Returned Sentence Examples
The smile returned to his lips.
She returned to her place at the table.
He nodded and returned his attention to the steep hill.
Having returned to the watchman's hut, Petya found Denisov in the passage.
Connie returned with a cool damp rag which she placed on Lisa's face and then the back of her neck.
Carmen brushed them away and returned to her prayer.
When his warm lips met hers, she returned his kiss passionately.
When she returned, he was putting a CD into the player.
Nina returned with a dress made of dark purple velvet and satin.
By the time he returned, she was waiting at her car.
AdvertisementThese visits of Natasha's at night before the count returned from his club were one of the greatest pleasures of both mother, and daughter.
The remaining vacation slipped by quickly and life returned to normal.
When Alex returned to the table, he sat in the chair Carmen held for him.
Betsy was awake when I returned home and wanted to know what delayed me.
They would have some time to enjoy a late Christmas at home when they returned.
AdvertisementShe returned his scowl with a little rancor.
Deidre groaned as the hunger returned.
So the boy went willingly upon the errand, and by the time he had returned Dorothy was awake.
Yancey finally returned his attention to Lisa.
She was setting the last bowl on the table when he returned.
AdvertisementShe whispered softly as she slipped her arms around his neck and returned his passionate kiss.
The sense of peace and calm at his core returned as her energy flowed through him.
She returned to the group where the vicomte was still talking, and again pretended to listen, while waiting till it would be time to leave.
When he returned to Moscow his father dismissed the abbe and said to the young man, Now go to Petersburg, look round, and choose your profession.
Tammy hurled herself across the room into his arms and started lavishing him with kisses and hugs that he returned with equal enthusiasm.
AdvertisementThe questions plagued her until one evening when the black car returned.
Lisa returned her attention to the picture, her pulse quickening.
Both of them were surprised to see the blue truck parked in the yard when they returned.
More importantly, what would he say when she returned?
Things returned to normal - almost.
It wasn't quite morning when he returned her to the extra bed in Jonny's room.
Then the boy returned to one of the upper rooms, and in spite of the hardness of the glass bench was soon deep in slumberland.
After he had returned, voices were heard outside the shed.
She'd have to wait, and maybe by that time sanity would have returned.
She slipped one arm around his neck and returned the kiss, answering his question.
Over the next couple of weeks, Cynthia made a few visits to town, once taking in a movie before she returned.
Betsy was awake when I returned.
Betsy returned, holding Molly's hand, sans Julie who was back at Howie's house packing her suitcase.
When I returned Molly was off to bed.
I'd planned to wait until Betsy and Molly returned from walking Bumpus but I decided if I had to drive back into downtown Keene, I might as well swing by Wheelock Park Campground as it was on the way, at least sort-of.
I returned his call.
She wiped her face and returned to her side.
The Deans were devastated and knew when Fred O'Connor returned and learned the news, he too would be crushed that his young pal was leaving.
Dean had explained this to Cynthia when he returned Friday night.
He was admiring it when she returned.
While Molly looked troubled when she returned, Bumpus was just the opposite, hopping around like he'd just retrieved a ball and would win a reward.
I found some and returned to the bedroom closet.
He hasn't returned my call.
I'm sure that's why he returned east.
She was a sweet girl and I'd truly miss her when she returned to her mother, and presumably her stepfather.
When he returned he remained standing.
After somewhat blackened hot dogs and some canned beans simmered nearby, we returned to the house and left the backyard to the emerging mosquitos.
Molly looked close to tears when she returned and handed me the instrument.
Betsy returned to the room and I held my hand over the phone and turned to her.
After the service and obligatory greetings, hand shakings and pats-on-the-back, Willard and I returned to his office.
I'd feel much better if he returned with us but if he insists on staying, it's his choice.
He failed to acknowledge my departure as I returned to our room.
He turned and returned to the hospital, as if glad to be rid of me.
After he returned my phone, he wrote down all our names and pertinent information.
He returned to motel in mid-evening, in a car lent to him by the accommodating authorities.
Her gaze returned to the door and lingered.
He returned from the kitchen with tray holding a glass of orange juice, a plate with what looked like homemade granola bars, and a small bowl of sliced apples.
He set it down on the coffee table and returned to the computer.
They stepped into the hallway, and Dusty's gaze returned to Jonny.
She put a heaping plate in the oven and returned to the living room with cookies and milk for Darian.
He returned after a few minutes and sat across from her.
Jenn returned after a few minutes, her gaze softening.
Conflicted, she returned to the kitchen to find Jonny seated on a stool near a counter.
He ate alone in the condo's kitchen, not surprised to see Bianca asleep when he finally returned to bed.
He returned to the house to await Darian, not surprised to see Bianca's black and white cat darting down the stairs.
Dusty's eyes returned to the image of the country club.
He returned the case and grabbed her again.
The sense of ill-boding returned.
Both their gazes returned to the two figures talking quietly in front of their father's grave.
If you succeed, you—and everyone else—will have their powers returned.
Sean returned to the bar.
The Other returned the hug briefly.
The conversation between her father and the man who should've killed her rattled around in her thoughts as she returned to the door.
She returned with it to the wine cellar and pushed the door open.
When she returned fully dressed and armed to the teeth, he held out his hand.
Yully returned to the car.
He'd managed to push himself into a sitting position when she returned with soup and water.
She rolled her eyes at him and returned to the cauldron of soup on the stove.
He'd gone away for a few months and returned to an entirely new world.
She released the energies, and they returned to their sources.
Instead, the sense of a shared soul and magic returned.
An hour later, he returned to Yully's room empty-handed.
Her eyes returned to Jonny, who was lapping up what was left of the dead woman's blood.
Jenn returned to her room and flipped on the lights.
She returned and searched for her father.
Her father returned around noon, his agitation apparent the moment he stepped in the door.
Her father returned with a bag slung over his shoulder.
Jule led her away, and Bianca returned to the railing.
He returned a few minutes later and rustled her blanket, setting a cup beside her.
Damian returned his interest to the displays, and Han closed the door softly.
When he returned, he pulled a chair from the wall nearer her and dipped one cloth in water, tugging her arm away from her.
He remained in the same spot until she returned.
Damian glanced at the new text message from Han before his gaze returned to the small base camp tucked between two ridges in the Tucson Mountains.
A few minutes later, Jake returned with a jug of water, appearing less than excited.
Five minutes later, it returned, scorching her throat on the way out.
She returned to her room to clean herself up, cursing peanut butter for ruining her appetite as she went.
A flash of darkness went through his gaze, and the same sense of hidden fury returned.
She tried to sift through her emotions before she returned to his door.
The Watcher returned his gaze to his phone, reading a text.
Damian hadn't returned the night before after their last interaction.
She returned her gaze to the Pop-Tarts.
Her thoughts returned to the dead man alone in the dark room.
Nearly doubled over in pain, Sofia returned to her room.
She shuddered as the distant sensation of burning returned.
Her thoughts darkened and returned to Cody and Jake.
Dustin returned for her.
She shook her head and returned to the library.
Linda returned with two hotdogs and handed one to each of them.
Han's words returned, and she forced herself to relax.
Their gazes lingered before they returned to their conversations.
He wondered why he was in the hallway at all and returned to his room.
His gaze returned to Sofia, and she crossed her arms under his scrutiny.
It was dark before they returned to the mansion.
Two returned to his corner.
His heavy words broke her heart, but she respected his request and returned to Damian's side.
His considering gaze returned to Darian.
His attention returned to Deidre.
She stopped in place as Fate's words returned her.
Her gaze returned to him.
Her mind returned now that her need was gone, and she opened her eyes.
Deidre returned her attention to the girl.
Deidre left, troubled, as she returned to her room.
They returned to the seating area.
One of his hands brushed her hip then returned.
Fate's words returned to her.
Darkyn said nothing about leaving Hell after they returned from her apartment.
Her thoughts returned to the sight of the girl in the bed.
Darkyn's first few lessons returned to her.
The sixty days came and went but Janet never returned, leaving jail, a few more bad checks, and Colorado for parts unknown.
It was half an hour later when she returned, holding Martha's hand as they entered the room.
The Deans were on their way to their quarters in the rear of Bird Song when Fred O'Connor returned, fresh from an evening with Mrs. Worthington.
The smile was not returned.
It was four o'clock and he'd just returned from Montrose to find Cynthia still damp from her shower.
Cynthia was still in the room when he returned, towel wrapped and shaking his wet head.
Fred O'Connor returned, a bag of treasures in his hand, just as the slide show broke up.
When he returned to the parlor, Cynthia had emerged from her quarters in time to catch a mini-rerun of Brandon Westlake's slide show—enough to be enthralled.
Pumpkin Green returned while Dean was killing the few minutes before he left.
As he was about to leave, Brandon Westlake returned with Cynthia and, being sympathetic to his labors, volunteered to ferry the returning swimmers back to Bird Song.
Dean, sensing she wished to be alone, returned to the living room.
The guests, apparently taking advantage of the improving weather, had not returned.
Just then Fred returned, a mile-wide smirk on his face, a ream of papers clutched in his hand.
Fred returned to the courthouse, museum, and library for further research.
When their breath returned to a more normal cadence and they were no longer perspiring, they rose to leave.
Dean had blanked his campaign for sheriff from his mind, but now it returned with a headache fury.
He turned his back to Dawkins and returned to his cooking duties.
Paul sipped his drink and looked around as Dean returned to the chaise.
Both smile and nod were returned.
Cynthia returned, a warm smile on her face as she stood in the doorway.
By the time the Deans returned, most of Bird Song's guests had scattered off to the continuing Fourth of July happenings.
Bird Song was empty when the Deans returned after retrieving the Jeep and making their way to the inn by back streets.
Bird Song was empty, or so they thought, when they returned.
But he just murmured an agreement as they returned to their room.
Fred O'Connor was in the living room, hosting three of the four Dawkins, with Ginger missing, when the Deans returned to their bed and breakfast.
His eye caught something off to the side, but it was quickly gone as the darkness returned.
He thought she was joking but when she returned with a full pint of vodka, he realized she was serious.
Dean returned to Bird Song mid-morning, showered, and walked the three blocks to Diversions, a combination used book store, coffee shop, and local gathering place, on Sixth Street, a half block from Main.
Roger rose and went to the front of Diversions and returned with one of Ouray's many history books.
While sleep was only partially suspended and Dean's fantasy returned, morning brought the news that the noise had been real—Pumpkin Green had left in the night, bumping his shopping cart down the stairs to a clandestine exit.
Dean, who'd just returned from pressing election flesh, answered.
When Fred returned later yet, Dean rose and told him the news.
When Dean returned to Bird Song, it was mid-morning, but if he expected a quiet empty building with the Dawkinses at the courthouse and the rest of the clientele enjoying the splendors of Ouray, he was wrong.
She was standing by the door but returned to her seat.
The black man, the passenger spotted in the stolen Buick, had been apprehended when he returned to the vehicle to retrieve his overnight satchel.
The fire returned to her eyes momentarily.
Fred returned part way through the recital, and after a greeting and a handshake, retired to the back room with Kathleen the jailer to fill out paper work for his release.
Something unspoken passed between them as Fred returned, his arm around his jailer's shoulders.
The real celebration of Fred's release from jail didn't begin until the pair returned to Bird Song where Cynthia had baked a fresh apple pie, complete with vanilla ice cream, tagged on to the end of a healthy lunch.
He soon returned to announce that he was unable to confirm Josh Mulligan's death via the Internet social security death records.
Fred returned early and was informed of the new developments.
Brandon Westlake, the only other guest of long standing, was off on an early morning photo shoot but an unexpected prodigal returned to Bird Song just as the second batch of cinnamon rolls rolled out of the oven.
They figured he'd left to go fishing by himself just after we returned to Kansas.
Before Dean could contact Lydia to offer his congratulations, she visited Bird Song the day after Cynthia returned.
The two women were talking in the kitchen when Dean returned from an errand.
She'd learn when she returned to a world she no longer controlled.
Deidre returned her attention to the death-dealer, who looked confused.
She finished everything and returned to her bedroom, going through the rest of human-Deidre's morning routine.
With some dread, he returned to Deidre's apartment.
It sounded far too good to be true, especially since Darkyn knew who she was and what he might extort out of Gabriel to have his mate returned.
Gabriel summoned a portal and returned to Deidre's room.
Gabriel returned to the study of the Immortals stronghold.
He returned to Andre.
Reluctantly, her thoughts returned to the human she'd left in Hell.
She turned to leave, suspecting she didn't have much time before Cora returned and raised the alarm about her being gone.
She returned her head to his chest.
How is a sociopathic deity better at ruling the underworld than a compassionate human? he returned with no heat.
He opened a portal and returned to the beach where they met.
His thoughts returned to the deal the two Deidres made.
Deidre's words returned to him.
Alex glanced at Jonathan pointedly before his attention returned to Carmen.
Long after they returned home and changed clothes, it stayed on her mind.
A few minutes later he returned.
Spooning eggs into a plate for Jonathan and a bowl for Destiny, she returned the pan to the stovetop.
He glanced at his watch and returned his attention to the mare.
She was gone for only a few minutes and then returned.
Carmen's attention returned to Lori as she spoke.
It quickly returned to hers and then he smiled.
While their relationship was strained, his relationship with Jonathan and Destiny had returned to normal.
When she returned, he was gone.
The meeting only lasted an hour, and when she returned, Destiny was taking a nap.
After lunch he disappeared for a while and when he finally returned, he signed that they were all going to take a ride in the buggy.
Obediently she returned to his side.
Confidence returned to Alex with his voice and the nightmares stopped.
Memory returned when she was dusting in the living room.
The façade returned, and he moved towards the door.
Just like every other soul collector Gabriel sent out the past week, Harmony had gone on a mission and returned empty-handed.
The images returned to the pages.
Puzzled, restless, he returned and crouched beside Logan Myers.
She returned her gaze to the sky at the awkward silence that fell.
The sense he wasn't wholly of this world returned.
He returned to his underworld, reading the information on the iPad as he walked.
He returned to the Sanctuary, to the Oracle, who was busy scribbling.
Maybe, if she returned to her apartment, she'd find everything was back to normal.
She left the dining area and returned to her room.
They returned to the beach house.
Frustrated with herself for assuming the worst about her remaining friend, she returned to the veranda.
The sense of being in the Twilight Zone returned.
She released Deidre and returned to her seat, face glowing.
A familiar sense returned, the one that made Deidre think Wynn wasn't a normal human.
Gabriel returned to the lake.
Her mood improved, Deidre returned to her penthouse with newfound resolve to enjoy the last few months of her life.
She turned to the wine chiller and pulled out the bottle she opened when she returned home from the street fair.
Deidre returned to the kitchen and placed her wineglass in the sink.
Wynn released her shoulders and returned to his side of the kitchen.
Something Darkyn told her returned to the forefront of her thoughts.
Gabriel returned her intent gaze.
He didn't mistake his returned powers for a free favor.
The light returned to her eyes, and she bit her tongue to keep from griping.
When she felt ready to snap, the black lady returned with the little boy in tow.
She returned to the desk and scoured the paperwork for some sort of identifying information on the place she'd been or the company that developed the forms.
He looked away finally and returned to his desk.
He dropped a leather jumper similar to his on her lap and then returned to his cutting.
She returned to her bunk and lay down, cold fear filling her.
The robed man returned and spoke in the harsh tongue.
The sun crossed the sky, and an hour before it would set, he returned.
She lay down on her back to watch the sun set and didn't move until he returned early the next morning to toss stinky fish beside her.
Grateful to him, she was likewise anxious to leave the island before the beast returned and flew off the handle.
Katie returned, tossing the sleeping bag and a small shaving bag filled with basics on one bunk.
She returned to the room, where the two Germen women still sat and talked while cleaning their camping gear.
At their silence, her gaze returned to them.
She paid the cashier with the remainder of her Euros and returned for a hot shower.
Her throat felt raw again, and the scent of her blood returned.
Nothing had blown up or gone wrong since he'd returned from Hell.
The second woman with the flushed face returned with a plate heaped with half a cooked chicken smelling of garlic and spices, rice, and fried plantains.
As if on cue, the flushed cook returned for her plate, and Daniela ordered the brandy and two glasses.
She pulled her arm away and returned to the Sanctuary.
He returned her gaze, steadying her with a possessive hand on her hip.
He returned and set it before her.
She just returned from a trip to Ireland, where she got her tribal tattoo.
Hannah returned a short time later, the only thing that interrupted Giovanni's ramblings.
His eyes returned to the demon.
She left the bathroom light on and returned to her bed, chilled by the drafty chamber that was now hers.
The sense of loss from her dream returned, and she was embarrassed to feel her throat tightening.
The sense of loss returned.
Darkyn, the most powerful of all demons, wouldn.t have returned from the pits of Hell, where the Dark One banished him to lead the army to the Immortals. front door and wipe out the Council.
She returned to her chamber, where Lankha still worked his magic on an unconscious Toby under Ully.s watchful gaze.
He returned to the castle, stopping at the sound of commotion from the direction of the forest before he reached the entrance.
The demons are planning something, Kris, and hoping someone comes to your rescue is stupid, he returned.
Limping, Jade returned to the site where he.d killed Sasha.
Katie stood in the back doorway to the castle, hoping Rhyn returned soon.
Everything that.s gone wrong has been because of you! he returned.
Her nightmares returned and for a moment, she wondered if this was one of them.
By the time she returned to the large row house, she was looking forward to an addition to their home who may not fear killing spiders and other bugs.
The Planetary Council, his second-in-command, even his sister, had paraded women through his home every time he returned from a battle.
Soon after confirming she was asleep, the two large men who had emptied the house of boxes returned for her.
When he disappeared around the corner, she returned to her thoughts and following the lights.
He nodded and returned to the tent.
Of all the things to think about, she couldn't get the prisoner out of her thoughts, even when Evelyn returned with sweet bread she normally would've pounced on.
Ne'Rin returned his sword to a rack containing half a dozen similar swords in plain grey and approached Kiera.
When neither responded, she returned to a safe subject.
Offended once again, she said nothing as he rose and returned the translator to Talal.
After exploring the halls and grounds for an hour or two, she returned to the main atrium, where she heard one of the sisters call her name.
Nishani glanced in the direction he indicated and returned a wary gaze to him.
By the time she returned to the starting position, she was sweating and breathing hard.
It couldn't be coincidence that he returned and they appeared!
She returned to her room, eager to spend the day drawing.
Kiera watched him lean both weapons against the side of the dwelling before he returned.
When she returned to the starting position, her arms were shaking and her legs burning.
A'Ran responded by tipping his chin, and Jetr's attention returned to Opal, who had been speaking too long already.
He disabled the real-time mechanism, engaged the training program, and returned to the point where battle had been when nishani last adjusted the strategy.
He returned to the console and turned it off.
He returned the bow.
Suddenly feeling alone and vulnerable in the wide hallway, she returned to her room and locked the door.
A'Ran returned to his battle loss assessments.
Talal's assessment of there being something wrong returned to her.
Mansr's words returned to him, those that wanted him to be something other than a warrior.
Mansr's words returned to him.
Mansr returned and motioned for her to follow him.
Only when the pain in her body returned did she lean back for a break with a grimace.
It grew to her height as she watched and then bloomed into an orange-pink flower the size of her head, shriveled and died, and returned.
She said nothing to him but returned to her small room and closed the door.
A'Ran returned his attention to the battles twirling before him on the planner.
Her things and most of the furniture had been returned with her to the row house.
Today, she returned to the drawing she started long ago on the portrait she had intended to give Evelyn for her wedding.
She returned to the row house just as the sun began to burn off the mist and the blue sky appeared in the distance.
An odd scratching sound came from the kitchen, like Evelyn's cat scratching at the door after it returned from its morning prowl.
When she found none, she returned to the living room, where the rest of the boxes has been deposited, and searched them.
She found no more and returned to the kitchen.
Her gaze returned to the painting of A'Ran.
She returned to this thought often as they traveled for two days.
He squeezed her arm and returned to the room.
Evelyn returned for me a few days ago.
Just as Donnie was limply shaking Dean's hand, Cynthia returned, smiled at the boy, and offered her hand as well.
Fred was absent when they arrived home, but returned just as Cynthia was cutting a warmed apple pie for a late afternoon snack.
She was an author, she explained with a puff of her ample bosom, and had just returned from Roswell, New Mexico, Mecca of the strange and alien.
When Dean returned after confirming a reservation from yet another ice climber, she sat huddled in the corner of the sofa.
Fred left the room and returned with a pencil and pad.
It looks lovely on you, Cynthia said as she returned to the sofa.
Dean's snuggled slumber drifted to wakefulness sometime in the heart of the wee hours when a metallic sound of ringing returned him to the world of the living.
Dean returned to Bird Song and brought Cynthia up to date on his conversation with Sheriff Weller over a quiet lunch of soup and grilled cheese.
While there remained much of the afternoon, the shortened days of winter dipped the sun below the towering mountains as the tired couple finished the loop, returned to their jeep and left for home.
When the Deans returned to Bird Song, the place was quiet.
Donnie's mother Edith still hadn't returned and the boy was beginning to look worried, glancing frequently toward the door.
Just then, Edith returned to the room, holding out three crisp one hundred dollar bills, which she thrust toward Claire who reached out and snatched them, without so much as a thank-you, stuffing them in her purse.
After a few moments of mutual silence, both men rose and returned to their rooms.
Donald Ryland returned with his son.
The boots were a little tight and his legs weren't exactly locked together, but the old exhilaration of gliding over the snow returned immediately.
Cynthia crossed to the desk and returned with a hand full of cards and envelopes.
Effie and Claire returned, followed in by Martha and Donnie, who had been playing outside.
Fred returned just as they were clearing the dishes, wearing a perplexed look on his face.
When they returned later, Donald Ryland was with them, chatting amicably with both of them.
Cynthia rose, and after a whispered conversation, Gladys left and Cynthia returned, a smile on her face.
Fred left with a wave and Cynthia returned to Annie Quincy's notebook.
Dean crept down the hall and returned to his own bed, and, after a long time, finally slept.
He returned to his earlier smile.
Cynthia asked as she returned to the counter and began chopping carrots with a large butcher knife.
She returned to her chopping.
But when she returned and he saw her concerned look, his mind went to real-time matters.
Dean returned to his gourmet preparations.
Dean wanted to question Edith further but she rose, with Effie following, her arm on Edith's elbow and the pair returned upstairs.
Foolish Edith, Dean thought as he returned to his room.
In spite of Cynthia's admonition he returned to the kitchen and cleaned the bacon grease from the floor, using half a roll of paper towels in completing the task.
By the time he finished, it was after eleven and Cynthia still hadn't returned.
Fred returned, was informed of the situation, and gave Cynthia a warm and silent hug.
Dean returned to the job of moving the mounds of white.
The pair returned to the first floor where they located Janet O'Brien dusting the parlor.
Dean returned to his quarters without being seen and found Fred still at work on his notes.
She stood on the front porch, cigarette in hand, huddled in the corner so as not to be seen by Ryland when he returned Dean guessed.
When the two returned to Bird Song, Donnie met Martha at the stairs and tugged her up to his and Edith's second floor room.
Bird Song was as quiet as an empty church with none of the remaining guests in evidence, nor was there any sign the police had returned.
After trying Cynthia one more time, he gave up and returned to Bird Song.
Dean turned away and like a beaten boxer long after the bell had sounded, slowly returned to his room.
It was hunger that later returned Dean to reality.
Donald Ryland and Franny Mulligan were checking out this evening, as soon as he returned with Donnie, followed by the Quincy sisters scheduled departure in the morning.
He passed the recently restored Beaumont Hotel, a beautiful structure that after several decades of disuse and deterioration had finally been returned to its past glory.
Instead, he returned to Bird Song to once more try to contact his wife.
He'd just returned from visiting sun-tanned Miss Worthington.
The following weekend, two and a half weeks after Edith's death, Penny and Mick returned to bird Song for a couple of days of ice climbing, a further reminder of the ice park incident.
He returned to his partner, lifted the goblets from the tray, and approached the prisoners.
The ache returned to his jaw as he swallowed venom, and the fangs painfully emerged.
The burning in their throats returned as well as the pounding headaches, but they remained alive.
The manservant returned mid-morning with a letter.
Jackson returned to the drawing room to find Sarah exactly where he left her.
She returned the smile, yet still seemed unable to speak.
He returned a few hours later, made a drink, and went to the kitchen where Sarah had started making breakfast for Connor.
When she returned to the room she asked, "Do you think he really meant it?"
Sarah was waiting when he returned home.
Sarah was in the kitchen when Jackson returned home.
Once dressed, he returned to the kitchen.
When he returned home he could not believe his eyes.
She was wiping the table when he returned.
When Sarah returned with the groceries, she found Jackson in the holding room making the bed.
When they returned, Elisabeth said, It's such a beautiful day.
When Sarah returned, cases of liquor were stacked by the door.
When Sarah returned to Jackson's room he still sat at the window.
When Jackson returned home, Sarah and Connor were sitting down for dinner.
She returned to her friends who were waiting for a full report, anxious and hopeful.
They had been at it for a few hours when Connor and Sarah returned home.
She went to a cabinet and returned with a metal tray and a knife.
She returned with a bottle and a glass.
He returned her gaze, hoping she would back off, but she continued to blatantly stare, then finally dropped the mask.
She then turned and sauntered towards Victor, not a hint of fear in her carriage "Hello, Victor" His greeting was returned with a hiss, "Elisabeth!"
Sarah and Connor returned after about an hour.
Sarah was sitting in the drawing room waiting when they returned.
When they returned, they busied themselves cleaning up from the party.
When she returned, she cooked dinner for the three of them.
When the couple returned, they heard the music, and Sarah said, "He's not taking this very well, is he?"
When they returned home Elisabeth said, I'm afraid we're going to have to eat early.
When she returned with the drinks, Jackson made eye contact.
When they returned home, the women were enjoying glasses of wine.
When he returned home, he called Samantha Russell.
Sarah and Connor were discussing whether or not to cancel Thanksgiving with his family when Jackson returned.
The two were still laughing when they returned to the dining room, and somehow Jackson knew he was the reason.
Connor returned and began videotaping the scene.
Sarah hurried to kitchen and returned with a bowl.
She returned with two raw steaks on a metal platter.
She didn't move for four hours, yet her body slowly returned to its normal temperature.
He held her hand and returned it to its proper place.
Connor had started back at the office and returned home from court.
She returned to the first stall to find two new arrivals and another on the way.
The color returned with a vengeance.
His attention never wavered and Carmen kept her expression bland as she slapped the potatoes on her plate and then returned the spoon to the bowl.
She dressed hurriedly and was tugging on her boots when Katie returned.
He tucked the pen in his pocket and returned the chart to the end of her bed.
His amused gaze returned to her face.
For a moment she returned his kiss passionately, her arms encircling his neck and drawing him closer.
Warmth returned to her face.
His kiss was ardent and she returned it with equal passion.
When Alex returned, Katie had supper ready, but Carmen declined, saying she didn't feel well.
The movers had taken the last of his things from the apartment this morning and he had returned the key.
Brady's focus returned to his mission.
Her gaze returned to the map.
Within the hour, guards returned with a sheet of heavy metal to brace the disabled door.
His dark gaze returned to the box, and he reached up to the earpiece as he moved away from the others.
She returned to the communications station.
I hadn't heard you returned from overseas.
Her gaze shifted to the purple ring around Brady's neck before she returned to her microcomputer.
Brady returned from surveying the supplies in the well-stocked medical facility.
He returned to the main medical bay, where he'd taken up a bed near Dan's.
He returned to his tent, deep in thought.
She didn't answer but returned to the couch, perching on the edge.
She returned the kiss, thrilled by his passion and her own mounting hunger.
His conversation with Tim returned, and he stayed the urge to call Lana as he had when he was simply the Guardian.
Restless, Brady returned to his suite.
I thought something was wrong when Brady's men stumbled across one of the devices and returned it to the mountain.
He disappeared into a small room off the entrance and returned, PMF grays in his hand.
Brady's caution and Mr. Tim's words returned to her as her thoughts cleared with the exercise.
She tucked the micro away and returned to the foyer.
When she returned, Lana identified rice and beans.
Frustrated, he sent Dan a rally call and returned to the crater.
She returned her micro to her pocket.
Restless, she returned to her room in the warehouse and lay on the bed, thinking hard.
Lana returned to sit by Kelli.
Lana returned to her little room, shaking with emotion.
The thump of the helo returned, this time much closer.
The sense returned, and Rhyn looked down.
Rhyn crossed his arms, irritated. Kiki trotted from the patio into the house perched on a hill overlooking Tokyo. He returned ten minutes later with a small briefcase, a jacket and a hard case for his iPad. Rhyn opened the portal, and the two strode through it, back to the massive tree where Rhyn had lost Toby in the cold, wet French Alps.
The odd sense of someone following – a sign she now knew was the phantom trailing them - returned.
Jared returned to the antechamber.
Ully returned a couple of minutes later. He strode to Toby's cell and dangled the talisman before it. Toby's door opened.
His eyes went to Rhyn's back as his half-brother hacked through a few branches in their way. The sense that the exiled half-demon could do what he couldn't returned. Kris touched his collarbone, the one Jade had broken.
When he returned to the main room, Harrigan had left to talk to a class of grade-school children, a job at which he excelled, much to the pleasure of the others who shunned playing Officer Friendly.
Dean had hoped to make it as soon as possible so he could beat the worst of the late afternoon traffic when he returned from his chores in Philadelphia.
His drive to Virginia had been uneventful and he promised to bring back some fresh crabmeat when he returned.
Before Dean could answer, Mayer returned and Rudman beat a hasty retreat to his cubby hole.
He returned to his rocker, sipped his beer and began to patiently answer the barrage of Fred's questions about his day's activities.
Dean asked as he returned to the living room.
Rita had returned and Harrigan was knee-deep in paper work, smiling as usual, but looking as if his heart wasn't in it. ita Angeltoni was the sloppiest woman Dean had ever known.
Harrigan was out interviewing Byrne's doctor and Rita's printed version of Mayer's interview was on Dean's desk when he returned.
The toilet flushed and Ethel returned, proceeded in the darkness by the tiny pinpoint light of her cigarette.
Dean agreed and promised to call when he returned and arrange to deliver the articles to her.
Hunter returned with the coffee while he was still talking and pulled over a chair with his toe.
It was mid afternoon when Dean returned home.
He turned on his heels and returned to his office.
Dean returned to the table and conveyed the news as he picked up his coffee— no roll, no change.
When Dean returned to Collingswood Avenue, Fred was knee-deep in either his notes or another mystery novel, Dean didn't notice which.
Dean returned to the room where Cynthia Byrne was slowly returning to the world of the living.
When Dean returned to the motel, the adjoining doors were open and Cynthia Byrne sat on the edge of her bed with one hand holding a phone and the other with a wet face cloth pressed to her forehead.
Cynthia and Randy discovered the break-in when they returned from church shortly after lunch.
Dean said as the others returned to work, Rita shaking her head in disgust and Harrigan trying to talk on the phone by sticking a finger in one ear.
She looked as if she wanted him to stay, or at least he told himself that, but he returned to his car.
When he returned, Fred was holding down a pad of paper with his elbow and writing with his free hand.
He returned her smile.
Dean returned home dreading what new tales of woe Fred O'Connor might have discovered in his absence.
When Dean returned to the outer room of the shop, everyone looked at him expectantly.
She checked her records and returned.
The house was empty when Dean returned.
He returned to his stool, feeling like a complete fool.
Dean showed his badge and after determining Fred was unhurt, returned to the bar.
Randy cut the call short, telling the young lady his mother hadn't returned and he was awaiting her call.
Mayer responded he was leaving to play golf but would call again when he returned.
Cynthia Byrne asked to talk to Randy again and Dean returned to the living room, his head in a whirl.
Wheels of understanding began turning but before he could collect his thoughts, Randy returned to the room.
When he returned, Fred commented Dean's left cheek looked kinda red.
So far, he's not returned phone calls.
After the two men called it a night and Fred returned to his guesthouse lodging, Dean sat outside his tent lingering under more stars than he had ever viewed in his life.
They dismantled the tent in silence and returned with it to Dean's campsite.
The two men returned to the pay phones.
Carmen was alone in the living room picking up wrapping paper when the men returned.
After thanking Mums, Carmen returned to the truck and waited while Alex opened the door for her.
An hour after they returned home, a trailer brought the two buffalo.
Her face flamed instantly – a fact he noted when his gaze returned to her.
She returned his kiss and then pulled away, gazing up into his face again.
He returned her kiss with equal passion, pulling away only when they both were short of breath.
Alex was waiting on the porch when she returned.
Several times during the day, that empty feeling returned.
She moaned involuntarily and his lips returned to hers.
She returned his wave without slowing down.
Josh wasn't likely to be back before Alex returned.
His gaze wandered over her face absently and then finally returned to his food.
Hopefully he would be calmed down enough to talk about it when he returned from the chores.
An hour later it was full dark and he still hadn't returned from the chores.
The haunting feeling returned.
Slowly his gaze returned to her face.
Reason gradually returned to the dark eyes.
The Alex she knew had returned.
His attention returned to the book, but she could tell he wasn't reading.
Gradually some of the warmth returned to his dark gaze.
Carmen returned her hug — and then started to cry.
When they returned to the house, she warmed up some leftover spaghetti and sat down at the table to eat with him.
When he returned, Alex moved over to the window with his back to her.
She returned her gaze back to the doctor.
The smile returned to his lips and spread to his eyes.
It was late when they returned, and she left Alex in the barn to unhitch the horse while she went to the house to fix something to eat.
And then memory returned with a vengeance.
That much about their relationship had returned to normal.