Rex Sentence Examples
He also took advantage of this meeting to have his son Ecgferth consecrated as his colleague, and that prince subsequently signed charters as Rex Merciorum.
It goes back to the time of King Alfred, who seems to have frequently used the title rex Anglorum Saxonum or rex Angul-Saxonum.
The term Rex is said to come from a rabbit show.
The curly hair did not meet the standards for the breed, but the judges did not want to offend the king so they wrote the Latin word for king, Rex, beside the rabbits' names.
Since that time, an animal with a curly coat is often called a Rex.
The most unusual thing about the Cornish Rex is the short, wavy fur.
There is nothing else that feels quite like the coat of Cornish Rex Cats.
You should not buy a Cornish Rex because you think you won't be allergic to it.
The Cornish Rex also has a unique head and body.
The Cornish Rex retains its playful characteristics long after it is an adult cat.
AdvertisementThe easiest way to find a breeder locally is to do an Internet search for a Cornish Rex breeder near you.
You may also be interested in Cornish Rex rescue organizations.
These organizations work together to rescue abandoned, mistreated and unwanted Cornish Rex cats from around the country.
The Cornish Rex is an intriguing breed, and it's one that you may want to investigate a little more if you're looking for a new feline companion.
The Museum of Natural History features a towering elephant and a tyrannosaurus rex along with all sorts of prehistoric creatures.
AdvertisementSometimes getting a solid chuck that resembles a broken sunflower seed that stank worse than Rex the dog's breath on a hot and humid day in Maywood, Illinois in the month of July.
He lost the award, however, to Rex Harrison.
The special effects in King Kong were second to none and now you can relive the epic battle between Kong and the T-Rex (Tyrannosaurus Rex) on your computer with KingKong Online.
For instance, in Madden 09, Kyle Orton went up by one point, while Rex Grossman when down five points.
Orton is the starter and when Rex does play, he continues to throw the ball willy-nilly around the field.
AdvertisementHe relocated to Los Angeles in 1991 to work for two high-end restaurants, Fennel and Rex, which led to opportunities in New York.
It is a 150-piece puzzle that comes in an alien-shaped tin and features aliens, Buzz Lightyear, Rex and Hamm.
This set includes a train with four cars, the evil Doctor Porkchop, Rex, Buzz, Woody, Jessie, and Bullseye.
Over that time some of the original toys have been sold in yard sales, but Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, Jessie and Bullseye, Rex, Slinky, the Army Men, Hamm and the aliens are still together.
The Rex crew, as the group who established the king was called, wore purple, green and gold, colors which began and continue to represent Mardi Gras.
AdvertisementComus, Rex, Krewe of Proteus and Knights of Momus were highly secret and no one ever saw behind their masks.
Simon Rex plays George, Cindy's new boyfriend.
The role that really thrust Winter into the spotlight was that of Rex Brady on Days of Our Lives.
Rex first appeared on screens on July 8, 2002, when he and his twin sister Cassie arrived during a meteor shower at Lookout Point on a spaceship.
The truth was that they were the offspring of Roman Brady, a man who Rex hated.
Rex's attitude changed gradually over time, and he went from a intellectual and bright to moody, withdrawn and violent.
When people began dying all over Salem, Rex quickly became the main suspect.
Through a harrowing sequence of events, Rex eventually left Salem for good on July 26, 2005, after he discovered that his girlfriend Mimi Lockhart aborted their baby without informing him of it.
Rex Van De Camp is the next major death to rock the housewives.
Rex (played by Steven Culp) is Bree's (Marcia Cross) first husband and the father of her two oldest children.
Prior to his fatal heart attack, Rex suffered two natural ones.
George Williams (the pharmacist) was in love with Bree and he wanted to get rid of Rex so she would be free for him.
Unbeknownst to George, however, Bree just learned that George killed Rex.
Unfortunately for Jill, Rex' ex-cellmate hired a waitress from a backwater who bore some resemblance to Katherine and helped her to take over Katherine's life.
Is Rex and Adriana's wedding going to happen?
Lynn and her husband Wayne Northrop (ex-Roman, Days, ex Rex, PC) are celebrating nearly thirty years of marriage.
Stacy claimed that Rex Balsom impregnated her, but the baby turned out to be Oliver's.
Rex on Days of Our Lives (Eric Winter) arrived in Salem on July 8, 2002 with his twin sister Cassie (Alexis Thorpe).
Rex Brady's origins and story on Days of Our Lives traveled a convoluted path.
After their brief stint as "aliens", Cassie and Rex came to believe that they were the children of Tony DiMera (Thaao Penghlis) and Marlena Evans (Deidre Hall).
Rex and Cassie took the name DiMera for a time.
Rex struggled with this revelation as he'd grown to despise Roman Brady and did not want to be related to him in any way.
It also fell to Rex to stop his twin from making a mistake in her seduction of Lucas Roberts because he was their half-brother.
It was around this same time that Rex became involved with Mimi Lockhart.
The couple did well until Rex began to experience mood swings and massive headaches.
Mimi was actually afraid that Rex might be the "Salem Stalker" who was on a serial killing spree in the city.
Rex accidentally killed Dr. Rolf, Stefano's physician and Rex's "creator".
When police found a sweatshirt of Rex's with Maggie Horton's blood on it, he was arrested and charged with murder.
But when Cassie fell victim to the Salem Stalker, Rex was freed.
Rex blamed Kate Roberts for Cassie's death, as well as the deaths of others.
Rex suffered further blows as first Tony and later Roman Brady also became victims of the Salem Stalker.
It was Roman's father Shawn, who reached out to Rex for comfort and helped Rex to accept his identity as a Brady.
In the end, it turned out that all the victims of the Salem Stalker were actually alive and Rex reunited with twin sister Cassie.
The relationship between Mimi and Rex suffered a few rough patches, but the couple was great together.
Rex even danced like Tom Cruise in Risky Business to prove his love for Mimi.
Without telling Rex, Mimi elected to have an abortion.
Rex was devastated when he learned the truth and left town in July of 2005 to move to Chicago with twin sister Cassie.
Although he has not been seen since, Rex was mentioned during a dream sequence of Sami's in 2007.
Rex Brady was portrayed by actor Eric Winter, a former male model for Tommy Hilfiger.
He followed up the role of Rex on Days of Our Lives with guest roles on CSI and Charmed.
Eric Winter - The actor spent three years as Rex Brady before moving on to films like The Ugly Truth.
Jill's other relationships included Blade Bladeson, Rex Sterling and Tucker McCall.
He's the father of Carolina Anna, Eric Roman, Sami, Rex, and Cassie, and has four grandchildren.
She was also with Victor for a time before marrying Stefano, and is the mother of Austin, Billie, Lucas, Philip, Rex, and Cassie, and the grandmother of many.
Barney became an international icon for pre-school aged children growing up in the 90s, and the lovable purple Tyrannosaurus Rex is still popular with kids today.
Rex Williams is a medic, ready to jump in if any of the team members gets into trouble.
A 1947 movie, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, featured the ghost of a sea captain, played by the dashing Rex Harrison, as a romantic figure to the widowed Mrs. Muir, played by Gene Tierney.
These were greater advantages than the exclusive patrician possession of the offices of interrex, rex sacrorum and the higher flamens.
The familiar charge, repeated in Shakespeare, of having written Ego et meus rex, while true in fact, is false in intention, because no Latin scholar could put the words in any other order; but it reflects faithfully enough Wolsey's mental attitude.
He then got himself crowned by St Boniface, a ceremony which was new to France and which gave the sovereign immense prestige; henceforth the king of the Franks called himself Gratia Dei rex Francorum.
The Balaeniceps rex, elsewhere rare, is found here in large numbers.
Howel Dda, king of West Wales, Owen, king of Cumbria, Constantine, king of the Scots, and Ealdred of Bamburgh, and henceforth he calls himself "rex totius Britanniae."
In his charters he is continually called "rex totius Britanniae," and he adopts for the first time the Greek title basileus.
The broad lower end of the symbol is rather an accidental pit in the stone than an attempt at a diacritic mark - the word is regei, in all probability the early dative form of rex, " king."
Among Sir Isaac's writings is Rex platonicus, a description of the entertainment of James I.
The most highly coveted office at this time was not that of BaotXEbs, which, like that of the rex sacrorum in Rome, had been stripped of all save its religious authority, but that of the Archon; soon after the legislation of Solon repeated struggles for this office between the Eupatridae and leading members of the other two classes resulted in a temporary change.
This writer states that when at the papal court in 1145 he met with the bishop of Gabala (Jibal in Syria), who related how "not many years before one John, king and priest (rex et sacerdos), who dwelt in the extreme Orient beyond Persia and Armenia, and was, with his people, a Christian but a Nestorian, had made war against the brother kings of the Persians and Medes, who were called Samiards (or Sanjards), and captured Ecbatana their capital.
Attached to its upper rim are the chains whereby to suspend it, and from the lower rim hang letters of red-coloured glass or paste which read +Svintilanvs Rex Offeret.
In early life he was a weaver, hence the punning description of him as Weevir, rex philosophorum.
He permitted free study of the Aristotelian writings, and issued (1234), through his chaplain, Raymond of Pennaforte, an important new compilation of decretals which he prescribed in the bull Rex pacificus should be the standard text-book in canon law at the universities of Bologna and Paris.
Mention may also be made of his Elementary Greek Accidence and Lex Rex, a list of cognate words in Greek, Latin and English.
The king, in fact, both in Greece and in Rome, was the acting head of the state religion, and when the regal power came to an end his sacred functions were not transferred to the ordinary priests, but either they were distributed among high officers of state, as archons and prytanes, or the title of " king " was still preserved as that of a religious functionary, as in the case of the rex sacrorum at Rome and the archon basileus at Athens.
Special interest attaches to this trace of their earlier origin, because of the famous cult of Diana Nemorensis, whose temple in the forest close by Aricia, beside the laces Nemorensis, was served by "the priest who slew the slayer, and shall himself be slain"; that is to say, the priest, who was called rex Nemorensis, held office only so long as he could defend himself from any stronger rival.
He was in fact a rex sacrificulus, and later on, when the Arsacid dynasty fell in Armenia c. A.D.
This secured the king's object; on the 25th July the pope invested him as " Rex Siciliae ducatus Apuliae et principatus Capuae."
The Venetian ambassador calls Fox "alter rex" and the Spanish ambassador Carroz says that Henry VIII.
King Alphonso the Great found his tombstone at Viseo with the inscription, "Hic requiescit Rodericus rex Gothorum."
The rounded form ofy is found with the value of G in R EC E I, which is probably the dative of rex.
He aimed a further blow at Fustel's system by showing that the Frankish kings had never borne the Roman title of vir inluster, and that they could not therefore be considered as being in the first place Roman magistrates; and that in the royal diplomas the king issued his commands as rex Francorum and addressed his functionaries as viri inlustres.
The German sovereign, therefore, though he exercised, as soon as chosen, full imperial powers both in Germany and Italy, called himself merely "king of the Romans" (Romanorum rex semper Augustus) until he had received the sacred crown in the sacred city.
In the Visigothic and Lombard codes princeps is the equivalent of rex or imperator; and when, after the overthrow of the Lombard kingdom by the Franks, Arichis II.
The work was finished in 1234, and was at once sent by the pope to Bologna with the bull Rex pacificus, declaring it to be official.
During the next few years they maintained their hold on Mercia, and we have at this time coins minted in London with the inscription "Alfdene rex," the name of the Danish leader.
The term Rig (reeh = rex, king) was applied to four classes or grades of rulers, the lower grades being grouped, each group being subject to one of their number, and all being subject to, and owing tribute and allegiance to the Ard-Rig (= supreme king of Erinn).
Off a had to win back by long wars what his kinsman had lost; he became so powerful that we find the pope calling him Rex Anglorum, as if he were the only king in the island.
But its overlordship he never lost, and since he also maintained the supremacy which his father had won over the Welsh and Scots, it was not without reason that he called himself on his coins and in his charters Rex totius Britanniae.
It was untroubled by rebellion or by foreign invasions, so that the king won the honorable title of Rex Pacificus.
His son Michael Voislavich annexed the important Zhupaniya of Rashka (Rascia or Rassia), and in 1077 proclaimed himself a king (rex), receiving the crown from Pope Gregory VII.
The chronicler Benedictus Abbas calls David rex, and Rhuddlan castle was probably the centre of his vague authority.
His successor Ladislaus of Poland (1490 - I 516) added Slavonia to the kingdoms named in the royal title, which now included the words "King of Dalmatia and Croatia and Slavonia" (Rex Dalmatiae et Croatiae et Slavoniae).
The college existed under the monarchy, when its members were probably three in number; they may safely be considered as legal advisers of the rex in all matters of religion.
Under the republic they emerge into prominence under a pontifex maximus, who took over the king's duties as chief administrator of religious law, just as his chief sacrificial duties were taken by the rex sacrorum; his dwelling was the regia, " the house of the king."
Included in the collegium were also the rex sacrorum, the flamines, three assistant pontifices (minores), and the vestal virgins, who were all chosen by the pontifex maximus.
In the same way the adoration of living human beings, the deification of living kings - whose title survives in our king or queen of the May, and in the rex nemorensis, the priest of Diana in the grove of Aricia - has been most fruitful in myths of divine beings.
Albertus Magnus was the first to state that arsenic contained a metal-like substance, although later writers considered it to be a bastard or semi-metal, and frequently called it arsenicum rex.
Cruise lines i is in the prone to becoming liners Rex conte.
Velvet is a 4 year old otter rex doe and she has been at Kirkby Pet Welfare since she was very young.
In 1928 Rex joined the band on 2nd euphonium next to his brother Alex.
Wednesday 12 December 2001 Where can you buy T- Rex kits and space food and adopt a giant panda?
The late Iris Bancroft and the late Rex King made heirlooms available.
He encounters Marilyn Rexroth (Zeta-Jones ), a serial divorcee, when representing her philandering husband, Rex Rexroth over divorce proceedings.
Nowell sing we now all and some, For Rex Pacificus is come, O lux beata trinitas.
Instead a crowned monogram GRI was used, flanked by the date (GRI stands for Georgius Rex Imperator ).
Their third single was deliberately completely over-the-top pop, like T Rex.
I'd rather marry a duck-billed platypus Than end up like old Oedipus Rex.
The REX format allows independent control of tempo and pitch, as well as complete reorganization of the music phrases in Dr. Rex.
Rex rabbits were also suitable for the meat trade.
Rex specimen will enthrall, educate and entertain our visitors and students for generations to come.
Rex celestis, Deus Pater omnipotens.
Rex bones will be at The Manchester Museum alongside the cast.
Rex coelestis, Deus Pater omnipotens.
Yet, despite weighing some eight tons, tyrannosaurus Rex could put in short dashes at 30mph.
Telling the customer the consumer laureate which may or and fun Rex.
The discovery, unveiled in the journal Nature, might reveal how early tyrannosaurs evolved into the T rex 100 million years later.
Virbius was the oldest priest of Diana, the first "king of the grove" (Rex Nemorensis).
At once the malcontents presented their demands in a document known popularly as the Articles of the Barons, more strictly as Capitula quae barones petunt et dominus rex concedit.
The Vesta of the state is in fact the king's hearth, standing in close proximity to the Regia, the king's palace; the Vestal Virgins, who have charge of the sacred fire, are the "king's daughters," and as such even in republican times were in the manus of the pontifex maximus, who was the successor of the king on the legal side of his religious duties, as the rex sacrorum was on the sacrificial side.
These were the inauguration of the rex sacrorum and the flamens, and that abjuration of hereditary worship (detestatio sacrorum) which was made by a man who passed from his clan (gens) either by an act of adrogation (see Roman Law and Adoption) or by transition from the patrician to the plebeian order.
Among the other noticeable plants may be mentioned Betula (3 species), Alnus (2 species), Carpinus, Fagus (4 species), Salix (4 species), Populus (2 species), Platanus, Liquidambar, Planera, Ulmus (2 species), Ficus (2 species), Persoonia, Laurus (5 species), Persea, Sassafras, Cinnamomum (5 species), Oreodaphne, Diospyros (2 species), Andromeda, Magnolia, Acer (3 species), Sapindus, Celastrus (2 species), Rex (4 species), Rhamnus (3 species), Juglans (5 species), Carya (2 species), Rhus, Myrtus, Crataegus, Prunus, Cassia (3 species).
A full house listened in rapt silence as the tragic events unfolded... David Rex ' Oedipus was a most moving figure.
Originally bred for their furs, rex rabbits were also suitable for the meat trade.
I hope this T. rex specimen will enthrall, educate and entertain our visitors and students for generations to come.
A number of real fossil T. rex bones will be at The Manchester Museum alongside the cast.
Yet, despite weighing some eight tons, tyrannosaurus rex could put in short dashes at 30mph.
Then two adult T rex enter the valley, leading to some almost exciting fights.
Telling the customer the consumer laureate which may or and fun rex.
When T.rex ruled the world - Tyrannosaurus rex is the Latin word for tyrant king.
The king of the tyrant lizards, Tyrannosaurus Rex, is shown battling with a Stegosaurus.
Rex's associates indulge in a second spate of unintelligent comments on the current political situation, two years after we first heard them.
The Devon Rex, the Cornish Rex and the LaPerm Rex have fewer coat hairs, providing less area for the Fel D 1 proteins to become trapped.
Although Rex cats do lose some hair, they do not shed heavily like other cats.
Cornish Rex cats are one of the most unique breeds available.