Riding Sentence Examples
There was no riding the fence on this one.
Don't tell me you're riding a bike!
I'm just riding along so's nothing falls off!
Riding horses on the beach all day.
She was riding behind Cade, her hands clinging to his lean hips.
We are riding into the forest today.
He was riding almost along the front line.
They hadn't been riding in weeks.
Oh, and it's not dangerous riding on the road?
The day she met him he had been riding on the road.
AdvertisementRiding horses was one of her favorite pastimes, and the country out that way was gorgeous - winter or summer.
I thought I would go as the big bad wolf, if you'll be my little red riding hood?
Rostov, still looking round toward the fires and the shouts, rode with the sergeant to meet some mounted men who were riding along the line.
She rubbed her lumbar area, vaguely aware of the pain that riding was causing.
He swung up on his horse and tipped his hat to her before riding into the desert.
AdvertisementAfter nearly an hour of riding, they descended the steep walls of a draw and followed it to a small valley.
She had been riding in the rear.
His eyes landed on a perfect Little Red Riding Hood, right down to the ankle socks and patent leather Mary Janes.
The band broke into "Hey There Little Red Riding Hood".
Riding back down the trail was even more frightening than coming up.
AdvertisementJosh vaulted the fence and raced up the hill, only to stop in surprise as Alex emerged from the trees riding a horse colored enough like Ed to be his twin.
Do you do much riding?
His son was riding it this afternoon.
Monday morning while Felipa took the men riding and the children were coloring, Carmen used her new cell phone to call the employment office.
This time she was riding to his rescue.
AdvertisementEasy Plateau sounds like Marty Robbins riding with the Grateful Dead, and Let it Ride is as skittish as a young mustang.
He probably didn't realize she wasn't used to riding.
All you can think of is riding on a horse with Alex.
Do you always carry a gun when you're riding?
I do when I'm riding in this kind of country.
There's a lot riding on the choices you make as the Grey God.
I'm afraid I lost track of time while I was riding.
That was best until the men gained a little confidence riding.
That's a fine thing to be telling us while we're riding out in the open like this.
They were riding slower than she had with Alex, so it took them longer to get there, but the men were impressed with the attraction.
She was looking forward to an afternoon of riding with Felipa and the others.
Of course, the horses didn't need the rest as much as Gerald needed the relief from riding.
I fell off Ed and I'm stuck on the side of a bluff where we were riding earlier.
She lost all track of time until she looked up and saw Alex riding toward them.
Are you supposed to be riding?
Too much was riding on that necklace for her to give any sign she was there for any other reason.
Nereus is represented with the sceptre and trident; the Nereids are depicted as graceful maidens, lightly clad or naked, riding on tritons and dolphins.
It is in the heart of the manufacturing district of the West Riding, and has large woollen and worsted factories; carpets, machinery and soap are also produced.
His courage, his bodily strength and size, his skill in the use of weapons, in riding, and in the chase, his speed of foot, his capacity for eating and drinking, his penetrating intellect and his mastery of 22 languages are celebrated to a degree which is almost incredible.
Yet his early military education could have consisted at most of the perusal of the Swedish Intelligencer and the practice of riding.
In art he generally appears as a little pot-bellied old man, with a snub nose and a bald head, riding on an ass and supported by satyrs; or he is depicted lying asleep on his wine-skin, which he sometimes bestrides.
The determining episode of his life followed soon after his return to Assisi; as he was riding he met a leper who begged an alms; Francis had always had a special horror of lepers, and turning his face he rode on; but immediately an heroic act of self-conquest was wrought in him; returning he alighted, gave the leper all the money he had about him, and kissed his hand.
He was appointed the same year lord-lieutenant of the West Riding of Yorkshire, and in 1677 received the Garter.
In the House of Lords he was prominent as a determined foe of the prime minister, Lord North, who, after he had resigned his position as chamberlain, deprived him of the office of lordlieutenant of the East Riding of Yorkshire in 1780.
On the 7th of October he was dangerously wounded, and the queen showed her anxiety for his safety by riding 40 miles to visit him, incurring a severe illness.
He himself superintended all the preparations, visiting Darnley with Mary on the night of the crime, Sunday, 9th of February 1567, attending the queen on her return to Holyrood for the ball, and riding back to Kirk o' Field to carry out the crime.
The chief domestic animals are the camel, horse, ass, ox, buffalo (used both as a beast of burden and for riding), sheep with a short silky fleece, the goat and the pig, which last here reaches its southernmost limit.
By coming in contact, while riding on i.
It has many advantages for heavy high-speed service, namely, large and well-proportioned boiler, practically unlimited grate area, fire-box of favourable proportions for firing, fairly low centre of gravity, short coupling-rods, and, finally, a combination of the safe and smooth riding qualities of the fourcoupled bogie type, with great steaming capacity and moderate axle loads.
With all his devotion to study at Lausanne' (he read ten or twelve hours a day), he still found some time for the acquisition of some of the lighter accomplishments, such as riding, dancing, drawing, and also for mingling in such society as the place had to offer.
She is sometimes riding in a chariot drawn by horses or dragons, sometimes walking, sometimes seated upon a throne, alone or with her daughter.
The conversion of the gravel road into a paved road made it much easier for riding bikes.
From 1555 to 1867 the town returned two members to parliament, but in the latter year the number was reduced to one, and in 1885 the representation was merged in that of the West Riding.
The horsemen were splendidly audacious in riding for long distances into the heart of a hostile country, without support, striking some terrific blows, and then returning rapidly beyond reach of pursuit.
In 1392 a law put an end to riding in the Merceria, on account of the crowd, and all horses and mules were obliged to carry bells to warn foot-passengers.
The royal riding school was removed hence to Hanover in 1867.
As he was riding from Inverkeithing on the 12th of March 1286 he was thrown by his horse and fell over the cliffs, since called King's Wud End, a little to the west of the burgh, and killed.
It was a hollow truce, since the subject of the constitutions was not mentioned; and Thomas returned to England with the determination of riding roughshod over the king's supporters.
The rough streets are too steep and narrow for vehicles, and even riding on horseback is often difficult.
He loved riding and walking, was an expert swimmer and enjoyed a game at tennis.
Methodism this year spread out from Birstal into the West Riding.
The boy no doubt inherits a capacity for riding a bicycle, otherwise he could never do so.
The collective name for the corps was celeres (" the swift," or possibly from Kan s, "a riding horse"); Livy, however, restricts the term to a special body-guard of ' Romulus.
Horses are used to some extent for riding, but very little for carriage and draught purposes, consequently there has been no great incentive for their breeding.
During his absence there was a general election, and he was returned (1847) for Stockport and for the West Riding of Yorkshire.
On the 14th Richard II., a boy of fourteen, undertook the perilous enterprise of riding out to confer with the rebels beyond the city wall.
After the marriage at Canterbury of the king with Eleanor of Provence the royal personages came to London, and were met by the mayor, aldermen and principal citizens to the number of 360, sumptuously apparelled in silken robes embroidered, riding upon stately horses.
The Highway Act of 1835 specified as offences for which the driver of a carriage on the public highway might be punished by a fine, in addition to any civil action that might be brought against him - riding upon the cart, or upon any horse drawing it, and not having some other person to guide it, unless there be some person driving it; negligence causing damage to person or goods being conveyed on the highway; quitting his cart, or leaving control of the horses, or leaving the cart so as to be an obstruction on the highway; not having the owner's name painted up; refusing to give the same; and not keeping on the left or near side of the road, when meeting any other carriage or horse.
On the old post-road in Greenwich is the inn, built about 1729, at which Israel Putnam was surprised in February 1779 by a force under General Tryon; according to tradition he escaped by riding down a flight of steep stone steps.
The "sulky" or riding plough is little known in the United Kingdom, but on the larger arable tracts of other countries where quick work is essential and the character of the surface permits, it is in general use.
In the disk plough, which is built both as a riding and a walking plough, the essential feature is the substitution of a concavo convex disk, pivoted on the plough beam, for the mould-board and share of the ordinary plough.
The pure-bred riding camel is only found in perfection in inner Arabia; for some unexplained reason when taken out of their own country or north of the 30th degree they rapidly degenerate.
The word riding was originally written as thrithing or thriding, but the initial th has been absorbed in the final th or t of the words north, south, east and west, by which it was normally preceded.
According to the 12th-century compilation known as the "laws of Edward the Confessor," the riding was the third part of a county (provincia); to it causes were brought which could not be determined in the wapentake, and a matter which could not be determined in the riding was brought into the court of the shire.
There is abundant evidence that riding courts were held after the Norman Conquest.
The present writer, riding up to these frontier mountains from the thoroughly Saharan country round Gafsa, found himself surrounded by a flora very reminiscent of Switzerland or England.
King John was killed at Alcala on the 9th of October 1390 by the fall of his horse, while he was riding in a fantasia with some of the light horsemen known as the farfanes, who were mounted and equipped in the Arab style.
On the Prussian side, von Alvensleben's Corps (III.) shortly after daybreak was moving north-westward from the Moselle in two columns, on the right the 5th division, via Gorze and Flavigny on Vionville, on the left the 6th division with corps artillery by Arnaville on Mars-la-Tour, von Alvensleben himself riding a little in advance between the two.
Alvensleben himself, riding on the field track to screen his own weakness by a vigorous attack.
Prussian army corps, has a large garrison of nearly all arms and a famous military riding school.
Undeterred by rumours of a plot against his own life, Amedeo entered Madrid alone, riding at some distance from his suite to the church where Marshal Prim's body lay in state.
He had taught his child to whistle, dined with his servants, talked of "worldly things such as baking, brewing, enclosing, ploughing and mining," preferred walking to riding, and denounced the debasement of the coinage.
Middleboro was settled about 1662 under the Indian name Nemasket; became a part of the township of Plymouth in 1663; and in 1669 was incorporated as a separate township, taking its name probably from Middlesbrough, North Riding, York.
In these schools the subjects of study included mathematics and natural sciences, geography and history, and modern languages (especially French), with riding, fencing and dancing; Latin assumed a subordinate place, and classical composition in prose or verse was not considered a sufficiently courtly accomplishment.
Farman was a priest at Harewood, or Harwood, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, and to him the best part of the work is due.
With the introduction of steam-locomotion and the improvement of roads, however, riding has become to a large extent a sport, rather than a necessity.
There are different styles of riding adapted to the different purposes for which horses are ridden - on the road, in the school, hunting, racing, steeple-chasing and in the cavalry service - just as there are different horses more suitable by conformation, breeding and training for each.
In western civilization there is a traditional difference between the riding of men and women, in this particular, that men ride astride and women on a side-saddle.
But in the following observations we deal generally with the more important features of riding as practised astride.
Riding astride is sometimes recommended for women.
Having gained the saddle, the rider should adjust the stirrups to the proper length, depending on the kind of riding, the length of his leg and the roughness of the horse's trot.
For maintaining his seat the horseman should depend upon his thighs and knees only, and not upon the knee and calf; a proper seat should be a mixture of balance and grip; a man riding by balance only is sure to be thrown, while to grip with all one's might during an hour's ride, is to undertake as much exertion as should last for a whole day.
The rider sitting in the position described, square to the front, with his shoulders well back, will be riding with fairly long reins, one of the secrets of good hands.
Hitherto only road or park riding has been considered.
As with road riding, so with hunting, the actual length of the stirrups will depend a good deal upon the shape and action of the horse, but the nature of the animal and the peculiarities of the country ridden over will also have something to do with their adjustment.
Each of these varieties requires a different method of riding over, and nearly every horse will require different handling under similar circumstances.
Some horses, good performers over any description of fence, will not jump water under any circumstances; while the chance of a ducking deters many from riding at it; and, however bold the horse may be, he will soon refuse water if his rider be perpetually in two minds when approaching it.
In 1853 he was elected for Huddersfield, and in 1857 for the West Riding of Yorkshire.
For many years Lord Ripon was president of the Yorkshire College of Science at Leeds, and chairman of the West Riding County Council.
In so flat a country any elevation of a few hundred feet is remarkable and is called a mountain, so that Manitoba has its Duck and Riding mountains.
At the very outset of the campaign he made his name by riding with despatches from General Anson at Karnal to Meerut and back again, a distance of 152 m.
There are also to be mentioned the Hull and East Riding College, Hymer's College, comprising classical, modern and junior departments, the Trinity House marine school (1716), the Humber industrial school ship "Southampton," and technical and art schools.
Hull is one of the principal shipping ports for the manufactures of Yorkshire and Lancashire, and has direct communication with the coal-fields of the West Riding.
He was appointed professor of chemistry at Cambridge in 1813, but lived to deliver only one course of lectures, being killed near Boulogne on the 22nd of February 1815 by the fall of a bridge over which he was riding.
In default of formed bodies to fire at, the latter had for a moment ceased fire; Napoleon, riding by, half carelessly told them to reopen, and one of their first shots, directed at 2000 yards range against the mass of officers on the sky-line, mortally wounded General Moreau, who was standing by the emperor Alexander.
Both sexes are passionately fond of riding.
The duties of men of the sixhynde class, if they are to be identified with the radcnihtas (radmanni) of later times, probably consisted chiefly in riding on the king's (or their lord's) business.
He is represented as riding a peacock.
As the middle ages advanced the procession became more and more popular and increasingly a dramatic representation of the triumphal progress of Christ, the bishop riding on an ass or horse, as in the East.
Bouillon, &c. For officers in the army, there are the Ecole de Guerre or staff college at Brussels with an average attendance of twenty, a riding school at Ypres where a course is obligatory for the cavalry and horse artillery, and for soldiers in the army there are regimental schools and evening classes for illiterate soldiers.
But Luxemburg, riding up with his advanced guard from Velaine, decided, after a cursory survey of the ground, to attack the front and both flanks of the Allies' position at once - a decision which few, if any, generals then living would have dared to make, and which of itself places Luxemburg in the same rank as a tactician as his old friend and commander Conde.
Most of the cavalry and artillery riding horses come from Prussia proper.
The average price was about 51 for field artillery draught horses, 65 for heavy draught horses, and 46 for riding horses.
Strange to say, it is only very rarely that men are depicted riding on animals, and never before the New Kingdom.
Riding along the Jager Strasse one day, he saw a crowd of people.
Local Veto and Disestablishment of the Welsh Church were put in the forefront of the party programme, but the government was already to all appearances riding for a fall, when on the 24th of June 1895 it was beaten upon an adverse vote in the Commons in regard to a question of the supply and reserve of small arms ammunition.
At the Khundilani gorge of the Bolan route conglomerate cliffs enclose the valley rising to a height of Boo ft., and at Sir-i-Bolan the passage between the limestone rocks hardly admits of three persons riding abreast.
He is generally naked; his right leg rests on a rock or the prow of a ship; he carries a trident in his hand, and is gazing in front of him, apparently out to sea; sometimes he is standing on the water, swinging his trident, or riding in his chariot over the waves, accompanied by his wife Amphitrite, the Nereids and other inhabitants of the sea.
A blind man appealed to Jesus as " the Son of David," and was answered by the restoration of his sight; and when, a little later, Jesus fulfilled an ancient prophecy by mounting an ass and riding into Jerusalem, the multitudes shouted their welcome to the returning " kingdom of David."
The indigenous horse is the yabu, a stout, heavyshouldered animal, of about 14 hands high, used chiefly for burden, but also for riding.
This article of clothing is sometimes loose, sometimes tight all the way, sometimes loose as far as the knee and tight below like Jodhpur riding breeches.
On his way back to Naupactus, Temenus fell in with Oxylus, an Aetolian, who had lost one eye, riding on a horse (thus making up the three eyes) and immediately pressed him into his service.
The manor is said to have been given to Bishop Erkenwald about the year 691 for himself and his successors in the see of London, and Holinshed relates that the Bishop of London was lodging in his manor place in 1141 when Geoffrey de Mandeville, riding out from the Tower of London, took him prisoner.
It has been supposed indeed that the art of riding was known in Homer's own time, because it occurs in comparisons.
It lies on the river Calder, mainly on the north bank, in a pleasant undulating country, towards the eastern outskirts of the great industrial district of the West Riding.
Among the principal public buildings are the town hall (1880), in the French Renaissance style; the county hall (1898), a handsome structure with octagonal tower and dome over the principal entrance; the large corn exchange (1837, enlarged 1862), including a concert-room; the market house, the sessions house, the county offices (1896) and the prison for the West Riding; the mechanics' institution with large library, church institute and library, and the fine art institution.
Benevolent institutions include the Clayton hospital (1879), on the pavilion system, and the West Riding pauper lunatic asylum with its branches.
Wakefield is the chief agricultural town in the West Riding, and has one of the largest corn markets in the north of England.
Nathan of Gaza assumed the role of Elijah, the Messiah's forerunner, proclaimed the coming restoration of Israel and the salvation of the world through the bloodless victory of Sabbatai "riding on a lion with a seven-headed dragon in his jaws" (Graetz).
His first success was obtained in 1844, when his "Milkwoman" and "Lesson in Riding" (pastel) attracted notice at the Salon, and friendly artists presented themselves at his lodgings only to learn that his wife had just died, and that he himself had disappeared.
With boots are worn shaiwars, or baggy riding breeches, very loose, and tied by a string at the ankle; a sort of kilt is worn by couriers.
Their children are brought up in company with the princes at the gates of the king, instructed in the handling of arms, in riding and hunting, and introduced to the service of the state and the knowledge of the law, as well as the commandments of religion.
In the summer of 1852 the shah was attacked, while riding in the vicinity of Teheran, by four Babis, one of whom fired a pistol and slightly wounded him.
The police were to be employed, it was said, as the instruments of a new despotism, the enlisted members of a new standing army, under the centralized authority, riding roughshod over the peaceable citizens.
This duty was successfully performed until 1863, when, during the temporary absence of Major Malcolm Green, the then political agent, Khodadad Khan was, at the instigation of some of his principal chiefs, attacked while out riding by his cousin, Sher dil Khan, and severely wounded.
In 1841 he was appointed archdeacon of the East Riding.
But all such hopes were defeated by the sudden death of the king, who was killed by a fall from his horse in the dark while riding to visit the queen at Kinghorn on the 16th of March 1285.
East of the Pennines, isolated on three sides by lowlands and on the fourthsideby the North Sea, lie the high moors of the North Riding of Yorkshire, with the Cleveland Hills, and, to the south, the Yorkshire Wolds of the East Riding.
It includes the whole of Northumberland and Durham, the West Riding of Yorkshire, most of Lancashire and Derbyshire, the north of Staffordshire and the west of Nottinghamshire.
The belt of Millstone Grit south of the Aire, lying between the great coal-fields of the West Riding and Lancashire, has a lower elevation, and forms grassy uplands and dales; but farther south, the finest scenery of the whole region occurs in the limestones of Derbyshire, in which the range terminates.
Such are Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield, Huddersfield and Halifax on the great and densely peopled West Riding coal-field, which lies on the eastern slope of the Pennines.
The Jurassic belt is occupied by the counties of Gloucester, Oxford, Buckingham, Bedford, Northampton, Huntingdon, Rutland, Lincoln and the North Riding of Yorkshire.
The Chalk country extends over part of Dorset, most of Wiltshire, a considerable portion of Hampshire and Oxfordshire, most of Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire, the west of Norfolk and Suffolk, the east of Lincolnshire, and the East Riding of Yorkshire.
The great populous area which covers south Lancashire and the West Riding of Yorkshire, and extends beyond them into Cheshire, Derbyshire, Staffordshire and Nottinghamshire, is not in reality a unit.
Serving also the West Riding of Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Nottingham and other towns of the midlands, and Manchester (by running powers over the Great Central metals).
Serving also Nottingham, Derby, and the principal towns of the midlands and West Riding, and Manchester.
The manufacturing districts of South Lancashire and the West Riding of Yorkshire are traversed and connected by several canals following transverse valleys of the Pennine Chain.
Most of the eastern part of England is " arable," while the western and northern part is " grass," the boundary between the sections being the western limit of Hampshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Warwickshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, and of the East Riding of Yorkshire.
The counties having the greatest area under cultivation (ranging up to about nine-tenths of the whole) may be taken to be - Leicestershire, the East Riding of Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Huntingdonshire, Rutland, Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire.
The presence of a widespread urban population must also be remembered in the case of Lancashire and the West Riding of Yorkshire.
Riding of Yorkshire are especially productive in all crops these; the North and West Ridings of Yorkshire pro duce a notable quantity of barley and oats; and the oat-crops in the following counties deserve mention - Devonshire, Hampshire, Lancashire, Cumberland, Cornwall, Cheshire and Sussex.
In proportion to their area, the counties specially productive of wheat are Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Essex; and of barley, Norfolk, Suffolk and the East Riding of Yorkshire.
Cattle are reared in great numbers in Lincolnshire, Lancashire and the West Riding of Yorkshire, Devonshire, Somersetshire and Cornwall; but the numbers of both cattle and sheep are in no English county (save Middlesex) to be regarded as insignificant.
The richest iron-mining district in England and in the United Kingdom is the Cleveland district of the North Riding of Yorkshire.
The industry has extended into the adjacent parts of Cheshire, the West Riding of Yorkshire and Derbyshire.
Similarly, this industry was of early importance along the line of the Cotteswold Hills, from Chipping Camden to Stroud and beyond, as also in some towns of Devonshire and Cornwall, but though it survives in the neighbourhood of Stroud, the importance of this district is far surpassed by that of the West Riding of Yorkshire, where the woollen industry stands pre-eminent among the many which, as already indicated, have concentrated there.
As the cotton industry has in some degree extended from Lancashire into the West Riding, so has the woollen from the West Riding into a few Lancastrian towns, such as Rochdale.
Derby has a similar fame, while the manufacture of glass, important in Leeds and elsewhere in the West Riding of Yorkshire, and in the London district, centres peculiarly upon a single town in South Lancashire - St Helens.
Roger de Mowbray held a market by prescription in Thirsk in the 13th century, and by Camden's time (c. 1586) it had become one of the best markets in the North Riding.
Aphrodite Urania was represented in Greek art on a swan, a tortoise or a globe; Aphrodite Pandemos as riding on a goat, symbolical of wantonness.
It lies nearly in the centre of the Riding, in the valley of the river Aire.
Though regarded !as the capital of the great manufacturing district of the West Riding, Leeds is not in its centre but on its border.
But he was highly esteemed in the West Riding, and in 1861 he was returned unopposed for Bradford.
The first of the kings troubles was an abortive rising in the north riding of Yorkshire, the only district where Richard III.
The two armies were facing each other, when Basil galloped forward, seeking a personal combat with the usurper who was riding in front of his lines.
The land through which he had to pass, so far from being a desert, was a land of oil and wine; and when Balaam was riding along a narrow path between two vineyards, the angel of Yahweh would have slain him, had not his ass swerved and saved him.
A little later the Assembly established itself in the riding school of the palace.
In December 1624 he was made a prebendary of Durham, and in the following year archdeacon of the East Riding of Yorkshire.
Horses were extensively employed for riding, working in the fields and carrying loads.
The young prince also studied at the gymnasium at Augsburg, where his love of work and his mental qualities were gradually revealed; he was less successful in mathematics than in literary subjects, and he became an adept at physical exercises, such as fencing, riding and swimming.
A monastery was founded here by John of Beverley (c. 640-721), a native of the East Riding, who was bishop successively of Hexham and of York, and was canonized in 1037.
He showed his spirit as a boy by riding across from Wentworth to Carlisle in 1746 to join the duke of Cumberland in his pursuit of the Young Pretender.
Here also, not far from the shore, the remains of Roman baths, with a fine coloured mosaic pavement, representing deities riding on marine monsters, were found in 1907.
Queen Elizabeth is reputed to have been an accomplished horsewoman, and to have indulged in riding late in life.
The term Nag, applied to the active riding or trotting horse, is derived from the A.S.
The high hackney action is uncomfortable in a riding horse.
It is suggested as the origin of the legend, that the Greeks in early times, to whom riding was unfamiliar, regarded the horsemen of the northern hordes as one and the same with their horses; hence the idea of the Centaur as half-man, half-animal.
In 1656 he was M.P. for the East Riding of Yorkshire, and at the restoration was sentenced to lifelong imprisonment.
In all sorts of bodily exercises, as swinging, wrestling, dancing, riding and hunting, they take great pleasure.
Felipa looked slim and feminine in a black riding outfit - which might explain all the men lined along the fence watching them.
It was a combination of hurdles, poles, barrels and open space - down which Alex was riding a horse at a gallop.
The foolish woman thinks if I use her cell phone the dogs of law will trace the call and gallop a riding to her rescue.
Damn, Dean thought, this detective stuff comes roaring back after an absence—like bike riding, swimming and sex.
While Cynthia might have suggested some fillers, her sympathy from yesterday's debate debacle continued to prevail and she just wished him good riding as he dusted off his bicycle for a morning ride.
They both loved many of the same things – riding, playing soccer on the front lawn, and fishing in the creek. t was nearly an hour before she returned with Destiny.
Hand me those, Little Red Riding Hood, while you climb out of there.
Heidi, Little Red Riding Hood – I wish you'd get your characters straight.
It's a one-week tour, each day a separate segment, with everyone riding at their own pace—within reason.
The day was sunny and mild – a perfect day for riding.
Well, I'm not supposed to be riding a horse yet, but that doesn't mean I couldn't get a hay ride together – maybe a Barbecue too.
Big congrats to Tim, who now looks like he will be riding in the expert category next year.
We managed to have a few lessons in various places, to become adaptable at riding anywhere!
Facilities will include an indoor riding arena and stables to accommodate the 20 donkeys that will live onsite.
I try to fight back by riding assertively but feel more assertive some days than others.
Also a great base for anyone who enjoys horse riding who wants something wonderfully authentic and different.
Try riding a bicycle for some of your journeys.
When I started to help out on the farm I had my parents buy me a pair of riding breeches and knee length socks.
Good to see you riding the broomstick again, Witchy!
His production of Frank McGuinness's there came A Gypsy Riding opens at the Almeida in January.
This is what most people regard Mountain Biking as - a group of folk out having a carry-on and riding some nice trails.
He saw the nobles riding chariots onto the battlefields.
And flying an RC chopper in your front room is even sillier than riding a bicycle around the bathroom, isn't it?
The headlight cluster incorporates four lights for perfect night riding vision.
I like to practice slow riding skills, dragging the back brake & slipping the clutch.
I felt like I was riding a roller coaster in the dark, getting a whiplash ending.
He's totally riding the proverbial coattails of an established name and probably fooling many.
Almost all the other ranks were young conscripts from various parts of the North Riding of Yorkshire.
Whether crossing continents, countries, commuting or simply riding for the hell of it, the Tiger is always a willing accomplice.
How often do you see a cougar riding around?
This advanced power unit features water cooling, balancing countershaft, exhaust control valve and reed intake for riding pleasure and constant power.
Cruiser style touring ability A conventional cruiser style touring ability A conventional cruiser's riding ergonomics owe little to practicality.
A blitz on Metro fare dodgers netted 266 people riding the system without tickets in a three day period.
Training sessions can be made more interesting for you and your horse whether you enjoy jumping, dressage, or riding in the countryside.
In Atlanta, riding Too Smart, she was a member of the team which finished fifth.
In the saddle All tack and riding equipment should be well maintained, correctly fitted and suitable for the purpose.
The ideal location for walking and hiking, trout and salmon fly-fishing, riding, golf or just relaxing.
Its compliant 27mm hydraulic front fork provides responsive control and a smoothly assured ride in virtually all riding situations.
The result is a perfect balance between easy riding, controlled braking and effective damping over rough ground.
You can even lead your men into battle riding tall in a tank or flying over the battlefield in your own gunship!
On this day we also hold a gymkhana where children of all standards of riding ability are encouraged to compete.
Adjustable handlebar stems help you fine tune your riding position.
A child under the age of 14 must wear approved protective headgear when riding a horse or pony on a public road.
Dave's favorite hobby has always been riding motor cycles.
Or perhaps you're riding horseback through sparkling surf, with the palms swaying in the balmy breeze.
You can also go horseback riding in the beautiful landscape!
Dinner Plain Trail Rides - offering horseback riding adventures in Australia's mountainous high country.
An accomplished horseman, he built a superb Riding School within the castle walls.
Fed up with a career in computer engineering, keen horseman Steve Almond left the UK to run horse riding holidays in Andalusia.
To encourage and stimulate horsemanship in long distance riding.
For the next three years its chief concern was riding the rising storm of working class insurgency.
Bad news for former champion jockey Kieron Fallon - the High Court on the Strand has refused to overturn his British riding ban.
Kevin Darley ended up champion jockey riding a lot of horses I would have been on.
Or if they're crazy about horses, how about jousting, polo or horse riding lessons?
Especially riding lawn mowers, lawn mower racing, lawn mower battles, riding around the garden naked on a lawn mower.
In 1653 Knight was appointed a deputy lieutenant for the West Riding.
Only for sale as I have 3 riding mares and not enough time to back him and bring him on.
Have fun riding the merry-go-round in Noddy's car, Noddy's plane, the fire engine or the Toyland Express.
Of course the other big moneymaker riding on the back of this system is the use of private security firms to vet employees.
None of us would DREAM of owning or riding a moped.
I came out and whilst riding round some time later I was stopped by the police for riding a stolen red moped.
All learner motorcycle and learner moped riders must complete a CBT course before riding on the road.
Peter started riding motocross in 2002 on a 98 TM 250.
Events confirmed so far include the final round of the World Stunt Riding Championship and a freestyle motocross event.
We spent the third day riding the mules up to the top.
Wen Chang (' Literary Glory ') at the top left-hand corner is wearing official robes and riding on a white mule.
He then muttered that it was not easy riding such a distance ahead of the peloton.
George W Bush is riding on the crest of this wave of political myopia.
Therefore, the rider can be deemed negligent for riding such an animal on the road should an accident occur!
Bikes with front and rear suspension are ideal for more challenging off-road riding or for simply reducing fatigue on big days out.
On site activities include canoeing, sailing, climbing, horse riding, swimming, abseiling, orienteering, archery and many more.
The site also provides plenty of scope for riding, running, biking, canoeing, orienteering, angling and clay-pigeon shooting.
Passengers can join a tour of an ostrich farm or try riding an ostrich.
However - nothing compared to riding pillion with Dad.
She was half way round, it was the girl out of the shiny horse box riding a black pony.
Having just pooh-poohed the bike, I greatly enjoy riding a more appropriate machine for the road.
In September 2000 a woman in London was convicted of riding an electrically propelled scooter on the road without insurance.
She grew up riding racehorses in South Lanarkshire and was a student in South India at a Hindu Univesrity.
The material was then edited into elaborate circles of contradiction derived by riding the crest of an infinitely regressive, irrational thought.
You'll also automatically replenish ammo for any squad mates riding with you in a vehicle.
The West Riding of Yorkshire became the main growing area, producing over 5,000 tons of forced rhubarb annually in its heyday.
We often have horse riders riding two abreast on narrow roads refusing to move into a single file.
Nature walking, hiking, bike riding, and scuba diving are a few.
The landscape is also very well suited to outdoor activities such as climbing, horse riding, kayaking, cycling and many water sports.
Also check out the zoo page for camel riding!
His rider, George Baker, picked up a two day ban for careless riding.
The set-up is perfect for normal and spirited riding.
Big Dave began his day experiencing the thrills of tandem riding behind powerful GB rider Barney Story.
On the facts, this was not considered to extend to the keeping and grazing of horses and ponies for recreational riding.
The pictures above are my riding instructor Chris riding instructor Chris riding Bert.
Go horse riding - from an hour to a whole day.
The variety of activities includes horse-back riding, hiking mountainous paths in the cloud forests, and guided bird-watching tours.
Ideally would be happy to hack daily with a view to endurance riding.
The trails provide tranquil walks, horse or bike riding, through beautiful countryside.
The handlebar risers are lower and the footrests have been moved further back, so that the riding position is sportier and more effective.
The lack of offroad riding has the closet roadie in me trying to escape!
It's like riding a magic carpet, it makes riding at speed across extremely rocky trails a breeze.
Riding high on the acclaim generated by previous outings, Rare plowed straight into 1998 with 3D adventure romp Banjo-Kazooie.
She was awarded the rosette for the best girl riding a pony.
For example leaping onto an aerial runway, riding a bike on parapet, balancing on a high beam.
You'll likely be working with a wider variety of horses, and of course the western riding saddle is completely different.
However, the legal position about riding scooters on pavements seems to be unclear.
Another of the fest highlights, this mean spirited little Belgian shocker plays like a demented Little Red Riding Hood.
You would have to have somebody riding shotgun on the entire proceedings.
Aaron is fast becoming a showman with his own style of trick riding an on-board commentary.
In the vintage classic sidecars a local rider, Nick Weston riding a Triumph twin, was a character to watch.
September 22 nd 1928 Percy Drury a hairdresser of Long Melford was fined 5s for riding a motor cycle without an effective silencer.
But there was a time when you were more likely to make a million dollars collecting rubbish than riding a skateboard.
Riding down the mountain on an oversized skateboard with beefy wheels and trucks.
They feel comfortable to complete surveillance on back then comes riding sky-high.
Riding in driving sleet is, however, no fun at all.
Ideal for outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, stadium visits or riding a sleigh in winter.
Her hobbies include skiing and horse riding, and she has a smallholding with a wide variety of animals.
Camel riding and sand surfing Dubai is one of the few places in the world where you can try sand surfing using a snowboard.
If you are feeling sporty we have horse riding, golf, tennis and swimming all within easy reach.
There are several riding stables nearby, all speak English.
Program 10 Alice visits an extraordinary riding stables located under one of London's busiest roads.
The ancient practice of riding the stang was sometimes employed when a husband was known to beat his wife whose character was good.
Davidson's photos vividly evoke the harsh reality of riding the subway then.
Middlesbrough's historic North Riding Infirmary is currently under threat after proposals to build a supermarket on the site were unveiled.
Beverley and East Riding is a keen supporter of the LTA campaign Play Tennis 2006.
The cover also helps stiffen the rear suspension for precise sport riding.
The enduro boxer also delivers superior performance and riding stability on (and off) fast sections of off-road terrain.
The TRC is looking for sympathetic people, experienced in riding and handling thoroughbreds, who enjoy the thoroughbred 's temperament and abilities.
It is like switching from riding an old hack to a young thoroughbred.
Other Sports Tennis, riding, golf, badminton, squash, bowling, summer toboggan, boating paragliding.
Swimming pool, golf course 3 km, riding stables 1 km, cross-country ski trail 35 km.
We met riding round Paris at night selling herald tribunes hot off the midnight press to the expats.
I am having a wonderful time here in France riding on my electric trike.
Down came the stockman, riding on his thoroughbred, Down came the troopers, one, two, three.
In 2002 he was once again on year-old machinery, riding an out-classed 500cc two-stroke against the new breed of 990cc four-strokes.
Around this time a Frenchman who had met Henry Clarke during his army service called on him riding a French velocipede.
The area provides good walking, climbing and riding while the peaks are the realm of eagles and bearded vultures.
This road was like riding a corrugated washboard, alternating with patches of deep sand.
I've been riding 3 wheelers on & off for about 10 years now.
We were the ' moral white knights ' riding in to sort out problems but being heavily selective about what we handled and when.
He served as steward in several families of position, latterly in that of the duke of Somerset, who ultimately obtained for him the post of riding purveyor to the master of the horse, a sinecure worth about 200 a year.
Although born in New York, Mr Roosevelt spent much of his boyhood at Oyster Bay, the country home of his father, on Long Island Sound, where he began with a distinct purpose, unusual among boys of his age, to build up a naturally frail physique by rowing and swimming in the waters of Long Island Sound, and by riding over the hills and tramping through the woods of Long Island.
A rider with an insecure seat is apt to be thrown by any unexpected movement the horse may make; and, without a firm seat, the acquirement of good hands is well-nigh hopeless, because, when the balance is once disturbed the insecure rider will have to depend on something else for the maintenance of his seat, and this generally takes the shape of "riding on the horse's mouth," a practice as cruel as it is ugly.
Beginners are advised to practise riding with and without stirrups; thus, let the pupil who has ridden half an hour in a saddle with stirrups have a cloth substituted for the saddle for about ten minutes, care being taken to observe the rules already laid down for the position of the legs; in this way the proper seat will be strengthened.
But at the crowning moment of trial there are those who assert their belief that the woman who on her way to the field of Corrichie had uttered her wish to be a man, that she might know all the hardship and all the enjoyment of a soldier's life, riding forth "in jack and knapscull" - the woman who long afterwards was to hold her own for two days together without help of counsel against all the array of English law and English statesmanship, armed with irrefragable evidence and supported by the resentment of a nation - showed herself equally devoid of moral and of physical resolution; too senseless to realize the significance and too heartless to face the danger of a situation from which the simplest exercise of reason, principle or courage must have rescued the most unsuspicious and inexperienced of honest women who was not helplessly deficient in self-reliance and self-respect.
To the man who cares for hunting, as distinct from riding, September and October are not the least enjoyable months of the whole hunting season.
During the hours of recreation suitable physical exercises, as fencing, riding and gymnastics, were conducted under qualified trainers.
Although the many attempts that have been made to break in and train zebras for riding and driving have sometimes been rewarded with partial success, the animal has never been domesticated in the true sense of the word (see Horse).
The rustic class appears in them to be differentiated into several subdivisions - the geneats performing riding duties and occasional services, the geburs burdened with week work and the cotsets holding cottages and performing light work in the shape of one day in the week and services to match (see Villenage).
This event is celebrated every June in the ceremony of "Riding the Common" - in which a facsimile of the captured pennon is carried in procession to the accompaniment of a chorus "Teribus, ye Teri Odin," supposed to be an invocation to Thor and Odin - a survival of Northumbrian paganism.
She has made me repeat the story of little Red Riding Hood so often that I believe I could say it backward.
When she is riding in the carriage she will not allow the driver to use the whip, because, she says, "poor horses will cry."
Perhaps this was a confused recollection of the story I had heard not long before about Red Riding Hood.
Don't you see it's a woman? said Prince Andrew riding up to the officer.
Before the officer finished his sentence Prince Andrew, his face distorted with fury, rode up to him and raised his riding whip.
Behind Prince Bagration rode an officer of the suite, the prince's personal adjutant, Zherkov, an orderly officer, the staff officer on duty, riding a fine bobtailed horse, and a civilian--an accountant who had asked permission to be present at the battle out of curiosity.
Prince Bagration, having reached the highest point of our right flank, began riding downhill to where the roll of musketry was heard but where on account of the smoke nothing could be seen.
The first thing he saw on riding up to the space where Tushin's guns were stationed was an unharnessed horse with a broken leg, that lay screaming piteously beside the harnessed horses.
He had on a shabby cadet jacket, decorated with a soldier's cross, equally shabby cadet's riding breeches lined with worn leather, and an officer's saber with a sword knot.
The Emperor, surrounded by his suite of officers and courtiers, was riding a bobtailed chestnut mare, a different one from that which he had ridden at the review, and bending to one side he gracefully held a gold lorgnette to his eyes and looked at a soldier who lay prone, with blood on his uncovered head.