Retreat Sentence Examples
The army must retreat and the order to do so must be given.
At least it would be a retreat from all this.
She felt the urge to retreat to her room and stay there until he left again.
We must retreat or risk falling into an ambush.
A waitress neared them but beat a quick retreat when she heard their strained tones.
They might retreat and leave the pickets.
For the Pavlograd hussars, however, the whole of this retreat during the finest period of summer and with sufficient supplies was a very simple and agreeable business.
It was no longer possible for the hussars to retreat with the infantry.
Alva then advanced to meet the invaders with a large army, and at Jemmingen (July 21), with very slight loss, annihilated the levies of Louis, who himself escaped by swimming from the field across an estuary of the Ems. He now joined the army of his brother William, which had in October to beat a hasty retreat before Alva's superior skill.
The Russians retreat and abandon their ancient capital.
AdvertisementGroves of oak were their chosen retreat.
Six hours earlier his conclusion would have been correct, but early that morning the Prussian headquarters, alarmed for the safety of their line of retreat on Berlin by the presence of the French in Naumburg, decided to leave Hohenlohe and Rachel to act as rear-guard, and with the main body to commence their retreat towards the river Unstrutt and the Eckhardtsberge where Massenbach had previously reconnoitred an " ideal " battlefield.
During the summer months, the patio is a popular retreat in the evenings.
Then began the celebrated retreat.
Seeing further efforts hopeless, Scharnhorst in the duke's name initiated the retreat and the troops withdrew N.W.
AdvertisementMeanwhile the Russians made good their retreat - Barclay towards the entrenched camp of Drissa on the Dvina, Bagration towards Mohilev.
The whole of the 17th was required to complete the movement, and as soon as its purpose was sufficiently revealed to the Russians the latter determined to retreat under cover of night.
Kutusov continued his retreat, and Murat with his now exhausted horsemen followed as best he might.
Henceforward the retreat of the army became practically a headlong flight, and on the 5th of December, having reached Smorgoni and seeing that nothing further could be done by him at the front, the emperor handed over the command of what remained to Murat, and left for Paris to organize a fresh army for the following year.
On the 8th of December Murat reached Vilna, whilst Ney with about 400 men and Wrede with 2000 Bavarians still formed the rearguard; but it was quite impossible to carry out Napoleon's instructions to go into winter quarters about the town, so that the retreat was resumed on the 10th and ultimately Konigsberg was attained on the 9th of December by Murat with 400 Guards and 600 Guard cavalry dismounted.
AdvertisementUltimately on the 18th of May the march was renewed, but the allies had continued their retreat in leisurely fashion, picking up reinforcements by the way.
The allies, however, continued to retreat, but unfortunately Vandamme, with his single corps and unsupported, issued out of the mountains on their flank, threw himself across their line of retreat near Kulm, and was completely overwhelmed by sheer weight of numbers (29th).
He then on the 7th of October drew up a final plan, in which one again recognizes the old commander, and this he immediately proceeded to put into execution, for he was now quite aware of the danger threatening his line of retreat from both Blucher and Schwarzenberg and the North Army; yet only a few hours afterwards the portion of the order relating to St Cyr and Lobau was cancelled and the two were finally left behind at Dresden.
This move on the 14th brought him into touch with Bernadotte, and now a single march forward of all three armies would have absolutely isolated Napoleon from France; but Bernadotte's nerve failed him, for on hearing of Napoleon's threat against Wittenberg he decided to retreat northward, and not all the persuasions of Blucher and Gneisenau could move him.
During the 17th there was only indecisive skirmishing, Schwarzenberg waiting for his reinforcements coming up by the Dresden road, Blucher for Bernadotte to come in on his left, and by some extraordinary oversight Giulay was brought closer in to the Austrian centre, thus opening for the French their line of retreat towards Erfurt, and no imformation of this movement appears to have been conveyed to Blucher.
AdvertisementAll hope of saving the battle had now to be given up, but the French covered their retreat obstinately and by daybreak next morning one-half of the army was already filing out along the road to Erfurt which had so fortunately been left for them.
Blucher followed by parallel and inferior roads on their northern flank, but Schwarzenberg knowing that the Bavarians also had forsaken the emperor and were marching under Wrede, 50,000 strong, to intercept his retreat, followed in a most leisurely fashion.
Still the Austrians made good their retreat.
The latter had been forced to retreat some 20 m.
He was shot dead by a musket bullet in the retreat.
In September 1803, the united forces of the English and Himmat Bahadur compelled Shamsher to retreat with his army.
An English fleet suddenly appeared, and drove the French to retreat into Leith from an expedition to the west.
If they regretted having to retreat, it was only because they had to leave billets they had grown accustomed to, or some pretty young Polish lady.
Kutuzov did not reply, but when they reported to him that Murat's troops were in retreat he ordered an advance, though at every hundred paces he halted for three quarters of an hour.
In October want of supplies and a mutiny of the Janissaries compelled the commander-in-chief to retreat into winter quarters at Belgrade.
As it was, the allies made good their retreat and the French were too exhausted for infantry pursuit.
There he was joined by the Austrian advance guard, and together they decided to accept battle - indeed they had no alternative, as the roads in rear were so choked with traffic that retreat was out of the question.
These disasters compelled the retreat of the whole Silesian army, and Napoleon, leaving Mortier and Marmont to deal with them, hurried back to Troyes with his main body to strike the flank of Schwarzenberg's army, which had meanwhile begun its leisurely advance, and again at Mormant on the 17th of February, Montereau the 38th and Mery the he inflicted such heavy punishment upon his adversaries that they fell back precipitately to Bar-sur-Aube.
On the 14th of March, however, Schwarzenberg, becoming aware of Napoleon's withdrawal to Reims, again began his advance and had reached Arcis-sur-Aube when the news of Napoleon's approach again induced him to retreat to Brienne.
Hope having joined him through Avila, and magazines having been formed at Benavente, Astorga and Lugo, in case of retreat in that direction, he moved forward, and on the 13th of December approached the Douro, at and near Rueda east of Toro.
On the "Retreat to Corunna" fatigue, wet and bitter cold, combined with the sense of an enforced retreat, shook the discipline of Moore's army; but he reached Corunna on the 11th of January 1809, where he took up a position across the road from Lugo, with his left on the river Mero.
On the 21 st of October General Sir George White and General (Sir John) French defeated at Elandslaagte a strong force of Boers, who threatened to cut off General Yule's retreat.
After the retreat of Darius the Scythians made a raid as far as Abydos, and even sent envoys to King Cleomenes III.
Meanwhile Sir George White had discovered the Boer force on the railway, and, though anxious on account of the advance of the Free Staters, on the 21st, stimulated by the news of Talana, he sent out a force of all arms under General (Sir John) French to drive the Boers from Elandslaagte and so to clear Symons's line of retreat.
But meantime the mobile enemy, whose original flank had been turned, had gathered at the new centre of gravity, and the upshot of several days' fighting was the retreat of the British.
A third hypothesis is that advanced by Karl Rieder (Der Gottesfreund von Oberland, Innsbruck, 1905), who thinks that not even Merswin himself wrote any of the literature, but that his secretary and associate Nicholas of Lowen, head of the House of St John at Griinenworth, the retreat founded by Merswin for the circle, worked over all the writings which emanated from different members of the group but bore no author's names, and to glorify the founder of the house attached Merswin's name to some of them and out of his imagination created "the Friend of God from the Oberland," whom he named as the writer of the others.
Had the Austrians attacked on both flanks forthwith, the Prussian central (I.) army could have reached neither wing in time to avert defeat, and the political consequences of the Austrian victory might have been held to justify the risks involved, for even if unsuccessful the Austrians and Saxons could always retreat into Bavaria and there form a backbone of solid troops for the 95,000 South Germans.
The Prussians followed on the 29th, but, owing to the iie of the roads, they had to march in two long columns, separated by almost a day's march, and when the advanced guard of the left column, late in the afternoon, gained touch with the enemy, the latter were in a position to crush them by weight of numbers, had they not suddenly been ordered to continue the retreat on Miletin.
In about two hours the t2 Prussian battalions and 3 batteries found themselves assailed by upwards of 40 Austrian battalions and zoo guns, and against such swarms of enemies each man felt that retreat from the wood across the open meant annihilation.
Corps, which had been summoned overnight from its position about Courcelles towards the battlefield of Gravelotte and had almost reached the Moselle before this move could be counterordered, the remainder kept their places of the previous night, only following the French retreat with a screen of outposts.
Corps, but that the salient held by the enemy in that area should be left until the progress of the operations on either flank should endanger the garrison's line of retreat.
On the defeat of the royal army Leslie, intercepted in his retreat through Yorkshire, was committed to the Tower, where he remained till the Restoration in 1660.
His retreat from Jaroslau to Warsaw, with the fragments of his host, amidst three converging armies, in a marshy forest region, intersected in every direction by well-guarded rivers, was one of his most brilliant achievements.
Monk and Deane brought on a general action, in which the Dutch were outmatched, and forced to retreat to their own coast.
It was fought with extreme fury, and terminated in the retreat of the English to the Thames with a loss of 20 ships and 6000 men.
A foolish attempt was made to claim his retreat as a victory, but the allies were too severely damaged to attempt an attack on the Dutch during the rest of the year.
The allies were compelled to retreat, and De Ruyter, satisfied with having averted the invasion of his country, anchored at West-Kappel.
The French retreat to the Rhine was painful and costly, and Montecucculi then passed that river at Mainz and made for Trier.
In the retreat from Ctesiphon (117) the old emperor tasted for almost the first time the bitterness of defeat in the field.
In those localities, however, it is not the same water which varies in temperature with the season, but the water of different warm and cold currents which periodically occupy the same locality as they advance and retreat.
From this date, by a succession of royal charters and private gifts, the nunnery amassed vast wealth and privileges, and became a fashionable retreat for ladies of high rank, among whose number were Eleanor, widow of Henry III., and Mary, daughter of Edward I.
Detachments of British troops were stationed at Multai, Betul and Shahpur to cut off the retreat of Apa Sahib, the Mahratta general, and a military force was quartered at Betul until June 1862.
Wheeling to their left the pursuers drove hundreds of fugitives into the Danube, and Eugene was now pressing the army of Marsin towards Marlborough, who re-formed and faced northward to cut off its retreat.
Radetzky, the Austrian general, having received reinforcements, drove the centre of the extended Italian line back across the Mincio (23rd of July), and in the two days' fighting at Custozza (24th and 25th of July) the Piedmontese were beaten, forced to retreat, and to ask for an armistice.
Geoffrey took Elias prisoner, forced Robert of Sable to beat a retreat, and reduced the other barons to reason.
Private houses were also provided with flat roofs (azoteas) and battlements, which gave them great defensive strength, as well as a cool, secluded retreat for their inmates in the evening.
A long period of struggle followed, but, after the declaration of Portuguese independence in 1640, local opposition, and the support given to the Portuguese by the French, led to the retreat of the Dutch.
The Prussians were driven from the town, but they managed to effect a roundabout retreat to Ligny, where they rallied.
As he surveyed the field from the windmill north of Fleurus it struck him as significant that Blucher's troops were disposed parallel to the Namur road, as if to cover a forward concentration, and not at right angles to it, as they would be had they been covering a retreat.
He could at least beat Blucher and render the Prussians unfit for any serious operation except retreat on June 17, although he could no longer expect to destroy the Prussian army.
If the Prussians now retired northwards, parallel to the direction which Wellington would follow perforce on the morrow, the chance of co-operating in a decisive battle would still remain to the allies; and Gneisenau's order issued by moonlight, directing the retreat on Tilly and Wavre, went far to ensuring the possibility of such combined action.
The situation was still obscure, details as to what had happened on the French left were wanting, and the direction of Blucher's retreat was by no means certain.
Pressing danger could only exist if Blucher had gone northwards, and northwards, therefore, in the Dyle valley, he should have diligently sought for traces of the Prussian retreat.'
Their retreat having been unmolested, the Prussians were ready once more to take the field, quite twenty-four hours before Napoleon deemed it possible for the foe defeated at Ligny.
Although the emperor wrote to Ney again at noon, from Ligny, that troops had now been placed in position at Marbais to second the marshal's attack on Quatre Bras, yet Ney remained quiescent, and Wellington effected so rapid and skilful a retreat that, on Napoleon's arrival at the head of his supporting corps, 1 There appears to be no reason to believe that Grouchy pushed any reconnaissances to the northward and westward of Gentinnes on June 17; had he done so, touch with Blucher's retiring columns must have been established, and the direction of the Prussian retreat made clear.
But Lobau's heroic efforts had not been in vain; they had given his master time to make his last effort against Wellington; and when the Guard was beaten back the French troops holding Plancenoit kept free the Charleroi road, and prevented the Prussians from seizing Napoleon's line of retreat.
In a flash he realized his danger and made prompt arrangements to begin his retreat on Namur, the only line to France that was then available.
After he had minutely arranged the Eastern Detachment in a series of rearguard positions, so that each fraction of it could contribute a little to the game of delaying the enemy before retiring on the positions next in rear, the commander of the detachment, Zasulich, told him that " it was not the custom of a knight of the order of St George to retreat," and Kuropatkin did not use his authority to recall the general, who, whether competent or not, obviously misunderstood his mission.
Zasulich's medieval generalship had been modified so far that he intended to retreat when he had taught the Japanese a lesson, and therefore Kuropatkin's original arrangements were not sensibly modified.
A few moments afterwards Zasulich ordered the retreat.
The Japanese losses were 110o out of over 40,000 present, the Russian (chiefly in the retreat) at least 2500 out of some 7000 engaged.
The Rus a had just begun to retreat, in accordance with orders from higher authorities.
A few days later, Zasulich's persistent requests to be allowed to retreat and the still uncertain movements of the 2nd Army induced him once more to prepare a concentration on Mukden.
This incident suggests two reflections - first that raids or attacks in rear of the " centre of operations " are valueless, however daring, and second that had Zasulich, in his determination to be worthy of his knighthood, concentrated for battle, the presence of the Madritov detachment on the field would have prevented the lamentable and costly misunderstandings of the retreat on Hamatan.
Next morning, when Kuroki, who had conceived the mistaken idea of a general retreat of the Russians on Mukden, was preparing to pursue, the storm broke.
Then Kuropatkin's resolution collapsed, although about three divisions were still intact, and he gave the order to retreat on Mukden.
Had the two divisions still kept in Japan been present Kuroki would have had the balance of force on his side, the Russian retreat would have been confused, if not actually a rout, and the war would have been ended on Japan's own terms. As it was, after another day's fighting, Kuropatkin drew off the whole of his forces in safety, sharply repulsing an attempt at pursuit made by part of the 12th division on the 4th of September.
Kuropatkin was so far averse to retreat that he ordered a new offensive, which was carried out on the 16-17th.
Nogi and Kaulbars stood fast, facing each other on the west front; after the arrival of the general reserve, Nogi was able to prolong his line to the north and eventually to bend it inwards towards the Russian line of retreat.
On this day the fighting between Nogi and Kaulbars was very severe, and Kuropatkin now made up his mind to retreat towards Tieling.
But Nogi had not yet reached the Mukden - Tieling railway when, on the night of the 9th, every preparation having been made, Kuropatkin's retreat began.
In October 1877 the Nez Perces under Chief Joseph after a masterly retreat from Idaho of over loon m., probably unequalled in Indian warfare, were hemmed in by greatly superior forces and captured in the Bear Paw Mountains in Chouteau county.
During his retreat he was closely pursued by the Jews and surrounded in a ravine, and only succeeded in making good his escape to Antioch by sacrificing the greater part of his army and a large amount of war material.
In the west Khurshid's lieutenant, Omar Vrioni (a Mussulman Greek of the race of the Palaeologi), had inflicted a series of defeats on the insurgents, recaptured Levadia, and on the 30th of June relieved the Acropolis; but the rout of the troops which Mahommed Pasha was bringing to his aid by the Greeks in the defile of Mount Oeta, and the news of the fall of Tripolitsa, forced him to retreat, and the campaign of 1821 ended with the retirement of the Turks into Thessaly.
Of these 32,000 perished during the Serbian retreat or died of fever or cholera.
In 71 9 he defeated Ragenfrid, the Neustrian mayor of the palace, at Soissons, and forced him to retreat to Angers.
Those of them who survived or escaped the disasters of the retreat fled before the tsar's army and followed the fortunes of Napoleon in 1813 and 1814.
Sumner now came into action, and overhaste involved him in a catastrophe, his troops being attacked in front and flank and driven back in great confusion with nearly half their number killed and wounded; and their retreat involved the gallant remnants of Mansfield's corps.
He served for a time on the staffs of Washington and Putnam in 1776-77, and by his vigilance in the retreat from Long Island he saved an entire brigade from capture.
The town surrendered on the 7th of September, but disease and the defeat of the fleet by the Aragonese navy at Las Farmiguas Islands led to a retreat, during which, on the 5th of October, the king died.
In the same century the monastery of Gandersheim, south of Hanover, was the retreat of the learned nun Hroswitha, who celebrated the exploits of Otho in leonine hexameters, and composed in prose six moral and religious plays in imitation of Terence.
Be that as it may, the Poles entered Moldavia not as friends, but as foes, and, after the abortive siege of Suczawa, were compelled to retreat through the Bukowina to Sniatyn, harassed all the way by the forces of the hospodar.
Zollicoffer was killed and his army forced to make a disastrous retreat (January 19-20, 1862).
The arrival of Buell enabled the Federals to take the offensive next morning along the whole line, and by sunset on the 7th, after another sanguinary battle, Beauregard was in full retreat.
At Bruinsburg, beyond Pemberton's reach, a landing was made on the eastern bank and, without any base of supplies or line of retreat, Grant embarked upon a campaign which made him in the end master of the prize.
Hunter's assault (June 18) failed, and the Federals, unable to hold their ground, had to make a circuitous retreat to the Potomac by way of West Virginia.
Thereupon Lee and Longstreet evacuated the Petersburg and Richmond lines and began their retreat.
Roads were untrustworthy, rivers swelled suddenly, advance and retreat were conditioned and compelled, especially in the case of the ill-equipped Confederates, by the exigencies of food supply.
His provisions and his ammunition were lost, his army was compelled to retreat with considerable loss, and the emperor had to re-embark with the remnant of his troops.
At the battle of Theiningen, 1796, he contributed, more than any one else, to the successful retreat of the French army over the Rhine after its defeat by the archduke Charles.
Moreover, the diet neglected to pay for the maintenance even of this paltry 2000, with the result that they mutinied and compelled their leader to retreat through the heart of Muscovy to Smolensk.
But he lost 15,000 men in the course of his seven days' retreat, and 20% of the remainder became ineffective from disease contracted in the swamps of the Chickahominy, while enormous quantities of valuable stores at White House on the Pamunkey had been burnt to avoid seizure by the enemy.
Hill's division had been drawn again into the main operation and followed the Federal line of retreat to Malvern Hill with Huger and Magruder on their right.
The operations resulted in re-establishing the confidence of the Confederates in their army which Johnston's retreat from Yorktown had shaken, in adding prestige to President Davis and his government, and in rectifying the popular view of General Lee as a commander which had been based upon his failure to recover West Virginia in the autumn of 1861.
I came in with my horse and arms just at the retreat; but was not permitted to stay longer than the 15th by reason of the army marching to Gloucester; which would have left both me and my brothers exposed to ruin, without any advantage to his Majesty.
In 1806 he added the duties of Persian professor to his old chair, and from this time onwards his life was one of increasing honour and success, broken only by a brief period of retreat during the Hundred Days.
There, under the monuments of its glorious past, Hellenism found its last retreat.
The novice is classified according as his destination is the priesthood or lay brotherhood, while a third class of "indifferents" receives such as are reserved for further inquiry before a decision of this kind a strict retreat, practically in solitary confinement, during which he receives from a director, yet relying on Thine infinite kindness and mercy and impelled by the desire of serving Thee, before the Most Holy Virgin Mary and all Thy heavenly host, I, N., vow to Thy divine Majesty Poverty, Chastity and Perpetual Obedience to the Society of Jesus, and promise that I will enter the same Society to live in it perpetually, understanding all things according to the Constitutions of the Society.
The armies were very large, an expedition often consisting of several divisions, each numbering eight thousand men; but the tactics of the commanders were quite rudimentary, consisting merely of attack by arrows and javelins at a distance, gradually closing into a hand-to-hand fight with clubs and spears, with an occasional feigned retreat to draw the enemy into an ambuscade.
His defence of Amsterdam against the AngloRussian expedition under the duke of York was completely successful; the invaders were defeated, and compelled, after a miserable retreat, to re-embark.
Delaying until the 12th of October, Howe again moved forward by water into Westchester county, and marching toward White Plains forced another retreat on Washington.
On the 6th of August he was met at Oriskany by General Nicholas Herkimer and forced to retreat.
At Green Spring, near Jamestown Island, Lafayette boldly attacked his antagonist on the 6th of July, but had to save himself by a hasty retreat.
The British navy was able to cover the retreat of the army from Boston to Halifax in April 1776, and to convey it to New York in'June.
The relief of Quebec by Captain - afterwards Sir Charles - Douglas in May 1776 forced the American general Arnold to retreat.
Originally organized as an asram, or retreat, by the Maharshi, it was developed by Rabindranath into a school conducted on unconventional lines, and he aimed at enlarging it into an international university which should comprehend the whole range of eastern culture.
In the general confusion following on Charles Albert's defeat on the Mincio and his retreat to Milan, where the people rose against the unhappy king, Fanti's courage and tact saved the situation.
Certain extraordinary features were produced when the retreat of the ice sheet had progressed so far as to open an eastward outlet for the marginal lakes along the depression between the northward slope of the Appalachian plateau in west-central New York and the southward slope of the melting ice sheet; for when this eastward outlet came to be lower than the south-westward outlet across the height of land to the Ohio or Mississippi river, the discharge of the marginal lakes was changed from the Mississippi system to the Hudson system.
Farther north in Montana, beyond the gorge of the Missouri river, the structure of the Front Range is altogether different; it is here the carved residual of a great mass of moderately bent Palaeozoic strata, overthrust eastward upon the Mesozoic strata of the plains; instead of exposing the oldest rocks along the axis and the youngest rocks low down on the flanks, the younger rocks of the northern range follow its axis, and the oldest rocks outcrop along its eastern flanks, where they override the much younger strata of the plains; the harder strata, instead of lapping on the mountain flanks in great slab-like masses, as in the Bighorns, form out-facing scarps, which retreat into the mountain interior where they are cut down by outfiowing streams.
Some of the bess is thought to have been derived by the wind from the surface of the drift soon after the retreat of the ice, before vegetation got a foothold upon the new-made deposit; but a large part of the bess, especially that associated with the main valleys, appears to have been blown up on to the bluffs of the valleys from the flood plains below.
A small British force sent to assist in its defence proved altogether inadequate and had to retreat to Aden.
The years from 1848 to 1858 were alluded to subsequently as "the veiled period " of her life, and she spoke vaguely of a seven years' sojourn in " Little and Great Tibet," or preferably of a " Himalayan retreat."
Three Indian villages bore the name Chillicothe, each being in turn the chief town of the Chillicothe, one of the four tribal divisions of the Shawnee, in their retreat before the whites; the village near what is now Oldtown in Greene county was destro y ed by George Rogers Clark in 1780; that in Miami county, where Piqua is now, was destroyed by Clark in 1782; and the Indian village near the present Chillicothe was destroyed in 1787 by Kentuckians.
The retreat of the ice left Canada much in its present condition except for certain post-glacial changes of level which seem to be still in progress.
All the glaciers are now in retreat, with old tree-covered moraines, hundreds or thousands of feet lower down the valley.
But, on the news of Louis Philippe's acceptance of the crown, he gave up the contest and began a dignified retreat to the sea-coast, followed by his suite, and surrounded by the infantry, cavalry and artillery of the guard.
Weighing the dangers of delay, of retreat, and of an attack with his single division of 4500 men, supported only by 5000 native levies of doubtful quality, Wellesley convinced himself that an immediate attack, though against greatly superior forces (30,000 horse, io,000 European-drilled infantry and loo well-served guns) in a strong position, was the wisest course.
The French attack was repelled, but other roads were open to the invader, and Wellington continued his retreat.
Massena retreated, devastating the country to check the pursuit, but on several occasions his rearguard was deeply engaged, and such were the sufferings of his army, both in the invasion and in the retreat, that the French, when they re-entered Spain, had lost 30,000 men.
But after capturing Badajoz, Soult learnt that Massena was in retreat, and also that his own forces at Cadiz had been beaten.
During this retreat he announced.
The forest is traditionally noted as the retreat of Robin Hood, whose cave is seen at Papplewick near Newstead.
In the 14th century the peninsula became the chosen retreat of several of the emperors, and the monasteries were thrown into commotion by the famous dispute over the mystical Hesychasts.
In 1643 it stood a siege of six weeks, but the new governor Ferdinando Fairfax, 2nd Baron Fairfax, obliged the Royalist army to retreat by opening the sluices and placing the surrounding country under water.
The decree of the 10th of September 1866 formally annexed Hanover to Prussia, when it became a province of that kingdom, while King George from his retreat at Hietzing appealed in vain to the powers of Europe.
In September 1620 its author was compelled to take refuge in Geneva, where he found a secure retreat for the last ten years of his life, though the hatred of the French court showed itself in procuring a sentence of death to be recorded against him more than once.
The Allied sovereigns were for continuing the fight; Schwarzenberg, however, knowing the exhaustion of his troops decided to retreat.
The battle was drawn, but it led to the retreat of the crusaders on Damietta, and to the surrender of St Louis.
Thus the turning movement came to a standstill far short of Uffingen, the village on Mercy's line of retreat that Turenne was to have seized, nor was a flank attack possible against Mercy's main line, from which he was separated by the crest of the Schonberg.
A sharp action began, but Mercy hearing the drums and fifes of the French infantry in the Glotter Tal broke it off and continued his retreat in good order.
While the French were marching on Naples there arose a hostile coalition which compelled them to beat a hasty retreat - the Holy League of March 1495.
The little Skell descends from the uplands of Pateley Moor to the west a clear swift stream, traversing a valley clothed with woods, conspicuous among which are some ancient yew trees which may have sheltered the monks who first sought retreat here.
Charles was several times compelled to purchase their retreat at a heavy price.
In the Eastern Alps the political history is almost monotonous, for it relates simply to the advance or retreat of the house of Habsburg, which still holds all but the whole of the northern portion (the exception is the small bit in the north-west that belongs to Bavaria) of that region.
With the return of a milder climate, the so-called northern forms of the present alpine flora were split in two, one portion following close on the northern ice in its gradual retreat to the Arctic, the other following the shrinking glaciers till the plants were able to establish (or re-establish) themselves on the slopes of the Alps.
There was division among his advisers and desertion among his men, and on the 6th of December he reluctantly was forced to begin his retreat northward.
At Falkirk, on the 17th of January 1746, he defeated General Hawley, who had marched from Edinburgh to intercept his retreat.
Jovian at once continued the retreat begun by Julian, and succeeded, continually harassed by the Persians, in reaching the banks of the Tigris, where a humiliating treaty was concluded with the Persian king, Shapur II.
Meanwhile the enemy broke up camp, and, although harassed by native levies raised by the British, effected an orderly retreat.
Before Ottway, who had to go in a row-boat, reached the "Elephant," Sir Hyde Parker had reflected that it would be more magnanimous in him to take the responsibility of ordering the retreat.
The frigates opposite the Trekroner did retreat, Captain Riou being slain as they drew off.
Edward, compelled by famine, had already given orders for a retreat when he received information.
Hume certainly did his utmost to secure for Rousseau a comfortable retreat in England, but his usually sound judgment seems at first to have been quite at fault with regard to his protege.
He, however, made good his retreat to the capital, and, on the advance of a French army, the prince of Orange did not deem it prudent to push on farther.
During the retreat of the Paraguayans the dictator ordered every town and village passed through to be razed to the ground, and every living animal for which no use could be found to be slaughtered.
But his fame went abroad and a number of would-be disciples came and took up their abode in the caves and among the rocks that surrounded his retreat, and called on him to guide them in the path of life they had chosen.
But his men refused to retreat farther, and in a pitched battle which followed soon afterwards the rebel army was annihilated.
It is thoroughly terrestrial, selecting for its retreat in the daytime holes made by small mammals, or interstices between stones.
By a skilful retreat he brought his corps intact to Paris on September 7th.
As quickly as possible Otto placed himself at the head of a great army and marched to Paris, but he was compelled to retreat without taking the city, and in 980 peace was made.
For this purpose he took Albert Alcibiades into his service, but after a stubborn fight his troops were compelled to retreat in January 1553.
The disastrous retreat of the French from Moscow in 1812 gave Germany the occasion she desired.
In religious usage, a "retreat" is a period and place set apart for prayer, self-examination and other spiritual exercises.
The advance of Rome after the retreat of Pyrrhus kept the new king from all hope of their Italian position.
The Carmathians were gradually forced to retreat from Egypt and then from Syria by some successful engagements, and by the judicious use of bribes, whereby dissension was sown among their leaders.
It had its hot fits and its cold fits, and it gave orders now to advance and now to retreat.
Major Marchand had to retire from Fashoda, and as a concession to French susceptibilities he was allowed to retreat by the Abyssinian route.
Famine and disease broke out in Khatem Musas camp in 1895, and a retreat was made towards Kordofan.
Bishara and his men retreated, but were pursued by the Egyptians until the retreat became a hopeless rout.
The khalifa was now in full retreat, and the sirdar, sending his cavalry in pursuit, marched into Omdurman.
The day was already decided in favour of the French when their wings began to close inwards to cut off the retreat of the imperial centre.
Eventually, and long after the imperial army had begun its retreat, the gallant schiltron was ridden down and annihilated by a charge of three thousand men-at-arms. Reginald was taken prisoner in the melee; and the prisoners also included two other counts, Ferdinand and William Longsword, twenty-five barons and over a hundred knights.
Nizami accepted the royal gift, but his resolve to keep aloof from a servile courtlife was not shaken by it, and he forthwith returned to his quiet retreat.
Meanwhile David Leslie, with singularly excellent strategy, foiled and evaded Cromwell in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, till the great cavalry leader was forced to retreat towards England.
The marriage was unhappy; James was eternally occupied with the business of his cause and the feuds of his adherents; Clementina lost her gaiety and became causelessly jealous; and her retreat to a convent in 1725 was a greater blow to the cause than the failure of Atterbury's plot (1720), the alleged treason of Mar and the splits in the Jacobite party.
A broken-hearted man, Charles was compelled to acquiesce in retreat.
The retreat was admirably conducted; Lord George and Cluny fought a gallant and successful rear guard at Clifton; they escaped from Cumberland across the border, but Charles, against advice, left a doomed garrison in Carlisle.
Though outflanked, enfiladed and met by heavy musketry fire in front, the right wing broke Barrel's regiment and passed the guns, but the attack was checked by the bayonets of the second line and a rapid retreat became general.
He was thus engaged when the retreat from Moscow and the uprising of Prussia transferred the seat of war to central Germany.
It was formerly isolated by marshes and accessible only by boat or artificial causeway, and under these conditions it gained its historical fame as the retreat of King Alfred in 8 8-87 when he was unable to withstand the incursions of the Danes.
After regaining his throne he founded a monastery here in gratitude for the retreat afforded him by the island; no traces of it exist above ground, but remains have been excavated.
He was present at Coulmiers, Villepion and Loigny-Poupry, in command of a division, and in Chanzy's retreat upon Le Mans and the battle at that place in command of a corps.
He arrived at his destination in safety; and the sympathies of the people, which had roused them to fire the cathedral and senate-house on the day of his exile, followed him to his obscure retreat.
Castlereagh, in the name of Great Britain, had cordially approved this invitation, as "implying negotiation" and therefore as a retreat from the position taken up in the Troppau Protocol.
Luther became alarmed, and, not without a private hint from the elector of Saxony,' left his retreat and appeared among his townsmen.
Having, after the retreat to the Rhine (see French Revolutionary Wars), declined the chief Command, he withdrew into private life early in 1798.
Afghanistan appears to be, during the breeding season, the retreat of a variety of Indian and some African (desert) forms, whilst in winter the avifauna becomes overwhelmingly Eurasian.
Here he was obliged by the temper of his army to retrace his steps, and retreat to the Jhelum, whence he sailed down the river to its confluence with the Indus, and thence to Patala, probably the modern Hyderabad.
In 1628 the Dutch won over the native governor there, and the English were compelled to retreat to Armagon, where they built the first English fort in India.
The disastrous retreat of Colonel Monson through Central India (1804) recalled memories of the convention of Wargaum, and of the destruction of Colonel Baillie's force by Hyder Ali.
He was subsequently defeated by the Austrians several times and forced to retreat, and on the 18th of May he sailed from Naples for France (see Murat, Joaciiim).
Retreat by land was thus virtually impossible.
He was finally made bishop of Montefiascone, and settled down in that little Italian town - but not for long, for in 1798 the French drove him from his retreat, and he sought refuge in Venice and St Petersburg.
Athanaric next attempted to establish himself in the territory between the Pruth and the Danube, and with this object set about heightening the old Roman wall which Trajan had erected in north-eastern Dacia; before his fortifications, however, were complete, the Huns were again upon him, and without a battle he was forced to retreat to the Danube.
Once indeed, in 409, they are said to have crossed the Danube and invaded Bulgaria under perhaps the same chief (Uldin), but extensive desertions soon compelled a retreat.
The defences of Tientsin, however, saved the capital, and the rebels were forced to retreat.
Zohair had been obliged to retreat to Barca (Cyrenaica).
He retook Kairawan, swept the coast as far as Carthage, which he sacked, expelling the Greek garrisons from all the fortified places; he then turned his arms against the Berbers, who, commanded by the Kahina (Diviner), as the Arabs called their queen, beat him so completely that he was compelled to retreat to Barca.
A year later the province was reconquered by the Tahirid governor of Khorasan, so that Hasan was obliged to retreat for refuge to the land of the Dailam.
The retreat was covered by the Vicenza battalion of Alpini, who fought a gallant rear-guard action, and a strong counter-attack by the group of Alpini from Marostica checked the Austrian pursuit.
A retreat was ordered to the Portule line, east of the Val d'Assa, which was supposed to be the principal line of resistance.
On May 26 the situation was such that Cadorna thought it wise to make further preparations for a step which he had already considered and planned - a retreat from the Isonzo and Cadoro.
With the possibility of a general retreat in view, it seemed necessary to withdraw the heaviest impedimenta in good time.
Attacking on May 25, all along the line, the Italians found the invaders in retreat.
To those who maintain that Cadorna should have sacrificed everything in order to improve his defensive position in the Trentino sector, it may be answered that the line on which he stopped (or rather the modification of it necessitated by the retreat after Caporetto), properly prepared, backed by other lines in sufficient depth, and adequately served by new roads, was maintained until the end of the war.
At I P.M., when Ney resumed his advance, it was too late to cut off the retreat of the allies.
Preparations had been made by the allies, ever since Ney's appearance,to break off the engagement, and now the tsar ordered a general retreat eastwards, himself with the utmost skill and bravery directing the rearguard.
It was just above Borizov that Napoleon's army forced the passage of the Berezina, with enormous losses, on the 26th-28th of November 1812, during the retreat from Moscow.
Portsmouth (Portsmue, Portesmuth) owes its origin to the retreat of the sea from Porchester, and its importance to its favourable position for a naval station.
Khan Minyeh is beautifully situated in a "fertile plain formed by the retreat of the mountains about the middle of the western shore" of the Sea of Galilee.
In 1796 there were here several encounters between the French under General Jourdan and the troops of the archduke Johan, which resulted in the retreat of the French across the Rhine.
Vergniaud was offered a safe retreat.
After the retreat of the British troops from Kabul, Shah Shuja shut himself up in the Bala Hissar.
He left this retreat on the 5th of April 1842, and was immediately killed by the adherents of Dost Mahommed and his son Akbar Khan.
In 307 he brought the emperor Flavius Valerius Severus a captive to Rome, and also compelled Galerius to retreat, but in 308 he was himself driven by Maxentius from Italy into Illyricum, whence again he was compelled to seek refuge at Arelate (Arles), the court of his son-in-law, Constantine.
He survived the retreat, but his health was so broken that he retired to his native town of Besancon for a time.
On the 3 rd of October Beirut fell; and Ibrahim, cut off from his communications by sea, and surrounded by a hostile population, began a hurried retreat southward.
The part played by the cavalry corps in the pursuit of Lee was most conspicuous, and Sheridan himself commanded the large forces of infantry and cavalry which cut off Lee's retreat and compelled the surrender of the famous Army of Northern Virginia (see American Civil War and Petersburg).
When evening fell the position was still in the hands of the Italians, but the battle had gone badly for the defenders further south, and a retreat to the Stol became necessary.
A gallant detachment (Alpini and details of the Etna brigade), finding retreat impossible, held out for days on Monte Nero till the battle had gone far to the W., and all their food and ammunition were gone.
Corps (Caviglia), and the order had been given to Caviglia and Albricci to withdraw their troops to their main lines of defence and to the former to prepare for a retreat across the Isonzo.
He gave orders for resistance on these lines, but at the same time he directed that plans and orders should be drawn up for a general retreat to the Tagliamento.
Cadorna agreed as to the probable necessity of retreat, but he was doubtful as to whether it should be immediate.
He at once drew up the orders for a general retreat beyond the Tagliamento, and his plans were already matured for the longer retreat, across the Piave, which he foresaw would probably be necessary.
The mournful retreat began on Oct.
The danger of losing more men and guns on the retreat became still greater.
Cadorna did not expect to stay long on the Tagliamento, but he did hope to hold up the enemy long enough to give adequate time for the retreat of the Carnia force and the IV.
Two divisions under Di Giorgio had been dispatched to hold this line, but their march, at right angles to the line of the retreat and athwart the long streams of retiring troops and civilians, had been very difficult.
It was natural, perhaps, that he should not have realized fully and at once the urgent necessities of the situation, but his hesitation to act promptly in accordance with Cadorna's instructions exposed him to the danger of having the retreat of his right wing cut off.
Army in reserve at once, to be reorganized and refitted; but the delay in the retreat of the IV.
The converging retreat of the IV.
Armies had been sorely tried by the retreat.
Army, which had been largely responsible for the extent of the enemy's initial success, and the tremendous strain of the retreat had naturally been responsible for further breakdowns.
The behaviour of the majority of the troops had been beyond all praise, but all were now worn-out, physically fatigued by the long trial of the retreat and suffering from the great moral depression caused by unexpected defeat and retirement from the lines they had held so long.
These works had been ordered with the double object of strengthening the defences of the Val Brenta against an attack from the N., and of providing against the possibility of a retreat to the Piave, which Cadorna had been compelled to consider once before, in May 1916.
When retreat became inevitable, the prospects might well have seemed desperate to those who had to organize it.
The retreat, with all its confusion, its mistakes and its tragedies, remains an astonishing achievement.
In the disastrous invasion of the land of the Hetware, in which Hygelac was killed, Beowulf killed many of the enemy, amongst them a chieftain of the Hugas, named Daghrefn, apparently the slayer of Hygelac. In the retreat he once more displayed his powers as a swimmer, carrying to his ship the armour of thirty slain enemies.
At Prenzlau Prince Hohenlohe, with his corps of 12,000 men, surrendered to Murat on the retreat after the battle of Jena in October 1806.
Washington's retreat through New Jersey; the manner in which he turned and struck his pursuers at Trenton and Princeton, and then established himself at Morristown, so as to make the way to Philadelphia impassable; the vigour with which he handled his army at the Brandywine and Germantown; the persistence with which he held the strategic position of Valley Forge through the dreadful winter of 1777-1778, in spite of the misery of his men, the clamours of the people and the impotence and meddling of the fugitive Congress - all went to show that the fibre of his public character had been hardened to its permanent quality.
Cil, a retreat, said to be akin to the Goidelic kil - Ciliau-Aeron, Cilcennin.
Into this fight Guy's reserve, charged with holding back the Saracens in Acre, was also drawn, and, thus freed, 5000 men sallied out from the town to the northward; uniting with the Saracen right wing, they fell upon the Templars, who suffered severely in their retreat.
For this purpose the tiger will leave its retreat in the dense jungle, proceed to the neighbourhood of a village or gowrie, where cattle feed, and during the night steal on and strike down a bullock, drag it into a secluded place, and then remain near the "murrie" or "kill," for several days, until it has eaten it, when it will proceed in search of a further supply, and, having found good hunting ground in the vicinity of a village or gowrie, continue its ravages, destroying one or two cows or buffaloes a week.
In this quiet retreat Spinoza spent nearly five years.
The president remained concealed in this retreat until the r8th of September.
Antony then attacked the Parthians in 36 B.C., and penetrated through Armenia into Atropatene, but was defeated by Phraates IV.who in 37 B.C. had murdered his father Orodes 1.and compelled to retreat with heavy losses.
He made one vain attempt to regain his possessions in the Persian Gulf; but the Portuguese fleet which had promised to transport his troops to Bahrein was defeated by the imam of Muscat and forced to retreat to Goa.
The fidelity of the commander to whom that chieftain had confided the care of the pass leading into Mazandarn, was corrupted; and, as no further retreat was open to him, he found himself under the necessity of fighting.
Emin (who about this time was raised to the rank of pasha) had some thoughts of a retreat to Zanzibar, but decided to remain where he was and endeavour to hold his own.
He also visited Mme de Stael in her retreat at Coppet.
He remained in captivity during the British occupation, during the disastrous retreat of the army of occupation in January 1842, and until the recapture of Kabul in the autumn of 1842.
From Lisbon Moore marched north-eastward with about 3 2,000 men to assist the Spanish armies against Napoleon; his subsequent retreat to join Sir David Baird in Galicia, in January 1809, diverted the pursuing army under Napoleon to the north-west, and temporarily saved Portugal from attack.
The Portuguese troops cut Massena's communications; the peasants, under instructions from Wellington, had already laid waste their own farms, destroyed the roads and bridges by which Massena might retreat, and burned their boats on the Tagus.
On the 5th of March 1811, after a winter of terrible sufferings, Massena's retreat began; he was harassed by the allied troops all the way to Sabugal, where the last rearguard action in Portugal took place on the 3rd of April.
In June 1823 the expedition of General Santa Cruz, prepared with great zeal and activity at Lima, marched in two divisions upon Upper Peru, and in the following months of July and August the whole country between La Paz and Oruro was occupied by his forces; but later, the indecision and want of judgment displayed by Santa Cruz allowed a retreat to be made before a smaller royalist army, and a severe storm converted their retreat into a precipitate flight, only a remnant of the expedition again reaching Lima.
General Daza, who should have cooperated with Buendia, turned back, on receiving news of the Peruvian defeat, and led the Bolivian troops to Tacna in a hasty and somewhat disorderly retreat.
Actually, a pursuit would have closed the campaign, for the Turkish retreat had converted itself into a rout.
Accordingly, Nazim issued orders for retreat.
I, with various tactical incidents, of which the most important was a successful night-attack of the Bulgarians at Turk Bey, the Turks disengaged themselves, beginning from the left, and by the 2nd the three corps on the right were also in retreat.
Thus Ivanov was cut off from the railwa y, and his only line of retreat lay up the narrow Struma valley to Jumaya.
He won further distinction in the disastrous retreat from Moscow.
Thurn occupied Moravia, which now threw in its lot with Bohemia, and he even advanced on Vienna, but was soon obliged to retreat.
From a Franciscan he became a Benedictine, and from Fontenay he moved to Maillezais, of which Geoffroy d'Estissac was bishop. But even this learned and hospitable retreat did not apparently satisfy Rabelais.
A large detachment of his army having been cut up by one of Lucullus's lieutenant-generals, the king decided on instant retreat.
The retreat soon became a disorderly flight, Mithradates himself escaping with difficulty into Lesser Armenia..
Lucullus was obliged to retreat into Asia Minor, leaving Tigranes and Mithradates masters of Pontus and Cappadocia.
Sir George Carteret again sent over his kinsman Philip Carteret to be governor of the eastern part of New Jersey, and the two governors arrived in October 1674 in the same ship. A disagreement arose as to 3 It has been supposed that Fenwicke and Byllynge intended to establish in America a retreat for those who desired religious and political freedom.
The council, which had the support of Admiral Russell, afterwards earl of Orford, considered that a retreat to the Gunfleet would have fatal consequences, by which they no doubt meant that it would leave the French free to land troops for the support of the Jacobites.
We may also refer many of his most important treatises in prose, as well as a large portion of his Latin correspondence, to the leisure he enjoyed in this retreat.
In 1809, after his defeat by Sir John Moore, he invadedPortugal and took Oporto, but, busying himself with the political settlement of his conquests in the French interests and, as he hoped, for his own ultimate benefit as a possible candidate for the throne, he neglected to advance upon Lisbon, and was eventually dislodged from Oporto by Sir Arthur Wellesley, making a painful and almost disastrous retreat over the mountains.
Keith followed the enemy to Brest on their retreat, but was unable to bring them to action.
Coulon de Jumonville, in which Jumonville and several of his men were killed; the building, at Great Meadows, by Washington, of Fort Necessity, and its capitulation (July 3); and the retreat of Washington to Virginia.
On his return, after i108, he found William lecturing no longer at Notre-Dame, but in a monastic retreat outside the city, and there battle was again joined between them.
His retreat becoming known, students flocked from Paris, and covered the wilderness around him with their tents and huts.
On the 30th of June Sir Henry Lawrence ordered a reconnaissance in force from Lucknow, which met the enemy at Chinhat; but the native sepoys and artillerymen turned traitors, and Sir Henry was forced to retreat to the residency, where the siege now began.
Being slightly reinforced, he advanced on the 5th of August, and again turned the enemy out of Busherutgunge, but was again obliged by cholera to retreat to Mangalwar; and on receipt of news from Neill that the enemy were assembling at Bithur, he returned to Cawnpore, and abandoned for the time the attempt to relieve Lucknow.
But Dirk entrenched himself in his stronghold at Vlaardingen, and when winter came on he surrounded and cut off with his light boats a number of the enemy's ships, and destroyed a large part of their army as they made their way amidst the marches, which impeded their retreat.
The government offices occupy spacious buildings, once a royal summer retreat; the government is that of an ordinary provincial division (Monton).
It also uses the burrow as a safe retreat during moulting and guards its cocoon and young in its depths.
In the autumn of 1864 Sterling Price led a brilliant but rather bootless Confederate raid across the state, along the Missouri River, and was only forced to retreat southward by defeat at Westport (Kansas City).
The Poles avoided an encounter in the open field, but harried the Germans so successfully around Breslau that the plain was covered with corpses, which Henry had to leave to the dogs on his disastrous retreat; hence the scene of the action was known as "the field of dogs."
The confused and legendary notices of the journeyings of 1 These were at first simple huts, built for the mendicants in some grove of palm-trees as a retreat during the rainy season; but they gradually increased in splendour and magnificence till the decay of Buddhism set in.
Mackinnon, being sent with a small force with the object of securing the chief, was attacked in a narrow defile by a large body of Kaffirs, and compelled to retreat with some loss.
In the campaign of 1796 the famous invasion of Germany by the armies of Jourdan and Moreau ended in disaster, and Marceau's men covered Jourdan's retreat over the Rhine.
Speaking generally, a range of hills, known as the Western Ghats, runs down the coast, at places rising in splendid bluffs and precipices from the water's edge, at others retreat moun- i n inland, and leavin g a flat fertile strip of to o m.
He accompanied this emperor, for whom he expresses enthusiastic admiration, in his campaigns against the Alamanni and the Persians; after his death he took part in the retreat of Jovian as far as Antioch, where he was residing when the conspiracy of Theodorus (371) was discovered and cruelly put down.
But he found no support in England, and the mere numbers brought against him compelled him to retreat, to find defeat at Culloden in the following year (I 746).
Hoche himself, with the French admiral, had been driven far to the westward in an effort to avoid capture; the attempt of Grouchy, in his absence, to land a force was defeated by the weather, and by the end of the month the whole expedition was in full retreat for Brest.
The year 1812 saw Napoleons invasion of Russia, and the disastrous Liverpool ministry, retreat from Moscow.
The Allies were in their turn dispossessed by Pichegru in December and forced to retreat behind the Rhine.
But in regard to date there has been a remarkable retreat from the earlier critical assertions.
He found a retreat in France, where he could unite calm reflection upon the legitimate operations of " human understanding " with attention to his health.
On hearing of these disasters Lafayette found it necessary to retreat.
Within ten days after the affair of Valmy they began their retreat.
Napoleon on his retreat from Leipzig defeated the Germans under Marshal Wrede at Hanau, on the 30th of October 1813; and on the following day the allies vacated the town, when it was entered by the French.
Clinton strengthened his rearguard, which turned upon the Americans and compelled them to retreat.
When Washington, who was well up with his main body, heard of Lee's retreat, he spurred forward and exerted himself in forming a strong line of battle in case the British continued their determined attack.
By brilliant generalship he outwitted Henry and succeeded in relieving Paris; but owing to lack of money and supplies he was compelled immediately to retreat to the Netherlands, abandoning on the march many stragglers and wounded, who were killed by the peasantry, and leaving all the positions he had taken to be recaptured by Henry.
He was buried at Great Meadows, where the remnant of the column halted on its retreat to reorganize.
Rude earthen or stockaded forts, serving as magazines and places of retreat, were erected; or in some cases use was made of strongholds already existing, such as Dun Almain in Kildare, Dunlavin in Wicklow and Fermoy in Cork.
They distinguished themselves at Civita Castellana, a little town which they took; but the Austrians arrived in force, and during the retreat Napoleon Louis, the elder son, took cold, followed by measles, of which he died.
After the defeat of Reichshoffen, when Bazaine was thrown back upon Metz, he wished to retreat upon Paris.
He penetrated as far as Paris, devastating the country through which he passed, but failed to take the town, and was forced to retreat with heavy loss.
The retreat of the Arabs, who were further weakened by religious disputes, enabled him to restore Frankish rule in Aquitaine in spite of Hunald, son of Odo.
The retreat to France of Pope Alexander III., after he had been driven from Rome by the emperor Frederick in favor of the anti-pope Victor, revived Louiss moral prestige.
Philip returned from Spain only to die at Perpignan, ending his insignificant reign as he had begun it, amid the sorrows of a disastrous retreat (12 70I 285).
Frontenac, bold and fearless, sent a defiant answer to the hostile admiral, and handled so vigorously the forces he had collected as completely to repulse the enemy, who in their hasty retreat left behind a few pieces of artillery on the Beauport shore.
Bragg indeed expected that Rosecrans would be starved into retreat.
The French were repulsed from Valencia; and Dupont, who had advanced into the heart of Andalusia, was compelled to retreat and ultimately to capitulate with all his forces at Baylen (July 10).
Above Bagillt is Bryn Dychwelwch, "Hill of Retreat," so called from the retreat effected by Owen Gwynedd, when pursued by Henry II., with superior numbers.
To smooth the way for the retreat of the Egyptian garrisons and civilians he issued proclamations announcing that the suppression of the slave trade was abandoned, that the Mandi was sultan of Kordofan, and that the Sudan was independent of Egypt.
All hope of a peaceful retreat of the Egyptians was thus rendered impossible.
She and her husband both appreciated him, and amidst the woods of this retreat he composed several of his books.
He found a retreat as chaplain in the house of the Hon.
St Joseph's Retreat is the mother-house of the Passionist Fathers in England.
The battle of Sacile, where he fought against the Austrian army of the Archduke John, did not yield proofs of military talent on the part of Eugene or of Macdonald; but on the retreat of the enemy into Austrian territory (owing to the disasters of their main army on the Danube) Eugene's forces pressed them vigorously and finally won an important victory at Raab in the heart of the Austrian empire.
He and they distinguished themselves especially at the battles of Borodino and Malojaroslavitz; and on several occasions during the disastrous retreat which ensued, Eugene's soldierly constancy and devotion to Napoleon shone out conspicuously in 1813-1814, especially by contrast with the tergiversations of Murat.
On his retreat from Legnano in 1176 Barbarossa set fire to Susa; but the town became more than ever important when Emmanuel Philibert'fortified it at great expense in the 16th century.
But as his warnings had been disregarded, he issued a document after the emperor's retreat from Brescia, teeming with complaints against Frederick, and followed it up by an open alliance with the Lombards, and by the excommunication of the emperor on the 10th of March 1239.
He penetrated to the plains of Bessarabia, where his retreat was cut off and he was forced to surrender.
In consequence of this peculiarity, climatic or orographic changes in Europe tend to drive animals and plants into a cul de sac, from which there is no escape; but in America similar climatic waves merely cause the species alternately to retreat and advance.
With this refusal vanished all hope of a peaceful retreat of the Egyptian garrisons.
However, she had to retreat to Paris, where she practically commanded the Bastille and the adjoining part of the walls.
There, during the disastrous retreat from Santarem to Almeida, he suffered a check which brought him into disfavour.
His object was to pin Gustavus fast to Nuremberg and cut off his retreat northwards.
They were, however, compelled to retreat before the reinforcements sent by Belisarius and Narses; thus the Byzantines, after various vicissitudes, became masters of the town, appointed a duke as its governor, and included it in the exarchate of Ravenna.
Here the French were victors, but owing to their heavy losses and the death of their renowned leader, Gaston de Foix, were compelled to retreat.
According to the hurried phone call Quinn has spent the last three months at this water side retreat writing a paper on some obscure theoretical principal.
The Deans, left in the hall, could only retreat downstairs.
As the two stepped back in retreat, Frederick spoke, Your Excellence, if Victor cannot be destroyed, he will surely exact vengeance on this pair.
Four further Haganah armored cars were sent to the rescue, but were also ambushed and forced to retreat.
Angora kennel is an ideal retreat for your pet, and will help them feel warm and secure.
The dragoons did not assail the right wing till the retreat had commenced.
I promised to do so, feeling somewhat astonished that he should deem me capable of a retreat.
Never mind that the map of Europe is turning blue and that social democratic collectivism is in headlong retreat.
In certain seasons of the year, chiefly between October and March, these birds make fearful commotion in their retreat.
Sherman took Atlanta and forced the confederates to retreat north to Tennessee.
The property is an old working dairy transformed into an intimate retreat with six distinctive lodgings.
Ultra chic and utterly decadent myhotel chelsea is an urban retreat where the feel of a bohemian country house meets contemporary glamor.
In his retreat he was still vividly haunted by the demon " Bread Tax.
There had been wholesale desertions on the road south and on December 5th Charles reluctantly agreed to retreat.
As we retreat back into space we make a brief detour to view Triton, Neptune's largest moon.
You can't suddenly attain enlightenment by going on a weekend meditation retreat.
In a fierce firefight, the 5th Gurkhas had to be sent up to cover the retreat of the Indian battalions.
Barossa Valley Nestled on the banks of Jacobs Creek, this traditional stone homestead has been cleverly crafted into a magnificent vineyard retreat.
One response to climate change has been the retreat of five ice shelves, floating extensions of the grounded ice sheet.
The illustrated site describes the advance and retreat of the Laurentide continental ice sheet.
All went swimmingly, the Beat Retreat including Highland Cathedral for which the 1st lieutenant on bagpipes joined us in full Scottish regalia.
When the grammar lessons were becoming too monotonous I would retreat to the questions and unknowns of global politics.
All contain recessional moraines associated with Late Midlandian ice retreat.
Glacial retreat moraines are in evidence at Gunnerside Bridge, Lower Whita Bridge, below Grinton Bridge and by Ellerton Abbey.
Funded pensions, a great British success story, are now in headlong retreat.
They began an orderly retreat to their two fortified redoubts, closely followed by the Black Watch and Cameron Highlanders.
We watched the owl briefly, then beat a hasty retreat, to minimize the disturbance caused to it.
Sunset is the idyllic seaside retreat for touring, you are close to all amenities.
A peaceful retreat for painters & writers yet only 2 minutes walk from the local shops of Newport.
Name 3 PULL factors 4. What do we mean by the term ' managed retreat '?
The accommodation has provided the cozy romantic retreat we had hoped for.
The residents garden provides a tranquil retreat for people with mental health issues.
In the short term, glacier retreat may have some benefits.
Do you want a practical weekend retreat or a long-term stay?
What a cracking hill, and it's a Buddhist retreat as well.
So they retreat into a nostalgic reverie for an idyllic England that never existed, but which cricket is meant to symbolize.
Mykines is a tiny solitary retreat, unless you are a migrating seabird!
At last he found a safe retreat in Egypt, where he became the setter forth of strange and startling doctrines.
It is ideal for those wanting to run a traditional smallholding or those wanting a retreat.
One of the unique features of the hotel is the shallow sand spit which connects The Retreat to the beautiful beaches on the island.
After he had caught typhus, he was captured by the Red Army in the course of a Black retreat.
You can retreat to the gardens, shelter in one of the conservatories, admire the vistas cleverly created by the original designer.
The Iraqi forces are most likely to fire chemical warheads to cover their retreat or to put down an internal uprising, officials said.
It is interesting as the residence of Lazarus and his sisters, and a favourite retreat of Jesus (see especially John xi., which describes the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus at this place).
When on the 29th of May Chauncey was attacked at Sackett's Harbor, he would certainly have been overpowered if Sir George Prevost had not insisted on a retreat at the very moment when the American shipbuilding yard was in danger of being burnt, with a ship of more than eight hundred tons on the stocks.
From this retreat Gavin Douglas was sent by the earl to the English court, to ask for aid against the French party and against the queen, who was reported to be the mistress of the regent.
The city of Trapezus was a colony of Sinope, but it first comes into notice at the time of the Retreat of the Ten Thousand, who found repose there.
But when at the very last extremity through famine, a tempestuous flood enabled the vessels of Orange to reach Leiden, and the investing force was driven to retreat (October 3, 1 574).
Baratieri, after a futile attempt to direct the retreat, fled in haste and reached Adi-Caj before the debris of his army.
Observations upon captive specimens have led to the conclusion that it feeds principally on juices, especially of the sugar-cane, which it obtains by tearing open the hard woody circumference of the stalk with its strong incisor teeth; but it is said also to devour certain species of wood-boring caterpillars, which it obtains by first cutting down with its teeth upon their burrows, and then picking them out of their retreat with the claw of its attenuated middle finger.
Charles, anxious to secure such a famous fighter, gladly assented to Albert's demands and gave the imperial sanction to his possession of the lands taken from the bishops of Wiirzburg and Bamberg; and his conspicuous bravery was of great value to the emperor on the retreat from Metz in January 1553.
In this retreat he probably wrote his eclogues, but in 1520 "Maistre Barkleye, the Blacke Monke and Poete" was desired to devise "histoires and convenient raisons to florisshe the buildings and banquet house withal" at the meeting between Henry VIII.
In this enviable retreat, it is no wonder that a year should have been suffered to roll round before he vigorously resumed his great work - and with many men it would never have been resumed in such a paradise.
Again some species of Dictyna, belonging to the Amaurobiidae, also have a tubular retreat opening on to the surface of a snare in which a crude attempt at a radial and concentric arrangement of the threads is perceptible.
Quintus Lutatius Catulus, Roman general and consul with Marius in 102 B.C. In the war against the Cimbri and Teutones he was sent to defend the passage of the Alps but found himself compelled to retreat over the Po, his troops having been reduced to a state of panic (see Marius, GAIus).
They also took an active part in Sir Samuel Romilly's efforts to ameliorate the penal code, in prison reform, with which the name of Elizabeth Fry (a Friend) is especially connected, and in the efforts to ameliorate the condition of lunatics in England (the Friends' Retreat at York, founded in 1792, was the earliest example in England of kindly treatment of the insane).
Accordingly, and as her line of retreat might be threatened by Austria, Russia consented to a revision of the Treaty of San Stefano at a congress to be held at Berlin.
On the day of the above battle Massena, having destroyed what guns he could not horse, and skilfully gained time by a feint against Abrantes, began his retreat from before the lines, through Coimbra and Espinhal.
Guillaume met the invaders near the river Orbieux, at Villedaigne, where he was defeated, but only after an obstinate resistance which so far exhausted the Saracens that they were compelled to retreat to Spain.
The broken and demoralized army, its ranks thinned by fever and sickness, at last began its hopeless retreat, attempting to reach Catania by a circuitous route; but, harassed by the numerous Syracusan cavalry and darters, after a few days of dreadful suffering, it was forced to lay down its arms. The Syracusans sullied the glory of their triumph by putting Nicias and Demosthenes to death, and huddling their prisoners into their stonequarries - a living death, dragged out, for the allies from Greece proper to the space of seventy days, for the Athenians themselves and the Greeks of Sicily and Italy for six months longer.
In 1804 the maharao raja Bishan Singh gave valuable assistance to Colonel Monson in his disastrous retreat before Holkar, in revenge for which the Mahratas and Pindaris continually ravaged his state up to 1817.
German Army approached the Moselle above and below Pont-a-Mousson, with a view to overtaking and heading off Bazaine in his presumed retreat to the Meuse (see Franco-German War).
Again and again, particularly on their left wing, they chased the German infantry before them, but the moment the retreat of the latter downhill uncovered the pursuing French to the Prussian guns, a tornado of shells shattered their order and compelled them to retreat.
Improving his advantage, Bolivar pressed forward, and on the 6th of August defeated Canterac on the plains of Junin, after which he returned to Lima, leaving Sucre to follow the royalists in their retreat to Upper Peru - an exploit which the latter executed with equal ability and success, gaining a decisive victory at Ayacucho, and thus completing the dispersion of the Spanish force.
But a sudden thaw imperilled his force and he had to make a painful retreat along the dykes to Utrecht.
All the advantages wan were hastily surrendered, and Montecucculi, sharply following up the retreat of the French, drove them over the Rhine and almost to the Vosges.
The retro grade movement of a crab typified, by an easy association of ideas, the retreat of the sun from his farthest northern excursion, and Cancer was constituted the sign of the Leo.
The Turks, in the absence of the fleet which was to have brought them supplies, were forced to retreat (August 6); the Greeks, inspired with new courage, awaited them in the pass of Dervenaki, where the undisciplined Ottoman host, thrown into confusion by an avalanche of boulders hurled upon them, was annihilated.
As autocratic ruler of the nation which had long considered itself the defender of the Eastern Orthodox faith and the protector of the Slav nationalities, he could not remain inactive at such a crisis, and he gradually allowed himself to drift into a position from which he could not retreat without obtaining some tangible result.
Enghien then decided to make use of the Glotter Tal to interrupt altogether this already unsatisfactory line of supply, and thus to force the Bavarians either to attack him at a serious disadvantage, or to retreat across the hills with the loss of their artillery and baggage and the disintegration of their army by famine and desertion.
In military usage "retreat" is also the term for a signal, given by bugle and drum at or about sunset.
By this brilliant but rash venture he put himself in great danger, and soon had to retreat; but in 1745 he gained the battles of Hohenfriedberg, Soor and Hennersdorf; and Leopold of Dessau ("Der alte Dessauer")won for him the victory of Kesselsdorf in Saxony.
A broken-hearted man, Charles was compelled to acquiesce in retreat (5th of December).
On receiving the news of Waterloo, Pajol disengaged his command, and by a skilful retreat brought it safe and unbeaten to Paris.
In the precincts of a great shrine a malefactor finds a safe refuge from his pursuers and is lodged and fed, and from the security of his retreat he can arrange the ransom which is to purchase his immunity when he comes out.
In the meantime the neighborhood of Shirz was laid waste, so as to destroy the source from which Muhammad Hasan drew his provisions; by degrees his army vanished, and he had finally to retreat with rapidity to Ispahan with the few men that remained to him.
The final conflict was provoked by Antony, who is said to have been persuaded by Cleopatra to retire to Egypt and give battle to mask his retreat; but lack of provisions and the growing demoralization of his army would sufficiently account for his decision.
Despite his victorious advance, the taking of Smolensk, the victory on the Moskwa, and the entry into Moscow, he was vanquished by Russian patriotism and religious fervour, by the country and the climate, and by Alexanders refusal to make terms. After this came the lamentable retreat, while all Europe was concentrating against him.
Then a few of them advanced until another shot from the Wizard's revolver made them retreat.
Neither manifested the least disposition to retreat.
The French, the spy reported, having crossed the Vienna bridge, were advancing by forced marches toward Znaim, which lay sixty-six miles off on the line of Kutuzov's retreat.
The French were putting out the fire which the wind was spreading, and thus gave us time to retreat.
Our Emperor joined the army to encourage it to defend every inch of Russian soil and not to retreat.
This was a plan of campaign he had devised while serving at the outposts during the retreat.
Then you do not think, like some others, that we must retreat?
The other generals, however, understood it and, leaving aside the question of Moscow, spoke of the direction the army should take in its retreat.
Set in the heart of the beautiful Berkshire countryside, this country house is the perfect retreat for relaxation in blissful surroundings.
Parts of a Castle The many different parts of Medieval Castles were essential for ensuring a safe retreat against intrusion or invasion.
What a cracking hill, and it 's a Buddhist retreat as well.
Cliff retreat rates will be measured for both sides of the Channel.
The phased retreat of the ice lobe further westward is recorded by cross-valley, ice-contact ridges.
The hotel provides a secluded retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city center with panoramic views across Devon and the coast.
This context is also one of the retreat of revolution and within this the all-round retrogression represented by the " Third Way ".
This may account for the high rates of scarp retreat.
Mykines is a tiny solitary retreat, unless you are a migrating seabird !
The expected sea-level rise will cause shortage of sediment in the coastal area, resulting in shoreline retreat.
A romantic Highland Retreat, nestling in a secluded, walled garden with a patio for summertime dining.
Soon Polo and his artist girlfriend, Coque, retreat to their farmhouse for the night, leaving me swinging in a hammock.
Retreat The treachery of the leaders came into conflict with the workers at Renault.
The village of Deja, with its houses tumbling down a hillside, was once renowned as an artists ' retreat.
Blenheim Just minutes away from some of New Zealand 's finest wineries is Vintners Retreat.
The artists retreat will be built using the stone salvaged from the remains on the woodman 's cottage.
The winter was the army's bane; his freezing forces had to retreat.
Dogs and cats will often retreat when they've had enough.
Try using Chris Madden furniture to make your office as much a relaxing retreat as it is a place to work.
Since 1954, the average retreat of the glaciers that experienced ice melt was approximately 1,970 feet . As these giant ice islands melt away, the oceans will rise.
Some scientists believe that if the current rate of retreat continues, the polar ice caps will be gone by the year 2040.
David, Vanessa, and Teran's orange and brown bedroom was a hit with the judges and Tym and Joe turned the dingy back patio into a sleek, urban outdoor retreat.
Your bedroom should be your sanctuary, your retreat, your time out place, and really, all about you.
It has long been understood that if you want to turn your bedroom into a peaceful retreat that you have to make an effort to keep the room itself as calm and inviting as possible.
Unlike functional rooms, like kitchens and bathrooms, your bedroom is your retreat from the hustle and bustle of the everyday world.
Scented candles are a great choice for giving your bedroom that "spa retreat" feel you need at the end of a long, hard day, and small water features can bring that peaceful sound of a gently rushing stream indoors to help you unwind.
Bathroom decorations can be used to give your bathroom some flair or to turn into your peaceful retreat away from the world.
Turn your bathroom into a peaceful retreat from all of the day's stresses and troubles with elegant bathroom designs.
No matter your location whether you are in the middle of a big city or in the country, by decorating in the cottage style, you can create the perfect relaxing retreat.
To create a personal retreat, consider a British colonial inspired headboard.
Pillows and mattress - Choose the best bedding you can afford to give yourself a luxurious retreat.
The bedroom should be a place to unwind and recharge, a special retreat where peace and style meet.
If you are seeking a retreat within your home, then this design is perfect.
Check out our great suggestions for turning your cabin into a beautiful retreat you'll never want to leave!
Spa bath décor is growing in popularity as more and more people turn their attention to creating a retreat within their homes.
The biggest and most difficult decision you'll have to make is what to include in your spa retreat bathroom.
The nook offers an informal family retreat that's big enough for a table and chairs or a built-in booth and table.
This can be carried over into the family room or den for a décor that serves not just as an aesthetic addition to your interior design, but also in the creation of a décor that gives a sense of a retreat for your family.
If you want to create a haven or retreat, go with a hue of green for your walls.
Rachel Ashwell slipcovers can help you transform your living room into a cozy, country cottage retreat.
You can create your own private retreat, an oasis of comfort where you can go to unwind and do the activities that help you relax or bring you fulfillment.
If funds are limited, you make changes and can add things over time until you have created the personal retreat you envisioned.
Planning a scrapbooker's retreat doesn't have to be a stressful experience if you keep in mind a few simple tips.
Although a retreat that includes only experienced scrapbookers can be very productive in terms of the number of layouts completed, don't forget that there are many advantages to including less experienced guests as well.
Keep in mind that all of your guests don't have to know each other before the retreat to have a good time.
Of course, it's a good idea to keep your camera handy during your scrapbooking retreat.
If you're having the retreat at your home, send your husband and children away on a separate trip.
While scrapbooker's retreats can be enjoyable events, the expense of hosting a retreat can easily become overwhelming.
If you don't have the resources to participate in a full-blown convention, then consider signing up for a weekend cropping retreat or attend workshops or classes sponsored by local scrapbook or craft stores.
All of these physiological responses, along with others, prepare your body to either fight or retreat.
Being bullied can cause teens to miss school or events and retreat from friends.
Using chairs, sheets and blankets, let the kids in your house create a fort that they can retreat into for the day.
You and your beloved can exchange vows on the beach and retreat to the ocean-view ballroom for a magnificent reception complete with special bride and groom table.
Whether this is a beach, retreat, or simple backyard wedding, outdoor events call for special attire planning.
St. Gregory Retreat Center has number of structured programs for treating drug and alcohol addiction.
A tropical theme can be used to turn your master bedroom into your own personal retreat.
They can be hung within a tub enclosure or they can transform a sterile shower stall into an inviting retreat as this touch of elegance adds appeal to your room.
Stylish and indulgent bedding makes it easier to turn your bedroom into a peaceful retreat.
Whether you're working to create a tropical retreat complete with starfish, seahorses, palm trees and other tropical features, it's a fun way to bring your bathroom décor together.
Bringing a jungle theme into the bathroom along with an African print is another way to transform your bath into a retreat.
If a bathroom is well decorated, it can become a relaxing retreat for tired and stressed-out users.
It can help make your bedroom the relaxing retreat it should be.
A casual living comforter can give your bedroom a relaxed feeling that makes it perfect for a personal retreat from daily stress.
Bold, colorful and absolutely magnetic, tropical prints reflect the cool, laid-back feel of an island retreat or a languid beach vacation.
Though not exactly the same as taking an actual trip, just inviting some of that sunshine, breeze and beautiful color into your abode can transform it into a tropical retreat.
Turn your bathroom into an exotic retreat with animal print shower curtains.
Approximately 80 percent of the fleet's passenger cabins offer oceanview windows or balconies, and the restful décor in each room creates a soothing retreat.
This being said, there's also no commute to deal with, you simply retreat to your room for rest.
For starters, it is the first Conquest-class ship to offer an adults-only Serenity Retreat.
It provides another reason for a dog to retreat or be moved to a situation where it can derive comfort and feel in control.
Many harsh winter dwellers will add it as an extension to their own home, providing an interior garden retreat in any weather.
Are you looking for a private retreat or do you do a lot of entertaining?
Accent lights can also highlight decorative touches that help to make your bathroom a soothing retreat.
If you dream of a wooded retreat, a place where you can go to get away from it all, consider a vinyl sided log cabin.
Space. Have a quiet place to retreat to when you need time and space.
The stunning tropical courtyards are an idyllic retreat in the midst of the city.
Hotel quality and convenience can vary widely, and theme park visitors need to be sure their hotel will provide a peaceful, restful retreat from the hectic action at the park.