Ribs Sentence Examples
The two arch ribs are 652 ft.
I've got a black and blue mark on my ribs from his version of Saturday night fever.
Destiny's little fingers wiggled on Carmen's ribs and she laughed.
She was bruised all over and wondered if her ribs were broken as well.
She brought her elbow around into his ribs and the air escaped his lungs in a startled groan of protest.
She closed her eyes and pushed herself up, her breath catching at the sharp pain in her ribs.
Warmth flooded up her neck and her heart hammered against her ribs.
It had five cast iron arched ribs with a centre span of zoo ft.
Lastly the number of trunk-vertebrae is always nineteen, while there are generally thirteen pairs of ribs.
This pad varies much; it is morphologically the homologue of the pair of basiventral elements which by their lateral extension give origin to the corresponding ribs.
AdvertisementIt is of thin membranous consistence, usually obtuse, often bifid, and possesses no central rib or nerve, but has two lateral ones, one on either side; the margins are frequently folded in at the ribs, which thus become placed at the sharp angles.
One of the distinctive features of this family is the presence of small naked callosities on the buttocks; another being a difference in the number of vertebrae and ribs as compared with those of the Simiidae.
Secondary deposits are apt to form also in the liver and they may cause the appearance of a bulging below the ribs on the right side.
The vertebrae, the ribs, and the bones in general, are given to their cattle by the Icelanders, and by the Kamtchatdales to their dogs.
If the table has a pattern engraved upon it the glass will show the same pattern in relief, the most frequent pattern of the kind being either small parallel ridges or larger ribs crossing to form a lozenge pattern.
AdvertisementThe vaults are gracefully painted with floreated bands along the ribs and central patterns in each "cell," in rich soft colours on a white plastered ground.
Thus, for a diamond-petal diaper the chisel is carried across the face of the metal horizontally, tracing a number of parallel bands divided at fixed intervals by ribs which are obtained by merely straightening the chisel and striking it a heavy blow.
Heavy ribs of tile-cresting with large terminals are carried along the ridge and the slope of the gable.
Sometimes painting is introduced into these panels and lacquer and metal clasps are added to the ribs.
Their organs of locomotion are the ribs, the number of which is very great, nearly corresponding to that of the vertebrae of the trunk.
AdvertisementWhen a part of the body has found some projection of the ground which affords it a point of support, the ribs are drawn more closely together, on alternate sides, thereby producing alternate bends of the body.
About onehalf of the total coal (or less) is obtained in the first working; the roof is then allowed to fall, and when the gob is sufficiently consolidated, fresh roads are driven through it to obtain the ribs and pillars left behind by a second or even, in some cases, a third, _!?/i _ ?
In the former the main supporting member or members may be an arch ring or arched ribs, suspension chains or ropes, or a pair of girders, beams or trusses.
Southwark bridge over the Thames, designed by John Rennie with cast iron ribs and erected in 1814-1819, has a centre FIG.
This had two arched ribs formed by the cast iron pipes through which the water passed.
AdvertisementAll that needed to be done was to fish the fractured ribs of the high arches, put oval holes in the fishes, and not screw up the bolts too tight.
The arch is formed by two lattice ribs hinged at the abutments.
The lattice girders of the side spans were first rolled into place, so as to project some distance beyond the piers, and then the arch ribs were built out, being partly supported by wire-rope cables from (3) Draw or Bascule Bridges.
Skeleton towers on the piers supported chains attached to the arched ribs at suitable points.
In conformity with these reductions the breastbone of the moas is devoid of any coracoidal facets; there is no trace of a keel, and the number of sternal ribs is reduced to three or even two pairs.
Pleurodont lizards with well-developed limbs; without temporal bony arches; postthoracic ribs united across the abdomen.
Among the ammonites the loss of power to coil the shell is one feature of racial old age, and in others old age is accompanied by closer coiling and loss of surface ornamentation, such as spines, ribs, spirals; while in other forms an arresting of variability precedes extinction.
The right surface of the liver is covered with peritoneum and is in contact with the diaphragm, outside which are the pleura and lower ribs.
Pectinidae.-Shell with radiating ribs; dorsal border with two auriculae.
The dorsal and lumbar vertebrae are very numerous, 28 to 30, of which 21 or 22 bear ribs.
It is formed chiefly of slates, grits and porphyries of the Cambrian and Silurian systems. It consists of five "ribs" converging at the summit, 3560 ft.
Gloxinias, begonias, &c., grow readily from fragments of the leaves cut clean through the thick veins and ribs, and planted edgewise like cuttings.
No shell-eyes, slits in the valves 1-7 corresponding with the ribs of the tegmentum.
Besides the midrib there are two intra-marginal ribs which converge to the apex.
In all the instances already alluded to the leaves have been considered as flat expansions, in which the ribs or veins spread out on the same plane with the stalk.
Although toad-like it is not really related to the toads proper, but belongs to the family Discoglossidae, characterized by a circular, adherent tongue, teeth in the upper jaw and on the palate, short but distinct ribs on the anterior vertebrae, and convex-concave vertebrae.
The neck is long, but not coarse, the ribs are deep, the loin wide and level, the tail set high, and the legs straight and set well outside the carcase.
According to it, he collected the revelations from copies written on flat stones, pieces of leather, ribs of palm-leaves (not palm-leaves themselves), and such-like material, but chiefly " from the breasts of men," i.e.
The first and second vertebrae each have a pair of long, movable ribs.
The cervical and thoracic vertebrae seem to be biconcave; the cervical ribs are much reduced and were apparently still movable; the thoracic ribs are devoid of uncinate processes.
Paired abdominal ribs are doubtful.
The wombat of Tasmania and the islands of Bass's Straits (P. ursinus), and the closely similar but larger P. platyrhinus of the southern portion of the mainland of Australia, belong to this group. On the other hand, in the hairy-nosed wombat (P. latifrons) of Southern Australia, the fur is smooth and silky; the ears are large and more pointed; the muzzle is hairy; the frontal region of the skull is broader than in the other section, with well-marked postorbital processes; and there are thirteen ribs.
The vertebral axis shows a series of broad rings, with distinct neural arches, but no ribs.
The platen was screwed on to the under surface of the spindle; the table or bed had slides underneath which moved in, and not on, ribs as in the older form of press, and was run in and out by means of strips of webbing fastened to each end and passed round a drum or wheel.
He kills his victim by rolling himself round the body till he breaks its ribs, or suffocates it by one irresistible convolution round its throat.
Intercostal neuralgia is pain affecting the nerves which emerge from the spinal cord and run along the spaces between the ribs to the front of the body.
The trunk is relatively small, with few slender ribs and a keeled breastbone (sternum).
In tracing the osteological characters of apes and man through this series, the general system of the skeletons, and the close correspondence in number and arrangement of vertebrae and ribs, as well as in the teeth, go far towards justifying the opinion of hereditary connexion.
The venation is strictly parallel, the midrib usually strong, and the other ribs more slender.
In Anomochloa there are several nearly equal ribs and in some broad-leaved grasses (Bambuseae, Pharus, Leptaspis) the venation becomes tesselated by transverse connecting veins.
The finer branches are green, and bear a close resemblance to the stems of Equisetum and to the slender twigs of Casuarina; the surface of the long internodes is marked by fine longitudinal ribs, and at the nodes are borne pairs of inconspicuous scale-leaves.
The Colombian "Panama hat" is made from the fibres extracted from the ribs of the fanshaped leaves of still another species of palm, Carludovica palmata, while in the Rio Sinn region the natives make a kind of butter ("manteca de Corozo") from the Elaeis melanococca, Mart., by peeling the nuts in water and then purifying the oil extracted in this way by boiling.
With their broad, straight backs, curved ribs, and capacious quarters, they carry a great weight of carcass upon strong, wide-standing legs.
On the other side of the flower and at a slightly higher level is the "palea," of thinner texture than the other glumes, with infolded margins and with two ribs or veins.
These last have coarse bristly hair of a purplish-brown colour with light markings, very large head-tufts, almost concealing the minute antlers, of which the pedicles do not extend as ribs down the face.
The ribs are eighteen or nineteen in number on each side, flattened, and united to the sternum by short, stout, tolerably well ossified sternal ribs.
The chest is wide, full and deep, the back short and straight, the ribs are round and deep, the hind quarters long, level and well let down into the muscular thighs.
Many miracles were attributed to him alive and dead, and it is said that when his body was dissected it was found that two of his ribs had been broken, an event attributed to the expansion of his heart while fervently praying in the catacombs about the year 1545.
The vascular bundles sometimes form a prominent rib, which indicates the middle of the sepal; at other times they form several ribs.
In Archaeocalamites, which certainly deserves generic rank, the branches may occur on every node, but only in certain parts of the stem; the ribs of successive internodes do not alternate, but are continuous, indicating that the leaves were superposed.
The long, slender stems, somewhat tumid at the nodes, were ribbed, the ribs running continuously through the nodes, a fact correlated with the superposition of the whorled leaves, the number of which in each verticil was some multiple of 3, and usually 6.
The species without ribs - Subsigillariae - were in like manner grouped under the two sub-genera Clathraria and Leiodermaria; in the former each scar is seated on a prominent cushion, while in the latter the surface of the stem (as in Bothrodendron) is perfectly smooth.
The Discoglossidae are noteworthy for the presence of short ribs to some of the vertebrae, and in some other points also they approach the tailed batrachians; they may be safely regarded as, on the whole, the most generalized of known Ecaudata.
Palaeobatrachus (26), of which a number of species represented by skeletons of the perfect form and of the tadpole have been described from Miocene beds in Germany, Bohemia and France, seems to be referable to the Pelobatidae; this genus has been considered as possibly one of the Aglossa, but the absence of ribs in the larvae speaks against such an association.
The ribs of the second vertebra are not represented.
The corral was silent when he gently kicked the horse's ribs to urge it forward.
Even so, it left a large bruise and sore ribs for a few weeks.
Three ribs are broken and you have a concussion but the neck wound isn't deep; it's just a skin slash.
He banged himself up fairly badly—broke a couple of ribs, did something to his knee and leg, whacked his head pretty good and cut up his face.
By the sudden lack of stiffness in her torso, she wondered if her ribs had been broken.
Signs of malnutrition include visible ribs, hips and neck and perhaps a rather baggy, wrinkled skin.
We supply a lot of components for ready meals such as chili con carne and beef ribs.
Diving is conducted from a range of purpose built dhows and two RIBs, with fiber glassed tubes.
Our Menu is varied and ranges from enticing salads, char grilled steaks, sizzling fajitas succulent ribs and much more.
Two steel tube ribs at each end of spar carry main power unit and landing gear pick up points.
Despite the gnawing pain across his skull, aching ribs, and the awful taste in his mouth, Gus got a hard-on.
His life-threatening injuries included broken ribs and a collapsed lung that required emergency surgery and extended hospitalization.
Tuck into jerk chicken, spicy ribs, blackened fish or meat jambalaya and soak up the family vibe.
Think melting mushrooms, sticky ribs, grilled pineapple with chili syrup...
Recipes Nigel Slater autumn special Exclusive to OFM, delicious spicy ribs, baked mushrooms, juicy plum crumble.
A sharply pointed toe caught her under the ribs, rolling her onto her back.
The simple wagon roof of two bays is coved with decorated purlins, molded ribs and quatrefoil tracery.
It should fold naturally into a rectangular section tube as the cloth is more flexible between the columns of stiffening ribs.
Apply an elevated sling, padding and a broad bandage to manage fractured ribs.
Edward lead his army into battle despite having two broken ribs, sustained from a kick from a horse.
The body should be long and heavy and near to the ground with a deep chest and well-sprung ribs.
The tender meat of skate clinging to the strip of cartilage is reminiscent of pork ribs.
They have forward and aft braced spars with integral aluminum ribs.
It retains a vaulted stone roof on transverse ribs that spring out of the side walls, part of the original 17thC structure.
Steel tube frames, spruce spars and ribs, covered with fabric.
With the wing skin laid flat with the location of the spar and ribs marked, the main spar is glued into position.
The floor folds flat to spread the lower ribs whilst the upper strakes are kept tight to the struts.
Textured Flat Ribs on the Garter Carriage A tunic style sweater knitted in Bramwell's Fine 4 ply, 100% Acrylic.
First up was the BoBo platter for two (£ 16) that included beef teriyaki, BBQ spare ribs and so forth.
Sarah ate the ribs and the prawn toast, I ate most of the seaweed, the veggie rolls and we shared the satay.
It has since transpired he had broken three ribs in the fall, so no wonder it hurt!
Steps are typically formed from ribs of cobbles and boulders that lie transverse to the channel.
Ribs eleven pairs (see Koala).
Shell external, spiral, generally ornamented with ribs; borders of aperture thin and not reflected; radula with square teeth; genital ducts without accessory organs.
In the following year .another set of hints - of a kind so different that probably no one then living would have thought it possible that they should ever be brought in correlation with those of Nitzsch - are contained in a memoir on Fishes contributed to the tenth volume of the Annales du Museum d'histoire naturelle of Paris by Etienne Geoffroy St-Hilaire in 1807.1 Here we have it stated as a general truth (p. too) that young birds have the ' sternum formed of five separate pieces - one in the middle, being its keel, and two " annexes " on each side to which the ribs are .articulated - all, however, finally uniting to form the single " breast-bone."
Prof. Claxton Fidler, speaking of the arrangement adopted for putting initial stress on the top chord, stated that this bridge marked the furthest between centres of ribs of main arch is 272 ft.
More distinct are the bisons, forming the sub-genus Bison, represented by the European and the American species (see Bison), the forehead of the skull being much shorter and wider, and the horns not arising from a crest on the extreme vertex, while the number of ribs is different (14 pairs in bisons, only 13 in oxen), and the hair on the head and neck is long and shaggy.
She could count his ribs easily where they showed through the skin of his body, and his head was long and seemed altogether too big for him, as if it did not fit.
Where is the country's champion, the Moore of Moore Hill, to meet him at the Deep Cut and thrust an avenging lance between the ribs of the bloated pest?
The soldiers in their greatcoats were ranged in lines, the sergeants major and company officers were counting the men, poking the last man in each section in the ribs and telling him to hold his hand up.
I ended up with a pick-axe handle around my ribs two years ago in a retribution attack.
I eat massive meals prepared with local produce, ribs of beef, partridge, wild duck, grouse and pheasant.
According to the RIBS rollout schedule, the majority of the exchanges will be enabled by September 2006.
Rub seasoning mix onto ribs, pressing into surface.
Modeling considerations, stiffening ribs, extensive tables of relative effects for various arrangements.
Textured Flat Ribs on the Garter Carriage A tunic style sweater knitted in Bramwell 's Fine 4 ply, 100% Acrylic.
It has since transpired he had broken three ribs in the fall, so no wonder it hurt !
The wooden roof becomes more elaborate here, almost the illusion of vaulting ribs.
Spare ribs fresh not an exaggeration of west virginia and a vintage.
Obviously, you don't want to give a baby a large steak or a rack of ribs.
Her neck is huge, and her ribs and chest are much bigger.
Intercostal muscles are found between the ribs, and they facilitate movement of the chest wall.
Barbecued Beef Ribs - Ribs are a great summer dish, especially when you're grilling outside.
The cookbook provides cooks with grilling techniques and equipment needed to produce delicacies like Guinea hen breasts with rosemary and pesto and Italian-style ribs.
The two most well-liked meat dishes are barbecued beef strips (pul kogi) and braised spare ribs in soy sauce and spices (kalbi-jim).
Prime rib roasts are usually cut according to how many ribs the roast contains.
The more ribs, the more people you can feed from a single roast.
Rib roasts are available with the ribs attached, without the ribs attached, or newported -with the ribs cut off and then tied on with butcher's string.
In terms of flavor, newported roasts and roasts with ribs attached offer the most flavor.
Since many people find cutting the roast off of the ribs a pain, a newported roast offers the best of both worlds - flavor and convenience.
They might have ribs, cables, or other sweater-like styling.
Your bitch could simply have a very small litter, perhaps just one or two pups tucked up under the ribs right now.
The deep green leaves are cut into five leaflets, threaded by silvery ribs and veins, the effect being particularly rich in autumn when they turn a deep crimson-purple.
Additionally, bodies have changed, so that a dress that fits or is even loose in the bust or hips might be snug in the ribs.
In pectus excavatum, the deformed breastbone and ribs are raised and straightened by a metal bar.
During traditional atrial septal defect surgery, the heart is exposed through an incision made in the chest or between the ribs.
The technique in children over one year of age is the same as in adults, except that the amount of force used is less than that used with adults in order to avoid damaging the child's ribs, breastbone, and internal organs.
Their neck muscles and the muscles between their ribs will contract with each effort to breathe, and their chest may cave in as well.
Accounting for fewer than 5 percent of bone tumors in children, Ewing's sarcoma usually begins in the soft tissue (the marrow) inside bones of the leg, hips, ribs, and arms.
Usually originating in strong connective tissue (cartilage) in ribs or leg or hip bones, chondrosarcomas grow slowly.
Conditions that cause pain on breathing, such as broken ribs, may interfere with the performance of the tests and produce inaccurate results.
Possible sites for injuries include a person's ribs, liver, lungs, and heart.
The ribs, which are very flexible in young infants, move inwards each time a breath is taken.
Before long the muscles that move the ribs and diaphragm, so that air is drawn into the lungs, become fatigued.
The surgeon makes an incision in the right chest wall between the ribs, allowing access to the esophagus and the trachea for repair of one or both as needed.
Other symptoms of rickets include bony bumps on the ribs called rachitic rosary (beadlike prominences at the junction of the ribs with their cartilages) and knock-knees.
It is a deformity of the thoracic spine (in the chest area, the vertebra to which ribs are attached) caused by abnormal centers of bone development at the intervertebral joints (physes).
Ribs - Although there aren't as many official variations, the ribs are used in movements that are very similar to those of the hips, including circles, shimmies, lifts, and drops.
It is made of hard-wearing polyester and has zinc-plated poles and ribs, making it extra sturdy.
If the wire presses uncomfortably against your breasts, ribs or underarms then you should try to find a more accurate size or skip an underwire altogether.
Strings ties are used to anchor top pieces behind the neck, and behind the ribs.
She interpreted the Batmobile as having a shape that was more like a bat, and her design made the vehicle appear to have ribs and wings.
Table umbrellas as shade for an outdoor wedding with candle lanterns or hanging candle holders beneath the ribs of the umbrella.
He broke my arm, hand, ribs, black eyes, and he always blamed me for everything.
Experimental treatments also took place including exposing patient's lungs to ultraviolet light, surgically implanting balloons and removing ribs and chest muscles.
If this tattoo is for your eyes only, consider your chest, ribs, back or hip.
Place a group of stars traveling at an angle across your back from the bottom of your ribs to your opposite hip.
A typical combo plate sells for five dollars and includes a number of island favorites, including Hawaiian Kalua Pork and Korean Short Ribs on a bed of fresh island cabbage, plus two scoops of rice, and a scoop of macaroni/potato salad.
As you open up the chest, make sure you are keeping your ribs relaxed, you don't want them to jut forward.
For example, a ripped guy typically has clearly visible veins on his arms and chest, sixpack abs and a zig-zag muscle pattern covering the upper ribs if he lifts his arm.
At the height of the hourglass curve trend in the Victorian era, women became so desperate for wasp waists, some would even have their lower ribs removed so that they could tighten the stays that much further.
That way, you can avoid cramping and putting pressure on your ribs.
On the other hand, plenty of women complain about the wires being uncomfortable, digging into ribs and breasts, and leaving red marks on the skin.
In fact, lingerie was often so tight that ribs were broken or pushed out of place!
Variations may feature chains instead of straps from the collar to the ribs.
Men have never done anything so drastic as removing ribs to achieve a smaller waist.
Popular grilled foods include hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs, chicken, and steaks.
His girlfriend repeatedly tried to sneak drugs into the clinic, and near the end of the season, Conaway was released from treatment after kicking his girlfriend in the ribs.
The menu features a wide range of impeccably produced sushi, but if you're looking for something with a little more heft, enjoy the ribeye steaks or barbecued short ribs with some tasty grilled tempura vegetables.
Meat dishes include soy-braised short ribs, and lamb chops encrusted with macadamia nuts and coconut.
Continue with tropical hoisin roasted duck, shar sui beef short ribs or lobster pad thai.
Help yourself at the breakfast buffet, enjoy happy hour, and feast on the fresh local seafood along with steak, ribs, and chicken.
Dive into a bucket of peel and eat shrimp, try a po' boy, or enjoy burgers and ribs.
It serves skewered meats that include steak, lamb, ribs, pork loin, sausage and fish.
Many choices are on the menu, including steaks, burgers, salads, ribs, and seafood.
In addition to a variety of steak selections, other menu options include ribs, chicken, veal, seafood and homemade soups.
The menu offers whitefish cakes, bruschetta, pastas, soups, steak, seafood, and ribs.
Woodstone features a variety of menu items, including fresh soups and salads, sandwiches, burgers, ribs and steaks that are seasoned, flame-grilled and made to order.
The menu is designed around traditional cuisine, including spaghetti, pork chops, ribs, burgers and salads.
Those who come to enjoy more than just a drink can choose from a menu of steaks, pizza and pasta, hamburgers, ribs, chicken and seafood.
The steaks are hand-cut, the ribs award winning and the bread freshly baked.
For the main course, consider the beef short ribs with a fingerling potato salad or the chef's seasonal house made pasta.
Steaks, burgers and ribs can be ordered in portions that are guaranteed to satisfy even the heartiest of appetites.
There also are ribs, burgers, chicken, fish, sandwiches and enormous entree salads to satisfy everyone's cravings.
The menu offers burgers, barbecue sandwiches, baby back ribs, seafood and family classics, like meatloaf, pork chops and catfish.
It also includes ribs, chicken, lobster, salmon, shrimp, and salads.
Chicken, ribs, pork, turkey and sausage are also on the menu.
Barbecue specialties include ribs, pulled pork and barbecue beef.
Saltgrass also offers classics such as pork chops, baby back ribs, chicken fried steak, fried shrimp, cheesesteak sandwiches and burgers.
Some of the signature entrees include baby back ribs, mesquite grilled shrimp, fish tacos, grilled meatloaf and pan-seared tilapia.
The menu also includes a chef's tasting menu and entrees, which includes soups and salads, steaks, salmon, chicken, ribs and much more.
Hand-carved prime ribs and pasta dishes are also available.
The menu is served during lunch and dinner and features numerous meat and grilled items such as pork nachos, pig wings, brisket salad, po' boy sandwiches, pork ribs, baby-back ribs as well as the traditional hamburger.
This restaurant specializes in local comfort food such as ribs and barbecued chicken.
The menu also features numerous entrees, including mesquite smoked chicken, cedar roasted rainbow trout, barbecued pork ribs and hamburgers with bacon and green chiles.
The main menu features pulled pork, brisket, chicken and ribs as well as salads, sandwiches and plenty of homemade sides.
The restaurant features a brunch, lunch, and dinner menu, with selections that includes soups and salads, chicken, steaks, ribs, sandwiches, various sides, and several types of burgers.
The menu includes favorites such as hamburgers, nachos, jalapeno poppers, barbecued ribs and mozzarella sticks.
Specialties on the menu include deep fried pickled chips, collard greens, and ribs.
In the tradition of a steak house menu, dishes include steaks, ribs, seafood and daily specials.
Guests can also watch sailboats drifting by as they dine on smoked chicken, ribs and steak.
The barbecue menu is good, and choices include pulled pork, chicken and ribs.
Some of the signature dishes here include the "guava glaze ribs" and the "caribe red snapper".
Menu choices include seafood (crab cakes, salmon), chops, ribs, chicken, pasta and a number of salads.
The menu features an ample variety of filets, strips and prime rib, as well as pork chops, baby back ribs and seafood.
Papaw's serves up all sorts of savory barbecue meats, including ribs, chicken and pork.
Louis-style spare ribs and smoked with hickory flavors.
The ribs have a secret special sauce and the meat falls off the bone.
Chicken, sandwiches, burgers, hearty soups and baby back ribs make this place a family favorite.
In addition to southwestern style food like, burritos and fajitas, guests can choose to dine on steak, ribs, pasta or seafood.
It's fine dining in a casual setting with entrees like orange-ginger duck, linguini and clams, sirloin steak tips and baby back ribs.
Common barbecue items, like ribs, barbecue sandwiches and smoked meats, are served, as are grilled and fried seafood items, burgers, salads, and desserts.
The menu features salads and wraps, sandwiches, baked lemon sole, shrimp jambalaya, baby back ribs, skirt steak, hamburgers and cheeseburgers.
And busted a few ribs.
A hood went over her head, and she was flung across someone's shoulder hard enough to make her ribs flare with pain.
Lankha's hands remained on her ribs for a long, long time.
Her ribs were sore but no longer painful.
She slammed her elbow into his ribs, and he chuckled, locking his other arm around her.
He banged himself up fairly badly—broke a couple of ribs, did something to his knee and leg, whacked his head pretty good and cut up his face.
He nudged the horse in the ribs and Ed broke into a lope.
It was an hour later when he pulled into an upscale tap house and while waiting for ribs and coffee, called Anderson.
Internally it is a polygon of sixteen unequal sides, and the cupola is supported by sixteen ribs, springing from the same number of columns.
Coprolites have been found at Lyme Regis, enclosed by the ribs of ichthyosauri, and in the remains of several species of fish; also in the abdominal cavities of a species of fossil fish, Macropoma Mantelli, from the chalk of Lewes.
In the cervical region the ribs are much reduced, fused with their verte brae and enclosing the transverse canal or foramen.
The last I to 5 of these vertebrae have movable ribs which do not reach the sternum, and are called cervico-dorsals.
The most anterior part of the ilium often overlaps one or more short lumbar ribs and fuses with them, or even a long, complete thoracic rib.
There is a well-marked processus lateralis anterior (the right and left together equivalent to the mammalian manubrium), which is the product of two or three ribs, the dorsal parts of which reduced ribs remain as cervico-dorsal ribs.
Then follows the rib-bearing portion and then the processus lateralis posterior; this also is the product of ribs, consequently the right and left processes together are equivalent to the xiphoid process or xiphisternum of the mammals.
Shell with moderately long spire and canal, ornamented with ribs, often spiny; foot truncated anteriorly.
The ceiling is invariably boarded and subdivided by ribs into small rectangular coffers.
The difficulty of casting heavy arch ribs led to the construction of cast iron arches of cast voussoirs, somewhat like the voussoirs of masonry chambers and air locks, a feat unprecedented in the annals of engineering.
Each span has four steel double ribs of steel tubes butted and clasped by wrought iron couplings.
The head, body and legs are long, and the ribs deep and flat.
The lateral process in most birds sends out an outgrowth, directed out and upwards, overlapping some of the ribs, the processus obliquus.
The scapula is sabre-shaped, and extends backwards over the ribs, lying almost parallel to the vertebral column.