Ricks Sentence Examples
The cause of his son Conrad was sustained in Lower Italy by Manfred, one of Fredericks many natural children; and, when Frede- Conrad died in 1254, Manfred still acted as vicegerent ricks for the Swabians, who were now represented by a boy SUCCCS Conradin.
The corn was commonly housed; but if there be a want of room, he advises that the ricks be built on a scaffold and not upon the ground.
The fossils from the Rhaetic beds belong to the Avicula contorta zone, those from the Lias to the Ammonites angulatus zone, while the blocks of limestone with chert contain Inoceramus, Cretaceous foraminifera and other organisms. The materials yielding these fossils are embedded in a course volcanic agglomerate which gives rise to crags and is pierced by acid and basic igneous ricks.
It is quite common to see people scything hay manually and building old style hay ricks.
In the winter, these ricks were then thrashed in order to retrieve the grain.
In August 1884 winter oats were threshed and wheat ricks built.