Retract Sentence Examples
He was forced to retract an opinion too liberal for the time.
He's never spoken on the phone; it's only Julie's word and I'm sure she'd retract anything she said earlier.
Refusing to retract, he was banished.
Make sure to retract the tape measure after you use it so it won't get damaged.
I hope you do not retract what you then said.
Refusing to retract his opinions he was burned to death at Smithfield on the 18th of March 1612.
Nearly three years later, I feel obliged to retract that statement.
The awning will retract, and roll itself up against the side of your house in seconds, and can unroll again just as easily.
Most awnings that retract are set over patios or decks though they can be placed over windows.
Awnings that retract allow residents to open the awning and enjoy the shade it provides on a hot day.
AdvertisementSarah found her self control quickly, and could retract her fangs of her own accord, though Jackson still required verbal cues, and at times physical restraint from Gabriel to stop feeding.
When he began to retract his fangs, she held his head closer, not willing to break the bond they had waited so long to share.
These the archbishop of Paris would only concede on condition that he would retract his oath to the civil constitution of the clergy, which he peremptorily refused to do.
To retract a Bid you must contact the Guardian Unlimited Travel Auction Manager with your Bid retraction request.
Sunsetter awnings retract when not in use, keeping your home's profile untouched while providing protection from sun and rain when needed.
AdvertisementSunsetters can retract back to the side of your home whenever the patio is not in use, or when you wish to experience the sun.
The words triggered one of his hands to quickly retract into his wrist.
An arrangement was effected, however, whereby that citation was cancelled, and Luther betook himself in October 1518 to Augsburg to meet the papal legate, Cardinal Cajetan, who was attending the imperial diet convened by the emperor Maximilian to impose the tithes for the Turkish war and to elect a king of the Romans; but neither the arguments of the learned cardinal, nor the dogmatic papal bull of the 9th of November to the effect that all Christians must believe in the pope's power to grant indulgences, moved Luther to retract.
Oeotokos, and bade Nestorius retract his erroneous teaching, on pain of instant excommunication, at the same time entrusting the execution of this decision to the patriarch of Alexandria.
He was at last brought to trial (January 1554/5) before the court in which Bishop Gardiner sat as chief, and, refusing to retract his principles, was condemned as a heretic and burnt, with John Leaf, in Smithfield on the 1st of July 1555.
AdvertisementIn siphonate forms the pallial muscle is not simple, but is indented posteriorly by a sinus formed by the muscles which retract the siphons.
His victim retorted with extraordinary powers of invective, and on being rebuked by the bench declined to retract or apologize, but placed his gown upon the table, and with a low bow left the court for ever.
Even the detractors who defend her conduct on the plea that she was a dastard and a dupe are compelled in the same breath to retract this implied reproach, and to admit, with illogical acclamation and incongruous applause, that the world never saw more splendid courage at the service of more brilliant intelligence, that a braver if not "a rarer spirit never did steer humanity."
Their function is to retract the introvert, which is protruded again by the contraction of the circular muscles of the skin; these, compressing the fluid of the body-cavity, force forward the anterior edge of the introvert.
It has been urged that the neurons retract during sleep, and that thus at the synapses the gap between nerve cell and nerve cell becomes wider, or that the supporting cells expand between the nerve cells and tend to isolate the latter one from the other.
AdvertisementHe was the warmest opponent of the State in the Kulturkampf provoked by Prince Bismarck after the publication of the Vatican decrees, and was largely instrumental in compelling that statesman to retract the pledge he had rashly given, never to "go to Canossa."
This, not the so-called assumption of the implicit unity of being and thought, is the really unwarrantable postulate; for it is an assumption which we are obliged to retract bit by bit, while the other offers the whole doctrine of knowledge as its voucher.
In the Febronian controversy (see Febronianism) he had early taken a mediating attitude, and it was largely due to his influence that Bishop Hontheim had been induced to retract his extreme views.
For this reason they provide a simple way for bidders to retract a bid.
However, MTV was forced to retract the story, noting that Spiegel had failed to mention that he was joking.
Nose gear has side by side wheels which retract rearwards into fuselage.
This, of course, is a scandalous assertion in Scandinavia, and she was forced to retract immediately.
Live attached to solid structure, able to retract completely beneath the substrate.
The arms of the awning will collapse inward, allowing the awning to retract without any vertical poles or lifting.
Retractable headsets are available in both earbud and boom style, except here, the cord can retract to avoid tangling.
Cord length can easily be adjusted as needed and when ironing is finished, the cord can retract and be stored with ease.
President Bush has indicated that some controls would be implemented that may retract travel, but it isn't yet clear what these plans entail.
Unfortunately, the ligaments around your breasts do not retract accordingly.
In Carthage Praxeas for a time had some success, but was forced by Tertullian not only to desist but to retract.
The book contained much invective against Pitt, and in after life Coleridge declared that, with this exception, and a few pages involving philosophical tenets which he afterwards rejected, there was little or nothing he desired to retract.
She stared after him, searching for something to retract the pain she had inflicted.
All went well until we hit the problem of how to retract the bowsprit.
Our vote cometh too late to retract and alter God's eternal decrees.
The reality is that members who indulge in such views should be made to retract them, or face expulsion from the party.
Continue winding the jockey wheel to fully retract it into its outer case.
He had no sooner done so than he bitterly repented his weakness; and acting, as he himself says, on the principle that " to take an oath which never ought to have been taken is to estrange one's self from God, but to retract what one has wrongfully sworn to, is to return back to God," when he got safe again into France he attacked the transubstantiation theory more vehemently than ever.
This is the time to adjust the tension of cables and springs to ensure that the stairs retract and expand properly.
They'll fit onto most retract units and may also be fitted to fixed undercarriages.
When serious proof existed against one who denied his crime, he could be submitted to the question by torture; and if under torture he avowed his fault and confirmed his guilt by subsequent confession he was punished as one convicted; but should he retract he was again to be submitted to the tortures or condemned to extraordinary punishment.
More evidence discovered in the case caused the guilty man to retract his statement of innocence.
For a moment she wanted to retract the part about being entertainment, but when he spoke she realized it might have been exactly what she needed to say.
It can retract the tentacles, shut its shell, and sink to the bottom.
The heat coming from the stove caused Zoe to quickly retract her hands in a natural response.
The emancipation proclamation once issued, he reiterated his purpose never to retract or modify it.
The organization decided to retract its policy amendments because of major pushback from its members.