Rima Sentence Examples
Among his other productions was an edition of Hesiod's Works and Days, with valuable notes, and a translation in terza rima.
In 1690 he translated Guarini's Pastor Fido, and in or just after 1697 published, in a folio volume without a date, his Kunga-Skald, the first original poem in ottava rima produced in Swedish.
His letter, in terza rima, to Lucy, Countess of Bristol, is one of the finest examples of this form in English literature.
But Daniel employs rime royal and terza rima, while some modern epistles have been cast in short iambic rhymed measures or in blank verse.
The Ulyssea of Gabriel Pereira de Castro describes the foundation of Lisbon by Ulysses, but, notwithstanding its plagiarism of The Lusiads and faults of taste, these ten cantos contain some masterly descriptive passages, and the ottava rima shows a harmony and flexibility to which even Camoens rarely attained; but this praise cannot be extended to the tiresome Ulyssipo of Sousa de Macedo.
Besides these lyrical compositions are the semi-epical or allegorical Trionfi - Triumphs of Love, Chastity, Death, Fame, Time and Divinity, written in terza rima of smooth and limpid quality.
Spenser used an alexandrine to end his modified form of ottava rima.
Help - Rhyme forms Terza rima stanza Three line stanza, commonly iambic pentameter.
He also showed me a Pearl-spotted owlet behind the Palma Rima and was very friendly.
One of the most remarkable features of the Countess 's translation is that it matches Petrarch 's terza rima line-for-line.
AdvertisementShe is the first English translator to use Petrarch 's terza rima form.
In the autumn of 1504 he began his Decennali, or Annals of Italy, a poem composed in rough terza rima.
His most celebrated pieces are Hugo; Mnich (" The Monk"); Lambro, a Greek corsair, quite in the style of Byron; Anhelli, a very Dantesque poem expressing under the form of an allegory the sufferings of Poland; Krol duck (" The Spirit King"), another mysterious and allegorical poem; Waclaw, on the same subject as the Marya of Malczewski, to be afterwards noticed; Beniowski, a long poem in ottava rima on this strange adventurer, something in the style of Byron's humorous poems; Kordyan, of the same school as the English poet's Manfred; Lilla Weneda, a poem dealing with the early period of Slavonic history.
Sidney followed with the sestine and terza rima and with various experiments in classic metres, none of which took root on English soil.