Reveal Sentence Examples
She opened her hand to reveal its contents, a marble.
She unwrapped the paper to reveal seven gold coins.
She wasn't going to reveal her secret unless she had to.
But then, it was like him not to reveal his thoughts or concerns – unless the mood hit him.
She'd made a decision in front of him, one that warned him this might be his last chance to reveal his secret.
His door flew open to reveal a huge, furry monster with fangs.
The zipper opened in one motion to reveal the lighted face of Fred O'Connor.
It was almost as if he were shutting Felipa off before she could reveal something.
She held firm and didn't reveal anything but she was hesitant to lie directly.
What dark secret had he been holding from her that he would be forced to reveal if he knew how she felt about children?
AdvertisementThe sub bumped against a dock, and the door opened to reveal the man he assumed was Jim, dressed in his workout clothing with mussed hair.
Her air supply cut off, she tore at the hand holding her until the skin on his arm fell away to reveal smooth, black skin more akin to a reptile's than a human's.
Ully would run blood tests on Hannah, but he doubted they.d reveal much more than Katie.s had.
But she wasn't about to reveal that to Jonny.
She held up her arm to reveal the black cuff.
AdvertisementThen he went on to say that he knew her parents would not give her to him--for this there were secret reasons he could reveal only to her--but that if she loved him she need only say the word yes, and no human power could hinder their bliss.
If you really can find Others, you must reveal their locations to me.
If she'd protected her secret from a thousand people, she wasn't about to reveal it to him.
I trusted Brennan sufficiently to reveal Julie's identity and the burglary.
As he spoke, he peeled off his shirt to reveal a whip-like, muscular upper body coated by a thin layer of tan skin.
AdvertisementPushing himself away from the book that would reveal nothing he sought, he went to the small, square window overlooking the stone structure of the Sanctuary.
She pushed away from the wall, trying not to reveal her shame.
She grabbed the front of the shirt and jerked the snaps open to reveal the swimwear.
She grimaced when he peeled back the final layer of bandages to reveal the gouge and broken bones beneath.
One of the monsters pulled off its head to reveal a man.
AdvertisementThe book exists for us, perchance, which will explain our miracles and reveal new ones.
When her vision cleared to reveal where he'd taken her, she sucked in a breath.
He watched as she stripped off the tunic to reveal a muscular, firm back.
She suspected he was one step ahead, but she wasn't expecting him to reveal his plan.
An autopsy would surely reveal Fitzgerald's knife wound, bringing Lydia Larkin's complicity into play, and probably Dean's.
Hannah removed her fur coat with a graceful flourish to reveal her snug clothing and perfect body.
They hovered through the air, at last reaching one of the ships, where a doorway yawned open to reveal the damp yellow light and grey corridors beyond.
At last, they arrived at a metal door that Mike swung open to reveal a tiny submersible docked.
The top slid open to reveal a tire patch kit containing two small patches and a tube of sealing adhesive.
He wore black pants that hugged his lower body to reveal the lean hips and long, muscular legs.
Hannah.s bedroom was quiet, the bed neatly made and her closet door open to reveal a large empty space.
As Darian suspected, the small creature was unwilling to reveal its true intentions.
The moon is slowly revolving to reveal its hidden face.
Her hand dropped from her eyes to reveal a furry, fanged monster from a nightmare framed against the light.
She sighed and sat up straight a second before the door was pushed open to reveal someone she didn't know.
He glared at her, then unbuttoned his tac gear, pulling his arms free and pushing it down to his waist to reveal the dark T-shirt beneath.
Elise peeled off her shirt to reveal a snug undershirt that outlined the shape of her muscular upper body.
He fumbled for the light just as the zipper on his tent opened to reveal the bright smile of Betty from Boise.
Formula may also reveal similar results.
His trench was long and unfastened, the chilled winter wind whipping back one side to reveal a sword tucked against his leg.
Kiera raised the arm of her sweatshirt to reveal the band she already wore.
A sweep through the barn failed to reveal any imminent births.
Her fingers opened to reveal a keypad similar to the one Brady delivered.
The night veils without doubt a part of this glorious creation; but day comes to reveal to us this great work, which extends from earth even into the plains of the ether.
They reached Sasha.s room, and the convent member pushed the door open to reveal Sasha.s torn-up body.
She modestly lifted her shirt a little and gently pulled the waistband down far enough to reveal the angry red bumps.
Why did her complexion have to reveal her every emotion?
The true Tapaculo (P. albicollis) has a general resemblance in plumage to the females of some of the smaller Shrikes (Lanius), and to a cursory observer its skin might pass for that of one; but its shortened wings and powerful feet would on closer inspection at once reveal the difference.
He didn't wear a coat today and his shirtsleeves were rolled up to reveal brown muscular forearms.
Walk in the door, reveal what Jonny wanted her to do and they'd have their happy ending.
As a matter of fact, no grass-plot is truly circular; and it might be found that if the breadth in various directions were measured more accurately the want of circularity would reveal itself.
The Johannine discourses reveal differences from the Synoptists so profound as to be admitted by all.
In contrast to the struggle for an ideal freedom, which was at first hailed with tempestuous delight only to reveal itself as a dangerous tyranny, men became conscious of the need for a firmly established authority in the reconstruction of society.
These figures reveal a considerable falling-off during the past decade, the number of vessels entering and leaving the port in 1898 being 5114 with an aggregate tonnage of 3,761,094.
Consequently an exaggerated emphasis is often laid upon single words; as, for example, in the school of Rabbi `Agiba, where even individual letters were forced to reveal their meaning.
Perot's number is now definitely adopted to define the Angstrom, and need never be altered, for should at some future time further researches reveal a minute error, it will be only necessary to change slightly the temperature or pressure of the air in which the wave-length is measured.
The benediction "Peace be to this house," with which, in accordance with apostolic usage, he greeted every dwelling he entered, was not inappropriate to his figure and aspect, and it is said "took the people's attention wonderfully," the more especially after the magic of his personality found opportunity to reveal itself in close and homely intercourse.
These articles, contained in the 5th Scheme, and zealously championed by the sectaries of the Jesuit order, reveal the immediate object for which the council of1869-1870was convened.
It often happens that analyses of brown iron ores reveal a larger proportion of water than required by the typical formula of limonite, and hence new species have been recognized.
Her secretaries were examined in London, and one of them gave evidence that she had first heard of the conspiracy by letter from Babington, of whose design against the life of Elizabeth she thought it best to take no notice in her reply, though she did not hold herself bound to reveal it.
These reveal dark hydrogen flocculi, which appear to lie at a level above that of the bright calcium flocculi.
Certain characteristics in the skin reveal to the expert from what section of territory they come, but in classifying them it is considered sufficient to mention territories only.
In the German lands, the lowest level was touched, and the writings of the Augustinian canon Johann Busch, and of the Benedictine abbot Trithemius reveal a state of things in the first half of the 15th century that urgently called for reform.
The passport being delayed, he offered to reveal to Walsingham a dangerous conspiracy, but the latter sent no reply, and meanwhile the ports were closed and none allowed to leave the kingdom for some days.
On the 26th of June the diet was dissolved, nothing having been done but to reveal the widening gulf between the principle of monarchy and the growing forces of German Liberalism.
He was implicated by Francois Chabot in the falsification of a decree relative to the East India Company, and though his share seems to have been simply that he did not reveal the plot, of which he knew but part, he was accused before the Revolutionary Tribunal at the same time as Danton and Camille Desmoulins, and was executed on the 5th of April 1794.
But his interest was in the fascinating game of diplomacy; he was ambitious of playing the leading part on the great stage of international politics; and he was too consummate a courtier to risk the loss of the imperial favour by any insistence on unpalatable reforms, which, after all, would perhaps only reveal the necessity for the complete revolution which he feared.
The Syrians and the, Keftiu, the latter now identified with the Cretans and other representatives of the Aegean civilization, are the only peoples who by their elaborate clothing and artistic products reveal themselves upon the ancient Egyptian monuments as the equals in culture of the Egyptian nation.
The bulk of the hieroglyphic inscriptions are written in a more or less artificial literary language; but in business documents, letters, popular tales, &c., the scribes often adhered closely to the living form of the tongue, and thus reveal its progressive changes.
When the land reappeared a new series of valleys would at once begin to be eroded; and the subsequent degradation of these overlying sediments might reveal portions of the older topography, as in the case of the Great Glen, Lauderdale, and other ancient valleys.
However, if we carefully sift their characters, the flamingos obviously reveal themselves as much nearer related to the Ciconiae, especially to Platalea and Ibis, than to the Anseres.
Why does it so slowly reveal the Right of the middle ages (as in slavery for instance) to be the Wrong to-day?
He pulled off the wrapping to reveal a humanoid robot which bore a remarkable resemblance to Des, with similar facial features.
At the start of each season, football clubs reveal their shirt sponsorship deals.
Reveal a tattoo the thrill of not far from.
These "bad liars" reveal their lying because of their abrupt change in behavior when telling a lie, as well as an obvious unease with what they are saying.
Regardless of a person's comfort level with lying, most people will unknowingly display certain outward signs that reveal that they are telling lies.
Your windows are visible from both inside and outside the home, and the blinds, shades, drapes, and window treatments that you choose to style each room in your home can reveal volumes about your personality.
The princess in your household will squeal with excitement when you reveal bedding fit for any palace.
These photos reveal the pre-surgery Hilton, who had a remarkably different nose from the Paris we all know.
While Gibson hopes to spend some of the interview promoting his upcoming film, Apocalypto, it's likely the film talk will take a backseat to reveal more about his alcoholism and the details of his arrest.
While both singers and their representation maintained that it was a malfunction, many speculated that the occurrence of the reveal with the lyrics "gonna have you naked by the end of this song" was no coincidence.
In November 2006, Alley appeared on Oprah to reveal her new slim figure in a bathing suit.
However, red carpet appearances tend to reveal the truth behind the tiniest celebrities in Hollywood.
This is a very simplified example of the way this tool can be used - the variables can reveal much more than simply what people are looking for in a particular area.
Jonny opened it to reveal a comfortable looking room with a plush couch set, rugs to cover the concrete floors, and television lighting the room.
A door in one wall was open to reveal the white porcelain sink of a bathroom, and the wall opposite the TV held a kitchenette.
Storing an email address enables people to contact you through the website without you having to reveal your email address to them, and it can be used to send you a new password if you forget it.Your real name, if you choose to provide it, will be used for giving you attribution for your work.
He is a beneficent and venerable old man of the sea, full of wisdom and skilled in prophecy, but, like Proteus, he will only reveal what he knows under compulsion.
The Letters, which are very stilted, also reveal Apollinaris as a man of genial temper, fond of good living and of pleasure.
They reveal to us the true and better side of George Sand, the loyal and devoted friend, the mother who under happier conditions might have been reputed a Roman matron.
Thus in the Sandwich Islands the god Oro gave his oracles through a priest who "ceased to act or speak as a voluntary agent, but with his limbs convulsed, his features distorted and terrific, his eyes wild and strained, he would roll on the ground roaming at the mouth, and reveal the will of the god in shrill cries and sounds violent and indistinct, which the attending priests duly interpreted to the people."
That admiration for an empire of more than two hundred millions of men, where not one had the right to call himself free; that effeminate philosophy which has more praise for luxury and pleasures than for all the virtues; that style always elegant and never energetic, reveal at the most the elector of Hanover's slave."
Those localities where chipping was done reveal hundreds of tons of splinters and failures, and these are often counted as ruder implements of an earlier time.
The pompous ceremonials of the civilized tribes of Mexico and the Cordilleras in South America, when analysed, reveal only a higher grade of the prevailing idea.
The external evidence does not point to any intervening hiatus, and the archaeological data from the excavations do not reveal any dislocation of earlier conditions; earlier forms have simply developed and the evolution is a progressive one.
Yet, the conditions in Palestine during the monarchies reveal grave and complex social problems, marked class distinctions, and constant intercourse and commercial enterprise.
The spectroscope only yields information about the thin outer envelope of the star; and even here elements may be present which do not reveal themselves, for the spectrum shown depends very greatly on the temperature and pressure.
The excavations at Nippur were the first to reveal to us the extreme antiquity of Babylonian civilization, and, as already stated, they give us the best consecutive record of the development of that civilization, with a continuous occupancy from a period of unknown antiquity, long ante-dating 5000 B.C., onward to the middle ages.
In his Kritische Untersuchungen ieber die kanonischen Evangelien, ihr Verheiltniss zu einander, ihren Charakter and Ursprung (1847) he turns his attention to the Gospels, and here again finds that the authors were conscious of the conflict of parties; the Gospels reveal a mediating or conciliatory tendency (Tendenz) on the part of the writers or redactors.
Thirdly, there is a determination to reveal the psychological basis of logical processes, and not merely to describe them as they are in adult reasoning, but to explain also how they arise from simpler mental operations and primarily from sense.
The Austrian chronicler Thomas Ebendorffer of Haselbach, who lived two generations later, first states that it was reported that King Wenceslaus had ordered that the confessor of his queen - an office that John of Pomuk never held - should be thrown into the Vltava because he would not reveal the secret of confession.
A hurried outline of each of these vital branches of our civilization will at once reveal the falseness of the usual periodizing.
About the year 1893 he began to publish short stories, some of which, such as Enris, The Fortress of Matthias, The Old Man of Korpela and Finland's Flag, are delicate works of art, while they reveal to a very interesting degree the temper and ambitions of the contemporary Finnish population.
Instead, an atmosphere of artificiality surrounds these productions, and the verses that reveal genuine poetical feeling are very few.
Their language is vague and allegorical, full of allusions and pious Mussulman invocations; the author continually announces that he is about to speak without mystery or reserve, but all the same never gives any precise details of the secrets he professes to reveal.
These changes in population reveal the effects of famine, which was very severely felt in 1876-1878 and again in 1899-1900.
Le Blanc had no choice but to reveal the secrets of his process, and he had the misfortune to see his factory dismantled and his stocks of raw and finished materials sold.
Petrarch's inner life after this date is mainly occupied with the passion which he celebrated in his Italian poems, and with the friendships which his Latin epistles dimly reveal to us.
But these works, important as they were, gave but little idea of the wealth of historical sources which the 19th century was to reveal in England.
It does not identify Paul with Simon Magus, but it serves to reveal an animus which would render the identification easy.
Stream erosion has dissected these domes far enough to reveal the core of the igneous rock and to give a rugged topography.
Almost all the learned doctors, he says, declare that the confessor may reveal it, but he adds, " the contrary opinion is the safer and better doctrine, and more consistent with religion and with the reverence due to the holy rite of confession."
It appeared in Blazh (1 793-95) It falls short of the older version of 1688; it was modernized in its language, and no doubt a careful examination would reveal differences in the translation of those passages in which the Catholic tradition differs from the Eastern.
Quicherat's great work, Le Proces de Jeanne d'Arc (1841-1849), a collection of the texts so full and so vivid that they reveal the character and life of the heroine with great distinctness.
The continuous spectrum leads to no inference, except that of the temperature of the central globe; but the multitude of dark lines by which it is crossed reveal the elements composing pe ct rum o the truly gaseous cloaks which enclose it.
Besides their historic interest, the letters written personally by Henry, whether love notes or letters of state, reveal a charming writer.
History is as likely to reveal to us in the first place true and original elements, and combinations of elements in man, as a study of consciousness.
But then, it was like him not to reveal his thoughts or concerns – unless the mood hit him.
The elevator door opened to reveal the massive form of Travis, one of Jenn's spies on the local police force.
He pointed on the page to reveal a link to a website with a single name and phone number written on it.
Her eyes traveled over the image of him training others, his whip-like upper body bare to reveal the roped muscles of his shoulders and chest, the tucked waist and flat abs.
Eventually, he'd reveal the fate that awaited traitors and order her to fight him.
Bathymetry and sidescan sonar imagery together reveal a slow-spreading ridge segment that has a large composite volcanic plateau at its center.
It was a subject that I was reticent to reveal and talk about.
Modern MRI will frequently reveal the abnormality underlying the epilepsy.
Then I scratched a bit deeper to reveal the absurdity of the 9/11 commission, they really expect us to believe that stuff?
We anticipate that these results should reveal important insights into the regulation of lignin accumulation.
I can reveal self-confessed sex addict Russell Brand, 31, is after her.
These drawings show a masterful perspective, a whimsical line and reveal a natural innate artistry.
Fossils and asteroid Impacts Find out how examining the rocks and fossils around an asteroid impact crater can help us reveal its full effects.
Newly released audiotapes reveal the true spirit of some of his counseling.
These utterances, however, reveal Paul's conviction of being a legitimate, duly authorized apostle.
Indeed, studies reveal no systematic relationship between a country's average level of tariff and non-tariff barriers and its subsequent economic growth rate.
A walk here with little Mass, the resident birder, should reveal more birds than you might find on your own.
Use of such black box environmental forecasting can reveal missing structure in the deterministic models.
Eye for unusual the world's top can reveal how giant company blather.
Fast camera changes relay the frenzy of battle and close-ups reveal the brutality of it.
Drop Head buckeye coupling A buckeye coupling that can be lowered to reveal a standard hook for a screw or three link type coupling.
In early spring the buds break to reveal wonderful yellow catkins that light up the border.
Other girls reveal a sexual awareness which stretches to strawberry flavored condoms whilst still more complain about poor quality drugs.
Recent studies conduced in the United States reveal how an effective copy control solution will actually drive people back to the stores.
But closer analyzes reveal that the process whereby Agrobacterium injects T-DNA into plant cells strongly resembles conjugation, ie, mating between bacterial cells.
The spiny seed case splits to reveal a shiny conker.
Further along the main path, the firs give way to reveal sweet chestnut coppice.
You simply remove the bottle cork to reveal a bubble wand.
A close, careful visual check in good light may reveal the tiny hairline cracks spreading out like a spider-web over the tire walls.
Achingly sad, it drops down in the middle section to reveal some beautifully crooned pure soul singing from Jill.
Had there been a trial he would have been forced to reveal the culprit.
A stroll around many of the UK gardens open to the public will reveal in the autumn, drifts of hardy cyclamen.
The groups certainly reveal deep cynicism about the political process among the great British public.
Finally the brittle skin is peeled away to reveal beautifully delicate markings and smoky blushes.
I've been asked not to reveal the final denouement but this tense thriller will keep you guessing right to the end.
This archeological detective story attempts to reveal the true meaning of the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments.
In this long diatribe, you begin to reveal yourself to me.
This consistent approach aims to reveal the divergence in their processes.
Bones will reveal life of dodo - 26/06/2006 Well-preserved bones of the extinct flightless dodo bird are uncovered in Mauritius.
Can our individual narratives in relation to race, culture and attachment be unmasked in the therapeutic dyad to reveal our human connectedness?
An understanding of mechanics of louse transmission may reveal the basis for host specificity among lice and other ectoparasites.
May 1997 A worthless memoir Bruce Anderson The memoirs of former Conservative party treasurer, Alistair McAlpine, reveal a politically shallow egotist.
Slender hands lift back the hood to reveal the striking, youthful features of a male elf.
There is a twist ending, part of a framing story narrated by " Francis, " which I will not reveal.
Whilst at high tide the beach is shingle, low tides reveal a vast expanse of flat sand.
To begin with, Triumph simply removed the fairing from the Daytona to reveal the engine.
Thompson, who lives in a cottage in a Cumbrian village dwarfed by surrounding fells, will not reveal what his check was worth.
Muscle biopsy studies do not reveal a significant increase in small angulated fibers until after age 70 years (105 ).
Moreover, key moments reveal the iron fist beneath the velvet glove.
The sliding doors are supplied with reveal flashings, panel fixings and installation instructions.
Yet when these UFO stories are subjected to critical examination, they nearly always reveal fatal flaws.
When cut, Hillbilly tomatoes reveal a starburst pattern in it's meaty flesh.
In Irish folklore, cabbages are supposed to reveal a lot about a future spouses.
The five tales reveal an extraordinary fulness of invention.
They are not, however, given information which might reveal the identity of the individual providing a written assessment.
The complaints reveal secrecy is still " indelibly ingrained " in British public authorities.
But the sobering realities of the world situation were to suddenly reveal themselves to the American isolationists.
The sleek design with large TFT 65K display glides open to reveal a keypad that is probably easier to use than their rivals.
The main carriage drive was designed to pass through the existing woods, then reveal the house across the sweeping lawns.
Each leaf of his lettuce leaf home can be peeled back to reveal a Mini Beast friend.
Determination of the positions of the tags using MS methods will reveal the positions of the beta glycosidic linkages.
Now we can reveal the amazing health secret thought to be responsible for the remarkable longevity of the Japanese.
Ancient times criminals reveal a tattoo seen on the delightful mesquite smoked.
Biopsies taken from this area reveal an incomplete, patchy, intestinal metaplasia with goblet cells.
On the platform, between belches, the swirling mist clears a little to reveal a Home Guard leader.
During successive annual molts, the epidermis peels off with the old hair to reveal the bright new pelage underneath.
Charpentier's petits motets reveal the composer's penchant for the Italian style.
Even quite intensive scraping of the intestinal mucosa did not reveal coccidia.
The winter muff is double zipped and it also has a zipper in the hood to reveal a mesh window for good air circulation.
She modeled a process of ' interrogation ', in a way that helped to reveal the multiplicity of meanings that might be constructed.
Over 30 living displays reveal the sheer variety of life in the deep from native sharks and lobsters to the amazing octopus and seahorses.
Replicate high-density rat genome oligonucleotide microarrays reveal hundreds of regulated genes in the dorsal root ganglion after peripheral nerve injury.
But unpublished archives reveal that it conducted clandestine operations ranging from the bizarre to the murderous.
A cursory inspection of the underside will quickly reveal the truth - you have overdrive or you do not.
Sevilla and Arsenal agreed a confidentiality pact, so neither club will reveal the fee.
We can exclusively reveal that it is utter pants.
A shapely thigh stirs and turns to reveal black lacy panties and a red T-shirt on the upper half of this female body.
Microscopic examination of the mimic and model cuticle may also reveal some interesting parallels.
White Line Separation Sheep with toe abscesses should be carefully pared along the white line, and this will usually reveal a dark mark.
Test your knowledge of the rules... move over the white space below to reveal the answer... no peeking!
This also tells us why the Prayer was originally written, namely to reveal the state of heart of a true penitent.
Lifting a rock can reveal that its complete underside is covered by edible periwinkles.
They carry generous clusters of gleaming flowers, with sleek scarlet sepals flaring to reveal a slim skirt of purple petals surrounding coral stamens.
These x-ray views also reveal rare condylar fractures of the middle phalanx.
This DVD will reveal for the first time anywhere the real secrets of street pickpockets and how they can be used to entertain.
A Google search will reveal 1.2 million results - an indication of its surging popularity worldwide!
However, studies of human dietary preferences reveal up to one-half of the population may not like to eat fish.
Nagel wrinkles his nose at Lacey's probing beneath the published surface to reveal the underlying preoccupations of Hart's life.
After about two days it makes the final molt to reveal the pretty pupa.
If e-mailers were forced to reveal their true identity it would be much harder for them to deceive the innocent recipient.
Where cut surfaces reveal the pith, they need to be capped off with wood, horn or synthetic resin.
I was equally resolute that Shirley, being the subject of the test, should reveal his effort first.
Before I exclusively reveal these insider secrets can I ask you question?
Their violent acts gradually reveal themselves to be caused by deep-rooted societal issues.
A forthcoming research project aims to reveal an Anglo-Saxon rotunda, possibly that founded by Earl Leofric, the husband of Lady Godiva.
Even blanket bog can reveal hidden delights, or give a splash of autumnal color when bog cotton and other sedges turn russet.
He takes Matern deeper into the mine, opening door after door of galleries, to reveal rooms full of mechanical, talking scarecrows.
Two proprietary consumer cargo tank radar surveys by Zelos Group reveal promising market segmentation, pricing and packaging strategies.
Stuart James turns sleuth to reveal the scams of the pensions underworld.
Some of the report's statistics reveal a fascinating snapshot of life in Horsham today.
The vivid scarlet single form flowers open to reveal bright yellow stamens at their heart.
Exquisite in bud, they open fully to reveal a central boss of golden stamens.
Internationally acclaimed comedienne Shazia Mirza departs from straight stand-up to reveal stories and characters from her physical and emotional travels.
This assertion is never directly stated because that would reveal the absurdity of the equation.
Cancer Research UK publishes statistics New statistics reveal the extent of the death toll caused by smoking in Scotland in the last half century.
Education may reveal the real, not sterilized, history of science, which includes humanistic aspects of the scientific enterprise.
A news story can jolt your emotions, explain the complex, reveal something new or maybe even make you change your mind.
Excavations reveal an intact stratigraphy of 22 vertical meters containing 36 layers from Lower Paleolithic through to Medieval.
Clinical examination may reveal lateral subluxation or lateral patello-femoral tracking.
The firm did not reveal which other top brass got the suspicious options.
With a deft touch the PEBL U6 opens automatically to reveal an attractive keypad and large 262K color display.
In the two texts presented later in the paper, they reveal strong traces of macro, meso, and micro interventions.
Depending on your perspective, they cover or reveal; depending on the time of day, they cast shadows or seem transparent.
Graphic panels flank this to form a triptych, which appears to fold out to reveal the precious objects.
He sheds his wetsuit to reveal a white tuxedo perfect for the night ahead in a club.
The discovery, unveiled in the journal Nature, might reveal how early tyrannosaurs evolved into the T rex 100 million years later.
The bus driver and the man were quickly undressing to reveal that they were in fact a flaming red devil and a grim reaper.
By making deductions from convergence we can reveal otherwise unsuspected possibilities.
It is also worth pointing out that even if urine and blood pressure checks reveal nothing untoward, they are still a useful exercise.
Select from translucent vellum to reveal the colored stock beneath, or a crisp opaque white for contrast against darker backgrounds.
Reveal your skills as a swordsman as you tackle black-hearted villains and prove your strategic prowess as you lay siege to seemingly impregnable fortresses.
Kentish visitations reveal, moreover, that it was not simply the chancel which remained an issue.
The fractal structure of these signals can be reveal using the wavelet transform.
In times of crisis, however even well-meaning participants therein very often reveal a discrepancy between word and deed.
In the hush, I heard the whippoorwills reveal The Secret of the Silent Hills.
The dense fog clears slowly, then whips away to reveal a wall of stark, dazzling whiteness.
The top folds back to reveal the burners; two wings unfold from either side of the top to complete an efficient windbreak.
Ever since those early days I had felt the impulse to describe them, but as is the case with all profound emotions, whether intellectual or moral, what we most desire to realize to ourselves we are the least inclined to reveal to the world at large.
A critical analysis of the narrative seems to reveal little else than a series of aetiological traditions, explanatory of cults and customs, e.g.
While convincing us that the plants of past ages in the earths history were exposed to very similar conditions of life, and made very much the same adaptive responses as their modern representatives, one of the main results of this line of work has been to reveal important data enabling us to fill various gaps in our morphological knowledge and to obtain a more complete picture of the evolution of tissues in the vascular plants.
The ancient Babylonian psalms clearly reveal that the highest minds were moving out of polytheism to a monotheistic identification of various deities as diverse phases of one underlying essence.
In this and in many other respects the records of the first monarchy have been elaborated and now reveal traces of differing conceptions of the events (see DAN; David; ELI; Samuel; Saul; Solomon).
The age, which the scanty historical traditions themselves represent as one of supreme importance for the history of the Jews, once seemed devoid of interest, and it is entirely through the laborious scholarship of the 19th century that it now begins to reveal its profound significance.
A closer examination will reveal further that the magnitude of these gaps varies a great deal; and Attempts to explain them were made in an article in the Economic Journal in December 1904, and in the paper already referred to read to the Royal Statistical Society.
Great Britain has likewise taken the lead in those deep-sea explorations which reveal to us the configuration of the sea-bottom, and enable us to construct charts of the ocean bed corresponding to the contoured maps of dry land yielded by topographical surveys.
The gods did not reveal all things to mortals in the beginning; long is the search ere man findeth that which is better."
Thus, for example, as generations succeed one another, nervous disorders appear in various guise; epilepsy, megrim, insanity, asthma, hysteria, neurasthenia, a motley array at first sight, seemed to reveal themselves as terms of a morbid series; not only so, but certain disorders of other systems also might be members of the series, such as certain diseases of the skin, and even peculiar susceptibilities or immunities in respect of infections from without.
Innocent's letters, however, not only reveal that superior wisdom which can take into account practical needs and relax severity of principle at the right moment, as well as that spirit of tolerance and equity which is opposed to the excess of zeal and intellectual narrowness of subordinates, but they also prove that, in the internal government of the Church, he was bent on gathering into his hands all the motive threads, and that he stretched the absolutist tradition to its furthest limits, intervening in the most trifling acts in the lives of the clergy, and regarding it as an obligation of his office to act and think for all.
Churches were burned; bishops and priests were forced by cruel and revolting tortures to reveal the hiding-places of the sacred vessels; the rich provincials who were employed about the court, and who still adhered to the Catholic faith, were racked and beaten, and put to death.
His "Triumph of the Republic" (1881-1886), a vast quadriga for the Arc de Triomphe, Paris, is perhaps more amazingly full of life than others of his works, all of which reveal this quality of vitality in superlative degree.
Her letters reveal a spirit full of ardour and enthusiasm, and warped by that perverse bent which leads so many women to prefer a tyrant to a companion.
Our portable reagents kit reveal none of the major poisons are present.
Here is a script to reveal what reparative action (if any) you may need to take.
Strange things lurk in the jungle and of course everybody has a secret past that they are all reticent to reveal and talk about.
The nail biting wait is over, we can finally reveal who won the tickets to The 5 Star Heathrow Congress !
Those 6 words reveal why you can keep smiling in the worst of circumstances.
The Documents List You may not want to reveal what documents or image files you 've viewed recently.
They might also reveal which regions of the world, or period in history are of specific interest for wheat breeding.
Stockist List for Gardening Angels 2 We reveal where you can get your hands on that must-have item as seen on the show.
The lips are rotted, receding to reveal a rictus grin.
Physical mapping or even sequencing a genome, however, does not reveal its function.
They shed layers to reveal a see-through sequined cocktail dress beneath a prim knee-length tweed coat, or a camisole top under a blazer.
He pushed his hood back to reveal a shaven pate to which clung an augmentation like a huge crystal slug.
Leon slips into a variety of skimpy outfits to reveal her extremely ample figure more than once.
Renowned for increasing cell turnover, Vitamin A helps to slough off dead skin cells to reveal glowing, youthful looking skin.
Some of the report 's statistics reveal a fascinating snapshot of life in Horsham today.
This will often reveal a solvable square you 've missed.
Soundings made of this year 's students reveal the majority of teaching to be covering material new to their experience.
As if on a whim, the hard rock crumbles away to reveal a low, atmospheric synth and spaced-out guitars.
Archival documents, however, reveal the negative ' spillover ' effects of the crisis, at least in the short run.
Family trees and subfamily sequence comparisons reveal the evolutionary relationships among receptors.
Perhaps most importantly, lateral radiographs reveal the presence of volar subluxation of the distal phalanx.
Probing will reveal a sulcus depth greater than the normal.
Notts crime fighting among best Figures released by the Home Office reveal that Nottinghamshire is often above national average for tackling crime.
The latissimus dorsi muscle was reflected laterally to reveal the thoracolumbar fascia lying beneath.
The cards in the magician 's hand are immediately turned over to reveal the spectator 's selections !
Finally the goal of Psychotherapy is to reveal the unconscious motives, fears and anxieties that are being manifest in debilitating mental symptoms.
Documents have also been uncovered which reveal the Crown 's outrage at being " misled " by the police.
Media Studies aim to reveal those skills underlying what we take for granted.
This folded work unfolds to reveal a series of texts.
These high frequencies are then sorted by the amp and unraveled to reveal the stuff coming out of the two extra speakers.
Innovative portable piano unrolls to reveal a 49-key, four-octave electronic keyboard that sounds amazingly like a real piano.
Secondly, the top part of the handle unscrews to reveal a handy camera mount.
She explores the use of color, light and her photographic images reveal qualities often unseen by the naked eye.
He unwrapped each parcel to reveal an immaculate specimen.
Next day, veils of mist parted beneath us to reveal a thick carpet of frost below our sun kissed eerie.
The universe had one final miracle to reveal; the birth of a full moon from the womb of mother Earth.
It would be unethical to reveal any of my patient's confidential information.
Blooming Tea - these may be either white or green teas that are hand tied into a bundle that opens up during steeping to reveal a "flower".
Blouses that reveal a lot of cleavage are appropriate for evening wear, but should not be worn at the office.
A visit to your local electronics store may reveal that stand-alone scanners are slowly becoming obsolete for consumers.
A drive around your neighborhood might reveal a recent renovation or home purchase, and that could mean that someone will be removing children's playground equipment.
You pull each one off to reveal a call number.
The prospectus will reveal any fees they charge.
You will have to reveal some personal information, but do not let it deter you.
A visual inspection will reveal if the property is worth owning even at a highly discounted price.
While an offer of 5 percent may be appealing, the fine print may reveal that the higher tier only applies when the accumulated purchases rise above a certain monetary amount.
The format and look of a website does not truly reveal the author's credentials and knowledge of identity theft topics; a website that looks reliable may simply be the product of someone who really knows how to put a nice website together.
As a rule, never reveal anything unless absolutely necessary.
Your elderly grandmother may be a gentle soul, which is why a ruthless social hacker may try to manipulate her to reveal information about you.
They will probably not reveal the bottom line amount to you in the hopes that they can get you to settle for an amount higher than that.
A quick Internet search will reveal that there are many different websites selling do it yourself divorce kits.
However, a closer examination into a child's behavior and daily patterns can reveal potential problems before they soar out of control.
The surprise is when you pull the drawer out to reveal another twin-sized bed.
It opens to reveal a storage compartment that can function as a cooler or as a trash receptacle, and it even includes an integrated checkers board.
The town rallied behind them and along with host, Ty Pennington, and his crew, moved that bus aside to reveal their brand new home in December of 2008.
The facts about water pollution reveal that the phenomenon is a serious environmental issue to humans and to the ecosystem in general.
These representations can take many different forms, from statues of mummies to reliefs and paintings of mummies and mummification process to sarcophagus statues that open up to reveal a mummy resting inside.
These are great for adjusting to the every-changing light and can be opened to reveal the fantastic ocean views.
Typical styles either contain a standard mirror on one side and flip to reveal the 10x magnification, or consist of a central mirror offset with panels or wings.
These bags typically roll open to reveal your makeup goodies, and when you are finished with your morning cosmetic routine, you simply roll the bag back up.
A quick search will often reveal a plethora of offers.
She was happy to reveal how makeup can change a woman's outlook on herself, and that you don't necessarily have to empty your wallet to achieve a winning cosmetic design.
Besides their aesthetic beauty, most cosmetics don't reveal much about themselves- at least not at first glance.
A common flirtatious gesture, red lipstick kisses reveal much about a woman.
A quick search will reveal a vast number of companies that offer inexpensive mineral makeup.
Each pot is sectioned into two halves; the top flips open to reveal a cream eye color, while the bottom contains shimmery loose powder.
To make a "wound," rip a piece of the toilet paper off to reveal the skin, and fill the area with dark makeup.
You no longer have to be mindful of your 'giveaways', body twitches or movements that may reveal when you are bluffing or holding good cards.
Simply looking closely at the links and banners at any website you visit while shopping online can reveal end-of-season closeouts, discontinued merchandise and irregular items.
The application doesn't always reveal everything you may want to know.
You should never reveal any personally identifying information when chatting or sending messages online.
Reviews of Olympus waterproof cameras spotlight benefits of each device, but they also reveal some factors to consider when narrowing down your search for the ultimate underwater gadget.
A quick search will reveal plenty of alternatives to paying for Photoshop.
What's more, once the child is comfortable with his surroundings you will notice that he is more likely to open up and reveal his true personality.
The key to capturing a hint of eroticism is to suggest rather than reveal all.
In most cases, you can peel the top layer of the chipboard off to reveal a brown or white core that can be decorated as desired.
Perhaps your answers reveal a minimal amount of stress is work related.
It is hard to decide whether to reveal your crush or keep it to yourself.
Ask our experts for advice on how to handle talking with your crush, asking them out on a date, or whether or not to reveal your crush.
Higher necklines that do not reveal more than a hint of cleavage.
From there, you can build confidence and reveal your discovery to more and more people.
It's important to choose a style that is flattering but also doesn't reveal too much.
A trip to a local health food store, or the natural foods section of your grocery store, will reveal plenty of alternatives to milk for vegans and vegetarians.
A quick glance out your window from September through November will reveal a vast array of reds, oranges, yellows, and greens.
The color palette comes in both translucent and iridescent colors and the line comes with liners and decos that reveal ocean motifs.
These finishes reveal the fissures, pits and other natural markings within the granite to enhance its natural beauty.
They enjoy seeing what the ring's color may reveal about a mood.
Roman clothing was created to reveal the status of the man wearing it.
They will show off a man's build and reveal a slim torso.
For this reason, when visiting a medical professional you must be sure to reveal that you take this supplement on a regular basis.
Scientists believe that the 15th and 16th century skeletal remains reveal a significant grinding down of the teeth due to eating foodstuffs made from stone-ground flour.
Research is ongoing, and time will reveal many answers with regard to the safety of this scientific engineering marvel.
A glance at the product label of an whole food supplement will reveal ingredients such as organic red clover and organic chamomile.
Reveal just a little hip or a lot in this curve-flattering side drawstring top.
However, there may be times when you wear a sheer or thin top that will reveal what's underneath.
To ensure the best fit, make sure you buy a top that doesn't reveal too much.
There is a certain prevailing attitude, not helped by a lot of the American media, that says that a woman of size should not reveal any skin at all, much less dare to wear a bikini.
Just because you found a bargain doesn't mean your look has to reveal it.
A quick search for the team name will reveal plenty of designers!
The neckline dips in a circular fashion to reveal the belly button.
In fact, it could be more dangerous, because you do feel safer chatting online then in a bar, so you may reveal more personal information.
One thing the numbers do not reveal is the severity of the accident.
When you choose a username, make it something that is generic and that does not reveal any identifying information.
Knowing family members' histories can reveal diseases you may be at risk for.
Don't reveal too much personal information.
Joining clubs, societies, or even getting involved as a volunteer in the community can reveal a whole new web of social networking that might have been previously closed off.
These dreams are supposed to reveal what will happen in the future.
The patient will reveal more information during their initial consultation and they may be more likely to avoid the stress often felt when sleeping in an unfamiliar bed or room away from home.
However, Jung looked at the occurrences as helpful guides that help reveal the needs of the conscious mind.
Walking the dog down the street, meeting with friends at the local coffee shops or strolling a new baby at a Los Angeles park are all activities that reveal the stars in their comfortable, everyday styles.
Since bifocals are associated with aging, many steer away from them as not to reveal their age.
All you have to do is open the flap on top of the Wii to reveal the four ports for GameCube controllers.
Finishing the game the regular way will reveal the standard ending, but did you know that there is a secret ending?
Reading a Brain Age for DS review will quickly reveal that it is still as popular as the day it was released, evidence by the fact that it is one of the top gifted items on Amazon.
Photographic overlays reveal just how accurate the beautifully rendered scenery is.
The first letter of each valid word may or may not reveal letters in the hidden phrase.
These guides reveal all areas of the game.
That way, it doesn't quite ruin the game ending or the challenge for me, but it does reveal all those things I never would have found on my own," says Ray.
To access the secret passage, enter the main room turn right and locate the bookshelf then crawl under the bookshelf to reveal the secret passage.
This card will keep the code hidden behind a scratch coating, so you need to scratch at it like a lottery ticket to reveal the code.These cards are available nearly anywhere that you can buy Xbox 360 games and accessories.
Click the prism and the man moves it to reveal a doorway through which he steps.
Over 11 missions, you'll control your characters as they fight with each other and reveal their pasts in hopes of winning this space war.
Two Screens - The clamshell design of the Nintendo DS features a "lid" that pivots upward to reveal a second screen vertically parallel to the lower.
A quick search on YouTube will reveal many tutorial videos for how to exploit the Twilight Hack and the Homebrew Channel.
As you move your character from square to square, the fog is lifted to reveal a number of surprises, including villages of potential followers, new towns, the oasis, or the mysterious obelisk.
Other cheats are more mundane, require in-game activities like visiting hidden areas to reveal secret items or characters, repeating tasks, winning a challenge repeatedly, or performing certain tasks in a special sequence or repeatedly.
Other cheats require visiting hidden areas to reveal secret items or characters, repeating tasks, winning a challenge repeatedly, or performing certain tasks in a special sequence or repeatedly.
While a PS3 Slim comparison will reveal that the new version still provides a pair of USB ports and full 802.11b/g Wi-Fi wireless connectivity, it is missing the ability to install a third-party operating system (OS).
The latter made use of a cartridge that opened up to reveal a secondary port like that used by the Mega Drive itself.
In Adventure Mode, you search for the legendary Tower of Maximus and reveal its mysteries.
Select the wine bottle opener, click "About Items", then click the item twice to reveal a ring.
Click on the lighter, click "About Items", then click a few more times to open it and reveal another ring.
Click on the coaster, click "About Items", then click anywhere on the top to reveal a website.
Enter the code 9999 to open it and reveal a key.
Looking for items for the Tome of Knowledge will also reveal some plotlines that have soap opera appeal... except for the fantasy world.
Open this flap to reveal an SD (Secure Digital) card slot.
In either case, there is a certain "Wow Factor" added by carefully plucking apart the box's clasp and slowly opening the box to reveal the bottle nestled inside.
The ring, called the Bird of Paradise Glace Ring, opened to reveal solid perfume inside.
Because of this shift, examining the serial number on any given Singer will reveal the time period in which the machine was produced.
Careful examination will sometimes reveal that the rockers were not original to the chair.
Slide the phone open vertically, as shown here, to reveal a curved numeric keypad for dialing out.
Slide it open horizontally and you'll reveal a Sidekick 3-like QWERTY keyboard for mobile e-mail, Web surfing, and text messages.
When you operate the slider, you reveal a simple looking keypad.
The touchscreen portion slides to the right to reveal this keyboard, making text messages and mobile emails a lot easier.
However, it can be opened up to reveal a wider internal display and a full QWERTY keyboard.
An electrocardiogram (ECG) shows the heart's electrical activity and may reveal muscle thickening, damage, or a lack of oxygen.
An exercise ECG can reveal additional information.
Diagnosis of NF-1 will be confirmed by manipulation of the skin to reveal moveable, small, solid lumps (nodules) and the presence of coffee-colored spots on the skin of the trunk and pelvis.
Using a long, thin needle inserted into the lower back to withdraw spinal fluid (lumbar puncture) will reveal increased white blood cells and no bacteria (aseptic meningitis).
X rays, and other imaging techniques, such as MRI or scans, may confirm or reveal other internal injuries.
X rays or a CT scan can determine bone density and reveal gastrointestinal disturbances, as well as heart and lung damage.
A chorionic villus sampling test during the fifth week of pregnancy may also reveal some types of albinism.
Physical examination may reveal a pale child with some degree of dyspnea.
Ultrasound examinations may reveal the absence of a limb in some developing fetuses, but routine ultrasounds may not pick up signs of more subtle defects.
Magnetic resonance imaging is a scanning method that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create three-dimensional images of the heart, which reveal how blood flows through the heart and how the heart is working.
If examinations do not reveal other reasons for the baby's noisy breathing, the air passages are assumed to be the cause of the problem.
The theory is that a child's responses to a series of drawings of animals or humans in familiar situations are likely to reveal significant aspects of a child's personality.
A physical examination may reveal signs of substance abuse in the form of needle marks, tracks, trauma to the inside of the nostrils from snorting drugs, unusually large or small pupils.
Imaging of the brain using ultrasound, x rays, MRI, and/or CT scans may reveal a structural anomaly.
If acute arsenic poisoning is suspected, an x ray may reveal ingested arsenic in the abdomen (since arsenic is opaque to x rays).
Further examination with CT and/or MRI scans, ultrasound, and Wood's lamps to view the eyes will reveal the presence of the characteristic tumors of tuberous sclerosis.
The history may also reveal current related medical problems and recent or past exposure to drugs, toxins, infection, or trauma.
A work history may reveal repetitive motion, chronic vibration, or industrial chemical exposure.
However, frequently, therapy sessions reveal additional problems in the family, such as communication issues.
If these tests reveal abnormal levels of protoporphyrins, further tests are done to measure heme precursor levels in red blood cells and the stool.
The physical examination includes determination of pubertal development in adolescents, a neurological exam (which may reveal a neuromuscular cause), and measurements of trunk asymmetry.
If the diagnosis is still questionable, a genetic blood test can reveal the existence of certain substances in people who have a tendency to develop narcolepsy.
Once VUR has been diagnosed, its progress may be followed with a nuclear scintigram, in which a radioactive substance is put into the bladder via catheter, and a gamma camera takes images that reveal the presence and degree of VUR.
In play therapy, clinicians employ various techniques designed to reveal the child's psychological and social development.
The physical examination may reveal paleness, lack of color in the creases of the palm, gums, and the linings of the eyelids.
Regular physical examinations can help evaluate a child's overall health and reveal possible signs or symptoms of anemia.
A diagnostic work up is indicated to reveal any coagulopathy that exists, whether inherited or acquired.
Serial tests may also be recommended, because a single coagulation parameter measured at any one moment may not reveal the rapidly progressive intravascular process.
Tests for thrombocytopenia include coagulation tests that may reveal a decreased platelet count and prolonged bleeding time.
Von Willebrand's disease is diagnosed by ordering laboratory tests that reveal a prolonged bleeding time, absent or reduced levels of factor VIII, and a normal platelet count.
Examination of fetal collagen proteins in the tissue can reveal information about the quantitative or qualitative collagen defects that leads to OI.
For example, imaging studies ordered to assess severe gastrointestinal complaints may reveal intestinal blockage with an opaque substance; such a finding is suggestive of pica.
Biopsy of intestinal contents can also reveal findings, such as parasitic infection, consistent with pica.
Tests performed on fetal cells found in the sample can reveal the presence of many types of genetic disorders, thus allowing doctors and prospective parents to make important decisions about early treatment and intervention.
An ultrasound may reveal small or undeveloped female reproductive organs while a gynecologic examination may reveal a dry vaginal lining.
For example, a test may reveal that a patient's folate status is sufficient, borderline, or severely inadequate.
X-ray examination of the chest may reveal certain abnormal changes associated with pneumonia.
Physical exams can reveal the development of sexual characteristics in a young child.
Bone x rays can reveal bone age, and pelvic ultrasound may show an enlarged uterus and rule out ovarian or adrenal tumors.
Children and teens who reveal that they are gay or bisexual to non-supportive families are much more likely to become runaways and resort to prostitution for financial support.
Physical examination of the infant may show arched type fingerprint patterns, while x rays may reveal a short breast bone (sternum).
Examination of the ear canal will usually reveal redness and swelling.
A swab of the external canal will not necessarily reveal the actual causative organism, so some other tissue sample (biopsy) will need to be obtained.
Standardized tests reveal little about the test-taker's thought process during testing.
An attitude inventory is designed to reveal both positive and negative (or productive and unproductive) aspects of a student's outlook toward school and learning.
Analysis of new items in the diet or new drugs taken may reveal the likely source of the reaction.
Body fluids or tissues can be tested to reveal CMV infection.
Barium studies can reveal mucosal edema and thickening of the small intestinal wall in EC and ED.
The physical examination may reveal paleness, and lack of color in the creases of the palms, in gums, and in the linings of the eyelids.
Surveys of lower-income families in the United States reveal that about 6 percent of infants are anemic, indicating a possible deficiency of iron in the diet (all anemias are not iron-deficiency related).
Parental observation of the child's sleeping patterns and careful record-keeping of symptoms of any sleep disruption through use of a sleep journal will usually reveal any parasomnia patterns that may require professional assessment.
Anatomical age assessment can also reveal other conditions.
Electroencephalography (EEG) may be used to reveal characteristic abnormalities.
Amniocentesis may reveal trisomies or other chromosomal abnormalities.
Physical examination may reveal shock, rapid heart rate, and/or low blood pressure.
Studies reveal that the more a person smokes, the more likely he is to sustain illnesses such as cancer, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema.
Smokers are likely to exhibit a variety of symptoms that reveal the damage caused by smoking.
Careful chromosomal study can reveal abnormalities on chromosome 15 that are consistent with those identified in Angelman's syndrome.
Specialized testing of chromosome 15 will be required; the usual tests done during amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling will not reveal the specific, small genetic flaw that causes Angelman syndrome.
Osteopetrosis is usually diagnosed when x rays reveal abnormalities or increases in bone density.
Barium-enhanced x-ray examination may reveal a dilated esophageal pouch, made larger by the collection of amniotic fluid in the pouch.
A physical examination may reveal fluid behind the eardrum and poor movement of the eardrum.
A tympanometry test may reveal an impairment of eardrum mobility.
A biopsy of rectal tissue will reveal the absence of the nerve fibers.
Other blood tests reveal anemia, abnormal blood counts, and high levels of bilirubin.
Excavations of king's tombs from the Shang Dynasty reveal that they were buried with everything they needed for their journey in the afterlife, including many servants.
It will be interesting to see what the next discovery will reveal about China's history.
The lines reveal how the chi energy flows through the room.
I Ching can reveal your current situation and the proper action you should take to restore the balance of yin (female) and yang (male) energies.
If you enter "John Smith," it will not reveal to you any variations of the name.
Moreover, for individuals who suffer from hair loss, adding gel to a super short hair cut can cause the hair to clump and reveal larger portions of the scalp.
Then take a large paddle brush and brush out the curls to reveal voluminous waves.
A recommended location is Alase Washington D.C., which is a part of the Reveal MedSpa Company.
A quick search will reveal a number of different products available in sample sizes, ranging from shampoos and conditioners to gels and mousses.
This holds true even for those who normally tend to shy away from cuts that reveal too much of the face.
Millions of fans were shocked over the reveal of model-turned-talk-show-host Tyra Banks' real hair.
The Tyra Banks real hair reveal generated huge media interest, as many people never realized that the supermodel's luxurious tresses weren't her own.
For many fans, the big reveal did not live up to the hype.
Though the Tyra Banks' real hair reveal may have been a letdown, it has also been an affirmation for many African American women about the beauty of natural black hair styles.
Or is it unethical to ask my company to reveal all nitty grittys about what lies in store for me having principally agreed to stay back?
Checklists can reveal potential issues that sellers should repair if they want to get full value for their home as well as issues that buyers should ask to have fixed before buying the house.
Sometimes a checklist will reveal problems with a home that might indicate that major repairs are needed before putting the house on the market.
Of course, not all new home construction inspections will reveal major problems or even minor issues.
New home construction inspections do not reveal the market value of the home, but instead are designed to point out potential problems, or problems that already exist.
In other words, the expert closely examines the level of inflation, job rates and other indicators which reveal the stability of a particular economy.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development can also be a great resource and may be able to refer you to an approved counselor who can reveal to you what to expect throughout the process.
Conducting an online search will reveal many more companies and individual mortgage brokers who are ready to discuss your needs.
An Internet search or a chat with a local real estate agent will reveal the price range you can expect to encounter with your ideal home.
Take the upper sides of the diamond and gently pull them apart to reveal the origami boat.
An ultrasound will reveal that the uterus is empty and help the doctor discover the location of the pregnancy in the fallopian tube.
A "second attempt" reversal may be worth trying if the first attempt did not reveal a lot of scar tissue and the doctor was able to detect healthy sperm.