Rewarded Sentence Examples
He was rewarded with an adoring smile.
He was soon rewarded for this service.
After my tour was over, my diligence was truly rewarded in the kitchen of all places!
After doubling back and being rewarded with a branch slap on my cheek I realized I wasn't wrong after all; the Pace Arrow was gone!
His determined opposition to the empire, culminating in 1869 in a campaign in favour of the radical candidate opposed to 0111vier, was rewarded by his election as mayor of the 11th arrondissement of Paris and as deputy for the Seine.
Then he rewarded the gardener with ten more pieces for his honesty.
Good service is often rewarded with a larger tip.
The basic principle was that those who worked hard would be rewarded.
His obsequious language on this occasion, and the favours with which it was rewarded, formed a too violent contrast to the determined attitude of the university of Paris, which, tired of the schism, was even then demanding the resignation of the two pontiffs.
His most influential friend was Pompey, who, when settling the affairs of Asia (63 or 62 B.C.), rewarded him with the title of king and an increase of territory (Lesser Armenia).
AdvertisementColumella regarded the gains from the births as a sufficient motive for encouraging these unions, and thought that mothers should be rewarded for their fecundity; Varro, too, seems to have taken this view.
In 336, when Ctesiphon proposed that his friend Demosthenes should be rewarded with a golden crown for his distinguished services to the state, he was accused by Aeschines of having violated the law in bringing forward the motion.
They will be rewarded by the Government for achieving mediocrity.
Not only were we rewarded by the success of Howie's activities but our new personal situations were blissful.
He looked up at her, but wasn't exactly rewarded with a loving glance in return.
AdvertisementCynthia rewarded him with a hundred dollar smile as he looked at the label on the package.
My rules are simple; obey me and you will be rewarded.
He was rewarded with an adoring smile from Katie and a chuckle from Josh.
Together, we will teach your father that betrayal is rewarded with vengeance.
He was now rewarded by being made earl of Shaftesbury and Baron Cooper of Pawlett by a patent dated the 23rd of April 1672.
AdvertisementFor these and other services Bonner had been rewarded by the grant of several livings, and in 1535 he was made archdeacon of Leicester.
He then went to London to give an account of proceedings to the parliament, was thanked for his services and rewarded with the estate of the marquess of Worcester.
The small kings who had remained faithful were rewarded by an extension of their territories, and Ashdod, Ekron and Gaza were enriched at Judah's expense.
There were physicians who understood the use of herbs, and must be rewarded when their help was invited.
These services, which incidentally illustrate the solidarity and unity of the Jewish nation and the respect of the communities of the dispersion for the metropolis, were recognized and rewarded.
AdvertisementIsaac, too, conjoined tillage with pastoral husbandry, and that with success, for " he sowed in the land Gerar, and reaped an hundred-fold " - a return which, it would appear, in some favoured regions, occasionally rewarded the labour of the husbandman.
In 1508 Nicolas de Ovando, governor of Hispaniola (Haiti) rewarded the services of Juan Ponce de Leon, one of Columbus's companions in 1493, by permitting him to explore the island, then called by the natives "Borinquen," and search for its reputed deposits of gold.
These efforts have been rewarded by the increase of the salt revenue from £T635,000 in 1881-1882, the year preceding the establishment of the council, to £T1,075,880 in 1907-1908.
For this he was rewarded with the hand of one of the sultan's grand-daughters.
He was rewarded by Suleiman with the governorship of Tripoli, which he held till his death.
He wrote an account of this three years' journey, for which he was rewarded by Suleiman with an office and a pension.
In the succeeding autumn he returned to England, where his loyalism was rewarded by a government pension.
Thereupon, to spite the rival republic, the Sienese took the Ghibelline side, and the German emperors, beginning with Frederick Barbarossa, rewarded their fidelity by the grant of various privileges.
This statesmanlike persistence was rewarded by an uninterrupted series of triumphs, culminating in the recapture of Buda (1686) and Belgrade (1688), and the recovery of Bosnia (1689).
The ardour of his republican principles gave place, after the 18th Brumaire, to devotion towards the first consul, a sentiment promptly rewarded with the post of minister of the interior.
In this place his tact and temper, his dexterity and discrimination, enabled him to do good service, and he was rewarded with Walpole's friendship, a Garter and the place of lord high steward.
In the end complete success rewarded the sacrifices and efforts of the Federals on every theatre of war; in Virginia, where Grant was in personal control, the merciless policy of attrition wore down Lee's army until a mere remnant was left for the final surrender.
He was rewarded with a prebend in the collegiate church of secular canons at Southwell, half of which he was allowed in 1191 to cede to his "nephew" Reginald.
The Baden contingent continued to assist France, and by the peace of Vienna in 1809 the grandduke was rewarded with accessions of territory at the expense of the kingdom of Wurttemberg.
Here he translated Theagene et Chariclee from Heliodorus (1547 fol.), for which he was rewarded by Francis I.
Defoe says he received no pension, but his subsequent fidelity was at all events indirectly rewarded; moreover, Harley's moderation in a time of the extremest party-insanity was no little recommendation to Defoe.
At the same time he royally entertained the people and no less royally rewarded his brave officers.
He was rewarded by his translation to Canterbury in July 1452, when Pope Nicholas added as a special honour the title of cardinal-bishop of Santa Rufina.
At the Antietam, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, he rendered further good service, and at Gettysburg his handling of the artillery was conspicuous in the repulse of Pickett's charge, and he was rewarded with the brevet of colonel.
His services were rewarded in 1498 when Maximilian bestowed upon him the title of hereditary governor (potestat) of Friesland, but he had to make good his claim by force of arms. He had I.
This he had to resign on the Restoration, but was rewarded with a small pension, which was continued to his widow after his death.
His services to Louis were rewarded in various ways, and, using part of his wealth to increase the area of his possessions, he bought the town and district of Ansbach in 1331.
The Curia, following its accustomed policy, rewarded his zeal with a pension of 50 gulden.
This is not merely in the vague sense that on the whole good will be rewarded and evil punished, but that every single act must work out to the uttermost its inevitable consequences, and receive its retribution, however many ages the process may require.
For this you will be rewarded with a salary of up to £ 18000 and fantastic benefits.
The pair are recognized as the best coaching team in Scottish club rugby and both have been rewarded for their efforts this year.
From Herriot 's Bridge or Heron 's Green a patient observer may be rewarded with view of returning common or green sandpipers.
We then toiled up to the top to be rewarded by its panoramic view across London.
You will also be rewarded with outstanding benefits & benefit from uncapped bonus.
Matthew Donovan grabbed a quick early week session and was rewarded with a pretty big plated mirror weighing 27lb 8oz.
Those in the military are often rewarded for evasive and perceptive actions that they take.
Hissuperlative efforts in volunteer work were rewarded with a plaque at the annual ceremony.
The hypocrisy of the country's ruler who rewarded the rich over the poor was disappointing to his people.
If you are waiting to bring a new kitten home, your patience will be rewarded when you come home with a well adjusted, healthy, confident new pet.
The number of points rewarded is based on the amount of purchases made with the card.
They can be rewarded not only the money the thieves took from their accounts but also the funds for lost wages, legal fees and even pain and suffering.
Cardholders are rewarded for using the card.
When it is raw, organic and eco, you will be rewarded with the best possible luxurious food, products, health and more.
This approach is based on the idea that if a person is rewarded for a behavior, they are likely to continue that behavior.
People who get what they want by lying essentially are rewarded for it, and this leads them to do it again.
Purple zebra bedding can be a challenge to find, but you'll be rewarded with a fun and funky look when you do.
Kathy Griffin was recently rewarded for her reality of being a D-list celebrity, winning an Emmy for the show My Life on the D-List.
How many times can one watch one mediocre performance after another only to be rewarded by one or two interesting performances?
Your dog will be rewarded with kibbles that escape from the bottle as he plays with it.
You don't want to teach her that she'll be rewarded with affection or a treat if she whines.
Do your homework before you adopt to make sure your Rottie isn't another statistic, and you will be rewarded with love and loyalty for many years.
Set aside a little time each week to work your way through the local papers and any free flyers and this time investment could be rewarded by finding some interesting and useful organic food coupons.
You'll find many familiar names listed including Avenue, Catherines, and Jessica London, but you'll be rewarded with a whole list of newer stores catering to the younger plus size crowd including Torrid, Feel Pretty and Fashion Bug.
At it's heart, the game was a trivia game and when you answered a question right, you were rewarded with real videos of topless girls going various things, like bouncing on Rocket Balls.
Finish the fight!After all that hard work, you must want to be rewarded with a special ending, right?
Being stealthful just takes some patience, but with the control scheme, you will be rewarded with your patience.
You may have noticed that when you complete each stage, you may be rewarded with a special merit.
They can be rewarded by using food items, putting out fires, riding an animal like a vehicle, and a variety of other possibilities.
This was because the game rewarded you for ripping out hearts, tearing off heads, and forcing geysers of blood to spew from your opponent.
A video on YouTube shows the game in action, where you are rewarded for sparing lives rather than randomly executing everyone in sight.
Your patience in waiting for some of the spectacular predictable geysers will be amply rewarded!
Preschoolers also learn from having their good behaviors rewarded.
During the early stages of treatment, nonverbal communication such as pointing, nodding, and use of pictures to express needs, can be encouraged and rewarded.
The child is praised or rewarded for not performing the tics and for replacing them with acceptable alternative behaviors.
Learning theory focuses on the role of environmental factors in shaping the intelligence of children, especially on a child's ability to learn by having certain behaviors rewarded and others discouraged.
Nothing assists in overcoming shyness more than experiencing social successes, as when a child takes the initial risk of engaging in some social activity that is rewarded, for example, in successfully developing friendships.
Serena shows off a body that years of tennis playing have rewarded her with.
Lucky for the world, Veronique de la Cruz didn't rest on her hard-won laurels, but instead, took the determination and beautiful spirit the country of France so aptly rewarded, and channeled it into the Aquarella swimwear collection.
If you are prepared to tackle the challenges that you will face as a multiracial couple, you will be rewarded with a richly diverse and exciting relationship.
By simply putting as much thought into his gift basket as you'd like him to put into one for you, the ideas will flow and you'll be rewarded with an expression on his face that will make both your hearts swell with joy.
High quality and consistent writing are rewarded with higher rates.
This visual aid will give the children an opportunity to take responsibility for the actions and get rewarded for their positive behavior.
Set aside some time to speak with your child's teacher and implement a plan for in-school rewarded behavior.
I wanted to build a destination for kids where collaborative play and imagination would be encouraged and rewarded, and where fun would rule the day.
Before you invest too much time in using printable coupons, it's a good idea to review your store's coupon policy to make sure your efforts will be rewarded.
If you don't mind browsing and sifting through less than desirable pairs, you'll get rewarded for your efforts.
When she won in 1999, the entire theater stood up to give the actress a lengthy and well-deserved standing ovation as much for her work as for finally having that work rewarded with an Emmy.
Fans want to know who won Daytime Emmys because it allows them to enjoy the pageantry of an award show while also seeing their favorite actors or actresses or shows being rewarded for their work.
Work hard and you'll be rewarded accordingly.
Tattoodles is one of the most extensive tattoo flash sites on the Internet, so the patient will be rewarded.
Your craving will be rewarded and your visions for visceral beauty brought into fruition, given homage amid the breathtaking background of majestic mountains descending gracefully into oceanic utopia.
You also have the option of submitting more detailed information regarding your location and you will be rewarded with a more detailed map.
Applied behavioral analysis (ABA) is a treatment strategy for autism that revolves around the idea that children are more likely to engage in behaviors that are rewarded than in behaviors that are ignored, or not recognized.
If your child produces the correct response, he or she is rewarded.
While creativity can be a great asset for entrepreneurs and sales professionals, this is one area where it is not rewarded.
This is called "In-network care" and PPO participants are rewarded with a higher level of benefit reimbursement.
You will be rewarded once the piece is in place and you see how much smoother you look and how much more nicely your clothes lie.
Ashlee's aspirations as a singer were soon rewarded with a deal from Geffen Records.
Follow this link, and you will be rewarded with not one, but eleven tunes by this gritty voiced, legendary star of outlaw country and silver screen.
This is the last song Johnny Cash every wrote, and if you follow this link, you will be rewarded with three other songs from Johhny's last studio album.
Anyone that does so definitely deserves to be rewarded, and spring break is the perfect time for that reward.
In addition, Randi's unsuspecting family members were rewarded with $100,000 each for biting their tongues and allowing the farce to unfold.
They had to audition, like many hopeful people wanting love, and soon were rewarded with the chance to join A Shot at Love.
Many were irate that their participation in the series would not be rewarded in a way they saw fit.
The scholarship is rewarded on the basis of academic achievement and financial need.
All heroic journeys ultimately end in heroes being rewarded (rarely does the hero lose, except in Greek tragedy), and Lord of the Rings is no exception.
Those people who do help are rewarded with favors that may take the form of a gift.
If you are lucky enough to have your site pushed to the front page of Digg, you will be rewarded with an increased amount of traffic.
You are rewarded with bonus coins by accumulating Café points, which enable you to advance to higher Café World levels.
Some of these discussion panels become self-moderating, especially when the company encourages responsible and knowledgeable users to become official moderators, rewarded with company schwag or sometimes just an official title.
In September he surprised and routed Montrose at Philiphaugh near Selkirk, and was rewarded by the committee of estates with a present of -50,000 merks and a gold chain; but his victory was marred by the butchery of the captured Irish - men, women and children - to whom quarter had been given.
Ultimately he seems to have got free access to the collection, which he re-catalogued - the work of almost a whole summer, for which the curators rewarded him with nine guilders.
Very severe punishments were suggested for the clandestine lover, but the emperor rewarded the devotion of the pair by consenting to their marriage.
For this service he was rewarded with the lordship of Pontorson.
At last Poeas, father of Philoctetes, takes pity on him, and is rewarded with the gift of his bow and arrows.
Fearing a possible renewal of the Terror, he became an active member of the plot for the overthrow of the Directory in November 1799 He was rewarded by the presidency of the legislative commission formed by Napoleon to draw up the new constitution; and as president of the legislative section of the council of state he examined and revised the draft of the civil code.
As Johnson thought it unsafe to pursue the routed army his victory had no other effect than the erection here of the useless defences of Fort William Henry, but as it was the only success in a year of gloom parliament rewarded him with a grant of X 5000 and the title of a baronet.
In 1807 his submission was rewarded with the duchy of Warsaw (to which Cracow and part of Galicia were added in 1809) and the district of Cottbus, though he had to surrender some of his former territory to the new kingdom of Westphalia.
Confessing his inexperience, the king prayed for a discerning heart, and was rewarded with the gift of wisdom together with riches and military glory.
Six months afterwards he was appointed by the Peel ministry to the governor-generalship of Canada, and his success in carrying out the policy of the home government was rewarded with a XVIII.
His experiences here were unsatisfactory, but he abjured duly and was rewarded by being presented with twenty francs and sent about his business.
Captain Christopher Billopp made the trip within the time limit and was rewarded with a grant of 1163 acres at the south end of the island.
Castlereagh's great efforts were rewarded by a declaration that the slave trade was to be abolished, though each power was left free to fix such a date as was most convenient to itself.
Magnesia continued under the kings of Pergamum to be one of the most flourishing cities in this part of Asia; it resisted Mithradates in 87 B.C., and was rewarded with civic freedom by Sulla; but it appears to have greatly declined under the Roman empire, and its name disappears from history, though on coins of the time of Gordian it still claimed to be the seventh city of Asia.
Returning to the presidency of the chamber, he again abandoned his post in order to associate himself with the obstructionist campaign against the Public Safety Bill (1899-1900), and was rewarded by being enabled to form an administration with the support of the Extreme Left upon the fall of the Saracco cabinet in February 1901.
In 1604 he captured Dorpat, twice defeated the Swedish generals at Bialy Kamien, and was rewarded with the grand baton of Lithuania.
The conduct of Lord Cochrane, as he was called till the death of his father, was brilliant and was rewarded by the order of the Bath, but his aggressive temper led him into making attacks on the admiral which necessitated a court-martial on Gambier.
He took refuge with Robert Curthose in Normandy and became one of the advisers who pressed the duke to dispute the crown of England with his younger brother; Robert rewarded the bishop by entrusting him with the administration of the see of Lisieux.
Both before and after the issue of the Great Charter Hubert adhered loyally to the king; he was rewarded, in June 1215, with the office of chief justiciar.
The last book of the Laws of Manu deals with karmaplialam, " the fruit of karma," and gives many curious details of the way in which sin is punished and merit rewarded.
In spite of this, he went to Italy in 1132 in the train of the king, and his services there were rewarded, in 1134, by the investiture of the north mark, which was again without a ruler.
But with all these drawbacks he conquered and will retain a place in what is perhaps the highest, as it is certainly the smallest, class of statesmen - the class of those to whom their country has had recourse in a great disaster, who have shown in bringing her through that disaster the utmost constancy, courage, devotion and skill, and who have been rewarded by as much success as the occasion permitted.
It was distinguished by certain marks, and when the old Apis died a new one was sought; the finder was rewarded, and the bull underwent four months' education at Nilopolis.
A story is told that de Courci when imprisoned in the Tower volunteered to act as champion for King John in single combat against a knight representing Philip Augustus of France; that when he appeared in the lists his French opponent fled in panic; whereupon de Courci, to gratify the French king's desire to witness his prowess, "cleft a massive helmet in twain at a single blow," a feat for which he was rewarded by a grant of the privilege for himself and his heirs to remain covered in the presence of the king and all future sovereigns of England.
In time of war they served as light-armed troops or as rowers in the fleet; from the Peloponnesian War onwards they were occasionally employed as heavy infantry (61rXZr at), distinguished bravery being rewarded by emancipation.
He was also one of the most trusted advisers of Frederick's son and successor Maximilian I., and his services were rewarded in 1500 with the provostship of the cathedral at Augsburg and in the following year with the bishopric of Gurk.
He was a firm supporter of the emperor Henry IV., who rewarded his fidelity by granting him the dukedom of Swabia in 1079, and giving him his daughter Agnes in marriage.
In 1609 his services were rewarded by a grant of 2000 acres in Ulster.
This great service was rewarded by his promotion to the rank of cardinal on the presentation of the king of France in December 164r.
He was rewarded for his services by being admitted into the college of pontiffs.
He was rewarded with the districts of Neemuch and Amjhera, but Gwalior fort was occupied by British troops and was only restored to his son in 1886 by Lord Dufferin.
He was rewarded for his services by the consulship (112), and the title of patronus senatus.
Under Napoleon, of whom in 1806 he made a nude statue now at Dijon, Houdon received little employment; he was, however, commissioned to execute the colossal reliefs intended for the decoration of the column of the "Grand Army" at Boulogne (which ultimately found a different destination); he also produced a statue of Cicero for the senate, and various busts, amongst which may be cited those of Marshal Ney, of Josephine and of Napoleon himself, by whom Houdon was rewarded with the legion of honour.
The king of Sweden rewarded the admiral with the Grand Cross of the Order of the Sword.
Godfrey was rewarded with £50o.
This enterprising and deserving man, on the completion of his journey in 1875, was rewarded by the Indian government with a pension and grant of land, and afterwards received the gold medal of the Royal Geographical Society and the Companionship of the Star of India.
The breach with Innocent soon widened, and in violation of the treaty made with the pope Otto attempted to recover for the Empire all the property which Innocent had annexed to the Church, and rewarded his supporters with large estates in the disputed territories.
Educated at Louvain University, he studied'philosophy and theology with distinguished success, and was rewarded by a series of academic appointments.
Thus he rewarded the Orthodox upstart, Prince Constantine Ortrogski, for his victory at Orsza by making him palatine of Troki, despite determined opposition from the Catholics; severely punished all disturbers of the worship of the Greek schismatics; protected the Jews in the country places, and insisted that the municipalities of the towns should be composed of an equal number of Catholics and Orthodox Greeks.
The Romans easily obtained their allegiance, and rewarded them for help given against Antiochus by leaving them the freedom of their city.
From 1658 to 1660 it was unsuccessfully beleaguered by Charles Gustavus of Sweden; and in the following year it was rewarded by various privileges for its gallant defence.
But he persevered, and the next year was rewarded by the complete success of his Bergere chatelaine, an opera in three acts.
Davis has been annually rewarded with results of the highest interest.
The distinction of his career there was rewarded with a free choice amongst the departments of the public service open to pupils of the school.
He was rewarded with complete success and the respect of all the diplomatists in Europe.
His services were rewarded by a cardinalate and the archbishopric of Ferrara.
The German king treated his foe generousli and was rewarded by receiving to the end of his reign the servic of a loyal vassal; he also gained the goodwill of the Poles by helping to bring about the return of their duke, Casimir I., who willingly did homage for his land.
In this war she was opposed not only by France, but by Bavaria, Wurttemberg and Baden, all of which were liberally rewarded for their services, the rulers of the two former countries being proclaimed kings.
A series of successes over the English and Burgundians on the Loire was rewarded in 1420 with the government of Dauphiny and the office of marshal of France.
The purpose of Mahomet is to show from these histories how God in forme/ times had rewarded the righteous and punished their enemies.
During the reign of Philadelphus the land gained from the bed of the lake of Moeris was assigned to veteran soldiers; the great armies of the Ptolemies were rewarded or supported by grants of farm lands, and men of Macedonian, Greek and Hellenistic extraction were planted in colonies and garrisons or settled themselves in the villages throughout the country.
In 1787 he took part in the war with Russia, and was rewarded by being made pasha of Trikala in Thessaly and derwend-pasha of Rumelia.
His successful diplomacy was rewarded, oh his return to Rome, with the title of cardinal priest of Sta Susanna (December 1446).
An immense booty and many ransoms rewarded the Scots, whose victory was one of the decisive battles of the world.
He was rewarded by five or six months of dangerous and distressful wanderings, and would certainly have been taken at one juncture but for the courageous and wise assistance of Flora Macdonald, while on all hands the highlanders displayed the most devoted loyalty.
When Zolkiewski presented his captives, Tsar Vasily and his family, to the Polish diet, he received an ovation and was rewarded with the dignity of hetman wielki (commander-in-chief).
In November 1531 the king rewarded him for his services with the bishopric of Winchester, vacant by Wolsey's death.
The labours of Gratian are said to have been rewarded with the bishopric of Chiusi, but if so he appears never to have been consecrated; at least his name is not in any authentic list of those who have occupied that see.
Having taken the drunken Silenus back to his youthful charge Dionysus, he was rewarded by the god with the power of transforming everything he touched into gold.
It seems clear, however, that Vortigern made use of them to protect his kingdom against the Picts and Scots, and rewarded them for their services with a grant of land.
For timely help in the Egyptian War of 47 B.C. Hyrcanus was rewarded by the title of Ethnarch, and Antipater with the Roman citizenship and the office of procurator of Judaea.
A sedulous courtier, he was rewarded with the confidence of Augustus, who ordered the procurators of Syria to do nothing without taking his advice.
He had been commissioned in September 1862 colonel of the 61st New York volunteers, commanded a brigade at the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, and in May 1864 was rewarded for his gallant leadership by the grade of brigadier-general of volunteers.
In 1835 he served with great gallantry in the Caucasus, and on his return to St Petersburg was rewarded with a gold sword "for valour."
His descendant in 1505, Singhan Deo, having distinguished himself in an expedition against the freebooters of the Deccan, was rewarded by the sovereignty of the small territory of Gohad, with the title of rana.
Different degrees of success may have rewarded them, but in no case have they abandoned the struggle.
There were frequent struggles between the bishops and the citizens, who espoused the cause of the emperors against them, and were rewarded by privileges which fostered trade.
Maslama was rewarded with the governorship of Irak and Khorasan, but was soon replaced by Omar b.
Ibn Omar was rewarded with the government of eastern Irak, Khuzistan and Fars.
While the Abbasid dynasty was thus dying out in shame and degradation, the Fatimites, in the person of Mo'izz li-din-allah (or Mo`izz Abu Tamin Ma'add) ("he who makes God's religion victorious"), were reaching the highest degree of power and glory in spite of the opposition of the Carmathians, who left their old allegiance and entered into negotiations with the court of Bagdad, offering to drive back the Fatimites, on condition of being assisted with money and troops, and of being rewarded with the government of Syria and Egypt.
This service was considered by the government as worthy of special acknowledgment; the naval and military commanders, officers, seamen and soldiers received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, and Admiral Gambier was rewarded with a peerage.
At the Council of Basel he was one of the ablest supporters of the view of the Roman curia, and he was rewarded with a cardinal's hat in 1439.
In 1807, during the war between France and Prussia, it was bombarded and captured by Marshal Lefebvre, who was rewarded with the title of duke of Danzig; and at the peace of Tilsit Napoleon declared it a free town, under the protection of France, Prussia and Saxony, restoring to it its ancient territory.
Richly rewarded by Hrothgar, Beowulf returns to his native land.
The emperor protested that only the Greeks were fit to hear him, and rewarded them when he left by the bestowal of immunity from the land tax on the whole province, and by the gift of the Roman franchise; he also planned and actually commenced the cutting of a canal through the Isthmus of Corinth.
They are then examined by the elders of the tribe, and if events have verified them, he is recognized as a supernaturally gifted being, and rewarded with chieftaincy.
Not a few saints were rewarded for their fasting by glimpses of the beatific vision.
Bacon's services were rewarded in June 1607 by the office of solicitor.'
For the energy displayed in the contest Horsley was rewarded by Lord Chancellor Thurlow with a prebendal stall at Gloucester; and in 1788 the same patron procured his promotion to the see of St David's.
In March 1801 he was the naval commander of the combined force which reduced the islands of St Bartholomew and St Martin, a service for which he was rewarded with the order of the Bath and a pension of £l000 a year.
Then such as prove their worth are called to high office and rewarded, generally with grants of land.
For these two state papers he was rewarded with the posts of "plenipotentiary for all negotiations" in the foreign office and postmaster-general.
The empress, as usual, richly rewarded her comes with pensions and principalities.
Charles's tenacity and clever tact were now rewarded.
Further, we are not only under a government in which actions considered simply as such are rewarded and punished, but it is known from experience that virtue and vice are followed by their natural consequents - happiness and misery.
It may therefore be concluded that the balance of probability is in favour of God's government in general being a moral scheme, where virtue and vice are respectively rewarded and punished.
Sometimes the accuser was rewarded with the rights of citizenship, a place in the senate, or a share of the property of the accused.
Saldanha was rewarded with a dukedom, and retained office until June 1849.
The scenes are partly mythological (labours of Heracles), partly purely heraldic. Eighteen panels were transported to the Louvre in 1838; other fragments rewarded the Americans, and a scientific ground-plan was drawn.
He was rewarded with the countship of Ivry.
At the age of twenty he served his apprenticeship as a soldier under Tiberius, and was rewarded with the triumphal insignia for his services in crushing the revolt in Dalmatia and Pannonia.
The system of road-building by private enterprise, the undertakers being rewarded by tolls levied from vehicles, persons or animals using the roads, was established in England in 1663, when an act of Charles II.
In 1857 Bhan Pratap Singh rendered signal services to the British during the Mutiny, being rewarded with certain privileges and a hereditary salute of eleven guns.
Gladstone, who rewarded him with the living of St George's, Botolph Lane, in 1871, and with a canonry of Ripon in 1884.
For these and other artistic labours Leonardo was rewarded in 1498 (ready money being with difficulty forthcoming and his salary being long in arrears) by the gift of a suburban garden outside the Porta Vercelli.
His efforts were rewarded by the acquisition of some 250 MSS., with which he returned to Venice.
The republic rewarded her champion with the further distinction of state counsellor in jurisprudence, and, a unique mark of confidence, the liberty of access to the state archives.
The school of Saint-Simon insists strongly on the claims of merit; they advocate a social hierarchy in which each man shall be placed according to his capacity and rewarded according to his works.
By the treaty of Berlin, in 1878, the Russians rewarded their Rumanian allies with this land of mountains, fens and barren steppes, peopled by Turks, Bulgarians, Tatars, Jews and other aliens; while, to add to the indignation of Rumania, they annexed instead the fertile country of Bessarabia, largely inhabited by Rumans.
Warriors, statesmen, Brehons, 011amhs, physicians, poets, and even eminent workers in the more important arts, were, in different degrees, rewarded with free lands for their respective public services.
On the death of any person so rewarded, the land in theory reverted to the clan; but if like services continued to be rendered by the son or other successor, and accepted by the clan, the land was not withdrawn.
But the untiring perseverance of the house of Alfred was at last rewarded by success.
He had been amply rewarded by grants of land and money, but was not yet satisfied.
But in the winter of 1494-1495 the traitors were themselves betrayed, and a large number of arrests were made, including not only Lord Fitzwaiter and a number of well-known knights of Yorkist families, but Sir William Stanley, the kings chamberlain, who had been rewarded with enormous gifts for his good service at Bosworth, and was reckoned one of the chief supports of the throne.
Henry rewarded him with a pension of 20 a year, and encouraged him to further exploration, in which he discovered all the American coast-line from Labrador to the mouth of the Delawarea great heritage for England, but one not destined to be taken up for colonization till more than a century had passed.
The expedition, entrusted to Sir Robert Napier, afterwards Lord Napier of Magdaia, was fitted out at great expense, and was rewarded with complete success.
The victorious Lord Berkeley, whose children died young, was on ill terms with his next brother, and made havoc of the great Berkeley estates by grants to the Crown and the royal house, for which he was rewarded with certain empty titles.
Burke was rewarded for services beyond price by being made paymaster of the forces, with the rank of a privy councillor.
In 1805 Wurttemberg took up arms on the side of France, and by the peace of Pressburg in December 1805 the elector was rewarded with various Austrian possessions in Swabia and with other lands in the neighbourhood.
This boldness was rewarded, for on the 19th the clergy decided by a majority of one in favour of joint verification.
To be " obliged " is to be " urged by a violent motive resulting from the command of another "; in the case of moral obligation, the command proceeds from God, and the motive lies in the expectation of being rewarded and punished after this life.
Ormonde, whose wife had been allowed by Cromwell's clemency to make him some remittances from the wreck of his estate, was largely and deservedly rewarded.
All priests were required to register and to remain in their own parishes, and informers were to be rewarded at the expense of the Catholic inhabitants.
He was rewarded by admission to the Academy and the appointment of mathematical professor in Mazarin college, where he worked in a small observatory fitted for his use.
The Moon in Greek myths loved Endymion, and was bribed to be the mistress of Pan by the present of a fleece, like the Dawn in Australia, whose unchastity was rewarded by a gift of a red cloak of opossum skin.
They had already, in 613, treated with Clotaire and betrayed the hopes of Brunhilda, being consequently rewarded with the guardianship of young Dagobert.
The duchy with which he rewarded Robert the Strong was only a military command, but became a powerful fief.
Before 1817 Alagoas formed part of the capitania of Pernambuco, but in that year the district was rewarded with a.
His researches with the telescope had been rewarded 1 The word telescope, from riiXe, far, to view, was invented by Demiscianus, an eminent Greek scholar, at the request of Prince Cesi, president of the Lyncean Academy.
Sometimes they were sent to organize and govern a march, sometimes they were rewarded with benefices, and as, with the growth of feudalism, these developed into hereditary fiefs, the word vassus or vassallus was naturally retained as implying the relation to the king as overlord, and was extended to the holders of all fiefs whether capital or mediate.
With eminent good sense he rewarded his ally by resigning all claim to feudal superiority over Aragon.
He had been bound to him by a long term of loyal service, which had been rewarded with equal loyalty.
His abilities, which were mainly of an administrative and military order, were soon rewarded by the cardinal's hat and the legation of Bologna.
The Porte made counter-proposals, and officials concerned in the Sasun massacres were decorated and rewarded.
No one was punished for the massacres, and many of those implicated in them were rewarded.
He took a prominent part in the ensuing civil war and was rewarded by Wladislaus III.
He landed in England with William of Orange in 1688, and aided William's cause with his pen; but William and his advisers did not regard him as a person of importance, although his services were rewarded with a sinecure appointment in the Excise.
Dean went to the kitchen, returning with a dustpan and whisk broom, only to be rewarded with a stern lecture on his insensitivity when he made motions to pitch the little varmint out in the snow.
Youthful enthusiasm is not rewarded in this way.
Prisoners who successfully complete an externally accredited qualification are rewarded with an achievement bonus.
Germans are extremely aggressive drivers and politeness on the road is not rewarded.
We decided to stay till sunset for the evening flight and were rewarded with eighty Philippine cockatoos flying into the roost tree.
He approached the duchy with a business plan and was eventually rewarded with a crumbling granite barn and the money to renovate it.
On a fine summer's day you may be rewarded by the sight of a white admiral, silver-washed fritillary or comma butterfly.
Those who labored to construct the grotto were regularly rewarded with a glass of gin.
She put in a really gutsy effort and was rewarded with the biggest cheer of the day, which was well deserved.
He was rewarded a few days later by a Fulani herdsman reporting that he had left seven lions watching his herd of cattle.
Exercise in natural green areas should be rewarded with financial incentives.
Quite rightly, those firms who successfully innovate will be rewarded for the risks they carry by higher profits.
We decided to return via the Monroy Road, and were again rewarded with views of a pair of Black-shouldered kites.
In 1976 we was rewarded by the Queen with an honorary CBE, followed two years later by an honorary knighthood.
The judging scheme is not designed to reward unadventurous mediocrity; excellent ringing will, however, be rewarded highly.
Now, the naked roadster has been rewarded with its first prestigious award.
The pair are recognized as the best coaching team in Scottish club Rugby and both have been rewarded for their efforts this year.
From Herriot's Bridge or Heron's Green a patient observer may be rewarded with view of returning common or green sandpipers.
Walkers are rewarded with outstanding landscapes, the chalk scarp deeply divided by dry valleys.
You will work in a fast paced, lively, highly sociable environment where outstanding results are highly rewarded.
Success will be rewarded with a sizeable stake in the company.
In his thirty-third year he had already become renowned for the obstinate zeal with which he supported the falling dynasty of the Stuarts, and was rewarded for his services with the prebend and rectory of Cudworth, with the chapel of Knowle annexed, in Somersetshire.
Above all, many of its members have come to " the conviction, which is not new, but old, that the virtues which can be rewarded and the vices which can be punished by external discipline are not as a rule the virtues and the vices that make or mar the soul " (Hatch, Bampton Lectures, 81).
His son, Sardar Singh (1851-1872), was rewarded for help given during the Mutiny by an increase of territory.
Portions of the Australasian force also broke out of the southern sections of the Anzac position, and were rewarded by the acquisition of some very valuable ground after 'a violent contest; the real purpose, however, was to occupy the attention of the enemy and to conceal a design of much greater moment.
It is unfortunate, as it awakens prejudice, but in the present writer's opinion it is true, that crystal-gazing sometimes is rewarded with results which may be styled "supra-normal."
His adherence to the parliamentary party was in 1643 rewarded by the living of St Gabriel, Fenchurch Street, London.
Reinach (Revue des etudes grecques, xix., 1906), who draws special attention to the similar formation "hierophant," the sycophant was an official connected with the cult of the Phytalidae, whose eponymus Phytalus was rewarded with a fig-tree by the wandering Demeter in return for his hospitality.
The raja, Sir Drigbijai Singh K.C.S.I., was conspicuously loyal during the Mutiny, and was rewarded with accessions of territory and hereditary privileges.
He reverted to his early idea of a nutation of the earth's axis, and was rewarded by the discovery that the earth did possess such an oscillation (see Astronomy).
Although the many attempts that have been made to break in and train zebras for riding and driving have sometimes been rewarded with partial success, the animal has never been domesticated in the true sense of the word (see Horse).
Refused at first a hearing, his perseverance was at length rewarded by the emperor's assent to his reasonable request that his accusers should be brought face to face with him in the imperial presence.
In 1756 he went to Canada as captain of dragoons and aide-de-camp to the marquis de Montcalm; and having distinguished himself in the war against England, was rewarded with the rank of colonel and the cross of St Louis.
Thus he rewarded the patriotism of the Danish ladies who sacrificed all their jewels to pay the heavy ransom exacted from him by his captors, the Jomsborg pirates, by enacting a law whereby women were henceforth to inherit landed property in the same way as their male relatives.
He found in Tycho's ample legacy of first-class data precisely what enabled him to try, by the touchstone of fact, the successive hypotheses that he imagined; and his untiring patience in comparing and calculating the observations at his disposal was rewarded by a series of unique discoveries.
The indomitable perseverance he had shown during one of the most arduous voyages in the history of sea adventure was rewarded by the capture of an immensely rich prize, the "Nuestra Senora de Covadonga," which was met off Cape Espiritu Santo on the 20th of June 1743.
When he had finished, he bowed, and waited, hoping that he would be rewarded.
They didn't enter war to satisfy a desire to kill and maim but to be victorious in the way their society rewarded.
Simple regurgitation of cue card records is not rewarded.
Soon to be rewarded with a thriving, buzzing industry to revitalize the local economy.
Returning to England in 1805 he was rewarded with a knighthood and with election to the British Parliament.
Theta power decreased sharply 240 ms before movement ended at the rewarded end, but not at the unrewarded end of the track.
Water regularly and you will be rewarded with tasty herbs to snip and cook with.
It can be tricky, but if you're careful you will be rewarded with a gorgeous plant with intoxicating blooms that fill your home with its perfume.
If you take the time to visit the park you'll be rewarded with exciting rides, fun shows and good food.
No more fighting for a high score, this time you get rewarded in the form of items, special artifacts, and new enemies to vanquish.
You're rewarded for finding longer words, and there are bonus words, bonus tiles, and burning tiles to give you additional incentives.
If a sound is heard by the child, then he or she turns toward the appropriate speaker and is rewarded by a visual stimulus, such as an animated toy or a flashing light, although video images have been used for older children.
These charts can be used for any age child, and is a powerful tool because they give children a way to take ownership of their actions, and be rewarded for their good behavior.
Her small effort was rewarded with a warm sweet smile.
In 467 the emperor Anthemius rewarded him for the panegyric which he had written in honour of him by raising him to the post of prefect of Rome, and afterwards to the dignity of a patrician and senator.
When Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony and Bavaria, was placed under the imperial ban in 1180, Otto's services were rewarded by the investiture of the dukedom of Bavaria at Altenburg.
He also largely employed Jews and Ishmaelites,' the financial specialists of the day, whom he rewarded with lands and titles.
In the fourth book Boetius raises the question, Why, if the governor of the universe is good, do evils exist, and why is virtue often punished and vice rewarded?
His political duties did not suspend his prosecution of his history, except on one occasion, and for a little while, in 1779, when he undertook, on behalf of the ministry, a task which, if well performed, was also, it must be added, well rewarded.
He endorsed the claims of Maximilian of Bavaria to the electoral dignity, and was rewarded with the gift of the Heidelberg library, which was carried off to Rome.
A new career of ambition was opened to her citizens in the Roman honours that rewarded services to the imperial armies during their frequent expeditions in the East.
The results of these and similar attempts led to the conclusion that efforts to improve the indigenous cottons were most likely to be rewarded with success.
Honorius was one of the feeblest emperors who ever occupied the throne, and the dismemberment of the West was only temporarily averted by the efforts of Stilicho, and, later, of Constantius, a capable general who overthrew the usurpers and was rewarded with a share in the government.
Numerous less distinguished adepts also practised the art, and sometimes were so successful in their deceptions that they gained the ear of kings, whose desire to profit by the achievements of science was in several instances rewarded by an abundant crop of counterfeit coins.
Towards the end of the 8th century they aided Charlemagne in putting an end to the Avar kingdom, and were rewarded by receiving part of it, corresponding to North Hungary, as a fief of the German emperor, whose supremacy they also acknowledged more or less for their other possessions.
The discordance of their results incited Laplace to a searching examination of the whole subject of planetary perturbations, and his maiden effort was rewarded with a discovery which constituted, when developed and completely demonstrated by his own further labours and those of his illustrious rival Lagrange, the most important advance made in physical astronomy since the time of Newton.
His political activity while bishop of Durham was rewarded with a privy councillorship in 1627.
He was much employed, owing to Richelieu's influence, in the fetes of the dauphin's marriage, and was rewarded through the influence of Madame de Pompadour on New Year's Day 1745 by the appointment to the post of historiographer-royal, once jointly held by Racine and Boileau.
In December 1861 he was rewarded with the see of Gloucester and Bristol, and within a twelvemonth he was elevated to the archiepiscopal see of York.
He submitted, however, to the Elizabethan settlement of religion, and was rewarded with the archdeaconry of Middlesex, a canonry at Canterbury and in 1560 with the deanery of St Paul's.
At Constantinople, too, Austria once more supported Russian policy, and was rewarded, in 1777, by the acquisition of Bukovina from Turkey.
Just think, you can be rewarded with a gleaming new car, all for writing a ten word tiebreaker.
A trained male walrus was rewarded to distinguish between triangular and circular shapes on a flat and a heterogenous substrate.
A visit in the evening might be rewarded by seeing woodcock ' roding ' overhead and hearing the song of the mysterious nightjar.
Clearly no ill-fed foot soldier but an English yeoman whose Godly ways have been rewarded with earthly riches.
With the aid of this general theory the methods we have sketched in relation to historical problems apply with greater Applica- force to the special problems of modern times, and are tion to rewarded with results more accurate, more fruitful, modern more relevant to difficulties which all civilized nations problems. have to face, than those of historical research.
Several stories of empty rooms rewarded their search, but nothing more; so after a time they came back to the platform again.
By taking extra good care of your skin in the wintertime, you will be rewarded with soft, smooth results without painful cracks.
If they rushed in, a good defense attorney was rewarded by having a great day in court.
Buy in bulk, get rewarded in bulk.
The Sforzas having expelled the French from Milan, Cesare returned to Rome in February, his schemes checked for the moment; his father rewarded him for his successes by making him gonfaloniere of the church and conferring many honours on him; he remained in Rome and took part in bull fights and other carnival festivities.
Alexius took possession of the town; and though he rewarded the crusading princes richly, some discontent was excited by his action.
In the prosecution of this enterprise Frederick spent large sums of money, for which he received various places in Bohemia and elsewhere in pledge from Sigismund, who further rewarded him in January 1423 with the vacant electoral duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg; and Frederick's formal investiture followed at Ofen on the 1st of August 1425.
Then again he thought of Lazarev rewarded and Denisov punished and unpardoned.
I lined up behind an old fellow whose odor almost caused me to skip the meal entirely but I stuck with it and was rewarded by a tasty bowl of chicken soup and a fresh baked roll.