Retinues Sentence Examples
Such persons also had retinues and fortified residences of their own.
From the palaces and retinues of thousands of servants attached to the royal service may be inferred at once the despotic power of the Mexican rulers and the heavy taxation of the people; in fact some of the most remarkable of the picture-writings are tribute-rolls enumerating by hundreds and thousands the mantles, ocelot-skins, bags of gold-dust, bronze hatchets, loads of chocolate, &c., furnished periodically by the towns.
It is clear from the frequent references to dogs and hawks in the charters that hunting and falconry were keenly pursued by the kings and their retinues.
On the 1st of March, Shhhin Bey and the other chiefs (one only excepted) repaired with their retinues to the citadel, and were courteously received by the pasha.
The most elaborate arrangements were made for the accommodation of the two monarchs and their large retinues; and on Henry's part especially no efforts were spared to make a great impression in Europe by this meeting.
It's not surprising that large retinues of staff are required to run these great houses.
The upayuvraj (obbaioureach) or king who has abdicated, the heir-presumptive (uparaj, obbareach) and the first princess of the blood are high dignitaries with their own retinues.
The duties of the other viziers were limited to attending the divan; they were called kubbe or cupola viziers from the fact that the council met under a cupola; they were pashas with three horse-tails, and were attended by large retinues, having generally achieved distinction as beylerbeys.
It was late in the evening when they entered the palace at Olmutz occupied by the Emperors and their retinues.
It 's not surprising that large retinues of staff are required to run these great houses.
AdvertisementHuge retinues of armed men - unfree knights - were maintained to sustain the level of conflict.
Chiefs of known prowess and liberality attracted large retinues, and their influence within the tribe, and even beyond, increased proportionately.