Rett-syndrome Sentence Examples
Over time, Rett syndrome symptoms worsen.
Diagnosing Rett syndrome can be complex.
For parents who may be concerned that their child has Rett syndrome, the International Rett Syndrome Foundation offers testing and diagnosis centers around the world.
Those with Rett syndrome often need help with daily tasks such as feeding, bathing, dressing and using the bathroom.
Since Rett syndrome is not a degenerative condition, a child with it is expected to grow into adulthood.
Children with Rett syndrome face many challenges throughout their lives.
The onset of the syndrome differs from one child to the next, but there are four stages of Rett syndrome that each experiences on some level.
Children with Rett syndrome typically hit a plateau that can begin between the ages of 2 and 10 years of age, and may last for the rest of their lives.