Rifled Sentence Examples
He opened it and rifled through the files.
She rifled through Ashley's backpack, aware the teen never went anywhere overnight without three pairs of shoes.
She strode in and rifled through the drawers for clean clothes.
Jade rifled through his pockets, part of him praying he didn.t find the vial.
The general manager was on maternity leave, and she rifled through several drawers before locating a bottle of painkillers.
He rested his hand on her head and rifled through the half-dead woman.s memories.
She rifled gingerly through the boxes, afraid of uncovering a stash of tarantula cats.
She rifled through the data of each one.
She turned off the shower and rifled through the room's contents.
She caught it. He rifled through his bag and prepared a dagger to sharpen.
AdvertisementJenn set Talia back in her roughly hewn bassinet and rifled through the trunk containing the family's possessions.
In that year were excavated dome-tombs, most already rifled but retaining some of their furniture, at Arkina and Eleusis in Attica, at Dimini near Volo in Thessaly, at Kampos on the west of Mount Taygetus, and at Maskarata in Cephalonia.
A considerable part of the armament is old, but the more modern vessels are armed with Armstrong rifled guns.
His tomb, erected in 1694, though rifled at the Revolution, still exists.
The number of field battalions was nearly doubled, two-thirds of the artillery received breech-loading rifled guns, the infantry had for some years had the breech-loading "needlegun," and steps were initiated to train an adequate number of staff officers to a uniform appreciation of strategical problems, based on Moltke's personal interpretation of Clausewitz's Vom Kriege.
AdvertisementThe theory preceding is of practical application in the vestigation of the stability of the axial motion of a submarine oat, of the elongated gas bag of an airship, or of a spinning rifled rojectile.
It was armed with 10 guns-2 (rifled) 7 in., 2 (rifled) 6 in., and 6 (smooth bore Dahlgren) 9 in.
Unfortunately, before these archives could be removed, the galleries containing them were rifled by the Arabs, and large numbers of the tablets were sold to antiquity dealers, by whom they have been scattered all over Europe and America.
This weapon embodied all the essential features which distinguish the ordnance of to-day from the cannon of the middle ages - it was built up of rings of metal shrunk upon an inner steel barrel; it was loaded at the breech; it was rifled; and it threw, not a round ball, but an elongated projectile with ogival head.
The guns constructed on this principle yielded such excellent results, both in range and accuracy, that they were adopted by the British government in 1859, Armstrong himself being appointed engineer of rifled ordnance and receiving the honour of knighthood.
AdvertisementIt was found that projectiles fired from a rifled gun deviated laterally from the line of Sights for fire owing to the axial spin of the projectile, and that if the r i fled spin were right-handed, as in the British service, the deviation was to the right.
Since the early days of rifled guns tangent sights have been improved in details, but the principles remain the same.
But some form of sight was almost invariably employed with rifled firearms, even of early date, and when about1780-1800the rifle came into use as a military weapon, sights were introduced with it.
These were planned in the days of short-range guns, and were therefore in 1870 open to an overwhelming bombardment by the rifled cannon of the attack.
His general plan was to maintain as advanced a line as possible, to manoeuvre against the investing troops, and to support his own by the long range fire of his rifled guns.
AdvertisementHe also made observations on the flight of rockets, and wrote on the advantages of rifled barrels.
The Egyptian gunners had been little trained, and many of them had never once practised with rifled ordnance.
Of seventy-five hits on the hulls of the ships only five can with certainty be ascribed to projectiles from rifled guns, and thirty were unquestionably due to the old smoothbores, which were not provided with sights.
About 8 rifled guns and 19 smoothbores were dismounted or disabled and 4 and 1 temporarily put out of action respectively.
As many as twenty-eight rifled guns and 140 smoothbores would havg opened fire on the following day.
The European graveyard has repeatedly been the scene of outrages perpetrated, it is believed, by natives from the mainland of Borneo, the graves being rifled and the hair of the head and other parts of the corpses being carried off to furnish ornaments to weapons and ingredients in the magic philtres of the natives.
In Spitalfields gangs of thieves stood at the street corners and openly rifled all who came near.
Since the Spanish conquest their huacas have been opened and rifled, and many of the larger masses of ruins have been extensively mined in search of treasure, but enough still remains to impress upon the observer the magnitude of the city and the genius of the people who built it.
Still disturbed by the nightmare, she rifled through Hannah.s vanity to see if her sister left her appointment book in a drawer.
From the sound of the guns, Babydoll could tell that the Servii were trying out some of the new weapons with rifled barrels.
Mark I This was the first rifled howitzer to be introduced into service from 1872.
The cavalry was armed with Sharps carbines, which were superior to the rifled musket.
With rifled guns deflection was also found necessary to allow for effect of wind, difference of level of trunnions, movement of target, and for the purpose of altering the point of impact laterally.
When the sepulchral chamber was opened in 1873 by Bauchetet, a French engineer officer, clear evidence was found that at some remote period the tomb had been rifled and an attempt made to destroy it by fire.
They have not been rifled through, such as the faux ones at discount stores.