Reversed Sentence Examples
I reversed the process.
Just as they had reversed their direction, Edith Shipton passed them, driving down the mountain, not speeding but too fast by Dean's conservative standards.
If Annie's abductor was still operating, that literally reversed the odds that we'd knock heads with him if he remained active!
We may imagine these changes reversed in two ways.
The coercive force, or coercivity, of a material is that reversed magnetic force which, while it is acting, just suffices to reduce the residual induction to nothing after the material has been temporarily submitted to any great magnetizing force.
He found himself hating the feeling instead of relishing it, like he thought he would if their roles were ever reversed.
I think we've got our roles reversed.
You wouldn't let me back out if our roles were reversed.
Jenn didn't know if her pregnancy could be reversed, even upon returning to the mortal world, but she knew they couldn't stop long enough for Sofi to have her baby.
When the magnetizing current is broken, the magnetization at once undergoes considerable diminution, then gradually falls to zero, and a similar sudden change followed by a slow one is observed when a feeble current is reversed.
AdvertisementAll that he had done they condemned; all that they could they reversed.
Down to this point, the bed of the Euphrates being higher than that of the Tigris, the canals run from the former to the latter, but below this the situation is reversed.
This assumption has the great advantage, that the intrinsic energy of a compound relatively to its elements now appears as the heat of formation of the compound with its sign reversed.
Ewing has shown that it is diminished and may even be reversed by tensile stress.
When the strong magnetizing field is gradually diminished to zero and then reversed, the needles pass from one stable position of rest to another through a condition of instability; and if the field is once more reversed, so that the cycle is completed, the needles again pass through a condition of instability before a position of stable equilibrium is regained.
AdvertisementDecisions of one day were frequently reversed the next, and every one held himself free to disobey any law that he did not approve of..
On the other side the effect is reversed.
Sometimes an outer bow, the secondary rainbow, is observed; this is much fainter than the primary bow, and it exhibits the same play of colours, with the important distinction that the order is reversed, the red being inside and the violet outside.
The family had been favoured by the emperor Charles the Fat, but Arnulf reversed this policy in favour of the rival family of the Conradines.
He reversed the Hippocratic maxim "art is long," promising his scholars to teach them the whole of medicine in six months, and had inscribed upon his tomb iaTpovLKc, 7 r, as being superior to all living and bygone physicians.
AdvertisementIn summer there will be less movement of air and the current will frequently be reversed.
The efficiency of such ventilating furnaces is low, and they cannot safely be used in mines producing fire-damp. They are sometimes the cause of underground fires, and they are always a source of danger when by any chance the ventilating current becomes reversed, in which case the products of combustion, containing large quantities of carbon dioxide, will be drawn into the mine to the serious danger of the men.
The " primitive " glass-worker reversed this process.
As a rule these equations are established immediately by determining the component acceleration of the fluid particle which is passing through (x, y, z) at the instant t of time considered, and saying that the reversed acceleration or kinetic reaction, combined with the impressed force per unit of mass and pressure-gradient, will according to d'Alembert's principle form a system in equilibrium.
Uniplanar Motion of a Liquid due to the Passage of a Cylinder through it.-A stream-function 4, must be determined to satisfy the conditions v24 =o, throughout the liquid; (I) I =constant, over any fixed boundary; (2) d,t/ds = normal velocity reversed over a solid boundary, (3) so that, if the solid is moving with velocity U in the direction Ox, d4y1ds=-Udy/ds, or 0 +Uy =constant over the moving cylinder; and 4,+Uy=41' is the stream function of the relative motion of the liquid past the cylinder, and similarly 4,-Vx for the component velocity V along Oy; and generally 1,1'= +Uy -Vx (4) is the relative stream-function, constant over a solid boundary moving with components U and V of velocity.
AdvertisementIf the liquid is stirred up by the rotation R of a cylindrical body, d4lds = normal velocity reversed dy = - Rx- Ry ds (5) ds 4' + 2 R (x2 + y2) = Y, (6) a constant over the boundary; and 4,' is the current-function of the relative motion past the cylinder, but now V 2 4,'+2R =o, (7) throughout the liquid.
The first vortex dilates and moves slower, while the second contracts and shoots through the first; after which the motion is reversed periodically, as if in a game of leap-frog.
The motion of a jet impinging on an infinite barrier is obtained by putting j = a, j' = a'; duplicated on the other side of the barrier, the motion reversed will represent the direct collision of two jets of unequal breadth and equal velocity.
In his first system, published in 1886,' Hommel, mainly with the object of reducing Khammurabi's date, reversed the order of the first two dynasties of the Kings' List, placing Dynasty II.
On the death of the bishop Mar Athanasius Matthew in 1877, litigation began as to his successor; it lasted ten years, and the decision (since reversed) was given against the party that held by the Nestorian connexion and the habitual autonomy of the Malabar church in favour of the supremacy of the Jacobite patriarch of Antioch.
After discussing the structure of the eye he gives an experiment in which the appearance of the reversed images of outside objects on a piece of paper held in front of a small hole in a darkened room, with their forms and colours, is quite clearly described and explained with a diagram, as an illustration of the phenomena of vision.
He discloses as a great secret the use of a concave speculum in front of the aperture, to collect the rays passing through it, when the images will be seen reversed, but by prolonging them beyond the centre they would be seen larger and unreversed.
But during the warm season, from May to September, these conditions of atmospheric pressure are reversed, that in the Pacific rising to 767 mm.
There is also a large difference in most cases between the value for a steadily applied electric force and a rapidly reversed or intermittent force-in the last case a decrease with increase of frequency.
If heat passes "of itself" from a higher to a lower temperature by conduction, convection or radiation, the transfer cannot be reversed without an expenditure of work.
John of Gaunt regained power, and in 1377 a new parliament, carefully packed by the courtiers, reversed the acts of the Good Parliament.
The reversed plate thus produced is then stripped from the first and used as cathode in its turn, with the result that even the finest lines of the original are faithfully reproduced.
It permits complete rotation of the tube and measurement of all angles in reversed positions of the circle; the handles that move the slides can be brought down to the eye-end, inside the tube, and consequently made to rotate with it; and the position circle may be placed at the end of the cradle next the eyeend where it is convenient of access.
At the commencement of the following reign his attainder was reversed and his brother Henry restored to the earldom; and Henry being appointed guardian to the young king Edward III., assisted him to throw off the yoke of Mortimer.
Richard soon afterwards, by declaring himself of age, shook off his uncle's control, and within ten years the acts of the Wonderful Parliament were reversed by a parliament no less arbitrary.
An unfavourable judgment was given by the Canterbury Court of Arches in 1862, but reversed by the Privy Council in 1864.
Wind and tide greatly alter the strength of these currents due to difference of density, and the surface outflow may either be stopped or, in the case of the belts, actually reversed by a strong and steady wind.
Ultimately also the ropes should be reversed in position, and this can only be done with a rope of uniform section.
When the cage arrives at the surface, or rather the platform forming the working top above the mouth of the pit, it is received upon the keeps, a pair of hinged gratings which are kept in an inclined position over the pit-top by counterbalance weights, so that they are pushed aside to allow the cage to pass upwards, but fall back and receive it when the engine is reversed.
It is somewhat like an axe reversed, the edge of the blade curving inward and placed at right angles to the handle.
In later times the apologists of each sect reversed the process, and cleared that in which they were interested at the expense of others.
C. Vogel's spectroscopic measures in 1889.2 Previously to each obscuration, the star was found to be moving rapidly away from the earth; its velocity then diminished to zero pari passu with the loss of light, and reversed its direction during the process of recovery.
The case was carried to England, where in 1695 parliament reversed the attainders of the victims, and for many years the province was rent by the Leislerian and anti-Leislerian factions.
When the motion is reversed and the air moves out of the pipe at the embouchure, the sheet is deflected on to the outer side of the sharp edge, and no work is done against it by the air in the pipe.
The struggle for religious freedom has suffered no intermission since the beginning of the Reformation; and the result is that to-day its recognition is considered one of the most precious trophies won in the evolution of modern civilization; nor can these changes be reversed, for they stand in the closest connexion and reciprocity one with another, and represent the fruits of centuries of co-operation on the part of the European peoples.
The quarrel with Madame d'Epinay, with Diderot, and through them with the philosophe party reversed this.
If the bedding be traced, either in the slates or in the other rocks which accompany them, flexures will be frequently observed (the folding often being of an isoclinal type), while reversed faulting, or thrusting, is usually also conspicuous.
It is evidently a gyroscopic effect, being reversed in direction by a change from a right to a left-handed twist of rifling, and being increased by an increase of rotation of the shot.
On the disruption of the Scottish Church he took the side of the seceders, giving a judicial opinion in their favour, afterwards reversed by the house of lords.
Some have functional fore-limbs but mere vestiges of hind-limbs; in others this condition is reversed.
If we compare the spectrum produced by refraction in a glass prism with that of a diffraction grating, we find not only that the order of colours is reversed, but also that the same colours do not occupy corresponding lengths on the two spectra, the blue and violet being much more extended in the refraction spectrum.
The earl of Lancaster's attainder being reversed in 1327, Bradford, with his other property, was restored to his brother and heir, Henry Plantagenet, but again passed to the crown on the accession of Henry IV., through the marriage of John of Gaunt with Blanche, one of the daughters and heirs of Henry Plantagenet.
Both bear their round or ovoid male catkins at the ends of the slender terminal branchlets; the ovoid cones, either terminal or on short lateral twigs, have thick woody scales dilated at the extremity, with a broad disk depressed in the centre and usually furnished with a short spine; at the base of the scales are from three to seven ovules, which become reversed or partially so by compression, ripening into small angular seed with a narrow wing-like expansion.
They are peculiar in having their altitude dependent on the depth of revived erosion, instead of the amount of faulting, and they are sometimes topographically reversed, in that the revived scarp overlooks a lowland worn on a weak formation in the upheaved fault-block.
Earl Thomas was executed for treason, and though his attainder was reversed he left no issue, and was succeeded in the earldom by his brother Henry.
After the execution of the regent Morton, the 4th earl, in 1581 this earldom was bestowed upon Maxwell, but in 1586 the attainder of the late earl was reversed and he was deprived of his new title.
On the 16th of May, after sessions in which the Senate repeatedly reversed the rulings of the chief justice as to the admission of evidence, in which the president's counsel showed that their case was excellently prepared and the prosecuting counsel appealed in general to political passions rather than to judicial impartiality, the eleventh article was voted on and impeachment failed by a single vote (35 to 19; 7 republicans and 12 democrats voting " Not guilty ") of the necessary two-thirds.
But frequent exceptions have been observed in which the direction of rotation is reversed.
Thus the trunk series consists of lines which are easily reversed while those of the side branch are nebulous.
The magnet K is then reversed in the support, and a new setting taken.
The magnetism of these two needles is never reversed, and they are as much as possible protected from shock and from approach to other magnets, so that their magnetic state may remain as constant as possible.
In an actual observation the deflecting needle would be reversed, as well as the deflected one, while different weights would be used to deflect the needle b..
Even after the war with Prussia had actually broken out he refused Italian aid at the price of the abandonment of the city, a step which he nevertheless reversed hurriedly twenty days too late.
But it does not necessarily follow that with other materials and with other constitutional qualities the state of things would not be reversed.
The charges thus deposited on the glass disk are carried round so that the upper half is electrified negatively on both sides and the lower half positively on both sides, the sign of the electrification being reversed as the disk passes between the combs and the armature by discharges issuing from them respectively.
While the continental type of deposit, with its coal beds, was the earliest to be formed in certain areas, and the marine series came on later, in other regions this order was reversed.
By the middle of the 14th century this situation was exactly reversed; the elected town council was the supreme legislative power in all criminal and civil causes, and in the court of the advocatus two Ratsm¢nner sat as assessors.
Now it is perfectly clear that it could not have been this object which impelled Solon to introduce sortition; for in his time the archonship was not open to the lower classes, and, therefore, election was more democratic than sortition, whereas later the case was reversed.
It is a long and narrow trough, which is separated from the older rocks of the Ardennes by a great reversed fault, the faille du midi.
As soon as the parliament was dissolved he had its proceedings reversed, and next year secured a more subservient assembly.
When the legal tender decision was reversed after the appointment of new judges,1871-1872(Legal Tender Cases, 12 Wallace, 457), Chase prepared a very able dissenting opinion.
On the morrow of his accession he had reversed the policy of Paul, denounced the League of Neutrals, and made peace with England (April 1801), at the same time opening negotiations with Austria.
The court of arches upheld the bishop, but its decision was reversed by the privy council.
A few years later, however, he had reversed his position, and zealously defended the supremacy of the pope.
He offered the little children as the type of those to whom the kingdom of God belonged; and He disappointed a young and wealthy aspirant to His favour, amazing His disciples by saying that the kingdom of God could hardly be entered by the rich; he who forsook all should have all, and more than all; the world's estimates were to be reversed - the first should be last and the last first.
When Lord Curzon became viceroy in 1898, he reversed the policy on the north-west frontier which had given rise to the Tirah campaign, withdrew outlying garrisons in tribal country, substituted for them tribal militia, and created the new North-West Frontier province, for the purpose of introducing consistency of policy and firmness of control upon that disturbed border.
A judgment of the supreme court of the Philippines which affects any statute, treaty, title, right or privilege of the United States may be reversed, modified or affirmed by the Supreme Court of the United States; an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States may also be had in any cause in which the value in controversy exceeds $25,000.
For, if the directed part have the same direction as the factors, (b) shows that it will be reversed by reversing either, and therefore will recover its original direction when both are reversed.
In science the process has been reversed; nature ascends, so to speak, into the region of the supernatural and subdues it to itself; the marvellous or miraculous is brought under the domain of natural law, the canons of physics extend over metaphysics, and religion takes its place as one element in the natural relationship of man to his environment.
Among these are the supposed traces of 2nd-century Gnosticism and " hierarchical " ideas of organization; but especially the argument from the relation of the Roman state to the Christians, which Ramsay has reversed and turned into proof of an origin prior to Pliny's correspondence with Trajan on the subject.
But this policy was reversed in 1660, when Berkeley was restored to power.
If we imagine the current in the conductor to be instantaneously reversed in direction, the magnetic force surrounding it would not be instantly reversed everywhere in direction, but the reversal would be propagated outwards through space with a certain velocity which Maxwell showed was inversely as the square root of the product of the magnetic permeability and the dielectric constant or specific inductive capacity of the medium.
In Egypt the relation was curiously reversed; the earth-god Keb was the husband of Nut, the sky, represented sometimes as a woman, overarching the earth and supported on hands and feet, sometimes as a gigantic cow, upheld on the outstretched hands of Shu, the atmosphere.
A short stream with a fall normally so slight as to be sometimes reversed by the tide, drains the great lake Molar into the Saltsjo.
Lake Vetter drains eastward by the Motala to the Baltic, Lake Malar drains in the same direction by a short channel at Stockholm, the normal fall of which is so slight that the stream is sometimes reversed.
In the contest for the marshalate of the Diet the leaders of the two parties were again pitted against each other, when the verdict of the last Riksdag was exactly reversed, Fersen defeating Rudbeck by 234, though Russia spent no less a sum than £11,50o to secure the election of the latter.
The Roman Catholics are mainly confined to the district of Ermeland, in which the ordinary proportions of the confessions are completely reversed.
West of the Blas river a similar reversed fault forms the boundary between the lower Tertiaries and the pre-Tertiary rocks of the Himalaya, while between the Sutlej and the Jumna rivers, where the lower Tertiaries help to form the lower Himalaya, the fault lies between them and the Siwaliks.
A reversed fault was formed at the foot of the chain, and ?.?
Highlands of Scotland, and the reversed faults which appear at the surface with the " minor thrusts."
On the 30th of March 1855 Dost Mahommed reversed his former policy by concluding an offensive and defensive alliance with the British government.
Sebastian reversed this policy.
Beginning with finance and commerce, he reversed the bullionist policy of his predecessors and reorganized the entire system of taxation.
With its sign reversed it is now called the potential energy of the system.
As a result Taylor carried eight slave states while his opponent secured seven, but in the free states the conditions were exactly reversed.
Although the third order of lever is particularly inefficient when the fulcrum is rigid and immobile, it possesses singular advantages when these conditions are reversed, that is, when the fulcrum, as happens with the air, is elastic and yielding.
The sentence was, however, subsequently reversed, and Aldred received the pallium and was restored to his former station.
The draft bill of 1901 had left the autocratic power of the sovereign unchanged; the colonial bill as passed by the commission completely reversed the situation, replacing the absolutism of the king by thorough parliamentary control.
In the gorilla, the face, formed largely by the massive jaw-bones, predominates over the brain-case or cranium; in the man these proportions are reversed.
The leaves are occasionally woolly, as in Alopecurus lanatus and one or two Panicums. The blade is often twisted, frequently so much so that the upper and under faces become reversed.
He made her countess of Salisbury, reversed her brother's attainder, created her eldest son, Henry, Lord Montague, and caused one of her younger sons, Reginald, who displayed much taste for learning, to be carefully educated.
The lines are broadened (as was already known), the intensity of emission is much increased, but some are weakened and some strengthened, nor is the amount of broadening the same for all lines, nor is it always symmetrical, being sometimes greater on the red side; but besides the effect of unsymmetrical broadening, every line is displaced towards the red; different lines again behave differently, and they may be arranged somewhat roughly in a few groups according to their behaviour; reversals are also effected, and the reversed line does not always correspond with the most intense part of the emission line.
In the last month of the war (December 1847) Sir Harry Smith reached Cape Town as governor of the colony, and with his arrival the Glenelg policy was reversed.
This pipe was provided, close to the orifice, with a three-way cock, by means of which the steam might be first discharged into the sand, and the current between the cock and the well then suddenly reversed and diverted into the well.
By the second part of the drop the motion of the poise is reversed and the poise is run back to the zero From the Notice issued by the Standards Department of the Board of Trade, by permission of the Controller of H.M.
Consequently the motion of the mitre wheels is reversed and the poise is run back to zero.
If the motion is reversed the condition is no longer satisfied and the belt will leave the pulleys.
This brought them within the sphere of reflection, and gave as their guarantee the impossibility of thinking them reversed; and led to their being regarded as wholly relative to human intelligence, restricted to the sphere of the phenomenal, incapable of revealing to us substantial reality - necessary, yet subjective.
A Brehon whose decision was reversed upon appeal was liable to damages, loss of position and of free lands, if any, disgrace, and a consequent loss of his profession.
The church in Scotland led by Beaton, and the French party led by James V.s widow, Mary of Guise, soon reversed this decision, and Hertfords heavy hand was (1544) laid on Edinburgh in revenge.
The finding of the court, however, was reversed by the privy council, and its judgment dealt a new blow at the Tractarian party.
The first ascent of the river was made in 1638 by Pedro Texiera, a Portuguese, who reversed the route of Orellana and reached Quito by way of the Rio Napo.
At the close of 1792 the relative position of France and her enemies had been reversed.
But when this change is more fully investigated, it is found to be really periodic, so that after thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of years, its direction will be reversed and so on continually, like the rising and falling tide.
The result of the continued action of the two planets upon each other is that during half of this period the motion of one planet is constantly retarded and of the other constantly accelerated, while during the other half the effects are reversed.
Near the vernal equinox the case is reversed, the interval between two risings of the nearly full moon being at its maximum, and between two settings at its minimum.
The outlawries growing out of the affairs of 16 4 1 were reversed as quickly as possible.
The death of Colbert and the revocation of the edict of Nantes brought the first to a close (166116831685); coinciding with the date when the Revolution in England definitely reversed the traditional system of alliances, and when the administration began to disorganize.
There is, however, a marked difference between this magnetic rotation and that of a structurally active medium, for in the latter it is always right-handed or always left-handed with respect to the direction of the ray, while in the former the sense of rotation is determined by the direction of magnetization and therefore remains the same though the ray be reversed.
When the current is reversed, the temperature of AC will be raised and that of CB lowered by the reversal of the effect.
Then, in 1891, they denounced all the treaties of commerce which contained clauses stipulating mostfavoured-nation treatment, and they prepared and put in force in February 1892 a protectionist tariff which completely reversed the moderate free-trade policy which had been so beneficial to the foreign commerce of Spain from 1868 to 1892.
Purchas, 1870) to be legal "as a protection to the head when needed," but this decision was reversed on appeal by the judicial committee of the privy council (Hebbert v.
This theory of working is founded on the Carnot cycle for a perfect heat motor, a perfect refrigerating machine being simply a reversed heat motor.
A vapour compression machine does not, however, work precisely in the reversed Carnot cycle, inasmuch as the fall in temperature between the condenser and the refrigerator is not produced, nor is it attempted to be produced, by the adiabatic expansion of the agent, but results from the evaporation of a portion of the liquid itself.
To produce refrigeration the operation is reversed.
The surrounding matrix will of course show the mould of the cast, with its elevations and depressions reversed.
You would've done the same thing if the situation was reversed.
The beat cop pointed to the rear room where they found Ralph hanging from a ceiling water pipe by a thin nylon cord, slowly turning until the twist of the line tightened and reversed his direction.
Mumps at twelve, he explained, but could the damage be reversed?
The school was sponsoring a play with reversed roles – students playing the part of parents and vice versa.
With a crossover cable, two pairs of wires are reversed at one connector end.
Above all, the Thatcher reforms reversed economic centralism, by curbing the power of national unions and through privatization.
The temporary colostomy was reversed on the 5th May 1994.
They have reversed the previous decline in road deaths.
If the polarity of the voltage is reversed the current changes direction but its size is unchanged.
The two number ones produced a stirring finale as Steve Lewis reversed a 2-1 deficit into a 3-2 win over Ian Conway.
When the charge is reversed and the surface becomes hydrophobic, the pixel takes on the color of the dyed oil.
Within yourself the reversed Pope indicates an inability to connect with our higher self and a lack of trust in our intuition.
The string saddles / bridge are best reversed if possible for consistent wear of grooves and accurate intonation.
Would have reversed sarbanes-oxley and other leas in overseeing.
The german literati reversed this process with the profane French literature.
Figure 1. A reversed micelle with enzyme trapped inside.
We turned here and reversed into a towpath mooring as our boat is too high to fit through the tunnel.
We hope to identify mechanisms through which postmenopausal osteoporosis can be reversed in these women.
But the good news is that " toxic overload " can so easily be reversed.
Similar to protein kinases also lipid kinase activity is reversed by lipid phosphatases.
In fact the field has reversed polarity many times.
You again get a polar molecule, although with a reversed polarity from the first example.
We found no significant increase in the detection efficiency for either radioisotope with the MCP bias polarity reversed.
Passing into law in the UK with barely a murmur of discontent, this Act reversed the presumption of innocence.
The IPA also wants the automatic presumption of guilt contained in the draft bill reversed.
Why do the durations and frequencies of both normal and reversed states seem random?
If you are making redactions from electronic documents you need to be aware that technological advances may allow redactions to be reversed.
However, he later reversed his loyalties and having joined the royalists had to flee abroad.
For maximum flexibility, the beam can be reversed and used as a traditional beam screed.
Referee Walsh has given the Lions a penalty for offside, but after a brief scuffle between the players, the penalty is reversed.
If not reversed, he said " it would completely scupper any bid " by the United States for the Summer or Winter Games.
The High Priestess Reversed The Priestess reversed represents uncontrolled sensuality, conceit and a willingness to accept the superficial.
In most cases, people who have a temporary stoma will return 3-6 months later to have the stoma reversed.
With water the fortunes are reversed the toffee beats the tar.
On an appeal to the assembly the moderator's decision was reversed, a new moderator was chosen, and the assembly adjourned to another place of meeting.
In former cases when the railways had had recourse to state aid, it was the state whose contributions were fixed, while the railways were left to find the residue; but on this occasion the position was reversed.
In free-barrel cranes the lifting barrel is connected to the revolving shaft by a powerful friction clutch; this, when interlocked with the brake and controller, renders electric cranes exceedingly rapid in working, as the barrel can be detached and lowering performed at a very high speed, without waiting for the lifting motor to come to rest in order to be reversed.
A very ingenious call-bell arrangement was devised, capable of responding only to regularly reversed battery currents, but not 1 See Fahie, History of Wireless Telegraphy, p. 170; also 5th Report (1897) of the Royal Commission on Electrical Communication with Lightships and Lighthouses.
After James's accession Danby was discharged from his bail by the Lords on the 19th of May 1685, and the order declaring a dissolution of parliament to be no abatement of an impeachment was reversed.
Many diketo compounds suffer condensation between two molecules to form hydrobenzene derivatives; thus a, 7 -di-acetoglutaric ester, C 2 H S O 2 C(CH 3 CO) CH CH 2 CH(CO CH 3)CO 2 C 2 H 5, yields a methylketohexamethylene,whiles-acetobutyric ester,CH 3 CO (CH2)2C02C2N5, is converted into dihydroresorcinol or m-diketohexamethylene by sodium ethylate; this last reaction is reversed by baryta (see Decompositions of Benzene Ring).
He reversed the unfortunate ecclesiastical policy of his father, allowing a wide liberty of dissent, and releasing the imprisoned archbishop of Cologne; he modified the strictness of the press censorship; above all he undertook, in the presence of the deputations of the provincial diets assembled to greet him on his accession, to carry out the long-deferred project of creating a central constitution, which he admitted to be required alike by the royal promises, the needs of the country and the temper of the times.
Hiero through his long reign was the stanch friend and ally of Rome in her struggles with Carthage; but his paternal despotism, under which Greek life and civilization at Syracuse had greatly flourished, was unfortunately succeeded by the rule of a man who wholly reversed his policy.
The order of his surnames is a controversial matter, and they are sometimes reversed.
If heat passes " of itself " from a higher to a lower temperature by conduction, convection or radiation, the transfer cannot be reversed without an expenditure of work.
But, though his duties were primarily financial, the quaestor was after all the chief assistant or adjutant of his superior in command, and as such he was invested with a certain degree of military power; under the republic his military rank was superior to that of the legates, though under the empire this relation was reversed.
In order to prevent this waste the direction in which the rolls move may be reversed, so that the piece may be reduced a second time in passing to the left, in which case the rolls are usually driven by a pair of reversing engines; or the rolls may ?? ?
In children with transposition of the great arteries, the connection of the two great arteries is reversed.
Molly surely loves her mother but the relationship between mother and daughter is reversed.
If their roles were completely reversed.
Did he think she was weak, the way she thought he was weak when their roles were reversed?
He couldn't now that their roles were reversed.
The school was sponsoring a play with reversed roles – students playing the part of parents and vice versa.
In the early municipal constitution ex-magistrates passed automatically into the senate of their town; but at a later date this order was reversed, and membership of the senate became a qualification for the magistracy.
He supported Lord Camden's decision against general warrants, and reversed the outlawry of Wilkes.
The dey of Algiers, who saw the opening, reversed the order of his squadron, and fell on the right of the centre.
In ordinary cases possible changes in the concentrations only affect the electromotive force by a few parts in a hundred, but, by means such as those indicated above, it is possible to produce such immense differences in the concentrations that the electromotive force of the cell is not only changed appreciably but even reversed in direction.
Even a permanent magnet is susceptible of induction, its polarity becoming thereby strengthened, weakened, or possibly reversed.
If the operation is again reversed, the upward course will be nearly, but not exactly, of the form shown by the line d c a, fig.
When the switch S is closed, K acts simply as a commutator or current-reverser, but if K is thrown over from right to left while S is opened, not only is the current reversed, but its strength is at the same time diminished by the interposition of the adjustable resistance R2.
When the magnetizing current is twice reversed, so as to complete a cycle, the sum of the two deflections, multiplied by a factor depending upon the sectional area of the specimen and upon the constants of the apparatus, gives the hysteresis for a complete cycle in ergs per cubic centimetre.
A small coil of fine wire, connected in series with a ballistic galvanometer, is placed in the field, with its windings perpendicular to the lines of force, and then suddenly reversed or withdrawn from the field, the integral electromotive force being twice as great in the first case as in the second.
Convenient arrangements have been introduced whereby the coil is reversed or withdrawn from the field by the action of a spring.
Supposing Ewing's hypothesis to be correct, it is clear that if the magnetization of a piece of iron were reversed by a strong rotating field instead of by a field alternating through zero, the loss of energy by hysteresis should be little or nothing, for the molecules would rotate with the field and no unstable movements would be possible.'
His attainder was reversed in 1689, and his son Wriothesley (1680-1711) succeeded his grandfather as 2nd duke of Bedford in 1700.
The resultant hydrostatic thrust across any diametral plane of the cylinder will be modified, but the only term in the loss of head which exerts a resultant thrust on the whole cylinder is 2mU sin Olga, and its thrust is 27rpmU absolute units in the direction Cy, to be counteracted by a support at the centre C; the liquid is streaming past r=a with velocity U reversed, and the cylinder is surrounded by a vortex.
The principle is to have a constriction in the tube above the bulb so proportioned that when the instrument is upright it acts in every way as an ordinary mercurial thermometer, but when it is inverted the thread of mercury breaks at the constriction, and the portion above the point runs down the now reversed tube and remains there as a measure of the temperature at the moment of turning over.
This had the effect of attracting more and a better class of immigrants, but was none the less reversed in 1881.
During the south-west monsoon this last branch is reversed, and the surface waters of the China Sea probably unite with the Kuro Siwo.
As military riders use the curb only the position of snaffle and curb as just explained is reversed in the cavalry service.
During Peter Stuyvesant's governorship there was little toleration of other denominations, but the West India Company reversed his intolerant proclamations against Lutherans and Quakers.
The light copper alloys, in which the proportions just given are practically reversed, are of considerably less utility, for although they are fairly strong, they lack power to resist galvanic action.
He was convicted (February 1844) after the trials that followed, but they were not good specimens of equal justice, and the sentence of imprisonment for a year and a fine of £2000 was reversed on a writ of error by the House of Lords (September 1844), and he and his colleagues were again free.
At the beginning it is said that the Samaritans were prosperous and persecuted the Jews, but this Jewish hero embracing his opportunities reversed the situation and presumably paid the tribute due from the Jews by exacting more from the non-Jewish inhabitants of his province.
The policy of the dauphin was reversed, his ten years' work was undone.
The same classes of plants occur in the Upper Gondwanas; but there the proportions are reversed, the conifers, and still more the cycads, being more numerous than the ferns, whilst the Equisetaceae are but sparingly found.
This doctrine policy was reversed when India was taken over by of lapse.
Another remarkable fact is that these substances yield coloured solutions in organic solvents; triphenylmethyl gives a yellow solution, whilst ditolylphenyl and tritolylmethyls give orange solutions which on warming turn to a violet and to a magenta, the changes being reversed on cooling.
In fact the relative positions are the same as if the earth remained fixed and the star described an orbit equal to that of the earth, but with the displacement always exactly reversed.
This seat he retained less than four years; for although he discharged its duties in so efficient a manner that, with one exception, his decisions were never reversed on appeal, he took up a position of such uncompromising hostility to the governments of the day, the Grafton and North administrations, on the greatest and most exciting matters, the treatment of the American colonies and the proceedings against John Wilkes, that the government had no choice but to require of him the surrender of the great seal.
If the force is always the same at the same distance any apse-line will divide the orbit symmetrically, as is seen by imagining the velocity at the apse to be reversed.
According to dAlemberts formulation, the extraneous forces together with the effective forces reversed fulfil the statical conditions of equilibrium.
Supposing all the wheels to be in outside gearing, then, as each elementary combination reverses the direction of rotation, and as the number of elementary combinations m 1 is one less than the number of axes rn it is evident that if m is odd the direction of rotation is preserved, and if even reversed.
On his landing he was informed that the attainder had been reversed; and he received the royal patent authorizing his performance of the legatine duties within the realm.
Thus it will be seen that the sheet is reversed in its travel between the first and second large cylinders which give the impression.
This is easily detected by examining the sheet the reversed side in a strong side-light.
In 457 Sparta, needing a counterpoise against Athens in central Greece, reversed her policy and reinstated Thebes as the dominant power in Boeotia.
Throughout the whole length of the chain, wherever the junction of the Siwaliks with the pre-Tertiary rocks has been seen, it is a great reversed fault.
Army opposite Kochana was not only suspended but actually reversed to cope with a crisis.
In 1838 he made important investigations in regard to the conditions and range of induction from electrical currents - showing that induced currents, although merely momentary, produce still other or tertiary currents, and thus on through successive orders of induction, with alternating signs, and with reversed initial and terminal signs.
He reversed Cholseul.
In 1498 Maximilian reversed the policy of his father Frederick III., and detached this territory, known afterwards as the province of Friesland, from the empire.
Reason, indeed, professes to furnish us with necessary truths; but what assurance have we that the verdicts of reason may not be reversed by some higher authority ?
In the oldest microscope by Cherubin d'Orleans the observer receives a pseudoscopic impression in consequence of the reversed image.
The mean level of the surface of the Baltic rises about 0.5 metres (1.6 ft.) from the coast of Holstein to Memel, probably as a result of the prevailing westerly winds; this mean difference is exceeded with strong westerly winds, and disappears or is reversed with easterly winds.
The range of Steele's observations was too small to show any certain deviation from the formula, but he notes capricious changes attributed to change of condition of the proved to be proportional to the square of the current, the Peltier effect is reversible with the current, and being directly proportional to the first power of the current, changes sign when the current is reversed.
First along the dusty road came the infantry in ranks, bareheaded and with arms reversed.
The effect of a head-on accident is similar way to that of a rear-end accident, except the whiplash process is reversed.
However, he later reversed his loyalties and having joined the Royalists had to flee abroad.
Small and light front shin plate with the top buckle being reversed aiding the closing leverage.
The gap has started to stabilize in recent years, but as yet has not reversed - at least for full time workers.
The upper and lower medallions are flanked by the reversed swastika which is another ancient Christian symbol.
Striker Rich Payne reversed roles with winger Jonny Hughes to deliver a teasing cross that the irrepressible Hughes headed wide.
Route numbers and headings may be reversed out of a boldly colored panel so long as a strong tonal contrast is provided.
Yet this time, reversed - due to that one earlier evening, strongly underlining just how much they need each other.
Both sleep-disordered breathing and CAH can be reversed and symptoms improved with the initiation of ventilatory assistance.
In this case the babies will be almost identical except their features will be reversed.
Everything needs to be reversed once your family and all your belongings have been cleared to proceed.
The process should involve a great deal of analysis and forethought, as it's a decision that cannot easily be reversed.
If you speak to a particularly benevolent representative you might actually be able to have fees reversed which have already been assessed to your account.
Although scientists have recently determined that the current climate change and damage we are already seeing won't be reversed for years, that is no reason for us to lose hope.
Do I understand that it is permanent and can not be reversed?
The NOP reversed itself and closed the organic certification program which certified pet foods as balanced diets.
Remember that the wounds from a gun cannot be reversed, such as with a stun gun or pepper spray.
Over time, this can cause cataracts and retina damage that is not easily reversed.
Because game carts are loaded upside-down at the bottom of the system, older Game Boy and Game Boy Color games that utilize a tilt sensor have their controls reversed.
In one Super Mario game, the colors were simply reversed.
Noob Saibot's name comes from the reversed spellings of Mortal Kombat's creators-Ed Boon and John Tobias.
If these conditions are discovered early, the progression of retardation can be stopped and, in some cases, partially reversed.
The symptoms of Gaucher disease can be stopped and even reversed by treatment with enzyme replacement injections.
In transposition (reversal of position) of the great arteries, the positions of the pulmonary artery and the aorta are reversed, causing oxygen-rich blood to re-circulate to the lungs while oxygen-poor blood goes to the rest of the body.
Although the mental and emotional effects of the condition can be reversed with changes in environment, the growth retardation it causes is permanent.
As of 2004 it is not clear whether this effect can be reversed when the drug is discontinued.
If not rapidly reversed, these events cause permanent damage to the brain.
After the cilia and the cells bearing those cilia, are damaged, the process cannot be reversed.
Delayed treatment increases the chance that the head tilt will not be reversed by non-surgical means.
This flattening can be reversed while the bones are young and soft but after one year of age is likely to be permanent.
The acidosis will be reversed, reflected in a gradual increase in pH.
Stress hyperglycemia may be reversed completely when the stressors are removed or relieved.
Likewise, the positions of east and west are also reversed, so east is at the left and west can be found at the right.
These are changing or moving lines that represent transitions and are reversed.
The position can be reversed with the maternal ancestors on the right and the paternal ancestors on the left.
In fact, a B12 deficiency can be reversed by simply - you guessed it - increasing its presence in your diet.
The name reversible or reverse mortgage means your mortgage payments are reversed.
More than 70 percent of women who had their tubes tied and later have them reversed will go on to get pregnant.
Though a permanent birth control, having your tubes tied can be reversed.
The birth control is permanent and it cannot be reversed, so the procedure is exclusively for women who do not want to have any more children.
A vasectomy can be reversed at a later date if a man decides he would like to have children.
Although it is possible for a vasectomy to be reversed, the procedure is expensive and much more complicated than the original vasectomy.
Based on the obvious commercial success that Darrow was receiving with his "handmade" version of the game, Parker Brothers reversed their decision and offered to purchase the game from Darrow.
Sometimes when the card appears upside down or reversed, the meaning is the opposite of the upright position.
Once that's done, you have the option of allowing the spread to show cards that are reversed; choosing to do so is a personal decision, so do whatever makes you feel most comfortable.
Johnny Depp has the exact same bird tattoo but he has it reversed so that the swallow is flying toward his body instead of away.
Finally, be aware that using a tattoo stencil may cause your design to come out reversed.
If you'd like getting home to be as easy as getting to where you were going in the first place, you can simply reverse the directions after printing the initial directions and then print the reversed directions as well.
The unique design means only the wearer can see the batman logo when it's reversed.
It can also be reversed with healthy eating patterns and exercise.
Griffin tries out his discovery on himself, unfortunately before he knows how to reverse it, or even if it can be reversed.
Either solution can be reversed just as quickly if you later decide you want your friends displayed after all.
He signed a blank treaty of peace with the Mahrattas, who were still in arms, reversed the action of the Madras government towards the nizam, and concentrated all the resources of Bengal against Hyder Ali.
Each rod therefore contains on two of its faces multiples of digits which are complementary to those on the other two faces; and the multiples of a digit and of its complement are reversed in position.
A small permanent magnet is always liable to become demagnetized, or have its polarity reversed by the action of lightning.
In this the tongue of the relay is kept over to the spacing side by means of a current flowing in one direction, but on the depression of the signalling key the current is reversed, moving the relay tongue over to the marking side.
In 1901, 1985 imperial tuns of oil were shipped from Gallipoli for abroadtwo-thirds to the United Kingdom, one-third to Russiaand 666 to Italian ports; while in 1904 the figures were reversed, 1633 tuns going to Italian ports, and only 945 tuns to foreign ports.
A synod was held at Rome, attended by bishops from various regions, which reversed the original judgment of the synod of Tyre which had condemned Athanasius.
A few years later, in 347, the council of Sardica, a council of practically the whole West save Africa, reversed Tyre and acquitted St Athanasius after a full judicial inquiry.
This earldom ended in 1762, but the attainder was reversed by an act of 1824 and in the following year Sir George Jerningham, the heir general, established his claim to the Stafford barony of 1640.
In the time of Alexander the nomenclature was reversed, the right arm being known as Pallacopas.
With knowledge then of the heats of formation of the substances involved in any chemical action, we can at once calculate the thermal effect of the action, by placing for each compound in the energy-equation its heat of formation with the sign reversed, i.e.
The case was tried in 1329 and decided against Lymington, but in 1750 the judgment was reversed, and since then the petty customs have been regularly paid.
In the effort to reduce the practice of economy to a fine art he arrived at the conviction that the less labour a man did, over and above the positive demands of necessity, the better for him and for the community at large; he would have had the order of the week reversed - six days of rest for one of labour.
But many Roman Catholic writers, though they yield a practical obedience to the papal decision, have adduced good reason why it should be reversed (Cognat, p. 451).
If the external electromotive force exceed that of the cell by ever so little, a current flows in the opposite direction, and all the former chemical changes are reversed, copper dissolving from the copper plate, while zinc is deposited on the zinc plate.
On the other hand, we may imagine the processes due to the electrical transfer to be reversed by an osmotic operation.
The twist effect exhibited by iron under moderate longitudinal magnetization has been called by Knott a positive Wiedemann effect; if the twist were reversed, the other conditions remaining the same, the sign of the Wiedemann effect would be negative.
Bidwell 2 accordingly found upon trial that the Wiedemann twist of an iron wire vanished when the magnetizing force reached a certain high value, and was reversed when that value was exceeded; he also found that the vanishing point was reached with lower values of the magnetizing force when the wire was stretched by a weight.
The naming of seven members of prominent Roman families, however, reversed the wise policy of his predecessor which had kept the dangerous factions of the city out of the curia.
The excellent manner in which the scales and micrometers are mounted, the employment of a compound microscope for viewing the scales, with its ingeniously arranged and admirably efficient reversing prism, and the perfection of its slow motions for focusing and reading, combine to render this a most accurate and convenient instrument for very refined measures, although too slow for work in which the measures must depend on single pointings in each of two reversed positions of the plate, and where speed of working is essential.
On his arrival in Syria, Pompey reversed the decision, but, ignoring the charge of bribery brought against Scaurus, left him in command of the district.
When work is done against these forces no full equivalent of potential energy may be produced; this applies especially to frictional forces, for if the motion of the system be reversed the forces will be also reversed and will still oppose the motion.
If the outer races become worn, the complete cage and bearings are reversed; the strain of the line is then transferred to what had previously been the inner with practically unworn balls and races.
In 1896 the powers of the minister were extended at the expense of those of the under-secretary, who remained only at the head of the corps of gendarmes; but by a law of the 24th of September 1904 this was again reversed, and the under-secretary was again placed at the head of all the police with the title of undersecretary for the administration of the police.
He stated that his people, after giving warning in 5824 that they would consider protection the policy of the Government, had gone into protected manufactures, and he now asked that that policy be not reversed to the injury of his constituents.
A momentary success of the English archers was quickly reversed by a flank movement on the part of Sir Robert Keith.
When the shell is sinistral the asymmetry of the organs is usually reversed, and there is a complete situs inversus viscerum, the direction of the spiral of the shell corresponding to the position of the organs of the body.
This is, as might be expected, what is found to be the case in all " reversed " Gastropods.
Butler, in regard to foreign governments, and reversed all those decisions to the entire satisfaction of the administration.
By a similar process the board's decision in favour of the election of Republican presidential electors was nullified, and the Democratic electors were declared the successful candidates; but the electoral commission, appointed by Congress, reversed this decision.
The ordinary distinction between note and letter is reversed in diplomacy.