Ribes Sentence Examples
Upon the exposed mountain slopes a species of rhubarb (Rheum Ribes) is noticeable.
The flora is on the whole poor, although the higher regions carry good forests of larch, pitch pine, cedar, birch and alder, with rhododendrons and species of Berberis and Ribes.
Upon the exposed mountain slopes a species of rhubarb (Rheum Ribes) is noticeable, and also a vetch (Vicia canescens) excellent for sheep. The spring vegetation, which lasts until July, appears to be rich, especially as regards showy plants, such as Corydalis, Gagea, Colchicum, Puschkinia, Geranium, Ornithogalum, &c. The flora of the highest ridges, along the edges of the snow patches, exhibits no forms related to the northern alpine flora, but suggestions of it are found in a Draba, an Androsace, an Alsine and a violet, occurring, however, only in local species.
Ribes Gordonianum - A hybrid between R. aureum and R. sanguineum, is an old and tolerably common shrub-intermediate in growth as well as in flowers, which are an orange-red; it is distinct and showy.