Right-hand Sentence Examples
Multiplying out the right-hand side and comparing coefficients X1 = (1)x1, X 2 = (2) x2+(12)x1, X3 = (3)x3+(21)x2x1+ (13)x1, X4 = (4) x 4+(31) x 3 x 1+(22) x 2+(212) x2x 1 +(14)x1, Pt P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 Xm=?i(m l m 2 m 3 ...)xmlxm2xm3..., the summation being for all partitions of m.
For, since -2t 2 =0 3 -21f 2, 6,-3j(-f) 3, he compares the right-hand side with cubic resolvent k 3 -21X 2 k - j 2.
Lana is my right hand.
Her left hand was numb from the drugs, her right hand trembling as she pushed the buttons.
Sometimes in the south during the cold season they wear a cloak of skin or matting, fastened 'with a skewer, but open on the right-hand side.
A large nematocyst, with everted thread, is seen in the right-hand ectodermal cell.
Her hieratic and most general form was still lioness-headed, but a popular form, especially in bronze, was a cat-headed women, often holding in her right hand a lion aegis, i.e.
The chief rivers of the eastern region are the Valserine and the Seran, right-hand tributaries of the Rhone, which forms the eastern and southern boundary of the department; and the Albarine and Oignin, left-hand affluents of the Ain.
The (primitively) right-hand organs of the complex thus become lefthand, and vice versa.
Thus the base of the gill passes in a slanting direction across the right-hand side of the kidney, the posterior end being dorsal to the apex of the gland, and the anterior end ventral to the right-hand corner.
AdvertisementWhile the Holy Land was thus at peace, crusaders were also being drawn elsewhere by the needs of the Latin empire of Constantinople, or the attractions of the Albigensian Crusade.2 But Innocent could never consent to forget Jerusalem, as long as his right hand retained its cunning.
After mounting are written - usually in the right-hand corner of the sheet, or on a label there affixed - the designation of each species, the date and place of gathering, and the name of the collector.
It is then pruned, in order clearly to show the mode of branching, and is spread out as naturally as possible with the right hand.
According to this theory of the archetypal man the three Sephiroth on the right-hand side are masculine and represent the principle of rigour, the three on the left are feminine and represent the principle of mercy, and the four central or uniting Sephiroth represent the principle of mildness.
It is to be remarked that the "laying on of hands," which in the Old and the New Testament alike is the usual "form" of blessing, is not used in liturgical benedictions, the priest being directed merely to extend his right hand towards the person to be blessed.
AdvertisementThe right-hand side may be also written /?
To continue the process, the key K is turned over to the right-hand side, and then, while S is open, is turned back, thereby not only reversing the direction of the current, but diminishing its strength by an amount depending upon the previous adjustment of R2.
William Fitz Osbern, earl of Hereford, who had been his right-hand man in Normandy, fell in the civil wars of Flanders (1071).
Valyi-Nagy, the first Magyar 1 The earliest, styled " Song on the Discovery of the right hand of the Holy King Stephen," and printed at Nuremberg by Anton Koburger in 1484, is lost.
In 1890 he became state secretary and in that position was regarded as Kruger's right-hand man.
AdvertisementYet another fashion was that adopted by the flamens, who passed the right-hand portion of the toga over the right shoulder and arm and back over the left shoulder, so that it hung down in a curve over the front of the body; the upper edge was folded over.
Across the arms he balances the iron rod to which the glass bulb adheres, and rolling it backwards and forwards with the fingers of his left hand fashions the glass between the blades of his sugar-tongs tool, grasped in his right hand.
Menshikov understood perfectly the principles on which Peter's reforms were conducted, and was the right hand of the tsar in all his gigantic undertakings.
One type comprises two separate ploughs, one right hand and one left, which revolve on the beam, one working, while the other stands vertically above it.
A third type is made on the "balance" principle, two plough beams with mould-boards being placed at right angles to one another, so that while the right-hand plough is at work the left-hand is elevated above the ground.
AdvertisementIt is situated on the south shore of the estuary of the Forth, at the mouth of the Carron and also of Grange Burn, a right-hand tributary of the Carron, 3 m.
He explained, corrected or commented till the clock struck nine; then, with the little finger of the right hand brushing from his coat and waistcoat the shower of superfluous snuff which had fallen on them, he pocketed his snuff-box, and resuming his hat, he as silently as when he came in made his exit by the door which I rushed to open for him."
The first term on the right hand side expresses the energy of the surface electrification of the conductors in the field, and the second the energy of volume density (if any).
The community was thus of the greatest service to Cardinal Wiseman, whose right-hand man Manning thenceforward became.
And ascended into heaven and sat on the right hand of the Father, 7.
And ascended into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of the Father, 7.
Its principal tributaries are - from the right hand the Jalon with its affluent the Jiloca, the Huerva, Aguas, Martin, Guadalope and Matarrana; from the left the Ega, Aragon, Arba, Gallego, and the Segre with its intricate system of confluent rivers.
He was surrounded by political and personal enemies, who regarded him with jealousy as the ex-gonfalonier's right-hand man.
It is noteworthy that the sections on the right hand correspond in the main to the elements which have been those to which 1 Swete divides the Apocalypse first of all into forty-two minor sections.
It is situated on Ruthven Water, a right-hand tributary of the Earn.
The principal right-hand tributaries, besides the Gallo and Zezere, are the Jarama, descending from the tableland of New Castile a little below Aranjuez, the Alberche and the Tietar, which collect their head waters from opposite sides of the Sierra de Gredos, and the Alagon, from the rough and broken country between the Sierras de Gredos and Gata.
In 662 he was again brought to Constantinople and was condemned by a synod to be scourged, to have his tongue cut out by the root, and to have his right hand chopped off.
If the coin is light the rod S fits into the uppermost step and the shoot stops over the right-hand slot.
Jupiter-Baal was represented locally as a beardless god in long scaly' drapery, holding a whip in his right hand and lightning and ears of corn in his left.
Their capital, Ma'in, lay in the heart of the Sabaean country, forming a sort of enclave on the right hand of the road that leads northward from Ma'rib.
When the load is at F', the reaction at B' is m/l and the moment at C' is m(l-x)ll, which will be reckoned positive, when it resists a tendency of the right-hand part of the girder to turn counter-clockwise.
An altar, furnished with lamps, was placed before the statue; the inquirer, after lighting the lamps and offering incense, placed a coin in the right hand of the god; he then whispered his question into the ear of the statue, and, stopping his own ears, left the market place.
Christ, received into heaven, sits at the right hand of Ialdabaoth, whom he deprives of glory and receives the souls that are his own.
Wallenstein was interred at the neighbouring Carthusian monastery, but in 1639 the head and right hand were taken by General Baner to Sweden, and in 1702 the other remains were removed by Count Vincent of Waldstein to his hereditary burying ground at Miinchengratz.
Replacing then the angle i on the right-hand side of equations (54) - (56) by some mean value, t, we introduce Siacci's pseudovelocity u defined by (59) u = q sec, t, so that u is a quasi-component parallel to the mean direction of the tangent, say the direction of the chord of the arc.
On its right hand the Garonne is swelled by its two chief tributaries, the Tarn, near Moissac, and the Lot, below Agen; farther down it is joined by the Drot (or Dropt), and on the left by the Ciron.
Its chief right-hand tributaries are the San Carlos and Sarapiqui.
All the figures of the number are given at the head of the columns, except the last two, which run down the extreme columns-1 to 50 on the left-hand side, and 50 to loo on the right-hand side.
The sign of summation X is used in cases where there are several absorption bands, and consequently several similar terms on the right-hand side, each with a different value of A m.
Having taken up the reins, the rider should stand at his horse's near (left) shoulder, facing towards the tail, and in that position hold the stirrup with his right hand for the reception of his left foot.
The classification in the right-hand column of this table is not applicable in detail to regions remote from New York.
If this be applied to the right-hand side of the identity m m m 2 m2 tan-=- - n n -3n-5n" it follows that the tangent of every arc commensurable with the radius is irrational, so that, as a particular case, an arc of 45 having its tangent rational, must be incommensurable with the radius; that is to say, 3r/4 is an incommensurable number."
The projection at the right-hand lower corner of the figure is the angular process of the lower jaw.
It has its centre not on earth but in heavenly places, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God."5 (c) Thirdly, there is no question that the Lord intended the one fellowship of his saints to be a visible fellowship. The idea of an invisible church has only commended itself in dark hours when men despaired of unity even as an ideal.
To save himself from the penalties of high treason, Patkul fled from Stockholm to Switzerland, and was condemned in contumaciam to lose his right hand and his head.
It was perpetuated from a savage past in the custom of cutting off the right hand of a man who died without heir, and sending it as proof of main-morte to the feudal lord.
And then he who was to create the knight took the sword and girded him with it, and then embracing him he lifted his right hand and smote him on the neck or shoulder, saying, " Be thou a good knight," a.nd kissed him.
When this was done they all went to the chapel with much music, and the new knight laying his right hand on the altar promised to support and defend the church, and ungirding his sword offered it on the altar.
On the scaffold, "by the clemency of the empress," his punishment was mitigated to the severing of his right hand followed by decapitation.
The Wieprz (180 m.), a right-hand tributary of the Vistula, is the chief artery of the Lublin government; it is navigable for small boats and rafts for 105 m.
The Bug, another right-hand tributary of the Vistula, describes a wide curve concentric with those of the middle Vistula and the Narew, and separates the Polish governments of Lublin and Siedlce from the Russian governments of Volhynia and Grodno.
If Q is expressed in terms of this unit in equation (I), it is necessary to divide by c, or to replace k on the right-hand side by the ratio k/c. This ratio determines the rate of diffusion of temperature, and is called the thermometric conductivity or, more shortly, the diffusivity.
The belfry, which rises above the right-hand doorway, was erected about 1520 by the doge, Ottaviano da Campofragoso, and the cupola was erected after the designs of the architect Galeazzo Alessi in 1567.
He died on the 28th of November 1826, leaving a request that his right hand should be cut off and preserved till the death of the marchioness of Hastings, and then be interred in her coffin.
Battalions were then formed of one-eyed men, and of soldiers who, having cut off their right-hand fingers, were made to shoot from the left shoulder.
Azuaga is the central market for the live-stock of the broad upland pastures watered by the Matachel, a left-hand tributary of the Guadiana, and by the Bembezar, a right-hand tributary of the Guadalquivir.
He answered that He was, and He predicted that they should see the fulfilment of Daniel's vision of the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power.
The ancient Greeks symbolized it as a man walking, with his right hand grasping a club, and his left extending upwards and holding the leash of two dogs, which are apparently barking at the Great Bear.
This tract, known in ancient times as the Northern table- Deccan (Dakshin), literally " the right hand or south,".
Hakam, of another branch of the Omayyads, who had been Othman's right-hand man.
A vague message from Mahommed, that it was the duty of every good Moslem to take part with the family of the Prophet, was interpreted in favour of Mokhtar, and thenceforward all the Shiites, among them the powerful Ibrahim, son of Ali's right hand Malik Ashtar, followed him blindly as their chief.
The Lord's Prayer in its oldest and simplest form is the expression of its faith, and Christ's separation of mankind on the right hand and on the left in accordance with their service or refusal of service to their fellow-men is its own judgment of the right of any age or church to the name Christian.
The working of the energy in the disciples is conditioned by the continued life and volition of their Master at His Father's right hand in heaven.
The right-hand column, which had cut in behind the Italian 43rd Div., was making the task of the Austrian 50th comparatively easy, and brushing aside the spasmodic opposition of such small detachments as came in its way.
To find the pressure exerted by a bar AB on the pin A we compound with the force in AB given by the diagram a force equal to P. Conversely, to find the pressure of the pin A on the bar AB we must compound with the force given by the diagram a force equal and opposite to P. This question arises in practice in the theory of three-jointed structures; for the purpose in hand such a structure is sufficiently represented by two bars AB, BC. The right-hand figure represents a portion of the force-diagram; in particular ZX represents the pressure of AB on B
The time-integral on the right hand is called the impulse of the force on the interval I I.
We recognize the right-hand member as the work done by the force X on the particle as the latter moves from the position x0 to the position Xi.
The distance h1+h2, which occurs in the first term on the right hand can be measured directly.
In the later Saiva mythology this theory finds its artistic representation in Siva's androgynous form of Ardha-narisa, or "halfwoman-lord," typifying the union of the male and female energies; the male half in this form of the deity occupying the right-hand, and the female the left-hand side.
The great majority of its adherents profess to follow the right-hand practice; and apart from the implied purport and the emblems of the cult, their mode of adoration does not seem to offer any very objectionable features.
To follow the entire course of one of the sacred rivers from the mouth to the source on one side and back again on the other in the sun-wise (pradakshina) direction - that is, always keeping the stream on one's right-hand side - is held to be a highly meritorious undertaking which it requires years to carry through.
The four cylinders, which are on the right-hand side of the press, are respectively the plates, four pages on each type cylinder, making a total of thirty-two pages in all.
The plateau is traversed by the Surkhab or Vakhsh, a right-hand tributary of the Amu-darya (Oxus).
His knowledge of the principal European languages made him the right hand of Vice-Chancellor Shafirov, whom he materially assisted during the troublesome negotiations which terminated in the peace of the Pruth (1711).
The key to reach this resting place is to keep the right hand continuously in contact with the hedge from first to last, going round all the stops.
It is situated on the "burn" from which its name is derived, the Bannock (Gaelic, ban oc, "white, shining stream"), a right-hand affluent of the Forth, which was once a considerable river.
The monument, which cost £200,000, is surmounted by an equestrian statue of the emperor in a martial cloak, his right hand resting on a field marshal's baton, reining in his charger, which is led by a female genius of peace.
The thrower, in the ordinary form of the game, was expected to retain the recumbent position that was usual at table, and, in flinging the cottabus, to make use of his right hand only.
The building stands on the rocky bank of Cawdor Burn, a right-hand tributary of the Nairn.
When the machine had travelled about woo ft., the left-hand forward wheel became disengaged from the safety track, and shortly after this the right-hand wheel broke the upper track-3 in.
The right-hand tributaries, rising mostly on the western sides of the plateau, have steep slopes and are generally torrential in character.
To illustrate its use, assume the case of a mean rainfall of 50 in., figured in the right-hand column at the end of a curved line, and of 14 in.
There can be little doubt that the puddle at the right-hand angle j was also strained, but not to the point of rupture, as owing to the rise of the sandstone base there was comparatively little room for settlement on that side.
To correct this tendency the spring is usually made half with right-hand spiral and half with lefthand spiral.
Botha, he threw his influence during the negotiations into the scale for peace, and when, in 1907, responsible government was granted to the Transvaal, Smuts became the right-hand of Gen.
Africa what he had been for the Transvaal - the right-hand of Gen.
Considering the equations ax +by +cz =d, a'x +b'y +c' z =d', a"x+b"y+cnz=d" and proceeding to solve them by the so-called method of cross multiplication, we multiply the equations by factors selected in such a manner that upon adding the results the whole coefficient of y becomes = o, and the whole coefficient of z becomes = o; the factors in question are b'c" - b"c', b"c - be", bc' - b'c (values which, as at once seen, have the desired property); we thus obtain an equation which contains on the left-hand side only a multiple of x, and on the right-hand side a constant term; the coefficient of x has the value a(b'c" - b"c') +a'(b"c - bc") +a'(bc' - b'c), and this function, represented in the form a, b,c, a' b'c', a" b" c" is said to be a determinant; or, the number of elements being 32, it is called a determinant of the third order.
It is to be noticed that the resulting equation is a,b,c x= d,b,c,, ,, a' b' c' d'b' c' an, b", cn d", b", c" where the expression on the right-hand side is the like function with d, d', d" in place of a, a', a" respectively, and is of course also a determinant.
He is represented standing, holding in the extended right hand an eagle, in the left a spear, the hasta pura.
So long as Mr. Lloyd George was Minister, Dr. Addison was his right-hand man in the strenuous labours of the office, resulting in the enormous multiplication of engines of war, and in the redeeming of many vital industries, fertilizers, tungsten and potash from German control; and when Mr. Lloyd George formed a Government himself in December 1916, he placed him at the head of the department.
He was Leighton's right hand in the efforts at a compromise between the episcopal and the presbyterian principle.
The Mreznica, Dobra, Glina and Korana are right-hand tributaries of the Kulpa.
Mopti is at the junction of the main stream with a large right-hand backwater or tributary, the Bani or Mabel Balevel, on which is situated the important town of Jenne.
How far the mandi was the controller of the movement which he started cannot be known, but from the outset of his public career his right-hand man was a Baggara tribesman named Abdullah (the khalifa), who became his successor, and after his flight to Jebel Gedir the mandi was largely dependent for his support on Baggara sheikhs, who gratified one of his leading tastes by giving him numbers of their young women.
His right hand guided her by the waist, while the little hand on the short arm held her hand captive.
Gabe twisted his head to watch Kiki, Rhyn's right hand and the most dependable of the brothers, walk into the gym.
The copy addressees would be at the top right hand corner under the date.
It was, as I was told, of red agate, in the form of a man with the right hand broken off.
His right hand traces arabesques in the air as he reads, dipping and weaving with the rise and fall of the line.
Should you require further assistance please use the contact us box at the right hand side of the page.
I hit my right hand on the track pretty hard, and got a sore backside, the bike was OK tho!
He was a hard hitting right-hand batsman, who fielded at slip.
As you enter the woods look out for the gate, just after the first tight right-hand bend, it's usually closed.
Here a new left hand berm had been constructed with a step down into the right hand berm which had been built up.
To sharpen the blade, hold the handle in the right hand.
A lower order right-hand batsman and a right-hand fast round-arm bowler who fielded mostly at point or slip.
Is a medium fast right hand bowler who played a number of games for the 2nd XI in 1981.
The Tattoo Regimental Sergeant Major, right hand man to the Arena Master, agreed there were only minor bumps to iron out.
Note the two rounded chromatophores in the top right hand side image.
His right hand held on to a crumbling stone cliff, his left stuck out in mid-air.
And wielding the right-hand bit around as a mouse just seems plain clumsy.
You can download the Inspector's Report in the right-hand column.
Winger Jon-Paul McGovern may continue on the right hand side of midfield after making his long-awaited comeback in last week's defeat at Crewe.
Go across this field to a stile at the far right hand comer then follow the track ahead to the road.
To login, look in the upper right-hand corner of your screen for the Login link.
Click on next at the bottom right hand corner of the list to see the next 10 results.
There are only two rooms on the right hand side of the spine corridor, the first being the ' Signals Room ' .
Note the fine brickwork and the dove cote on the right hand end.
In the right-hand corner is the shaft for a still working wooden jib crane.
One injector and a long stroke pump driven from the right hand crosshead were provided.
The first room on the right hand side of the corridor is the unisex toilet with two wc cubicles.
The right hand veil stood a million cubits high and the left one also.
To hear the cuckoo on ones right hand side bodes well for the rest of the year.
I found myself trying to hide the large diamond dinner ring on my right hand.
And Brad is simply divine as George's right hand man, playing the coolest guy ever to grace the big screen.
Bend at the waist holding a dumbbell in you right hand near the floor, directly under your right shoulder.
There was a right hand bend which formed a beautiful eddy over which hangs a very large bush.
Each page has a handy search facility on the right hand side.
I adapted to learn the fingerings with my right hand.
The awning has all fitments built-in to allow for quick easy erection against the right hand side of transporter.
The left hand supports the often florid right hand part.
The right hand forefinger is available to lay thick line evenly, avoiding possible jams of line against the frame of the reel.
Take the right-hand fork which runs down to join a track from the left.
In the right hand gable wall, part of the roof truss is visible.
They will have to become less people generalists, and more business generalists, working at the C.E.O. 's right hand.
He is clad in a light-green tunic girt with a brown girdle, which his right hand clasps.
Exiting the second hairpin will naturally bring you out onto the right hand side, which is where you need to be.
There was no left hand or right hand side at the time.
After 200 yards there is a right hand turn down a track.
Sergeant Stephenson glanced over to the male and saw a black handgun in his right hand.
He told us that " my season is over courtesy of a big right hand haymaker last Sunday night (Dec 28 ).
The honest and wise Sir Hugh stands before Simple, his right hand grasping the hilt of his sword.
Note the small wooden hut attached to the cabin on the right hand side.
Please do not use indentation, add blank lines or align the right hand side of the text.
Its 3 speed gearbox had right hand control and along with the spiral bevel rear axle was designed and manufactured in-house.
The right hand stop jamb on the old Notre-Dame console.
Only then did I notice the grazed knuckles on Teal'c's right hand.
Stay in the left-hand lane signposted Frimley Park Hospital, then get into the right hand lane to the roundabout.
Eventually these were replaced by the post 1936 smaller 4 " style lettering in the bottom right hand corner.
To left of right hand bay a board door with plain lintel, similar door to left of left hand bay.
Make sure you position the connections logotype in the same place throughout the presentation - for example, in the bottom right hand corner.
For a list of services that relate to the Accidents at Work look at the right-hand navigation.
I have a third nipple on the right hand side just under my rib cage!
Barnett gave natural width to the right hand side and the Reds were making a good Ipswich side look ordinary.
Finish by turning the right hand edge of the slightly overhanging wall.
You will see the golden padlock in the bottom right hand corner of your screen which means you are in a secure area.
The right-hand carving appears to show someone carrying what look like water pails.
The layers palette appears on the right hand side of the screen.
The main rift continues from the entrance passageway and is reached by a climb up the right hand wall and onto a ledge.
After neat passing on the right-hand side of the pitch, Nick Mason had a shot which was straight at the keeper.
Newly sanded wood is shown on the left whilst the right hand side still has a weathered patina showing up black.
You may wish to cross the dual carriageway using the pelican crossing located on the right hand side of the two junctions.
In the upper right hand quadrant of Virgo lies the center of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies.
The disused quarry is on the right hand side.
Your right hand is pretty quick acting stuff there?
They are located on a bend on the right hand side of the road below some wooden railings.
On the far right-hand side of Queen Square is the dome of the Hippodrome.
For planned roadworks in Rushmoor, please visit the Hampshire County Council website link on the right hand side of this page.
His left hand is raised in blessing, while in his right hand he is holding a scepter.
In her right hand she holds her golden sickle.
I've also taken the opportunity to push the right-hand sidebar back quite a way.
The purists will notice the vertical slit in the lock wall on the right hand side.
The bay at the right-hand side of the quarry provides a liberal smattering of routes with four of particular merit.
The weapon shown has a solenoid fitted on the right hand side of the body.
In the dying minutes stand-in captain Derek Townsley's shot whistled past the top right-hand corner.
The gradient steepened in the last few hundred yards and in addition there was a very sharp right hand curve.
Follow right hand edge of field to reach stile at end of conifers.
The terminal sump is in the pool, which contains a muddy ledge on the right hand side.
The first room on the right hand side of the corridor is the unisex toilet with two WC cubicles.
He put it into a right hand spin at 14,000 feet, forgetting he still had the then fairly new retractable undercarriage still down.
Peter James went flying into the air when he hit the right hand bank and snapped a lower wishbone on landing.
The primary way to reach wiz is to spend most of your time in the top, right-hand quadrant of the mortal graph.
The slips thus placed in contact give the multiples of the number 2085, the digits in each parallelogram being added together; for example, corresponding to the number 6 on the right-hand slip, we have o, 8+3, 0+4, 2, i; whence we find o, I, 5, 2, r as the digits, written backwards, of 6X2085.
To the right-hand member of the equation he then adds the number expressing the thermal effect of the reaction, heat-evolution being as before counted positive, and heat-absorption negative.
The last section of the "right-hand" part (the "Book of Kings") is one of the older portions, and from its allusion to "the Persian and Arabian kings" may be dated somewhere between A.D.
When, for instance, we find that the quotient, when 6+5x+7x2+13x1+5x4 is divided by 2+35+5 2, is made up of three terms+3, - 2x, and +5x 2, we are really obtaining successively the values of co, c 1, and c 2 which satisfy the identity 6+ 5x+ 7x 2 + 13x 3 + 5x4 = (co+c i x+c 2 x 2) (2+3x+5 2); and we could equally obtain the result by expanding the right-hand side of this identity and equating coefficients in the first three terms, the coefficients in the remaining terms being then compared to see that there is no remainder.
Of the great amount of Roman sculpture the best single piece is a head of Dionysus under the influence of wine, crowned with a wreath of ivy, his right hand thrown carelessly over his head.
But Sabuktagin, throughout his reign at Ghazni, continued to acknowledge the Samanid suzerainty, as did Mahmud also, until the time, soon after succeeding to his father's dominions, when he received from Qadir, caliph of Bagdad (see Caliphate, C. § 25), a khilat (robe of honour), with a letter recognizing his sovereignty, and conferring on him the titles Yamin-addaula (" Right hand of the State"), and Amin-ulMillat (" Guardian of the Faith").
In Order To Adapt It To The Gregorian Calendar, We Must First Add The To Days That Were Left Out Of The Year 1582; In The Second Place We Must Add One Day For Every Century That Has Elapsed Since 1600, In Consequence Of The Secular Suppression Of The Intercalary Day; And Lastly We Must Deduct The Units Contained In A Fourth Of The Same Number, Because Every Fourth Centesimal Year Is Still A Leap Year.Q Denoting, Therefore, The Number Of The Century (Or The Date After The Two Right Hand Digits Have Been Struck Out) By C, The Value Of L Must Be Increased By 10 (C 16) (6 C L = 7M 3 X (4 X) W Io (C 16) (C 4 16) W; That Is, Since 3 To =13 Or 6 (The 7 Days Being Rejected, As They Do Not Affect The Value Of L), L=7M 6 X () W _ 16) (_ L _ 6)W; This Formula Is Perfectly General, And Easily Calculated.
The right-hand expression is six times the volume of the tetrahedron of which the lines AA, BB representihg the forces are opposite edges; and we infer that, in whatever way the wrench be resolved into two forces, the volume of this tetrahedron is invariable.
The worshipper, having first circumambulated the shrine as often as he pleases, keeping it at his right-hand side, steps up to the threshold of the sanctum, and presents his offering of flowers or fruit, which the officiating priest receives; he then prostrates himself, or merely lifts his hands - joined so as to leave a hollow space between the palms - to his forehead, muttering a short prayer, and takes his departure.
In a prayer addressed to " First birth of my birth, first beginning (or principle) of my beginning, first spirit of the spirit in me," he prays " to be restored to his deathless birth (genesis), albeit he is let a.nd hindered by his underlying nature, to the end that according to the pressing need and spur of his longing he may gaze upon the deathless principle with deathless spirit, through the deathless water, through the solid and the air; that he may be re-born through reason (or idea), that he may be consecrated, and the holy spirit breathe in"him, that he may admire the holy fire, that he may behold the abyss of the Orient, dread water, and that he may be heard of the quickening and circumambient ether; for this day he is about to gaze on the revealed reality with deathless eyes; a mortal born of mortal womb, he has been enhanced in excellence by the might of the All-powerful and by the right hand of the Deathless one," &c.
Absence of rotary power when asymmetric carbon atoms are present, may be caused by an internal compensation within the molecule as with the inactive tartaric acid (mesotartaric acid), or may be due to the fact that the compound is an equimolecular mixture of leftand right-hand varieties, this being the case with racemic acid that was broken by Louis Pasteur into laevoand dextro-tartaric acid (see Stereo-Isomerism).
He did not know whether he should take the right-hand fork or the left-hand.
I use playing cards marked in the upper right-hand corner with braille symbols which indicate the value of the card.
Liberty is a gigantic figure of a woman in Greek draperies, holding in her right hand a torch....
You see, I use a typewriter--it is my right hand man, so to speak.
When a passage interests her, or she needs to remember it for some future use, she flutters it off swiftly on the fingers of her right hand.
If you should ever be betrayed into any of these philanthropies, do not let your left hand know what your right hand does, for it is not worth knowing.
He held the pistol in his right hand at arm's length, apparently afraid of shooting himself with it.
His left hand he held carefully back, because he wished to support his right hand with it and knew he must not do so.
I also want this stuff to appear on the recto page... OK, the right hand page if you must.
In an open manuscript, the recto side of the folio appears on the right-hand side.
Rectory Farm is a large thatched farmhouse at the bottom of the street on the right hand side.
The whole event is redolent with symbolism [see right hand column ].
The retort house can be found on your right hand side, identified by our FOR SALE board.
Your messages are listed in the top right-hand pane.
In the right-hand side of the dialog box, check the Press option.
Google AdWords are the small ads down the right-hand column of a page of Google search results.
Pass a chain suspended across the road and, after a sharp right-hand bend, go left up some steps.
A small man of 5ft 6 inches and weighing 10 stone, he was a middle order right-hand batsman who usually fielded at point.
The plugs on the right-hand end of the rocker shafts are a sod for weeping.
The thin boundary wall of the monastery runs north-south toward the right-hand edge of the photograph.
In the ensuing chaos, Yersin received a saber slash to his right hand and a crippling blow from a rifle butt.
The scat linkages are left and right hand threaded bars which makes balancing easier and more accurate.
Walk toward the 2 old Chapels and on the right-hand corner you will find the grave of John Askham - Wellingborough 's shoemaker poet.
These are displayed down the right hand side of the screen.
Template Purpose Many pages on the UCISA site have a sidebar on the right hand side that contains navigation items or other information.
I 've also taken the opportunity to push the right-hand sidebar back quite a way.
In the dying minutes stand-in captain Derek Townsley 's shot whistled past the top right-hand corner.
On the right hand side, the nerve passes behind the vagus and loops around the subclavian artery.
He is holding a book in his right hand with an owl on top, clearly symbolizing wisdom.
A group of navvies appear to be tamping the track on the right-hand side, making it ready to receive trains.
The gable end of a timbered house is on the right hand side of the lane leading up to the church.
Follow towpath on Right Hand side of canal for approximately 1500m to reach end of canal.
The bow is held in the right hand with an underhand grip similar to that used by an Elizabethan viol player.
Decisive and efficient, he 's also the right hand man of underworld boss Kang.
Yellow Wort was in flower in the afternoon for the images on the right hand side above.
He was ambidextrous because he could use his left hand as well as his right hand.
She could only sign the document with her right hand because she was not ambidextrous.
He could play the trumpet with either his left or right hand because he was ambidextrous.
Click on the "Log In" link on the upper right hand corner of your screen and create an account.
Simply enter the 16-digit number into the box and you'll see the total pop up in the upper right-hand side of the screen.
Take that exit north and you'll see the outlet center on the right-hand side, immediately off the exit.
Use your right hand to draw a line from the inner eye to the center, right above the pupil.
The initial homepage is very simple, allowing you to jump right into New Games (located on the right-hand side of the page), webmasters' favorites, and Top Rated games-which are rated by the gamers and users of the site.
Any items collected to help Scooby and Shaggy during the game are displayed at the top right-hand corner of the screen.
Hence it is eaten with the hands, preferably the right hand.
Another good way to mix things up is to do a reverse image of your sketches on some of the pages, so that everything on the right hand side of the page is on the left hand side.
If she is a lefty, she might want to wear it on her right hand.
The players begin clapping in a sequence with their neighbors, first clapping left hand down, right hand up then right hand down, left hand up, before clapping their hands together.
Once you find your first sailor dress, use the suggested apparel pictures on the right hand side of the page to view additional dress styles, sizes and colors.
You can tell which is which using the "Type" column on the right-hand side of each chart.
P-I-M-A - this is the notation for the fingering on the right hand for picking the strings.
Sheet music doesn't give as much detailed information on fingering, so a solid knowledge of the basics of left and right-hand operation is crucial.
On the right hand side are several pull-down menus, one for each chord grouping.
Not a fingerstyle guitar player in the traditional sense, Hedges played acoustic guitar tuned to alternate tunings and combined various techniques such as right hand hammer-ons and percussive slapping to create his amazing sound.
Finger picks are little rings with pointed tips coming off of them that are placed on the tips of the fingers on the right hand.
The bypass patio door kits come with a right-hand or left-hand option for which way the door slides open.
The ring can be worn on either the left or right hand and on any finger.
Purity rings are traditionally worn on the ring finger of the left hand, although some people wear the ring on the right hand.
This will display, in the lower right hand corner, which buttons will use which spells.
Now, holding the strap in your right hand and holding the Wiimote in your left hand, pull the strap as you push/slide the cover up until the bottom part of the Wiimote falls snugly into place.
The Wii Remote is held in the right hand and the nunchuk is held in the left hand.
On the right-hand side is a box that says Mingle.
If you check the right hand column, you will find a couple of useful numbers that may aid you in your ball-matching quest.
To do this, you'll need to refer to the clue notebook located on the right hand side of the screen.
The oldest machines did not have a model number and the serial number was often embedded in the top right-hand corner of the machine.
Whereas some people always use their right hand or their left hand for most activities, others use one hand or the other depending on the activity.
In particular, left-handed children often were forced by parents or teachers to use their right hand for eating and writing.
In the past left-handed children often were forced to write with their right hand.
Most of the foxtrot is danced in "closed" frame, with the lead's left hand holding the follow's right, and the lead's right hand wrapped around the follow's back and resting on the scapula.
For example, the dancers can start in "closed" position, with the lead's right hand on the follow's back and the follow's left hand resting on the lead's right shoulder.
Using a ruler or straightedge, draw a line from the midpoint to the upper right-hand corner.
The bottom part of the arc will touch the lower right-hand corner of the square.
Fold the bottom right hand corner up to the opposite side.
Fold the upper right hand corner down, so that the end aligns with the middle of the paper.
If you prefer to buy at a store, you can view a list of some of our stores by clicking on the "find a store" link on the top right hand corner of our site.
Even if you're still at a loss, you can see which suits Paula loves the most by searching for the Paula's Pick symbol in the bottom right-hand corner of the thumbnail image or clicking on "Paula's Picks" in the Categories section.
It's important to note that the right-hand glove is simply a fuzzy glove.
Simply select the year of your choice and navigate to the designer on the right hand menu.
Specialty pieces include three stone rings, diamond earrings, multi-tone jewelry, right hand rings, and a variety of distinctive and unusual gems such as aquamarine and mystic topaz.
If there is no matrimonial connotation to the ring, however, it may be wiser to wear it on the right hand to avoid any confusion, either by the wearer or other friends noticing the new jewelry.
If she prides herself on her individuality, consider a right hand ring or other unique style.
If the wedding set has exterior prongs or other protrusions, it is wise to wear the anniversary ring on the right hand to prevent scratches, or the rings may be soldered together to prevent them from rubbing.
Furthermore, in recent years right hand diamond rings have become popular, giving women an additional outlet for diamonds rather than restricting the beautiful gems to engagement and wedding jewelry.
But what makes these right hand rings different from engagement rings, and why are they so stylish today?
Today, however, more women are asserting their jewelry independence and love for sparkly flair by wearing right hand rings incorporating diamonds instead of just fashion gemstone rings.
Wearing a right hand diamond ring is a bold statement of assertiveness and self-confidence.
A woman wearing a right hand ring has a voice of her own, proudly proclaiming her style to the world.
Because many couples opt for traditional engagement ring designs and coordinating wedding bands, right hand jewelry is the opportunity for the woman to demonstrate her personality.
Because more and more women are marrying later in life or remaining single, the allure of right hand diamond jewelry is a way for any woman - regardless of her marital status - to enjoy the brilliance and sophistication of diamonds.
White gold and platinum are the most popular, though yellow gold can be found in right hand designs as well.
Vintage styles with larger settings, art deco symmetry, and bold use of metal are popular in right hand rings.
Because right hand designs often explore creativity more than classic engagement and wedding rings, more unique settings can be used.
Jewelry designers are able to experiment with new techniques and styles for right hand rings, resulting in a tremendous array of previously unknown layouts.
What is there to distinguish a right hand ring from a traditional engagement ring?
Most jewelers offer a wide selection of right hand diamond rings to appeal to many different personalities.
In 2003, the jeweler also launched a line of fashionable right hand diamond rings with more elaborate styles than their bridal collections.
Diamond right hand rings are eclectic designs that incorporate beautiful gems into new and unexpected patterns.
Many jewelers now have specialized lines of promise rings, though couples can also choose from gemstone jewelry, right hand rings, or birthstone jewelry to find a stunning promise ring.
Diamond promise rings are generally made with less expensive materials, and right hand rings are more often fashioned from round diamonds instead of pricier princess cuts.
At the same time, however, individuals can purchase other ring designs to use as promise rings or right hand rings if they truly want a platinum princess cut diamond ring to serve those purposes.
Among the more popular types of pieces are diamond necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, as well as right hand rings, anniversary bands, and other stunning pieces.
In general, these rings are not categorized as engagement rings, and instead they will often be found with fashion or right hand rings, birthstone rings, or promise rings.
If the individual wearing the ring is already married, however, the ring may instead be worn on the right hand.
The right hand - Wearing this ring on the right ring finger with the design facing out and away from the body means the wearer is single.
If it is worn on the right hand with the design facing inward, toward the body, the wearer is in a committed relationship.
Elaborate double heart rings are more likely to be displayed as fashion or right hand rings, while simpler designs can be found with promise rings.
If the ring wearer is both unmarried and not engaged, the Claddagh ring is worn on the right hand with the crown pointing toward the heart.
Sometimes dating couples will wear the Claddagh with the heart pointing inward on the right hand.
Daniel K's current jewelry lines are Bridal, Classic, Fashion and Right Hand Rings.
Any other finger, including the ring finger of the right hand is acceptable.
A diamond right-hand ring is always a beautiful option.
Many women choose to wear an anniversary ring on their right hand while others may wear it in place of their wedding band or in addition to their wedding set.
You can find them on any page in the website, in the right hand column area called "Breaking News".
This knowledge states that the left hand reveals your heart and the right hand reveals your mind.
In addition, your left hand also gives you a picture of why you're here and what you were created to do in this life, whereas your right hand creates a picture showing what you've done with that plan.
It promised the man the grand prize at the exhibit if he would give him his right hand.
However, the entity appeared again that night with a large knife and collected payment, the artist's right hand.
If you're looking for a specific item, use the "Coupon Categories" links on the right hand side of the page to speed up your search.
A listing on the right hand side of the page offers a listing of the women of Days as well as the men A link for spoilers brings visitors back to the page they are on as does a link for what happened previously on the show.
Oliver Fish, a recurring character, was a police officer who served as John McBain's right hand man and Antonio Vega's partner.
As the old saying goes, toss a few coins with your right hand over your right shoulder into the fountain's waters.
The three fairies are tiny little icons down the right hand side of the clock.
Now rest your right hand in your lap, dropping the shoulder down as you inhale.
Place your left hand on your right knee, resting your right hand on the floor behind you.
Fully extend the trunk to the right, and drop the right arm, reaching the right hand to the shin or to the floor on the left side of the right foot, palm down.
In this Mudra, the right hand faces the chest and the left hand faces the palm of the right hand.
It is performed by holding the palm of your right hand facing your chest and grasping it with the left hand, tugging firmly.
An example of prompting is for the therapist to ask the patient to raise his right hand and then physically assisting the patient in raising the correct arm up followed by praise.
A safer bet is to click the red "X" button in the right hand upper corner of the document window.
The date and return address of the person providing the reference go in the top right hand corner.
Each base grabs his own right arm with his left hand, and grabs the other base's left hand with his own free right hand.
Slide the right hand needle's point into the first stitch from front to back.
That's when you hold the yarn in your right hand and "throw" it across the needles.
Your next piece will be glued on the bottom right-hand corner of the right "ear" of the shape, with the next piece going on the upper right-hand corner of that piece.
On the right hand side of each page, use letter stickers to spell out the names of each of your child's friends along the top of the page.
Have your child's friends add their messages on the right hand pages of the scrapbook.
Take your right hand and make a loose fist.
Use your left hand to firmly press down on your right hand.