other Greeks, had probably long before Homer risen above this stage of thought; for Greek religion was so strongly 1 Corp. Inscr.
In 1900 the total area under cultivation was 2,439,639 acres, and in 1906 it had risen to 2,838,081 acres, which is a little short of 2 acres per inhabitant.
About 332 he set out against the rebellious tribes of Thrace; but before this insurrection was quelled, the Spartan king Agis had risen against Macedonia.
The value of the rubber exported, which in 1886 was only £600o, had risen in 1900 to £1,158,000.
In 1898 it had risen to £886,000.
The revenue from this source, obtained almost entirely from rubber and ivory, had risen in 1891 to £52,000, in 1896 to £235,000, in 1900 to £448,000, and in 1905 to £660,000.
In the 1891 budget the expenditure on the army was given at £90,000, and by 1900 it had risen to £312,000.
The comparative science of civilization thus not only generalizes the data of history, but supplements its information by laying down the lines of development along which the lowest prehistoric culture has gradually risen to the highest modern level.
But these projects were of little avail, for Kassai of Tigre, as above mentioned, had by this time (1872) risen to supreme power in the north.
From the same example Fra Bartolommeo and a crowd of other Florentine painters of the rising or risen generation took in like manner a new impulse.
Dindigul has risen into importance as the centre of a trade in tobacco and manufacture of cigars, which are exported to England.
In 1718 the city wall was completed; settlers began to stream in, especially from distracted Gujarat; and a series of wise administrative reforms increased this tendency until in 1744 the population, which in 1718 had sunk to 16,000, had risen to 70,000.
At this time, too (1819), its fortunes were vigorously fostered by Mountstuart Elphinstone, and in 1838 the population had risen to 236,000.
Sturdza's government, which had risen to power mainly on the national question, was also destined to fall on it.
Cosbuc, who has risen more recently to fame, is the poet of the unfortunate Rumanian peasant, emancipated only in name and on paper, and a prey to greedy landowners and to a medieval administration.
In 1880 the population was only 44,500, but it had risen in 1900 to 51,657 and in 1904 it was 53,728.
The recent deposits indicate that the land has risen for a long period.
In 1836 the total trade of the country was under £i,000,000, in 1860 it had risen to over £4,500,000, in 1874 it exceeded £io,50o,000.
But of course it must be remembered that not merely were munitions provided in 1917 and 1918 on an unprecedented scale, but that prices had risen enormously until, towards the close of the war, they were about double those of four years before.
The surrounding ground no doubt has risen so that the old name "hill of Said" is now inapplicable.
The value of the trade of the port has risen from £670,600 in 18 99 to £ 7 1 9,333 in 1904.
But in November 1894 the Thames rose to about 80 such units, and old records on the Severn bridges show that that river must on many occasions have risen to considerably over 100 units.
The strata must once have risen above the present surface, and in many cases may be found descending to the surface again with a contrary dip, the intervening portion of the undulation having been worn away.
Their rebellion sealed the fate of the master in whose cause they had risen.
Like so many of his predecessors he had risen from the lower middle classes, through the royal road of the church; he had served Henry VII.s old councillor Foxe, bishop of Winchester, as secretary, and from his household had passed into that of his master.
He would have made his country still more haughty and arrogant than it was, till other nations rose against it, as they have three times risen against France, rather than submit to the intolerable yoke.
But the situation was also remarkable because power thus definitely passed from men who, without exception, had been born in the 18th century, and had all held cabinet offices before 1832, to men who had been born in the 19th century, and had only risen to cabinet rank in the forties and the fifties.
Burke's conservatism was, as such a passage as this may illustrate, the result partly of strong imaginative associations clustering round the more imposing symbols of social continuity, partly of a sort of corresponding conviction in his reason that there are certain permanent elements of human nature out of which the European order had risen and which that order satisfied, and of whose immense merits, as of its mighty strength, the revolutionary party in France were most fatally ignorant.
The state has risen to high rank in the production of sorghum cane and castor beans also; in 1899 16, 477 acres of the cane yielded 40,259 tons, and 14,070 acres of castor beans yielded 77,409 bushels.
Fowling has somewhat decreased in modern times, as the fisheries have risen in importance.
The writer of the treatise On Sublimity knows 35 1 no heights loftier than those to which Demosthenes 351 has risen.
About a century later the tax-collectors estimated the population at a little over 2,500,000, and in 1791 the same officials calculated that the number had risen to over 4,200,000.
The professional class was 131,035, the domestic 219,418, and the commercial had risen from 83,173 in 1891 to 97,889 In 1901.
Sir William Petty estimated the value of Irish exports in 1672 at £500,000 per annum, and owing principally to the prosperity of the woollen industry these had risen in value in 1698 to £996,000, the imports in the same year amounting to £576,000.
Between 1751 and 1760 the annual values had risen for exports to £2,002,000 (to Great Britain, £1,068,000) and for imports to £1,594,000 (from Great Britain, £734,000).
Between 1794 and 1803 the figures had further risen to £4,310,000 (to Great Britain, £3,667,000) and £4,572,000 (from Great Britain £3,404,000).
Already Cornwall had risen in insurrection that year, not liking the taxation imposed for the purpose of repelling the Scotch invasion.
The Maoris and other Polynesian peoples are perhaps the best examples of a race which has risen far above the savagery of Bushmen and Australians, but has not yet arrived at the stage in which great centralized monarchies appear.
Between 1857 and 1877 Barcelona the population increased to 16,631,869; and by Tarragona 1897 it had risen to 18,132,475.
In 1899 the revenue derived from the country was E126,000, in 1909 it had risen to E1,040,000, despite slight reductions in taxation, a proof of the growing prosperity of the land.
In June 1863, as soon as parliament had risen, Bismarck published ordinances controlling the liberty of the press, which, though in accordance with the letter, seemed opposed to the intentions of the constitution, and it was on this occasion that the crown prince, hitherto a silent opponent, publicly dissociated himself from the policy of his father's ministers.
Rangoon, from being a comparatively insignificant place, has within less than half a century risen to be the third seaport in British India, being surpassed only by Calcutta and Bombay in the volume of its trade.
What little talent he'd possessed, he disguised in hard work and determination until he'd risen to his zenith—mediocrity.
Dean had arisen thousands of times in his nearly 40 years; risen to the fear of final examinations, to the anxiety of court appearances, to the dreaded knowledge there was a war going on outside.
He had risen in the arms of beautiful women, after nights on the town when headaches would make you scream for mercy, and on a fifth-grade morning when Frankie Cataldo had bragged to the world he would kick the shit out of David Dean.
The risen Jesus was not as he was, thus apparently contradicting the gospels.
Student movements have always risen up against the religious and political status quo.
Nothing short of an encounter with the risen Christ has remotely explained his major about-face.
Rates among children have risen at an equally alarming rate.
Dust a hot girdle with flour and bake the bannocks for a few minutes on each side until risen.
Protecting your home Latest Home Office figures have revealed that domestic break-ins have risen by 7.9% over the past year.
By 1790 the waistline had risen, and heavy brocades been replaced by lightweight muslins, with flat shoes for both men and women.
Attacks on paramedics soaring Attacks on paramedics in Staffordshire have risen fourfold in the past three years according to ambulance chiefs.
In order to maintain such constancy the Catholic employment gap has had to widen or narrow as aggregate unemployment has risen or fallen.
The number of local authority areas where premature death rates are above the national average has risen by 40 per cent since 1991.
Public concern over NHS dentistry has risen in recent years.
Here we see Mary Magdalene trying hard to convince the incredulous disciples that she has seen the risen Christ.
People's average life expectancy has risen from 35 to 67 years.
Leave in a warm place for up to an hour to prove until the batter has risen and looks slightly frothy with air bubbles.
We love you forever, risen Lord of eternal glory.
At that time I have enjoyed great sport as the black gnats have swarmed over the river and the trout have risen all day.
In its most recent study, obtained by CTV News, the number of infected dairy herds had risen.
The risen Jesus is not prepared to tolerate the immorality and the false teaching in Thyatira.
Water had risen to window ledge height in parts of the resort.
The cost of antidepressant prescriptions in England has risen by more than 2,000 per cent over the last twelve years.
Thankfully the English have, for the most part, risen above such xenophobia despite the extreme provocation of the Scottish Labor Party.
The price has risen in the past few weeks after the government's attempts to shut the site brought widespread publicity.
You have risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air.
Spoon over the pineapple slices, place the ramekins on a baking tray and cook in the oven for 20 mins until well risen.
We serve a risen savior, He's in this world today.
Faith in a risen Savior is necessary if the vague stirrings toward immortality are to bring us to restful and satisfying communion with God.
The number of young adult drug users starting treatment has risen by more than 50 per cent in the last five years.
Oil prices have recently risen and, not least, the economies of most of our major trading partners have shown little vigor.
Despite an increase in spending of £ 2.4 billion after inflation, NHS waiting lists have risen over the last year.
On graduation, in 1856, Garfield became professor of ancient languages and literature in the Eclectic Institute at Hiram, and within a year had risen to the presidency of the institution.
The precarious position of the province on the borders of the country doubtless militated against an earlier industrial development, but since the separation from Belgium and the construction of roads, railways and canals there has been a general improvement, Tilburg, Eindhoven and Helmond all having risen into prominence in modern times as industrial centres.
Revenue from taxation had risen in a decade from 7,000,000 to 20,200,000; profit on state monopolies had increased from 7,000,000 to 9,400,000; exports had grown to exceed imports; income from the working of telegraphs had tripled itself; railways had been extended from 2200 to 6200 kilometres, and the annual travelling public had augmented from 15,000,000 to 25,000,000 persons.
The sultan, who had risen from a Mongolian slave to become a second Saladin, and who combined the physique and audacity of a Danton with the tenacity and religiosity of a Philip II., dealt blow after blow to the Franks of the East.
Meanwhile the Austrians had approached so near that by a single day's march it would have been possible to fall upon and crush by superior numbers either wing of the French army, but though the Austrian light cavalry successfully covered the operations of the following troops they had not yet risen to a conception of their reconnoitring mission, and the archduke, in ignorance of his opportunity and possessed, moreover, with the preconceived idea of uniting at Regensburg with the two corps coming from Bohemia, moved the bulk of his forces in that direction, leaving only a covering body against Davout altogether insufficient to retain him.
At one time the Primal Man, who sank down into matter, has freed himself and risen out of it again, and like him his members will rise out of darkness into the light (Poimandres); at another time the Primal Man who was conquered by the powers of darkness has been saved by the powers of light, and thus too all his race will be saved (Manichaeism); at another time the fallen Sophia is purified by her passions and sorrows and has found her Syzygos, the Soter, and wedded him, and thus all the souls of the Gnostics who still languish in matter will become the brides of the angels of the Soter (Valentinus).
Valens had been attached to Julian's bodyguard, but he did not inherit the military ability of his father, Gratian of Pannonia, who had risen from the ranks to a high position.
Knowledge, therefore, with its vehicle, the intellect, is dependent upon the existence of certain nerve-organs located in an animal system; and its function is originally only to present an image of the interconnexions of the manifestations external to the individual organism, and so to give to the individual in a partial and reflected form that feeling with other things, or innate sympathy, which it loses as organization becomes more complex and characteristic. Knowledge or intellect, therefore, is only the surrogate of that more intimate unity of feeling or will which is the underlying reality - the principle of all existence, the essence of all manifestations, inorganic and organic. And the perfection of reason is attained when man has transcended those limits of individuation in which his knowledge at first presents him to himself, when by art he has risen from single objects to universal types, and by suffering and sacrifice has penetrated to that innermost sanctuary where the euthanasia of consciousness is reached - the blessedness of eternal repose.
Michelangelo and Raphael, who had both, as we have seen, risen to greatness partly on Leonardo's shoulders, were fresh from the glory of their great achievements in the Sistine Chapel and the Stanze.
In the fall the loon (Colymbus glacialis) came, as usual, to moult and bathe in the pond, making the woods ring with his wild laughter before I had risen.
With Mademoiselle Bourienne's help the princess had maintained the conversation very well, but at the very last moment, just when he rose, she was so tired of talking of what did not interest her, and her mind was so full of the question why she alone was granted so little happiness in life, that in a fit of absent-mindedness she sat still, her luminous eyes gazing fixedly before her, not noticing that he had risen.
The death rate has risen even more in recent months.
Yes, Jesus really is risen, alive and reigning in heaven.
The temperature had risen from a minimum of 15.0C to 19.5C with relative humidity on 90 %.
He also said that the republic had " risen like a phoenix from the ashes of despair ".
We serve a risen savior, He 's in this world today.
Spoon into basins and bake for 20 mins until risen and springy to touch.
In reality leadership, having risen above the oppressed class, inevitably succumbs to the pressure of the ruling class.
News, 19 April 2006 Teen pregnancy rates in a British city have risen to record highs, according to new figures.
It portrays a risen Christ triumphant over death and suffering.
The wakeful shepherd, tending his flocks, beholds from the mountain 's top the first faint morning beam ere cometh the risen day.
By 1585 their numbers had risen to four and their duties had been established as musical night watchmen and civic entertainers.
With so many marriages ending in divorce, the amount of single parent homes has risen over the past few decades.
Even though the success rate of IVF has risen to almost 50%, research continues so that the arms of potential parents everywhere will never be empty.
Using Internet sites that specialize in creating the proper divorce documents according to state has risen to the top of the list when it comes to speedy divorces.
The global sea levels have risen between four and eight inches in the last century, and if this continues, communities that occupy low lying regions along the coasts risk devastating flooding.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Earth's temperature has risen 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit in the last 100 years.
After 24 hours, remove the bandage and check to see if the splinter has risen to the surface.
If the splinter hasn't risen close enough to remove with tweezers, clean and dry the area and reapply the drawing salve as directed above.
This fuss free style of interior design has risen in popularity in recent years, as more and more people have embraced the comfort it brings to homes.
With the technological advancements found in spray tanning over the past years, the popularity has risen dramatically.
The platform began in October of 1997 and has risen to become the second most popular e-mail service.
Bermuda shorts are out, and the hemline has risen yet again.
Bullying has risen in media attention over the last few years, and few are willing to let bullies take the life of another teen.
After the dough has risen, you can refrigerate it or use it immediately.
The popularity of unique groom cakes has risen, making more and more couples chose to showcase their cakes at the reception.Getting a groom cake may take a little work.
James Blunt's popularity with women has risen just as fast as his singles have flown up the Billboard chart.
Scarlett Johansson has quickly risen to starlet status in young Hollywood.
Many young pop-starlets have risen to stardom, only to be followed by much controversy.
Depp has played many memorable and much-loved characters and has risen to the top of the A-list in the process.
Sandra Bullock is an actor who has risen to the top of the Hollywood A-list.
While Betty White has enjoyed a long and successful career, her star has risen to amazing heights since the mid-2000s.
Online degrees have gradually increased in popularity as demand for them has proportionally risen.
The popularity of small dogs, those under twenty pounds, has steadily risen over the past decade.
Yet along with its popularity, there has also risen the number of dogs being abandoned and surrendered for adoption.
A fine old plant in Sir Harry Veitchs garden, East Burnham Park, having outgrown the wall against which it was planted, has risen many feet above, and flowers there with remarkable freedom, without the least protection, year by year.
As demand for organic home goods has risen, the prices have come down.
Teacher perceptions of school violence have risen and fallen with the crime rates of some of America's largest cities.
An evil guild has risen up to take over what used to be a peaceful place.
Fortunately, a few brave people have risen up to try and stop the guild.
With such monumental growth, as well as all the related industries that have risen alongside of it, it's not at all surprising that you may be asking, "How much money does the video game industry make?"
It clearly transcends the mortal title of "Game That Never Gets Old" and has risen to the status of "Game That Never, Ever Gets Old."
It was so well received, the winery increased production and sales have risen each year since.
In recent years, smartphones have quickly risen in popularity.
As such, smartphone like the Motorola Droid X have risen in popularity across the board.
One of the most prominent issues to have risen to the surface in relation to this smartphone has to do with that brilliant AMOLED touchscreen display.
A febrile seizure is caused by fever, most commonly a high fever that has risen quickly.
However, they do not taste or look exactly like risen wheat bread or regular pasta.
Where plasma iron levels have risen above 0.35 mg/dL, the patient is treated with deferoxamine.
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2004 shows that EE rates have risen so dramatically in recent years that they may be at higher levels than that of other inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders.
The prescription of SSRIs has risen dramatically in the past several years in children and adolescents age 10 to 19.
March of Dimes notes that the number of multiple births has risen significantly over the past 20 years, making the subject one of great concern.
Deciphering when your temperature has risen slightly will let you know that you have just ovulated.
Acai has recently risen to media prominence because of two doctors, Dr. Perricone and Dr. Oz.
Recently, acai has risen to prominence at the recommendation of Dr. Perricone and Dr. Oz, who called the acai berry a superfood because of the richness of nutrients in these little berries.
Additionally, a handful of styles have risen in popularity among celebrities, giving the brand even wider exposure as an "it bag" to carry.
Trendy and modern, Juicy Couture handbags have swiftly risen in popularity since they were introduced in 2004.
Handbags by Guess have also risen in popularity, and have become a style staple for many women.
With the growing popularity of portable computers, the accessories market has risen to meet the needs of discerning and particular consumers.
As the divorce rates continue to rise in some areas of the world, the number of children living in one parent homes has risen as well.
One of the many complaints people have about the poor economy is that food prices seem to have risen out of control.
However, on the same day just one short year later, the price for a gallon of unleaded gasoline has risen to a U.S. average of $2.63.
With a reflection back to the more modern wars in history, the Army Wives TV show has risen to great audience response, showing the lives of the families left behind.
This mythical black bird was alleged to have risen out of it's own ashes to begin life anew.
It doesn't matter if it's the crucified Jesus as a symbol of redemption or the risen Jesus as a symbol of resurrection; it's still a crucifix.
Dragonfly body art is one of the main tattoo designs that have risen in popularity as more women begin to get tattoos.
The popularity of these piercings has risen dramatically among young adults where marketing is targeted.
As mountain biking has risen in popularity, the number of discount travel mountain biking promotions has increased.
Since 1976 the company has risen to become one of the most easily recognized names in luxury watches.
The act is a blueprint for companies to govern their financial activities.As a result of this act, ethical awareness in the workplace has risen as well as scrutiny from governing officials.
The number of rural China people who use the Internet has risen quite dramatically just over the past year, with a 25 percent increase in just that time span.
Most half marathons will begin in the morning hours when temperatures are cool and before the sun has risen to a point where UV exposure can be harmful.
A successful new wave group before MTV, it has been theorized that their star would have risen higher if full-figured lead singer Debora Iyall had a more conventional starlet's look.
The fact that someone like Lauren Curtis has risen through the ranks of Myspace.com denizens speaks volumes about teenagers and young adults.
With losses surrounding him, Master Chief sees that even though he has risen to the challenge, success comes with a price.
While her family might not have appreciated the switch at the time, Suhr has risen to popularity not only on Clean House but on other shows like Pretty Funny Women, Girls Behaving Badly, Take My Kids and Funny Money.
Many people armed with little more than Google Analytics, an AdWords account, and a blog have risen to the top ranking in their online community.
They were too busy knocking on Fred's door before he'd even risen to book their reservations for Cyberville.
The organizing genius of Dupleix everywhere overshadowed the native imagination, and the star of Clive had scarcely yet risen above the horizon.
To this belief, many and good as are the arguments which can be advanced for it, a confident certainty is given by Christian faith in the Risen Lord, and the life and immortality which he has brought to light in his Gospel.
He had been an officer of the guard under Julian and Jovian, and had risen high in the imperial service.
The phenomenon of emigration in Sicily cannot altogether be explained by low wages, which have risen, though prices have done the same.
The price of Italian consolidated 5% (gross, 4% net, allowing for the 20% income tax) stock, which is the security most largely negotiated abroad, and used in settling differences between large financial institutions, has steadily risen during recent years.
By the end of 1901 the price of Italian stock on the Paris Bourse had, however, risen to par or thereabouts.
In order to diminish the gold premium, which under Giolitti had risen to 16%, forced currency was given to the existing notes of the banks of Italy, Naples and Sicily, while special state notes were issued to meet immediate currency needs.
He became first a postmaster near Lyons, and in 1841 was appointed, through the influence of some of his friends who had risen to posts of power, member of a scientific commission on Algeria, which led him to engage in researches concerning North Africa and colonization in general.
The commercial importance of the town dates from the second half of the r9th century; in 1870 its population had risen to 38,000, and after it was brought into railway connexion with Kharkov and Voronezh, and thus with the fertile provinces of south and south-east Russia, the increase was still more rapid, the number reaching 56,047 in 1885, and 58,928 in 1900 - Greeks, Jews, Armenians and West-Europeans being important elements.
He is a great enemy to commons and common fields, and to retaining land in 1 During the 16th century wheat had risen in price, and between 1606 and 1618 never fell below 30s.
The import of the manufactured product from 1875 to 1900 increased at a much greater ratio than that of the raw grain, for whilst in 1875 the former represented less than one-ninth of the total, by 1900 the proportion had risen to nearly one-fourth.
By 1862 the classes had risen to 29 for cattle, 17 for sheep and 4 for pigs, and the prize money to 2072.
One house which was thus distinguished had risen to a leading place in the city and before long played no small part in the world's history.
In 1906 the combined exports had risen to 362 bales, including a little from German East Africa.
Expressed both absolutely and as percentages of the price averaged from the 1st of October to the 31st of July, the range of movement, standard deviation, and mean weekly movement calculated between the times mentioned above (October 1st to July 31st), after diminishing significantly for some years after the later 'sixties, have risen appreciably on the whole of late years.
But the point need not be discussed further here, since both percentage and absolute indices of unsteadiness have risen of late years.
The total volume of trade in 1902, the year of the completion of the railway, was X725,000, in 1905 it had risen to £1,208,000 - imports £480.000, exports 728,000.
The Vakuf tenants were at that time extremely prosperous, for their rent had been fixed for ten years in advance on the basis of the year's harvest, and so had not risen proportionately to the value of their holdings.
Thus, in the financial year1900-1901the total amount of the fund had risen from £T159,500 to £T231,500.
During the war of 1770 the Greeks had risen in an abortive rebellion, promptly crushed by the Turks.
In 1807 the Servians, having risen for their independence, forced the Turkish garrison to capitulate, and became masters of Belgrade, which they kept until the end of September 1813, when they abandoned it to the Turks.
It was stormed by the Romans in 293 B.C., and though it suffered from the wars of the Republican period, it seems to have risen to renewed prosperity under the empire.
The war opened disastrously for the French, but by 1642, when Richelieu died, his armies - risen from 12,000 men in 1621 to 150,000 in 1638 - had conquered Roussillon from Spain; they held Catalonia, which had revolted from Philip IV.
In 1887 when the gold-mining industry was in its infancy the duty on imports had risen to £190,792, and in 1897, when the industry was fully developed, to £1,289,039.
In the following year it had risen to fifty lakhs.
In 1807 its population had risen to 15,000, principally through its commercial importance, but on the 26th of March 1812 it was totally destroyed by an earthquake, and with it 1500 lives, including a part of the revolutionary forces occupying the town.
If so, one must say that after the denial Peter returned to Galilee - probably to resume his trade of fishing - and he there saw the risen Lord.
In January 1908 the white population had risen to 2943, 1713 being Belgians..
The number of these new courses has already risen to 650 in the 2001 summer semester.
This speaks to the fabulous wealth of this country and how our expectation of material possessions has risen so fast that we have redefined poverty to include what once were deemed luxury items.
The greatest depth was exactly one hundred and two feet; to which may be added the five feet which it has risen since, making one hundred and seven.
Boris was now a rich man who had risen to high honors and no longer sought patronage but stood on an equal footing with the highest of those of his own age.
The sun had by now risen and shone gaily on the bright verdure.
By this time he had risen from the table and was pacing the room, Natasha following him with her eyes.
A number of people who end up working as consultants have risen up through the ranks and worked in administration or management before striking out on their own to provide consulting services.
The ten feet to the top felt like it took hours, though the sun had barely risen when she finished.
During1896-1897the value of the Benadir trade was £120,000; in 1906-1907 it had risen to over £250,000.
Meanwhile behind his back the royalists had risen all over England, the fleet in the Downs had declared for Charles, and the Scottish army under Hamilton had invaded the north.
The value of the output had, however, by 1902 risen to 1,600,000, representing a tonnage of about 10,000,000.
The cost of living has doubled and the price of land has risen enormously."
He had risen to fear, heartache, anxiety, bliss, pain and a hundred other feelings that made you beg to be able to bury your head beneath the covers and stay in the warm cocoon of sleep forever.
There is evidence that Ungava, like the rest of Labrador, has risen several hundred feet since the Ice Age, marine beaches being found up to 700 ft.
Many Jews have been members of the Reichsrath, some have risen to the rank of general in the army, and Austrian Jews have contributed their quota to learning, the arts and literature.
Natasha remarked to her father who had also risen and was moving through the crowd toward the actress.
In 1898-1899, 5972 tons were produced, while in 1905 the figure, had risen to 93,916.
During the War of Independence the Jews of America took a prominent part on both sides, for under the British rule many had risen to wealth and high social position.
Finally, when one remembers how, during the First Crusade, the pedites had marched side by side with the principes, and how, from the beginning of 1099, they had practically risen in revolt against the selfish ambitions of princes like Count Raymund, it becomes easy to understand the independent position which the burgesses assumed in the organization of the kingdom.
The number of industrial strikes has risen from year to year, although, on account of the large number of persons involved in some of them, the rise in the number of strikers has not sUlk always corresponded to the number of strikes, During, es.
A few months later the Lesghians in Daghestan, who had risen in revolt, were defeated and their country once more reduced to obedience.
Not noticing the monk, who had risen to greet her and was drawing back the wide sleeve on his right arm, she went up to Sonya and took her hand.
The other ministries with the largest outgoings were the ministry of war (the expenditure of which rose from 254 millions in 1895 to over 30 millions in 1995), the ministry of marine (103/4 millions in 1895, over 123/4 millionsin 1905), the ministry of public works (with an expenditure in 1905 of over 20 millions, 10 millions of which was assigned to posts, telegraphs and telephones) and the ministry of public instruction, fine arts and public worship, the expenditure on education having risen from 73/4 millions in 1895 to 93/4 millions in 1905.