Retentive Sentence Examples
What a wonderfully active and retentive mind that gifted child must have!
He had a most retentive memory and a very keen power of observation.
An uneven subsoil, especially if retentive, is most undesirable, as water is apt to collect in the hollows, and thus affect the upper soil.
I used to be anally retentive, then I lost my ass, Cheers, Gerry.
Speaking generally, clay soils retentive of moisture produce heavy-cropping tobaccos which cure to a dark brown or red colour.
The diversity of the product requires a quick, retentive mind, able to respond instantly.
G. Elwesi does not do well in close retentive soil.
Black bile, when attracted to the stomach, stimulates appetite and strengthens the retentive virtue of the stomach.
Determining the number of digits that can be repeated in sequence can assess retentive memory capability and immediate recall.
Encopresis can be one of two types, nonretentive encopresis and retentive encopresis.
AdvertisementAbout 80 to 95 percent of all cases are retentive encopresis.
Retentive encopresis is most often the result of chronic constipation and fecal impaction.
If the pediatrician makes a diagnosis of retentive encopresis, the physician may recommend laxatives, stool softeners, or an enema to free the impaction.
Here her character was shaped; here she imbibed that passionate love of country scenes and country life which neither absence, politics nor dissipation could uproot; here she learnt to understand the ways and thoughts of the peasants, and laid up that rich store of scenes and characters which a marvellously retentive memory enabled her to draw upon at will.
If too closely packed, the soil particles present mechanical obstacles to growth; if too retentive of moisture, the root-hairs suffer, as already hinted; if too open or over-drained, the plant succumbs to drought.
AdvertisementSteel is much more retentive of magnetism than any ordinary iron, and some form of steel is now always used for making artificial magnets.
He was a good palaeographer, and excelled in textual criticism, in examination of authorship, and other such matters, while his vast erudition and retentive memory made him second to none in interpretation and exposition.
The latter is not sufficiently retentive of moisture and gets too hot in summer and requires large quantities of organic manures to keep it in good condition.
The removal of the greater part of the phosphorus takes place after the carbon has been oxidized and the flame has consequently " dropped," probably because the lime, which is charged in solid lumps, is taken up by the slag so slowly that not until late in the operation does the slag become so basic as to be retentive of phosphoric acid.
In the first stage the phosphorus is removed from the molten steel by oxidizing it to phosphoric acid, P205, by means of iron oxide contained in a molten slag very rich in lime, and hence very basic and retentive of that phosphoric acid.
AdvertisementThey have a remarkable quickness of apprehension, a ready wit, a retentive memory, combined, however, with religious pride and hypocrisy, and a disregard for the truth.
If any rock be taken (even a piece of pure quartz) and crushed to a very fine powder, it will show some of the peculiarities of clays; for example, it will be plastic, retentive of moisture, impermeable to water, and will shrink to some extent if the moist mass be kneaded, and then allowed to dry.
Note to JD do something creative or just keep your analy retentive, irrelevant, twaddle to yourself.
Young Sidney studied piano at the Blackheath Conservatoire, where he soon displayed evidence of an unusually retentive memory.
You have much comprehension in your dealings with people, and an amazingly retentive memory.
AdvertisementTrees, of which the young buds are nipped by frost, would frequently not suffer material injury, were it not that the small frost-cracks serve as points of entry for Fungi; and numerous cases are known where even high temperatures can be endured on rich, deep, retentive soils by plants which at once succumb to drought on shallow or non-retentive soils.
However, a good water retentive soil, rich in organic matter, will produce the best results for the least effort.
I have a very retentive memory for things that I really want to recall.
Aberdeen was a distinguished scholar with a retentive memory and a wide knowledge of literature and art.
The " buckshot clays " of the backlands, which are so stiff that they can scarcely be ploughed until flooded and softened, and are remarkably retentive of moisture, are ideal rice soil; but none of the alluvial lands has an underlying hardpan, and they cannot as a rule be drained sufficiently to make the use of heavy harvesting machinery possible.
He made some distinction between hearsay and authentic information, but had no pretence to accuracy, his retentive memory being the chief authority.