Retrievers Sentence Examples
Once here, they were quickly recognized for their intelligence and retrieving instincts and were put to work as gun dogs and retrievers.
While golden retrievers and Siberian huskies might not need you to try knitting a dog sweater for them, other dogs, like dachshunds and poodles will definitely appreciate the warmth of a cozy sweater for those cold, winter days.
Mr Brailsford was the secretary of the show at Birmingham, and he had classes for pointers, English and Irish setters, retrievers and Clumber spaniels.
Dog lovers are now numbered by their tens of thousands, and in addition to shows of their favourites, owners are also liberally catered for in the shape of working trials, for during the season competitions for bloodhounds, pointers, setters, retrievers, spaniels and sheepdogs are held.
The only drawback to using retrievers is that they cannot stand too much heat.
They love playing and make great retrievers, if a little time is dedicated to training them.
Training Your Retriever is hosted by Bill Eckett and Bobby George of Blackwater Retrievers.
If you were going to bring home two Golden Retrievers, would it better to have a boy and girl, two boys or two girls?
Since both parental breeds were originally water retrievers, they are fond of water and are strong swimmers.
Top Ten Sporting only includes sporting dogs and covers breeds such as Irish Setters, Spaniels and a variety of Retrievers.
AdvertisementBreeds like Labrador Retrievers and Standard Poodles both make good company for kids.
Over the years, the breed was crossed with other Retrievers, Spaniels and Setters.
Chocolate Labs are Labrador Retrievers with chocolate colored coats.
Yellow Labs are Labrador Retrievers with yellow coats.
Large breeds, such as Labrador Retrievers and German Shepherds are often used as service dogs due to their ability to physically assist clients easily, but some handlers prefer smaller breeds.
AdvertisementA magnetic dog bed is designed to help dogs that suffer from a variety of ailments such as hip dysplasia (a common problem in larger dogs such as golden retrievers), arthritis and other injuries and muscle problems.
Breeds with long fur, such as Golden Retrievers, tend to get hot in the summer.
Webkinz, which are made by the Ganz company, also come in many different styles, including dog breeds like German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers.