Rid Sentence Examples
Maybe he was happy to get rid of her.
He wanted you to get rid of me.
If his family wanted him to come back, they would have to get rid of his current responsibilities.
And he wants me to get rid of them.
If I could get rid of every single one of your kind, I would.
No, I just got rid of the goats and started doing the work you thought I was suited to.
Then our country will be rid of all its unwelcome visitors.
I was just glad to get rid of the stuff.
By now, he had to be desperate to get rid of her.
The man told him he needed to get rid of me and Yancey told him he'd deal with me in his own way.
AdvertisementThe people only gave him power that he might rid them of the Bourbons and because they saw that he was a great man.
He might even get rid of both of them!
We wanted to get rid of what we had, not get more.
You'll have to get rid of the person who's supposed to be there.
Most people haven't even tried because we cannot reasonably imagine a way by which we can be rid of them.
AdvertisementOne clue following another until we are together and I rid myself of your foolish games and inconvenient interruptions.
He was hot and sweaty, but he'd not yet been able to rid himself of the wired energy humming through his blood.
He didn't understand both their concern and eagerness to get rid of him, but felt familiar coldness settle into his chest. There had been two other people in the entirety of the universe that cared for him, and the two people with him now were not the same.
Will you help us rid the earth of the Others?
The Test Act was now brought forward, and Shaftesbury, who appears to have heard how he had been duped in 1670, supported it, with the object probably of thereby getting rid of Clifford.
AdvertisementAnd the doctrine found acceptance among some whom it enabled to get rid of the difficulties raised by Montaigne and those who allowed more difference between animal and animal than between the higher animals and man.
To rid himself of them he closed his eyes.
He feared to give way to his thoughts, yet could not get rid of them.
She bit her lips to keep them from quivering and blinked her eyes to get rid of the blur.
Send me home, get rid of everything that shouldn't be there, and move on.
AdvertisementIn spite of the cold, I try to open the window to rid this room of the smoke and whiskey breath of those who visited here, but the frame is frozen fast.
And get rid of the demons. And with that, she strode past them both, towards the door.
When he looked too fast, he still saw the jagged, deep scars that the Healer had gotten rid of.
He'll work with you to get rid of the Others, she said with some impatience.
He'd rid the planet of both.
He'll rid the planet of anything that comes from the immortal world to threaten us.
Quaternions (as a mathematical method) is an extension, or improvement, of Cartesian geometry, in which the artifices of co-ordinate axes, &c., are got rid of, all directions in space being treated on precisely the same terms. It is therefore, except in some of its degraded forms, possessed of the perfect isotropy of Euclidian space.
But they had made up their minds to get rid of him.
Each morning, when they were numbed with cold, I swept some of them out, but I did not trouble myself much to get rid of them; I even felt complimented by their regarding my house as a desirable shelter.
It is good because it's definite and one is rid of the old tormenting doubt.
And don't I see that that idiot had eyes only for Bourienne--I shall have to get rid of her.
He shut his eyes, rubbed his forehead as if to rid himself of all interest in what he had read, and listened to what was passing in the nursery.
That he came from the mortal world rather than the Immortal one had left a taint on him that no amount of success could get rid of.
That the quantity of heat to be got rid of may become very considerable is seen when it is considered that the energy of a load of 60 tons descending through 50 ft.
Eremophytes.Under this term, are placed plants of deserts rid steppes.
H e rodotus, equally oblivious of the sphere, criticized and Herodotus rid i culed the circular outline of the oekumene, which he knew to be longer from east to west than it was broad from north to south.
For many years Torquemada had been persuading the sovereigns to make an attempt once for all to rid the country of the hated Moors.
In advanced religion, indeed, prayer is the chosen vehicle of the free spirit of worship. Its mechanism is not unduly rigid, and it is largely autonomous, being rid of subservience to other ritual factors.
Its striated plumage also favours this view, as an evidence of permanent immaturity or generalization of form, since striped feathers are so often the earliest clothing of many of these birds, which only get rid of them at their first moult.
Livy could never get rid of the idea that the old struggle between patrician and plebeian was something like the struggle between the nobility and the people at large in the later days of the commonwealth.
Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria had long been anxious to legalize his position by a reconciliation, and as soon as he got rid of Stamboloff he made advances to the Russian government.
After unsuccessful attempts to rid themselves of the mice, the farmers appealed to the United States Biological Survey, and alfalfa hay poisoned with strychnia sulphate was used successfully in the Humboldt Valley in January 1908 and in the Carson Valley, where a similar plague threatened, in April 1908.5 Minerals.
As the Austrian influence increased Panin found a fresh enemy in Joseph II., and the efforts of the old statesman to prevent a matrimonial alliance between the Russian and Austrian courts determined Catherine to get rid of a counsellor of whom, for some mysterious reason, she was secretly afraid.
When he presented himself before the emperor - apart from rival claimants of his own family - there was an embassy from the Jewish people who prayed to be rid of a monarchy and rulers such as Herod.
The tench is really an excellent fish for the table, if kept in cool, clear water for a few days, as it is the custom to do in Germany, in order to rid it of the muddy flavour imparted to it by its favourite abode.
Nero thereupon murdered the young prince and decided to get rid of his mother.
Eventually, Count Heinrich was pressured to rid the area of religious dissidents, and the Brethren felt compelled to leave.
A powerful but not disinterested ally was found in the king's uncle, Agesilaus, who hoped to rid himself of his debts without losing his vast estates.
He got rid of all whom he disliked on the charge of having taken part in the conspiracy, and no man of eminence was safe against him.
Antiochus rid himself of Hermeias by assassination and returned to Syria (220).
Three of the seven poets were drinking in a garden when Firdousi approached, and wishing to get rid of him without rudeness, they informed him who they were, and told him that it was their custom to admit none to their society but such as could give proof of poetical talent.
The chief direct result in the life of the Egyptian people was the virtual destruction of the governing caste of the Mamelukes, the Turks finding it easy to rid themselves of their surviving chiefs and to re-establish the authority of the Sultan.
Carrying on the work from the anatomical point at which he had left it, correcting his errors, and utilizing to the fullest extent the observations of Keyserling and Blasius, to which reference has already been made, Muller, though hampered by mistaken notions of which he seems to have been unable to rid himself, propounded a scheme for the classification of this group, the general truth of which has been admitted by all his successors, based, as the title of his treatise expressed, on the hitherto unknown different types of the vocal organs in the Passerines.
Especially among the lower races the dead are regarded as hostile; the Australian avoids the grave even of a kinsman and elaborate ceremonies of mourning are found amongst most primitive peoples, whose object seems to be to rid the living of the danger they run by association with the ghost of the dead.
An attempt is made to get rid of the distinctive nature of miracle when the exceptionalness of the events so regarded is reduced to a new subjective mode of regarding natural phenomena.
A young Piute Indian medicine-man, known as Wovoka, and called Jack Wilson by the whites, proclaimed that he had had a revelation, and that, if this ghost dance and other ceremonies were duly performed, the Indians would be rid of the white men and restored to power.
The weakest passages in Der fliegende Hollander are not so helpless as the original recitatives of Venus in the first act; or Tannhauser's song, which was too far involved in the whole scheme to be ousted by the mature " New Venusberg music " with which Wagner fifteen years later got rid both of the end of the overture and what he called his " Palais-Royal " Venus.
In the course of the 4th century it was removed from the Greek canon, and thus the troublesome foundation on which chiliasm might have continued to build was got rid of.
In consequence of the activity of the British cruisers the traders made great efforts to carry as many slaves as possible in every voyage, and practised atrocities to get rid of the slaves when capture was imminent.
Now and then it has been dealt with piecemeal, when some particular class of creditors has become too pressing, but it is more than probable that the piece got rid of has been more or less rapidly replaced by fresh liabilities occasioned by budgetary deficits, or by the mere accumulation of interest on debts allowed to run on.
The coagulum is next flattened out by a wooden or iron roller to get rid of the cavities containing watery liquid, and the sheets are then hung up for fourteen days to dry, when they weigh about 2 lb, the sheets being usually z to a in.
On the defeat of the adventurer Stenka Razin (1667-1671) many who were unwilling to submit to the iron rule of Moscow made their way to the settlements of Stroganov in Perm, and tradition has it that, in order to get rid of his guests, Stroganov suggested to their chief, Yermak, that he should cross the Urals into Siberia, promising to help him with supplies of food and arms. Yermak entered Siberia in 1580 with a band of 1636 men, following the Tagil and Tura rivers.
He wished to get rid of the bishops without making presbyters masters of the state.
Thus in many cases the difficulty of supposing that selection has acted on minute and imperceptible initial variations, so small as to have no selective value, may be got rid of.
Every higher vertebrate animal possesses the power of forming for itself a series of cerebral mechanisms or reasoned conclusions based on its individual experience, in proportion as it has a large cerebrum and has got rid of or has acquired the power of controlling its inherited instincts.
Blemishes in the stock, defects of mind or body, though they may be to some extent corrected in the individual by training, cannot be got rid of from the stock by any such process.
But soon afterwards the king, suspecting treachery, resolved to get rid of his enemies once and for all.
Here it is only necessary to state that the Voortrekkers were animated by an intense desire to be altogether rid of British control, and to be allowed to set up independent communities and govern the natives in such fashion as they saw fit.
Repair Of Injuries In the process of inflammation we have a series of reactions on the part of the tissues, and fluids of the body, to counteract the ill effects of irritation or injury, to get rid of the cause, and to repair its results.
The mercenaries were at last got rid of in 461.
Claudius Marcellus was then in command of the Roman army in Sicily, and he threatened the Syracusans with attack unless they would get rid of Epicydes and Hippocrates, the heads of the anti-Roman faction.
The symptoms of disease were explained as efforts of the soul to rid itself from morbid influences, the soul acting reasonably with respect to the end of self-preservation.
The original malady being thus got rid of, the vital force would easily be able to cope with and extinguish the slighter disturbance caused by the remedy.
In 1748, however, he got rid of him by proving to the empress that Vorontsov was in the pay of Prussia.
It tends to destroy insects and weeds, and gets rid of acidity of the soil.
There is a story - based, however, on no good evidence - that Walaf rid devoted himself so closely to letters as to neglect the duties of his office, owing to which he was expelled from his house; but, from his own verses, it seems that the real cause of his flight to Spires was that, notwithstanding the fact that he had been tutor to Charles the Bald, he espoused the side of his elder brother Lothair on the death cf Louis the Pious in 840.
F intestine and so gets rid of the excess of yolk.
If it was desired to get rid of these, an effort was made to impute to them some deviation from the rule of faith; and under this pretext the church freed herself from the Montanists and the Monarchians.
When he returned to Macedonia (364) Perdiccas had succeeded in getting rid of Ptolemy; but he fell in 360-359 before an onset of the hill tribes instigated by the queen-mother Eurydice, leaving only an infant son.
Sometimes the subject opens his eyes to get rid of an unpleasant vision of this kind.
Of such character have been the state-aided emigration from Ireland, and the assisted emigration of paupers, criminals and other persons in the effort to relieve a congested population, or simply from the desire to get rid of undesirable members of the community.
Finally, we have the expulsion of the Jews from Russia as an example of the effort of a community to get rid of an element which has made itself obnoxious to the local sentiment.
Leo endeavoured to rid himself of the pope by violence, but Gregory, supported by the people of Rome and also by the Lombards, succeeded in eluding the emperor's attacks, and died peacefully on the 11th of February 731.
It was impossible, however, for a Roman magistrate of the time to rid himself of the idea that all forms of religion must do homage to the civil power.
But she attracted the attention of the future emperor Augustus, who in 38 compelled her husband to divorce her and married her himself, having first got rid of his own wife Scribonia.
Richard found a convenient way to get rid of John of Gaunt by sending him to Castile to make good his barren title, and on this expedition he was away three years.
By getting rid of two, the third is proved, provided the original three exhaust the number.
Many persons cannot get rid of the opinion that all matter is extended in length, breadth and depth.
Mwanga now determined to rid himself of Christians and Mahommedans alike by inducing them to proceed to an island in the lake, where he meant to leave them to starve.
After getting rid of his brothers Pantagnotus and Syloson, who had at first shared his power, he established a despotism which is of great importance in the history of the island.
Plutarch (Pericles, II) suggests that Pericles by this means rid the city of the idle and mischievous loafers; but it would appear that the cleruchs were selected by lot, and in any case a wise policy would not deliberately entrust important military duties to recognized wastrels.
Ramiro soon rid himself of his rival, and welded Sobrarbe, Ribagorza and Aragon into a single kingdom, which thenceforward grew rapidly in size and power and shared with Castile the chief part in the struggle against the Moors.
The result was the well-known Homiliarium, prepared by Paul Warnef rid, otherwise known as Paulus Diaconus.
The crusade against the Albigensians could destroy prosperous cities and hand over lands from a heedless lord to one who was obedient to the church; but it could not get rid of heresy.
The close of the general war, however, had released great numbers of mercenaries (the great companies) from control, and, as they began to play the part of brigands in France, it was necessary to get rid of them.
The method of § 71 then shows that, by taking a (4L 0 - L 2) as the value of the arc, we get rid of terms in 0 2.
Nerva seems nevertheless to have soon wearied of the uncongenial task of governing, and his anxiety to be rid of it was quickened by the discovery that not even his blameless life and mild rule protected him against intrigue and disaffection.
The Contrat social, as its title implies, endeavours to base all government on the consent, direct or implied, of the governed, and indulges in much ingenious argument to get rid of the practical inconveniences of such a suggestion.
During his first two years in the federal parliament his chief speeches were made in defence of Rid and the French half breeds who were concerned in the Red River rebellion, and on fiscal questions.
The next year, however, Toghrul Beg got rid of both his antagonists, Ibrahim being taken prisoner and strangled with the bowstring, while Basasiri fell in battle.
On one occasion he trapped a number of his enemies, the Berber chiefs of the Ronda, into visiting him, and got rid of them by smothering them in the hot room of a bath.
Stanton and other members of his cabinet and General Grant became hostile to him, the president attempted to remove Stanton without regard to the Tenure of Office Act, and, finally, to get rid of the president, Congress in 1868 (February-May) made an attempt to impeach and remove him, his disregard of the Tenure of Office Act being the principal charge against him.
The first part, under Peter the Hermit, he got rid of by sending them on to Asia Minor, where they were massacred by the Turks (1096).
Whatever were the means employed to rid air of accompanying oxygen, a uniform value of the density was arrived at, and this value was z% greater than that appertaining to nitrogen extracted from compounds such as nitrous oxide, ammonia and ammonium nitrite.
The great objection to pantheism is that, though ostensibly it magnifies the Creator and gets rid of the difficult dualism of Creator and Creation, it tends practically to deny his existence in any practical intelligible sense.
The Goajiros of Venezuela bury their dead, they confess, simply to get rid of them.
She assented on condition that the divorce could be lawfully effected without impeachment of her son's legitimacy; whereupon Lethington undertook in the name of all present that she should be rid of her husband without any prejudice to the child - at whose baptism a few days afterwards Bothwell took the place of the putative father, though Darnley was actually residing under the same roof, and it was not till after the ceremony that he was suddenly struck down by a sickness so violent as to excite suspicions of poison.
A few instalments were paid, but the king sought to get rid of the liability by offering to make Edward III., or one of his sons, his successor in Scotland.
Leaf-feeding beetles and larvae of moths are best got rid of by shaking the branches and collecting the insects.
London was not to be supposed helpless in such an emergency; Manchester, Glasgow and Dumfries, rid of his presence, had risen against him, and Charles paused.
It is the rapid spread of these yeast-conidia in manure and soil waters which makes it so difficult to get rid of smuts, &c., in the fields, and they, like the ordinary conidia, readily infect the seedling wheat, oats, barley or other cereals.
Finding the United Provinces hampered by a war with England, he seized the opportunity to try to get rid of the impediments placed upon Belgian development by the Barrier and other treaties with Holland.
Among primitive savage races abortion is practised to a far less extent than infanticide, which offers a simpler way of getting rid of inconvenient progeny.
A large proportion of the water which ascends to the leaf acts merely as a carrier for the other raw food materials and is got rid of from the leaf in the form of water vapour through the stomata - this process is known as transpiration.
Inorganic and other waste matters are stored in the leaf-tissue and thus got rid of by the plant.
During this time he joined a secret society formed by Ali Rubi with the object of getting rid of Turkish officers from the Egyptian army.
He next turned his attention to getting rid of the French garrisons; the negotiations proved long and troublesome, but in December 1562 the French departed on payment of 100,000 scudi, retaining only Pinerolo and Savigliano, and Turin became the capital once more.
Along the northern and eastern frontier were tributary races, and the country was for the time rid of an enemy which, for nearly a generation, had kept it in perpetual fear.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Rid to Rob.
First of all living things was Re; rid told how he arose as a naked babe from a lotus-flower floated on the primeval ocean Nun.
In spite of all the precautions they took and the contracts they made, the Egyptians could never quite rid themselves of the dread that their tombs might decay and their cult be neglected; and they sought therefore to obtain by prayers and threats what they feared they might lose altogether.
An attempt made by one of the pashas to rid himself of these two persons by a coup detat signally failed owing to the loyalty of their armed supporters, who released Ibrahlm and Rilwan from prison and compelled the pasha to fly to Constantinople.
This offered a fair pretext to the Mamelukes to rid themselves of a man proved to be a perfidious tyrant.
He also saw in the campaign a means of getting rid of the disaffected troops, and of obtaining a sufficient number of captives to form the nucleus of the new army.
Professing to be quite satisfied with this arrangement, he pompously announced that Egypt was no longer in Africa, but a part of Europe; but before seven months had passed he found his constitutional position intolerable, got rid of his irksome cabinet by means of a secretly-organized military riot in Cairo, and reverted to his old autocratic methods of government.
One of the anomalies of the under that system had, it is true, been got rid of, for, Capitulaas has been stated, consular jurisdiction in civil matters tions.
Ali was angered by the refusal to surrender Parga and justly suspicious of the ambitions which this refusal implied; he could not feel himself secure with the Ionian Islands and the Dalmatian coast in the hands of a power whose plans in the East were notorious, and he was glad enough to avail himself of Napoleon's reverses in 1812 to help to rid himself of so dangerous a neighbor.
The next kings mentioned are Sigaf rid and Halfdane, who were sons of the great Viking leader Ragnarr Loobrok.
Five years later we find a Danish king, Sigf rid, among the princes who assembled at Lippe in 782 to make their submission to Charles the Great.
There has been much controversy whether he was the Wishart who in April 1544 approached the English government with a proposal for getting rid of Cardinal Beaton.
Maria Theresa, in the heat of her struggle with France and the elector of Bavaria, now Charles VII., and pressed by England to rid herself of Frederick, concluded with him, on the 11th of June 1742, the peace of Breslau, conceding to Prussia, Upper and Lower Silesia as far as the Oppa, together with the county of Glatz.
In November 1757, however, when Europe looked upon him as ruined, he rid himself of the French by his splendid victory over them at Rossbach, and in about a month afterwards, by the still more splendid victory at Leuthen, he drove the Austrians from Silesia.
The commissioners, ten in number, were directed to go through all the constitutions of which copies existed, to select such as were of practical value, to cut these down by retrenching all unnecessary matter, and gather them, arranged in order of date, into one volume, getting rid of any contradictions by omitting one or other of the conflicting passages.
Sometimes, to get rid of these impurities, the brine is treated in a large tub-`(bessoir) with lime; on settling it becomes clear and colourless, but the dissolved lime forms a skin on its surface in the pan, retards the evaporation and impedes the crystallization.
The new queen Catherine Howard represented the triumph of the reactionary party under Gardiner and Norfolk; but there was no idea of returning to the papal obedience, and even Catholic orthodoxy as represented by the Six Articles was only enforced by spasmodic outbursts of persecution and vain attempts to get rid of Cranmer.
Its composer would seem to have been a disciple of Walahf rid; for his interests are not confined to the churches, their reliquaries, and the ecclesiastical ceremonial of saint-days, but he takes a pleasure in transcribing ancient inscriptions.
The Five Hindrances are (1) Hankering after worldly advantages, (2) The corruption arising out of the wish to injure, (3) Torpor of mind, (4) Fretfulness and worry, (5) Wavering of mind.'" When these five hindrances have been cut away from within him, he looks upon himself as freed from debt, rid of disease, out of jail, a free man and secure.
And gladness springs up within him on his realizing that, and joy arises to him thus gladdened, and so rejoicing all his frame becomes at ease, and being thus at ease he is filled with a sense of peace, and in that peace his heart is stayed."9 To have realized the Truths, and traversed the Path; to have broken the Bonds, put an end to the Intoxications, and got rid of the Hindrances, is to have attained the ideal, the Fruit, as it is called, of Arahatship. One might fill columns with the praises, many of them among the most beautiful passages in Pali poetry and prose, lavished on this condition of mind, the state of the man made perfect according to the Buddhist faith.
Its geographical distribution is of the widest, and its rapidity of breeding, in manure and dooryard filth, so great that, as a carrier of germs of disease, especially cholera and typhoid, the house-fly is now recognized as a potent source of danger; and various sanitary regulations have been made, or precautions suggested, for getting rid of it.
Although a sturdy Lutheran the elector hoped at one time to unite the Protestants, on whom he continually urged the necessity of giving no cause of offence to their opponents, and he favoured the movement to get rid of the clause in the peace of Augsburg concerning ecclesiastical reservation, which was offensive to many Protestants.
In bronchitis with profuse expectoration the use of morphine is particularly dangerous, as it is likely to check the cough so necessary for getting rid of the secretion, but in the converse condition it usefully allays the harassing cough by diminishing the excitability of the respiratory centre.
Mokhtar was now at the zenith of power, but Ibn Zobair, determined to get rid at all costs of so dangerous an enemy, named his brother Mus`ab governor of Basra and ordered him to march against Kufa.
The first care of Mansur was now to get rid of the powerful Abu Moslim, who had thus by another brilliant service strengthened his great reputation.
During the absence of these troops, Mohtadi seems to have tried to get rid of the principal Turkish leaders.
The peasant got rid of a hateful drudgery which not only took up his time and means in an unprofitable manner, but placed him under the rough control and the arbitrary discipline of stewards or reeves and gave occasion to all sorts of fines and extortions.
After the "day of the barricades" (the 12th of May 1588), the king, perceiving that his influence was lost, resolved to rid himself of Guise by assassination; and on the 23rd of December 1588 his faithful bodyguard, the "forty-five," carried out his design at the château of Blois.
His cabinet in great part Ad been dictated to him in r 809 by a senatorial clique, and it was hopelessly discordant; for two years he was to all intents and purposes his own secretary of state, Robert Smith being a mere figure-head of whom he gladly got rid in 181 r, giving Monroe the vacant place.
Combebiac is not content with getting rid of the origin in these limited circumstances.
The North American Indians fear lest their venerated rattlesnake should incite its kinsfolk to avenge any injury done to it, and when the Seminole Indians begged an English traveller to rid them of one of these troublesome intruders, they scratched him-as a matter of formin order to appease the spirit of the dead snake.
The Porte now tried once more to modify its terms; but the Western powers were now intent on getting rid of the Russians at all costs, and as a result of the pressure they brought to bear on both parties the preliminary convention of Kutaiah, conceding all the Egyptian demands, was signed on the 8th of April, and Ibrahim began his withdrawal.
She will be queen of all her subjects, and would have all the parties and distinctions of former reigns ended and buried in hers."' Her motive for getting rid of the Whigs was not any real dislike of their administration, but the wish to escape from the domination of the party,' and on the advent Ibid.
Among the teachers here were Alcuin, Hrabanus Maurus, who was abbot from 822 to 842, and Walaf rid Strabo.
That some symbols are like Persian only shows that Mesrob was not able to rid himself of the influences under which he lived.
His treatment of Octavia, her brother's desire to get rid of him, and the manner in which he disposed of kingdoms and provinces in favour of Cleopatra alienated his supporters.
Presbytery was rapidly growing in that country, and the English parliament sought the alliance of the assembly, while the Independents, though in the event Presbytery was as little to their liking as Episcopacy, joined in the wish to get rid of the episcopal system.
The church could have given more weight to the wishes of the people; she professed to regard patronage as a grievance, and the annual instructions of the assembly to the commission (the committee representing the assembly till its next meeting) enjoined that body to take advantage of any opportunity which might arise for getting rid of the grievance of patronage, an injunction which was not discontinued till 1784.
His next care was to get rid of the opposition of Moawiya, who had established himself in Syria at the head of a numerous army.
For line process blocks a still different treatment in making-ready is desirable, so as to get rid of the hard edges which are nearly always found in this kind of block.
The farmer breeds from such of his stock as he finds to thrive best with him, and gets rid of those which suffer from cold, damp or disease.
But the Conqueror was anxious to get rid of him, although he took him in his train to Normandy in 1067.
Frau Gliick finally rid herself of the girl by marrying her to a Swedish dragoon called Johan.
He suggested, however, that Sweden should rid herself of her enemies by making some " small cession " to them.
Shepstone, the Liberal cabinet were prepared to get rid of the chief British representative in South Africa - partly to please the extreme Radicals among their followers.
Perfection lies in getting rid of self-hood altogether - in never thinking of ourselves, or even of the relation in which God stands to us.
But as the Maccabees had now in the name of the Syrians cleared the Syrians out of Palestine, Tryphon's jealousy was aroused, and he resolved to be rid of Jonathan, who, with all his cunning, walked into a trap at Ptolemais, was made prisoner and ultimately slain (143).
Plateau (Statique experimentale et theorique des liquides), who made elaborate study of the phenomena of surfacetension, adopted the following method of getting rid of the effects of gravity.
In the earlier stages of approximation the obstacle thus arising may not be important; but when the thickness of the layer of air is reduced to the point at which the colours of thin plates are visible, the approximation must be sensibly resisted by the viscosity of the air which still remains to be got rid of.
These toxins may become free in the culture fluid, and the living bacteria may then be got rid of by filtering the fluid through a filter of unglazed porcelain, whose pores are sufficiently small to retain them.
The heat being continued, and the current of air always passing over the surface of the melted lead button, and the lead oxide being sucked up by the cupel as fast as it is formed, the metallic globule rapidly diminishes in size until at last all the lead has been got rid of.
The solution is filtered to get rid of the precipitate, and the titration is finished in the nearly clear filtrate, which should be always about 200 cc. in volume.
In order to get rid of this fluid, called " pasewa " or " pussewah," the opium is placed in a shallow earthen vessel tilted on one side, and the pussewah drained off.
The pope was anxious to get rid of the Hussite king of Bohemia, George Podebrad, as the first step towards the formation of a league against the Turk.
But as this political monstrosity had already been guaranteed by the Conventions of 1851-1852, Hall could not rid himself of it, and the attempt to establish this "Helstat" was made accordingly by the Constitution of the r3th of November 1863.
Rid of the affair of Lothair, king of Lorraine, by the death of that prince (869), he endeavoured in vain to mediate between the Frankish princes with a view to assuring to the emperor, Louis II., the heritage of the king of Lorraine.
Maine was in general well governed as a part of Massachusetts, but a geographical separation, a desire to be rid of the burden of a large state debt, and a difference of economic interests as well as of politics (Maine was largely Democratic and Massachusetts was largely Federalist) created a desire for an independent commonwealth.
He said in 1856, "I think we must get rid of slavery, or we must get rid of freedom."
This lady, to whom he was much attached, had been endeavouring to secure the succession of one of her own sons to the throne of Shoa, and had almost succeeded in getting rid of Mashasha, son of Siefu and cousin of Menelek, who was the apparent heir.
The personal fascinations of Cleopatra induced him to undertake a war on her behalf, in which Ptolemy lost his life, and she was replaced on the throne in conjunction with a younger brother, of whom, however, she soon rid herself by poison.
Immediately Fulbert, believing that her husband, who aided in the flight, designed to be rid of her, conceived a dire revenge.
We want to make Ireland loyal and contented; we want to get rid of pauperism in this country; we want to fight against a class which is more to be dreaded than the holders of a 7 franchise - I mean the dangerous class in our large towns.
This illustration gives some idea of the enormous increase of yield of such a well, if, by any means, we can get rid of the frictional sand, even from Artificial within the 16 in.
The catechetic course included instruction in monotheism, in the folly of polytheism, in the Christian scheme of salvation, &c. (c) They were again and again exorcized, in order to rid them of the lingering taint of the worship of demons.
The English barons were simply desirous of getting rid of the strong and effective govern.ance of the king, and the alleged wrongs of his sons were an empty excuse.
The moment that he had got rid of the honest and capable old justiciar Hubert de Burgh, who had pacified the country during his minority, and set the machinery of government once more in regular order, Henry gave himself over to fostering horde after horde of foreign favorites.
He got rid of the ministers imposed upon him by the lords appellant, but replaced them by Bishop Wykeham and other old statesmen against whom no objection could be raised.
Some excuse must be found for getting rid of the queen and her friends, and the doubtful legitimacy of the Lancastrian claim to the crown afforded such an excuse.
It is certain that Henry was tired and wanted to get rid of her; but if she were innocent, why were charges brought against her which were not brought against Catherine of Aragon and Anne of Cleves?
If the Commons wished to be rid of him because he upheld the prerogative, the kIng was equally desirous to be rid of him because he looked coldly on the looseness of the royal morals.
Thenewarrangementnaturallyproduced some nativeresentment, and Arabi Pasha placed himself at the head of a movement which was intended to rid Egypt of foreign interference.
The Baltic receives much more water by rainfall, discharge of rivers, &c., than it loses by evaporation; hence a surplus must be got rid of by an outflowing current which may be named the "Baltic Stream."
Men of robust mind would have been glad to get rid of such a yoke.
For the purpose of getting rid of the water, and obviating the flooding of such deep workings, it has been found necessary to construct drainage works of some magnitude.
The apparently needless cruelty of Mummius in Corinth, by no means characteristic of him, is explained by Mommsen as due to the instructions of the senate, prompted by the mercantile party, which was eager to get rid of a dangerous commercial rival.
They may be denied assertion or even outraged for a purpose, but they cannot be got rid of, - which is a moral advantage.
It might have been said that even at that time intrigue to get rid of him had yet to cease in his own party; and but a few years before, a man growing old, he was still in the lowest deeps of his disappointments and humiliations.
As the majority of Frenchmen wanted to be rid of them, they could achieve their purpose only by extraordinary means.
In the meantime Poland had so far recovered herself as to become a much more dangerous foe than Sweden, and, as it was impossible to wage war with both simultaneously, the tsar resolved to rid himself of the Swedes first.
By what precedes it appears that there exists a function of the n 2 elements, linear as regards the terms of each column (or say, for shortness, linear as to each column), and such that only the sign is altered when any two columns are interchanged; these properties completely determine the function, except as to a common factor which may multiply all the terms. If, to get rid of this arbitrary common factor, we assume that the product of the elements in the dexter diagonal has the coefficient + 1, we have a complete definition of the determinant, and it is interesting to show how from these properties, assumed for the definition of the determinant, it at once appears that the determinant is a function serving for the solution of a system of linear equations.
But after the death of Samuel the Bulgarian power rapidly lost the Serb provinces, which, to get rid of the Bulgarians, again acknowledged the Greek overlordship. About 1042, however, Prince Voislav of Travuniya (Trebinje), cousin of the assassinated Vladimir of Zetta, started a successful insurrection against the Greeks, and united under his own rule Travuniya, Zahumlye and Zetta.
In 1118 the important synod of Rathbressil was held, at which Ireland was divided into dioceses, this being the first formal attempt at getting rid of that anarchical state of church government which had hitherto prevailed.
He landed at Howth with his wife Cicely Neville, and Margaret of Anjou hoped thus to get rid of one who was too great for a subject.
He assumed the style of king of Ireland, so as to get rid of the notion that he held the island of the pope.
He thinned the disaffected population by allowing foreign enlistment, and 40,000 are said to have been thus got rid of.
The famine, emigration and the new poor law nearly got rid of starvation, but the people never became frankly loyal, feeling that they owed more to their own importunity and to their own misfortunes than to the wisdom of their rulers.
But although this band of free-lances was a menace to Mr Redmond's authority and to the solidarity of the " pledge-bound" Irish parliamentary party, the two sections did not differ in their desire to get rid of the " veto " of the House of Lords, which they recognized as the standing obstacle to Home Rule, and which it was the avowed policy of the government to abolish.
This work, designed in 1857, but unexecuted during a quarter of a century, owing to insufficiency of funds, was completed in 1882; and in 1886, after other comparatively short cuttings had been made to get rid of difficult bends and further to deepen the channel without having to resort to dredgers, the desired minimum depth of 15 ft.
A fourth, like Euemerus, would get rid of the supernatural element altogether, and find only an imaginative rendering of actual history.
As an ally she was ineffective, nor could she ever rid herself of her narrowly Peloponnesian outlook sufficiently to throw herself heartily into the affairs of the greater Hellas that lay beyond the isthmus and across the sea.
In five years (1180-1186) he rid himself Augustus of the overshadowing power of Philip of Alsace, count (1180 of Flanders, and his own uncles, the counts of 1223).
But death eventually rid him of the duke in 1472, just when a third league was being organized, the object of which was to make the duke of Berry king with the help of Edward IV., king of England.
In the meantime Philip II., being rid of Don John of Austria, whose ambition he dreaded, was to crush the Protestants of England and the Netherlands; and the double result of the compact at Joinville was to allow French politics to be controlled by Spain, and to transform the wars of religion into a purely political quarrel.
His boldness succeeded (March 24, 1794), and then, jealous of DantOns activity and statesmanship, and exasperated by the jeers of his friends, he rid himself of the party of tolerance by a parody of justice (April 5).
Bonaparte had now to rid himself of Sieys and thoserepublicans who had no desire to hand over the republic to one man, particularly of Moreau and Massna, his military rivals.
To the east of it, the Navarrese, having rid themselves of the Carolingian counts and marchers, had made a kingdom in their mountains, and beyond them the little free territorias of the central Pyrenees were advancing, in subordination to the Navarrese king at Pamplona.
He was obliged to reconstruct the cabinet several times in order to get rid of troublesome colleagues like General Cassola, who wanted to make, himself a sort of military dictator, and Camacho, whose financial reforms and taxation schemes made him unpopular He had more often to reorganize the government in order to find seats in the cabinet for ambitious and impatient, worthies of the Liberal party-not always with success, as Seor Martos, president of the Congress, and the Democrats almost brought about a political crisis in 1889.
Nevertheless, his bill did not find favor with the Conservatives or the majority of the Liberals, and Sagasta, trimming according to his inveterate habit, found a pretext to get rid of Maura and Gamazo.
Wad Helu and Sherif were stripped of their power and gradually all chiefs and amirs not of the Baggara tribe were got rid of except Osman Digna, whose sphere of operations was on the Red Sea coast.
Time was not on his side at his age, and if he had to be beaten at one election he was anxious to get rid of the other issues which would encumber the popular vote, and to press on to a second when he would be on the attacking side.
To some extent, the individual came in for his share in the incantations and in the purification ritual through which one might hope to rid oneself of the power of the demons and of other evil spirits, but outside of this the important aim of the priests was to secure for the general benefit the favour of the gods, or, as a means of preparing oneself for what the future had in store, to ascertain in time whether that favour would be granted in any particular instance or would be continued in the future.
Only let everyone keep the thought that Satan also stands under the commission of the Almighty God, and that no one must suppose that by leading back his sins to a Satanic temptation he can get rid of his own guilt.
To produce clear ice the water must be agitated during the freezing process, or previously boiled to get rid of the air.
Very rarely, as in the case of silver salts, excretion does not take place; but usually the drug is got rid of by the ordinary channels of elimination.
Although his harsh measures aroused some irritation, the count did something to rid the land of the Swedes and to mitigate its many evils; but its condition was still very deplorable when George William died at Konigsberg on the 1st of December 16 4 0, leaving an only son, Frederick William.
The former was nicknamed Guastafamiglia, because, although at first willing to let his brother share his power, he rid himself by violence and treachery of other kinsmen who claimed their just rights to a portion of the state.
The duke of Ferrara remained his friend, nor is it known what motive Sigismondo could have for wishing to get rid of his wife.
By now he had to be desperate to get rid of her.
If the Watchers and Others couldn't hide from him, he was one step closer to finding a way to rid the planet of both.
Determined first to get rid of her cotton mouth and then to kill Jake, she wrenched open the door, blinded by the hall light she didn't recall leaving on.
They had become accustomed to the constant chill in their bones, yet this newfound warmth elicited a welcome sensation that not only rid the cold, but also calmed the incessant craving for blood.
Without knowing what her ancestors had done, she was the only one strong and brave enough to try to rid Tiyan of its curse.
She'd given her blood for her people and her life to rid Tiyan of the demon, once and for all.
I'm helping her rid Tiyan of the demon.
The only way he's going to get rid of me is with a foot on my backside pushing me out the door – and then I'll leave fingernail marks in the door jamb.
At least he was certain Jessi was safe at home tonight, with Gerry's Guardians there to rid her place of any of Jonny's goons.
The two women decide to get rid of the body and become unwilling accomplices.
Here's me desperate tae get rid o the bairn and her desperate tae hae ain.
We don't need to get rid of a few archaisms.
The leprosy bacillus seems to have ' got rid of ' non-essential genes.
To become infectious, it has to rid itself of Gag by splitting these proteins into smaller ones, called capsid.
It will get rid of that horrible left hand carb.
Guggul helps rid your body of harmful cholesterol by converting it into bile Until recently the mechanism by which guggul lowers cholesterol was unclear.
Alternatively it's a great place for you to get rid of some of the unwanted clutter around the house.
To get rid of a meanie being particularly dastardly you can fire one of five crystal balls.
Is that a " sufficient antidote " to rid the publication as a whole of its otherwise defamatory meaning?
Only mass civil disobedience is going to get rid of the TV License.
Plus I got rid of some of my foodstuffs (i.e. ate three jammy dodgers) whilst in there.
They're carefully edited to get rid of the junk that shows up in crosswords over make free crossword puzzle and over again.
Over the past few years this anxious opposition has made several attempts to get rid of Chávez, with the tacit encouragement of Washington.
Broader picture smith wasat fault in getting rid the last auto.
He used these fluxions like the scaffold of a building, as things to be laid aside or got rid of.
Once we had got rid of our last few Swiss francs we headed back to the French side of the station.
I would urge everyone to get rid of them and buy a deep fat fryer because they can catch alight so quickly.
Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your toes in Listerine mouthwash.
Thankful to be rid of him the leaders of the Jerusalem Church allowed him to go on his self appointed mission to convert gentiles.
Whether this was out of love or out of a desire to be rid of me I can only make an educated guess.
But small little-known groups of hunt saboteurs and campaigners are also doing their bit to rid us of fox hunt saboteurs and campaigners are also doing their bit to rid us of fox hunting.
In those days if you wanted to get rid of a leader you did n't impeach him or hold a vote of no confidence.
True to form I'd been the last get rid of my flared jeans.
Get rid of pedestrian subways and bridges and replace them with surface level crossings.
Prefer to get rid of your road rage before getting behind the wheel of the wedding day limo?
Get rid of oxygen mask, to avoid breathing in sea water.
They point up the poverty of false metaphysics to rid us of the temptation of doing metaphysics this way.
I've got rid of most of them now but I have just bought a new mini.
The Russian proletariat has not flinched from any sacrifice to rid humanity of the disgrace of the tsarist monarchy.
The Romans became practiced at draining marshes to rid areas of malaria-carrying mosquitoes.
This gets rid of the rather mickey mouse questions of which set of ' outcomes ' should be Associate.
Mouch, why would you " rather get rid od Carvalho ", what as he done wrong?
Getting rid of the bucket under the drip in the west wing has finally become paramount.
So I've been prescribed penicillin to get rid of it.
Men and officers still pestered with vermin and which are impossible to be rid of.
Harvey thinks Tom is organizing a petition to get rid of Diana.
Application of the rule may not wholly get rid of gains on two residences but it can sweeten the pill to a considerable extent.
We need to start getting rid of the myth that the obese patient is sitting at home, watching football and eating pretzels.
Someone with bulimia will have a very chaotic eating pattern where they binge eat and then purge (get rid of their food ).
I've just spent the best part of two hours getting rid of the best part of 200 pieces of particularly rancid spam.
His prime objective was to get rid of post war german reparations.
And delighted to be finally rid of the last hosting company we were with.
Nobody was sure whether he died from a broken neck or by hanging, either way the moor was well rid of him.
No, I have benefited by eating healthily, because I am now rid of my carbohydrate craving.
For as long as they do not rid themselves of temporal glory, they are starved of spiritual nourishment.
Now we need to get rid of the pressure.
Maybe we should believe David Murray when he says he wants rid of the bile.
Only recently I got rid of the sturdy griddle Mom placed on the stove to make drop scones.
By getting rid of juries we could eliminate unnecessary secrecy.
Try adding some vinegar in the water or baking soda - these will usually get rid of odors.
My problems started with shin splints, which I managed to get rid of thanks to all the advice I had received.
The Baja Web site assures that getting rid of the microchip is a simple and harmless procedure, something like removing a splinter.
So you want to get rid of every little squeak and hum?
The first is that getting rid of the Iraqi strongman is necessary to take the war against terrorism to its next phase.
Getting rid of Bowyer should be the priority, you could do without racist thugs who fight their own teammates.
Should I get rid of the gravel first, or can I put topsoil over it?
It is a natural product and non toxic to humans and animals but gets rid of the bugs.
How do you get rid of this as it is annoying on a 32 " widescreen TV.
It is about two angry people who want to get rid of each other, and they are called the twits.
When you have well oxygenated compost you automatically get rid of 3/4 of the bad varmints.
Horses cannot vomit to get rid of toxins, or indigestible food.
Then removed the default gcc rpm (native) using yum remove gcc (also gets rid of other related stuff - dependencies ).
In primitive cults the distinction between sacred and unclean is far from complete or well defined (see Taboo); consequently we find two types of cathartic sacrifice - (i.) one to cleanse of impurity and make fit for common use, (ii.) the other to rid of sanctity and in like manner render suitable for human use or intercourse.
Irksome as were his employments, grievous as was the waste of time, uncongenial as were his companions, solid benefits were to be set off against these things; his health became robust, his knowledge of the world was enlarged, he wore off some of his foreign idiom, got rid of much of his reserve; he adds - and perhaps in his estimate it was the benefit to be most prized of all - " the discipline and evolutions of a modern battalion gave me a clearer notion of the phalanx and the legion, and the captain of the Hampshire grenadiers (the reader may smile) has not been useless to the historian of the Roman empire."
In 1854 the Utah legislature created the county of Carson, which included all the settlements in western Utah; but the inhabitants sought to rid themselves of all connexion with the people of the Salt Lake region, and petitioned Congress to annex them to California.
He behaved with the utmost tact and got rid of the Winburg and Potchefstroom burghers by declaring that he should recommend the Drakensberg as the northern limit of Natal.
The gland evidently excretes, or at any rate gets rid of, a certain waste product of a proteid nature, which otherwise tends to accumulate in the tissues and to excite certain nervous and tissue phenomena.
To get rid of Waldo, whose date was known, the name Waldenses or Vallenses was derived from Vallis, because they dwelt in the valleys, or from a supposed Provençal word Vaudes, which meant a sorcerer.
Though this may dishearten the systematist, Scourfield (1900) reminds us that " It was in a water-flea that Metschni koff first saw the leucocytes (or phagocytes) trying to get rid of disease germs by swallowing them, and was so led to his epochmaking discovery of the part played by these minute amoeboid corpuscles in the animal body."
In the progress of science and enlightenment it has no positive significance, except as a necessary transition which the race had to make in order to get rid of nature-religion, and that undervaluing of the spiritual life which formed an insuperable obstacle to the advance of human knowledge.
But when we remember the value of the helots from a military and agricultural point of view we shall not readily believe that the crypteia was really, as some authors represent it, an organized system of massacre; we shall see in it "a good police training, inculcating hardihood and vigour in the young," while at the same time getting rid of any helots who were found to be plotting against the state (see further Crypteia).
On the other hand, it is the virtue of idealism to emphasize the fact of consciousness, but its vice to exaggerate it, with the consequence of resorting to every kind of paradox to deny the obvious and get rid of bodies.
Chinese dressing is white and supple, but contains much powder, which is disagreeable and difficult to get rid of, and in many instances the skin is rendered so thin that the roots of the fur are weakened, which means that it is liable to shed itself freely, when subject to ordinary friction in handling or wearing.
As in all his following epopees the subject was taken from what pious Moslems call the time of "heathendom" - here, for instance, from the old Sassanian story of Shah Khosrau Parwiz (Chosroes Parvez), his love affairs with the princess Shirin of Armenia, his jealousy against the architect Ferhad, for some time his successful rival, of whom he got rid at last by a very ingenious trick, and his final reconciliation and marriage with Shirin; and it is a noteworthy fact that the once so devout Nizami never chose a strictly Mahommedan legend for his works of fiction.
In order to rid himself of Jason, Pelias sent him to Colchis in quest of the golden fleece, and took advantage of his absence to put to death his father, Aeson, his mother and brother.
After the "day of the barricades" (the 12th of May 1588), the king, perceiving that his influence was lost, resolved to rid himself of Guise by assassination; and on the 23rd of December 1588 his faithful bodyguard, the "forty-five," carried out his design at the château of Blois.
In his character as preserver of men Vishnu has from time to time become incarnate to rid the world of some great evil (see also Brahmanism and Hinduism).
Next morning Marya Dmitrievna took the young ladies to the Iberian shrine of the Mother of God and to Madame Suppert-Roguet, who was so afraid of Marya Dmitrievna that she always let her have costumes at a loss merely to get rid of her.
But at the very least it will have had a purgative effect and got rid of his rage and grief.
Someone with bulimia will have a very chaotic eating pattern where they binge eat and then purge (get rid of their food).
I 've just spent the best part of two hours getting rid of the best part of 200 pieces of particularly rancid spam.
The most valuable gold has to be refined by fire - to get rid of its impurities.
Reheating food wo n't get rid of the toxins.
While constipation remedies will probably get rid of the problem, reverting to bad habits may see constipation come back again.
His prime objective was to get rid of post war German reparations.
Some of the presence also comes from the reverberant environment, which the shotgun mic is trying to get rid of for you.
Getting rid of lice is not a question of ideology.
Hence the need to get rid of the rubbish in my room.
How do I get rid of the smell without ruining the cue?
Trying to get rid of a hangover more like.
For quite a long time, these sprays have been the most effective method of getting rid of those pests in our house.
Use this as an excuse to get rid of any old junk.
Can a dance rid the world of its poisons?
It is not enough to undergo dietary regimens to rid the body of toxins.
It is important that groups on the Left acknowledge our common desire to rid society of capitalism.
The people have tried everything, when a stranger appears who says he can rid the town of rats !