Reverse Sentence Examples
If only she could reverse this day and start over.
After another reverse on the east side of the Gulf of Darien Ojeda returned to Hispaniola and died there.
The reverse is true as well.
He gave no thought to how he'd reverse the process and return to the ledge above.
Katie didn't reply, gaping at a woman in her sixties with enough diamonds to reverse world hunger.
The reverse series of transformations occurs when this final modification is heated.
Yully faced him, unable to pull his power without touching him or reverse the drain he had on her.
The net effect of the surrounding land is, in fact, to reverse the seasonal variations of the planetary circulation, but without destroying its type.
All cables of any great length are worked by reverse currents.
This is quite the reverse of what is the rule in Burmese.
AdvertisementI made her a deal that expires in four days, thinking I could reverse the bond.
Hence for sending both a dot and a dash, reverse currents of short duration are sent through the line, but the interval between the reversal is three times as great for the dash as for the dot.
In the case of the dash the ink-wheel is brought into contact with the paper by the first current as before and is pulled back by the reverse current after three times the interval.
But why not reverse this order?
A few months later the great reverse of Chickamauga created an alarm in the North commensurate with the elation that had been felt at the double victory of Vicksburg and Gettysburg, and Grant was at once ordered to Chattanooga, to decide the fate of the Army of the Cumberland in a second battle.
AdvertisementThe result is that the picture has no blank reverse.
After the Treaty of Paris stability of government developed, and many important reforms were introduced under the strong government of the masterful Sir Thomas Maitland; he acted promptly, without seeking popularity or fearing the reverse, and he ultimately gained more real respect than any other governor, not excepting the marquess of Hastings, who was a brilliant and sympathetic administrator.
We do this by using a technique called reverse osmosis which is a filtration process.
Many people like to argue the reverse, but do squirrels live in trees?
Put the car in reverse and, with a healthy dose of white smoke and tire squeal, perform a 180.
AdvertisementOnly one thing can reverse the corporate takeover of Britain.
An army has suffered defeat, and at once a people loses its rights in proportion to the severity of the reverse, and if its army suffers a complete defeat the nation is quite subjugated.
The bard performed his tales in reverse chronological order for dramatic effect.
Of course, if she could reverse today, she could go back and reverse the accident.
For the dot the armature is deflected by the first current, the ink-wheel being brought into contact with the paper and after a short interval pulled back by the reverse current.
AdvertisementAn embankment-bank, or fill, is the reverse of a cutting, being an artificial mound of earth on which the railway is taken across depressions in the surface of the ground.
On his deathbed it is said that Alexander advised his wife to reverse this policy and rely upon the Pharisees.
They don the sacerdotal garments, reverse side out.
Surface currents are set up by prevailing winds, which also seriously affect water levels, lowering the water at Chicago and raising it at the strait, or the reverse, so as greatly to inconvenience navigation.
A current will flow for a while in the reverse direction; the system of plates and acidulated water through which a current has been passed, acts as an accumulator, and will itself yield a current in return.
These phenomena are explained by the existence of a reverse electromotive force at the surface of the platinum plates.
Only when the applied electromotive force exceeds this reverse force of polarization, will a permanent steady current pass through the liquid, and visible chemical decomposition proceed.
It seems that this reverse electromotive force of polarization is due to the deposit on the electrodes of minute quantities of the products of chemical decomposition.
In the first, all affection phenomena are primarily divisible into those which are pleasurable and those which are the reverse.
When the two electrodes are ferro-magnetic, the direction of the current through the liquid is from the unmagnetized to the magnetized electrode, the latter being least attacked; with diamagnetic electrodes the reverse is the case.
He was an idealist; but his idealism was of a type the exact reverse of that which the Revolution in arms had sought to impose upon Europe.
The reverse is the case with the Lajos pap (Priest Lewis), by Charles Vajkay (1879), the secne of which is placed at Pest, in the beginning of the 14th century.
The reverse at Bakenlaagte was repaired by a force under Bruce Hamilton.
Flies, outnumbered by two to one, sustained a sharp reverse before the other columns closed in.
By the reverse action on the part of the same ferments in the cell, these neutral fats may be redissolved and pass into the.lacteals.
Burning the coal on a voyage has the reverse effect on a steamer.
The oximes permit the reverse change, i.e.
These reactions permit the transformation of an aldose into a ketose; the reverse change can only be brought about by reducing the ketose to an alcohol, and oxidizing this compound to an aldehyde.
The systematic washing of the massecuite is the reverse of this process.
The whole wide field of Jewish taboo naturally involves sacrilege as its reverse side.
The hake moves laterally on a quadrant and it is thus possible to give the plough a tendency to left or right by moving the hake in the reverse direction.
The excitement caused at Paris by an unimportant reverse of the French troops at Lang-son caused his downfall (30th of March 1885), but the treaty of peace with China (9th of June 1885) was his work.
This reverse set all Yemen aflame; under the leadership of the imam, who had, since the Turkish occupation, lived in retirement at Sada, 120 m.
The commonest reverse type, a charging horseman, reappears on the Roman coins of Bilbilis, Osca, Segobriga and other places.
In diplomacy William was as uniformly successful as in war he was the reverse.
He made the beautiful design for the reverse of the Jubilee Medal of 1887.
Even in Roman times it kept its own coinage with the punning device of the bent arm holding a palm branch, and the head of Aphrodite on the reverse, and continued the use of the Greek language.
The reverse motion of P automatically moves the paper ribbon forward, ready to - 20 receive the next impression.
But in that year again a rumour came out of the East that a great Christian conqueror was taking the hated Moslems in reverse and sweeping away their power.
At starting, when the full load is to be lifted, the balance chain uncoils, and continues to do so until the desired equilibrium between the working loads is attained, when it is coiled up again in the reverse direction, to be again given out on the return trip.
Piering, lost their lives (1895), the important German expedition under C. Lauterbach (1896), and the various explorations carried out by or at the instigation of Sir William MacGregor, including a crossing of the island from the mouth of the Mambare river to that of the Vanapa, and a second crossing in the reverse direction (1897).
The disadvantages that still remain are that the sight has to be removed every time the gun is fired, and the amount of deflection is limited and has to be put on the reverse way to that on a tangent scale.
The leaves are reversible, and provided with a notch at one end and a point at the other, so that they can be used for either forward or reverse laying.
The leaf of the fore-sight has a pinhole, and that of the tangent sight cross-wires for fine reverse laying.
The first recorded event of his reign was a serious reverse at the hands of Ceawlin of Wessex in the year 568 (Chronicle) at a place called Wibbandune.
The reverse or lower side of the coin received a rectangular mark made by the sharp edges of the little anvil.
If a favourable change in the surrounding medium sets in, the Trypanosomes are able to undergo the reverse process, namely disagglomeration; the parasites liberate themselves and the rosette is dissolved.
But not unnaturally the material condition of the country was the reverse of prosperous.
The reverse is known as " over-correction."
Anglo-American decks were produced, often with advertising on the reverse.
Nurturing groups may well be a way to begin to reverse the problem with young people not becoming humanists.
This medicine contains the active ingredient emtricitabine, which is a type of medicine called a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor.
First, that Labor's position, tho not irredeemable, may now be increasingly difficult to reverse.
Out of a suitable shooting position on his strong side he produced a perfect reverse undercut past the stranded keeper.
The fronts are finished in a high gloss lacquer whilst the reverse side is in Matt.
The total number of shares will have the same market value immediately after the reverse split as before.
With reading they may be hesitant and often misread words and with writing they may have erratic spelling and tendency to reverse letters.
The operations, however, did not result entirely to the advantage of the Turks, who suffered at least one serious reverse, and a compromise followed under which the Druses accepted conscription for the Ottoman army.
Of younger coins the first series has a king's head on the reverse, and the old obverse is enriched with two Sabaean monograms, which have been interpreted as meaning " majesty " and "eponymus " respectively.
Hence sound rays, in passing from one medium into another, are bent in towards the normal, or the reverse, according as the velocity of propagation in the former exceeds or falls short of that in the latter.
The engineers sapped up to the ruins of the western work, saw the shelters on the reverse slope and directed artillery fire by telephone.
The Engrians, together with the Eastphalians and the Westphalians who dwelt on either side of them, made a formal submission and many of them were baptized; but about the same time some Frankish troops met with a serious reverse at Liibbecke near Minden.
The heavy continuous line gives the last-mentioned curve for the reverse direction of passage of the loads.
She determined to reverse the policy of her husband and to bring France into alliance with Spain and the Austrian house, upon which power Henry had been meditating an attack at the time of his death.
This serious reverse roused the amir, who had not at first displayed much activity.
When Burnside fought his battle of Fredericksburg (q.v.) an appalling reverse was the result, the more terrible as it was absolutely useless (December 13).
The same places were visited in reverse order on the return journey, as far as Perga on the Pamphylian coast; but instead of revisiting Cyprus the voyage to Syria was this time made direct.
The superior courts of law formed part of the palace, and there were tribunals in the principal cities, over each of which presided a supreme judge or cihuacoatl, who was irremovable, and whose criminal decisions not even the king might reverse; he appointed the lower judges and heard appeals from them; it is doubtful whether he judged in civil cases, but both kinds of suits were heard in the court below, by the tlacatecatl and his two associates, below whom were the ward-magistrates.
In the Highlands, however, there is much more interest in second sight than in fairies, while in Ireland the reverse is the case.
In jumping an ordinary hedge or ditch at moderate speed, there is of course a moment of time during which the horse is on his hind legs, and in theory the rider should then lean forward, but, in practice, this position is so momentary, and the lash out of the hind legs in the spring is so powerful, that it is best not to lean forward at all, because of the difficulty, if not impossibility, of getting back in time for the reverse movement, when the rider should be preparing to render the horse some assistance with the bridle as his feet touch the ground.
In the total population of 10 years of age and over the female sex is more illiterate than the male, but within the age-group 10 to 24 years the reverse is true.
He went out to reverse the Afghan policy of Lord Lytton, and Kandahar was given up, the whole of Afghanistan being secured to Abdur Rahman.
In A Copper Cylinder (1888), Describes A Singular Race Whose Cardinal Doctrine Is That Poverty Is Honourable And Wealth The Reverse.
On the other hand, Aristotle entitles the science of all being " Primary Philosophy " (irpcori OeXoaoOla), and the science of physical being " Secondary Philosophy " (SEUTEpa 49eXoa041a), which suggests that his order is from Metaphysics to Physics, the reverse of his editor's order from Physics to Metaphysics.
Under the system of slave labour which existed before 1860, the average size of the plantations tended to increase, but since 1860 the reverse has been true, the average plantation in 1860 being 346 acres, and in 1900 92.7 acres.
Scott had only enjoyed his residence one year when (1825) he met with that reverse of fortune which involved the estate in debt.
It is precisely the reverse of the typical action of strychnine.
It would be interesting in this connexion to trace the reverse effect of church architecture upon church doctrine.
On October 1st Mr Balfour spoke at Sheffield, reiterating his views as to free-trade and retaliation, insisting that he "intended to lead," and declaring that he was prepared at all events to reverse the traditional fiscal policy by doing away with the axiom that import duties should only be levied for revenue purposes.
Through this, and his excessive subservience to Philip the Fair, his reign proved the reverse of salutary to the Church.
These latter bore (obverse) a Nepalese emblem surrounded by eight fleurons containing the eight sacred Buddhist jewels, and (reverse) an eight-petalled flower surrounded by eight fleurons containing the names of the eight jewels in Tibetan characters.
The badge is a gold oval bearing in gold a crowned and collared bear on a crenellated wall; below the ring by which the badge is attached to the ribbon is a shield with the arms of the house of Anhalt, on the reverse those of the house of Ascania.
The medallion on the reverse contains a figure of St George and the Dragon and the corresponding initials J.U.P.F., Justus ut Palma Florebit, the motto of the order.
The reverse bears the motto Ret og Sandhed (Right and Truth).
Local conditions of exposure to the sun, protection from cold winds, or the reverse, are of primary importance in determining the climate and the corresponding vegetation.
The reverse series of operations was also carried out by the Fischers, triphenylmethane being nitrated, and the nitro compound then reduced to triaminotriphenylmethane or paraleucaniline, which on careful oxidation is converted into the dyestuff.
The corresponding critical points which occur during rise of temperature, with the reverse transformations, are called Ac1, Ace, Ac 3, &c. A (Tschernoff) is the generic name, r refers to falling temperature (refroidissant) and c to rising temperature (chauffant, Osmond).
The sea otter, one of the richest and rarest of furs, especially for men's wear, is an exception to this unhairing process, which it does not require, the hair being of the same length as the wool, silky and bright, quite the reverse of the case of other aquatic animals.
When it is desired to read a line in the reverse direction the telescope is lifted out of the cradle, turned end for end, and replaced in the Y bearings of the cradle again.
Now these modifications show hardly any tendency to persist, the one stable at high temperatures being formed at elevated temperatures, but changing in the reverse sense on cooling.
There are polymers which have hardly any inter-relations other than identity in composition; on the other hand, there are others which are related by the possibility of mutual transformation; examples of this kind are cyanic acid (Cnoh) and cyanuric acid (Cnoh) 3, the latter being a solid which readily transforms into the former on heating as an easily condensable vapour; the reverse transformation may also be realized; and the polymers methylene oxide (CH 2 O) and trioxymethylene (CH20)3.
Coins were also struck, showing her crowned and veiled on the obverse, with a double cornucopia on the reverse.
These small drains discharge themselves into the main drain, and are in every respect the reverse of the feeders.
In spite of the clamour of the mediatized princes for the restoration of their liberties, no attempt was made to reverse the essential changes in the territorial disposition of Germany made during the revolutionary epoch.
The right of coinage was, however, left to the individual states, and as a special concession it was determined that the rulers of the states should be permitted to have their head placed on the reverse of the gold coins.
It was an anxious undertaking, because the native states of India were all watching the issue and waiting for any serious reverse to the English to join against them.
After the Egyptians had experienced a reverse, Iphicrates counselled an immediate advance on.
This reverse in a measure united the two great Mameluke parties, though their chiefs remained at enmity.
The classes of articles of food of animal origin, and living animals, are the only ones of which the exportation exceeds the importation; with regard to all other goods, the reverse is the case.
Of works certainly executed by him during his years of travel there are extant, besides the Basel wood-block, only a much-injured portrait of himself, very finely dressed and in the first bloom of his admirable manly beauty, dated 1493 and originally painted on vellum but since transferred to canvas (this is the portrait of the Felix Goldschmid collection); a miniature painting on vellum at Vienna (a small figure of the Child-Christ); and some half a dozen drawings, of which the most important are the characteristic pen portrait of himself at Erlangen, with a Holy Family on the reverse much in the manner of Schongauer; another Holy Family in nearly the same style at Berlin; a study from the female nude in the Bonnat collection; a man and woman on horseback in Berlin; a man on horseback, and an executioner about to behead a young man, at the British Museum, &c. These drawings all show Diirer intent above all things on the sternly accurate delineation of ungeneralized individual forms by means of strongly accented outline and shadings curved, somewhat like the shadings of Martin Schongauer's engravings, so as to follow their modellings and roundness.
But in the following year he sustained a severe reverse in Armenia, in which he lost his war-chest and harem.
They thought, in obtaining their discharge, that they had much improved their condition, but they soon discovered the reverse to be the fact.
When the argument from analogy seems to go beyond this, a peculiar difficulty starts up. Let it be granted that our happiness and misery in this life depend upon our conduct - are, in fact, the rewards and punishments attached by God to certain modes of action, the natural conclusion from analogy would seem to be that our future happiness or the reverse will probably depend upon our actions in the future state.
On the other hand, on the eve of the meeting of the federal Cortes, he could indulge in no illusions as to what he had to expect from the bulk of the republicans, who openly dissented from his conservative and conciliatory policy, and announced that they would reverse it on the very day the Cortes met.
Now that the length of a division has been estimated a priori, it is perhaps preferable to reverse Plateau's calculation, and to exhibit the frequency of vibration in terms of the other data of the problem.
Beyerinck has shown that Spirillum desulphuricans, a definite anaerobic form, attacks and reduces sulphates, thus undoing the work of the sulphur bacteria as certain de-nitrifying bacteria reverse the operations of nitro-bacteria.
Verworn to depend upon stimulation to contraction or the reverse.
If, however, there was any migration at all, one would rather have expected it to have taken place in the reverse direction.
In the British Museum are the bronze matrices of seals of ZEthilwald, bishop of Dunwich, about Boo; of lElfric, alderman of Hampshire, about 985; and the finely carved ivory double matrix of Godwin the thane (on the obverse) and of the nun Godcythe (on the reverse), of the beginning of the 11th century.
But there are examples of elaborate matrices composed of several pieces, from the impressions of which the seal was built up in an ingenious fashion, both obverse and reverse being carved in hollow work, through which figures and subjects impressed on an inner layer of wax are to be seen.
Other royal official seals usually bear on the obverse the king enthroned or mounted, and the royal arms on the reverse.
Such specimens as have descended to us show that the golden bulla of the middle ages was usually hollow, being formed of two thin plates of metal stamped with the designs of obverse and reverse, soldered together at the edges and padded with wax or plaster.
The House of Commons was moved by Roebuck to reverse the sentence, which it did (June 29) by a majority of 46, after having heard from Palmerston the most eloquent and powerful speech ever delivered by him, in which he sought to vindicate, not only his claims on the Greek government for Don Pacifico, but his entire administration of foreign affairs.
Palmerston had learnt by experience that it was wiser to conciliate an opponent than to attempt to crush him, and that the imperious tone he had sometimes adopted in the House of Commons, and his supposed obsequiousness to the emperor of the French, were the causes of the temporary reverse he had sustained.
As it was Orosius' aim to show that the world had improved since the coming of Christ, he used Trc gus Pompeius' war history, written to exalt Roman triumphs, to show the reverse of victory, - disaster and ruin.
The wing in the insect is more flattened than in the bird; and advantage is taken on some occasions of this circumstance, particularly in heavy-bodied, small-winged, quick-flying insects, to reverse the pinion more or less completely during the down and up strokes."
During the up or return stroke, on the other hand, the posterior margin rotates in a direction from below upwards and from before backwards, so that by a similar but reverse screwing motion the pinion attacks the air from beneath.".
The twisting referred to is partly a vital and partly a mechanical act; - that is, it is occasioned in part by the action of the muscles and in part by the greater resistance experienced from the air by the tip and posterior margin of the wing as compared with the root and anterior margin, - the resistance experienced by the tip and posterior margin causing them to reverse always subsequently to the root and anterior margin, which has the effect of throwing the anterior and posterior margins of the wing into figure-of-8 curves, as shown at figs.
The elasticity contributes also to the continuous play of the wing, and ensures that no two parts of it shall reverse at exactly the same instant.
If the wing was inelastic, every part of it would reverse at precisely the same moment, and its vibration would be characterized by pauses or dead points at the end of the down and up strokes which would be fatal to it as a flying organ.
These surfaces may be conferred on artificial wings, aeroplanes, aerial screws or similar structures; and these structures, if we may judge from what we find in nature, should be of moderate size and elastic. The power of the flying organs will be increased if they are driven at a comparatively high speed, and particularly if they are made to reverse and reciprocate, as in this case they will practically create the currents upon which they are destined to rise and advance.
The reverse of this, in Marey's opinion, takes place during the elevation of the wing - the resistance of the air from above causing the upper surface of the wing to look backwards....
In April the gradient is so slight that any temporary fall of pressure to the south of England or any temporary rise of pressure to the north, which would suffice in other months merely to reduce the velocity of the south-westerly wind, is sufficient in that month to reverse the gradient and produce an east wind over the whole country.
But whereas the south coast has the advantage over the west in the herring and plaice fisheries, the reverse is the case in the haddock and cod fisheries, haddock, in particular, being landed in very small quantities at the south coast ports.
The passes lie at relatively great altitudes and are few in number, so that although the northern versants of the various ranges all have a tolerably gentle slope, communication between the Black Sea and the valley of the Kuban, and the low steppe country beyond, is the reverse of easy.
At the south-east corner the rim of the crater is, as it were, breached by a deep crevasse through which the Abai escapes, and here develops a great semicircular bend like that of the Takazze, but in the reverse direction - east, south and north-west - down to the plains of Sennar, where it takes the name of Bahr-el-Azrak or Blue Nile.
As the goddess of the grosser form of love she inspires both men and women with passion (7rw rpoOla, " turning them to " thoughts of love), or the reverse (airoa-rpocbia, " turning them away ").
His reign of thirty years was one of strife marked by no signal success or reverse.
In 1747 he decreed the abolition of serfdom, but this enactment was not carried 1 One of these, with the legend " Constantinvs Bassaraba De Brancovan D.G.Voevoda Et Princeps Valachiae Transalpinae," and having on the reverse the crowned shield of Walachia containing a raven holding a cross in its beak between a moon and a star, is engraved by Del Chiaro.
The visit was the symbol of a reconciliation between the Rumanians and the Russians, the relations between whom had been the reverse of cordial since 1878.
As regards home politics, the overwhelming majority of the Liberal party at the elections of 1895, instead of being a source of strength, proved the very reverse.
On some plates the stars were allowed to trail and the planet was followed, in others the reverse procedure was taken; in either case the planet's position is measured by referring it to " comparison stars " of approximately its own magnitude situated within 25' to 30' of the centre of the plate, while these stars are themselves fixed by measurement from brighter " reference stars," the positions of which are found by meridian observations if absolute places are desired.
Successive abstraction of raindrops as the rain-clouds pass over ridge after ridge causes a gradually diminishing precipitation, but this is generally insufficient to reverse the local conditions, which tend to the contrary effect in individual ranges.
Under one system, for instance, the continued sum 5 + X 5 + 8 X 7 X 5 would be denoted 7 by 8 I 5; this is somewhat similar in principle to a decimal notation, but with digits taken in the reverse order.
In The First Two Cases The Successive Values (In Direct Or Reverse Order) Are £3, 5S.
Thus, to divide 987063 by 427, we reverse the procedure of § 101, but with intermediate stages.
A common method is to reverse the digits in one of the numbers; but this is only appropriate to the old-fashioned method of writing down products from the right.
The Jain views of life were, in the most important and essential respects, the exact reverse of the Buddhist views.
It was hoped that when he came to roans estate things would improve, but the reverse was the case.
The nation was too proud to accept defeat, and persevered in the unhappy attempt to reverse the fortunes of war.
These irregularities induced the House of Lords to reverse the judgment, and its reversal did much to prevent mischief.
This reverse necessitated fresh operations, and in 1860 Lord Elgin and Baron Gros were directed to return to China, and, at the head of an adequate force, were instructed to exact an apology for the attack on the allied fleets, the ratification and execution of the treaty of Tientsin, and the payment of an indemnity for the expenses of the war.
The practice was the reverse in Greece; the observers of signs looked towards the north, so that signs on the right were regarded as the favourable ones, and this is frequently adopted in the Roman poets.
Spring wheats procured from northern latitudes mature more rapidly than those from temperate or hot climates, whilst the reverse is the case with autumn wheats from the same source.
Passing to consider what actions are virtuous, we first observe generally that the morality of an act is in part, but only in part, determined by its particular motive; it partly depends on its external object and circumstances, which render it either objectively in harmony with the " order of reason " or the reverse.
Finally, at the south pole the circles of diurnal revolution are again apparently horizontal, but are described in a direction apparently (but not really) the reverse of that near the north pole.
If the progressive rise of the ship be watched for six hours or more, it will be found gradually to cease and reverse its direction.
Efforts not wholly unsuccessful were made to hinder recruiting in Ireland, and every reverse or repulse of British arms was greeted with Nationalist applause.
This event, of capital importance for the middle ages, was fertile in results both beneficial and the reverse.
Aesthetics elaborates the "ideas" involved in the expression of taste called forth by those relations of object which acquire for them the attribution of beauty or the reverse.
But the most important case, on account of its practical application to determining the sign of a crystal, is that in which the light is plane polarized and circularly analysed or the reverse.
With a biaxal plate perpendicular to the optic axis in the diagonal position, the hyperbolic brush becomes an hyperbolic line and the rings are expanded or contracted on its concave side, with a positive plate, according as the plane of the optic axes is parallel or perpendicular to the axis of the quarter-wave plate, the reverse being the case with a negative plate.
The effect is most easily shown by connecting a voltaic cell to a thermopile for a short interval, then quickly (by means of a suitable key, such as a Pohl commutator with the cross connectors removed) disconnecting the pile from the cell and connecting it to a galvanometer, which will indicate a current in the reverse direction through the pile, and approximately proportional to the original current in intensity, provided that the other conditions of the experiment are constant.
Again, the right ear is associated with Saturn, the left ear with Mars, the right eye in the case of the male with the sun and the left eye with the moon, while in the case of the female it was just the reverse.
He lays great stress on the Logos doctrine; all good is to be found in union with the Logos; all evil is in matter or in " spirits of a material nature "; the origin of evil in the world seems to be the choice of the latter rather than of the former; and redemption consists in the reverse process.
It would have been more correct to have employed these objectives in a reverse position.
In such cases the tube varies in length, and the parts in their union follow the reverse order of what occurs in the calyx, where two sepals are united in the lower lip and three in the upper.
In 1890 Canovas took office under the queen regent, and one of his first acts was to reverse the tariff policy of the Liberals, denouncing all the treaties of commerce, and passing in 1892 a highly protectionist tariff.
Weiss first showed, immediately below the verticils of bracts, the position thus being the reverse of that in Palaeostachya.
After carrying out a series of observations on animals, the drug can be assigned to its special group, and a good idea can be obtained of its possible practical value or the reverse; hence there is a saving of time and an avoidance of the necessity of testing its effects on man.
When we come to consider more in detail the results of these actions we find that the various secretions of the body, such as the sweat, gastric juice, bile, milk, urine, &c., may be increased or diminished; that the heart may have its muscular or nervous apparatus stimulated or depressed; that the nerve-centres in the brain, medulla and spinal cord may be rendered more sensitive or the reverse; and that the general metabolism of the body may be altered in various ways.
With some of them, such as chloral and chloroform, the stimulation period is short compared with the narcotic period, while with others, such as ether, the reverse is the case.
This reverse, together with the pressure of other business, induced him to leave Brandenburg in January 1426, after handing over its government to his eldest son, John.
Artists of renown perpetuated her features on canvas, on marble and on many exquisite medals, one of which has a closed book graven on the reverse, with the inscription " Elegiae " in allusion to poems she was said to have written.
It was a reverse of our prior relationship.
I thought if she was gone, the bond would reverse, return me to Gabriel, she said.
The parade marched the length of Main Street, only to reverse itself, ultimately returning to where it had assembled, giving the crowd a double feature and allowing the participants a view of one another.
The surgeries that first year integrated the tumor into your brain using science and magic in a combination that even I was unable to reverse, when I finally realized you weren't the same woman I recalled.
I need for you to analyze the dynamics of the controlled reverse flow reactor.
The lawyer cherry-picked one aspect to show that the protestant community is suffering from some form of reverse discrimination.
Reverse Abdominal Nose Panting expands the abdomen on the puff out.
This is the reverse of the electron affinity of the chlorine.
Break down the barriers to reverse ageism - part 2 of 2 by Sally Greengross What are the possible solutions?
It seems to me that the Revenue has devised a kind of reverse tax arbitrage here, with the taxpayer as the victim.
Payne said there were no immediate plans to use reverse auctions, but fell short of ruling them out completely (see News ).
The system is activated when reverse gear is engaged and indicated by a single beep.
The first bifurcation of the vertically upward position is a " reverse " subcritical pitchfork bifurcation denoted by PF2.
We denote these bifurcations as " reverse " period-doubling bifurcations.
The first is that reverse billing should be easier to understand.
Inhibition of glycolipid biosynthesis does not reverse multidrug resistance in cancer.
To the reverse the frame is finished in brushed Black Velvet and is designed to stand on a flat surface.
The side effects occur when drugs are given to reverse the effects of these neuromuscular blockers.
Hanging from a light blue ribbon it had the King's head on the obverse while the reverse bore the words " Militia.
Now the former headhunter wants not only to keep Polish talent in Poland, but to reverse the brain drain.
Many brasses engraved between 1570 and 1585 are palimpsest, with brasses engraved between 1570 and 1585 are palimpsest, with brasses from the Low Countries on the reverse.
Anonimo engraved on reverse of the brushed steel buckle.
The other set of brakes work in reverse to a conventional break system, such as that found in a motor car.
Modified deep V hull with reverse chines to give soft dry ride, maximum speed, with minimum fuel consumption.
Copying by reverse transcriptase is prone to errors, leading to a high mutation rate and appearance of drug resistant clones.
Common Reverse Designs Every euro coin carries a common European face.
Reverse split The reduction in a corporation's outstanding common stock.
Kaufman W. The use of vitamin therapy to reverse certain concomitants of aging.
She doesn't bat an eye when she chokes down a sword while doing a reverse cowgirl.
Reverse Both types of reverse show a crowned lion bearing a sword and arrows on a large shield surmounted by a large crown.
It takes time to reverse decades of neglect and under-investment.
Glucosamine can also reverse joint degeneration in osteoarthritis sufferers.
In the second instance, the reverse took place--the proletariat, the petty-bourgeois democrats, the bourgeois republicans, Napoleon III.
Contrary to those who tell us that Respect will become more democratic once it has had some success, the reverse is true.
You further agree that you will not disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer or otherwise modify the Material.
What is done to make sure that big dumpers and loaders can reverse safely?
I have not been given any encouragement whatsoever, rather the reverse.
Weak enforcement of intellectual protection laws enabled domestic producers to reverse engineer and imitate foreign technologies with little fear of prosecution.
Available in both an oral and inhaled form, they stabilize eosinophils, reduce bronchial edema and mucous hypersecretion and can reverse epithelial damage.
Home equity Helpful guide to reverse mortgage equity loans, with descriptions, eligibility, considerations.
In the reverse direction, this is a dehydration of ethanol to make ethene.
The Kurds are practicing reverse ethnic cleansing against the Arabs.
Common Reverse Designs Every euro coin carries a common euro coin carries a common European face.
However Reverse Therapy has never set out to find scientific evidence of the chemical problems inherent in the conditions.
Reverse Polarity Protection is built into the beacon and achieved with negligible power loss by using a FET instead of a diode.
The Panel shall have power to reverse or modify the decision appealed from in any way that it thinks fit.
No. 311490 Reverse The reverse (tail side) shows a rear port (left) side view of the ship foudroyant.
Contains a playbill fragment, on the reverse of the title page.
In 1904 wheel steering and a reverse gear were offered together with 3 cylinder models of 1.4 and 2.4 liters.
Display packed in individual storage hanger with barcode on reverse.
Fitted to the reverse with a wall hanging mount.
Also, he would frequently reverse the camp commandant's decisions if he thought that they were unnecessarily harsh.
On consideration we perceive it is not the cities which make the citizens illustrious, but he reverse.
Help us reverse this act of gross public indecency.
The climate was set on a path of apparently inexorable warming, perhaps beyond the powers of today's politicians to reverse.
More recently a number of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) have been introduced.
The handwriting mat is A3 laminated card which is for left-handed chidlren on one side and for right-handed children on the reverse.
In the last few days of the campaign the ruling politicians to reverse became frankly laughable.
In this test, the various issues in reverse logistics are tackled looking at the WEEE Directive and retail returns.
Other advantages include more accurate returns, improved reverse logistics and better post sale service.
A forklift truck unloading a lorry was forced to reverse rapidly.
A negative or reverse magnetic force applied for reducing magnetic induction to zero.
And for spoken morphemes consisting of a single phoneme, it is unclear what it would mean to reverse the direction of that phoneme.
Two mounting plates have been fitted to the reverse for wall mounting plates have been fitted to the reverse for wall mounting.
Reverse flies Develops upper back and rear shoulder musculature and helps stabilize the scapula.
The reverse is not true, and a compound may well be a somatic cell mutagen but not a germ cell mutagen.
The DS Lite seems to be a case of such geographic myopia in reverse.
No capitalist nation-state is going to be able to reverse the tide of neoliberalism.
This is one side of a pendant necklace showing an angel holding a dove (the reverse is a Tudor rose ).
We can get this if we go to Reverse Polish or postfix notation.
We always wonder whether people who call the obverse the front side also call the reverse the back side!
The 3 Designs All three designs share the same common obverse, but the reverse designs differ.
The reverse transcription reaction was primed using an oligonucleotide specific for the body sequence.
Click on any heading to sort the order of the documents, e.g. clicking on Date will sort the results into reverse chronological order.
It is then pushed at high pressure through filters in a process described as reverse osmosis.
Nowadays, by some kind of reverse osmosis, the world parish has come home.
A further way to prevent and even reverse osteoporosis is with a new product called Reosto.
Reverse osmosis a high pressure filtration system that uses selectively permeable membranes with extremely small pores to separate ions and particles.
This leaves the cycle, and two of these triose phosphate molecules combine to form one glucose molecule using the glycolysis enzymes in reverse.
The mesh pocket on the reverse is large enough to store other beauty essentials.
The reverse is also attractively painted, showing a truly poetic landscape.
Expression levels for receptors and ligands were assessed by semiquantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analysis.
The production of specific cytokines was measured using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and the result noted as either presence or absence of message.
We will assess these transcripts using quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (TaqMan Q-PCR ).
Flow entering the valve through the outlet port combines with spring action to hold poppet 1 on its seat to check reverse flow.
Postscript is a Turing-complete reverse polish programming language with drawing primitives based on Bezier curves.
Prices are typically £ 50 to £ 250, the reverse porro prism generally being cheaper than the roof prism type.
Comments (2) something to do with my reverse proxy applying a rule to the forms post address.
The standing lending facility is for overnight reverse repo against eligible collateral.
Chipping Norton Town suffered a 3-1 reverse from promoted Hounslow Boro with Ryan OâToole netting twice.
These are all drugs known as nucleoside analogs, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs ).
A conventional tumble reverse mechanism took the drive from the headstock spindle to the gearbox drive train.
This section makes the reverse engineering of object code back to source illegal without the permission of the owner.
Water was specially treated by reverse osmosis and using water softeners to remove aluminum.
This is achieved by a compound essential to the virus, called reverse transcriptase.
Collaboration with the group of Dr. David Stammers continues to address the structure of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase.
The caption on the reverse reads ' This method is used to reduce corrugation and level dirt roads ' .
He even managed to avoid Karelin's most savage throw, a reverse body lift.
This reverse design was created by sculptor John Mills.
Each item shall be placed in a protective sleeve upon which the vendor's personalized reference is marked on the reverse.
Next came Sautin, with an attempt at the mind-boggling reverse two-and-a-half somersaults with one-and-a-half twists that was introduced to the sport by Ali.
Quite the reverse is true and the other sonnets show why.
All the clinical problems associated with a high spinal will reverse when cardiovascular and respiratory support are provided.
Two days later this pleasant site was cursed, as usual, with the " Reverse Midas Touch " and digging became somewhat squalid.
On the reverse side of the coin, ' Breathe ' arguably has no standout tracks.
His tall, slender figure had a slight stoop yet it looked the reverse of feeble.
The train took less than five minutes to reverse in Wrexham, and took off for Chirk in a very sure-footed manner.
A narrow, decorated frame with a ribbon swag to the top and a hanging ring to the top reverse.
To the reverse of the frame it has been fabulously finished has swivel hooks which secure the treasured photo's in place.
It was sold in June 2002 in a reverse takeover with Hot Group plc.
Its main mode of action is as a chain terminator of viral reverse transcription.
They were made in vitreous glass tesserae, using the reverse method, by Greenwich Mural Workshop.
On the reverse of this is a color advert for Imperial Leather toilet soap with neon tetra fish.
To reverse this opt in from that point on, you shall have to contact the third party.
The engine sound will initially decrease to idle speed, but then increase as reverse thrust is applied.
P&W confirmed that if the reverse thruster had not locked properly there would have been an indicator light advising the pilots.
Professor Hartdegen (Pearce) invents a time machine to reverse a personal tragedy, but accidently propels himself 800,000 years into the future!
Tenofovir is a very closely related medicine, called a nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor.
To reverse the previous trend of spreading fewer productions over longer runs.
Understanding how climate change affects mountains is vital as governments and international organizations develop strategies to reverse current global warming trends.
The ' reverse slope ' rear window was particularly distinctive, ensuring the Anglia became an instant trendsetter.
It's a bit like having an engine turbocharger that works in reverse.
They had a scripture verse on one side and an abstract design or photo on the reverse.
We produced the first recombinant infectious bronchitis virus using reverse genetics technology.
A reverse genetics system was developed for infectious bronchitis virus, which could lead to more stable vaccines.
The Cosmics fouled the top wishbones in reverse on full lock.
In 364, however, he sustained a severe reverse in attempting to relieve a besieged Spartan garrison at Cromnus in south-western Arcadia.
And its use has been traced through the Egyptians to the Greeks and Romans, representations of Trajan (arch of Constantine) and Antoninus Pius (reverse of a medal) being found with it.
By the automatic curb sender the cable is put to one or the other pole of the battery and then to the reverse pole for definite proportionate times during u b c 0 'c' C p t e a n i m e r rn e ll i a.
Branly was the first to investigate and describe in 1890 the fact that an electric spark at a distance had the power of changing loose aggregations of metallic powders from poor to good electric conductors, and he also found that in some cases the reverse action was produced.
The situation thus became the very reverse of what it had been in Crispis time, when the French government, even when anti-clerical, protected the Catholic Church abroad for political purposes, whereas the conflict between Church and State in Italy extended to foreign countries, to the detriment of Italian political interests.
Although he had in 1687 openly embraced the Roman Catholic faith, he hesitated to commit himself entirely to the acts of the fierce devotees who surrounded the king, whom he advised to reverse the arbitrary acts of the last year or two, and in October 1688 he was dismissed by James with the remark "I hope you will be more faithful to your next master than you have been to me."
Naturally no line whatever can be drawn between the Oriental and the Palaearctic subregions, and many otherwise essentially Indo-Malayan families extend far into the Australian realm, far across Wallace's line, whilst the reverse takes place to a much more moderate extent.
Reverse curves are compound curves in which the components are of contrary flexure, like the letter S; strictly the term is only applicable when the two portions follow directly one on the other, but it is sometimes used of cases in which they are separated by a " tangent " or portion of straight line.
For this operation, or its reverse, a man has to go in between the wagons, unless, as in Great Britain, he is provided with a coupling-stick - that is, a pole having a peculiarly shaped hook at one end by which the chain can be caught and thrown on or off the drawbar hook.
It is noteworthy, also, that an Ahaziah and a Jehoram appear as kings of Israel, and (in the reverse order) of Judah, and somewhat similar incidents recur in the now separate histories of the two kingdoms. The most striking is a great revolt in south Palestine.
In the Polychaeta, which are to be regarded as structurally simpler forms than the two groups just referred to, there is but little subdivision of the coelom of the segments, indeed a tendency in the reverse direction, owing to the suppression of septa.
Wallace almost alone maintained the struggle for freedom which the nobles, as well as Baliol, had given up, and Bruce had no part in the honour of Stirling Bridge in September 1297, or the reverse of Falkirk, where in July 1298 Edward in person recovered what his generals had lost, and drove Wallace into exile.
The news of Bonaparte's signal victory over the Turkish army at Aboukir aroused general rejoicings undimmed by any save the vaguest rumours of his reverse at Acre.
The reverse shows the seated archer, or occasionally an elephant; the head of the king is beardless and wears a helmet and a diadem; only from the third or fourth king they begin to wear a beard after the Iranian fashion.
The feudal nobility was thus the first to establish itself, and the king only came after its institution - the reverse of Norman England, where the king first conquered the country, and then plotted it out among his nobles.
C. Brooke of Welling, Kent, succeeded in making a wolf fairly tractable, the experience of others has been the reverse of encouraging.
The reverse is the case with the civil officials, whose salaries in the provinces are paid more regularly than in Constantinople, owing to their being charged on the provincial budgets; the average arrears are from two to three months in Constantinople, and from one to three in the provinces.
Two antagonistic processes proceed simultaneously, the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen and the reverse change, and either process is accelerated by an increase and retarded by a decrease in temperature.
The former gas is continually being evolved by the plants and absorbed by the animals, and precisely the reverse actions occur in the case of carbonic acid.
At this juncture Dupont, moving upon Cadiz, met with a reverse which greatly influenced the course of the Peninsular War.
If we eliminate the reverse electromotive forces of polarization at the two electrodes, the conduction of electricity through electrolytes is found to conform to Ohm's law; that is, once the polarization is overcome, the current is proportional to the electromotive force applied to the bulk of the liquid.
The phrase "to bring again the captivity" would not alone suffice to prove this, for it is used in a wide sense, and perhaps means rather to "reverse the calamity," 4 but the dispersion of Israel among the nations, and the allotment of the Holy Land to new occupants, cannot fairly be referred to any calamity less than that of the captivity.
His theory of medicine professed to explain the processes of life and disease, and the methods of cure, upon one simple principle - that of the property of" excitability,"in virtue of which the" exciting powers,"defined as being (1) external forces and (2) the functions of the system itself, call forth the vital phenomena" sense, motion, mental function and passion."All exciting powers are stimulant, the apparent debilitating or sedative effect of some being due to a deficiency in the degree of stimulus; so that the final conclusion is that" the whole phenomena of life, health as well as disease, consist in stimulus and nothing else."Brown recognized some diseases as sthenic, others as asthenic, the latter requiring stimulating treatment, the former the reverse; but his practical conclusion was that 97% of all diseases required a" stimulating "treatment.
Dissolution, and finally reaches the statement of the Law of Evolution as" an integration of matter and concomitant dissipation of motion, during which the matter passes from a an indefinite incoherent homogeneity to a definite coherent heterogeneity, and during which the retained motion undergoes a parallel transformation."This process of evolution is due to" the instability of the homogeneous,"the" multiplication of effects "and their" segregation,"continuing until it ceases in complete" equilibration."Sooner or later, however, the reverse process of Dissolution, with its absorption of motion and disintegration of matter, which indeed has always been going on to some extent, must prevail, and these oscillations of the cosmic process will continue without end.
The southern part of the country was now fairly tranquil, and the later campaigns were directed mainly against the Nordalbingians, the branch of the Saxons living north of the Elbe, who suffered a severe reverse near Bornhoved in 798.
The answer to this question will be in many cases negative or affirmative according to our strict adherence or the reverse to the definition of the priest set forth above as " a minister whose stated business it was to perform on behalf of the community certain ritual acts, in some cases sacrifices (or the recitation of prayers), directed Godwards."
On his appearing before the wall with a powerful force, the citizens were induced through fear to give admission to a detachment of his troops to besiege the castle; but, on hearing that he had met with a reverse in another quarter, they suddenly closed their gates and detained his men as prisoners.
Although ancestor-worship, or, more broadly, the cult of the dead, has in many cases overshadowed other cults or even extinguished them, we have no warrant, even in these cases, for asserting its priority, but rather the reverse; not only so, but in the majority of cases the pantheon is made up by a multitude of spirits in human, sometimes in animal form, which bear no signs of ever having been incarnate; sun gods and moon goddesses, gods of fire, wind and water, gods of the sea, and above all gods of the sky, show no signs of having been ghost gods at any period in their history.
His mind was dwelling constantly upon the political legacy of the two Pitts; he was a reader of Sir John Seeley; he had himself visited the colonies; had predicted that a war would not, as was commonly said, disintegrate the empire, but rather the reverse; had magnified the importance of taking colonial opinion; and had always been a convinced advocate of some form of Imperial Federation.
There was much in favour of this system, because a good firm impression could be obtained, and the " nutmeg-grater " effect on the reverse, when the impression was too heavy, could, after the sheets were dry, be removed by cold-pressing in a hydraulic press.
Some statuettes and sculptured slabs partly belonging to its pulpit, perhaps the work of Andrea Pisano, have been found; upon the reverse side of two of the slabs are still older reliefs of the 8th or 9th century; so that the slabs perhaps originally came from Tharros.
He certainly seems to have been the reverse of athletic (the stalwart Aeschines upbraids him with never having been a sportsman), and he probably had some sort of defect or impediment in his speech as a boy.