Retorted Sentence Examples
Not so much! she retorted in a silky voice.
A man who is always launching opinions must expect to be retorted on.
The executive retorted by dissolving the diet on the 21st of August and levying the taxes by military execution.
Excommunicated on the 21st of March 1324, Louis retorted by appealing for a second time to a general council, which was held on the 22nd of May 1324, and accused John of being an enemy to the peace and the law, stigmatizing him as a heretic on the ground that he opposed the principle of evangelical poverty as professed by the strict Franciscans.
When he asked the Bohemians to grant him supplies for this purpose, they immediately retorted by bringing forward their demands with regard to matters of religion.
The Land League having retorted by ordering the tenants to pay no rent, it was declared illegal, " Treaty.
Not so much! she retorted.
Do you really think I'd tell them about my dates? she retorted.
The Orphic poems also played an important part in the controversies between Christian and pagan writers in the 3rd and 4th centuries after Christ; pagan writers quoted them to show the real meaning of the multitude of gods, while Christians retorted by reference to the obscene and disgraceful fictions by which the former degraded their gods.
I'm Gabriel's, she retorted.
AdvertisementNot fearing for my life is a total turn on, she retorted.
You won't have to kill me, she retorted.
Wallis having been betrayed originally by his fatal cleverness into the pettiest carping at words, Hobbes had retorted in kind, and then it became a high duty in the other to defend his Latin with great parade of learning and give fresh provocation.
In 1694 the apothecaries had increased from 114 to nearly 1000, and many of them, having acquired a knowledge of the uses of medicine, began to prescribe medicines for their customers and to assume the functions of the physician, who retorted in 1697 by establishing dispensaries, where medicines could be procured at their intrinsic value, or at cost price.
An enemy defined Comtism as Catholicism minus Christianity, to which an able champion retorted by calling it Catholicism plus Science.
AdvertisementThe king retorted by dissolving the diet and summoning the old estates abolished in 1848.
In 1654 Seth Ward (1617-1689), the Savilian professor of astronomy, replying in his Vindiciae academiarum to some other assaults (especially against John Webster's Examen of Academies) on the academic system, retorted upon Hobbes that, so far from the universities being now what he had known them in his youth, he would find his geometrical pieces, when they appeared, better understood there than he should like.
The amalgam is dipped out from the bowl into a canvas bag (the strainer), to separate the excess of the quicksilver from the pasty amalgam, which is then retorted and melted.
When the duke of Bedford besieged Orleans the inhabitants offered to surrender, but to the duke of Burgundy; whereupon Bedford retorted that "he did not beat the bushes for others to take the birds."
The government retorted by adding several new penal laws to the statute-book, though less than thirty Catholics were brought to the scaffold during James's reign.
AdvertisementBrunhild taunted Gudrun with the fact that Sigurd was Gunnar's vassal, whereupon Gudrun retorted by telling her that it was not Gunnar but Sigurd who rode through the flames, and in proof of this held up Brunhild's ring, which Sigurd had given to her.
If Dusty's phone hadn't rung, he would've retorted sharply enough to piss off even the Watcher.
Kiera retorted even as her heart leapt at the prospect.
When retorted on the mine it was turned out in a black cake so impure as almost to make it impossible to smelled properly.
Mama Ike quickly retorted " we are in mourning no-one has had time to cook.
AdvertisementAt least I remember I retorted hotly, crying out upon childish superstitions.
His victim retorted with extraordinary powers of invective, and on being rebuked by the bench declined to retract or apologize, but placed his gown upon the table, and with a low bow left the court for ever.
Bertold retorted that redress of grievances must precede supply, and Maximilian and the princes were soon discussing the proposals put forward by the sagacious elector.
Mrs Vic was not reticent, she seemed to feel unconcerned ", retorted the man of the " Church ".
The diet authorized the king to issue a proclamation dissolving the rokosz, and the rokosz retorted with a manifesto in which an insurrection was declared to be as much superior to a parliament as a general council was to a pope.
No, she retorted stubbornly.
Eugenius retorted by excommunicating the antipope and depriving Aleman of all his ecclesiastical dignities.
Mama Ike quickly retorted we are in mourning no-one has had time to cook.
Tequila retorted with her own statement claiming it was the fact the two couldn't be seen together after the last taping and that drove them apart.
Chachi (Google it if you don't get the reference) then retorted with a few tweets of his own and so began Scott Baio's Twitter rage.
I'm the only one in this mess who isn't out to hurt anyone else, she retorted.
Frederick retorted by announcing his intention of reducing "the clergy, especially the highest, to a state of apostolic poverty," and by ordaining the severest punishments for those priests who should obey the papal sentence.
The pope retorted on the 18th of September by transferring the scene of the council to Ferrara - afterwards to Florence.
The niceties soon ended as Mills began publicly accusing McCartney of being physically violent toward her -- Paul retorted by making less than flattering comments about his ex-wife in public.
Mr Chamberlain retorted that this was a matter for a general meeting of delegates to decide; if the duke was outvoted he might resign his presidency; for his own part he was prepared to allow the local associations to be subsidized impartially, so long as they supported the government, but he was not prepared for the violent disruption, which the duke apparently contemplated, of an association so necessary to the success of the Unionist cause.
Arnauld retorted that the church might be infallible in abstract questions of theology; but as to what was passing through an author's mind it knew no more than any one else.
Protestantism centred - or was by Catholics supposed to centre - in a mysterious " right of private judgment "; the council accordingly retorted by hymning the praises of obedience, of submitting to authority and never thinking for oneself.
Undoubtedly the best process which has been proposed for the production of oil gas to be used in the enrichment of coal gas is the" Young "or" Peebles "process, which depends on the principle of washing the oil gas retorted at a moderate temperature by means of oil which is afterwards to undergo decomposition, because in this way it is freed from all condensible vapours, and only permanent gases are allowed to escape to the purifiers.