Rhombohedral Sentence Examples
They all crystallize in the monoclinic system, often, however, in forms closely resembling those of the rhombohedral or orthorhombic systems. Crystals have usually the form of hexagonal or rhomb-shaped scales, plates or prisms, with plane FIG.
There are perfect cleavages parallel to the rhombohedral faces, and the crystals exhibit a strong negative double refraction, like calcite.
Hot or dilute cold solutions deposit minute orthorhombic crystals of aragonite, cold saturated or moderately strong solutions, hexagonal (rhombohedral) crystals of calcite.
It is readily soluble in water, and on evaporation in a vacuum over caustic lime it deposits colourless, rhombohedral crystals of 2KHS.H 2 0.
The Helena crystals are of tabular habit, being composed of the basal pinacoid with a very short hexagonal prism, whilst at Yogo Gulch many of the crystals affect a rhombohedral habit.
It crystallizes in the rhombohedral system.
Siderite, or spathic iron ore, FeCO 3, crystallizes in the rhombohedral system and contains 48.28% of iron.
Distinct crystals are rarely met with; these are rhombohedral and isomorphous with arsenic and bismuth; they have a perfect cleavage parallel to the basal plane, c (111), and are sometimes twinned on a rhombohedral plane, e (1 ro).
Haematite crystallizes in the rhombohedral system, and is isomorphous with corundum (Al203).
The habit of the crystals may be rhombohedral, pyramidal or tabular, rarely prismatic. In fig.
AdvertisementQuartz crystallizes in the trapezohedral-hemihedral class of the rhombohedral division of the hexagonal system.
The basal plane, so common on calcite and many other rhombohedral minerals, is of the greatest rarity in quartz, and when present only appears as a small rough face formed by the corrosion of the crystal.
Crystals of arsenic belong to the rhombohedral system, and have a perfect cleavage parallel to the basal plane; natural crystals are, however, of rare occurrence, and are usually acicular in habit.
The host substructure is a distorted form of the rhombohedral tunnel structure of the high-temperature phase.
In the rhombohedral crystal, the unit cell contains six molecules of insulin.