Rioters Sentence Examples
During the draft riots in July he proclaimed the city and county of New York in a state of insurrection, but in a speech to the rioters adopted a tone of conciliation - a political error which injured his career.
During the month of August bands of fanatical rioters in various parts of the country made havoc in the churches and religious houses, wrecking the altars, smashing the images and pictures, and carrying off the sacred vessels and other treasures on which they could lay their hands.
On the 12th Germinal he was in the tribune, reading a report on the food supplies, when the hall of the Convention was invaded by the rioters, and when they withdrew he quietly continued where he had been interrupted.
The sympathies of the people, and even, it is said, of the clergy, throughout Scotland, were so unmistakably on the side of the rioters that the original stringency of the bill introduced into parliament for the punishment of the city of Edinburgh had to be reduced to the levying of a fine of 2000 for Porteous's widow, and the disqualification of the provost for holding any public office.
He was further entrusted by Augustus with a summary criminal jurisdiction over slaves and rioters, which was, however, gradually extended till in the time of Severus or even earlier it embraced all offences by whomsoever committed.
Order was soon restored, and a fine of twelve million francs imposed on the rioters.
In an action against the chief rioters he was awarded £6 25 and costs, was thus enabled to set up a much larger and more efficient plant, and the Colonial Advocate ran till the 4th of November 1834.
The most noted instance of military interference was in 1894, when President Grover Cleveland sent United States troops to Chicago to prevent strikers and rioters from interfering with the transmission of the United States mails.
A great many volunteers from all parts, who offered their services, were hunted down as rioters by the Turkish generals, who were wholly absorbed by their own interests.
During a period of exceptional distress the rioting was caused mainly by the heavy charges at the toll-gates on the public roads in South Wales, and the rioters took as their motto the words in Genesis xxiv.
AdvertisementMany of the rioters were disguised as women and were on horseback; each band was led by a captain called "Rebecca," his followers being, known as "her daughters."
Emboldened by success, a large band of rioters marched into the town of Carmarthen on the 10th of June and attacked the workhouse, but on this occasion they were dispersed by a troop of cavalry which had hurried from Cardiff.
Wales was relieved from the burden of toll-gates, while the few rioters who were captured were only lightly punished.
The police were compelled to fire on the rioters, and two men were killed, after which the coroner's jury brought in a verdict of wilful murder against the police.
Paris was thus left to the rioters, who seized arms wherever they could find them, broke open the jails, burnt the octroi barriers and soon had every man's life and goods at their discretion.
AdvertisementAt daybreak on the 6th some of the rioters made their way into the palace and stormed the apartment of the queen who escaped with difficulty.
In the fortress of Monjuich in Barcelona were collected, not only rioters caught red-handed, but many othersnotably journalistswhose opinions were obnoxious.
Bourbon then became a violent reactionary, attacking the former members of the Mountain and supporting rigorous measures against the rioters of the 12th Germinal and the 1st Prairial of the year III.
Not finding him there, the rioters rushed to his house, which they wrecked, and seizing the doomed minister,.
The rioters were predominantly from the Hausa Fulani tribe, which is not indigenous to the area.
AdvertisementDuring the evening groups of Loyalist rioters began to make incursions into the Catholic Short Strand enclave of east Belfast.
At the moment of his fall the movement assumed the aspect of an insurrection, and during the interval between his resignation (24th November) and the formation of a new Crispi cabinet (ioth December) conflicts between the public forces and the rioters were frequent.
Subsequently, in pleading before the court of cassation on behalf of one of the rioters, he secured the annulling of the judgments given by the council of war.
Huge quantities of gas and hundreds of rubber bullets were fired at this stage and many of the rioters were injured.
Reinforcements of troops at length arrived, who, charging the rioters and cutting down all who resisted, at length restored tranquility.
AdvertisementPolice officers from the neighboring city were called in to restore order after rioters ran amok in the streets.
The rioters in and around Chicago were dispersed in a single day, and within a week the strike was broken.