Richest Sentence Examples
Bethune lies in the midst of the richest coal mines in France.
This village (pop. 3435) is one of the richest lead-mining centres in Europe.
The literature is richest in poetry.
The assemblage of birds of the Indian region is one of the richest and most varied in the world, being surpassed only by that of tropical America.
The richest tract of land is that between the Maluti mountains and the Caledon river.
The country about Leon is considered to be one of the richest cereal-producing districts of Mexico.
If further selection be made from the large body of miscellaneous poems, the comic poem on the physician Andro Kennedy may stand out as one of the best contributions to medieval Goliardic literature; The Two Mariit Wemen and the Wedo, as one of the richest and most effective pastiches in the older alliterative style, then used by the Scottish Chaucerians for burlesque purposes; Done is a battell on the Dragon Blak, for religious feeling expressed in melodious verse; and the well-known Lament for the Makaris.
But even in the midst of the richest quarters, in Westminster and elsewhere, small but well-defined areas of the poorest dwellings occur.
The City naturally offers the richest field for study in this direction.
He devoted himself in_ 1335 to the completion of the choir of Beauvais Cathedral, the enormous windows of which were filled with the richest glass, But this building activity, which has left one of the most notable Gothic monuments in Europe, was broken into by the Hundred Years' War.
AdvertisementThe most remarkable building in Louvain is the Hotel de Ville, one of the richest and most ornate examples of pointed Gothic in the country.
The grape-vine, botanically Vitis, is a genus of about thirty species, widespread in the north temperate zone, but richest in species in North America.
The firstmentioned process consists of charging and feeding the vacuum pan with the richest syrup, and then as the crystals form and this syrup becomes thereby less rich the'pan is fed with syrup of lower richness, but still of a richness equal to that of the mother-liquor to which it is added, and so on until but little mother-liquor is left, and that of the poorest quality.
These canals pass through the richest and most populous districts of China, and in particular lead into the great silk-producing districts.
After the capital, Puerto Principe was the richest prize of the island when it was captured and plundered in 1668 by a force of Frenchmen and Englishmen under Henry Morgan, the buccaneer.
AdvertisementThis is the richest portion of the Sarikol province.
The richest in manuscripts is that of the Vatican, especially since the purchase of the Barberini Library in 1902; it now contains over 34,000 MSS.
It lies in the midst of the great red and brown hematite iron-ore deposits of the Mesabi Range - the richest in the Lake Superior district - and the mining and shipping of this ore are its principal industries.
In early times irrigating canals distributed the waters over the plain, and made it one of the richest countries of the East, so that historians report three crops of wheat to have been raised in Babylonia annually.
The richest ornamentation was applied to the arches and string courses, while plaques of sculpture, roundels and coats of arms adorned the facades.
AdvertisementThe Walscher Hof, formerly a royal residence and mint, was built at the end of the 13th century, and the Gothic Steinerne Haus, which since 1849 serves as town-hall, contains one of the richest archives in Bohemia.
In 1541 the richest mine was hopelessly flooded; in the insurrection of Bohemia against Ferdinand I.
The richest proprietor in the Holy Land,' but practically immune from any charges on its property, the Church helped, unconsciously, to ruin the kingdom which it should have supported above all others.
Among the enterprises of the Cid the most famous was that against Valencia, then the richest and most flourishing city of the peninsula, and an object of cupidity to both Christian and Moslem.
In defiance of an army which marched to the relief of the beleaguered city under Yusef the Almoravide, the Cid took Valencia after a siege of nine months, on the 15th of June 10 94 - the richest prize which up to that time had been recovered from the Moors.
AdvertisementFlorida, the richest class, which require drainage to fit them for cultivation.
It is unnecessary to enter on any detailed description of the frescoes which cover the walls and ceilings of the burial-chapels in the richest abundance.
Kutusov was hovering on the outskirts of the city, his main body at Kaluga, some marches to the S.W., where he was in full communication with the richest portion of the empire; and now news arrived that St.
Bagdad, accordingly, although fallen from its first eminence, continued to be a city of the first rank, and during most of that period still the richest and most splendid city in the world.
The library, situated above the principal portico, was at one time one of the richest in Europe, comprising the king's own collection, the extensive bequest of Diego de Mendoza, Philip's ambassador to Rome, the spoils of the emperor of Morocco, Muley Zidan (1603-1628) and various contributions from convents, churches and cities.
Three miles south, in Sussex, the village of Frant stands on a hill which is perhaps the finest of the many view-points in this district, commanding a wide prospect over some of the richest woodland scenery in England.
In Nicaragua the latex is collected in April, when the old leaves begin to fall and the new ones are appearing, during which time the latex is richest.
The Minusinsk district, one of the richest in Siberia (45,000 inhabitants, of whom 24,000 are nomadic), has more than 45,000 acres under crops.
Minerals.--Hungary is one of the richest countries in Europe as regards both the variety and the extent of its mineral wealth.
The richest libraries in Hungary are the National Library at Budapest; the University Library, also at Budapest, and the library of the abbey of Pannonhalma.
The richest in gold are to be found among the Main Reef series, which yields by far the greater part of the total output of gold from the Transvaal.
The gold is found in minute particles arid in the richest ores the metal is rarely in visible quantities before treatment.
From that time the gold industry made steady progress until the Rand gold mines proved the richest and most productive goldfield in the world.
Pittston is in the midst of the richest anthracite coal region of the state, and fire-clay also abounds in the vicinity.
Its fertile surroundings, its central position at the junction of several great roads, and the natural strength of its position, defended by a river along two-thirds of its circumference, all combined to make Verona one of the richest and most important cities in northern Italy, although its extent within the walls was not large.
The richest mining districts are those of Cadereyta and Toliman, where there are metallurgical works for the reduction of ores.
In his country retreat at Shizuoka he formed one of the richest libraries ever brought together in Japan, and by will he bequeathed the Japanese section of it to his eighth son, the feudal chief of Owari, and the Chinese section to his ninth son, the prince of Kishu, with the result that under the former feudatorys auspices two works of considerable merit were produced treating of ancient ceremonials and supplementing the Nikongi.
There remains, too, a wide domain in which the Chinese developed high skill, whereas the Japanese can scarcely be said to have entered it at all; namely, the domain of monochromes and polychromes, striking every note of color from the richest to the most delicate; the domain of truit and fiamb glazes, of yO-pien-yao (transmutation ware), and of egg-shell with incised or translucid decoration.
The richest coalfields are situated near Leoben, near Voitsberg and Koflach, near Eibiswald and Wies, and round Trifail, Tiiffer and Hrastnig.
The acid used to etch the surface has darkened the parts richest in copper, while those richest in tin remained white.
Lithuania is essentially an agricultural country in which the soil is richest in the old Kovno Government.
During the civil commotions which so long afflicted the country, it suffered less than most other places; and it soon afterwards attained the rank of the richest commercial town in the north of Ireland.
The knights lived apart from the Maltese, and derived their principal revenues from estates of the Order in the richest countries of Europe.
In the first three centuries of the Christian era Hippo was one of the richest cities in Roman Africa; but its chief title to fame is derived from its connexion with St Augustine, who lived here as priest and bishop for thirty-five years.
They are widely distributed throughout China Proper, but those of the province of Shansi appear to be the richest.
Its valley, much the richest portion of the state agriculturally, is celebrated for the quiet variety and beauty of its scenery.
The alluvial gold-fields were the richest ever opened up, but as these deposits have become exhausted the quartz reefs at deep levels have been exploited, and several mines are worked at depths exceeding 2000 ft.
It has ever since been known as the Conquered Territory, and it forms to-day one of the richest corn-growing districts in South Africa.
Valuable diamond mines were also discovered within the Free State, of which the one at Jagersfontein is the richest.
In 188.2 he discovered one of the richest copper deposits in the world.
But in 1834 a law was passed providing for the union of the scattered lands belonging to each proprietor, and that may be considered the dawn of modern Saxon agriculture., The richest grain districts are near Meissen, Grimma, Bautzen,.
The settlement of Auvernier in the Lake of Neuchatel is one of the richest and most considerable stations of the Bronze age.
The city is the commercial and financial centre of the state (Butte being the mining centre), and is one of the richest cities in the United States in proportion to its population, It has large railway car-shops, extensive smelters and quartz crushers (at East Helena), and various manufacturing establishments; the value of the factory product in 1905 was $1,309,746, an increase of 68.7% over that of 1900.
The church of Cobham contains one of the richest collections of ancient brasses in England.
Its pulpit is decorated with the richest polychrome mosaic that can be found anywhere in Sicily or south Italy, and is quite Moslem in its brilliance.
Thus a very complete settlement of much of the richest agricultural land in the country has been effected.
Czechoslovakia indeed is one of the richest states of Europe in mineral and health-giving waters, and possesses more than 200 watering places and health resorts.
Copper, silver, lead, and zinc are found in considerable quantities, and as regards quicksilver, Kwei-chow is probably the richest country in the world.
The Santa Maria mines of Sonora, Mexico, probably the richest deposits in the world, supply the American lead pencil manufacturers.
In 1646 he was sent at the head of an extraordinary mission to France, and on his return married the queen's cousin Marie Euphrosyne of Zweibri cken, who, being but a poor princess, benefited greatly by her wedding with the richest of the Swedish magnates.
But Caesar, for party reasons, was bound to oppose the execution of the conspirators; while Crassus, who shared in the accusation, was the richest man in Rome and the least likely to further anarchist plots.
But the most fatal part of the policy of the Society was its activity, wealth and importance as a great trading firm with branch houses scattered over the richest countries of the world.
Before the secularization of the monastic lands in 1864, it was one of the richest and most important of the Rumanian monasteries.
But its aristocratic organization, based as this was on property qualifications which gave the greatest voting power to the richest men, prevented it from being a fitting channel for the expression of plebeian claims. Hence the plebs adopted a new political organization of their own.
The least respected legislatures are those of the richest and most populous states, such as New York and Pennsylvania, because in such states the opportunities offered to persons devoid of scruple are the largest.
North of the mineral region is the "Cereal Belt," embracing the Tennessee Valley and the counties beyond, whose richest soils are the red clays and dark loams of the river valley; north of which are less fertile soils, produced by siliceous and sandstone formations.
Rio de Janeiro is the seaport for a large area of the richest, most productive and most thickly settled parts of Brazil, including the states of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Geraes and a small part of eastern Salo Paulo.
The river crosses the richest agricultural and timber districts of the state, and railways connect it with the mineral regions of north central Alabama.
This foundation is the oldest and richest of the kind in Austria; it owns much of the land upon which the north-western suburbs of Vienna stand.
It derives its name from the Seljuk emir who took Tralles, and is the richest and most productive province of Asiatic Turkey.
All they can boast of is the destruction of its population and products, so that the number of inhabitants of one of the richest valleys in the world is less to-day than it was four centuries ago.
The deposits of zinc in the vicinity of Beuthen are perhaps the richest in the world, and produce twothirds of the zinc ore of Germany (609.000 tons).
The richest portion of the vilayet lies east of the capital in the rolling plains watered by tributaries of the Tigris.
Among the industries are manufactures of cotton, lace and embroidered muslins, and carriage-building, and there are also large market gardens, the district being famed especially for its apples, and some dairy-farming; but the prosperity of the town depends chiefly upon the coal and ironstone of the surrounding country, which is the richest mineral field in Scotland.
A zigzag highway, regarded as a triumph of engineering, winds through the mountain passes between Cettigne and the Austrian seaport of Cattaro; and other good roads give access to the richest parts of the interior.
In includes perhaps the richest and best-developed districts of northern Sumatra, namely, Deli (with an assistant-resident), Langkat, Serdang, &c. - districts little known in 1873, but by the beginning of the 20th century famous among the chief tobacco-producing countries in the world.
That the north temperate regions appear richest in fungi may be due only to the fact that North America and Europe have been much more thoroughly investigated than other countries; it is certain that the tropics are the home of very numerous species.
Though it contains far too much sulphur to be used in iron manufacture without first being desulphurized, yet great quantities of slightly cupriferous pyrite, after yielding nearly all their sulphur in the manufacture of sulphuric acid, and most of the remainder in the wet extraction of their copper, are then used under the name of " blue billy " or " purple ore," as an ore of iron, a use which is likely to increase greatly in importance with the gradual exhaustion of the richest deposits of the oxidized ores.
The two assertions are not to be reconciled by pointing out that Professor Tornebohm underestimated, for instance crediting the United States with only 1 1 billion tons, whereas the United States Geological Survey's expert credits that country with from ten to twenty times this quantity; nor by pointing out that only certain parts of Europe and a relatively small part of North America have thus far been carefully explored for iron ore, and that the rest of these two continents and South America, Asia and Africa may reasonably be expected to yield very great stores of iron, and that pyrite, one of the richest and most abundant of ores, has not been included.
The sea otter, one of the richest and rarest of furs, especially for men's wear, is an exception to this unhairing process, which it does not require, the hair being of the same length as the wool, silky and bright, quite the reverse of the case of other aquatic animals.
This peculiar character alone stamps it as a distinguished fur, in addition to which it has the excellent advantage of being the most durable fur for carriage aprons, as well as the richest in colour.
The quarter north-east of Kongens Nytor y and Gothersgaden is the richest in the city, including the palaces of Amalienborg, the castle and gardens of Rosenborg and several mansions of the nobility.
It is richest near Uniontown, and in 1907 produced 6,310,900 tons of coke, making it second only to Connellsville.
These years are the richest so far as literary production is concerned.
The great mineral wealth of the Rhine province probably furnishes its most substantial claim to the title of the "richest jewel in the crown of Prussia."
The diamond here occurs in river gravels and sands associated with the same minerals as in Minas Geraes; since 1844 the richest mines have been worked in the Serra de Cincora, where the mountains are intersected by the river Paraguassu and its tributaries; it is said that there were as many as 20,000 miners working here in 1845, and it was estimated that 54,000 carats were produced in Bahia in 1858.
The decoration is in the richest Gothic style, and is especially admirable in the case of the windows.
The picture galleries of Dresden, Munich and Cassel still rival that at Berlin, though the latter is rapidly becoming one of the richest in the world in works of the great masters, largely at the cost of the private collections of England.
His best work is found in the volume of odes called The Unknown Eros, which is full not only of passages but of entire poems in which exalted thought is expressed in poetry of the richest and most dignified melody.
The east coast, nearest to Greece and richest in good harbours, was occupied first.
A new standard of sumptuousness and splendour was set up in the richest stratum of society.
The numismatic collection, as regards the period of the caliphs and later dynasties, is one of the richest in the world.
They held the richest and therefore the most populous lands, and geographically they were nearer than their neighbours to western civilization..
It is the richest town of Berar, with the most numerous and substantial commercial population.
Transylvania possesses the richest gold mines in Europe, and this metal is also " washed " in some of the streams, chiefly by gipsies.
Of his drawings, which for students are the most vitally interesting part of his works, the richest collections are in the Albertina at Vienna, the Berlin Museum and the British Museum.
It is also the centre of one of the richest coalfields in South Africa.
The centre of interest, however, is the ruined abbey, originally one of the richest in Scotland.
This grand feat of arms was marked by many points of interest, such as the capture of the Dutch ships, which were frozen in the Helder, by the French hussars, and the splendid discipline of the ragged battalions in Amsterdam, who, with the richest city of the continent to sack, yet behaved with a self-restraint which few revolutionary and Napoleonic armies attained.
This consummated Fox's work in the north, and in 1501 he was once more translated to Winchester, then reputed the richest bishopric in England.
The city is in one of the richest coal regions of the state, and ranks high as a manufacturing centre, pork-packing, and the manufacture of iron and steel, machinery and agricultural and mining implements being the leading industries.
Taken as a whole, the lieutenantgovernorship consists of the richest wheat-bearing country in India, irrigated both naturally by the rivers which take their rise in the northern mountains, and artificially by the magnificent system of canals which owe their origin to British enterprise.
It lies on rocky heights above a region of stoneless alluvium on the east, and with the largest and richest plain in Korea on the west.
A part of the cotton lands of Arkansas are among the richest in the south.
These were the richest " placers," but in them the gold was very unequally distributed.
The former is supported with very great liberality by the state; and the latter, the endowment of which is private (the state, however, exempting it from taxation), is one of the richest educational institutions of America.
These gilds would, where they existed, no doubt also influence the management of town affairs; but nowhere has the Rat, as used to be thought, developed out of a gild, nor has the latter anywhere in Germany played a part at all similar in importance to that of the English gild merchant, the only exception being for a time the Richerzeche, or Gild of the Rich of Cologne, from early times by far the largest, the richest, and the most important trading centre among German cities, and therefore provided with an administration more complex, and in some respects more primitive, than any other.
Formerly among the richest and most influential of the free imperial towns, Nuremberg is one of the few cities of Europe that have retained their medieval aspect largely unimpaired.
The shrine of St Sebald, in the church of St Sebald, consisting of a bronze sarcophagus and canopy, in the richest Gothic style, adorned with numerous statues and reliefs, is looked upon as one of the greatest achievements of German art.
His marriage brought him an increase of about $100,000 in his property, making him one of the richest men in the colonies; and he was able to develop his plantation and enlarge its extent.
Until he was about forty he seems to have enjoyed a very moderate allowance from his father, but in the latter part of his life he was left a fortune which made him one of the richest men of his time.
Of much more importance are the manganiferous and the silver manganiferous ores, which are much the richest of the country.
But the richest locality as regards ancient ecclesiastical architecture is the island of Gotland (q.v.).
It is sometimes called the " Vale of Chile," and is the richest and most thicklypopulated part of the republic. It is a highly fertile region, is well watered by numerous streams from the Andes, has a moderate rainfall, and forms an agricultural and grazing region of great productiveness.
The second most important mining industry in Chile, however, is that of copper, which is found in the provinces of Antofagasta, Atacama, Coquimbo, Aconcagua, Valparaiso, Santiago, O'Higgins, Colchagua, Curico and Talca, but the richest deposits are in the three desert provinces.
Among the non-metallic minerals are nitrate of soda, borate of lime, coal, salt and sulphur, together with various products derived from these minerals, such as iodine, sulphuric acid, &c. Guano is classed among the mineral products and still figures as an export, though the richest Chilean deposits were exhausted long before the war with Peru.
The richest deposits of nickel, cobalt and antimony ores are also situated in localities where there is little water and the nearest useful fuel some hundred miles away.
These were all the richest and most important northern provinces of Persia.
It is the natural outlet for the commerce of some of the richest parts of Honduras, Nicaragua and Salvador; and during the 19th century it exported large quantities of gold, silver and other ores, although its progress was retarded by the delay in constructing a transcontinental railway from Puerto Cortes.
The third Attalus of Pergamum bequeathed Ephesus with the rest of his possessions to the Roman people, and it became for a while the chief city, and for longer the first port, of the province of Asia, the richest in the empire.
The Witwatersrand series of the Transvaal includes auriferous conglomerates which have been worked since 1886 and constitute the richest gold-mines in the world.
The diamondiferous areas at Kimberley and in the Pretoria district are likewise the richest known.
Four years before, Fenelon had been appointed archbishop of Cambrai, one of the richest benefices in France.
Tropical Asia is richest in species; in Africa there are very few.
The ranges of the Himalaya, from the border of Tibet to the plains, form a zoological region which is one of the richest of the world, particularly in respect to birds, to which the forest-clad mountains offer almost every range of temperature.
Of these Dost Mahommed received for his share Ghazni, to which in 1826 he added Kabul, the richest of the Afghan provinces.
But its flora is the richest in Europe, and combines with the brilliant sunshine, the vivid but harmonious costumes of the peasantry, and the white or paletinted houses to compensate for any such deficiency.
Wykeham's first benefice was the rectory of Pulham, the richest in Norfolk, worth X53 a year, or some £1600 of our money, to which he was presented on the 30th of November 1357.
He obtained the archdeaconry of Northampton on the 26th of April, and resigned it on the 12th of June, having been promoted to that of Lincoln, the richest of all his preferments, on the 23rd of May.
Meanwhile he had been made chancellor on the 17th of September 1367 - thus at the age of forty-three he held the richest ecclesiastical, and the best-paid civil, office in the kingdom at the same time.
This is one of the richest districts of Bolivia and is capable of sustaining a large population.
The West church, formerly called after St, Boniface, the apostle of Germany, was once the richest in Friesland, and belonged from an early date to the cathedral chapter at Utrecht, where, until the Reformation, the pastor of Medemblik had a seat in the cathedral.
The production of the next richest county, Owyhee, in 1907, was less than one tenth that of Shoshone county, which yields, besides, about one half of the lead mined in the United States, its product of lead being valued at $9,851,076 in 1904, at $14,365,265 in 1906, and at $12,232,233 (state report) in 1907.
The Ethiopians possessed the richest part of Arabia, carried on a large trade, which extended as far as India and Ceylon, and were in constant communication with the Greek empire.
In 1908 the richest producers of gold were Salt Lake (60,872.63 oz.), Juab (58,679.17 oz.) and Tooele (41,969.96 oz.) counties, which produced about nine-tenths of the total for the state; in Salt Lake and Juab counties the principal source was copper ore, but in Tooele county almost all the gold was from siliceous ores.
The richest tracts lie in the centre.
The lower region of the Ganges is the richest and most productive portion of Bengal, abounding in valuable produce.
Ayuthia is the chief town of one of the richest agricultural provincial divisions of Siam and is the headquarters of a high commissioner.
The department of Cauca is considered to be the richest of the republic in mineral deposits, but it is less conveniently situated for carrying on mining operations.
In each parish two consuls, assisted by a local council, decide matters relating to roads, police, taxes, the division of pastures, the right to collect wood, &c. Such matters, as well as the general internal administration of the territory, are finally regulated by a Council General of 24 members (4 to each parish), elected since 1866 by the suffrages of all heads of families, but previously confined to an aristocracy composed of the richest and oldest families, whose supremacy had been preserved by the principle of primogeniture.
Yet the vast arid plains are covered with shallow beds of the richest soil, which only require the fertilizing power of water to render them available for pasture or agriculture.
The museum of Palermo, the richest in the island, has been transferred from the university to the former monastery of the Filippini.
The Harz is one of the richest mineral storehouses in Germany, and the chief industry is mining, which has been carried on since the middle of the 10th century.
Built in part upon "made land," well protected by levees, and lying within the richest cottonproducing region of the south, the rich timber country of the St Francis river, and the Mississippi "bottom lands," Helena concentrates its economic interests in cotton-compressing and shipping, the manufacture of cotton-seed products, lumbering and wood-working.
The richest zone is that which comes next, extending downwards to 5000 and 4500 ft.
But the richest of all the sources of wealth in Attica was the silver mines of Laurium, the yield of which was so considerable as to render silver the principal medium of exchange in Greece, so that "a silver piece" (apybpcov) was the Greek equivalent term for money.
The richest collections of Revolution pamphlets are in the Bibliotheque Nationale of Paris and in the British Museum.
The province is heavily forested, and is estimated to be one of the richest of the protectorate in natural products.
By a succession of gifts the abbey became one of the richest in England and was the largest Cistercian foundation in the kingdom.
Mining, however, is the chief industry, Sinaloa being one of the richest mineral-producing states in the republic. Gold, silver, copper, iron and lead are found.
The richest coal and lignite seams occur among the north-eastern mountains, generally near the Danube or Timok, and along the Morava.
There can be little doubt that this absorption softened and enriched the Serbo-Croatian dialects, a process to which climatic conditions and intercourse with Italy also contributed, until Serbo-Croatian became one of the richest and most melodious of Slavonic languages.
Of all the Servian dialects the most correct, richest and softest is the Herzegovinian or Zetta-Bosnian dialect.
The looms of Suchow and the tea plantations of Ngan-hui, together with the rice of this "garden of China," for many years before treaty days, supplied the Shanghai junks with their richest freight.
Many of the early settlers were well-to-do and brought their slaves with them, and for many years the settlement was reputed the richest in the colony.
The richest land occurs in the Zagorje and its neighbourhood, in the hills near Warasdin and in the northern half of Syrmia.
Gold is found almost all over the region of crystalline rocks, except in and around the Antsihanaka province, the richest auriferous districts being a band of country parallel with the east coast and spreading at its southern end into the interior; and another tract, whose centre is about 100 m.
He died in April 1509, undoubtedly the richest prince in Christendom.
The eastern district, traversed by the most westerly offshoots of the Erzgebirge and watered by the Pleisse and its tributaries, forms an undulating and fertile region, containing some of the richest agricultural soil in Germany.
Some of the richest petroleum fields in Europe are spread in the region of the Carpathians, and are worked at Boryslaw and Schodnica near Drohobycz, Bobrka and Potok near Krosno, Sloboda-Rungurska near Kolomea, &c. Great quantities of ozocerite are also extracted in the petroliferous region of the Carpathians.
Navarre is one of the richest provinces of Spain in live stock.
Feudalism had gained ground in the 8th century; feudalism it was which had raised the first Carohingian to the throne as being the richest and most powerful person in Austrasia; and Charlemagne with all his power had been as utterly unable as the Merovingians to revive the idea of an abstract and impersonal state.
Barking was celebrated for its nunnery, one of the oldest and richest in England, founded about 670 by Erkenwald, bishop of London, and restored in 970.
The still more celebrated mercury mines of Almaden, the richest in the world till the discovery of the Californian mines of New Almaden, belong to Ciudad Real, and this province, together with that of Oviedo, furnishes the whole of the Spanish production of this mineral.
The result was that the king of Lydia became the richest prince of his age.
On its way through Portugal the Douro traverses the Paiz do Vinho, one of the richest wine-producing territories in the world; large quantities of wine are conveyed to Oporto in sailing boats.
Possibly the Falkland Islands are richest in species, though, as individuals, they King-Penguin (Aptenodytes pennanti).
It is certain, however, that the finer-grained rocks are richest in alumina, and in combined water; hence the inference is clear that kaolin or some other hydrous aluminium silicate is the dominating constituent.
Naturally there are no great river-basins or extensive plains, but one of the features of the island is the frequent occurrence, not only along the coasts, but at various heights inland, of beautiful stretches of level ground often covered with the richest pastures.
Tropical oils and mother's milk are by far the richest food sources of medium chain fatty acids available.
It is the Richest source of gamma linolenic acid (GLA) - up to 25% .
Motion capture is the richest source of data on human motion for computer animation.
Minogue's fluffy image is at odds with the astute businesswoman who is the fifth richest woman in the UK music industry.
Not us, because this ingenious manual coffee maker produces the richest, smoothest brew in under 30 seconds... .
At the time he was described as the richest commoner in England having made his fortune from Soldiering and Coal mining in Durham.
The limestone dales provide some of the richest habitats in Britain.
And if we are to avoid the debacle of Seattle and the disappointments of Cancun the richest countries must agree to move.
The richest area of brown seaweed with its accompanying abundant animal life is the kelp forest.
It must also be gratifying for the world's richest man to receive so hearty an endorsement from the second richest.
Miss Morstan, could we secure her rights, would change from a needy governess to the richest heiress in England.
By 1992 world indebtedness exceeded even the total gross domestic product of the richest (OECD) countries.
Now, you can become an innkeeper, a famous musician, or the richest gambler ever!
I don't mean simply the annual jamboree for the leaders of the world's richest and most powerful states.
Top K Knocker A Cornish mine spirit, which was said to knock at the richest lodes.
This kingdom, covering from Wiltshire to Cornwall, is the area richest in Arthurian lore.
One of the richest areas in the country for birding, the great green macaw is one of the highlights.
The doors of the two ends are of the richest mahogany, French polished.
Carnegie went on to become the richest man in the world.
Life is but momentary, whether you have the poverty of the poorest man in rags or the wealth of the richest living person.
Much of the nation was then taken away captive to Babylon - one of the richest but most pagan and immoral of cities.
For three miles together, there is the richest profusion of scenery.
The core stumbling block remains the extent to which the richest nations cut their agricultural protectionism.
On the basis of a genuinely socialist planned economy, it could be the richest country on earth.
By far the richest natural source comes from coconut which is composed mainly of MCT.
At the end of the 1970s the richest tenth of the population received 21% of disposable income.
Tony Robbins is not the best NLP trainer out there, but he is the richest because he knows how to market himself.
The river Piddle slowly wends its way through a fertile valley of some of Dorset's richest farmland.
He followed the Tigris into Babylonia, the central seat of the empire and its richest region, and from Babylon went on to seize the fabulous riches which the Persian kings had amassed in their spring residence, Susa.
The richest grave of all was explored at Vaphio in Laconia in 1889, and yielded, besides many gems and miscellaneous goldsmiths' work, two golden goblets chased with scenes of bull-hunting, and certain broken vases painted in a large bold style which remained an enigma till the excavation of Cnossus.
The west entrance is later than the rest of the edifice and is of the richest Renaissance Gothic, a little earlier than the Porta della Carta.
It is now the second most populous (109,161 inhabitants) town (ranking after Zurich) in the Swiss Confederation, while it is reputed to be the richest, the number of resident millionaires (in francs) exceeding that of any other Swiss town.
Gandia is on the left bank of the river Alcoy or Set-pis, which waters one of the richest and most populous plains of Valencia and enters the Mediterranean Sea at the small harbour of Gandia (El Grao), 3 m.
Of the epic poets of the Silver Age P. Papinius Statius (c. 45-96) shows the greatest technical skill and the richest pictorial fancy in the execution of detail; but his epics have no true inspiring motive, and, although the recitation of the Thebaid could attract and charm an audience in the days of Juvenal, it really belongs to the class of poems so unsparingly condemned both by him and Martial.
As these richest ores are exhausted, poorer and poorer ones will be used, and the cost of iron will increase progressively if measured either in units of the actual energy used in mining and smelting it, or in its power of purchasing animal and vegetable products, cotton, wool, corn, &c., the supply of which is renewable and indeed capable of very great increase, but probably not if measured in its power of purchasing the various mineral products, e.g.
No other hand could have ventured to render the hair and beard of a sitter, as it was the habit of this inveterate linearist to do, not by indication of masses, but by means of an infinity of single lines swept, with a miraculous certainty and fineness of touch, in the richest amd most intricate of decorative curves.
It looks poorest when you are richest.
If instead of imagining to ourselves commanders of genius leading the Russian army, we picture that army without any leaders, it could not have done anything but make a return movement toward Moscow, describing an arc in the direction where most provisions were to be found and where the country was richest.
Scotland has some of our richest swathes of forest.
Nice to know that it helps to swell the vast coffers of the richest billionaires in the land.
We are treasure hunters in search of the richest gems of life.
The river Piddle slowly wends its way through a fertile valley of some of Dorset 's richest farmland.
The gap between our richest and poorest neighborhoods has widened dramatically.
Even youth groups and schools have jumped on board the composting wagon and use these composters to make the richest compost and then sell it to fund trips and other activities.
You can use this method in the smoky eye to get the richest color next to the lashes.
Animal products are one of the richest sources of vitamin B12.
Smith consistently ranks on Forbes 40 Richest Under 40 lists.
Forbes magazine listed Duff as one of the richest young stars under 25.
Forbes magazine listed Simpson as one of the "2006 Richest Young Celebrities," with earnings of $8.3 million for 2005.
He is one of the richest teenagers in the United Kingdom.
She is known as the "nation's richest African-American," according to
Yes, most people could easily get by on $1,500 a week to enjoy themselves, but we're talking about a woman ranked 12 on the Forbes Richest Women in Entertainment list.
Who are some of the richest movie stars?
A rundown of some of the richest movie stars may not be a true reflection of earnings, however, as how an actor manages his money is what determines his true net worth.
With the ever-changing landscape of Tinseltown, new names are sure to be added to the list of richest stars.
There are certainly a group of stars who come to mind when thinking of the list of richest celebrities.
Trump is still one of the richest celebs despite having two ex-wives, and is teaching his children to follow in his footsteps.
Every year Forbes releases its Celebrity 100, their list of the 100 richest celebrities in every area from acting to music to sports.
A rundown of some of the richest movie stars may not be a true reflection of earnings as it is how an actor manages his money is what determines his true net worth.
Clematis in Colors - In this the general effect of the whole, the abundance and duration of the flowers, and the purity and brilliancy of their colors, are the prime factors, enabling plant-lovers to obtain the richest effects.
In Normandy, Daffodils by millions light up the woods in April, while many fine forms are wild in Spain and in the Pyrenean region, and the richest of golden Daffodils come from Spain and Portugal.
Two-year-old seedling plants of it bloom in June and July, and amongst them will be found an endless variety of colors from white to the richest plum, the deep blues being very rich.
The peony revels in the deepest and richest of soils, and once well planted is good for a dozen years without disturbance.
The dark green leaves often measure a foot or more in each sense, and in autumn they take the richest shades of yellow, brown, crimson, and scarlet.
This is owed to their grace and handsome foliage, which affords the richest of colors, including yellows, purples, and crimsons.
The DS had one of the richest releases of video games of any system in 2005.
One of the richest sources of phytoestrogens is soy products, such as tofu.
It is one of the richest sources of genealogical data available on the Internet, along with Family (the Mormon Church genealogy website) and GenWeb.
Banks, who is ranked as one of the world's richest African Americans, promised to reveal her natural hair in front of millions of viewers.
One of the richest areas in the country for oil production is Alaska.
Colombia has one of the richest, if not the richest varieties of butterflies in the world, and that was inspiration for the other suit.
Salads and fresh fruits are the richest sources.
Blueberries are one of the richest sources.
In addition to being the richest and most bioavailable source of Omega 3s, krill oil will not cause any of the side effects associated with fish oil such as fish burp, gas or fish breath.
Millionaire's Estate, where the richest player to retire there receives 4 extra Life tiles and players may draw from your Life tiles if the pile runs out.
According to a 2007 slideshow by Forbes, Oprah Winfrey made the list of the "Richest 20 Women in Entertainment," netting an impressive $2 million every year, and over $225 million each year from a variety of other sources.
By highlighting large stones of incomparable quality and setting them in minute invisible settings, Harry Winston rings appeared to float above the richest fingers in the world.
Use of the richest metals, including platinum and 18 karat yellow gold.
Executives wouldn't offer specifics, but insiders note that Lucci's salary cut will not affect her status as one of the richest women on TV.
You can be assured that while these desserts taste like they were made with the richest, calorie dense ingredients, they are friendly to the waistline when eaten in appropriate serving sizes.
For the true gourmet coffee lover, no other way of making a cup of coffee ensures the richest flavor and aroma than purchasing green, gourmet beans.
America fell in love with her, modeling opportunities became plentiful, and as a result she has become one of the richest models in the world, with a personal fortune worth over 150 million dollars.
Satin is shiny and often comes in the richest, most beautiful shades sure to complement anyone's skin tone.
Bear in mind that the Romans brought home interesting food from wherever they conquered and the elite loved to have the richest of foods they could manage.
Adding his Clancy character Jack Ryan to the mix, Harrison Ford has been in most of the highest grossing films of all time, and is reported the richest actor alive.
Shea butter - Known as one of the world's richest moisturizers, this conditioning agent leaves the skin as soft as it can be.
Ultimate Day Moisturizer is the richest day cream available in the Kinerase Core Collection.
Somewhat relieved, she read his biography, impressed by his clientele, who ranged from heads of countries around the world to the richest families on the planet.
He was then sent as governor to Sicily, the richest of the Roman provinces.
Having borne the title of duke of Montpensier until his grandfather's death in 1752, he became duke of Chartres, and in 1769 married Louise Marie Adelaide de Bourbon-Penthievre, daughter and heiress of the duke of Penthievre, grand admiral of France, and the richest heiress of the time.
Her wealth made it certain that he would be the richest man in France, and he determined to play a part equal to that of his great-grandfather, the regent, whom he resembled in character and debauchery.
It was one of the eighteen richest cities of Italy which the triumviri selected as a reward for their troops.
Magnetite, or magnetic iron, the richest of all iron ores, is found in abundance near Wallerawang in New South Wales.
Manganese probably exists in all the states, deposits having been found in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia, the richest specimens being found in New South Wales.
One of the richest has been found at Greta in the Hunter river district; it contains an average thickness of 41 ft.
Thus at the close of the 14th century, despite the constant wars between the feudal sovereigns who held sway in the Netherlands, the vigorous municipal life had fostered industry and commerce, and had caused Flanders in particular to become the richest possession in the world.
Passing now to typical examples, the beginning must be made with Babylonia, which is also the richest source of our knowledge of the details of the rite.
Besides the mineral water baths there are also moor or mud-baths, and the peat used for these baths is the richest in iron in the world.
The province is not notably well suited to agriculture, but in forests it is the richest in Prussia, and the timber trade is large.
The richest, however, of the co-operative societies, though few in number, are those for the production of electricity, for textile industries and for ceramic and glass manufactures.
The richest is that of Girgenti, with 6304, and the poorest that of Porto Maurizio, with only 246.
The Amazon basin is the richest area in the world in palms, of which the Cocoineae are confined to South America, except the coco-nut, which has perhaps spread thence into Polynesia and eastward.
Owing to the comparatively scanty number of harmful mammalian types, the birds play a considerable part in this large region, and some authorities consider its avifauna the richest in the world.
Eger is an old town, and owes its importance to the bishopric created' by King Stephen in ioio, which was one of the richest in the whole of Hungary.
These mines are the richest in Austria, and among the most remarkable in the world.
Nevada, and thence past the Colorado river into Arizona, is one of the richest mineral belts in the world.
One of the neighbouring mines, the Proprietary, is the richest in the world; gold is associated with the silver; large quantities of lead, good copper lodes, zinc and tin are also found.
For himself he obtained, in addition to his archbishopric and lord chancellorship, the abbey of St Albans, reputed to be the richest in England, and the bishopric first of Bath and Wells, then of Durham, and finally that of Winchester.
Again, although from the richest old permanent meadow-lands very heavy crops of hay are taken season after season, the general average yield of permanent grass is about 3 cwt.
Gmelin availed himself of every publication he could, but he perhaps found his richest booty in the labours of Latham, neatly condensing his English descriptions into Latin diagnoses, and bestowing on them binomial names.
It is remarkable for a porch ornamented in the richest Gothic style, and for its stained windows of the 16th century.
Volsinii was reputed the richest of the twelve cities of Etruria.
In alluvial deposits the richest ground is usually found in contact with the "bed rock"; and, when the overlying cover of gravel is very thick, or, as sometimes happens, when the older gravel is covered with a flow of basalt, regular mining by shafts and levels, as in what are known as tunnel-claims, may be required to reach the auriferous ground.
The poorest Berber has as great a voice in affairs as the richest.
They extend River from the Bay of Bengal on the east to the Afghan frontier and the Arabian Sea on the west, and contain the richest and most densely crowded provinces of the empire.
One of the richest and most delicious of Indian fishes is the hilsa (Chepea ilisha), which tastes and looks like a fat white salmon.
Several of the richest and best educated Filipinos were convicted of treason and banished.
There is, however, a well-marked type to which many of the richest clusters belong; these are the globular clusters.
Blast furnaces of large size, built of brick, have been constructed for treating the richest and more silicious ores of Rio Tinto, and the Rio Tinto Company has introduced converters at the mine.
Lancaster county has long been one of the richest agricultural counties in the United States, its annual products being valued at about $10,000,000; in 1906 the value of the tobacco crop was about $3,225,000, and there were 824 manufactories of cigars in the county.
The species and the numerous hybrids which have been obtained artificially, show a great variety in size and colour of the flower, including the richest deep crimson and blood-red, white, or with striped, mottled or blended colours.
These counties supply the richest ore in the United Kingdom.
Guillaume de Saint Yon is cited as the richest butcher of the Grande Boucherie in the 14th century.
The richest deposits of silver are those of Wood river and of the Coeur d'Alene district in Shoshone county (opened up in 1886); the county's product in 1906 was valued at $5,322,706, an increase of $917,743 over the preceding year; in 1907 it was $4,780,093, according to state reports.
Some of the richest lignite fields in Europe are found in the north-east corner of Bohemia round Briix, Dux, Falkenau, Ossegg and Teplitz.
The Chandni Chauk ("silver street"), the principal street of Delhi, which was once supposed to be the richest street in the world, has fallen from its high estate, though it is still a broad and imposing avenue with a double row of trees running down the centre.
Here, as in the Reformation, controversy called out the richest product.
Throughout Hereford, and in part of Monmouthshire, the Old Red Sandstone sinks to a great undulating plain, traversed by the exquisite windings of the Wye, and forming some of the richest pasture and fruit lands of England.
The Eastern Division is the richest part of England agriculturally, it is the part most accessible to trade with the Continent, and that least adapted for providing refuges for small bodies of men in conflict with powerful invaders.
The richest iron-mining district in England and in the United Kingdom is the Cleveland district of the North Riding of Yorkshire.
Here the percentage is over 50, but the ore, though the richest found in the kingdom, is less plentiful, about 1.1 million tons being raised in 1903 as against more than 52 millions in Cleveland.
The second salmon stream is the Nushagak, flowing into Bristol Bay; this bay is the richest fishing field of Alaska, furnishing in 1901, 35% of the total production.
The wealth of Katanga in copper is great, the richest deposits being in the southern districts, adjacent to the Northern Rhodesia border.
On the other hand, if you take the forty richest countries, each person earns on average around $33,000.
I base that expectation in part on the fact that today, many of us already live in more comfort than the richest king in the world did two hundred years ago.
With a little more wit we might use these materials so as to become richer than the richest now are, and make our civilization a blessing.
I think that the richest vein is somewhere hereabouts; so by the divining-rod and thin rising vapors I judge; and here I will begin to mine.
The Cossacks sold the horse for two gold pieces, and Rostov, being the richest of the officers now that he had received his money, bought it.
What Pierre did not know was that the place where they presented him with bread and salt and wished to build a chantry in honor of Peter and Paul was a market village where a fair was held on St. Peter's day, and that the richest peasants (who formed the deputation) had begun the chantry long before, but that nine tenths of the peasants in that villages were in a state of the greatest poverty.
He had a brilliant position in society thanks to his intimacy with Countess Bezukhova, a brilliant position in the service thanks to the patronage of an important personage whose complete confidence he enjoyed, and he was beginning to make plans for marrying one of the richest heiresses in Petersburg, plans which might very easily be realized.
The church offered the richest field for exploitation, and in spite of his dissolute life he impudently prayed the regent to give him the archbishopric of Cambray, the richest in France.
The valley below is filled with the richest vegetation, the undergrowth being largely composed of azaleas and rhododendrons.
On the Australian side the fact that Tasmania is richest in marsupial types indicates the gate by which they entered.
In New South Wales the principal centre of this industry is Hillgrove, near Armidale, where Other the Eleanora Mine, one of the richest in the state, is minerals.
There he wavered between the two richest heiresses, Julie and Princess Mary.