Revisionists Sentence Examples
Mao remained in control of the Cultural Revolution and with the support of the army was able to oust the revisionists.
What do the opponents of David Irving and the other revisionists fear?
The Internet is a dream come true for today's historical revisionists.
The german revisionists will not read his book with pleasure.
Today the leading revisionists are Funk, GE Wells, Burton Mack and John Dominic Crossan.
The Internet is a dream come true for today 's historical revisionists.
He formed a new party, the World Union of Zionist Revisionists in 1925, and the youth movement Betar.
The German revisionists will not read his book with pleasure.
Israeli revisionists contend that Yiddish, the revivalists ' mother tongue, is the substratum whilst Hebrew is only a superstratum.