R.i. Sentence Examples
Those of them who lived on the outskirts of the pacified territory adopted a mode of life similar to that of their hereditary opponents, and constituted a peculiar class known as Cossacks, living more by flocks and The h e rds and by marauding expeditions than by a ri y g p ?'
The Riesengebirge is the legendary home of Number Nip (Ri bezahl), a halfmischievous, half-friendly goblin of German folklore, and various localities in the group are more or less directly associated with his name.
Then, since nr rl is also a rational integral function of n of degree r, we can find a coefficient c r, not containing n, and such as to make N-c r nr ri contain no power of n higher than n r - 1.
The polar equation of the cross-section being rI cos 19 =al, or r + x = 2a, (3) the conditions are satisfied by = Ur sin g -2Uairi sin IB = 2Uri sin 10(14 cos 18a'), (4) 1J/ =2Uairi sin IO = -U1/ [2a(r-x)], (5) w =-2Uaiz1, (6) and the resistance of the liquid is 2lrpaV2/2g.
The larva swims by a ri ig of cilia, which corresponds with the praeoral circlet of a Trochosphere.
On the 24th of August 79 ri he earthquakes, which had been growing more violent, culmi- 11
The ri entral tract was a lower plain, covered with loose ashes and e riarked by a few pools of hot and saline water.
Coast-line.The following table shows the numbers, the lengths of coast-line, and the areas of the various groups of islands, only those being indicated that have a coast-line of at least I ri (23/4 m.), or that, though smaller, are inhabited; except in the case of Formosa and the Pescadores, where the whole numbers are given Length of Area Number.
Let V be the potential at the centre of the prism, then the normal forces on the two faces of area dy.dx are respectively RI dx2 d xl and (dx 2 d x), dV d2 and similar expressions for the normal forces to the other pairs of faces dx.dy, dz.dx.
The same word does not appear elsewhere; but we find its two parts separately, such as Gurung pre, Murmi pre, Taksya phre and Takpa gyet, Serpa gye, Garo chet, &c. Rta (horse) is reduced to to in speech, but we find ri, rhyi, roh in Sokpa, Horpa, Tochu, Minyak, and td, tah, teh, t'ay in Lhopa, Serpa, Murmi, Kami, Takpa, &c., both with the same meaning.
AdvertisementHenceforth, despite the incursions of the Scandinavians, and partly because of them, the ecclesiastical and royal centres of life are moved to the south and the east, though the king of Alban (Ardrigh) is not always master of his Ri, or subordinate princes of the seven provinces (Mortuath).
The word was coined by Demiscianus, a Greek scholar, at the request of Federigo Cesi, founder of the Accademia dei Lincei, from the Greek ri XE, far, and ovoirEUU, to see.
If ri, rI,.
Let r1 be the radius of the large end of each, ri that of the small end, r, that of the middle; and let Ii be the sagitta, measured perpendicular to the axes, of the arc by whose revolution each of the conoids is generated, or, in other words, the bulging of the conoids in the middle of their length.
Let v be the common velocity of the two pitch-circles, ri, C2, their radii; then the above equation becomes /1 I
AdvertisementFor inside gearing, if ri be the less radius and r, the greater, !
All three hydrogen atoms are replaceable by organic radicals and the resulting compounds combine with compounds of the type RC1, RBr and RI to form stibonium compounds.
It is beautifully situated on a bay of Lake Molar, which is here connected with the Baltic by the SOdertelge canal, ri m.
Baur before him made Simon=?ri, the Sun.
The larger fort with several ramparts was a din, where the ri (chieftain) lived and kept his hostages if he had subreguli.
AdvertisementDroves of swine under the charge of swineherds wandered through the forests; some belonged to the ri, others to lords (flaith) and others again to village communities.
The tuath or territory of a ri (represented roughly by a modern barony) was divided among the septs.
Such an aggregate of tuatha acknowledging one ri was termed a morthuath.
Here the enzyme Eco RI is used to sever plasmid DNA which is then re-joined using DNA ligase.
Use of the restriction enzyme Eco RI was used to distinguish between sheep and goat pox isolates.
AdvertisementDavid says that he was surprised at how challenging Lhakpa Ri was and commented on the spectacular 50 meter knife-edge summit ridge.
Its emphasis on the observance of ri lual finds fullest development in the Priestly Code, subsequently promulgated; its protest against foreign marriages is made effective through the reforms of Ezra and Nehemiah;' the influence of its closing words on later expectation is familiar to every reader of the new Testament.'
The latter force is, by Maxwell's hypothesis or by the dynamical theory of an aether pervaded by electrons, the same as that which strair s the aether, and may be called the aethereal force; it thereby produces an aethereal electric displacement, say (f,g,h), according to the relation (f,g,h) = (41 r c 2) - 1(P',Q', RI), in which c is a constant belonging to the aether, which turns out to be the velocity of light.
Rhode Island may be a small state, but there are plenty of options for yoga certification in RI.
In Middletown, another yoga certification in RI opportunity is at Innerlight Yoga, founded in 1995.
Because yoga certification in RI is readily available, it is possible for students to look beyond their town for the ideal yoga teacher training for them.
Programs that do not require additional classes throughout the week may be good candidates even if they are an hour drive away, so extend your search before committing to one particular RI teacher training program.
Shante has her own clothing line called Co Co Ri and takes acting and dancing lessons.
The 1914 uniform, which is currently on display at Girl Scout Camp Hoffman in West Kingston, RI, consisted of a khaki color blouse and skirt, a kerchief style tie and a wide brimmed hat with a GS logo pin on the front center.