Return Sentence Examples
I have something to return to you.
I've gotta return to Florida.
It's best if you and Howie return to Keene.
A snow storm cancelled our return flight Sunday.
At noon he would come in from a path in the woods, eat and then return by the same path.
Rome was saved; but Coriolanus could never return to his home, his mother, his wife and children.
I can only describe the mood of our return trip as pensive.
It was a beautiful morning and there was plenty of time to kill as Howie wasn't schedule to return to the house until late afternoon.
This spending of the best part of one's life earning money in order to enjoy a questionable liberty during the least valuable part of it reminds me of the Englishman who went to India to make a fortune first, in order that he might return to England and live the life of a poet.
The return address was the Doctor's office in Chicago.
AdvertisementWe heard him come downstairs and when he didn't return, I came down to check on him.
Betsy and I faced a six hour return trip to New York.
About thirty minutes later it would return and leave the way it had come.
And yet, now the twins could return to their beloved ranch – the one she had finished paying off.
Her parent's pleas for her return produced front page news.
AdvertisementFacebook doesn't return her call.
It was already the beginning of June when on his return journey he drove into the birch forest where the gnarled old oak had made so strange and memorable an impression on him.
I didn't hear him return.
He would cab to the airport in the morning and return to California.
I'll return your life to you.
AdvertisementThanks for the fire--we'll return it with interest, said he, carrying away into the darkness a glowing stick.
With a great effort he tried to return to life and to see things from their point of view.
Before they had ridden to the outskirts of the forest Petya had considered he must carry out his instructions strictly and return at once.
If it is so, then I.ll return it to you.
It will be some time before I return.
AdvertisementAt first she had hoped, even prayed he would return.
The story related the successful return of a young boy kidnapped from his San Francisco home.
Please don't be surprised if Mr. Bylun opts not to return your call.
She left the library to return Damian's phone.
Even the doctor had no idea if or how quickly he would return to normal.
She shook her head and focused on her phone again, willing Logan to return one of her dozens of calls or texts.
You sleep with a wacko, your boyfriend won't return your calls.
If he admitted not to killing Wynn, she'd return immediately.
I.ll promise to return.
They allow for easy return of merchandise that doesn't meet my expectations, decreasing my fear of making a bad purchasing decision.
On her return to the house after her visit to the cemetery, she ran to the closet where these toys were kept, and carried them to my friend, saying, "They are poor little Florence's."
While he yearned to return to New Hampshire I sensed he possessed a strong guilt, locking him to his mother's bedside.
I wasted no time telephoning the Leblanc's number to encourage my wife to return home.
I know one way to return your power to you.
Heartbroken by his return to the slave he was, Sofia was stopped from comforting him by Dustin's grip on her arm.
You're not going to return his money are you?
He would never return underground!
I think it will be difficult to return to the old regime.
If the doctors did not keep me here at the spas I should be back in Russia, but as it is I have to postpone my return for three months.
The old count went home, and Natasha and Petya promised to return very soon, but as it was still early the hunt went farther.
After the return of Alpatych from Smolensk the old prince suddenly seemed to awake as from a dream.
Kutuzov made a grimace and sent an order to Dokhturov to take over the command of the first army, and a request to the duke--whom he said he could not spare at such an important moment--to return to him.
The nearer the time came for Petya to return, the more uneasy grew the countess.
When he woke up on the morning after his return to Moscow and his interview with Count Rostopchin, he could not for some time make out where he was and what was expected of him.
A healthy man can tear himself away from the deepest reflections to say a civil word to someone who comes in and can then return again to his own thoughts.
The rest he had built in investments – other than what was in the special savings account drawing interest until he could decide whether to return it or accept the responsibility that went with it.
She agreed to return the soul of one who is dead-dead.
You didn't return to Virginia until the following day.
The guests got up and took their leave, promising to return to dinner.
At the end of the letter she informed him that in a few days she would return to Petersburg from abroad.
Petya could not return unless his regiment did so or unless he was transferred to another regiment on active service.
Prince Andrew wished to return to that former world of pure thought, but he could not, and delirium drew him back into its domain.
His wrath, once expended, did not return, and blinking feebly he listened to excuses and self-justifications (Ermolov did not come to see him till the next day) and to the insistence of Bennigsen, Konovnitsyn, and Toll that the movement that had miscarried should be executed next day.
Diners return to this restaurant because of consistent quality and a hospitable staff.
The three of us packed for three days only, as if so limiting our clothing changes would force our return more quickly.
I parked our car here, at the East Boston airport, as we were scheduled to return together by air.
There was nothing more I could do here absent Howie so I rounded up patrolman Murphy and asked him to return me to the hospital.
Why don't you leave me your name, and if Mr. Bylun believes it in his best interest, he'll return your call.
His phone rang, and he answered, expecting the woman to return his call with a few dozen apologies.
Every time he freed her, he hoped she would return to his head.
They expected Lori to return that day, but she didn't.
Since they still didn't know why he attacked her or Alex, they considered it possible that he might return.
Of course she loved Alex, but who was this stranger, and when would Alex return?
For the first week after he regained his voice, they were all so busy enjoying the return to normal life that Carmen forgot about his father.
Sorry. New client brought in a dump truck full of receipts and needs his return done by close of business today.
There were too many memories inside, and he hadn't been able to return.
She hadn't intended not to return to Wynn's, but the idea of keeping him safe, too, made her feel a little less guilty about sneaking out on him.
Deidre wanted to flee and never return, but she nodded at the young woman who almost seemed normal.
She couldn't return to her apartment, and her savings were almost gone.
I have to address the issues in my domain on the mortal world before I'll be allowed to return and finish repairing the underworld.
Gabriel would come for her, if she didn't return.
You're my best assassin, and you're the only one who can trespass in Hell and return.
She rolled up her window, watched him return to his car, and cursed.
Do we return her and pretend we don't know or keep her where they can't get her?
She fully intended to return the gown and tanzanite jewelry dripping off her ears and neck, but for the night, she enjoyed feeling like Cinderella.
We shouldn't take you through the shadow world to return you.
She imagined he went to her apartment to check on Toby and was struck by her longing to return to the tiny, cluttered mess of a life that was hers.
Not only could she not escape, but she could just as well starve to death if he decided never to return.
He released her without another word, and she curled onto her side, weeping not only for the bizarre world she'd entered but from the realization she'd never, ever, ever return to hers.
Katie smiled in return, deciding she liked the Amazon with the British accent and wild tribal tattoos.
He didn't want to try to interpret the look or await her scathing return, not when he needed to find a place for them go to.
He.d miss the smell and sight of his homeland and yearned already to stay here rather than return to his dark corner of the Immortal underworld!
She released her breath, satisfied on more than one level, to postpone her return to the human world.
If you will not return your brother as you are obligated, then you must return this.
The demons are demanding I return it to them.
Jade waited for Darkyn to return from his meeting with Kris.
Once he crossed this line, he could never return.
I.d be a bigger fool than Kris to return with you, Jade.
Jade waited, hoping Sasha.s desire to return to Hell or take out Kris overwhelmed any suspicion he had.
Or maybe he was desperate to return to the only place that would accept him and all his sick ways.
I.ll have this Lankha keep the Ancient in a deep sleep until you return.
She wanted to return to the Sanctuary, though not before she found out what happened to Ully.
She.d tried opening a portal soon after Rhyn left to return to the Sanctuary but failed.
He.s demanding we return Ully.
If we return the scientist, we won.t know if it.s tainted.
He issued a challenging look in return.
Rather than return home right away, she explored several small jewelry stores, looking for the perfect gift for Evelyn before she took her daily trip to the gym.
Kiera looked at her friend, guilty for hurting her feelings despite her need to return to her own world.
I think there are some matters we should discuss when you return.
You have some nerve to do all that and make fun of me for trying to fit in or ignore me when you do return!
We are bound together and to the planet, which will only come back to life when we return.
Despite the assurance that you will return health and life to my people.
She'd wanted to return home since she arrived, yet when presented with the enormity of her importance in her new world … when she realized how incredible it really would be to have a man like A'Ran in her bed every night … when she saw he was capable of passion … when she found out an entire planet full of people would die if she left … She couldn't help the tears at such a thought.
He hesitated, reluctant to return to his room, past Ryland's door from which might be expelled the naked visitor, just as he passed by.
He gave no thought to how he'd reverse the process and return to the ledge above.
Jackson could not bring himself to return Sarah's gaze.
The first time, in the forest after they escaped Victor, when they decided they could never return to their families.
When his mind finally began to return to reality, he worried that he might have hurt her.
Certainly, he would never be able to return to his previous lifestyle.
Away. I'll return as soon as possible.
Branches may be made from the main pipes by means of smaller pipes arranged in the same manner as the mains, the Bolter branch flow pipe being connected with the main flow pipe and returning into the main return.
The vertical branches descend to the basement and generally merge in a single return pipe which is connected to the lower part of the boiler.
The flow pipe starts from the top of the boiler and is connected near the top of the cylinder, the return pipe joining the lower portions of the cylinder and boiler.
Taps to baths and lavatories should be connected to the main services by a flow and return pipe so that hot water is constantly flowing past the tap, thus enabling hot water to be obtained immediately.
It was evident that the president intended to use all the influence which the party in power could exercise, to secure the return of General Julio Roca, who had distinguished himself in 1878 by a successful campaign against the warlike Indian tribes bordering on the Andes.
He had been absent from Argentina on a journey to Europe, and on his return in April 1891, a popular reception was given to him at which 50,000 persons attended.
In various speeches he sounded a note of conciliation with Indian progressive feelings, and it was agreed on his return to England that valuable help had been given by his utterances to the work of self-government in India under the new regime.
She withdrew from the king's society, and in spite of Clarendon's attempts to moderate her resentment, declared she would return to Portugal rather than consent to a base compliance.
In case the crop failed the Code fixed a statutory return.
Even if the agent made no profit he was bound to return double what he had received, if he made poor profit he had to make up the deficiency; but he was not responsible for loss by robbery or extortion on his travels.
On his return, the principal must give a receipt for what was handed over to him.
The Code enacted that if the father does not, after accepting a man's presents, give him his daughter, he must return the presents doubled.
I longed for my teacher's return; but above all things I wanted to get down from that tree.
I received another paper and a table of signs by return mail, and I set to work to learn the notation.
She has talked incessantly since her return about what she did in Huntsville, and we notice a very decided improvement in her ability to use language.
It was more than a year before she alluded to the subject again, and when she did return to it, her questions were numerous and persistent.
On Miss Sullivan's return to Brewster, she read to Helen the story of "Little Lord Fauntleroy," which she had purchased in Boston for the purpose.
When they called for the vessels again, I was green enough to return what bread I had left; but my comrade seized it, and said that I should lay that up for lunch or dinner.
And each visitor, though politeness prevented his showing impatience, left the old woman with a sense of relief at having performed a vexatious duty and did not return to her the whole evening.
Though in the new reign he was free to return to the capitals, he still continued to live in the country, remarking that anyone who wanted to see him could come the hundred miles from Moscow to Bald Hills, while he himself needed no one and nothing.
He was awaiting Petya's return in a state of agitation, anxiety, and self-reproach for having let him go.
He was as careful of the sowing and reaping of the peasants' hay and corn as of his own, and few landowners had their crops sown and harvested so early and so well, or got so good a return, as did Nicholas.
The children and their governesses were glad of Pierre's return because no one else drew them into the social life of the household as he did.
I hardly minded the cold and lonely walk back after evening prayers demanded my love's return.
Maybe now they'll all check out of Bird Song and things will return to normal.
Dean had been successful, for a four-figure charge, in securing a one way ticket with an open ended return, from Montrose, via Denver and Chicago, to Indianapolis.
The return trip from Grand Junction had taken Dean twice the usual two hours, a slalom of ditched autos, snow plows, ice and stopped traffic.
Please, everyone, return to your rooms except Mr. Dean.
The police spoke to Fred next, while Dean strolled back toward his quarters, with Corday's question concerning his wife's return echoing in his mind.
There was work to be done before the return of this sense of small town peace could to be fully embraced.
Mrs. Cummings was taken away to the Sister's hospital this forenoon and I fear she shan't ever return.
Dean wanted to ask when she might return but was hesitant about appearing to hurry her from her mother's bedside.
However, unlike the highway, the snow here had not yet melted and Dean was forced to return to the main road at the first opportunity to cross back over the river.
Dean couldn't help but return it.
Neither mentioned the late night phone call during Edith's nocturnal visit nor Cynthia's sudden, unannounced return.
The Quincy sisters had left the day after Cynthia's return from Indiana.
Miriam wanted to return to the hotel fairly early since she had an early flight.
Keep this safe for me until I return.
Because he loves a woman who can't return his love?
He offered a genuine smile she couldn't bring herself to return.
She was getting ready to pass the point of no return.
Brady shook his head, wanting nothing more than to return to the sparring ring.
He faced her, and she realized how stupid it was to expect he'd do anything else but return to the fight.
With a return wave, Lana set her gaze on the door to her own apartment up the stairs.
The brunette waved in return and led her through the small town to a boardwalk lining the wide, slow-moving Mississippi River.
You don't intend for me to return.
If not, I'll find it when I return to the castle.
She never does something without getting something in return.
She won't need to break the Immortal Codes and return your mate to you, because in the next three days, you'll be out of her hair.
Not for me, not with the power I have. Besides, Death promised to return Katie to me after four days and lied.
At the Sanctuary, Kris was just getting ready to return to his tent when Kiki burst onto the beach, looking as if he were being chased by demons.
Death offered to return Katie to me after a few days. Darkyn said she wouldn't do it, and he was right. She doesn't have Katie.
Toby, Darkyn, and Death knew about the seven days. He felt a flutter of hope where he'd felt desperation before. In seven days, his bond to Katie would return.
Andre didn't return. Katie waited longer, until the chill of the night dried the sweat that'd covered her since they began running earlier.
Dean had already overstayed his visit, so with promises to return if he had any more questions and to keep in telephone contact, he took his leave, shaking Cynthia Byrne's hand and waving to Janice Riley, who was again on the phone.
He knew the return trip would be far different, crawling his way back in the snarl of rush hour.
He was to return after some early morning business, the next day, Tuesday—same day, I guess—he died after midnight, Tuesday.
When their lovemaking finished, Dean remained in bed, his arms folded behind his head, awaiting Ethel's return from her obligatory post coital trip to the bathroom.
She thanked him again and wished him a safe return trip before hanging up.
They left the seashore and, after a quick bite to eat, Hunter drove Dean back to the airport for his return plane trip to Parkside.
Try as he might, the mourning ladies of dreamland wouldn't return to the empty coffin.
The man started to return to the back room when a car pulled up.
Dean asked Harrigan to work up his end of the report on the Byrne matter and make a few last minute return phone calls to neighbors, just to dot the I's.
The return trip took them past Bascomb Place and as they rounded the corner, Fred yelled "Stop!" so violently Dean thought he was about to run down an unseen nun.
Emergency lights were now on outside the motel, making the return trip easier once he reached the road.
She was truly beautiful, resting there, color beginning to return to her cheeks and a look of contentment that only sleep could bring, a look that would surely be absent in the morning.
He said he was just asking about Dean's return trip but he was fishing for details on why the FBI was so unexpectedly interested in Billie Wassermann.
The service ended in 40 minutes with the priest extending an invitation for friends to return to Mrs. Byrne's home.
The phone rang twice, both calls from Fred's lady friends, who were anxious for his return.
It took a pot and a half of coffee and a lot of patience before Dean learned just how complicated the Scranton excursion and return trip had been.
He paused and then added, "I don't suppose there's any return address on Arthur's note?"
Dean felt ill at ease in Cynthia Byrne's bedroom, spying on her world, seeing the small rainbow of dresses hanging in her closet, sharing space with suits and shirts looking as if they were awaiting the return of Jeffrey Byrne.
He wanted something a hell of a lot stronger—a double bourbon and leave the bottle but he knew the return trip to Parkside lay before him.
I am out of town but I will telephone you when I return on Sunday.
Dean explained Atherton's recent disappearance and the strange return of the escrow money.
Katie had offered to return their rented clothing so that they could enjoy their honeymoon together without mundane chores.
It was after their return from the Zoo in Tulsa that they had their first fight – such as it was.
If she could only shake the awful feeling that he wouldn't return.
She closed her eyes and prayed for his safe return.
Would things ever return to normal?
When it didn't return, she opened the suitcase and began tossing clothes into it.
Now he would expect things to return to normal when they went to bed, and she didn't think she was ready.
When I return from my first adventure, you'll have six sons running around the hall.
I'll return for Talia.
Placing the rocks on the ground near the return portal, she looked around.
She'd almost managed to return to the zone when Darian gripped the chain at the top of the punching bag, stabilizing it before her and disrupting the swaying rhythm.
If she stole something from you, I'll return it.
He had to return it as promised, even knowing it was a bogus rule.
She'd sworn an oath to Darian, and the last thing she wanted was to return to the immortal world and wait for the Others to grab her.
When he didn't return immediately, her gaze fell to the warm bowl of water.
She grew impatient waiting for the guardsmen to return.
The Black God was fighting nearby, hurling black clouds at the Others then trying not to get hit by lightning in return.
He was swallowed by the dark forest before she could return the wave.
Not wishing to see the dark Rissa from the morning return, he did not pursue.
The return journey must be undertaken soon, despite the heat and danger lurking in the forest.
Desperate to maintain her position as her people's protector and outlive those threats hedging closer, she washed her face and changed clothing to prepare for her return journey.
Taran did not understand the need for her to return so soon, but the woman was beyond any man's control.
Remember, son, your uncle, our king, wants us to return with a token of the barbarians' agreement.
Unfortunately, the southern routes ran into the desert, and the armies were too far to return in enough time to stave off any attack Memon planned in the next fortnight.
You must return to safety.
Taran considered the old warrior, itching to return to the book.
You promised to return in a day's time, and I begged you not to send me back to the catacombs.
Whether due to his anger or his concern for Rissa, Vara didn't return.
Sirian didn't return, but Hilden rushed in soon after darkness overtook the skies.
Carmen nodded and smiled in return.
I've arranged for someone to take my place at the clinic until I return.
She had crossed the point of no return.
He probably wouldn't ever return.
Tonight she would return his ring.
In a few more weeks she would return to California.
Although she had never seen Captain Turner again, letters to her father with his return address on them assured her that they still kept in touch.
We will conquer them and return here, once we have created an army.
We'll return to the mortal world and live normal lives.
He knew one way of life, and that way had no place in the peaceful society she hoped to return to.
We can destroy this world and return to yours to rule.
The idea of him in pain caused the familiar vise around her chest to return.
Your cousins can simply never return from school one day.
When she didn't return, he'd find a new plaything.
She didn't return to the second floor.
She went to the door quickly, terrified he would return and think she meant to escape.
The old bulls are very generally solitary for a considerable portion of the year, but return to the herds during the pairing season.
In return for this he was made Count Palatine, with the right to call himself by the name Medici.
Chicheley and the other envoys were received on their return as saviours of the world; though the result was summed up by a contemporary as trischism instead of schism, and the Church as giving three husbands instead of two.
After his return to Morocco at the age of twentyeight, he began preaching and agitating, heading riotous attacks on wine-shops and on other manifestations of laxity.
When their amirs crossed the Straits it was to lead a jehad against the Christians and to return to their capital, Marrakesh.
Not long after the return of the pope the amity between the Vatican and the Tuileries was again broken.
Fabricius afterwards gained a series of victories over the Samnites, the Lucanians and the Bruttians, and on his return to Rome received the honour of a triumph.
In return Apollinaris composed a panegyric in his honour (as he had previously done for Avitus), which won for him a statue at Rome and the title of count.
A few months after her return from Spain her father was killed by a fall from his horse.
Yet she still clung to old associations, and on her grandmother's death was about to return to her convent, but was dissuaded by her friends, who found her a husband.
On his return to his native city he devoted himself to mathematical research.
Refusing all honours and recompense, he prepared to return to Italy upon receiving news of the incipient revolutionary movement.
According to another story, her son Perseus, on his return with the head of Medusa, finding his mother persecuted by Polydectes, turned him into stone, and took Danae back with him to Argos.
The queen set about to obtain a divorce, and used her influence for the return of Albany as a means of undoing her husband's power.
The declaration of war by England against Scotland, in answer to the recent Franco-Scottish negotiations, prevented his return.
Immediately on his return from Finland Alexius was despatched by his father to Staraya Rusya and Ladoga to see to the building of new ships.
On his return to the capital Peter, in order to see what progress his son had made in mechanics and mathematics, asked him to draw something of a technical nature for his inspection.
This difficult task was accomplished by Count Peter Tolstoi, the most subtle and unscrupulous of Peter's servants; but terrorized though he was, Alexius would only consent to return on his father solemnly swearing, "before God and His judgment seat," that if he came back he should not be punished in the least, but cherished as a son and allowed to live quietly on his estates and marry Afrosina.
He lost his father prematurely; and after the battle of Philippi and the return of Octavian to Rome, Propertius, like Virgil and Horace, was deprived of his, estate to provide land for the veterans, but, unlike them, he had no patrons at court, and he was reduced from opulence to comparative indigence.
The new rulers soon found that he;must be removed and he was ordered to return to his diocese.
After fourteen years' residence in Bengal Hastings did not return home a rich man, estimated by the opportunities of his position.
The other child, a son, was sent to England, and also died shortly before his father's return.
The Mahrattas at this time had got possession of the person of the Mogul emperor, Shah Alam, from whom Clive obtained the grant of Bengal in 1765, and to whom he assigned in return the districts of Allahabad and Kora and a tribute of 30o,000.
In return they usually had a house near the episcopal palace, a domain within and without the city, and sometimes the right to levy certain dues on the city.
After his return from his Egyptian campaign, he was preparing an expedition against Rhodes when he was overtaken by sickness and died, on the 22nd of September 1521, in the ninth year of his reign, near the very spot where he had attacked his father's troops, not far from Adrianople.
For the Long Parliament, which met on the 3rd of November 1640, he was elected for Downton in Wiltshire, but the return was disputed, and he did not take his seat - his election not being declared valid until the last days of the Rump.
Cooper was one of the twelve commissioners who went to Charles at Breda to invite him to return.
Charles soon regretted the loss of Shaftesbury, and endeavoured, as did also Louis, to induce him to return, but in vain.
On his return to Lyons, Chalier was the first to be named member of the municipal bureau.
On his return to Germany he made peace with France at Frankfort in July 1489, and in October several of the states of the Netherlands recognized him as their ruler and as guardian of his son.
At this time Bianca's uncle, Ludovico Sforza, was invested with the duchy of Milan in return for the substantial dowry which his niece brought to the king.
She published on her return an account of her experiences, under the title of Through Bolshevik Russia (1920).
A meeting at which he was present after his return to Paris decided his vocation.
On his return the Athenians sued for peace, though without success, and a speech by Pericles had little effect on their spirits.
In Asia Alexander learnt that Bessus had taken the diadem as Darius' successor in Bactria, but so soon as he marched against him Aria rose in his rear, and Alexander had to return in all haste to bring the revolt under.
For three days the will of king and people were locked in antagonism; then Alexander gave way; the long eastward movement was ended; the return began.
The first book also relates his conquests in Italy, Africa, Syria and Asia Minor; his return to Macedonia and the submission of Greece.
In 1344, shortly after their return, Ulf died in the Cistercian monastery of Alvastra in East Gothland, and Bridget now devoted herself wholly to religion.
To return to the tertia minore.
On her return she fell in love with the duc de la Rochefoucauld, the author of the Maxims, who made use of her love to obtain influence over her brother, and thus win honours for himself.
In return for his assistance against the Scythians, the Greeks of the Cimmerian Bosporus and the Tauric Chersonese recognized his suzerainty.
Epiphanius (Vitae prophetarum) says that he came up from Babylon while still young, prophesied the return, witnessed the building of the temple and received an honoured burial near the priests.
From this point the " return " pipe drops, usually at the same rate as the flow pipe rises; and in due course the water reaches its starting point, the boiler, and is again heated and again circulated through the system.
The connexion of the return pipe is made with the lower part of the boiler.
Branches are taken off the flow pipe, and after circulating through coils or radiators are connected with the return pipe.
Radiators should not be fixed directly on to the main heating pipe, but always on branches of smaller diameter leading from the flow pipe to one end of the radiator and back to the main return pipe from the other end; they may then be easily controlled by a valve placed on the branch from the flow pipe.
The supply from the cold water cistern enters the bottom of the cylinder, and thence travels by way of the return pipe to the boiler, where it is heated, and back through the flow pipe to the cylinder, which is thus soon filled with hot water.
In a type built with vertical sections each division is complete in itself, and is not directly connected with the next section, but communicates with flow and return drums. A defective section may thus be left in position and stopped off by means of plugs from the drums until it is convenient to fit a new one in its place.
On his return to Rome (S4) he was accused of extortion in his province.
One party threatened to return to Romanism; another threatened to sacrifice the independence of Geneva and submit to Berne.
It was felt to be a political necessity that he should return, and in 1541, somewhat reluctantly, he returned on his own terms. These were the recognition of the Church's spiritual independence, the division of the town into parishes, and the appointment (by the municipal authority) of a consistory or council of elders in each parish for the exercise of discipline.
This expedition was assailed by the Charruas and forced to return on foot, their leader himself being killed.
Finding that he had been forestalled, Garcia resolved to return home.
Finding their comrades did not return, Irala and his companions determined to descend the river, and on their downward journey opposite the mouth of the river Pilcomayo, finding a suitable site for colonizing, they founded (1536) what proved to be the first permanent Spanish settlement in the interior of South America, the future city of Asuncion (15th August 1536).
Dr Alem, who had been permitted to return from exile, was not slow to profit by the occasion.
Negotiations were soon opened which quickly led to the resignation of Costa, and the return of the insurgents to their homes.
Haras or stallion stables containing in all over 3000 horses are established in twentytwo central towns, and annually send stallions, which are at the disposal of private individuals in return for a small fee, to various stations throughout the country.
In return for the privileges granted them the companies undertook the construction out of their own unaided resources of 1500 m.
He must then return to regimental duty for at least two years.
The colonial minister is assisted by a number of organizations of which the most important is the superior council of the colonies (created by decree in 1883), an advisory body which inclUdes the senators and deputies elected by the colonies, and delegates elected by the universal suffrage of all citizens in the colonies and protectorates which do not return members to parliament.
In return the state receives the produce of convict labor in Guiana and New Caledonia.
About 292, thanks to his friend Theophrastus, he was able to return to Attica, and took up his abode in the country with a former associate, Proxenus.
From England he passed to the Low Countries, Germany, Switzerland and Italy, and on his return to the Peninsula in 1796 was appointed official translator to the foreign office.
In return for their services the ports enjoyed extensive privileges.
In return for this aid the younger Henry granted to William the earldom of Northumberland, a possession which the latter had vainly sought from the English king, and which was possibly the cause of their first estrangement.
In December 1189, by the treaty of Canterbury, Richard gave up all claim to suzerainty over Scotland in return for 10,000 marks, the treaty of Falaise being thus definitely annulled.
We have no information regarding Jerusalem during the period of the captivity, but fortunately Nehemiah, who was permitted to return and rebuild the defences about 445 B.C., has given a fairly clear description of the line of the wall which enables us to obtain a good idea of the extent of the city at this period.
During the last two years of his life Ruiz Zorilla became less active; failing health and the loss of his wife had decreased his energies, and the Madrid government allowed him to return to Spain some months before he died at Burgos, on the 1 3 th of June 1895, of heart disease.
For the soul, by its nature as a single monad indestructible and, therefore, immortal, death meant only the loss of the monads constituting the body and its return to the pre-existent state.
In return for their more equivocal attitude during the Third Macedonian War they were deprived by Rome of some possessions in Lycia, and damaged by the partial diversion of their trade to Delos (167).
The states have a total revenue, from sources apart from the Commonwealth, of £23,820,439, and if to this be added the return of customs duties made by the federal government, the total revenue is £31,206,170.
On his return to England he published an account of his voyage, which resulted in his being sent out in the " Roebuck " in 1699 to prosecute his discoveries further.
On his return journey Oxley again crossed the Lachlan about 160 m., measured along the river, below the point where he left it on his journey south.
On the 23rd of February 1861 they commenced the return journey, having in effect accomplished the feat of crossing the Australian continent.
After resting in Perth for a short time, he commenced the return journey, which was made for the most part between the 24th and 25th parallels, and again successfully traversed the desert, reaching the overland telegraph line in about seven months.
After a few months' rest it started on the return journey, following Sturt Creek until its termination in Gregory's Salt Sea, and then keeping parallel with the South Australian border as far as Lake Macdonald.
Bills imposing taxation or appropriating revenue must not originate in the Senate, and neither taxation bills nor bills appropriating revenue for the annual service of the government may be amended in the Senate, but the Senate may return such bills to the House of Representatives with a request for their amendment.
On his return a year later he fell at the battle of Stiklestad, where his own subjects were arrayed against him.
On his return to Paris he soon became distinguished as a painter, and was employed by Louis XIV.
In the latter year the government of the French Republic confided to him a mission to Rome at the moment when it was a question whether the expelled pope would return to the Vatican with or without bloodshed.
Granvelle left Brussels on the 13th of March 1564, never to return.
Philip received them courteously, but took care that neither of them should return home.
A second expedition of Lothair expelled Roger of Sicily (to whom Anacletus had given the title of king in return for his support) from southern Italy, but a quarrel with Innocent prevented the emperor attacking Rome.
In 1911 he accepted the chair of physics in Prague, only to be induced to return to his own polytechnic school at Zurich as full professor in the following year.
After his return to Vienna from Frankfort he edited Concordia (1820-1823), and began the issue of his Samtliche Werke.
Meanwhile the position of Charles's opponents had been considerably strengthened by the suppression of a dangerous rebellion in November 1647 by Cromwell's intervention, and by the return of troops to obedience.
On his return to London he found the parliament again negotiating Cromwell with Charles, and on the eve of making a treaty which Charles himself had no intention of keeping and the regarded merely as a means of regaining his power, and which would have thrown away in one moment all the advantages gained during years of bloodshed and struggle.
Having friends among the government party, including members of the Beresford family, he was enabled to make terms with the government, and in return for information as to what had passed between Jackson, Iowan and himself he was permitted to emigrate to America, where he arrived in May 179 5.
On his return he became librarian to the university, and took the chair of recent philosophy at the faculty of letters.
In 1813-14 Rich spent some time in Europe, and on his return to Bagdad devoted himself to the study of the geography of Asia Minor, and collected much information in Syrian and Chaldaean convents concerning the Yezidis.
In October of this last year, however, the duke of Savoy, who came then to assist in person at the great religious feasts which celebrated the return of the country to unity of faith, expatriated such of the leading men as obstinately refused even to listen to the Catholic arguments.
In this arrangement a catch is provided so that the plate being once driven back by the wind cannot return until released by hand; but the catch does not prevent the plate being driven back farther by a gust stronger than the last one that moved it.
Sale was the delivery of the purchase (in the case of real estate symbolized by a staff, a key, or deed of conveyance) in return for the purchase money, receipts being given for both.
It remained the wife's for life, descending to her children, if any; otherwise returning to her family, when the husband could deduct the bride-price if it had not been given to her, or return it, if it had.
If she were left without maintenance during her husband's involuntary absence, she could cohabit with another man, but must return to her husband if he came back, the children of the second union remaining with their own father.
He had a right to their labour in return for their keep. He might hire them out and receive their wages, pledge them for debt, even sell them outright.
If the adopted child discovered his true parents and wanted to return to them, his eye or tongue was torn out.
The earth is always, except for some special reason, used as a return, because it offers little resistance and saves the expense and the risk of failure of the return wire.
At the receiving end there are two telephone receivers, one joined in the loop circuit, the other in the earth return circuit.
When the key is released the condensers and cables at once begin to return to zero potential, and if the key is depressed and released several times in rapid succession the cable is divided into sections of varying potential, which travel rapidly towards the receiving end, and indicate their arrival there by producing corresponding fluctuations in the charge of the condenser C3.
The stock of the Electric and International Company, the return on which had reached 10 per cent.
An earth return is used.
On his recovery he set out on a military expedition, but at the end of the first day's march he fell ill, and had to stay at Spoleto and return to Assisi.
Francis himself set out, probably in 1212, for the Holy Land to preach the Gospel to the Saracens, but he was shipwrecked and had to return.
A year or two later he went into Spain to preach to the Moors, but had again to return without accomplishing his object (1215 probably).
Having come to an understanding with his father-in-law Podébrad, he was able to turn his arms against the emperor Frederick, and in April 1462 Frederick restored the holy crown for 60,000 ducats and was allowed to retain certain Hungarian counties with the title of king; in return for which concessions, extorted from Matthias by the necessity of coping with a simultaneous rebellion of the Magyar noble in league with Podebrad's son Victorinus, the emperor recognized Matthias as the actual sovereign of Hungary.
During the interval between these peaces, Matthias, in self-defence, again made war on the emperor, reducing Frederick to such extremities that he was glad to accept peace on any terms. By the final arrangement made between the contending princes, Matthias recognized Ladislaus as king of Bohemia proper in return for the surrender of Moravia, Silesia and Upper and Lower Lusatia, hitherto component parts of the Czech monarchy, till he should have redeemed them for 400,000 florins.